GAC 994. . U57 no. //3 C 38 1680 ºwſ Illulºil U.S. Hy *re 9ra. PWve Off ſce Tº g Trear-wear of /*7A/e, ave: /7&7& o °ok o&t ca. 2)ara || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || - - !, S HYDRographic office. - 3/sº - - THE TREATMENT OF MARINE METEſ)||||||ſ|{\| ||\|\, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE ||| ||E WORK ()|| ||E UNITED STATES ||Y||{ſ}(|{\|| ||FFICE. º - - NOTE BY THE LIY DEROGRAPHER, This pamphlet treats of a question to the details of which the present Hydrographer has devoted much personal attention during his term of office, now on the eve of conclusion. At the outset it was hoped that greater progress than has been realized could be made in the time which has elapsed, but it was soon seen that there was little reason for assuming that Congress could grant an increased appropriation at the present time for prosecuting the meteorological work of the Office. Convinced, therefore, of the necessity of fixing upon some system which could be utilized with the means at hand, the method of treatment described herein was gradually developed as promising great economy in arriving at final results. The Hydrographer has sought in the present pamphlet to furnish a clear description of the method which his best judgment and mature consideration have led him to adopt. The importance of giving the pamphlet a somewhat extended circulation has been urged upon him by the growing impression, especially among foreign nations, that the United States is no longer laboring with energy in that peculiar field in which for many years it stood easily first. The Hydrographer is much indebted to Lieut. Chauncey Thomas, U. S. N., formerly in charge of the Division of Marine Meteorology, and to Mr. James Page, Meteorologist of that Division, for their active and sympathetic assistance. This pamphlet has been prepared by Mr. Page. The office is indebted to Mr. Herman Hollerith for the loan of a number of the blocks from which the illustrations are printed. C. D. Sigsber, Captain, U. S. Navy, Hydrographer. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, Washington, D. C., April, 1897. THE TREATMENT OF MARINE METEOROLOGICAL DATA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WORK () F THE UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, The demands made of late years upon the United States Hydrographic Office for meteorolog- ical information, and the vast store of meteorological observations of which the Office, by the zeal of its voluntary observers, without regard to nationality, now finds itself in possession, have con- stantly served to keep before the mind of the present Hydrographer the necessity of giving earnest consideration to the question of the treatment to which this material should be subjected, in order that the best results might be attained. The difficulties of the problem have been great. Com- pelled to exercise a rigid economy, and to reckon only upon an inadequate force, it was evident at the outset that the method devised must be of such a nature that it would involve a sensible increase neither in the expense nor in the personnel of the Office. The question, furthermore, of what con- stituted the highest utility of meteorological observations, and what original steps were necessary in order that this degree of utility might be achieved, was in itself a difficult one to answer. Circumstances have changed, since, as in Maury's time, the whole aim was to assemble over each five-degree square of ocean surface a reasonable number of meteorological observations. The abundance of the data at hand, the total inadequacy of the methods hitherto devised, these and other subjects, each involving delay, had to be taken up in turn and considered, so that now, at the close of his term, he finds that he has done little more than point the way toward the goal at which he had hoped, ere this, to have arrived. THE MATERIAL FOR DISCUSSION. The meteorological material contained in the Office may be summarized as follows: (a) An indefinite number of rough logs, presented to the Office by the masters of vessels. (b) Three thousand eight hundred abstract logs, each one containing the three months' meteorological record of the vessel to which issued. (c) Eighty-five thousand Forms 105a (Greenwich Mean Noon Observations) and 105b (Abstract Storm Logs). Leaving out of consideration the first class, the material comprised under (b) consists of the quarterly meteorological logs issued by the Office subsequent to 1878. This form of abstract log called for a single observation per day of the vessel's position; for a record of the direction and amount of the set during the preceding twenty-four hours; and for bi-hourly observations of the direction and force of the wind, the height of the barometer, the temperature of the air and of the surface water, the character of the weather, the form of clouds, the proportion of clear sky, and the state of the sea. The large majority of these books are very completely filled, owing to the plan adopted of awarding the sailing charts allotted by the Office to its observers as a compensation for their services, only to those observers attaining a grade of “excellent.” Barometer comparisons were obtained whenever possible, and the general character of the observations is good. The total number of complete sets of observations derivable from this source is in the neighborhood of - -- 6 4,000,000; by a “complete” set being understood a set in which all of the meteorological elements given in the above series appear. Under (c) are comprised the Forms 105a and 105b, containing all of the meteorological data returned to the Office since January 1, 1888, the date of the adoption by the Office of the syn- chronous system of observations, demanding of the observer but a single observation per day, that to be taken at the same absolute moment of time, viz, Greenwich Mean Noon, by all observers, no matter in what portion of the earth each one might happen to be situated. The development of the idea of simultaneous observations of wind, pressure, and temperature over the entire globe is of such interest that it may with propriety be briefly reviewed. The proposition in its first shape, came probably from Buys Ballot, director of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute at Utrecht, and later from Admiral Fitzroy. Demanding, as it did, international cooperation, it took tangible shape under Leverrier, who, in 1861, proposed that the globe should be divided for the purpose of weather study; France to take the Atlantic Ocean, England to take the Indian, while Russia and the United States should take Asia, the Pacific Ocean, and America. - As a result of Leverrier's proposal, daily synoptic charts of the Atlantic north of the parallel of 40° N., were published for nine months of 1864 and the whole of 1865. The full realization of the scheme was never attