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Local Boards of Health shall obey and enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board; and peace and po- lice officers within their respective jurisdictions, when called upon to do so by the Local Boards, shall execute the orders of such Board. If any Local Board of Health shall refuse or neg- lect to enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, the State Board of Health may enforce its rules and reg- ulations within the territorial jurisdiction of such Local Board, and for that purpose shall have and may exercise all the powers given by statute to Local Boards of Health; and the peace and police officers of the State, when called upon by the State Board of Health to enforce its rules and regulations, shall execute the orders of such Board. All expenses incurred by the State Board of Health in determining whether its rules and regulations are enforced by a Local Board of Health, arid in enforcing the same when a Local Board has refused or neglected to do so, shall be paid in the same manner as is now provided for the payment of the expenses of enforcing such rules and regulations by Local Boards of Health. , - Section 2573 of the Code prescribes the following penalties for disobeying any rule or regulation of the State or Local Board of Health. - - Section 2573. Any person being notified to remove any nui- sance, source of filth, or cause of sickness, as in this chapter provided, who fails, neglects or refuses to do so after the time fixed in such notice, or knowingly fails, neglects or refuses to comply with and obey any order, rule or regulation of the State or Local Board of Health, or any provision of this chapter, after notice thereof has been given as herein provided, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each day he refuses such obedience, or for each day he knowingly fails, neglects or refuses to obey such rule or regulation, or knowingly violates any pro- vision of this chapter, to be recovered in an action in the name of the Clerk of the Board, and, when collected, to be paid to the Clerk of the Town, City or Township, as the case may be, and for its benefit; and in addition thereto, any one so offending, or knowingly exposing another to infection from any contagious disease, or knowingly subjecting another to the danger of con- tracting such disease from a child or other irresponsible person, shall be liable for all damages resulting therefrom, and guilty of a misdemeanor. - º Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, this 28th day of August, 1907. LOUIs A. THOMAS, J. H. SAMs, - Secretary. - - President, CONTENTS. Contagious and Infectious Diseases and Quarantine......Chapter I. Disinfection Chapter II. Information on Diseases Chapter III. Care of the Dead Chapter IV. Burials * Chapter V. Transportation of Corpses * * Chapter VI. Disinterments y Chapter VII. Public Water Supply Chapter VIII. Cemeteries, Creameries, Iaundries and Manufactories........... Chapter IX. Inspection of Kerosene Oils. Chapter X. Inspection of Miner’s Oil Chapter XI. Diseases of Domestic Animals Chapter XII. Items, for information for Local Boards of Health.................. Page 70 Additional Rules Recommended for adoption by Local Boards …~~~~~~~ 72 APPENDIX. LAWS OF IOWA PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH. PAGE. General Statutes Relating to Powers and Duties of State and Local Boards of Health 8I Expenses of Quarantine w 88 Removal of Persons Sick with Infectious Diseases. 88 State Veterinary Surgeon, Appointment and Duties of.................. I2 I Diseased Animals / I25 Diseases of Sheep ! ... 127 Dead Animals ..." $. - I28 Inspection of Cattle for Breeding and Dairy Purposes............... I3O Sale of Diseased Meat I28 Milk, Pasteurization of * I24. Inspection of Petroleum Products 90 Linseed Oil * 96 Maternity Hospitals 97 Nurses, Registration of IOI |Embalmers, Examination and Licensing of IO4 Unclaimed Bodies IO8 Bacteriological Laboratory I IO Practice of Medicine III Practice of Osteopathy II6 Registration of Births and Deaths II9 Iowa StATE BOARD OF HEALTH 7 CHAPTER I. INFECTIOUS DISEASES. DEFINITION. RULE I. Section I. An infectious disease is one caused by a living mico-organism or germ. Those infectious diseases which, are readily transmissible from one person to another or from man to the lower animals, or vice versa, are contagious diseases. Sec. 2. The following diseases, viz: Scarlet Fever (includ- ing Scarletina and Scarlet Rash), Diphtheria (including Mem- branous Croup), Smallpox, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Menin- gitis, Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Leprosy, Measles, Whooping Cough, Chickenpox, Mumps, Puerperal Fever, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis (including Consumption), and Pneumonia, are hereby declared by the Iowa State Roard of Health to be contagious and infectious diseases, and dangerous to the public health. NOTIFICATION OF CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DIS- EASES. RULE 2. It is hereby ordered by the Iowa State Board of Health that every physician and every Osteopath practicing with- in the State of Iowa, shall give immediate notice (by telephone if accessible), to the mayor of the city or town, or the clerk of the township, of every recognized case of any of the diseases mentioned in Section 2, Rule I of this Chapter, which he is called upon to attend professionally, and within twelve (I2) hours after making his diagnosis, he shall give written notice of the same to the above named official. In cases where there is a reasonable doubt as to the character of a disease, the attending physician shall advise immediate isolation of the patient until a diagnosis is determined. In all cases unattended by a physician, it shall be the duty of the head of the family, or the person in charge of the patient or premises occupied by the patient to give 11otice in like manner to that required of physicians, and any school teacher or officer of a school who has knowledge of the existence of any contagious or infectious disease among persons attending such school, shall give immediate notice of the same as herein provided. y * † º * t .* º \ * tº * ! * \ \ * 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS º MAYOR AND Township cleRK To REPORT TO SECRE- TARY OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. M # RULE 3. It shall be the duty of the mayor of every city or town, and the clerk of every township, to report to the Secre- tary of the State Board of Health, within twenty-four (24) hours after being notified thereof, every case of contagious or infectious disease reported to him; and upon receiving notice of the sub- sidence of such disease, to likewise immediately report that fact, together with the mode of termination, whether by death or recovery. All reports provided for in this regulation, shall be made upon postal cards in accordance with the following forms adopted by the State Board of Health. } \ 5 - 9 sº ; 3 :#; ; : Co Tº 56 . 3 r- --> , ſº e 6: 9 • H - 8– • C) : ; *-** : 3 ! - rtſ • * : 8 : o . • O º • {E - ——— : o e * e * - . .2 : * º : : : Hi : #| 9 : ; ; ; . . . w; £- : 3| So . . ; ; § - p3 p. !-1 . 5 o ... "Sº o Q) o H § G . §2 O O :* o, O • i & $—t < |x} $4 (l) * * ..? I º O *— ſº, O ov, Pr4 3 b) . º Q. * & Q. • * * º: - ſº o • QX O tº ºn 9 *U ºf .: }- e $—w ſº QD .* O (ſ) ‘S $2 g e U2 — I o § % º, E *, *, *, O . : ºd ... i- .# * : E G B : º O tº 9 :*: Jº 9 5 × 5 .# => 3 > ô - 5 tº £ 3. . ** ſh; | < º : " - H º • fº Zº £4 4—t sº On : 2.9 | . ...tº H . C º Q - b O GL) - §: : ; 3 & # s 5 P, O C Q) C # ##| | | 3 # 5 # 5. 5 § -: 3 : * > . 5 co º $—t cº P, O C ‘ā ā. Ś # H : O 8– - : * = º . : tº º o H . : º3 # e e : || 0 : § 53 . , 35 ; e o * || 4) e Q -) e e Q.) e & - w) º £4 . c. 3." & : ſº - Q * , ; ; # 8 e e ſo : || 3 : *::: * : : 3.85 e : : !!! Prº e o o : :[a'g's º : e ;|3: tº tº £3 : ; # off . : : :|| 33 : d : ; ; ; #5 º : * - || Fº e dº ſº; º tº 3 º e • $3 s tº 300 º tº e - Q) s $2 > e q) .2 * : *3 || || 3 g : , ; ; ; # s g| *|| #: 8- º • * }: Q. *-4 Ç £: is tº tº Q red * $—t O * * Q) tº $- E ### 2 # 5 & 5 § 3 ; # 3 3:5 O : ; H = # = }, + 3 + 3 ; 3 = É- à e #| | # 3 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; #| || # É O K-1 4 3 ºf $ 5 j : º f : ſº QL) O N. B. “The foregoing cards must be provided by the Local Board of Health. / DUTIES OF THE MAYOR, TOWNSHIP CLERK AND SAN- ITARY POLICE. RULE 4. Section I. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Township Clerk, upon receiving notice of the existence of any case of Scarlet Fever (including Scarletina or Scarlet Rash), Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup), Smallpox, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague or Leprosy, to forthwith quarantine the premises as provided for in Rule 5 of this Chapter, and to take such other measures as may be necessary and proper for the restriction and Suppression of such disease. He shall investigate all the circumstances attendant upon the occurrence of the disease, and the persons exposed thereto, and when necessary to protect the public health, detain such ex- posed persons under quarantine or isolation for the longest period of incubation. He shall make proper provision for the care of , the sick. Sec. 2. Where the disease is Measles, Chickenpox, Whoop- ing Cough, or Mumps, the premises shall be placarded with the danger card denoting such disease, and all persons living upon such premises shall be prohibited from attending the public Schools or other public gatherings. 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS Sec. 3, Where the disease is Whooping Cough, Mumps, or Chickenpox, persons not themselves afflicted with the disease, need not be isolated, provided that they do not occupy the same sleeping apartment as the patient, but such persons shall be pro- hibited from attending the public schools while residing upon such premises until the same have been properly disinfected under the personal supervision of the Health Officer, and until they are in possession of a written permit signed by the mayor or township clerk and countersigned by the Health Officer. Sample Form for Placard. 18 in. (Name of Disease in Large Letters) *ºmºsºme-ºsmº. KEEP OUT. * Notice. g : All persons are forbidden to enter or leave these premises except as provided by regula- tions of the State Board of Health. Signed, Mayor–Township Clerk. Sec. 4. Cases of Typhoid Fever, Puerperal Fever, Tubercu- losis (Consumption), and Pneumonia shall be reported for , record, but neither of these diseases shall be subject to quarantine or placard. The premises on which either Typhoid Fever, Puerperal Fever, Tuberculosis (Consumption), or Pneumonia have existed, shall be properly disinfected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2. Sec. 5. All persons affected with Scabies or Itch. and those infected with Vermin, shall be excluded from the public schools All Teachers and Superintendents of schools shall be held per- sonally responsible for the enforcement of this regulation and shall promptly report all cases of this character to the Mayor or Health Officer. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 11 f Sec. 6. The Mayor of each City or Town, and the Clerk of each Township, shall designate and detail certain Peace Officers as Sanitary Police. Sec. 7. Sanitary Police Officers shall visit all quarantined premises within their jurisdiction at 1east once in every twenty- four (24) hours to see that Quarantine is properly observed, and shall make daily report thereof to the Mayor or Clerk of the Township. QUARANTINE. RULE 5. Section I. Quarantine shall be established by serv- ing a written notice, signed by the Mayor of the city or town, or the clerk of the township, upon the head of the family or occu- pants of the premises, and by posting in a conspicuous place upon each building, hall, lodging room, or place wherein exists or is suspected to exist an infectious disease, the following described sign: A yellow card not less than eighteen inches square, having printed thereon in large letters the word “QUARANTINE,” followed by the name of the disease and the words: “Notice No person shall be permitted to enter or leave these premises except as provided by law, while it is quarantined, under the penalty provided by law.” Signed, Mayor or Township Clerk. Sample Form for Quarantine Card. 18 in. GUARANTINE (Name of Disease in Large Letters) Notice. : No person shall be permitted to enter or leave these premises except as provided by law, while it is quarantined, under the pen- alty provided by law. Signed, Mayor–Township Clerk. l | l 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS • Sec. 2. No person shall enter or leave quarantined premises, except the attending physician, unless in possession of a written permit signed by the mayor or township clerk. Sec. 3. Physicians in attendance upon cases of quarantin- able disease shall cover their clothing with a proper suit or gown before entering the premises, and upon leaving shall disin- fect said suit or gown and wash their hands and face with a disinfecting solution. ISOLATION. RULE 6. Section I. Isolation means the complete separation of the patient, and those attendant upon him, from all other per- sons upon the premises. { i Sec. 2. Every article that has been used on of about the patient, or in the sick room, shall be properly disinfected by im- mersion in a strong disinfecting solution, before being removed from the sick room. Sec. 3. When possible, a nurse should be obtained to care for the patient, but where from necessity or choice the parents or other members of the family assume the duties of nurse, the isolation shall apply to them. Sec. 4. The discharges from the patient's bowels and bladder shall be received in a covered vessel containing an approved disinfectant, and shall remain therein for at least one hour. The discharges may then be buried or turned into a sewer. When such discharges are to be buried, the site selected shall not be less than 150 feet from a well, and a sufficient amount of un- slacked lime shall be used to insure the complete destruction of such discharges. All vessels used in the sick room must be kept scrupulously clean and properly disinfected. t QUARANTINE PERIOD. RULE 7. Section I. Quarantine shall be established and maintained in each and every case for the period specially and severally named herein: Asiatic Cholera 2I days Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis ......... I4 days Scarlet Fever (Scarletina, Scarlet Rash) 35 days Smallpox 40 days Diphtheria (Membranous Croup) (except as provided in Rule 18) 35 days Leprosy Continuous confinement to premises Sec. 2. The Local Board of Health shall have authority to continue a quarantine beyond the time specified herein when ! { IoWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 13 such continuance is deemed necessary to safe-guard the public health. t DEFACING QUARANTINE SIGN. RULE 8. If any person shall wilfully or maliciously, or with- out written authority, remove or deface, or cause to be removed or defaced, any quarantine sign or signal of danger, officially posted upon the quarantined premises, or upon premises Subject to placard as provided by regulations of the State Board of Health, he shall be deemed to have violated the regulations of the State Board of Health, and shall be prosecuted accordingly. DISINFECTION BEFORE RELEASE OF QUARANTINE. RULE 9. After the termination of either of the following named diseases: Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup), Measles (including German Measles), Scarlet Fever (including Scarlatina and Scarlet Rash), Mumps, Smallpox, Chickenpox, Tuberculosis (including Consumption), Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Puerperal Fever, Erysipelas, Pneumonia and Whooping Cough, the Mayor of the city or town, or the Clerk of the township, shall order the premises whereon or wherein the disease occurred, together with all persons, furniture, bedding, clothing, books, and all other articles thereon or therein contained to be properly disinfected under the personal supervision of the Health Officer, and in strict accordance with the regulations pre- scribed by the State Board of Health. (See Chapter 2, of Disinfection.) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RELEASE OF QUARAN- TINE. RULE IO. No order for the release of quarantine shall be made by the mayor, or township clerk until he receives a written report from the attending physician stating the number of per- sons on the quarantined premises, the number who have been sick with the infectious disease, their names, ages, and when the disease first appeared in each case, and when and how it termin- ated. If the mayor, or township clerk, shall find that the regula- tions of the State and Local Boards of Health relative to the period of quarantine, have been fully complied with, he shall order the premises and all persons and effects thereon to be dis- infected in accordance with the regulations of the State Broad of Health. (See Chapter 2 on Disinfection.) When all re- quirements have been properly complied with, the quarantine may be released. If quarantine regulations have not been fully complied with, or if proper disinfection has not been done, the 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS mayor, or township clerk, shall continue the quarantine for the proper period, and until disinfection is completed and certified to by the Health Officer. All disinfecting provided for in this Chapter shall be done under the personal supervision of the Health Officer and at public expense. SPECIAL PROVISIONS UNDER WHICH QUARANTINE MAY BE RELEASED IN LESS THAN THE PRE- SCRIBED PERIOD. RULE II. Section I. At the termination of any quarantin-, able disease, except Diphtheria, when there are no further ex- posures thereto, upon the premises, the quarantine may be re- leased, even though the period prescribed in Rule 7 has not elapsed. Provided, that no release from quarantine shall be permitted until the following conditions have been complied with, viz: Sec. 2. Seventeen days must have elapsed after the date of complete recovery or death of the last case on the premises, to which fact the attending physician must certify in writing. Sec. 3. The entire body of the patient and all exposed individuals must be bathed in a I to 3000 solution Bichloride of Mercury, or other approved disinfectant, and thoroughly washed with soap and hot water. The clothing and other personal effects must be properly disinfected, as provided in Rule 7, Chapter 2. Sec. 4. In cases of Smallpox, attention to the following additional requirements is imperative: Unvaccinated persons who have been exposed to Smallpox must be vaccinated at once, and kept isolated until it is evident that the vaccination is success- ful. Or if such exposed person promptly submit to vaccination, he may at the discretion of the Local Board of Health, he per- mitted to go at large, provided, that he make personal daily report for a period of twenty-one (21) days to his attendin physician, or the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health. In either case, the requirements of Section 3 of this Rule re- lating to disinfection, must be complied with. If the vaccination should fail in the normal period of time (ten days) the isolation, or observation with daily report, must be continued until twenty- one (21) days after the date of exposure, when the person may be released; provided that the requirements of Section 3 of this Rule relative to disinfection, have been complied with. Persons who are able to show satisfactory proof that they have been successfully vaccinated within three years prior to the date of exposure, are subject only to the requirements of Section 3. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 15 # Sec. 5. Persons who have once been successfully vaccinated, but not within a period of three years next preceding the date of exposure, must be revaccinated, or upon refusal, be dealt with as unvaccinated, individuals and subject to the requirements of Section 4 of this Rule. RELEASE OF NURSES FROM QUARANTINE. RULE I2. After proper disinfection, nurses who have been employed to care for the sick, may be released from quarantine when their services are no longer required. The order for such release must be made in writing and signed by the Mayor or Township Clerk. In cases quarantined for Diphtheria, at least one culture test of Swabings taken from the nose and throat of the nurse as provided for in Section 3 of Rule 18, Chapter I, must be required before the nurse is released. | QUARANTINE PREMISES. WHO MAY ENTER OR LEAVE. RULE I3. No person except the attending physician shall be permitted to enter or leave any premises while the same are under quarantine, except as specially provided for by the regula- tion of the State Board of Health and in strict accordance there- with. INFECTED LETTERS. RULE I4. No letters or other articles coming from quaran- tined premises shall under any circumstances be placed in any post office, letter box or rural delivery. If on account of care- lessness or neglect, any such infected article shall have been placed in a post office, letter box or rural delivery, all such letters or articles, together with such other articles as have come in contact there with, shall be detained and immediately disinfected by the Health Officer, without unnecessary delay or removal from the custody of the post master. SECOND HAND CLOTHING, Books, AND TRAVELING LI- BRARIES. RULE 15. Section I. No person shall publicly sell or offer to sell any second hand clothing, books or other articles, until the same have been properly disinfected. Sec. 2. Books contained in traveling libraries shall be dis- infected before being shipped from one community to another. Sec. 3. All disinfection provided for in this Rule shall be done under the supervision of the Health Officer. e * A 16 RULES AND REGULATIONs 4 ! SCHOOL TEACHERS. \ RULE 16. School teachers boarding or residing with a family in which any disease, subject to quarantine or placard, is known or suspected to exist, shall immediately remove to premises not so infected, and provided they have not been actually 'exposed to Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, or Smallpox, may be allowed to continue their attendance at school. In all cases they shall con- form to the requirements of the State Board of Health relative to disinfection. SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. RULE 17. All persons suffering from any disease subject to quarantine or placard, or residing upon premises infected with any such disease, shall be excluded from the public schools. The superintendent, teacher or other official in charge of any school, shall be held personally responsible for the enforcement of this regulation, and under no circumstances shall such superin- tendent, teacher or official allow any person so excluded to re- enter such school, except upon the presentation of a written per- mit, showing that such person has been properly disinfected and regularly released from quarantine. All such permits must be signed by the mayor, or township clerk, and by the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health. This regulation shall also apply to Academies, Seminaries and Colleges. LABORATORY CULTURES IN CASES OF DIPHTHERIA. RULE 18. Section I. Where possible laboratory findings shall be used to determine the period of quarantine for each individual case of Diphtheria. Specimens for culture shall be taken by the attending physician from the nose and throat of each suspected patient, and forwarded to the State Board of Health Laboratory for diagnosis. Quarantine and isolation shall be established im- mediately upon the appearance of suspicious symptoms. In dis- tricts where it is not possible for the physician to avail himself of the Laboratory tests, and the clinical symptoms are those of Diphtheria, quarantine shall be established and maintained for the regular period of thirty-five (35) days, provided however, that if antitoxin was administered within the first twenty-four hours from the discovery of the initial symptoms, the quarantine may be released at the expiration of twenty-eight (28) days. provided the patient has made a complete, recovery and these facts are certified to by the attending physician. Sec. 2. Cultures for the release of quarantine shall not be taken until after fourteen (14) days from the date of initial symptoms. When release from quarantine is to be determined IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 17 by laboratory findings, all infected persons on the premises must show two consecutive negative results from cultures taken syn- chronously from the nose and throat of each. The second and subsequent cultures for release of quarantine shall not be taken until after the expiration of forty-eight (48) hours after the first or subsequent cultures were obtained. Sec. 3. All culture examinations for the release of quaran- tine must be made by a bacteriologist of the State Board of Health, and the reports thereof shall be filed with the Local Board of Health. Before the release of any person or persons quaran- tined on account of Diphtheria, the rules of this Board relative to disinfection must be fully complied with. (See Chapter II.) Sec. 4. The rules and regulations of the State Board of Health pertaining to diagnosis, quarantine and disinfection in cases of Diphtheria, shall apply equally to all cases of Membran- ous Croup. LEPROSY. RULE 19. All persons affected with leprosy shall be contin- uously confined upon their home premises. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health to report to the Secretary of the State Board of Health, the name, age, social condition and residence of all persons affected with this disease within the community over which he has jurisdiction, and the Local Board shall keep a record of the particulars required herein. PET ANIMALS, FLIES AND RODENTS. RULE 20. Whenever any premises are quarantined, special attention must be given to all pet animals kept thereon. Cats and dogs shall be excluded from the house, and prevented from running at large. Before the quarantine is raised all such animals shall be thoroughly washed in a disinfecting solution. Special precautions must be taken to destroy all mice and rats. When flies are present all doors and windows shall be securely screened and fresh fly paper placed in each room daily. SALE OF MILK FROM INFECTED PREMISES PROHIBITED. RULE 21. When Asiatic Cholera, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Smallpox, Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup), Scarlet Fever (including Scarletina and Scarlet Rash), Typhoid Fever, Measles or Tuberculosis exists in any house or dwelling occupied by a dealer or seller of milk or other dairy pro- ducts, he shall discontinue to give, sell or distribute such pro- ducts to any person, or to creameries or butter factories, and 18 RULES AND REGULATIONS such milk or dairy products shall not be removed from the in- fected or quarantined premises until a written permit is granted therefor by the Mayor or Township Clerk, and countersigned by the Health Officer. No person who attends cows, or does the milking, or who has care of milk vessels, or who manufactures or handles butter or other dairy products, or has for sale or distri- bution butter, milk, or other dairy products, shall be permitted to enter a premises wherein exists anv of the diseases named herein, nor shall he come in contact either directly or indirectly with any person who resides in, or upon, or is an occupant of such infected or quarantined place or premises. PREVENTION OF TUBERCULOSIS. RULE 22. Section I. The sputum expectorated by persons affected with Tuberculosis (Consumption), is infectious, and therefore a serious menace to the public health. In order to pre- vent dissemination of this disease it is hereby ordered by the State Board of Health of Iowa, that spitting upon the public side- walks, or upon the floors or stairs of any public building or other premises where the public congregate, or upon the floors or steps of any street or railwav car, or other public conveyance is hereby prohibited and forbidden. Sec. 2. The custodian of every public building and the man- ager of every street or railway car operating in this state, shall cause all cuspidors used therein to be cleansed and disinfected by steam or other approved disinfectant, at least once each day, and shall keep not less than one-half (54) pint of a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid in each cuspidor. (See Standard Solu- tion No. 1, Chapter II.) Sec. 3. All apartments and dwellings occupied by persons affected with Tuberculosis (Consumption), shall be deemed to be infected premises. It shall be the duty of the Local Boards of Health upon the death of any person affected with Tubercu- losis, to disinfect the premises occupied by such person in ac- cordance with the rules prescribed by the State Board of Health relative to infectious diseases. Every dwellino, apartment or fur- nished room, Occupied and vacated by a person affected with Tuberculosis shall be closed until properly disinfected as pro- vided for in this Rule, and it shall be unlawful for any person either as Owner or Occupant, to rent or occupv any such premises without first obtaining, from the Health Officer of the Local Board, a certificate showing that the said premises have been properly disinfected as herein provided. Sec. 4. All Local Boards of Health and Peace Officers are herebv ordered to pav strict attention to the enforcement of the Regulations contained in this Rule. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 19 PERSONS AFFECTED WITH TUBERCULOSIS NOT TO AT- TEND SCHOOLS OR ENGAGE IN CERTAIN EMPLOYMENTS. RULE 23. Section I. Whenever a principal or superinten- dent of any school or a county Superintendent in any county, or any Health Officer in the State of Iowa, shall have reason to be- lieve that any superintendent, principal, teacher, pupil or em- ployee in any school, public or private, in this state, is affected with Tuberculosis, he shall so inform the Health Officer, whose duty it shall be to procure or cause to be procured by the family physician, a sample of the sputum or other discharges of such supposed infected person, and forward the same to the Labora- tory of the State Board of Health at Iowa City for examination. Should such examination reveal the presence of Tubercle bacilli, such superintendent, principal, teacher, pupil or em- ployee, shall be excluded from the schools until such time as Laboratory examination subsequently made, shall fail to reveal the presence of tubercle bacilli. All Laboratory examinations made under this regulation shall be free of expense to the patient. Sec. 2. The employment of any tubercular person in or about any confectionery, bakery, dairy, meat market, hotel, restaurant, railway train or dining car, theatre, library, church, department store, or other place where numbers of persons habitually congre- gate, is hereby prohibited. CAR SANITATION. RULE 24. Section I. All railway passenger cars operated or used in this state, or occupied by passengers while in transit through this state, shall be fitted with water closets and urinals so constructed as to properly disinfect the discharges deposited therein before such discharges are removed or allowed to escape from the car. Sec. 2. Any manager or agent of a railway company neglect- ing to comply with, the provisions of this Rule or any employee or other person allowing such discharges to escape from the proper receptacle without proper disinfection as herein provided, shall be deemed to have violated the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, and shall be prosecuted accordingly. SECRETARY OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SHALL SUPERVISE LOCAL BOARDS. RULE 25. Section I. The Secretary of the State Board of Health is the Executive Officer of the Board. He shall have gen- eral supervision over all Local Boards in the enforcement of quarantine and the prevention of infectious diseases. When he has reason to believe that the regulations of this Board are not proper- 20 RULES AND REGULATIONS ly enforced by the Local Board of any city, town or township, and that the public health is endangered by reason of such neg- lect upon the part of any such Local Board, he shall instruct the officials of said Board regarding their duties, and in the event of their failure to conform to such instructions, shall notify the President of the State Board of Health, who may convene the State Board in special session, whereupon the said Board shall, if it deem necessary, immediately assume control within the terri- torial jurisdiction of such Local Board, and shall continue in con- trol until such time as there is no further danger to the public. All expenses thus incurred by the State Board or its representa- tives, shall be paid as provided for in Section 2572 of the Code as amended by Chapter Io'7, Acts of the 29th General Assembly. Sec. 2. The Secretary of the State Board of Health or any member thereof is hereby authorized to enter and leave any and all quarantined premises within the State, when necessary to make an investigation or to enforce the regulations of the State Board of Health. LOCAL BOARDS TO KEEP RECORD. RULE 26. The Mayor of each incorporated city or town, and the Clerk of the Township, shall keep a complete record of all cases of contagious or infectious diseases reported within his jurisdiction; said record shall include the name, age, sex, social condition and address of each patient, and the name of the attend- ing physician, and nurse, the date of quarantine and release, the date of disinfection, and the name of the person who disinfected the premises. A copy of said record shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the State Board of Health by the Ist day of August in each year, and shall include all data recorded up to and includ- ing June 30th preceding. HEALTH OFFICER, ELECTION, QUALIFICATIONS AND COMPENSATION OF. . RULE 27. Every Local Board of Health shall, at its first meeting in April of each year, elect a competent physician as Health Officer, whose term of office shall be one year, unless sooner removed by said Board or the acts of a body having superior jurisdiction. In the event of such removal, or if a vacancy occur from other causes, the Board shall immediately proceed to fill such vacancy. To be qualified for election as Health Officer, the person selected must be the legal holder of a certificate regularly issued by the State Board of Medical Ex- aminers of this state, authorizing him to practice medicine in the State of Iowa, and said certificate must be recorded in the office IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 21 of the County Recorder of the county wherein he resides. The physician selected as Health Officer should be the most com- petent person available for this position. The salary of the Health Officer shall be determined by the Local Board of Health, and should be an amount sufficient to compensate him for the time and ability required to properly discharge the duties of his office. DUTIES OF THE HEALTH OFFICER. RULE 28. The Health Officer shall be the sanitary advisor of the Local Board of Health, and in addition thereto shall person- ally inspect the schools and all public buildings and public utili- ties within the jurisdiction of the Local Board. He shall require the owners, managers, or superintendents of all such institutions to conduct and maintain the same in a proper sanitary condition, and order persons affected with any transmissible disease or ail- ment excluded from the schools and other places used by the gen- eral public. All orders for the release of quarantine in incor- porated cities or towns, must have the approval of the Health Officer before such orders are valid. In cases of sickness where no physician is in attendance, the Health Officer shall investigate as to the character of such sickness, and report to the Mayor or Township Clerk, and in like circumstances, when the sickness is caused by an infectious disease, determine the fact of recovery. He shall also attend and represent his Local Board at the sanitary conferences called by the State Board of Health, his actual expenses therefor being allowed and paid by the Local Board of Health so represented. REVOCATION OF PHYSICIAN’S CERTIFICATE. RULE 29. If any Physician or Osteopath fail or neglect to conform to quarantine regulations, or to promptly report cases of infectious disease to which he has been called professionally, to the Mayor or Township Clerk, that official shall make affidavit setting forth the facts and the names of witnesses thereto, and file same with the Secretary of the State Board of Health, where- upon the offender shall be cited to appear before the State Board of Medical Examiners and show cause why his certificate should not be suspended or revoked. Adopted August 28, 1907. 22 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER II. DISINFECTION. RULE I. Definition: The term “disinfection” has reference to the destruction of disease producing bacteria. The agents used for such are called “disinfectants” or “germicides,” An “ANTISEPTIC” is an agent which prevents the development of bacteria, but does not necessarily destroy them. A “DEODORANT’’ is a substance which has power to remove offensive odors, but is not necessarily a disinfectant. “STERILIZATION” is a term used to designate the destruction of germs by heat, whereas “DISINFECTION” refers more properly to their destruction by chemical agents. The terms “aseptic” and “sterile” have reference to a condi- tion denoting the absence of germ life. DISEASES IN WHICH DISINFECTION IS REQUIRED, RULE 2. Disinfection of the premises, patient, patient's secre- tions, excretions and exudates, books, clothing and furniture, and everything used by the patient shall be carried out in the follow- ing infectious diseases: * Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup), Measles (including German Measles), Mumps, Scarlet Fever (including Scarlet Rash and Scarletina), Smallpox, Chickenpox, Tubercu- losis (including Consumption), Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Puerperal Fever, Erysipelas, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, and it is strongly recommended that disinfection also be carried out in Influenza. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS. RULE 3. Before beginning disinfection, the requirements as prescribed in the following Sections shall be complied with: Section I. The person employed to do the disinfecting shall wear a cap and gown SO constructed as to completely cover his IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 23 clothing, and shall cover his face with a piece of gauze. After all arrangements are complete, these garments shall be left on the premises and disinfected in the same manner as other infected articles. Sec. 2. All holes, cracks, and other external apertures shall be sealed by pasting over them pieces of paper, or filling them with clean, damp cotton rags, - Sec. 3. All bedding and other clothing, carpets and rugs should be hung on chairs, or upon lines stretched across the room for that purpose. Books should be placed on edge, or hung upon a line in such a manner as to spread the pages. Drawers, cup- boards and trunks should be opened, and while their contents need not be unnecessarily disarranged, they should be loosened in such a manner as to give free access to the disinfecting gas. Windows should be securely closed, but left unlocked, in order to admit of their being opened from the outside after the disinfec- tion is complete. Sec. 4. When using Formaldehyde, no open vessel contain- ing water should be left in the room, (except as provided in Rule I2.) Sec. 5. The temperature of the room shall in no case be be- low 60° F (preferably 70° F. or above). If the atmosphere is unusually dry, the amount of moisture should be increased by boiling a kettle of water in the room, or by pouring boiling water from one vessel to another for five or ten minutes before be- ginning the disinfection. Sec. 6. A large wash tub should be placed near the center of the room, conveniently, situated so as to be seen through one of the windows. In this, should be placed a tin or iron pail about I2 to I6 inches deep. (It is advisable to cover the outside of the pail with asbestos paper, leaving the top open. MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR DISINFECTION. RULE 4. For every I,000 cubic feet of space to be disinfected, the following materials and quantities shall be used. 40 per cent Solution of Formaldehyde, 20 ounces. Permanganate of Potash (Fine Crystals) 8% ounces. These quantities are to be used to disinfect premises following cases of: Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Diphtheria (Membranous Croup), Scarlet Fever (Scarlet Rash and Scarletina), Smallpox, Chickenpox, Tuberculosis (Consump- tion), Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Erysipelas, and Puerperal 24 * RULES AND REGULATIONS Fever. In cases of Measles (German Measles), Mumps, Whoop- ing Cough and Pneumonia, only half the above quantities are required. - - MODE OF OPERATION. RULE 5. Section I. When the room or house to be disinfected has been properly prepared in accordance with the requirements of Rule 3, the proper quantity of Permanganate of Potash, as prescribed in Rule 4, should be placed in the pail. The solution of 40 per cent Formaldehyde should be placed in a tin dipper or other vessel convenient for pouring rapidly. The operator, when everything is in readiness, should pour the Formaldehyde upon the crystals of Permanganate of Potash contained in the pail, and immediately leave the room, closing the door and stopping all cracks in the manner indicated in Rule 3. This operation should be performed quickly, as the gas generates very rapidly. The door should be locked in order to prevent accidents, and the room, or building, as the case may be, kept closed for at least eight hours. At the expiration of this time, the windows should be opened from the outside, and in the space of I5 or 20 minutes, the door may be opened, allowing the air to blow through the room. If the odor remaining is very strong, a little ammonia-water sprinkled upon the floor will soon neutralize the Formaldehyde and hasten the disappearance of the odor. Sec. 2. After the fumigation, as prescribed in this Rule, has. been completed, all bedding, clothing, etc., that will not be harmed by boiling, should be boiled for at least half an hour. When pos- sible, mattresses, rugs and heavy curtains should be sterilized by Steam under pressure at I2O C, for 30 minutes. Where this is not possible, these articles should be taken out of doors and thor- oughly aired and exposed to the rays of the sun for an hour or SO. . Note. In disinfecting, it is necessary to see that the shoes worn or used by the operator and all persons upon the premises are properly disinfected, as these articles are frequently overlooked and become the conveyors of infectious diseases. They may be readily disinfected by using Standard Solutions I and 2. ARTICLES TO BE DESTROYED. RULE 6. Under the method prescribed in Rule 5, it is unneces- sary to destroy any articles of value. Papers, rags, cheap books, and other articles of little or no value, should be burned. In cases of Scarlet Fever, Smallpox and Diphtheria, in addition to the re- quirements of Rule 5, all woodwork, and is possible, the walls, should be washed with a liquid disinfectant, such as a solution of IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 25 Bichloride of Mercury, one part of Bichloride of Mercury to I,OOO parts of water. Where the wall paper is loose or dilapidated, it should be removed and burned. DISINFECTION OF PERSONS WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED WITH OR EXPOSED TO INFECTIOUS OR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. RULE 7. Before release from quarantine, all persons who have been affected with or exposed to an infectious or contagious dis- ease, shall be subjected to the following requirements: They shall be removed to a room that has been disinfected according to Rule 5. The entire body, including the hair, shall be washed with a so- lution of Bichloride of Mercury, one part Bichloride of Mercury to 3,000 parts of water (See Standard Solution No. 4.) or a 2% per cent solution of Carbolic Acid (See Standard Disinfectant No. 2). They shall then be subjected to a full bath with plenty of soap and hot water, after which they shall be provided with cloth- ing that has been properly disinfected, or that has not previously been upon the infected premises. - g DISINFECTION OF THE DEAD. RULE 8. The remains of all persons who die from infectious or contagious diseases should be thoroughly injected with a disin- fecting embalming fluid. External orifices must be securely closed with absorbant cotton, and the entire body, including the hair, thoroughly cleansed with a reliable disinfectant, such as Standard Solution No. 3. - In cases where it is impracticable to prepare a dead body as in- dicated in this rule, the body must be wrapped in a sheet or cloth saturated with Standard Solution No. 3, before being placed in the casket. The preparation of bodies as prescribed in this rule must in all cases be done by a licensed embalmer. t DISINFECTION OF VEHICLES. RULE 9. Section I. All cabs, boats, hearses and other ve- hicles used in the removal of a patient or the body of a person affected with, or who has died from any contagious or infectious disease, shall be disinfected in the manner defined in Section 2 of this Rule. Sec. 2. Remove all cushions, curtains and other accessories and place them in a small room or tight cupboard, and disinfect them in accordance with the requirements prescribed in Rule 5. If the vehicle can be closed up, it should be fumigated in the same manner as prescribed in Rule 5. If this is impracticable, it 26 - RULES AND REGULATIONS should be washed inside and out with a solution of Bichloride of Mercury, one part to 1,000 parts of water. PET ANIMALS. RULE Io. All cats and dogs and other pet animals kept upon the premises infected with any contagious or infectious disease, shall be thoroughly washed with soap in a tub of hot water con- taining 5 per cent solution of Carbolic Acid. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. RULE II. When it is necessary to disinfect any premises and the presence of bed bugs or other vermin is suspected, Sulphur must be used in addition to Formaldehyde. The following is the most convenient and effective manner of using the same: Place in the room a wash boiler containing about 6 to 8 inches of boiling water. Place a brick in the center of the water, and upon this a sulphur candle. Light the candle, and be sure that it is burning well, before starting the Formaldehyde fumigation. If possible the water in the wash boiler should be kept boiling by means of a stove or gas lamp. NOTES. Sunshine is Nature's best disinfectant, and should be utilized as much as possible. Let it enter the sick room freely. Many of the so-called disinfectants that have been placed upon the market are absolutely worthless and should be avoided. Local Boards of Health should buy their Formaldehyde and Permanganate of Potash from reliable firms. If these articles are purchased in sufficiently large quantities the wholesale price can be obtained. Disinfection should always be done under the direction of the Local Board of Health, and at public expense, and under the per- sonal supervision of the Health Officer. The person employed to do the disinfecting should be one specially trained to under- stand the various methods to be used, and the precautions to be observed, and should be held personally responsible to the Local Board of Health. STANDARD DISINFECTANTS. (All should be plainly labeled “POISON.”) Solution No. 1. Carbolic Acid. 5 per cent Carbolic Acid, one-half pint ; water, five quarts, May be used for sputum cups, washing furniture, IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 27 metal surfaces, various secretions, excretions and exudates. Caution—This should not be used for the face or on delicate skins. Solution No. 2. Carbolic Acid, 2% per cent solution. Mix one part of Sol. No. I with one part of water. May be used for washing hands, face or entire body. Solution No. 3. Bichloride of Mercury Solution, I to IOOO. Prepare by dis- solving one drachm (60 grains) of Corrosive Sublimate in one gallon of soft boiled water. (The ordinary solution of Bichloride of Mercury deteriorates in a very short time.) A convenient way of using Bichloride is by the use of specially prepared tablets which may be purchased at any drug store, or to have on hand a stock solution which will not deteriorate. This may be prepared as follows: - Bichloride of Mercury 330% grams. Citric Acid - I56 grams. Water 2O liters or 5 gallons. A little coloring material. - M. Sig: One ounce of this solution mixed with one pint of water makes a solution of I-IOOO. Prepare in glass, earthen or wooden vessels (not in metal vessel); it must not be used for disinfecting metal surfaces. Use for disinfecting hands, clothing, woodwork, discharges, etc. Good for sprinkling floors of offices and public buildings before Sweeping. Solution No. 4. Bichloride of Mercury, I-3000. Mix one part of Sol. No. 3 with two parts of water. May be used for bathing entire body. Solution No. 5. Chloride of Lime. Dissolve six ounces of fresh Chloride of Lime (best quality) in one gallon of water. Especially useful for faces, urine and sputum. . - 28 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER III. -*-*-*. INFORMATION. SMALLPOX. Vaccination is the only preventive for Smallpox. Hence it is important that the vaccination be thoroughly done, with reliable lymph, free from all impurities. Immediate vaccination after exposure is important for safety. It should be done within five days after exposure. Every infant should be vaccinated within three months after its birth. Should the first attempt fail, it should be repeated at intervals of a fortnight until a true sore is produced. Every child should be re-vaccinated before it reaches its twelfth year. (See Sec. 4 and 5, Rule II, Chapter I.) DIPHTHERIA. Diphtheria is a most contagious and infectious disease. It is produced by a specific bacillus which produces blood poisoning. It attacks persons of all classes and ages, but most frequently children under sixteen years of age. - - In ordinary cases the germ producing Diphtheria probably attacks the person by way of the mouth and the air passages. The period of incubation of Diphtheria, or the time from a persons exposure to the disease to his coming down with it, like Scarlet Fever, varies somewhat—being usually from a few hours to seven or eight days; in some cases it is twelve or fourteen days. It has been conclusively demonstrated that the germs of Diph- theria retain their vitality in dried dust for an indefinite period of time, and that cold—even to freezing—does not effect their vitality. Hence the importance of destroying these germs by burning all the discharges, or thoroughly disinfecting them. Its most frequent local manifestations are in the mouth, throat and air passages. When in the mouth, or upper part of the throat only, the disease is, as a rule, less dangerous and fatal, but Iowa STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 29 no less infectious and contagious, than when in the air passages, below the fauces. - Avoid exposure to the disease. Observe rigidly every measure as given for Scarlet Fever. Beware of crowded assemblies in ill-ventilated rooms. All influences which depress the vital powers, and vitiate the fluids of the body, tend to promote the development and spread of this disease by lessening the powers of resistence. (See Rule 18, Chapter I.) * SPECIAL, NOTICE. Membranous Croup must be treated as infectious and con- tagious, and be considered for all sanitary purposes as identical with Diphtheria, and all rules applying to the latter equally apply to Membranous Croup. - - - * SCARLET FEVER. Scarlet Fever is one of the most dangerous contagious and in- fectious diseases. One attack does not always prevent subsequent attacks. The greatest number of deaths from this disease is of children under ten years of age. Adult persons do sometimes have the disease. * , Scarletina and Scarlet Rash are identical with Scarlet Fever, equally dangerous and equally contagious and infectious. They are one and the same disease. ..., Avoid the special contagium of the disease. This is especially important to be observed by children. Children under ten years of age are in much greater danger of death from Scarlet Fever than are adults, but adult persons often get and spread the disease, and sometimes die from it. Mild cases in adults may thus cause fatal cases among children. Because of these facts it is dangerous for children to go where adult persons go with almost perfect safety to themselves. - It is probable that the contagium of Scarlet Fever may re- tain its virulence for some time, even for years, and be carried for a long distance in various substances and articles in which it may have found lodgment. (See Rules 2, 4 and 7, Chapter I.) MEASILES. Measles is an infectious, highly contagious and often fatal disease, hence it is dangerous to the public health. The specific poison of Measles is in the rash which invades the membranes of the nose, throat, lungs, and bowels, before, and 30 RULES AND REGULATIONS often more severely than it invades the skin, so that it is con- tagious before the eruption appears on the skin. In no one of the infectious diseases can the mother give greater aid, and in none is her co-operation more desirable. All persons affected with this disease must be isolated and the premises placarded as provided in Rules 4 and 6 of Chapter I. as provided in Rule 4, Chapter I. WHOOPING COUGH. Whooping Cough is an infectious disease. School children affected with it must be excluded from the Schools and confined to their home premises, until entire recovery, and should be isolated from all other children. The premises must be placarded CHICKENPOX. This disease, in itself, is comparatively free from danger, but within the last few years Smallpox has so freqeuntly been diag- nosed as Chickenpox and such serious results have followed that the safety of the public health demands that Chickenpox shall be placarded as such and the children kept from the schools and confined to their home premises, until complete recovery shall have ensued. (See Rule 4, Chapter I.) TYPHOID FEVER. Typhoid Fever is caused by micro-organisms, and in the opinion of the best and most experienced sanitarians, it is a disease which need not exist. This germ enters through the mouth, with food or drink, and is carried to the small intestines, where it multiplies enormously, and then thrown off in the excreta, to again multiply under the favorable conditions of moisture and heat. Hence the proper disposal of the excreta of a Typhoid Fever patient is of the highest importance. The most dangerous source of infection is from water and milk. If the discharges from the patient are thrown into a privy vault, or on a manure pile, or on the ground, they sink into the earth through the soil, and often contaminate neighboring wells. The ordinary house fly may be, the means of carrying the infection from place to place. There are many other wavs in which water may be contami- nated. The soiled clothing of a patient is washed and the water thrown upon the earth near a well, or poured into a leaky drain. Some kinds of food are very absorbent of disease germs. The most notable is milk, which becomes contaminated by being kept too near a patient. Several instances are known where milkmen have carried the germs of this disease in milk kept where the sick were, or by rinsing their cans with contaminated water. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 31 Protect the water supply from any possible Source of con- tamination. The water supply of cities and towns should be pro- cured from sources where there can be no contamination, im- mediate or remote, from privies, cesspools, stables or cemeteries. Great care should be had to prevent the contamination of the water supply by discharges from the bowels of a person sick with Typhoid Fever, as by drainage into wells, Springs, streams or other water supply, from a privy vault, Sewer, drain or ceme- tery. Privies often drain into wells, unsuspected by those who use the water. Should Typhoid Fever discharges pass into such a privy an outbreak of Typhoid Fever among those using the water from a neighboring well would be likely to occur. If such a well were the source of the general water supply of a city, Typhoid Fever might soon be epidemic there. - The public water supply should be analysed at least once each year, and frequently thereafter, when Typhiod is present in the neighborhood. - * There is a good reason to suspect the water of a well when- ever a vault is situated within less than a hundred feet of it, par- ticularly if the soil be porous. In numerous instances fluids from excreta have leached into wells from much greater distances; and it has been proved that a well thirty rods from a cemetery received water which had filtered through the soil of the cemetery. • The use of water from a source likely to be infected with excreta from a Typhoid Fever patient should be promptly stopped. Great care should also be given to the milk supply. Dangerously contaminated water may be, and often is, found to be clear and colorless, and to have no bad taste. Reep the premises pure and clean. Of all forms of filth none . are so dangerous to houses as the “hole-in-the-ground” privy and the sink-drains. All discharges from the patient should be received in a vessel containing a pint or more of a solution of Chloride of Lime (six ounces of lime to one gallon of water), and kept covered three or four hours, and then buried in the earth, at such distance from wells, springs, or streams that they cannot possibly be drained therein. NEVER MINGLE THEM WITH ANY KIND OF FILTH, IN A PRIVY OR ELSEWHERE. All soiled clothing and bedding soiled with discharges from the patient should be at once removed and placed in a tub and completely covered with a solution of Chloride of Lime or other reliable disinfectant, and kept there until they can be boiled, or put in boiling water as soon as removed from the patient. It is important this should be closely observed, otherwise the sub- 32 RULES AND REGULATIONS stance on the clothing dries, becomes dust, floats in the air and endangers the attendants. It is probable that in this way washer- women often become infected and have Typhoid Fever. After this disinfection, the clothing may be boiled and washed with safety. w During sickness, disinfect at once carefully any spots on floor, carpet or rug accidentally soiled. There is no necessity for burning the clothing, bedding and bed of a Typhoid Fever patient even when death occurs, nor for a private funeral, but the coffin must not be opened in any church, hall, place of public assembly or residence. Strict isolation of the sick is not necessary, but it is wise, for all who can properly do so, to keep away. After death or recovery, disinfect the sick room with For- maldehyde and then wash the floors and woodwork with solution of Corrosive Sublimate. (See Chapter II.) Nurses and others in the family should eat nothing in the room where the patient is, nor of anything that has been there. The food for the family and attendants should be prepared and kept as far as possible from the sick. As boiling will kill all disease germs, it is safer when the disease is in a house, to boil all water and milk just before using. All dishes used by the patient should be kept separate and used by no one else. (See Rules 2 and 4, Chapter I.) - PUERPERAL FEVER. Puerperal Fever is a dangerous infection, hence, every attend- ant upon cases of labor, should, by the use of antiseptic measures, sedulously guard against the occurence of the disease. The hands and all instruments and applications should be thoroughly disin- fected, and all discharges subject to decomposition, and capable of producing infection, should be promptly removed and destroy- ed. The only way to avoid this disease is for every practioner and nurse to recognize their personal responsibility in the matter. (See Rules 2 and 4, Chapter I.) LEPROSY. Persons afflicted with well developed Leprosy are required by the State Board of Health to remain on their own premises. (See Rule 19, Chapter I.) w - ar TUBERCULOSIS-CONSUMPTION. This is an infectious and therefore a communicable disease, due to a germ—the Bacillus Tuberculosis. The disease is propo- IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 33 gated and disseminated by infected meat and milk, and especially by the excretions and sputum of persons affected by it. Infection. “The consumptive, in himself, is almost harmless, and only becomes harmful through bad habits.” The virus is largely contained in the sputum, which, when dry, is disseminated in the form of dust, and constitutes the great medium for the transmission of the disease. In the last stages of Consumption, the patient is weak, the sputum is expelled improperly; pillows, sheets, handkerchiefs, etc, are soiled. If a male, the beard or mustache is smeared. Even in the hands of the cleanly, without especial precautions, such circumstances all tend to the produc- tion around the patient, of a halo of infected dust, maintained by every process of bed making or cleaning, which includes the pernicious habit of “dusting.” In the hands of the careless and dirty, the infectivity is, of course, greatly aggravated. It attains its maximum of intensity where the filthy habit of spitting on the floor prevails, especially if it is carpeted. All rooms frequented by persons suffering from Tuberculosis very soon become infected, and consequently dangerous, such as hospitals, jails, poor houses, etc., all such rooms where ventilation and disinfection are neglected are very dangerous, as proven by the great number of deaths of those who are confined in these abodes. Boats and cars on our great lines of travel, without great care being used, become veritable pest houses. Means of Prevention. Sunlight is one of the most powerful agents in destroying the tubercle bacilli. Avoid imperfectly ven- tilated dwellings, dark, damp, musty rooms. Let your dwellings be light, dry and well ventilated with an abundance of sunlight. The sputum should always be kept moist and disinfected. In all public places, cuspidors, partly filled with water, to which may be added some disinfectant, such as carbolic acid, or a two-per-cent solution of formaldehyde, should be freely distributed, and which all persons who spit should be required to use. Spitting in the street and in all public places is prohibited. When coughing or sneezing, a piece of gauze or handkerchief should be used to prevent distributing the infective material. There is great danger in kissing and even in handshaking with tubercular patients, and consequently the face and hands of such patients should be frequently disinfected. No child should be allowed to sleep with a person suffering from Tuberculosis, espec- ially if of the pulmonary variety. Persons suffering from Tuberculosis should not drink out of the same cup used by other members of the family, and when travelling should carry his own cup, as the bacilli will adhere to the cup in great numbers, and thus endanger others, 34 | RULES AND REGULATIONS All soiled clothing from Tubercular patients should be thrown into a tub of water, to which some disinfectant has been added, preventing the sputum from drying, and thus protecting others. Quarantining those affected, or placarding the premises are not required in this disease; nor are public funerals prohibited, The presence of this disease must always be reported to the mayor or township clerk, in order that instruction may be given to the patient and relatives as to the cause of the disease and the best means of preventing its further spread. (See Rules I, 2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, Chapter I.) . . . . . . . . . CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS. Cerebrospinal Meningitis is an infectious disease. It is sometimes very readily transmitted to those who take care of, or closely associate with patients having the disease. The germs are found in large numbers, in the discharges from the nose of persons affected. Such discharges should therefore always be collected on pieces of cloth ; these should be burned as soon as possible. (See Rule I, 2 and 7, Chapter I.) MALARIA. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a germ which is usually transmitted from person to person through the bite of a mosquito. The ordinary mosquito found in Iowa is not capable of transmitting malaria. It requires a special variety called anopheles, which is found in large numbers in the southern states and Occasionally also in Iowa, especially the southern part. The most effective way of preventing malaria is to destroy the breed- ing places of mosquitoes, by not permitting water to remain standing in Open vessels, as cans, barrels, etc., and to drain all stagnant pools and Swamps. Persons affected with Malaria, or well people living in Malarial districts, should be protected from the bites, of mosquitoes. This can be done by screening the doors and windows with ordinary mosquito bar; the beds should also be covered with the same material. . . . . ; ITCH-SCABIES. *- Scabies or Itch is caused by a small animal parasite, which burrows into the skin. It usually affects children, and Occasionally adults. It is quite readily transmitted from person to person by close association. Children affected with the itch should not be permitted to attend School, and should receive proper treatment Without delay. (See Sec. 5, Rule 4, Chapter I.) - IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH - 35 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia or lung fever is a very common and quite fatal in- fectious disease. It is not readily transmissible from one person to another, and therefore only slightly contagious. The germs of pneumonia are found in large numbers in the Sputum of pneu- monia patients. Such should therefore be collected on pieces of cloth or in vessels and disinfected. These germs are also fre- quently found in the mouth of well people and may produce the disease if the resistance of the system is lowered by exposure to wet and cold, or the too free use of strong alcholic liquors. During the past decade, pneumonia has increased in fre- quency and fatality, until at this time, there are about as many deaths annually from pneumonia as tuberculosis. Great care must be exercised in the disinfection of the sputa and discharges from pneumonia patients, and the bedding and room should be disin- fected after death or recovery of the patient. (See Rule I and Sec. 4, Rule 4, Chapter I.) VENEREAL DISEASES. Venereal diseases are all infective and contagious, and are often the source of a life of misery. The consequences are often of the gravest character. No person who realizes such will permit himself to be exposed to infection. Once infected, it often re- quires months and even years, before one can be certain of being cured of the disease, and until cured, should use every means possible not to infect others. INFLUENZA. Influenza is a wide-spread infectious and very contagious disease, which affects principally the respiratory tract. The dis- charges from the nose and throat contain the specific germs in large numbers, and should therefore be collected on pieces of cloth which are later burned or disinfected. Many of the severe common colds are caused by the influenza bacillus. We should therefore not associate too closely with people having severe colds, and it is better if children having such do not attend school. (See Rule 2 and 4, Chapter II.) TETANUS OR LOCK-JAW. Tetanus or Lock-jaw is an infectious disease which is not contagious. The germ which produces tetanus usually gains en- trance through some punctured wound produced by a dirty instru- ment, as a rusty nail. Fourth of July injuries are especially prone to result in Tetanus. In all cases of such wounds, a physician should be immediately called, no matter how slight the injury may appear. 36 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER IV. CARE OF THE DEAD. IN CASE OF SMALLPox. RULE I. A body dead from Smallpox must be immediately wrapped in a cloth saturated with the strongest disinfectant solu- tion, without previous washing, and cremated or buried deep, and no body dead from this disease shall under any circumstances, or any lapse of time, be disinterred. • , IN CASE OF OTHER SPECIFIC LISEASES. RULE 2. The body of a person who has died from Asiatic Cholera, Yellow Fever, Leprosy, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic Cere- brospinal Meningitis, Diphtheria (Membranous Croup), Scarlet Fever (Scarletina or Scarlet Rash), must not be removed from the sick room until it has been embalmed as prescribed in Rule 8, Chapter 2, or if this be impracticable the body must be wrapped in a cloth saturated with a solution of Corrosive Sublimate (one ounce to six gallons of water), and then tightly enclosed in a coffin. The body shall then be cremated or buried immediately without the attendance of any persons other than is necessary to assist at the interment thereof, provided that bodies dead from Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever and Puerperal Fever, if prepared in accordance with Section 3, Rule 5 of Chapter 6, adopted by this Board for the transportation of corpses by licensed embalmers, may be deposited in a receiving vault or be shipped by a public conveyance. - EMBALMING FILUID. RULE 3. No embalming fluid or other agent containing Arsenic or Mercury shall be used within the state of Iowa in the embalming or preservation of dead human bodies for cremation, burial or shipment, except as provided for external use in Rule 2 of this chapter. - The National Funeral Directors Association has adopted the following Formula as the standard Embalming Fluid, and the same is recommended by the Iowa State Board of Health. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 37 STANDARD EMBALMING FILUID. Formula No. 3. Formaldehyde I4 per cent Glycerine 5 per cent Borax 3 per cent Boracic Acid I lb Saltpetre 3 per cent Eosine ..... I per cent solution Recipe for Making Ten Gallons of the Above. Formaldehyde II lbs. Glycerine ..................--~~ t w 4 lbs. Borax ~~~~ 2.5 lbs. Boracic Acid …~~~~ I 1b. Saltpetre … … tº gº as 2.5 lbs. Eosine (I per cent solution) - I OZ. Water to make a total of # * * * IO gal. The simplest way of compounding this fluid is as follows: Dissolve the powdered borax and powdered acid in water. Stir- ing and warming will hasten the solution. Add the powdered Saltpetre. When completely dissolved, add the Glycerine and Formaldehyde. Lastly add the Eosine or color solution. 38 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER V. *mem=e BURIALS. DEATH CERTIFICATES REQUIRED. RULE I. Upon the death of any person within the limits of a city, town or township, it shall be the duty of the undertaker, or other person superintending the burial of said decedent to procure from the physician in attendance at the time of death, or of the coroner when the case comes under his jurisdiction, a certificate setting forth the full name, age, sex, color, place of death, date and cause of death, and such other facts as may be required by regula- tions of the State Board of Health, the State Registrar and the Statutes of the State of Iowa. If any person shall die without a physician in attendance, it shall be the duty of the undertaker or any person acquainted with the facts, to report the same to the health officer of the Local Board of Health, who is hereby author- ized to issue a certificate of death as aforesaid, provided, it be not a case requiring the attendance of a coroner. DUTIES OF SEXTON. RULE 2. No sexton or other person having charge or control of any cemetery, burying place, tomb, or vault, and no undertaker, or other person, shall inter, entomb, or place in any vault, the dead body of any person, or remove such body from or out of any city, town or township without having procured a certificate of death as provided in Rule I of this chapter; and it shall be the duty of any undertaker, or other person having charge of the burial or removal of the dead body of any person to deliver said certificate of death to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics on the 5th day of the month following the date of death. FUNERALS NOT TO BE HELD IN CHURCHES, SCHOOL HOUSES, ETC. RULE 3. No person, company, corporation or association hav- ing charge of, or control of any school house or church, or any building, room or place used for school or church purposes, or for IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 39 any public assembly, shall permit the body of any person dead from any of the contagious or infectious diseases named in these regulations, or any other dangerous contagious disease, except Typhoid Fever and Tuberculosis, to be taken into such school house, church, building, room or place, for the purpose of holding funeral services over such body; and no Sexton, undertaker or other person having charge of or Supervision over the burial of any body dead from any of the said diseases, shall permit the coffin or casket containing such body to be opened; nor shall any child be permitted to act as pallbearer or carrier at any such funeral. PUBLIC FUNERALS PROHIBITED. RULE 4. Section I. Public funerals over the remains of per- sons who have died from Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Epi- demic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, Diphtheria, Measles, Scarlet Fever, or Smallpox, are hereby prohibited. Adult persons from the infected premises may, at the discretion of the Local Board, under prescribed restrictions, be permitted to attend the funeral of those dying upon the premises, provided they ride to and from the cemetery in a closed conveyance, and do not leave the same until returned to the quarantine. Conveyances so used shall be properly disinfected under the personal supervision of the Health Officer before being used for any purpose whatsoever. The undertaker officiating at the funeral shall be held responsible for violation of this rille, and upon satisfactory evidence that he has failed or neglected to comply with any of the provisions thereof, shall be subject to the suspension or revocation of his lecense. None but a regularly licensed embalmer, authorized to practice embalming by the Iowa State Board of Health shall prepare the body or conduct the funeral of a person dead from an infectious disease. - - - - Sec. 2. No public funeral shall be held in a house, nor upon any premises where there is a case of any of the diseases mentioned in Section I of this Rule, nor where a death has recent- ly occurred therefrom. FALSE STATEMENT AS TO CAUSE OF DEATH. RULE 5. If any physician, or other person, knowingly attempt to secrete or withhold the true character of any disease specified in these, regulations, or shall in any manner whatsoever attempt to deceive or make any false statement in a certificate as to the cause of death, by certifying to other than the true cause of such death ; Or, if the decedent was affected with any contagious or in- fectious disease during his last sickness, and the attending phy- Sician shall neglect or refuse to state such fact in the certificate, the said physician shall be held to have violated the rules of the State Board of Health, and shall be prosecuted accordingly. 40 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER VI. TRANSPORTATION OF CORPSES. IMPORTATION OF DEAD BODIES. RULE I. The importation of bodies dead from either Bubonic Plague or Smallpox, into the state of Iowa, is hereby absolutely prohibited by the Iowa State Board of Health. DUTIEs of RAILYAYS AND EXPRESS companies, Etc. RULE 2. Railroad companies and express companies and their agents, conductors, baggage agents, and messengers, and other transportation companies and private individuals are hereby for- bidden to accept for shipment, or to import into the State of Iowa, the dead body of any human being dead from any of the diseases named in Rule I of this Chapter, and the afore-mentioned com- panies, their agents, conductors and all other persons are hereby forbidden to import or bring into the State of Iowa any such bodies as are specified in Rules 3 and 4, unless the certificates. attached to the outer box containing such body be in strict accord- ance with the provisions and requirements set forth in this chapter. REQUIREMENTs FOR SHIPMENT OF BODIES DEAD FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASES. - RULE 3. Section I. In cases where the person has died from any of the following named diseases, viz.: Anthrax, Asiatic Chol- era, Diphtheria, (including Membraneous Croup), Glanders, Measles, Puerperal Fever (including Scarletina and Scarlet Rash), Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Erysipelas, Yellow Fever, Cerebrospinal Meningitis, and Leprosy, the body may be accepted for shipment within this state, or to a point out- side this state, or for importation into this state, only when strictly complying with the following requirements, viz.: 1st. The body shall have been properly prepared in accord- ance with the requirements of this Board as set forth in Rule 5 of this chapter. - IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 41 2nd. The work of preparation shall have been done by a duly qualified embalmer legally authorized to practice embalming under the laws of the state or province in which the death occurred, or if there be no such legal requirements concerning the qualifica- tions of embalmers in such state or province, then by an em- balmer legally authorized and qualified under the laws of an- other state or province having similar requirements to those in Iowa. * 3rd. A certificate showing cause of death, signed by the at- tending physician or coroner, and also a certificate, signed by the embalmer who prepared the body, showing method of preparation employed, shall be attached to the outer box containing the casket and remains. All certificates shall be made upon the official blank forms provided by the State Board of Health. The method used in preparation must be in strict conformity with the requirements of the Iowa State Board of Health. 4th. Before shipment into the State of Iowa, permission to import the body shall be obtained from the Secretary of the Iowa State Board of Health, and such permit shall be attached to the end of the outside box containing the casket and remains. 5th. Notice of shipment shall be sent by telegraph, prepaid, to the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health at the point of destination, stating the time at which the body may be ex- pected to arrive. - SHIPMENT OF BODIES DISINTERRED OUTSIDE OF IOWA. RULE 4. All bodies that have been buried and disinterred for shipment into this State shall be considered dangerous to the pub- lic health, and shall be subject to the requirements and provisions of Rules I, 2 and 3 of this Chapter, and in addition thereto, the casket containing such body shall be inclosed in a hermetically sealed (soldered) zinc, tin or copper lined outer box. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPMENT OF BODIES. RULE I. Section I. The following rules adopted by the American Public Health Association, the American Association of General Baggage Agents, and the National Conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health, adopted at Baltimore, Md., October 23–24, 1903, are hereby readopted by and made part of the rules and regulations of the Iowa State Board of Health. Sec. 2. The transportation of bodies dead of Smallpox or Bubonic Plague from one state, territory, district or province to another, is absolutely prohibited. Sec. 3. The transportation of bodies dead of Asiatic Cholera, Yellow Fever, Typhus Fever, Diphtheria (Membranous Croup), 42 RULES AND REGULATIONS Scarlet Fever (Scarletina, Scarlet Rash), Erysipelas, Glanders, Anthrax or Leprosy shall not be accepted for transportation un- less prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by (a) arterial, and cavity injection with an approved disinfecting fluid ; (b) disinfection and stopping of all orifices with absorbent cotton and (c) washing the body with the disinfectant all of which must be done by an embalmer holding a certificate as such issued by the State or Provincial Board of Health or other State or Pro- vincial authority provided for by law. After being dis- infected as above, such body shall be enveloped in a layer of dry cotton, not less than one inch thick, completely wrapped in a sheet securely fastened and encased in an air-tight zinc, tin, copper or lead-lined coffin or iron casket, all joints and seams hermetically sealed, and all enclosed in a strong, tight wooden box. Or the body being prepared for shipment by disin- fecting and wrapping as above, may be placed in a strong coffin or casket and said coffin or casket encased in an air-tight zinc, copper or tin-lined box, all joints and seams hermetically soldered. Sec. 4. The bodies of those dead of Typhoid Fever, Puerperal Fever, Tuberculosis, or Measles, may be received for transporta- tion when prepared for shipment by arterial and cavity injection with an approved disinfecting fluid, washing the exterior of the body with the same, and enveloping the entire body with a layer of cotton not less than one inch thick, and all wrapped in a sheet Securely fastened and encased in an air-tight metallic coffin or casket, or air-tight metal-lined box. In all cases such bodies shall be prepared by a licensed embalmer holding a certificate as pro- vided for in Section 3. - Sec. 5. The bodies of those dead from any cause not stated in Sections 3 and 4 may be received for transportation when en- cased in a sound coffin or casket and enclosed in a strong outside wooden box, provided they can reach their destination within thirty hours from the time of death. If the body cannot reach its destination within thirty hours from the time of death, it must be prepared for shipment by arterial and cavity injection with an approved disinfecting fluid, washing the exterior of the body with the same, and enveloping the entire body with a layer of dry cotton not less than one inch thick, and all wrapped in a sheet securely fastened, and encased in an air-tight metallic coffin or casket or an air-tight metal-lined box. But when the body has been prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by a licensed embalmer, as defined and directed in Section 3, the air- tight sealing and bandaging with cotton may be dispensed with. Sec. 6. In the shipment of bodies dead from any disease named in Section 3, such body must not be accompanied by per- Sons or articles which have been exposed to the infection of the IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 43 disease, unless certified by the health officer as having been proper- ly disinfected. Before selling tickets, agents should carefully exam- ine the transit permit and note the name of the passenger in charge, and of any others proposing to accompany the body, and see that all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The transit permit in such cases shall specifically state who is authorized by the health authorities to accompany the remains. In all cases where bodies are forwarded under Section 3, notice must be sent by telegraph by the Shipping em- balmer to the health officer, or when there is no health Officer, to other competent authority at destination, advising the date and train on which the body may be expected. - Sec. 7. Every dead body must be accompanied by a person in charge, who must be provided with a passage ticket, and also present a full first-class ticket marked “Corpse” for the transpor- tation of the body and a transit permit showing physician's or coroner's certificate, name of deceased, date and hour of death, age, place of death, cause of death, and all other items of the standard certificate of death recommended by the American Public Health Association and adopted by the United States Census Bureau, as far as obtainable, including health officer's or Registrar's permit for removal, whether a communicable or non- communicable disease, the point to which the body is to be shipped, and, when death is caused by any of the diseases specified in Section 3, the names of those authorized by the health author- ities to accompany the body. Also the undertaker's certificate as to how the body has been prepared for shipment. The transit permit must be made in duplicate, and the signature of physician or coroner, health officer, and undertaker, must be on both the original and duplicate copies. The undertaker's or registrar's certificate and paster of the original shall be detached from the transit permit and securely fastened on the end of the coffin box. All coffin boxes must be provided with at least four handles. The physicians's official certificate and transit permit shall be handed to the passenger in charge of the corpse. The whole duplicate copy shall be sent to the official in charge of the baggage depart- ment of the initial line, and by him to the Secretary of the State or Provincial Board of Health of the State or Province from which said shipment is made. - Sec. 8. When bodies are shipped by express, a transit permit, as described in Section 7, must be made out in duplicate. The undertaker's certificate and paster of the original shall be de- tached from the transit permit and Securely fastened on the coffin box. The physician's certificate and transit permit shall be at- tached to and accompany the express way-bill covering the re- mains, and be delivered with the body at the point of destination 44 RULES AND REGULATIONS to the person to whom it is consigned. The whole duplicate copy shall be sent by the forwarding express agent to the secretary of the State or Provincial Board of Health of the State or Province from which said shipment was made. Sec. 9. Every disinterred body, dead from any disease or cause, shall be treated as infectious or dangerous to the public health, and shall not be accepted for transportation unless said removal has been approved by the State or Provincial health authorities having jurisdiction where such body is disinterred, and the consent of the health authorities of the locality to which the corpse is consigned has first been obtained, and all such disin- terred remains, or the coffin or casket containing the same, must be wrapped in a woolen blanket thoroughly saturated with a I-IOOO solution of corrosive sublimate, and enclosed in a hermeti- cally soldered zinc, tin, or copper-lined box. But bodies de- posited in receiving vaults shall not be treated and considered the same as buried bodies when originally prepared by a licensed em- balmer as defined in Section 3, and as directed in Sections 3 and 4 (according to the nature of the disease causing death), provided shipment takes place within thirty days from the time of death. The shipment of bodies prepared in the manner above directed by licensed embalmers for receiving vaults may be made within thirty days from time of death without having to obtain permis- sion from the health authorities of the locality to which the body is consigned. After thirty days the casket or coffin box contain- ing said body must be enclosed in a hermetically soldered box. Sec. IO. All rules and parts of rules conflicting with these rules are hereby repealed. SPECIAL NOTICE. TRANSPORTATION OF DECEASED PERSONS IN BAGGAGE CARS. To Railroad Agents, Station and Train Baggagemen and Er- press Agents: You will in no case (except as provided in Rule 6 of this Chapter) receive a corpse for transportation unless accompanied by a physician's, coroner's or board of health cer- tificate of cause of death, also an undertaker's certificate that the body has been prepared for burial and shipment in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Health, nor will you receive it even with such certificates if fluids or offensive odors are escap- ing from the case. One full first-class limited or unlimited ticket will be required for the transportation of a corpse without regard to the age of the deceased, and the word “Corpse” must be plainly IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 45 written on the face of a local and on each coupon of a coupon ticket. A corpse will not be taken for transportation unless a passenger is in charge. A record must be made on the back of your station and trip reports of all bodies shipped and carried, giving the name of deceased and destination. - It will be the duty of Agents and all Baggage Agents to see that each burial case is properly marked on “Paster,” giving date and at what station shipped, points of destination, “State,” number and form of ticket, name of passenger in charge and place of residence, with name of agent. If the corpse is destined to a point beyond the initial line, the initials of each road over which it passes must be written on the paster; also the terminal point of each road at which transfer is made with the connecting line as shown on the coupons of the ticket. - You will see that the “Certificate of Undertaker” is properly filled out by him and that the paster is properly filled out by your- self and is securely fastened on the end of the coffin box before it is put into the car, and the permit remaining you will hand to the passenger in charge of the corpse. The whole form must be made in duplicate, either with a pen, carbon paper, or simplex paper, and the signatures of the phy- sician or coroner and undertaker must be on both the original and duplicate copies. The undertaker's certificate and paster of the original will be detached from the physician's certificate and permit and fastened on the end of the coffin box. The physician's certificate and per- mit, Board of Health permit, will be handed to the passenger. The whole duplicate copy will be sent by the Shipping Agent to the Secretary of the State Board of Health, Des Moines. SHIPMENT OF BODIES FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES. RULE 6. Section I. All bodies to be used for scientific pur- poses shall be prepared for shipment under the direction of a li- censed embalmer. Sufficient embalming fluid to insure preser- vation shall be injected without unnecessarily injuring the tissues, and all external orifices closed with absorbent cotton. A metallic lined box should be used for shipment, but if such is not avail- able, the body must be wrapped in oil cloth and inclosed in a tight shipping case. Neither ice nor fluid shall be placed in the con- tainer. Sec. 2. No body dead from any contagious or infectious dis- ease shall be shipped under the provisions of this rule. Bodies intended for scientific purposes, when properly prepared in ac- cordance with this rule and shipped under authority of the 46 RULES AND REGULATIONS Secretary of the State Board of Health, shall be received by ex- press companies and other common carriers for delivery to points within this state. The requirements of the State Board of Health relative to the certification of physician and permit of the Local Board of Health shall not apply in the shipment of bodies to be used for scientific purposes when prepared and shipped under the provisions of this Rule. - - IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 47 CHAPTER VII. -*- DISINTERMENTS. PERMITS REQUIRED IN ALL CASES. RULE 1. No person shall disinter the dead body of a human being unless he be in possession of a written permit issued by the State Board of Health, and countersigned by the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health in whose jurisdiction the disinter- ment is to be made. PARTICULARS REQUIRED. RULE 2. When it is desired to disinter a body for removal from one grave to another in the same cemetery, or for removal to another cemetery, application for permit therefor must be made to the State Board of Health. Such application shall give the name of the person whose body is to be disinterred, together with the age, date of burial and cause of death, the name and location of the cemetery, township and county from which it is to be removed, and the name of the cemetery and location thereof where such body is to be reinterred. All applications provided for in this rule must be made upon the proper blank forms pro- vided by the State Board of Health and must in all cases be signed by the licensed embalmer who is to do the disinterment. DISINTERMENT PROHIBITED. RULE 3. No permit shall be granted for the disinterment of a body dead from either Smallpox, Asiatic Cholera, Yellow Fever, Leprosy or Bubonic Plague. SPECIAL PERMITS REQUIRED, RULE 4. Bodies dead from Diplitheria, including Membran- ous Croup, Scarlet Fever, including Scarletina and Scarlet Rash, may be disinterred upon a special permit granted by the State Doard of Health when in Session, but all such disinterments shall be done in strict conformity with the following requirements: 48 RULES AND REGULATIONS I. The disinterment and removal must be under the direction of a licensed embalmer. f 2. The removal shall be done at an hour when there is the least possible exposure of other persons. t 3. No children shall be present, and only such persons as are actually necessary. 4. The coffin shall not be opened, either at place of disinter- ment or place of destination. . 5. When the body is to be removed from the cemetery where disinterred the coffin and remains must be inclosed in a metallic lined box. 6. The sexton and all other persons engaged in such removal shall immediately thereafter change their clothing and properly disinfect or burn the same, and shall thoroughly disinfect their hands, head and face. - The embalmer authorized to conduct the disinterment shall be held personally responsible for the enforcement of these requirements. - - GENERAL PERMITS. RULE 5. Bodies dead from diseases other than named in Rules 3 and 4 may be disinterred upon receipt of a written permit issued by the Secretary of the State Board of Health, provided such permit is countersigned by the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health. • ALL DISINTERMENTS MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED EMBALMER. RULE 6. All disinterments provided for in this Chapter, shall be done under the personal supervision of a regularly licensed embalmer, and under no circumstance shall a permit for disin- terment be issued to any person unless he be the legal holder of an embalmer's license in good Standing, and regularly issued under the authority of the Iowa State Board of Health, and un- less such license and renewal is properly recorded in the office of the clerk of the Local Board of Health in whose jurisdiction the disinterment is to take place, provided that when a disinter- ment is to be done outside the limits of an incorporated city or town, the embalmer's license need not be recorded with the town- ship clerk, the record at the nearest city or town being deemed sufficient. BODIES DEPOSITED IN A REVEIVING VAULT. RULE 7. Bodies that have been temporarily deposited in a re- ceiving vault may be removed therefrom without a disinterment IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 49 permit, provided that such body before being deposited in said receiving vault, was properly embalmed, by a licensed embalmer, and provided that not more than 30 days has expired since the date upon which such body was so deposited. After the expira- tion of 30 days, a disinterment permit shall be obtained before removal of any dead body named in this rule. SEPARATE APPLICATIONS. RULE 8. A separate application must be made for each body to be disinterred. --- 50 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER VIII. wºmºmºmºmº PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. With the view to prevent Typhoid Fever and other ailments caused by polluted drinking water, the State Board of Health hereby makes and adopts the following regulations concerning analysis of water supplied to the public, and it is hereby ordered that all Local Boards of Health enforce these regulations within their jurisdiction. SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS. RULE I. The local manager of any private corporation own- ing or operating a plant from which water is supplied to the pub- lic, and the superintendent of any water works or public wells owned or operated by any municipality in the State of Iowa, shall cause a sample of the water so supplied to be submitted to the Chemist of the State Board of Health for sanitary analysis. Said sample shall be accompanied with the collection blank properly filled Out. WHEN TO BE SUBMITTED. RULE 2. The samples provided for in Rule I of this Chapter shall be submitted between the Ist day of August and the Ist day of November of each year, and at such other times as the State or Local Board may direct. All samples for analysis shall he in accordance with the instructions set forth in Rule 6 of this Chap- ter. REPORT AND FEES. RULE 3. The Chemist of the State Tłoard of Health shall make a written report of each analysis conducted under the pro- visions of this Chapter, said report shall be made in duplicate and upon proper forms adopted by this Board, one copy being filed with the Secretary of the State Board of Health, and one copy with the Clerk of the Local Board from whose jurisdiction the IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 51 sample of water was obtained. The Chemist of the State Board of Health shall be entitled to a fee of $10.00 for each sample of water analyzed, said fee to be paid by the corporation, muni- cipality or individual for whom the analysis is made. HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. RULE 4. The provisions of Rules I-2-3 of this Chapter shall also apply to hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, and to the proprietors of every such establishment, whenever the water fur- nished to the patrons thereof is procured from private wells or Sources other than the public water supply of the city or town. ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON REPORT. RULE 5. Whenever any analysis provided for in this Chapter shall reveal the presence of sewage, or other forms of pollution, rendering such water unfit or dangerous for domestic uses, the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall so notify the proper officials of the city, town or township concerned and direct them to make a proper investigation as to the cause of such pollution and forthwith report their findings. All such reports shall be for- warded to the Engineer of this Board, who will advise as to the proper and most economical method to be pursued to protect the public health. COLLECTION BLANKS. RULE 6. The following circular of instructions concerning collection and shipment of Samples of water for sanitary analysis shall be supplied to Local Boards upon application: DIRECTIONS FOR THE COLLECTION OF SAMPLES OF WATER FOR SANITARY ANALYSIS. Containers for samples of water must be perfectly clean, ground glass stoppered bottles—if possible bottles that have never been used and not less than one gallon in size. If it is impossible to obtain the above, a clean new gallon jug may be used. Jugs can be sent directly by express by properly tagging, but bottles must be properly boxed and packed for shipment. Corks used in cases of necessity must be new and well washed. Our Own containers, prepared, boxed and packed, will be sent out on request. The parties making the request will be expected to pay for expressage of Same. COLLECTION OF SAMPLES. (a) From Well—Water should be pumped out freely for a few minutes before collecting. 52 RULES AND REGULATIONS The previously thoroughly cleaned bottle is placed in Sucli .. position that the water from the spout may fall directly into the bottle; rinse out the bottle thoroughly, three times, with the water to be analyzed, before the final collection. The bottle is then to be filled to over-flowing, a small quantity poured out so as to leave an air space of about an inch under the stopper. The stop- per should then be thoroughly rinsed with the flowing water and inserted firmly while wet. The stopper is then secured by tying over it a piece of clean cotton cloth, the ends of the strings used must be sealed on top of the stopper with sealing wax. Under no circumstances must the inside of the neck of the bottle or the stem of the stopper be touched with the hand or wiped with a cloth. (b) From Waterworks, Hydrants or Taps—Allow the water to run freely a few minutes and then proceed precisely as given above under (a). If the sample is to represent the average water of a town, it should not be taken from a “dead end” of a main, reservoir or tank, other than the main source of supply, but from a tap directly connected with the street main in active use and circulation. If it is desired to get the extremes in any water system, the samples should be taken as follows, one from tap on a dead end, the other from the pumps directly. In cases where the high reservoir tank system is used for fire protection, the tanks are often left uncovered where dust, dead sparrows, dead algae and all sorts of debris collect. Samples should be collected with this condition in mind. If the tanks are not frequently cleaned out it furnishes a dangerous culture bed for the whole water Svstem. In such cases the water should be col- lected as near the bottom of the tank as possible. (c) From Stream, Pond, Tank or Reservior—The bottle and stopper should be rinsed with the water to be collected, if this can be done without stirring up the sediment on bottom. The bottle, with the stopper in place, should then be entirely submerged in the water and the stopper taken out at a distance of twelve inches or more below the surface. When the hottle is full, the stopper is replaced (below the surface, if possible), and finally Secured as above. It is important that the sample should be ob- tained free from the sediment at the bottom of a stream and from the scum on the surface. If a stream should not be deep enough to admit of takino a sample in this wav, the water must be dipped up with an absolutely clean vessel and poured into the bottle after it has been rinsed. If the sample be ice, melt the ice naturally—not by artificial IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 53 heat—in a porcelain lined, or glass or vitrified vessel, and pour the entire contents (with sediment) into the bottle. It is important that the sample reach the laboratory as quickly as possible after collecting, and all care must be used to Secure this end. Prior notice of at least a day should be sent the Chemist that the sample will reach the city on such and such a train if possible. In case an interpretation of the results of an analysis is de- sired a certificate for collection will be forwarded and on its re- turn properly filled out—the character of water will be reviewed. An explicit statement of what is desired in the sending of each sample is requested, that the work may be expedited and no mis- understanding occur. In some cases a bacteriological examin- ation of the water is desired, in which cases specially collected samples are necessary and cannot be taken from the sample for chemical analysis. If a microscopical analysis is desired it should be in like manner indicated. For a mineral analysis of water or for boiler scale, hardness or other determination not less than two gallons must be sent. Price and directions will be forwarded on application. The expense of a sanitary analysis will be $10.OO and must be paid by the parties for whom it is made, remittance for which should be made at time of sending sample. Inquiry regarding the chemical analysis of any substance will receive prompt atten- tion, communications regarding which should be addressed direct to the chemist. MANNER OF LABELING AND SHIPPING. All bottles, jugs and containers should be labeled distinctly and numbered. Collect immediately before the time for shipment and express prepaid direct and by the shortest route to Professor Charles N. Kinney, Chemist of the Iowa State Board of Health, Des Moines, Iowa. REPORTS TO BE PUBLISHED AND RECORDED. When the analysis is made for any municipality or Board of Health or in the interests of the public health, the report should be published in some local paper and filed with the Clerk for future reference. Record of analysis is also filed with the Secre- tary of the State Board of Health. 54 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER IX. CEMETERIES, CREAMERIES, LAUNDRIES AND MAN- TJFACTORIES. SEWAGE AND WASTES FROM. RULE I. No creamery, laundry or manufactory shall dis- charge its wastes or Sewage into any river, stream, pond or other body of water, neither shall any such waste or sewage be dis- charged into an Open ditch, or upon any lot, alley or street, until such wastes or sewage shall have been purified to such a degree as to be free from substances dangerous to the public health. LOCATION OF. RULE 2. No cemetery shall be so located or established as to become a probable menace to the public health. ENGINEER OF STATE BOARD TO DETERMINE LOCATION. RULE 3. When any question arises concerning the location of any creamery, cemetery, laundry or manufactory, the health authorities of the village, town or city shall call the Engineer of the State Board of Health to determine the question at issue in the interest of the public health. IOW A STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 55 CHAPTER X. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE INSPECTION . OF ILLUMINATING OILS. REROSENE OIL. RULE I. The Instruments.-The instrument to be used in testing oil under the provisions of Chapter 87, Section 2, Laws Thirtieth General Assembly, shall be that made by Eimer & Amend, New York, and shall have inscribed thereon the words: “Oil Tester, Iowa State Board of Health,” and shall be con- structed as follows: It consists of a sheet copper stand, 8% inches high exclusive of the base, and 4% inches in diameter. On one side is an apperture 3% inches high for introducing a small spirit lamp, or better, a small gas burner, instead of a lamp, when gas is available. The water bath is also of copper, 4% inches in height and 4. inches in diameter inside, provided with a flanged cover ; the opening in the cover 27% inches in diameter. The flange which supports the bath in the cylindrical stand, is one-fourth inch pro- jection. The capacity of the bath is about 20 fluid ounces, which is indicated by a mark on the inside. The oil cup is also of copper. The section below the flange is 3% inches high and 234 inches in diameter. The section above the flange is I inch high and 3% inches in diameter, and serves as the vapor chamber. A small flange at the upper rim Serves to hold the cover, which is of glass, in place. To prevent reflection from the otherwise bright surface of the metal, the inside is blackened by forming a Sulphide of Am- monia. The capacity of the oil cup is about ten fluid ounces, when filled to within one-eighth of an inch of the flange which joins the oil cup and the vapor chamber. r The cover of the oil cup is of glass, three and five-eighths inches in diameter; is perforated on one side with a circular open- ing, which is filled with a cork, through which passes the ther- 56 RULES AND REGULATIONS mometer. On the rim is another oval opening three-fourths of an inch deep, and the same in width, through which is to be passed the flashing jet in testing. The glass cover is used instead of Inetal that the operator may more readily note the exact point at which the flash occurs. A small gas jet one-fourth of an inch in length is best for igniting the vapor. Where gas can not be had, and to prevent the frequent discrepancy in tests made by different inspectors of the same oil at different places, owing largely, if not entirely, to the difference in their torches, and to obviate the frequent annoyance from that fact, and from Smoke from waxed threads filling the vapor chamber of the cup, thereby preventing an accurate and reliable test, a portable gas torch has been devised, which inspectors in this state are required to pro- cure and use for testing products of petroleum. THE FLASH TEST. RULE 2. The test shall be made as follows: Remove the oil cup and fill the water-bath with cold water to the mark on the inside. Place the oil-cup in the water-bath, and fill it with oil to within one-eighth of an inch of the flange. Care must be taken that oil does not ſlow over the flange. Remove all air bubbles with a piece of blotting paper. Place the glass cover on the oil cup and adjust the thermometer so that its bulb shall be entirely covered by the oil. Apply the apparatus for heating the water-bath, and so adjust the flame that the degree of heating will not e.vceed two degrees per minute. When the temperature of the oil has reached ninety degrees Fahrenheit, the test should commence by inserting the torch, which should have a very small flame, into the oval opening in the glass cover, passing it in at Such an angle as to have the flame about three-eighths of an inch above the oil, and reaching near the center of the vapor chamber. The motion must be steady and uniform, rapid, and without any pause. This must be repeated at every two degrees’ rise in the thermometer until one hundred degrees is reachcd, when the torch must be applied at each degree of temperature until one hundred and five degrees is reached. Great care must be exer- cised to secure accuracy at this point, and to this end the torch must be applied just before the temperature reaches the one hun- dred and five degree point. If no flash is shown at this point continue the test at each two degrees’ rise until the flashing point is reached, which is indicated by the appearance of a slight bluish flame ON THE SURFACE OF THE OIL. The lowest point at which this vapor flame appears on the surface of the oil, and a perceptible IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 57 flash is produced, is to be designated as the flashing point. The temperature of the oil must be noted before the torch is applied. The flame of the torch must not touch the oil or come within three-eighths of an inch of its surface. Oil that flashes at One hundred and five degrees, or below that, must be rejected. (Sec- tion 3, Chapter 87, 30th G. A.) - As cold oil will expand by heating, care must be taken that it does not rise so as to flow over or on the flange or shoulder of the oil cup. That part of the oil-cup comprising the vapor chamber and the flange must be dry and entirely free from oil. All air bubbles must be removed from the surface of the oil; this can be done with ordinary blotting paper. The water-bath cup must be filled with cold water for each separate test, and the oil in the cup brought to a temperature of sixty to sixty-five degrees before the lamp is placed under the water-bath. The oil cup must be carefully and thoroughly wiped dry of oil from the previous test. The flame of the torch must not exceed one-eighth of an inch in length or size. FOR TESTING THREE HUNDRED DEGREES. RULE 3. The instrument to be used for testing oils which come under the provisions of Section 6, Chapter 87, Iaws 30th General Assembly shall consist of the cylinder, the copper oil cup, the copper collar, for suspending the oil cup in the cylinder, and an adjustable wire support for suspending the thermometer in the oil. IGNITING AND BURNING TEST. RULE 4. To ascertain the igniting and burning point the test should be made as follows: Fill the cup with the oil to be tested to within three-eighths of an inch of the flange joining the cup and the vapor chamber above. Care must be taken that oil does not flow over the flange, by expansion from heating. Place the cup in the cylinder, cover- ed with the collar. Adjust the wire support so that the ther- mometer bulb, when supported thereon, will be just covered by the oil, the bulb also being near the center of the cup. Place the lamp or gas jet, under the cup. Adjust the flame so that the de- gree of heating will not exceed ten degrees each minute until two hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit is reached, when the rate must not exceed five degrees a minute above that point. The torch to be used must be the same as described in Rule I, for obtaining the flash-point. Apply the torch lightly across and not less than three-eighths of an inch above the surface of the oil at each five degrees rise in the temperature, until the oil ignites 58 RULES AND REGULATIONS and burns. The lowest point at which the oil will ignite and burn is to be taken as the burning point, and no oil which burns at a temperature below three hundred and one degrees Fahrenheit must be approved for the purposes set forth in Section 6, Chapter 87, Laws Thirtieth General Assembly. When approved, the pack- age, cask, barrel, or vessel, containing the oil from which the Oil tested was taken, must be branded with stencil No. 3, as provided in said section and Rule 8. The actual point at which the oil burns must be branded on the barrel. If it burns at three hundred and one degrees, or below that, it must be re- jected. In this test the water-bath cup and the glass cover are not used, the flame of the lamp being applied directly to the bottom of the oil cup. y GENERAL RULES. RULE 5. All instruments, testers, and thermometers to be used by inspectors must be approved by, and registered in, the Office of the State Board of Health. RULE 6. Inspectors must have all previous brands of tests re- moved from packages, casks, or barrels before affixing their brand thereon. RULE 7. Brand Number I must be circular in form, not less than eight inches in diameter, outside measurement, with ample margin to protect the vessel or barrel from the stencil brush, and must contain the following words: “Approved, flash test.…. degrees, Iowa.” And also the name of the inspector, date of inspection, and degree of test. It must also be arranged for adjustable dates, and the degrees of test. RULE 8. Brand Number 2, shall be square in form, not less than seven inches, outside measurement, without date, and must contain the following words: “Rejected for illuminating pur- poses , Inspector, Iowa.” It must contain the name of the inspector; it must be affixed to all packages, casks, cans, barrels, or vessels containing kerosene which does not flash at a point above IO5 degrees Fahrenheit. It must also be affixed to all packages, casks, barrels, or vessels containing gasoline, naptha, or benzine. Brand Number 3 shall be of like form and dimensions as brand Number I, and shall contain the words: “For illuminating cars, approved (or rejected as the case may be) .............................. de- grees, Iowa, IOO - Inspector.” It shall have adjustable spaces for dates, degrees, and the words “approved” and “rejected.” It must also contain the name of the inspector. No oil must be approved for illuminating cars that burns at a temperature below 301 degrees Fahrenheit. Iowa STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 59 Stencil brands must conform to patterns, on file in the office of the Secretary of the State Board of Health. INSPECTORS BRAND. RULE 9. The Inspector's brand must be placed on the package, cask, or barrel, in clear, distinct letters, and must be affixed by the Inspector in person, or by some person under his personal super- vision and control, who is not directly, nor indirectly, interested in the manufacture nor sale of any product of petroleum. The brand of an Inspector is deemed to be his official signature, and must not be permitted to pass out of his custody or control except when otherwise ordered by the Chief Inspector. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. RULE IO. Upon the inspection of oil by an Inspector, the In- spector shall deliver to the owner of the oil, or the person for whom the inspection was made, a certificate of inspection, which shall be in the following form: 60 RULES AND REGULATIONS APPROVED TEST RRESERVE THIS CERTIFICATE **** -------------------------------------- '99 - - - RECEIVFP OF------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------Pol-LARS, as fees for the inspection of.--------------------------------------------Barrels ------------------------------------------ILLUMINATING OIL, and Rejection of ---------------...---------------------------Barrels of GASOLINE, under Chapter 87, acts Thirtieth General Assembly, State of Iowa. --------------------------------Inspector. * - - - - - * = * * * - - O Z ALVOIHILHÃO SÃO LOHÆSNI TIO Tank | Brand ofRecord No. of No.OilPackagesDegrees REJECTED TEST APPROVED TEST Tank | Brand ofRecord No. of No.OılPackagesDegrees - • • • •-, º- - - - - - - - - - - • • • • • •- - - - - -- • • • • • • - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - • • • - - - -• • • •- + - -• - … • • • • • • • •= = = - - -- - ) != • • • • •- - - - -• - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - • • • - - • • ►- - - - … • • • - - - - → -+ - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- «• • • • • - → -+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - • • • • • | | | | ! | t | | | | } ! ! ! ! | ● §§}, Total Fees, No. Barrels Approved, ------------------ No. Ba1 rels Rejected, ------------------ For Whom Inspected------------------- - - * * * * * - - - - * * * * * - - - - sº m 'm * - - - - * * * * * - - - - * * Date of Inspection ---------------- 190. . Inspector. e----------------------- 4- C No. of Certifica IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 61 MIXED GRADES-AVERAGE TEST NOT PERMITTED. RULE II. Where oil of different grades, or standards, is placed in receiving or storage tanks, an inspection must be made, and the actual standard of oil from such tanks obtained at all times before it is put into barrels for sale and use. There must be no average test, by taking an average of the different qualities or standards of oil before it is placed in such tanks. The Inspector must know the quality and standard of the oil before he affixes his brand thereon. Where a number of barrels are filled conse- cutively from a tank, previously inspected, an inspection of one barrel would suffice for that particular lot of barrels, provided, no oil has been added to the tank during the process of filling the barrels. The barreling, testing and branding must constitute one transaction. There must be no lapse of time therein. The statute requires all products of petroleum, kerosene as well as gasoline, to be inspected and branded. The branding is notice to the public of the inspection. The statute makes no distinction in the form or size of the vessel in which such product is placed. It is no less imperative that when fifty gallons of kerosene are drawn from a tank into five ten-gallon cans that the cans should be branded than that fifty gallons of kerosene taken from the same tank and put into a barrel be branded. When a product of petroleum to be used for illuminating purposes has been inspected, the fact of such inspection must be shown upon the vessel from which it is to be sold again or used. When inspected in a stor- age tank or tank car, it need not be re-inspected when barreled or canned, but the barrel, can or package must be branded ac- cording to the actual standard of the article contained therein. The barrel or vessel must not be branded before filling, Empty barrels to be subsequently filled with gasoline may be branded with stencil Number 3 as “rejected for illuminating pur- poses. EveRY BARREL MUST BE INSPECTED. RULE 12. Oil received from jobbers in barrels is frequently of various standards, and the actual standard can not be ascer- tained except by a separate test of each barrel. There must be no average or cumulative tests. For instance, a sample of oil taken from five barrels of IO2 degree oil and five barrels of IOS degree oil would give a mixture that would, when tested, cause the whole ten barrels to be rejected, whereas five barrels, separ- ately tested, would have to be approved. Averages are not per- missible in the inspection service. Every barrel must be tested. RULE I 3. Where oil is shipped into this State in barrels, or from one point in this State to another point in this State, that has 62 RULES AND REGULATIONS not been lawfully inspected within this State, each and every barrel must be inspected and the oil therein tested. The testing of one barrel will not authorize an Inspector to brand the entire number as of the standard of the barrel tested. The practice of jobbers in delivering oil to retail dealers with- out inspection is a direct violation of law. The delivery consti- tutes prima facie evidence of sale. A retail dealer receiving a lot of uninspected oil can not justify himself for selling such oil on the ground that the jobber is responsible to the State for the violation of law. He must immediately notify the Inspector that the oil is in his possession. Inspectors must exercise diligence to arraign offenders and stop the practice. They must, with strict impartiality, insist upon obedience to law in their respective dis- tricts. OIL IN TRANSIT. RULE I4. Oil in transit must not be inspected outside of the district to which it is sent. INSPECTOR TO REPORT EXPLOSIONS TO STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. RULE I5. In case of a lamp explosion the Inspector in whose district the accident occurred shall immediately investigate all the facts in connection there with and report the same to the State Board of Health. - INSPECTIONS TO BE MADE WITHOUT DELAY. RULE 16. Inspectors must regard their duties as Inspectors paramount to all other duties, and upon notification must perform them without delay. ONLY TESTED THERMOMETERS TO BE USED. RULE 17. No thermometer shall be used by Inspectors for testing oil unless the same has been calibrated and tested for errors at the observatory at Yale College, and a certificate secured showing the result of the calibration. A copy of all such certifi- cates shall be sent to the Secrtary of the State Board of Health, and recorded in his Office. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 63 CHAPTER XI. - INSPECTION OF MINER'S OIL. In pursuance with the provisions of Section 2495-a-Code Sup- plement, the State Board of Health adopted the following rules: RULE I. The specific gravity of oil used for illuminating pur- poses in coal mines must not exceed twenty-two degrees, Taglia- bue hydrometer, at sixty degrees temperature Fahrenheit. RULE 2. All oil must be tested in a glass footed cylinder, one and one-half inches in diameter and eight inches deep. RULE 3. Fill the hydrometer jar to within three-fourths inch of the top, introduce the hydrometer, cool or heat as the case may be to sixty degrees, Fahrenheit. Allow the hydrometer to come to rest, read from below, and the last line which appears under the surface of the oil should be regarded as the true reading, care being taken that the hydrometer does not touch the sides of the jar when reading. RULE 4. Fill a round, clear glass bottle two-thirds full with the oil and shake well; the bead should not show fluorescene sim- ilar to that of petroleum products. RULE 5. Fill an ordinary miner's lamp with the oil, light and note character and quantity of Smoke. RULE 6. All material used for illuminating purposes in coal mines shall be free from smoke, bad odor, and by-products of resin, known as mystic oil. RULE 7. Paraffine wax should not contain more than three per cent of oil, and the maximum melting point shall be one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit. To test the melting point of paraffine wax, place a chip of it on hot water, then allow the water to cool slowly, and note the temperature of the water when the wax globule loses its transparency. RULE 8. In all cases of doubt, or question as to inspection, or as to the purity of the oil or paraffine to be used in mines, a sample of the same shall be furnished the State Board of Health for chemical analysis. All oils, therefore, sold by dealers, or their agents, or furnish- ed by mine owners, or operators; or used by miners in any of the coal mines of Iowa, for illuminating purposes, shall, previous to such use, have been duly inspected and branded by some district oil Inspector, legally qualified by the State. NOTE–The laws relating to the inspection of oils are published in the appendix to this volume. 64 RULES AND REGULATIONS CHAPTER XII. - DISEASES OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. RULE I. All cattle brought within this State, from any county or parish within the United States where Pleuro-Pneu- monia is known to exist, shall be subject to quarantine for a period of not less than sixty days. GLANDERS AND FARCY. RULE 2. No person owning or having the care or custody of any animal affected with Glanders or Farcy, or which there is reason to believe is affected with said disease, shall lead, drive, or permit such animal to go on or over any public grounds, unin- closed lands, street, road, public highway, lane or alley; or per- mit it to drink at any public water trough, pail, or Spring ; or keep such diseased animal in any enclosure, in or from which such dis- eased animal may come in contact with, or close proximity to, any animal not affected with such disease. DUTIES OF LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH. RULE 3. Wherever notice is given to the trustees of a town- ship, or to a local board of health, of animals suspected of being affected with Glanders or Farcy, said trustees shall immediately require such suspected animals to be isolated and kept separate and apart from all other animals until released by order of the State Veterinary Surgeon or some person acting by his authority. RULE 4. An animal must be considered as “suspected” when it has stood in a stable with, or been in contact with, an animal known to have the Glanders; or if placed in a stable, yard, or Other inclosure where a glandered animal has been kept. RULE 5. Whenever any animal affected with Anthrax, Glan- ders, or Farcy shall die, or shall be killed, the body of such animal shall be immediately burned, or shall have kerosene poured over it and buried not less than four feet deep without removal of the hide or any part of the carcass. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 65 Reasons for Rule 5. To prevent the possibility of a recur- rence of these diseases from germs existing in the grave which, if not destroyed by some powerful agent, will retain their vitality for a number of years, so as to impart the disease. As they are communicable by inoculation to human beings, great precaution should be used in handling animals affected with this disease. NO VALUE FOR ANIMALS AFFECTED WITH GLANDERS. RULE 6. No animal diseased with Glanders or Farcy shall be deemed to have any property value whatever, and no appraisal thereof will be made. e Reason for Rule 6. Glanders is an incurable disease, and there is no warrant for expending public money in appraising property manifestly worthless, and which can be compensated for only at “its actual value in its condition when condemned”; also to prevent the introduction of diseased animals into the State, and the inoculation of worthless ones for speculative purposes. PREMISES TO BE QUARANTINED. RULE 7. Wherever the owner or person having in charge any animal declared by the State Veterinary Surgeon or other author- ized person to have the Glanders, shall neglect or refuse to destroy said animal, the premises whereon such animal is kept shall be quarantined until such animal is destroyed and the premises thor- oughly disinfected. QUARANTINE DEFINED. RULE 8. The term “quarantine” shall be construed to mean the perfect isolation of all diseased or suspected animals from contact with healthy animals, as well as the exclusion of such healthy animals from the yards, stables, enclosures, or grounds wherever said suspected or diseased animals are, or have been kept. REJECTED ANIMALS TO BE QUARANTINED. RULE 9. So-called “piggy” or pregnant sows and rejected cattle found in railway or packing-house stock yards must not be sold nor delivered to farmers, but held subject to such quarantine as may be deemed necessary to prevent the communication of any contagious disease. EXHIBITION HOGS TO BE EXAMINED. RULE Io. All hogs presented for the Iowa State Fair and Sioux City Fair shall be subject to examination by the State Vet- erinary Surgeon before entering the fair grounds, and to daily inspection during the exhibition. Should any animal be found 66 - RULES AND REGULATIONS diseased with Hog Cholera or Swine Plague, it must be immed- iately removed to a place of quarantine. The show-pen must be cleansed and disinfected under the supervision of the State Vet- erinary Surgeon before and during the Fair. . . * MALLEIN TEST TO BE USED. RULE II. In suspected cases of Glanders and Farcy, when the symptoms do not warrant the State Veterinary Surgeon in condemning the animal, the mallein test shall be recognized as a valuable diagnostic. i DIAGNOSTIC. RULE 12. In suspected cases of Bovine Tuberculosis the Tuberculin test shall be recognized as a valuable diagnostic. STATE VETERINARIAN TO CO-OPERATE WITH U. S. Blu- REAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. RULE 13. The State Veterinary Surgeon is hereby author. ized and directed to co-operate with the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry and may formulate and publish printed instructions for the use of Local Boards of Health pertaining to the treatment and the prevention of the spread of contagious diseases annong do- mestic animals. RULE I4. It shall be the duty of Local Boards of Health up- on the appearance of contagious or infectious diseases among do- mestic animals, to adopt speedy measures to eradicate the same, and to co-operate with the State Veterinary Surgeon to secure such results in the shortest possible time. RULE 15. Whenever the State Veterinary Surgeon shall have knowledge of an outbreak of any contagious disease among domestic animals, he shall take such action as he may deem nec- essary for the prevention of the spread of such disease or diseases, and is authorized to call any assistant veterinary surgeon or other person to aid him in the prosecution of his duties. PREGNANT ANIMALS NOT TO BE USED FOR FOOD. RULE 16. The flesh of pregnant animals shall neither be sold nor used for human food after the seventh month of pregnancy for cows, and the tenth week, for sows. IMPORTED BREEDING CATTLE TO BE TESTED WITH TU- BERCULIN. RULE 17. The importation of registered cattle or cattle eligible to registry for breeding and dairy purposes into this State IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 67 is prohibited, except when such cattle are accompanied with a certificate from an inspector recognized by the authority charged with the control of domestic animals in the state from whence the cattle came, certifying that said cattle have been subjected to the Tuberculin test within sixty days next preceding the date of such importation, and free from the disease. RULE 18. Township Trustees and Local Health Officers of towns, villages and cities are hereby authorized and instructed to seize and hold in quarantine all livestock in violation of above rule, and to notify the State Veterinary Surgeon at the Capitol Des Moines, Iowa. The expense of quarantine and examination must be paid by the owner (or agent) of the quarantined animals as prescribed by law. - RULE 19. This shall not be held to apply to cattle brought into the State from other States for the purpose of exhibition at the State Fairs, or District or County Fairs; Provided, that in the event that sales shall be made from such exhibition herds, to re- main in the State of Iowa, such cattle so sold shall be first sub- mitted to the Tuberculin test before the sale is consummated and the cattle are shipped to their destination. SCABIES (MANGE.) RULE 20. Whenever the State Veterinary Surgeon shall have knowledore of any horses, cattle, sheep, or swine affected with Scabies (Mange), it shall be his duty to place such animals in quarantine and require owners to dip such animals until cured from such disease. - - DUTIES OF LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH. RULE 21. It shall be the duty of any City or Local Board of Health or Township Trustees, whenever notice is given by the State Veterinary Surgeon, or person acting in his authority, of animals being affected with Rabies or having been exposed to the disease, to require such animals to be isolated, tied up, and kept separate from all other animals until released by order of the State Veterinary Surgeon. It shall also be the duty of said City or Local Board, during such outbreak, to destrov all stray dogs or dogs owned by people violating the rules of this section. CARE AND DISPOSAL OF ANIMALs when UNDER TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS. RULE 22. Animals reacting to the Tuberculin test shall be kept in strict quarantine at the expense of the owner; or destroved On the premises; or slaughtered at a packing house where federal inspection is maintained, the owner to receive the price paid by the packing house, its actual value in its condition when destroyed. 68 RULES AND REGULATIONS DISINFECTION. Among the most efficient and convenient agents for destroy- ing disease germs are Heat, solutions of Creolin, Carbolic Acid, Sulphate of Iron, Caustic Soda, or Sulphate of Copper, fumes of Chlorine, Chloride of Lime, Slacked Lime, Lime Water, White- wash and Kerosene Oil. Heat.—This is conveniently applied by means of boiling water or oil, and is especially recommended for disinfecting fabrics of all kinds, leather or wood. Articles of iron or other metals may be purified by heating in a fire. All bedding, litter, excrement, etc., that have accumulated about animals affected with any form of contagious disease, and the carcasses, together with all blood or other fluid elements that have escaped from such carcasses and contaminated soil, should be burned, as surest means of eradi- cating disease. Dirt on earth floors of stables, wherein animals affected with Glandeds or Anthrax have been kept, should be removed to the depth of four inches and burned. - SOLUTIONS. Creolin.—One to fifty or one hundred parts. Carbolic Acid.—Add one part of the acid to five or ten parts of water or oil. f Whitewash.-For disinfecting interior walls of buildings, feed- boxes, mangers, yards, fences, etc., the application of a coating of whitewash prepared from lime in the ordinary way, so thoroughly done as to completely cover every part of the surface designed to be cleaned, is an economical method. FUMIGANTS. Chloride of Lime.—Chloride of Lime and Slacked Lime for disinfecting floors, yards, carcasses, and grounds where dead or diseased animals have lain, in fine powder, shall be scattered over the surface of objects to be disinfected, thickly, so as to form a complete covering. Chlorine.—To generate, take Peroxide of Manganese (to be obtained at any drug store), place in an earthen dish, and add one pound of Hydrochloric Acid (sometimes called Muriatic Acid), to each four ounces of the Peroxide of Manganese. Care should be taken not to inhale the gas. After the floors, walls, etc., of a contaminated building have been cleansed, they should be fumigated by some of the foregoing agents. The doors should be closed and the building otherwise made as tight as possible. Fumes should then be evolved in the IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 69 building for not less than half a day, and the doors kept closed not less than twenty-four hours, when air and sunlight should be freely admitted. . BURIALS. Kerosene Oil.—Carcasses buried in the earth where there is danger of infection by exhumation by other animals should, pre- vious to burial, be thoroughly covered with quick-lime, or Satur- ated with kerosene oil. This will tend to destroy the virus, and will prevent carnivorous animals disturbing the carcass and thereby spreading the disease. * * Freezing.—It has been demonstrated repeatedly, in Iowa, that the frosts of winter thoroughly disinfect pasture lands that have been poisoned with the virus of Texas Fever by herds of Southern cattle during the summer months. From the first of April to the . first of November the virus is likely to retain its vitality, and the strictest precaution is necessary to prevent communication of the disease to Northern cattle. The purifying effect of frost, how- ever, cannot be relied upon for destroying the virus of any other disease than Texas fever, liable to attack livestock in Iowa. It is for the interest of every community, on the appearance of contagious or infectious disease among animals, to adopt speedy measures to eradicate the same, and to co-operate with the State Veterinary Surgeon in securing such results in the shortest time possible. Approved September 28, 1907. PAUL O. KOTO, State Veterinary Surgeon. J. H. SAMs, President State Board of Health. LOUIS A. THOMAs, Secretary State Board of Health. ALBERT B. CUMMINs, WILLIAM C. HAYWARD, BERYL F. CARROLL, WILLSON. W. MoRROW, Erecutive Council. 70 RULES AND REGULATIONS ITEMS OF INFORMATION FOR LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH. The city or town council, and the Local Board of Health, though composed of the same membership, are separate and distinct bodies. Neither can legally transact business for the other, and their meetings must be held independently. The Official acts of the Local Board of Health must be fully recorded in a book kept for that purpose. NOTE–The above remarks also apply to Township Local Boards of Health and Boards of Trustees. All rules and regulations pertaining to health matters must be adopted by the Local Board of Health when in session as such. A city council may adopt health ordinances, but such pro- ceeding is superfluous. The council can materially aid the Local Board of Health in the enforcement of its regulations by adopting an ordinance providing a penalty for violation of the rules and regulations of the State or Local Board of Health. A copy of such ordinance will be found on page 80. The Local Boards of Health must adopt Chapters I and 2 of the Regulations of the State Board of Health, verbatim. In addition to Chapters I and 2 of the Regulations of the State Board of Health, every Local Board must adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to protect and improve the public health within its jurisdiction. This requirement pertains parti- cularly to nuisances. The law is mandatory upon this point, and gives all Local Boards of Health ample authority to prevent and abate nuisances dangerous to the public health of the community. All rules and regulations adopted by Local Boards of Health must be published in a local newspaper, or where there is no such paper published, by posting in not less than five conspicuous places within the jurisdiction of the Local Board. The mayor of the city or town, and the clerk of the township are the Only persons authorized by law to declare or release a quarantine, except that the Local Board of Health when in ses- Sion, may declare and Order quarantine, and release same in ac- cordance with the requirements of the State Board of Health. TOW A STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 71 A Local Board of Health is not legally organized until it has elected a Health Officer. Such official must not be a member of the Board. A person elected by the council as City Physician, is not the Health Officer, but there is nothing to prevent a physi- cian holding both offices of elected by both bodies. The compensation of the Health Officer must be fixed by reso- lution of the Local Board of Health before election. The duties of the Health Officer are among the most important of the munici- pality; therefore the person selected should be the most competent available, regardless of politics. Experience has demonstrated that a liberal salary, and properly organized and equipped Health . Department, will secure the services of a competent Health Officer. Sufficient funds thus expended is economy in the strictest sense of the term. All official notices, including Notice of Quarantine, must be made in duplicate, one copy being served upon the party con- cerned, and the other filed for future reference. Such notice should be served by a Police Officer. Note: Sample forms for notices will be furnished upon appli- cation to the Secretary of the State Board of Health. The Secretary of the State Board of Health will gladly assist Local Boards in the discharge of their duties. When in doubt as to the procedure, write and request information, but to facilitate matters, the following suggestions should be observed. 1st. Write distinctly. . 2d. When possible use a letter head with your name and address. 3rd. State your case as fully, but as briefly as consistent with the circumstances. 4th. If the matter pertains to either of the special depart- ments under the State Board of Health, address as follows: Em. balmers Department, Nurses Department, Water Analysis, Vital Statistics, T3oard of Medical Examiners, etc. READ THE “HEALTH BULLET IN.” The “Iowa Health Bulletin” is the official organ of the State Board of Health. It is mailed regularly each month to every Mayor, Health Officer, Physician, Registered Nurse, School Sup- erintendent, County Attorney, Judge and Embalmer in the State. Every issue contains useful information to Local Boards of Health, and the laity in general. It should be read and filed for future reference. - 72 RULES AND REGULATIONS ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS RECOM- MENDED FOR ADOPTION BY LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH. ^. Rule —Enforcement of Regulations. Section I. The Mayor and Health Officer of the Local Board of Health shall be the executive officers thereof. It shall be their duty severally and conjointly to enforce all the rules and regula- tions now in force or hereafter enacted by this Board, or by the State Board of Health. Sec. 2. All Peace Officers within the jurisdiction of the Board shall assist the Mayor and Health Officer in the discharge of their duties, and shall execute their orders when called upon to do so in their official capacity. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of all police officers to observe the sanitary condition of their districts, and to report through their chief to the Health Officer promptly, any nuisance or ac- cumulated filth found in any portion of the city; or any case of suspected contagious or infectious disease discovered by them. Sec. 4. The Mayor shall have authority to appoint sanitary police whose duty it shall be to aid in the establishment and en- forcement of quarantine regulations, and such other sanitary regulations as may be provided by the State or Local Boards of Health. Said sanitary police shall visit each quarantined premises at least once in every twenty-four (24) hours, and at such other times as the Mayor or Health Officer may direct. They shall see that strict quarantine is maintained, and the premises kept proper- ly placarded with the proper quarantine sign. They shall not enter any dwelling or place unless directed to do so by the Mayor or Health Officer, nor shall they disturb the inmates unless there be good and sufficient reason to believe there is wilful violation of the quarantine regulations therein. They shall have full powers of police Officers to make arrests for violations of quarantine or Other sanitary regulations, and shall file information against such offenders before the police court. They shall report for duty to the Mayor or Health Officer at or before 9 a. m., of each day, or at such other time as directed by them. The compensation shall be the same as that allowed other police officers of the city Of * as , Iowa. Rule—Quarantine Supplies. Section I. The Mayor shall investigate as to the condition and circumstances of all persons placed in quarantine in order to determine their need of supplies, nurses, and medical attendance, and should such investigation, in the opinion of the Mayor, estab- IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH - 73 lish the fact that such quarantined persons are in need of any supplies, nurses, or medical attendance, he shall cause such Sup- plies, nurses or medical attendance as in his opinion are neces- sary to be provided for such quarantined persons. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall make a report to the Board of Health at its next meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, of all expenses incurred by him under Section one (I) of this regulation; all expenses thus incurred shall be audited by the Board, and certified to the County Auditor to be paid as pro- vided in Chapter CXI, Acts of the 31st G. A. Rule—Attending Physician in Quarantine Cases. Section I. No person other than the attending physician first in attendance upon the sick shall enter or leave any quarantined premises, except upon a written order signed by the Mayor and approved by the Health Officer of this Board. Sec. 2. No person shall be regarded by this Board of Health as being a physician or practitioner of medicine who is not a law- ful physician of the State of Iowa, to whom a certificate has been issued by the State Board of Medical Examiners, author- izing him to practice medicine in the State of Iowa. Rüle—Disinfection of School Books, Clothing, Etc. Section I. All second hand school books brought into this city, or that are handled or sold by any book or other dealer, shall be thoroughly disinfected by the Health Officer of this Board and his stamp of disinfection put thereon, and no second hand books shall be used in the public schools of this city, unless they have been properly disinfected and stamped as above provided. Sec. 2. No person shall give, lend or sell, or offer for sale any clothing, or other articles liable to convey infection of any disease, unless the same has been properly disinfected, and such disinfection approved by the Health Officer. Rule—Schools. Section I. Any school teacher or school officer who discovers, or who has knowledge of a case of contagious or infectious dis- ease shall report the same immediately to the Mayor or Health Officer. Sec. 2. During the existence of any contagious or infectious disease in any family, household, or upon any premises in this city, and until after the recovery of the persons so affected, and until after disinfection of the premises and all persons and effects thereon, no person residing in such family or household, or upon any such premises, shall be permitted to attend any public meet- 74 RULES AND REGULATIONS ings; and no superintendent, teacher or officer of any school shall permit any child or person from any such family, household, or premises to attend any such school or enter any school building under their control, without having previously received a writ- ten permit and certificate of good health from the Board of Health of this city, signed by the Health Officer, and stating that said child or person is free from any contagious or infectious disease. This regulation shall likewise apply to all churches, Sunday schools and places of amusement, both public and private, and to the officers or persons in charge thereof. Sec. 3. If any person has attended school when affected with Diphtheria (Membraneous Croup), Scarlet Fever (Scarlet Rash, Scarletina), Measles or Smallpox, the room in which such person attended shall be immediately closed until disinfected in accord- ance with the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health and until the said disinfection is approved by the Health Officer. Rule Registration of Births and Deaths. Section I. The Board of Health shall provide suitable books for the registration of births and deaths. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to keep a complete record of all births and deaths reported to him as herein- afted provided. Sec. 3. Whenever there is a birth of a child within the limits of this city, it shall be the duty of the head of the family upon whose premises the said birth takes place, to appear within ten days from date of said birth before the Health Officer and fur- nish him with all the facts necessary for registration. Rule——Burials and Death Certificates and Disinterments. Section I. Upon the death of any person within the limits of this city, it shall be the duty of the physician who was attend- ing at the time of death, or of the coroner, when the case comes under his jurisdiction, to furnish within twenty-four hours after such death, to the undertaker or other person superintending the burial of said decedent, a certificate setting forth the full name, age, sex, color, place of death, date and cause of death, and such other facts as may be required by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics and the statutes of the State of Iowa. If any person shall die without the attendance of a physician, or if the physician who attended the decedent at the time of death, shall neglect or refuse to give such certificate as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the undertaker, or any person acquainted with the facts, to re- port the same to the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health, who is hereby authorized to give a certificate of death as afore- Iowa STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 75 said, provided, it be not a case requiring the attendance of the COTO116.1". - Sec. 2. No undertaker or other person shall remove the dead body of any human being from any premises within this city, un- less they shall have previously procured a written permit as pro- vided for in Section 4 of this rule. Sec. 3. No sexton or other person shall bury, entomb, or place in a vault the dead body of any human being unless said sexton shall have previously received a written permit signed by the Health Officer of this Board, authorizing the burial of said dead body; and for the purpose of this regulation, any person performing the duties of a sexton or any part thereof, shall be deemed as being a sexton. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of this Board, upon the presentation of a satisfactory certificate of death, in accordance with the provisions of Section I of this Rule, and not otherwise, to issue a permit for interment or for transporta- tion to some other place, or to entomb, or place in a receiving vault, the body of the deceased person named in the certificate of death; provided, that a body dead from any contagious or infec- tious disease shall not be deposited in a receiving vault; and for the purpose of this regulation the placing of a body in a re- ceiving vault shall be deemed an interment, and no body so de- posited shall be removed therefrom without a disinterment permit. as provided for in Section 5 of this Rule. Sec. 5. No person shall disinter the dead body of a human being unless he be in possession of a written permit, signed by the Health Officer of this Board, and countersigned by the Mayor of the city. Application to disinter the dead body of a human being shall be made to the Health Officer of this Board, who is hereby authorized to issue a permit upon the following conditions: 3. The application must be accompanied by a disinterment permit issued by the State Board of Health, together with a certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased per- SO11. b. A separate application and permit must be made for each body to be disinterred. C. The disinterment shall be done by a licensed embalmer under the supervision of the Health Officer of this Board. d. The permit shall be countersigned by the Mayor of this city. . - - - e. No permit shall be issued where the cause of death was from any of the following diseases: Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, Leprosy or Yellow Fever. 76 |RULES AND REGULATIONS Rule—Nuisances. Section I. No privy, vault, cess pool or reservoir, into which a privy, water closet, sink or stable is drained, except it be water tight, shall be established or permitted within one hundred (IOO) feet of any well, spring, or any other source of water used for drinking or culinary purposes. Sec. 2. All privy vaults, reservoirs or cess pools named in Section I shall be cleaned and emptied of their contents at least once every year before the first day of May; and shall be kept thoroughly deodorized and disinfected by adding to the contents thereof, at least twice each week, and oftener if necessary, One pound of Copperas dissolved in half a pail of water, and two ounces of Formaldehyde. And all privy vaults within the limits of this city, shall not be less than five (5) feet deep, and shall be constructed of brick set in cement, or two (2) inch tight lumber. Sec. 3. No privy vault, water closet, cess pool, sink or stable drain shall open into any ditch, stream or drain, except into the public sewers of this city. Sec. 4. All sewer drains shall be constructed of jointed vitri- fied pipe and the points properly set in cement in such a manner as to make them water tight; and no sewer drain shall empty into any lake, pond, creek or abandoned well. Sec. 5. No offal, slops or other waste from any creamery chicken-house, hotel, boarding house, restaurant, laundry, meat market, or private residence shall be thrown or deposited upon any lot, or land, or into any ravine or open ditch. Sec. 6. All dead animals and all decomposed animal matter shall be deodorized and immediately removed to dump grounds provided by the city and there buried at least three (3) feet under ground. - Sec. 7. No Slops, offal, garbage, manure, or any other refuse shall at any time be deposited in any of the streets or alleys, or upon any lot in the city, except it be deposited in a regulation garbage box, as provided for in Section 8 of this regulation. All property owners shall be held responsible for the sanitary condi- tion of the alley abutting on their premises. - Sec. 8. Each and all property owners within this city shall provide a suitable garbage box for each of his premises; said gar- bage box shall be so constructed as to be not more than three (3) feet wide, four (4) feet high and six (6) feet long; and shall be made of tight matched lumber or galvanized iron, and shall stand at least nine (9) inches from the ground and shall be fitted with an attached cover. - - IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 77 Sec. 9. All garbage boxes and their contents shall be kept thoroughly deodorized, and the contents of all such boxes shall be removed at least twice each week, and oftener if so ordered by . the Health Officer, . - -- Sec. IO. All cellars, caves and outbuildings shall be cleansed and disinfected at least twice each year, and all cattle yards, chicken yards, barns or stables when in use, shall be cleaned each day and at all times kept free from all offensive odors. Sec. II. No privy vault shall be allowed upon any premises where there is an attachment to the city sewer. Sec. I2. A violation of any provision or section of this regu- lation shall be deemed to be the commitment of a nuisance and shall subject the violator to the full penalty provided by statute and the ordinances of the city of Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal and other sanitary police officers to enforce this regulation under the super- vision of the Health Officer. - Rule Scavengers. Section I. No person shall perform scavenger work for com- pensation or otherwise, within the jurisdiction of this Board, who has not previously procured a permit and a registered badge from this Board. - - Sec. 2. All applicants for scavenger permits shall produce satisfactory evidence to this Board that they possess the necessary. apparatus with which to perform the work in a satisfactory manner, and shall pay to the clerk the sum of five (5) dollars, whereupon the clerk shall issue to the applicant a permit together with a registered metal badge, which shall entitle the holder there- of to be employed as a scavenger. All permits issued shall ex- pire on the Ist day of April in each year following the date of issuance. Provided that should any such scavenger at any time neglect to comply with any of the Rules or Regulations of this Board, or perform his work in an unsatisfactory manner, the Board, shall have power to cancel his permit, whereupon said scavenger shall return his badge to the clerk and forfeit his per- mit. Provided also that this regulation shall not prevent any per- son from removing their own night Soil or garbage, but all such persons shall conform to the regulations of this Board the same as scavengers except that they shall not be required to procure a permit or a badge. Sec. 3. No scavenger shall charge in excess of the following rates : • - 78 RULES AND REGULATIONS For removal of contents of privy vault or cess pool, per cubic foot, Ioc; household garbage or manure per wagon load 25C, and these rates shall cover all expense of deodorizing. Sec. 4. When the contents of privy vaults or cess pools are to be removed, the soil shall be throughly deodorized and disin- fected before removal; and removal of such soil shall be effected between the hours of IO:30 p. m. and 6 a. m., and at no other times without a special permit from this Board. Sec. 5. All scavengers or other persons engaged in the re- moval of night soil, shall provide for such purpose suitable water- tight tanks or barrels which shall be fitted with tight covers so constructed as to prevent the escape of any of the contents while in transit, and shall at all times keep said tanks or barrels proper- ly cleaned and deodorized. Sec. 6. No night soil shall at any time be deposited on any lot nor be buried within the limits of this corporation. All garbage other than night soil may be removed during the day time, unless otherwise ordered by the Health Officer. Provided that at all times said garbage shall be removed in a tight tank or suitable wagon so that no part of the contents can escape while in transit. Sec. 7. All money received by the clerk on account of scaven- ger permits, shall upon the first day of the month following, be turned over to the city treasurer and credited to the general fund. Rule——Slaughter Houses. Section I. No slaughter house shall be erected nor used within the limits of this city unless a permit from the Mayor has been first obtained, with the advice and assent of the Health Officer. No slaughter house shall be erected or used, within 32O feet of any public highway nor within 600 feet of any dwelling house, school house or church, or any building used for church purposes. All slaughter houses shall be erected on dry, hard land, that can be well drained. They shall be amply supplied with clean, wholesome water from Springs, wells or unpolluted streams. They shall be floored with a tight, solid floor of hard wood, or cement, or well jointed stone. The yards, sheds and close pens shall be dry, and free from mud or filth, and their sides or walls shall be thoroughly whitewashed at least twice each year. All apparatus shall be kept in a neat and order- ly manner, and free from offensive smells. When the slaughter- ing for the day is completed, the sides and floor of the slaughter room shall be thoroughly washed with an abundance of clean water. No other disinfectant will be required. No animal matter of any kind shall be permitted to remain in, under or near the slaughter houses. When blood and offal, or immature animals IOW A STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 79 are fed to swine, arrangements shall be made that such material be speedily consumed. The blood of all slaughtered animals may be conducted by a water-tight gutter to a water-tight trough in the hog yard. The offal and bodies of immature animals shall be thrown into a pen with a tight, dry floor, to be consumed at once by the swine; and all portions not consumed within twelve hours shall be removed from the pen, and be burned, buried or com- posted with fresh earth and lime. When the blood or offal are not fed to swine on the premises they shall be carried away each day in close tanks, or be converted into fertilizers, or otherwise utilized by some apparatus, the gases from which shall be carried under the furnace and consumed. The fat, and all material from which fat or oil is to be extracted, shall be rendered within Such time after the slaughtering of the animals that no offensive odors shall arise therefrom, or from the process of rendering. The provisions of this section, so far as practicable, shall apply to so-called “knacker’s” plants, or plants for the disposal of the bodies of dead animals, and to premises used for the killing and shipment of poultry. Sec. 2. The flesh of pregnant animals must not be sold nor used for human food after the fifth month of pregnancy for cows, and the eighth week for sows. - - N. B.--When possible cities and towns should build and maintain a modern slaughter house with separate compartments for each butcher. A nominal rental should be charged, and a competent per- son employed to clean and care for the building. Rule——Diseased Animals. Section I. Every person owning, or having the care or custody of any animal which he shall know, or have reason to suspect is affected with Glanders, Farcy, Anthrax, or any other contagious or infectious disease dangerous to the public health, shall immediately isolate such animal from all other animals, and shall give notice thereof to the Mayor of the location of such ani- mal. No person owning or having the care or custody of any ani- mal affected with such disease, shall lead, drive or permit such an- imal to go over any public ground, uninclosed land, or on any street, public highway, lane or alley; not permit it to drink at any public water trough, pail or spring ; nor keep such diseased animal in any inclosure in or from which such diseased animal may come in contact with, or close proximity to, any animal not affected with such disease. An animal will be deemed “suspected” when it has stood in the stable with or been in contact with another animal known to have any of the said communicable diseases; or if placed in a stable, yard, or other enclosure where such diseased animal has recently been kept. Whenever an animal affected with any of the diseases herein named, shall die, the body thereof shall be 80 RULES AND REGULATIONS immediately burned, or buried not less than four feet deep, with- out removing the hide from the carcass. All bedding, litter, excrement, etc., that have accumulated about such animal, to- gether with all blood, or other fluid elements that have escaped from it shall be burned. Dirt floors of stables wherein such animal has been kept shall be removed to the depth of four inches and burned. Everything about the stables—combs, brushes, or any post or fence where it has stood, and every part of harness or wagon used with such animal, and the stable where it has been kept, shall be thoroughly disinfected under the direction of a duly qualified veterinary surgeon and approved by the Health Officer of this Board. Whenever the owner, or person having in charge any animal declared by the State Veterinary Surgeon or other authorized person to have the glanders shall neglect or refuse to destroy said animal, the premises whereon such animal is kept shall be quarantined until such animal is destroyed, and the premises thoroughly disinfected. - Sec. 2. “Quarantine” shall be construed to mean the perfect isolation of all diseased or suspected animals from contact with healthy animals; as well as the exclusion of such healthy animals from the yards, stables, enclosures or grounds wherein said sus- pected or deceased animals are, or have been kept. AN ORDINANCE RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION BY CITY COUNCILS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of— Section I. That any person who wilfully violates or fails to comply with any rule or regulation of the State or Local Board of Health or who fails or neglects to comply with any special order of the Local Board of Health in this city, within the time specified in such order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100), or be imprisoned in the county jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprison- ment at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. APPENDIX. - CHAPTER XVI, TITLE XII, THE CODE. Section 2564. The State Board of Health shall consist of the Attorney-General and the State Veterinary Surgeon, who shall be members by virtue of their offices, one civil engineer and seven physicians, to be appointed by the governor, each to serve for a term of seven years and until his successor is appointed ; vacancies to be filled by the governor for the unexpired term. But no one of the seven physicians hereafter appointed shall be an officer or member of the faculty of any medical school, and the governor shall have the power to remove any member of said board for good cause shown. It shall meet Semi-annually in July and Jan- uary and at such other times as it may decide upon, such meetings to be held at the seat of government; suitable rooms (office sup- plies and furniture, except postage and stationery) therefor to be provided by the custodian of the capitol. At the meeting held in July, a President from their number, and a Secretary who shall be a physician not of their number, shall be elected, and the latter have an office in the capitol. For the purposes contemplated in this section the state shall be divided into health districts, numbered and consisting respec- tively of the counties named as follows: District No. I.--Allamakee, Butler, Bremer, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Fayette, Floyd, Grundy, Howard, Mitchell, Winneshiek. District No. 2.-Benton, Cedar, Clinton, Dubuque, Iowa, Jones, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Muscatine, Scott. - District No. 3–Appanoose, Davis, Des Moines, Henry, Jef- ferson, Keokuk, Louisa, Lee, Mahaska, Monroe, Wapello, Wash- ington, Van Buren. District No. 4.—Cerro Gordo, Calhoun, Emmet, Franklin, Hancock, Humboldt, Hamilton, Hardin, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Webster, Winnebago, Worth, Wright. 82 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH District No. 5–Buena Vista, Clay, Cherokee, Dickinson, Ida, Lyon, Osceola, O'Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, Sac, Woodbury. District No. 6.—Audubon, Adair, Cass, Crawford, Carroll, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, Monona, Pottawattamie, Shelby. District No. 7.—Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Marshall, Madison, Marion, Polk, Story, Tama, Poweshiek, Warren. District No. 8.-Adams, Clark, Decatur, Fremont, Lucas, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Ringgold, Taylor, Union, Wayne. When vacancies occur in the State Board of Health, it shall be the duty of the Governor to appoint to membership on the Board physicians residing in the various health districts, until seven such districts are represented on the Board. After which time the annual appointment shall be made from the physicians residing in the district not represented on the Board the preceding year. Sec. 2565. The Board shall have charge of and general supervision over the interests of health and life of the citizens of the state; matters pertaining to quarantine, registration of mar- riages, births and deaths, authority to make such rules and regu- lation and sanitary investigations as it from time to time may find necessary for the preservation and improvement of the public health which when made shall be enforced by local boards of health and peace officers of the state. It shall prepare and fur- nish, through its secretary to the Clerks of the several counties such forms for the record of marriages as it may determine upon, and by its secretary make biennial reports to the governor, which shall include so much of its proceedings, such information con- cerning vital statistics, such knowledge respecting diseases, and such instructions upon the subject of hygiene, as may be thought useful for dissemination among the people, with such suggestions as to further legislation as may be thought advisable. - Section 2566 repealed by the 30th General Assembly. Sec. 2567. The clerk of the court in each county, shall keep a book in which shall be recorded all marriages and divorces within the county, together with Such data respecting the same as shall be required by the State Board of Health, and shall report to the Secretary of the State Board of Health on or before the first day of August in each year such data respecting such marriages and divorces for the year ending June thirtieth immediately pre- ceding. - - Sec. 2568. The mayor and council of each town or city, or the trustees of any township, shall constitute a Local Board of Health within the limits of such towns, cities or townships of which they are officers. The Town City or Township Clerk shall be Clerk of the Local Board, which Board shall appoint a compe- IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH - 83 tent physician as its Health Officer, who shall hold office during its pleasure. It shall regulate all fees and charges of persons employed by it in the execution of health laws and its own regulations and those of the State Board of Health; have charge of all cemeteries dedicated to public use not controlled by other trustees or incorporated bodies, and the burial of the dead; make such regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public health respecting nuis- ances, sources of filth, causes of sickness, rabid animals and quar- antine, not in conflict with any regulation of the State Board of Health, which shall also apply to boats or vessels in harbors or ports within their jurisdiction; to proclaim and establish quaran- tine against all infectious or contagious diseases dangerous to the public, and maintain and remove the same, as may be required by regulations of the State Board ; may, when satisfied upon due examination that any cellar, room, tenement building, or place occupied as a dwelling or otherwise has become, or is by reason of the number of occupants, uncleanliness or other cause, unfit for such purpose, or a cause of nuisance or sickness to the Occupants or the public, issue a notice in writing to such occupants, or any of them, requiring the premises to be put in proper condition as to cleanliness, or requiring the occupants to remove or quit such premises within a reasonable time to be fixed; and, if the persons so notified or either of them, neglect or refuse to comply there- with, may by order cause the premises to be properly cleaned at the expense of the owner or owners, or may forcibly remove the occupants and close the premises, and peace and police officers shall execute such orders, which premises so closed shall not be again occupied as a dwelling place without written permission of the Board. The quarantine authorized by this section in case of infectious or contagious diseases may be declared or terminated by the mayor of any city or town, or the township clerk outside of such city or town, in cases required by regulations of the State Board of Health, upon written notice given by any practicing phy- Scian of the existence of such disease, or termination of the cause for quarantine, as the case may be. Sec. 2569. The Local Board may with its physician when of the opinion it is necessary for the preservation of the lives or health of the inhabitants, enter a building, vessel or place for the purpose of examining into, preventing, removing or destroying any nuisance, Source of filth or cause of sickness, and in case its members or physicians shall be refused such entry, make com- plaint through any member under oath to any magistrate of the county, whether a member of the Board or not, stating the facts So far as known, and the magistrate shall thereupon issue his warrant, directed to any peace officer of the county, commanding 84 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH him between the hours of sunrise and Sunset, accompanied by two or more members of the Board, to prevent, remove or destroy Such nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness, which shall be executed by the officer under the direction of such members of the board, and it may order the owner of any property, building or place to remove at his own expense within twenty-four hours, or such other time as may be fixed by it, after notice has been served upon such owner, occupant or other person in charge thereof, any nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness found thereon, and if such person fails or neglects to comply with the order and make such removal, it may cause the same to be done at the expense of the owner or occupant. *Sec. 2570. When any person shall be sick or infected with Smallpox or other infectious or contagious disease dangerous to the public health, whether a resident or otherwise, the Local Board of Health shall make such provisions as are best calculated to protect the inhabitants therefrom, and may remove such person to a separate house or to a pest house, or detention or other hospi- tal, and shall provide needful assistance, nurses, medical attend- ance and supplies. If in the judgment of Said Board such person cannot be removed, then he shall be cared for at the place where lie resides in the same manner as above provided. In case of the removal of more than one person from the same house, or to any pest house, or detention or other hospital, it shall provide needful assistance, nurses, medical attendance and Supplies necessary for their proper care. All bills for expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this section and in establishing, maintaining or raising a quarantine, including disinfection and the building and furnishing of any pest house, detention or other hospital” shall be filed with the Clerk of the Local Board of Health, which Board shall examine the same and act thereon at its next regular meeting after the same have been filed with the Clerk, and shall certify the amount allowed by it thereon to the county auditor and the county board of supervisors shall act upon said bills as thus certified at its first regular meeting thereafter. The Local Board of Health shall. allow an amount on such bills as shall be reasonable and the cer- tificate of the Local Board of Health shall be prima facie evi- dence of the correctness of such bills, but the board of super- visors may revise the amount So allowed and fix the same. The expenses paid under the provisions of this section shall in no case exceed the reasonable value of the property furnished or services rendered and the county shall not advance such expenses until the same shall have been audited and allowed by the board of super- visors; and the said board of Supervisors shall, at the time it levies the general taxes, levy on the property of the city, town or town- ship, from which such expenses were certified, a sufficient tax to reimburse the county to the extent of one-third of the amount IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 85 paid by it under the provisions of this act. It is further pro- vided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any person quarantined, as herein provided, from employing at his own expense, the physician or nurse of his choice. The forcible removal of infected persons, as herein provided, shall be effected by an application made to any civil magistrate, in the manner provided for the removal and abatement of nuis- ances, who shall issue the warrant as directed in Such cases, to remove such person or persons to the place designated by the Local Board of Health, or to take possession of the condemned or infected houses or lodgings, and such officer shall receive a reas- onable compensation for such services to be determined and al- lowed by said Board. - *As substituted by the 31st General Assembly. *Sec. 2571. Local Boards of Health shall meet for the trans- action of business on the first Mondays of April and November in each year, and at such other times as may seem necessary. They shall give notice of all regulations adopted by publication thereof in some newspaper printed and circulated in the town, city or township, or, if there is none, by posting a copy thereof in five public places therein, and through their physician or clerk shall make general report to the State Board at least once a year, and special reports when it may demand them, of its proceedings and such other facts as may be required, on blanks furnished by and in accordance with instructions from it. All expenses in- curred in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter when not otherwise provided, shall be paid by the town, city or town- ship ; in either case all claims to be presented and audited as other demands. In the case of townships, the trustees shall certify the amount required to pay Such expenses to the board of supervisors Of the county, and it shall advance the same, and at the time it levies the general taxes, shall levy on the property of such town- ship a sufficient tax to reimburse the county, which, when col- lected, shall be paid to and belong to the county. *As amended by the 28th General Assembly. Sec. 2572. Local Boards of Health shall obey and enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board; and peace and police Officers within their respective jurisdictions, when called upon to do SO by the Local Boards, shall execute the orders of such Board. If any Local Board of Health shall refuse or neglect to enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, the State Board of Health may enforce its rules and regulations within the territorial jurisdiction of such Local Board, and for that purpose shall have and may exercise all the powers given by statute to Local Boards of Health; and peace and police officers of the state, when called upon by the State Board of Health to en- 86 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH force its rules and regulations, shall execute the orders of such Board. All expenses incurred by the State Board of Health in determining whether its rules and regulations are enforced by a Local Board of Health, and in enforcing the same when a Local Board has refused or neglected to do so, shall be paid in the same manner as is now provided for the payment of the expenses of en- forcing such rules and regulations by Local Boards of Health. Sec. 2573. Any person being notified to remove any nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness, as in this chapter provided, who fails, neglects or refuses to do so after the time fixed in such notice, or knowingly fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with and obey any order, rule or regulation of the State or Local Board of Health, or any provision of this chapter, after notice thereof has been given as herein provided, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each day he refuses such obedience, or for each day he knowingly fails, neglects or refuses to obey such rule or regulation, or knowingly violates any provision of this chapter, to be recovered in an action in the name of the clerk of the Board, and when collected, to be paid to the clerk of the town, city or township, as the case may be, and for its benefit; and, in addi- tion thereto, any one so offending, or knowingly exposing an- Other to infection from any contagious disease, or knowingly subjecting another to the danger of contracting such disease from a child or other irresponsible person, shall be liable for all dam- ages resulting therefrom, and guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 2574. The Secretary of the State Board of Health shall receive such salary as the Board shall fix, not to exceed twelve hundred dollars yearly, payable upon the certificate of the presi- dent to the state auditor, who shall issue his warrant for the amount due upon the State Treasurer. Each member of the Board shall receive only actual traveling and other necessary ex- penses incurred in the performance of his duties, such expenses to be itemized, verified, certified, audited and a warrant drawn therefor in the same manner as the Secretary's salary. *Sec. 2575-a. That when a controversy arises between muni- cipalities or between Boards of Health thereof, respecting the location of pest houses or hospitals for the treatment of infectious or contagious diseases, such matter shall be referred to the Presi- dent of the State Board of Health, who shall forthwith appoint a Committee of three (3) members thereof, which committee shall upon two days' notice to the parties interested, investigate the matter and make such order in the premises as the facts warrant, and such order shall be final. Sec. 2575-b. The Health Officers of the municipality which is allowed to maintain a pest house or hospital for patients affect- ed by infectious or contagious diseases outside the limits of said IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 87 municipality, shall have exclusive jurisdiction and control of such pest house or hospital for the enforcement of all sanitary and health regulations. *As amended by the 28th General Assembly. Sec. 2576. The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much there- of may be necessary, is annually appropriated to pay the salary of the Secretary, expenses of the board, contingent expenses of the Secretary's office, and all costs of printing; all stich contingent and miscellaneous expenses to be itemized, verified, certified, audited and paid as other expenses of the board. 88 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH e CHAPTER XCIX, ACTS OF THE 30th GENERAL ASSEMBLY. -*- QUARANTINE, CARE OF INFECTED PERSONS AND THE PAYMENT OF EXPENSES THEROF. Section I. That no person known to be infected, or sick with any contagious disease dangerous to the public health shall move or be removed from one city, town or township to another city, town or township, except as hereinafter provided and by written permission of the local board of health of the city, town or town- ship to which such person is to be removed. Sec. 2. If any person known to be infected, or sick with Small- pox or other contagious disease dangerous to the public health shall with the knowledge or consent of any member of the local board of health of the city, town or township in which he resides, be removed from said city, town or township to another city, town or township, either with or without the permission of the local board of such city, town or township to which he is removed, all expense of quarantine or care of such person incurred by the city, town or township to which he is removed shall be paid by the city, town or township from which such person was so re- moved, in the manner provided in section two thousand five hundred and seventy-a (257O-a) of the Supplement to the Code. If said person be so removed to another county, said expenses shall in the first instance be paid by such county and recovered from the county from which said person has been removed. Sec. 3. When it is determined by any physician or health officer that any person is sick with Smallpox or any other con- tagious disease dangerous to the public health while in any city, town or township other than the one in which he resides, pro- vided the distance be not to exceed fifteen (15) miles from his place of residence, then and in that event if the person so dis- eased elect to be moved to the city, town or township in which he IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 89 resides, he may be so removed by private conveyance along the least frequented highways under escort of a health officer to his abode immediately on determining that he is so diseased; and every such vehicle shall carry as a signal of warning, conspicu- ously displayed, a yellow flag not less than two feet Square. All expenses of removal, care and quarantine of such person shall be paid by the city, town or township to which he is removed and shall be paid in the manner provided in Section 2 of this chap- ter. Sec. 4. Any person who shall move, or any physician or any -member of the local board of health who shall cause or assist any persons known to be infected or sick with Smallpox or any conta- gious disease dangerous to the public health to be removed from One city, town or township to another city, town or township, contrary to the provisions of this act or of any regulation of the State Board of Health, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, at the discre- tion of the court. Approved April 13th, A. D. 1904. 90 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH CHAPTER LXXXVII, LAWS OF THE 30th GEN- ERAL ASSEMBLY. LAWS OF IOWA RELATING TO INSPECTION OF PETROLE- UM AND MINER'S OIL. Section 1–Inspectors—Chief Inspector. The Governor shall appoint inspectors of products of petroleum, not exceeding four- teen in number, one of whom shall be designated as chief inspec- tor, who shall have general supervision of the inspection service of the State, except in the matter of making reports and the pay- ment and receipt of fees. All differences arising in the inspection of oils shall be referred to the chief inspector and his decision of the question shall be final. The chief inspector shall make such recommendations to the State Board of Health as may be deemed necessary to improve the inspection service. He shall devote his time and service wholly to the inspection of oil and the duties of his office. Inspectors may appoint such deputies, helpers and branders as may be necessary in the proper discharge of their official duties, but such appointments before becoming effective must be submitted to, approved and confirmed, and their com- pensation fixed by the Executive Council as in their judgment may be necessary, equitable and just. Each inspector shall be a resident of the State, and not interested directly or indirectly in the manufacture or sale of products of petroleum. His term of office shall begin on the first day of July in each even numbered year. He shall give bond to the State in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties, with sureties who shall, in addition to the usual justifi- cation, make Oath, entered on the bond, that they are not directly or indirectly interested in the manufacture of sale of products of petroleum for illuminating purposes, which bond shall be for the benefit of all persons injured through the failure of the in- Spector to perform his duties, and shall be filed with, and the Sureties thereon approved by the Secretary of State. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 91 Sec. 2. Regulations. The State Board of Health shall make rules and regulations for the inspection of petroleum products, for the government of inspectors, and prescribe the instruments and apparatus to be used. Such rules and regulations shall be approved by the Governor, and, when so approved, shall be bind- ing upon all inspectors. Sec. 3. Inspection—Branding—Fees—Supplies. Each inspec- tor shall be furnished, at reasonable expense to the State, with the necessary supplies, instruments and apparatus for testing, and shall promptly make inspection, and test and brand all illum- inating oils kept for sale, and for such purpose may enter upon the premises of any person. He shall reject all oils for illumin- ating purposes which will omit a combustible vapor at a tempera- ture of IOS degrees, standard Fahrenheit thermometer, closed test, not less than one-half pint of oil to be used in the flash test. If upon test and examination the oil shall meet the requirements, he shall brand over his official signature and date the barrel or package holding the same, “Approved. Flash Test.......... ........... De- grees,” inserting in the blank the number. Should it fail to meet the requirements, it shall be branded under his official signature and date, “Rejected for Illuminating Purposes.” All inspections shall be made within the state, and paid for by the person for whom the inspection is made, at the rate of ten cents per barrel, fifty-five gallons for this purpose constituting a barrel, which charge shall be a lien upon the oil inspected, and be collected by the inspector, reported and paid to the Secretary of State, on or before the fifteenth day of each month. For the purposes of this act, gasoline, benzine and naptha shall be deemed illumin- ating oil. No gasoline shall be sold, given away or delivered to any person in this State until the package, cask, barrel or vessel containing the same has been plainly marked “gasoline” in such manner as the Executive Council may prescribe. There shall be no refund nor rebate of charges made or paid for in- spection except upon a duly verified certificate of the owner that the goods, for which such rebate is asked, have been disposed of outside of the State. Said certificate to be in such form as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State and shall be delivered to the inspector and attached to his monthly report. The expense of inspection shall be deducted from any rebate or refund so granted. Any person, firm, corporation or agent violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished accordingly. All necessary supplies, labels, instru- ments and apparatus as contemplated in this chapter, shall be purchased by the Executive Council, and shall be furnished to in- spectors as needed by them, upon requisition therefor, made to the chief inspector, approved by him and forwarded to the Execu- tive Council. Every person who receives products of petroleum 92 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH for sale which have not been inspected as provided in this chap- ter, shall, within five days after the receipt thereof, notify the in- spector of that inspection district that the same is in his posses- sion; and to neglect so to do shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Sec. 4. Record and Report—Reports from Companies, Agents, etc. Each inspector shall keep an accurate record of all oils in- spected and branded, the number of gallons, the number and kind of barrels or packages, the date and number of gallons ap- proved, the number rejected, the name of the person for whom inspection was made, and the amount of money received there- for, the necessary traveling expenses incurred, and the expenses incurred in prosecution, which record at all reasonable times shall be open to public inspection. A copy of this record duly verified under oath for the preceding month shall be filed with the Secretary of State on or before the fifteenth day of each month, who shall examine said report and if found correct en- dorse his approval thereon, and certify the same to the Executive Council, and when approved by said Council, the Auditor of State shall issue his warrant upon the Treasurer of State for the amount so approved and due the several inspectors, and no item of expense shall be allowed and paid not shown in such reports. It shall be the duty of all persons, firms or corporations, officers or agents thereof within the State, receiving any of the products of petroleum subject to inspection, to file with the Secretary of State on or before the tenth day of each month, a certificate duly verified, in such form as shall be approved by the Secretary of State, to cover the month preceding the one in which said re- port is made. Such reports shall show the number of tanks or barrels, and if in tanks the tank number, of each product inspect- ed for such person, firm, corporation, officer or agent, the amount of fees paid for such inspection, to whom paid, and, that the amounts so stated are all the products received by him or them which are subject to inspection during such period. For any failure to make the reports contemplated in this section the per- Son, firm, corporation, officer, agent or employee shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 5. Compensalion of Inspectors—Expenses. Each in- Spector shall be allowed as full compensation for his services all fees and commissions earned and collected by him up to fifty dollars per month, and twenty-five per cent of any sum collected in any one month in excess of fifty dollars, but in no case shall his compensation exceed one hundred dollars per month, except that the chief inspector shall be allowed twenty-five per cent of any sum collected by him in any one month in excess of fifty dollars, up to and not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 93 Inspectors shall also be allowed such other sums necessarily and actually expended in the discharge of their official duties; and for necessary expenses incurred for prosecution of violation of the provisions of this chapter, and for necessary help in brand- ing barrels. All money collected each month by inspectors, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of the following month, be paid to the Secretary of State, and by him accounted for as other fees Of his Office. Sec. 6. Penalties—Damages. If any person, company or corporation or agent thereof, shall sell, or attempt to sell, any product of petroleum for illuminating purposes which has not been inspected and branded as in this chapter provided, or shall falsely brand any barrel or package containing such petroleum product, or shall refill with products of petroleum barrels or packages having the inspector's brand thereon, without erasing such brand and having the contents thereof inspected, and the barrel or package rebranded, or shall purchase, sell or dispose of any empty barrel or package without thoroughly removing the inspection brand, or shall knowingly or negligently sell, or cause to be sold, or shall use or cause to be used, any product of petroleum mentioned in this chapter not inspected and tested, except as otherwise authorized herein ; or if any person shall adulterate with any substance for the purpose of sale or use any product of petroleum to be used for illuminating purposes in such a manner as to render it dangerous, or shall sell or offer for sale, or use any product of petroleum for illuminating pur- poses which will emit a combustible vapor at a temperature of less than IO5 degrees, standard Fahrenheit thermometer, closed test, except as otherwise provided in this section for illuminating railway cars, boats and public conveyances, and except when the oils from which said gas or vapor is generated in closed reser- voirs outside the building to be lighted thereby, and except the lighter products of petroleum when used in such lamps ar appa- ratus which, having been submitted to the State Board of Health and having been examined and tested by said Board shall be found to be safe for the use of the public and for street light by Street lamps, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or if any common carrier shall carry in any railway passenger, baggage, mail, or express car, street railway car, boat, stage coach, Omnibus, or other means of public convey- ance, or use or burn therein any oil or fluid, whether composed wholly or in part of petroleum or its products, which will ignite and burn at a temperature of 300 degrees Fahrenheit thermo- meter, open test, for lighting any lamp, vessel, or fixture of any kind, or boat or Street, railway car, stage coach or other means of public conveyance; or if any inspector shall falsely brand any 94 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH package or barrel, or shall practice any fraud or deceit in office, or be guilty of any official misconduct or culpable negligence to the injury of another, or shall deal or have any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly in any oils or fluids sold for illuminating purposes while holding such office, he or such person, company, corporation or agent shall be fined not less than fifty dollars and shall be liable in a civil action for all damages which may be sus- tained on account thereof, and each such inspector shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or be punished by both fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. Earamination of Lamps and Apparatus. The State Board of Health shall examine the particular design, mechanism, and workmanship of such lamps or apparatus as shall be present- ed to such Board, and test said lamps or apparatus, and, if it shall find any lamp or apparatus to be safe, said Board shall enter the findings of the Board upon the records of the proceedings of said Board. The Board shall have power, in case it comes to the Inotice of the Board that any lamp or apparatus which it has heretofore approved as safe, because either of change of design, the use of unsuitable material, or poor workmanship in the con- struction of such lamps or apparatus, or for any other cause, is unsafe as then manufactured, and dangerous to public safety, to cancel its approval of such lamps or apparatus, and after such cancellation of the approval of said lamp or apparatus, it shall be unlawful to sell or use the same, and no lamps or apparatus manu- factured or sold after such disapproval shall be used in burning the lighter products of petroleum for illuminating purposes. The State Board of Health shall notify by registered letter the several inspectors of any approval or disapproval by them of any lamp or apparatus submitted to them for examination. Sec. 8. Removal of Inspectors. It shall be the duty of the Governor to remove from office any inspector who is incompetent or unfaithful in the discharge of his official duty, or, having knowledge of the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, shall neglect or refuse to prosecute the offender. In July of each year each inspector shall file with the Secretary of the Executive Council, an inventory of all instruments and ap- paratus belonging to the State, in his possession, or that of his duputy or helper, which shall be fully accounted for in such Imanner as may be prescribed by the Executive Council. Sec. 9. Biennial Report. The Secretary of State shall make and deliver to the Governor a report, for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June in each odd numbered year, of aii inspections made, the receipts and expenditures therefor, and IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 95 * such other items as are by this chapter required to be made of record. Sec. Io. Repealed. The law as it appears in chapter eleven (II), title twelve (I2), of the code and the law as it appears in sections two thousand five hundred and three (2503), two thousand five hunded and eight (2508) and two thousand five hundred an eight-a (2508-a), of the supplement to the code, re- lating to the inspection of petroleum products, are hereby re- pealed and the foregoing enacted in lieu thereof. Approved April 6, A. D. I907. 96 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH CHAPTER LII, LAWS OF 27th GENERAL ASSEM- BLY. -ms LINSEED OIL. Chapter 52, laws of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, relating to the sale of linseed (or flaxseed) oil, imposes new duties upon the State Board of Health and upon the oil in- pectors of the state. Sections 4 and 5 relating to the “duties and powers of inspectors and board of health” and “the cost of ana- lysis,” are as follows: Sec. 4. Duties and Powers of Inspectors and Board of Health. It shall be the duty of the inspectors of petroleum products, under such rules and regulations as the State Board of Health may prescribe, to enforce the provisions of this act. The violation of any of the provisions of this act relating to the manufacture and adulteration of linseed or flaxseed oil is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and any court of competent jurisdiction is authorized, upon application of the Board of Health or its agents, to enjoin such violation, in the same manner as injunctions are usually granted under the rules and practice of such court. The board, its inspectors, assistants, experts and chemists, and others appointed by it, shall have access, ingress, and egress to and fro:m all places of business and buildings where linseed or flaxseed oil is kept for sale, stored or manufactured. They shall also have the power and authority to open any tank, barrel, can, or other vessel containing such oil, and may inspect the contents thereof, and take samples therefrom for analysis. All clerks, book- keepers, express agents, railroad agents, or officials, employes of common carriers, or other persons, shall render them all the assistance in their power, when so requested, in tracing, finding, or inspecting such oil. Sec. 5. Cost of Analysis. It shall be the duty of the court in every action brought under this act to tax as costs in the cause, the actual and necessary expense of analyzing the linseed or flaxseed oil which shall be in controversy in such proceedings; provided, that the amount so taxed shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five (25) dollars. It shall be the duty of the county attorney upon the application of the State Board of Health, to at- tend to the prosecution in the name of the State, of any suit brought for violation of any of the provisions of this act within his county. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 97 CHAPTER CXXXVIII, ACTS OF THE 32d GEN- ERAL ASSEMBLY. - MATERNITY HOMES. An act to prohibit and regulate hospitals, institutions and places, created for or maintained and used as lying-in or mater- nity hospitals or places for the reception, care and treatment of women in labor. Section I. That from and after the taking effect of this act, it shall be unlawful to erect, or establish or maintain, conduct, keep or carry on, or continue to maintain, keep or carry on, within this state, any lying-in or maternity hospital, or any institution or place for the reception, care and treatment of women in labor, or where females may be received, cared for and treated during pregnancy or after delivery, or any hospital wherein women are received, cared for and treated during pregnancy, or after de- livery, the proprietor, owner or, persons in charge of which, or any person representing them, undertakes to adopt or procure or assist in procuring the adoption or disposal of any child born therein within two hundred feet of any church building, univer- sity, School or other institution of learning, or public park, or in a building situated within 75 feet of premises owned by an- other. And it shall from and after the taking effect of this act be unlawful to so erect, establish, maintain, conduct, keep or carry on, or continue to keep or carry on elsewhere in this state, any place or places above enumerated, for any such purpose or purposes, without having first obtained a permit in writing, as hereinafter provided. This act shall not apply to general hospi- tals for the treatment of diseases, obstetrics and surgical cases. Sec. 2. The State Board of Health is hereby authorized to grant a permit in writing, to establish, maintain, conduct, keep or carry on such lying-in or maternity hospital, or hospital ward, or institution, or place for the reception, care and treatment of women in labor, for pay, or where females may be received, cared for or treated during pregnancy or during or after delivery, for pay, at any place within the state, except as prohibited in 98 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH section one of this act; but only one such permit shall be issued for any one premises. Sec. 3. Any person or persons who desire to obtain the permit provided in section two of this act, shall file with the State Board of Health an application for said permit, naming each person to whom said permit is to be granted, and particu- larly describing the place or premises to be used for said pur- poses, and the location thereof; and shall also cause to be filed with said State Board of Health a statement signed by two regu- lar physicians, holding a certificate, in force, from the State Board of Medical Examiners of this state, to the effect that, to the personal knowledge of each of Said physicians, said person, or each of said persons, is of good good character and reputation; that he has personally examined the premises described in the application for said permit, and that the same are suitable and properly furnished for the uses described in section one of this act, and that such hospital or ward or other institution or place will be for the public convenience. Upon the filing of such ap- plication for a permit, together with said physicians' certificate, the State Board of Health shall satisfy itself as to the correctness of the matters set forth in said application and physicians' cer- tificate, and shall cause said premises to be inspected, for which inspection a ſee of five dollars shall be paid by the person or per- sons signing such application, and when so satisfied, and upon the payment of a fee of twenty-five dollars by the person or per- sons applying for said permit to the State Board of Health, said State Board of Health shall issue its permit, particularly naming the person or persons to whom granted, the description and loca- tion of the premises to be used, and the purposes for which said permit is granted, which permit shall continue in force for one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked. Said permit may be renewed, from time to time, whenever said State Board of Health deem it proper so to do, and upon payment to said Board of a fee of five dollars for each renewal thereof. Said per- mit shall not authorize the use of any other place or premises than the one named in said permit, or in the renewal thereof. Provided that no fee mentioned in this section should be required of any religious or charitable institution conducting such lying-in or maternity hospital. | Sec. 4. The person or persons in charge of the place described in said permit shall keep a true, accurate and complete register of all patients and of all births and deaths occurring upon said premises, giving date of entry of each patient, date of birth and name of each child born on said premises, and the age of all children dying thereon, and the same particulars, as well as the name, so far as known, of any woman patient dying on said IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 99 premises; and said person or persons in charge of the place described in said permit shall furnish to the officer authorized by law to receive them, all of the particulars required by law to be furnished for the due registration of each birth or death OC- curring on said premises, except when such particulars have been furnished by the physician in attendance at birth, or attending on the person so dying thereon. The State Board of Health shall furnish blanks to all permit holders specified in this act and to be filled out and returned to the State Board of Health within twenty-four hours after the birth or death of any child or death of any woman patient dying on the premises described in such permit giving date of birth, and sex of each child born on said premises and name and age of the mother, and if the true name of the mother cannot be ascertained then the assumed name given by her, and the age and sex of all children dying on said premises. And the State Board of Health shall keep a record of same, which record shall be accessible to the members of the State Board of Health, members of the Board of Control of State Institutions, the Attorney-General and any county attorney in the state, and to no other person except on order of a Court Of Record. Sec. 5. The person or persons in charge of the premises described in such permit shall not adopt or dispose of by adop- tion or procure or assist in the disposal by adoption of any child born thereon, without the articles of adoption being filed as re- quired by law. Within twenty-four hours after the departure, removal or withdrawal from said premises of any child born thereon, or of the body of any such child, the person or persons in charge there- of shall enter upon said register a record of such departure, re- moval or withdrawal and the name or other description of said child, the name or names and respective residences of the person or persons who took said child or its body, the disposition made of said child or its body, the place to which the same was taken and where the same was left. Sec. 6. Every person in charge of the premises described in any such permit, his servants, employes or agents, shall per- mit visitation or inspection of said premises, and of the register in this act provided to be kept, to be made at any time, by the State Board or Local Board of Health of by any person desig- nated in writing by the State or Local Board of Health for that purpose. It shall be the duty of the Local Board of Health of the city, town or township in which such premises are maintained to inspect such premises at least once in six months; and to file an accurate report of such inspection with the city, town or township clerk of the city or township in which such premises 100 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH are maintained, and that such report shall be preserved as a permanent record. Sec. 7. Said permit may be revoked after reasonable notice by the State Board of Health, and a conviction under the succeeding section of this act shall operate to terminate and re- voke said permit. Sec. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act or making any false entry on the register required by this act to be kept, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by confinement in the county jail not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. And the premises so unlawfully used are hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the same shall be subject to the proceedure provided in section twenty-four hundred and five (2405), twenty-four hundred and six (2406) and twenty-four hundred and seven (2407) of the Code, as far as applicable thereto. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 101 CHAPTER CXXXIX, ACTS OF THE 32d GENERAL 3. ASSEMBLY. REGISTERED NURSES. An Act to Provide for the Examination and Regulation of Graduate Nurses. Also to Regulate the Practice of Nursing by Graduate Nurses and to Provide a Penalty for the Violation Thereoſ. a’ 5 Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person to profess to be a registered nurse without first obtaining from the State Board of Health a certificate authorizing him or her to practice nursing in this State, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. At the annual meeting of the State Board of Health it shall select two physicians ſron its own membership, and two graduate nurses, residents of this State, actively engaged in the practice of nursing, who, together with the Scoretary of the State Board of Health, shall constitute the examining committee for the year. The examinations provided for in this act shall be held in the city of Des Moines in July of each year and at such other times and places as the Doard of Health shall direct. All applicants for certificate to practice nursing shall have attained the age of twenty-three (23) wears and shall be of good moral character. They shall be graduates of training schools recog- nized as heing in good standing by the State Board of Health of Iowa, and shall have received at least two (2) years' instruc- tion in general hospital practice. After July 1st, IOIO, no train- ing school shall he accredited by the State Board of Health as a school of recognized standing which is not attached to a general hospital and which does not have a course of study of at least three (3) years. All graduate nurses who are residents of the State and who have been engaged in the practice of nursing prior to the passage of this act shall be granted a certificate with- out examination upon the payment of the registration fee of five dollars ($5.OO), and the same rule shall apply to all nurses who graduate from a recognized school prior to July 1st, 1907. Nurses holding diplomas from hospital training schools of recog- 102 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH nized standing, upon application to the Secretary of the State Board of Health, shall be granted a permit to practice until the first examination of the Board following the issuance of said permit. Sec. 3. After the passage of this act, any person who is not exempt from examination by Section Two (2) of this act and who shall apply for a certificate to practice nursing shall be ex- amined in the following subjects: Elementary Hygiene, Ana- tomy, Physiology, Materia Medica, Dietetics, and also practical nursing, medical and surgical nursing, Obstetrics, nursing of children, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health relating to infectious diseases and quarantine and such other subjects as the Examining Board may require from time to time. Each applicant shall pay the Secretary of the State Board of Health a fee of five dollars ($5.00). If the examination be satisfactory to three members of said committee, it shall so report to the State Board of Health; if the Board find the re- port and ratings correct, it shall authorize its President and Secretary to issue a certificate to the successful candidate for which such candidate shall pay an additional fee of one dollar ($1.00). This certificate shall confer upon the holder the right to practice as a registered nurse, and be conclusive evidence thereof. The State Board of Health is empowered to recognize certificates issued to nurses under the laws of other States hav- ing substantially similar requirements to those existing in this state: provided, that such states recognize certificates issued by the State of Iowa; then certificates issued by authority of such other states may be deemed sufficient evidence of qualifications of the licentiate without further examination for certificate in this State; the fee for such certificate shall be ten dollars ($1 O.- OO). The holder of such certificate provided for in this act, shall cause the same to be registered in the office of the County Recorder of the county wherein he intends to reside. Sec. 4. No person after January 1, 1908, except one holding a certificate under authority of this act shall advertise to be or assume the title of registered nurse or use the abbreviation “R. N.” or any other words, letters or figures to indicate that the person using the same is a registered nurse, and it shall be un- lawful for any graduate nurse to practice nursing as a graduate or registered nurse in the State of Iowa without first having reg- istered under this act. Sec. 5. This act shall not apply to any person nursing the sick with or without pay who does not in any way assume to be a registered or graduate nurse. Sec. 6. The Board of Health may refuse to grant, or renew, any certificate provided for in this act, to a person otherwise IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 103 qualified, who obtained said certificate by false or fraudulant rep- resentation, or for immoral or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, or for wilful or repeated violation of the rules and regu- lations of the State Board of Health; and the Board may revoke any certificate issued by it, for any such or similar cause ; pro- vided, that before the revocation of any certificate issued under the provisions of this act, the licentiate shall have been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. At least twenty (2O) days prior to the date set for such hearing, the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall cause written notice, under registered mail, to be sent to the licentiate at his last known place of residence; said notice shall contain a statement of the charges. and the date and place set for the hearing before the Board. If the party thus notified fails to appear, either in person or by coun- sel, at the time and place designated in said notice, the Board may, after receiving satisfactory evidence of the truth of the charges and the proper issuance of the notice, revoke said certificate. If the licentiate appear, either in person or by counsel the Board shall proceed with the hearing as herein provided. The Board may receive and consider affidavits and oral statements, and shall 'cause stenographic report of the oral testimony to be taken, which together with all other papers pertaining therete, shall be pre- served for one (1) year. If five (5) members of the Board pres- ent at the hearing are satisfied that the licentiate is guilty of any of the offenses charged, the certificate shall be revoked, for such time as the State Board of Health may determine. Sec. 7. Each member of the Examining Committee, except the Secretary shall receive for his services out of the funds created by the payment of fees by applicants for examination such com- pensation as is allowed to the members of the State Board of Medical Examiners for like services and the Secretary shall re- ceive his necessary expenses incurred for services which cannot be performed at the Capitol. All printing, postage and other contingent expenses, necessarily incurred under the provisions of this act shall be paid from said fund. All expenses incurred under the provisions of this act shall be itemized, verified, and audited, and a warrant drawn therefor on the nurses’ fund in the same manner as other expenses of the State Board of Health. Sec. 8. Any person who shall knowingly violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined a sum not exceedino one hun- dred dollars ($10O.OO) or imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding thirty (30) days. 104 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH wº CHAPTER CXL, ACTS OF THE 32d GENERAL ASSEMBLY. - & LICENSED EMBALMIERS. An act to regulate the transportation of dead bodies, and to provide for examination and license of embalmers, and to pro- vide penalties for violation. Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person to embalm or otherwise prepare for transportation by railway or other public conveyance, the dead body of any human being, or to embalm or otherwise prepare any such body, or practice, or publicly profess to practice the art of embalming without first obtaining, from the State Board of Health, a license authorizing him to practice em- balming in this State. Sec. 2. At the annual meeting of the State Board of Health it shall select two physicians from among its own membership, and two licensed embalmers, residents of this State, who, together with the Secretary of the State Board of Health, shall constitute the examining committee for the year. The examinations pro- vided for in this act, shall be held in the City of Des Moines, in July and January of each year and at such other times as the Board of Health may direct. All applicants for license to practice embalming, shall have attained the age of twenty-one years and shall have had not less than two vears' practical experience un- der a licensed embalmer in this State, or in lieu thereof, shall have had a practical experience of not less than one year under a licenced embalmer, and have completed the regular course of in- struction in a school of embalming recognized as being in good standing by the State Toard of Health of Iowa; in addition to all said requirements, each applicant for an embalmer's license shall have actually embalmed not less than ten bodies under the super- vision of a licensed embalmer, prior to the day of examination. Each applicant for examination shall file with the Secretary of the State Board of Health not later than ten days prior to the date of the next examination, a sworn statement of his age and other IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 105 qualifications as required by this act, and a certificate of good moral character, signed by three responsible citizens, one of whom must be a licensed embalmer personally acquainted with the applicant for at least one year. All applications under this act shall be upon blanks furnished by the State Board of Health. Sec. 3. After the passage of this act, each applicant for li- cense to practice embalming, shall be examined in the following subjects: Anatomy, sanitary science, the care, disinfection, pres- ervation, transportation of and burial, or other final disposition of dead bodies, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health relating to infectious diseases and quarantine; he shall also demonstrate his proficiency as an embalmer by operations on cadaver. The examination papers and oral answers shall, when concluded, be graded upon the scale of one hundred, each appli- cant first to pay, to the Secretary of the State Board of Health, a fee of five dollars ($5.00) therefor. The average rating requir- ed to pass shall be fixed by the Board of Health prior to the examination. If the examination be satisfactory to three mem- bers of the examining committee, it shall so report to the State Board of Health; if the Board find the report and the rating cor- rect, it shall authorize its President and Secretary to issue a license to the successful candidates, for which such candidates shall pay an additional fee of one dollar ($1.00). The license while in force, shall confer upon the holder the rio.ht to practice embalm- ing, or to otherwise prepare dead bodies for transportation, bur- ial, or other authorized mode of final disposition, and be conclus- ive evidence thereof. Sec. 4. Any person holding an unexpired license from the State Board of Health as an embalmer, shall be held to be li- censed as an embalmer 11nder the terms of this act, but all licenses now in force, or hereafter issued, shall expire on the thirtieth (30) day of June following the date of the issuance of said li- cense. Licenses may be renewed without examination annually by the State Board of Health within thirty (30) days after ex- piration, provided the holder of said license shall make applica- tion to said Board, and pay to the Secretary thereof the sum of one dollar ($1.OO) renewal fee. The State Board of Health is empowered to recognize licenses issued to embalmers by author- ities under the laws of other states having substantially similar re- quirements to those existing in this State, provided, that such States recognize licenses issued by the Iowa State Poard of Health ; then licenses issued by authority of such other states may be deemed sufficient evidence of qualifications of the licentiate without further examination for license in this State ; the fee for such license shall be ten dollars ($10.00). The owner of any license or renewal, provided for in this act, shall cause the same 106 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH to be registered in the office of the Board of Health of each city or town wherein he intends to practice the art of embalming, and no transportation permit shall be issued by the Local Board to any person not SO recorded. Sec. 5. The Secretary of the State Board of Health shall keep a record of the names and residence of all persons to whom licenses have been issued, with the official number and date of issuance; a copy of this record, together with such other informa- tion as may tend to improve the public service shall be published annually. * Sec. 6. The State Board of Health may refuse to grant, or renew, any license provided for in this act, to a person otherwise qualified, who obtained said license by false or fraudulent repre- sentation, or for habitual intoxication, or for immoral or un- professional or dishonorable conduct, or for willful or repeated violations of the rules or regulations of the State Board of Health; and the Board may revoke any license, issued by it, for any such or similar cause; provided, that before the revocation of any license issued under the provisions of this act, the licentiate shall have been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. At least ten (IO) days prior to the date set for such hear- ing, the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall cause written notice, under registered mail, to be sent to the licentiate at his last known place of residence; said notice shall contain a statement of the charges, and the date and place set for the hear- ing before the Board. If the party thus notified fails to appear, either in person or by counsel, at the time and place designated in said notice, the Board may, after receiving satisfactory evidence of the truth of the charges and the proper issuance of the notice, revoke said license. If the licentiate appear, either in person or by counsel, the Board shall proceed with the hearing as herein provided. The Board may receive and consider affidavits and oral statements, and shall cause stenographic report of the oral testi- mony to be taken, which, together with all other papers pertain- ing thereto, shall be preserved for one year. If five (5) members of the Board, present at the hearing, are satisfied that the licentiate is guilty of any of the offenses named in this section, the license shall be revoked. After the revocation of a license, the licentiate or holder thereof, shall not practice embalming or any of its branches in this State. Sec. 7. The State Board of Health shall have sole jurisdiction over the transportation of all dead bodies and of all methods pre- paratory thereto, and the said Board is hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations, relating thereto, as in its opinion are necessary to subserve and protect the public health; said rules IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 107 and regulations, when made, shall be enforced by the Secretary of the State Board of Health. Sec. 8 It shall be unlawful for any railway agent, express agent, baggage master, conductor or other person acting as such, to receive the dead body of any person for shipment, or transpor- tation by railway or other public conveyance, to or from any point in this State or to a point outside of this State, unless said body be accompanied by a removal or shipping permit signed by the Health Officer of the Local Board of Health, and a certificate, attached to the outside box containing such body, showing the name and official number of the embalmer by whom it was pre- pared ; and the method of preparation employed ; provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the ship- ment of dead bodies intended for use for anatomical purposes within this State when the same are so designated by the shipper. Sec. 9. Each member of the examining committee, except the Secretary, shall receive for his services, out of the funds created by the payment of fees by applicants for examination or license, and renewals, such compensation as is allowed the mem- bers of the State Board of Medical Examiners for like services, and the Secretary shall receive the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.OO) per month, and his necessary expenses incurred for ser- vices which can not be performed at the Capitol. All printing, postage, and other contingent office expenses necessarily incurred under the provisions of this act, shall be paid from said fund. Any balance of said funds remaining shall be turned over to the State Treasurer for the use of the State. All expenses incurred under the provisions of this act shall be itemized, verified and audited, and a warrant drawn therefor on the embalmers’ fund in the same manner as other expenses of the State Board of Health. Sec. IO. Any person who shall knowingly violate any of the provisions of this act, or who shall offer a forged removal, ship- ping or transportation certificate, or who shall certify falsely as to the preparation of a dead body, or who shall represent himself to be the bona fide Owner of a license or renewal when such license or renewal was not regularly issued to him by the State Board of Health, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($10O.- OO), or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceed- ing thirty (3O) days, or both, at the discretion of the court. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the State Board of Health, to see that the provisions of this act are properly administered and enforced throughout the State, and all peace officers and county attornews shall aid in their several capacities in the dis- charge of these duties. Sec. II. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. 108 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH / CHAPTER CXXIX, LAWS 28th GENERAL AS. SEMBLY. w |UNCLAIMED BODIES. Section I. Repealed.—That section forty-nine hundred and forty-six (4946) of the Code be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following enacted as a substitute therefor. Sec. 2. Bodies for Medical Purposes—How Distributed.— Every Coroner, Undertaker, Superintendent or Managing Officer of any public asylum, hospital, poor house or penitentiary in this State, shall deliver the bodies of uninterred deceased persons in his charge suitable for scientific purposes with the consent of the friends or relatives, if known, and without such consent if not known to medical colleges or schools within the State, for the purpose of scientific medical study, unless the deceased person expressed a desire during his last illness that his body should be buried or cremated ; such bodies shall be equitably dis- tributed among the medical colleges and schools in the state un- der such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the State Board of Health, and the number so distributed shall be in pro- portion to the number of students matriculated at each medical college or school. The expense of such distribution shall be paid by the medical college or school receiving the bodies. If there shall be more bodies than are required by the medical col- leges or schools of the State, the same may be delivered to physi- cians in the State, under such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the State Board of Health. Sec. 3. Duties of Various Officers.--It shall be the duty of every such Coroner, Undertaker, Superintendent or Managing Officer of a public asylum, hospital, poor house, or penitentiary, as SOOn as any such body shall come into his custody, or as soon as any person shall die, whose body, under the provisions hereof, should be delivered to a medical college or school, to at once noti- fy the Secretary of the State Board of Health by telegram of IO WA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 100 the fact, and to hold such body unburied for forty-eight hours thereafter, and to deliver the body to such medical college or school as the Secretary of the State Board of Health may direct. If, however, such body is subsequently claimed by any relative or friend, it shall be at once, by the person or persons having the same in charge, or by the medical college or school to which it has been delivered, surrendered to such relative or friend for burial. Sec. 4. Body Held Subject to Claim.—Every medical col- lege or school, or person receiving the body of any deceased per- son under the provisions hereof, shall hold the same for the per- iod of sixty days, subject to the claim of relatives and friends. Sec. 5. Penalties.—Any Coroner, Undertaker, Superinten- dent, or Managing Officer of any public asylum, hospital, poor house or penitentiary within this State into whose hands the body of a deceased person shall come, which should be delivered to a medical college or school under the privisions hereof, who shall willfully neglect or refuse to notify the Secretary of the State Board of Health of the existence of such body, or refuse to deliver the same to a medical college or school upon the direc- tion of the Secretary of the State Board of Health, as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereoſ be fined any sum not exceeding fifty dollars; and any person who shall receive or deliver any body or remains knowing that any of the provisions of this act have been violated, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than two years. or fined not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars, or both. Approved April 16, 1900. 110 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH tº CHAPTER CI, LAWS 30th GENERAL ASSEMBLY. -ass== BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Section I. Establishment.—The Bacteriological Laboratory of the Medical Department of the State University at Iowa City, is hereby established as a permanent part of the Medical Depart- ment of the University work, and it shall, in addition to its reg- ular work, perform all scientific analyses and tests, chemical, microscopical or other scientific investigations, which may be re- quired by the State Board of Health, and it shall make prompt report of the results thereof, under such rules and regulations as the said State Board of Health may from time to time adopt. Sec. 2. Director.—Reports.-The Professor of Bacteriology of the Medical Department of the State University shall be the Director of said Laboratory and shall make or cause to be made all such analyses, tests and investigations as shall be required by the State Board of Health as provided in the preceding section, causing the same to be made without delay and giving such analyses, tests or investigations the preference of the point of time over all other work, and shall make prompt report of the result thereof to the Board of Health or to such person or per- sons as the Board of Health may by rule or designation designate. Sec. 3. There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of more perfectly equipping the present Bacteriological Laboratory at the State University and for the purpose of enabling it to per- form the duties hereby imposed, and to provide it with the neces- Sary apparatus and assistants to render the same effective, the Sum of six thousand ($6,000) dollars annually, or so much there- of as may be necessary, to be additional salary of the Director, the assistants, the expenses of said Laboratory as may be neces- sary by this act, including postage, stationery and other con- tingent and miscellaneous expenses which may be incurred in the maintaining of said Laboratory and performing the duties required therein by the provision of this act. The Director shall receive such additional salary not to exceed twelve hundred ($1,200) dollars per year, as the State Board of Health may fix. The appropriations hereby provided shall be expended in the man- ner provided in Section two thousand five hundred and seventy- five (2575) of the Code. (As amended by Chapter 137, Laws 32d G. A.) Iowa STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 111 CHAPTER XVII, TITLE 12, CODE. sm- OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Section 2576. Board of Medical Evaminers—Eraminations —Certificates.—The State Board of Medical Examiners shall consist of the physicians of the State Board of Health, and the Secretary of the Board of Health shall be Secretary thereof. It shall hold regular meetings in January and July, and Special ones as may be necessary, due notice thereof being given, at which it shall discharge the duties contemplated by this chapter. All examinations shall be in writng, each candidate for exam- ination in any school of medicine being given the same set of questions covering Anatomy, Physiology, General Chemistry, Pa- thology, Surgery and Obstetrics. In Materia Medica, Therapeu- tics, and the principles and practices of medićine, a set of ques- tions shall be used corresponding to the school of medicine which the applicant desires to practice. The examination papers, when concluded, shall be marked upon a scale of one hundred, each candidate for examination first to pay to the Secretary of the Board a fee of ten dollars therefor. The average required to pass shall be fixed by the Board prior to the examination. Each applicant shall, upon obtaining an order for examination, re- ceive from the Secretary, a confidential number which he shall place upon his work when completed, so that the Board, in passing thereon, shall not know by whom it was prepared. All matters connected therewith shall be filed with the Secretary and preserved for five years as a part of the records of the Board, during which time they shall be open to public inspection. If the examination is satisfactory to five members of the Board, it shall issue its certificate, under its seal, signed by its President, Sec- retary and not less than three other members, who may, in the absence of the others, act as an Examining Board, and the dif- ferent schools of medicine represented in the Board of Health shall be represented in said number. The certificate, while in force, shall confer upon the holder the right to practice medicine, 112 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH surgery and obstetrics, and be conclusive evidence thereof. In all examinations made or proceedings had pursuant to the pro- visions of this chapter, any member of the Board may administer oaths and take testimony in any manner authorized by law. Any one failing in his examination shall be entitled to a second one, within three months thereafter, without further fee. If any per- son shall by notice in writing apply to the Secretary of the Board for an examination or a re-examination, and it fails or neglects for three months thereafter to give him the same, he may, not- withstanding any provisions of this chapter, practice medicine until the next regular meeting of the Board without the required certificate. - Sec. 2577. Recording Certificatc.—Every certificate issued under this chapter shall show whether it was granted upon exam- iation or diploma and the school of medicine the holder prac- tices under. He shall, before engaging in the practice of medi- cine, file the same for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County in which he resides, who shall record it in a book pro- vided for that purpose, which record shall be open to public in- spection, and for which service the Recorder may charge a fee of fifty cents, to be paid by the holder of the certificate. The same record must be made of the certificate in any county to which the holder may remove and in which he proposes to practice. Sec. 2578. The Board of Medical Examiners may refuse to grant a certificate to any person otherwise qualified and shall re- voke any certificate issued by it to any physician, who is not of good moral character, or who Solicits professional patronage by agents, or who profits by the acts of those representing them- selves to be his agents, or who is guilty of fraudulent represen- tations as to his skill and ability, or who is guilty of gross unpro- fessional conduct, or for incompetency, or for habitual intoxica- tion or drug habit; or if the certificate has been granted upon false and fraudulent statements as to graduation or length of practice, the Board of Medical Examiners shall, to safeguard the public health, revoke the certificate in the manner hereinafter set forth. Before the revocation of any certificate issued by the State Roard of Medical Examiners the licentiate shall have been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. At least twenty (2O) days prior to the date set for such a hearing, the Secretary of the State Board of Medical Examiners shall cause a written notice to be personally served upon the defendant in the 1manner described for the serving of original notice in civil ac- tions. Said notice shall contain a statement of the charges and the date and place set for the hearing before the Board. If the party thus notified fails to appear, either in person or by counsel IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 113 at the time and place designated in said notice, the Board shall, after receiving satisfactory evidence of the truth of the charges and the proper issuance of notice, revoke said certificate. If the licentiate appear either in person or by counsel, the Board shall proceed with the hearing as herein provided. The Board may re- ceive and consider affidavits and oral statements and shall cause stenographic reports of the oral testimony to be taken, which, to- gether with all other papers pertaining thereto, shall be preserved for two years. If five members of the Board; present at the hear- ing, are satisfied that the licentiate is guilty of any of the offenses charged the license shall be revoked. After the revocation of a certificate the holder thereof shall not practice medicine, surgery 'or obstetrics in this state, for such times as the State Board of Health may determine. Any person aggrieved by any ruling or order entered under the provisions of this act shall have the right of an appeal to the District Court in the county where the alleged offense was committed, upon giving notice to the Board of Medi- cal Examiners of such appeal within twenty days after the entry of such ruling, order or judgment. Sec. 2579. Who Deemed Practitioner.—Any person shall be held as practicing medicine, surgery or obstetrics, or to be a physician within the meaning of this chapter, who shall publicly profess to be a physician, Surgeon or obstetrician, and assume the duties, or who shall make a practice of prescribing or of prescrib- ing and furnishing medicine for the sick, or who shall publicly profess to cure or heal; but it shall not be construed to prohibit students of medicine, surgery or obstetrics, who have not had less than two courses of lectures in a medical school of good Standing, from prescribing under the supervision of preceptors, or gratuittous service in case of emergency, nor to prevent the ad- vertising, selling or prescribing natural mineral waters flowing from wells or springs, nor shall it apply to Surgeons of the United States Army or Navy, nor of the Marine Hospital Ser- vice, nor to physicians or midwives who have obtained from the Board of Examiners a certificate permitting them to practice medicine, Surgery or obstetrics without a diploma from a medi- cal school or examination by the Roard, nor to physicians, , as defined herein, who have been in practice in this State for five consecutive years, three years of which time shall have been in One locality, nor to filling prescriptions by a registered pharma- cist, nor to the advertising and sale of patent or proprietary med- 1C1116 S. - Sec. 2580, Penalties.—Any person who shall present to the Board of Medical Examiners a fraudulent or false diploma, or one of which he is not the rightful owner, for the purpose of pro- 114 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH curing a certificate as herein provided, or shall file or attempt to file, with the Recorder of any County in the State the certificate of another as his own, or who shall falsely personate any one to whom a certificate has been granted by such Board, or shall practice medicine, surgery or obstetrics in the State without hav- ing first obtained and filed for record the certificate herein re- quired, and who is not embraced in any of the exceptions con- tained in this chapter, or who continues to practice medicine, Sur- gery or obstetrics ofter the revocation of his certificate, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than three hundred dollars, nor more than fivve hundred dollars, and costs of prosecution, and shall stand committed to the county jail until such fine is paid; and whoever shall file or attempt to file with the Recorder of any County in the State the certificate of another with the name of the party to whom it was granted or issued erased, and the claimant's name inserted, or shall file or attempt to file with the Board of Medical Examiners any false or forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of forgery. Sec. 2581. Itinerant Physician.—Every physician practicing medicine, surgery or obstetrics, or professing or attempting to treat, cure or heal diseases, ailments or injuries by any medicine, appliances or methods, who, by himself, agent or emplove goes from place to place, or from house to house, or by circulars, let- ters or advertisements solicits persons to meet him for profes- sional treatment at places other than his office at the place of his residence, shall be considered an itinerant physician ; and any such itinerant physician shall, in addition to the certificate else- where provided for in this chapter, procure from the State Board of Medical Fixaminers a license as an itinerant, for which he shall pay to the Treasurer of State, for use of the State of Iowa, the sum of two hundred and fiftv dollars per annum. Upon payment of this sum, the Secretary shall issue to the applicant therefor a license to practice within the State, as an itinerant physician, for one year from the date thereof. The Board may, for satisfactory reasons, refuse to issue such license, or may cancel such license upon satisfactory evidence of incompetency or gross immorality. Any person practicing medicine as an itinerant physician, as herein defined, without having procured such license shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than three hundred dollars, nor more than five hun- dred dollars, and costs, and shall be committed to the county jail until such fine is paid ; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any physician otherwise legally qual- ified from attending patients in any part of the State to whom he may be called in the regular course of business, or in consulta- tion with other physicians. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH tº 115 Sec. 2582. Eramination and Diploma Required. From and after January I, 1899, all persons beginning the practice of medi- cine in the State of Iowa must submit to an examination as set forth in this Chapter, and in addition thereto, shall present diplomas from medićal colleges recognized as in good standing by the State Board of Medical Examiners, and all persons receiv- ing their diplomas Subsequent to January I, I899, shall present evidence of having attended four full courses of study of not less than twenty-six weeks each, no two of which shall have been given in any one year. The State Board of Medical Examiners shall examine the graduates of the Medical Departments of the State University of Iowa and of such other medical colleges in this State as are recognized by said Board of Medical Examiners as being in good and legal standing at the Annual Medical Com- mencement and at the location of said State University and other medical colleges respectively. Sec. 2583. Fees. Compensation—Erpenses of Board. Each member of the Board of Medical Examiners shall receive, out of the fund created by the payment of fees by applicants for exam- ination or certificates, the sum of eight dollars for each day, and necessary travelling expenses, for the time he is actually engaged in the discharge of his duties as a member of the Board, and the Secretary shall receive a sum not to exceed twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month and his necessary expenses incurred for ser– vices which cannot be performed at the capitol. All printing, postage, and other contingent office expenses necessarily incurred under the provisions of this Chapter, shall be paid from said fund. Any balance of Said funds remaining shall be turned over to the State Treasurer for the use of the school fund. 116 LAws PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH CHAPTER XVIIa, TITLE XII, OF SUPPLEMENT w TO CODE. - - OF THE PRACTICE OF OSTEOPATHY. Section 2583-a. Diploma—Earamination—Certificate. Any person holding a diploma from a legally incorporated School of osteopathy, recognized as of good standing by the Iowa Osteo- pathic Association, and wherein the course of study comprises a term of at least twenty (20) months, of four (4) terms of five (5) months each, in actual attendance at such school, and which shall include instruction in the following branches, to-wit: Ana- tomy including dissection of a full lateral half of the cadaver, Physiology, Chemistry, Histology, Pathology, Gynecology, Obstet- rics and theory of Osteopathy and two full terms of practice of Osteopathy, shall, upon the presentation of such diploma to the State Board of Medical Examiners and satisfying such Board that he is the legal holder thereof, be granted by such Board an exam- ination on the branches herein named, (except upon the theory and practice of Osteopathy until such time as there may be appointed an Osteopath physician on the State Board of Health and of Medi- cal Examiners). The fee for said examination, which shall ac- company the application, shall be ten dollars ($10) and the exam- ination shall be conducted in the same manner, and at the same place and on the same date that physicians are examined as pre- scribed by Section twenty-five hundred and seventy-six (2576) of the Code. The same general average shall be required as in cases of physicians; provided that Osteopaths who are graduates of legally incorporated Schools of Osteopathy as above recognized, and who are at the time of the passage of this act engaged in the practice of Osteopathy in Iowa, shall be entitled to receive a cer- tificate upon the payment of the prescribed fee without such ex- amination. Upon passing a satisfactory examination as above prescribed the said Board of Medical Examiners shall issue a certificate to the applicant therefor, signed by the President and .IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 117 Secretary of said Board, which certificate shall authorize the holder thereof to practice Osteopathy in the State of Iowa. This certificate when issued shall be registered with the Recorder of the county in which the holder thereof resides and for which he shall pay a fee of fifty cents (50c). And the holder thereof shall not be subject to the provisions of Section two thousand five hun- dred eighty (2580) of the Code. Sec. 2583-b. Drugs—Major or Operative Surgery. The cer- tificate provided for in the foregoing section shall not authorize the holder thereof to prescribe or use drugs in his practice, nor to perform major or operative surgery. Sec. 258.3-c. Revocation of Certificate. The Board of Medi- cal Examiners may refuse to grant a certificate to any person otherwise qualified, who is not of good moral character. For like cause, or for incompetency, or habitual intoxication, or upon satisfactory evidence by affidavit or otherwise that a certificate had been granted upon false and fraudulent statements as to grad- uation or length of practice, the said Board may revoke a certi- ficate by an affirmative vote of the last five (5) members of the Board, which number shall include one or more members of the different schools of medicine represented in said Board. After the revocation of a certificate, the holder thereof shall not prac- tice osteopathy, surgery, or obstetrics in the State. Sec. 2583-d. Fraudulent Diploma—False Representation— Penalties. Any person who shall present to the Board of Medical Examiners a fraudulent or false diploma, or one of which he is not the rightful owner, for the purpose of procuring a certi- ficate as herein provided, or shall file, or attempt to file, with the Recorder of any county in the State the certificate of another as his own, or who shall falsely personate anyone to whom a cer- tificate has been granted by such Board, or shall practice Osteo- pathy, surgery or obstetrics in the State without having first ob- tained and filed for record the certificates herein required, and who is not embraced in any of the exceptions contained in this Chapter, or who continues to practice Osteopathy, surgery or obstetrics after the revocation of his certificate, is guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than three hundred dollars ($300), nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), and costs of prosecution, and shall stand committed to the county jail until such fine is paid ; and whoever shall file or attempt to file with the Recorder of any county in the State the certificate of another with the name of the party to whom it was granted or issued erased, and the claimant's name inserted, or shall file or attempt to file with the Board of Medical Examiners any false or forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of forgery. * 118 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH Sec. 2583-e. Itinerant Osteopath—License. Every person practicing Osteopathy, or obstetrics, professing to treat, cure or heal diseases, ailments or injury by any Osteopathic application or method, who goes from place to place, or from house to house, or by circulars, letters or advertiseménts solicits persons to meet him for professional treatment at places other than his office at the place of his residence, shall be considered an itinerant osteo- path; and such itinerant Osteopath shall, in addition to the certi- cate elsewhere provided for in this Chapter, procure from the State Board of Medical Examiners a license as an itinerant, for which he shall pay to the Treasurer of the State, for use of the State of Iowa, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, ($250) per annum. Upon payment of this sum, the Secretary shall issue to the applicant therefor a license to practice within the State, as an itinerant Osteopath, for one year from the date thereof. The Board may, for satisfactory reasons, refuse to issue such license, or may cancel such license upon satisfactory evidence of incom- petency or gross immorality. Sec. 2583-f. Acts in Conflict—Repeal. All acts and parts of . acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 119 CHAPTER CIX, ACTS OF THE 31st AND CXXXVI ACTS 32d GENERAL ASSEMBLIES. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Section I. State Registrar of Vital Statistics. That for the complete and proper registration of births and deaths for legal, sanitary and statistical purposes, the Secretary of the State Board of Health is hereby constituted State Registrar of Vital Statistics, and it shall be his duty to promulgate and enforce all necessary rules and regulations that may be required to carry out the pur- pose of this act. Sec. 2. Certificates of Death. The undertaker or the person in charge of the funeral of any person dying in Iowa, shall cause a certificate of death to be filled out, with all the personal particu- lars contained in the standard blanks adopted by the U. S. census bureau, and with a statement of cause of death by attending phy- sician, or in his absence, by the Health Officer or Coroner, and shall file it with the State Registrar on or before the 5th day of each month for the month preceding and no sexton or superin- tendent of a cemetery shall permit interment, and no railway or other transportation company shall permit shipment of the body unaccompanied by such certificate of death. Sec. 3. State Registrar to Furitish Blanks. The State Regis- trar, shall furnish blank certificates of death to physicians and undertakers, and all proper forms and instruction for the effectual execution of the law. Sec. 4. Certified Transcripts of Certificates of Death. It shall be the duty of the State Registrar to furnish to the Clerk of the District Court of each county on or before the first day of Feb- ruary of each year, certified transcripts of the certificates of death filed with him from the respective counties as well as similar tran- scripts of deaths to the U. S. census bureau at Washington, and to arrange by counties, bind and deposit in the state historical 120 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH building at Des Moines the original certificates; and transcripts sent each county shall be bound at the expense of Said county, and preserved for reference by the Clerk of the District Court. Sec. 5. Assessor to Report Births. It shall be the duty of all assessors at the time of making assessment to obtain and re- port to the Clerk of the District Court upon blanks adopted by the State Registrar and furnished by the County Auditor, such regis- tration of births and deaths as occur within their respective dis- tricts for the year ending December 31st immediately preceding. Sec. 6. Record of Marriages and Divorces and Births. The Clerk of the Court in each county shall keep a book in which shall be recorded all marriages and divorces occurring within the county, together with such data respecting the same as shall be required by the State Registrar and shall report to said State Registrar on or before the first day of August in each year, such data respect- ing such marriages and divorces for the year ending June 30th im- mediately preceding, and the Clerk of the District Court of each county shall keep a book in which shall be recorded all births occuring within the county as shown by the returns filed in this (his) office by the Assessor as provided in the section preceding, and on or, before the first day of August in each year shall fur- nish to the State Registrar a report of such births. Sec. 7. Appropriation. There is hereby appropriated the sum of two thousand ($2OOO) dollars annually, or so much there- of as may be necessary to pay the expense of printing, postage, clerk hire, and such other expenses as may be required. All bills to be itemized, certified to, and approved by the State Registrar. Sec. 8. Penalty. Any person acting as undertaker, sexton, agent of a transportation company, or other person, violating any of the provisions of this act shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($IO.OO) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned not more than sixty (60) days or be subject to both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney in each county upon com- plaint of the State Registrar to prosecute in such cases and the State Registrar shall endeavor to see that this act is uniformly and officially executed throughout this State. º Sec. 9. Repealed. Sections twenty-five hundred sixty-six (2566) and twenty-five hundred sixty-seven (256.7) of the code and Chapter one hundred (IOO) of the laws of the Thirtieth (30) General Assembly and all other acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 121 CHAPTER XIV, TITLE 12, CODE. !. *msº STATE VETERINARY SURGEON. Section 2529. Office—Postage and Supplies. The State Vet- erinary Surgeon shall be appointed by the Governor, subject to removal by him for cause, who shall hold office for three years. He shall be a graduate of some regularly established veterinary college, skilled in that science, and shall be by virtue of his office a member of the State Board of Health. He shall maintain an office at the Capitol in a room assigned for his use by the Execu- tive Council, and his postage, stationery and office supplies shall be furnished by the State. g Sec. 2530. He shall have supervision of all contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals in, or being driven or transported through the State, and is empowered to establish quarantine against animals thus diseased, or that have been ex- posed to others thus diseased, whether within or without the State, and with the concurrence of the State Board of Health may make such rules and regulations as he may regard necessary for the pre- vention and suppression, and against the spread of Said disease, which rules and regulations, the Executive Council concurring, shall be published and enforced, and in the performance of his duties he may call for the assistance of any peace officer. He may call experts to his assistance when the exigencies of any case de- mand such action, and may appoint a Secretary who shall receive a salary of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per annum, which shall be paid from the State Treasury. - Sec. 2531. Any person who willfully hinders, obstructs, or re- sists said Veterinary Surgeon, his assistants, or any peace officer acting under him or them, when engaged in the duties of exer- cising the powers herein conferred, or violates any quarantine established by him or them, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 122 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH Sec. 2532. Said Surgeon shall biennially make a full and de- tailed report of his doings since his last report to the Governor including his compensations and expenses, which report shall not exceed one hundred and fifty pages of printed matter. Sec. 2533. It shall be the duty of all Local Boards of Health in the State, upon the appearance of any contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals, to notify the State Veterinary Surgeon at once of the existence of such contagious or infectious disease; and it shall be his duty, whenever notified in writing by a majority of any Board of Supervisors, Township Trustees, or of any City or Town Council, whether in session or not, of the existence of, or probable danger from, any contagious or infec- tious disease among domestic animals, to repair at Once to the place designated in such notice, and make an investigation, and take such action as the exigencies of the case may demand. The Governor may appoint such Assistant State Veterinary Surgeons as may be deemed advisable, who shall act under the instruction of the State Veterinary Surgeon, and, when engaged in the discharge of their duties, shall receive the sum of five dollars ($5) a day and their actual expenses, which compensation and expenses shall be paid from the State Treasury upon itemized and verified ac- counts, audited and approved by the Executive Countil. Sec. 2534. Whenever in the opinion of the State Veterinary Surgeon the public safety demands the destruction of any stock, the same may be destroyed upon the written order of such Sur- geon, with the consent of the owner, or upon approval of the Governor, and by virtue of such order such Surgeon, his Deputy or Assistant, or any peace officer may destroy such diseased stock, and the owner thereof shall be entitled to receive its actual value in its condition when condemned, to be ascertained and fixed by the State Veterinary Surgeon and the nearest Justice of the Peace, who, if unable to agree, shall call upon the nearest or other Jus- tice of the Peace upon whom they agree as unmpire, and their judgment shall be final when the value of the stock, if not dis- eased, would not exceed twenty-five dollars; but in all other cases either party shall have the right to appeal to the district court; but such appeal shall not delay the destruction of the diseased animals. The Veterinary Surgeon shall at once file with the Exe- cutive Council his written report thereof, who shall, if found cor- rect, indorse their findings thereon, whereupon the Auditor of State shall issue his warrant therefor upon the Treasurer of State, who shall pay the same out of any moneys at his disposal under the provisions of this act; but no compensation shall be allowed for stock destroyed while in transit through or across the State, and the word “stock” as herein used, shall be held to mean cattle, horses, mules and asses. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 123 Sec. 2535. The Governor, with the Veterinary Surgeon, may co-operate with the government of the United States for the ob- ject of this chapter, and the Governor may accept and receipt for any moneys receivable by the State under the provisions of any act of congress which may at any time be in force upon this subject and pay the same into the State Treasury, to be used according to the act of congress and the provisions of this chapter as nearly as may be. f Sec. 2536. There is annually appropriated out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary for the uses and purposes herein set forth. Sec. 2537. Any person, except the Veterinary Surgeon, called upon under the provisions of this chapter, shall be allowed and re- ceive two dollars per day while actually employed. Sec. 2538. The State Veterinary Surgeon shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars ($1800), which shall be paid in equal monthly installments from the State Treasury, and shall also receive the actual expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his official duties. All claims for expenses shall be itemized, verified and paid from the State Treasury when audited and allowed by the Executive Council. (As amended by Chapter I33, Acts of the 32d G. A.) 124 LAws PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH sº CHAPTER CLXVIII, ACTS OF THE 31st & GENERAL ASSEMBLY. PASTEURIZATION OF SKIMMED MILK. Section I. Skimmed Milk to be Pasteuriged.—That every owner, manager, or operator of a creamery shall, before deliv- ering to any person any skimmed milk, cause the same to be pas- teurized at a temperature of at least one hundred and eighty-five (185) degrees Fahrenheit. t g Sec. 2. Penalty.—Who ever violates the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 125 CHAPTER X, TITLE 24, CODE. *msº DISEASED ANIMALS. Section 5012. If the owner of sheep or any person having the same in charge, knowingly import or drive into this State sheep having any contagious disease, or knowingly turn out or suffer any sheep having any contagious disease to run at large upon any common road, or uninclosed lands; or sell or dispose of any sheep, knowing the same to be so diseased; he shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 5013. If any person knowingly import or bring within the State any horse, mule or ass, affected by the disease known as Nasal Gleet, Glanders, or Button Farcy, or suffer the same to run at large upon any common road, or uninclosed land, or use or tie the same in any public place, or off his own premises, or sell, trade, or offer for sale or trade any such animal, knowing the same to be so diseased, he shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not to exceed one year in the county jail, or both. Sec. 5014. If any horse, mule or ass, reasonably supposed to be diseased with Nasal Gleet, Glanders, or Button Farcy, be found running at large without any known owner, it shall be lawful for the finder thereof to take such animal so found, before some Jus- tice of the Peace who shall forthwith cause the same to be exam- ined by some veterinary surgeon, or other person skilled in such diseases, and if, on examination, it is ascertained to be so dis- eased, it shall be lawful for such Justice of the Peace to order such diseased animal to be immediately destroyed and buried, and the necessary expense accruing under the provisions of this sec- tion shall be defrayed out of the county treasury. Sec. 5015. The owner or person having charge of any swine, any of which die or are killed on account of any disease, shall, upon such fact coming to his knowledge, immediately burn the SalT16, 126 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH Sec. 5016. No person shall buy, sell, deal in or give away, or offer to buy, sell or deal in any swine that have died, of any dis- ease, or that have been killed on account of any disease. Sec. 5017. No person shall convey upon or along any public highway or any other public ground, or any private land except that owned or leased by him, any diseased Swine, or Swine that have died of, or have been killed on account of, any disease. Up- on the trial for the violations of the provisions of this Section, the proof that any person has hauled, or is hauling dead swine from a neighborhood in which swine have been dying, or are at the time dying, from any disease, shall be presumptive evidence of his guilt. Sec. 5018. It shall be unlawful for any person negligently or willfully to allow his hogs or those under his control, infested with disease, to escape his control or run at large. Sec. 5019. Any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of the four preceding sections shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed thirty days, or both. Sec. 5020. Any person driving any cattle into this State, or any agent, servant, or employe of any railroad or other corpor- ation, who shall carry, transport or ship any cattle into this State, or any railroad company or other corporation, or persons who shall carry, ship, or deliver any cattle into this State, or the owner, controller, lessee, or agent, or employe of any stockyard, receiving into such stockyard, or in any other inclosure for the detention of cattle in transit or shipment, or reshipment, or sale, any cattle brought or shipped, in any manner into this State, which, at the time they were either driven, brought, shipped or transported into this State, were in such condition as to infect with or communi- cate to other cattle Pleuro-Pheumonia, or Splenctic, or Texas Fever, shall be fined not less than three hundred and not more than one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months or both. Sec. 502I. Any person who shall be injured or damaged by any acts prohibited in the preceding section, in addition to the remedy therein provided, may recover the actual damages sus- tained by him, from the person, agent, employe, or corporation therein mentioned, and neither said criminal proceedings nor said civil action shall be a bar to a conviction or to a recovery in the other. * IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 127 CHAPTER III, TITLE 12, CODE. DISEASED SHEEP. Section 2343. The Board of Supervisors of any county, when notified in writing by five or more sheep owners of such county, that sheep diseased, with scab or other malignant, contagious dis- ease, exist in such county, shall, at any regular or special meeting appoint a suitable person as County Sheep Inspector, who shall take the oath of office, whose duties shall be as hereinafter described, and whose term of office shall be for two years and un- til his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 23.44. It shall be the duty of the sheep Inspector upon the complaint of three or more sheep owners that any sheep with- in his jurisdiction have the scab or other malignant, contagious disease, to immediately inspect and report in writing the result of his inspection to the County Auditor, to be filed by him for reference by the Board of Supervisors or any party concerned. And, if he deem it necessary in order to prevent the spread of the disease to the sheep of the other owners, he shall command the owner or agent to dip or otherwise treat such diseased sheep, and shall inspect such diseased sheep every month thereafter until such disease shall be eradicated. Sec. 2345. It shall be the duty of the sheep Inspector to dip or otherwise treat such diseased sheep should the owner or agent refuse to do so, and all costs, expenses and charges, together with a per diem of three dollars per day, shall be charged against the owner of Such sheep, and shall be a lien thereon, and may be re- covered in an action. Sec. 23.46. Such compensation for the Inspector shall be three dollars per day, and shall be paid by the owner of the sheep, or his agent, if the disease is found to exist. In case no disease is found to exist the complainants shall pay such fee. 128 LAws PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH Sec. 2347. Upon the arrival of any flock of sheep within the State from a distance of more than twenty miles outside the - boundaries of the State, the owneº agent shall notify the In- spector of the county in which stičfi sheep are being held, and he shall inspect the flock at the expense of the owner or agent; and if the sheep are found sound shall furnish the owner or agent a certificate which shall be a passport to any part of the State; but sheep in transit on board of railroad cars. DEAD ANIMALS. Sec. 4979. If any person throw, or cause to be thrown, any dead animal into any river, well, spring, cistern, reservoir, stream or pond, he shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days, or be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. t SALE OF DISEASED MEATs. Sec. 4981. If any person knowingly sell any kind of diseased, corrupted, or unwholesome provisions, whether for meat or drink, without making the nature and condition of the same fully known to the buyer, he shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days, or be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 129 CHAPTER CLXX, ACTS OF THE 31st GENERAL ASSEMBLY. AN ACT to protect the public health and the health of domestic animals by providing for the inspection of registered cattle brought into the State for breeding or dairy purposes. Section I. Certificate of Inspection.—That the importation of registered cattle or cattle eligible to registry for breeding and dairy purposes into this State is hereby prohibited, except when such cattle are accompanied with a certificate from an inspector whose competency and reliability are certified to by the authority charged with the control of domestic animals in the state from whence the cattle came, certifying that said cattle have been ex- amined and subjected to the tuberculine test within sixty days next preceding the date of such importation, and are free from disease. Sec. 2. Detention and Inspection-Quarantinue.—In lieu of an inspection certificate as required in the preceding section, cat- tle may be detained at suitable stock yards or other inclosure within this State nearest to the state line, on the railroad or high- way over which they were shipped, driven or hauled, and there examined at the expense of the owner, or may be shipped or driven to their destination under quarantine, there to remain in quarantine until properly examined at the expense of the owner, and released by the State Veterinary Surgeon. Such expense shall be a lien upon the cattle. Sec. 3. Penalty.—Any person, firm, company, corporation or agent thereof, violating any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined for each offense not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days, or both fine (d) and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. Such person, firm, company, corporation or agent shall be liable for the full amount of damages that may result from the viola- tion of this act. Action may be brought in any county in which 130 LAWS PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH said cattle are sold, offered for sale or delivered to a purchaser, or in which they may be detained in transit. Sec. 4. Enforcement.—It shall be the duty of the State Vet- erinary Surgeon to enforce the provisions of this act. TESTING DAIRY HERDS. The Iowa State Board of Health recommends that all dairy and breeding cattle used in the State of Iowa, be tested with Tuberculine at intervals of one year, until it is determined that such herds are free from Tuberculosis. The Board also recom- mends that every dairyman and breeder when purchasing cattle, be required to see that such animals are free from Tuberculosis, as determined by the Tuberculine test. It is recommended that the Council of every City, Town and Village in the State of Towa, adopt a milk and dairy ordinance similar to, or incorporate the provisions embodied in the copy for an ordinance as given be- low : AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TESTING DAIRY HERDS WITH TUBERCULINE, AND REGULAT- ING THE SALE OF MILK IN THE CITY OF Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Section I. No person, firm or corporation shall sell any milk or cream within the city limits of . . . . . . . .......... without first having obtained a license so to do, in the manner provided in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation desiring a license or renewal of license to sell imilk or cream in shall first make application for such license to the City Council by filling in an application in writing, which application shall state explicitly the name and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of all persons from whom he purchases milk or cream to be sold, the number of cows owned by him and by each of the persons from whom he purchases milk or cream. The applica- tion shall be accompanied by a certificate from an inspector whose competency and reliability are certified to by the authority charged with the control of domestic animals in the State of Iowa, certifying that such cattle have been examined and sub- jected to the Tuberculin test and found free from disease within one year from the date of filing said application, and that the premises from which the milk is to be obtained is kept in a sani- tary condition. UNIVERSITY OFM |||ſilii 3 iii. 9015 08665. 9938 IOWA STATE BOARD OF HIEALTH 131 Sec. 3. Additional cattle may be added to the herd or herds, at any time, provided that the holder of the license relative to such, submits to the Mayor, within one week of such addition, a written statement indicating the exact number of cows added to such herd or herds, from whom and where they were obtained, and accompanied by a certificate from an inspector as provided for in Section 2. Sec. 4. The expense of the inspection of the herd or herds as provided in Section 2, are to be borne by Sec. 5. All licenses for the sale of milk or cream shall expire on the Ist day of May following the date of issuance. Sec. 6. Any person, firm, or corporation, or employee there- of, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convicton thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1CO.OO, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding 30 days, or both such fine and impris- onnnent at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 7. The City Council shall have full authority to revoke any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law.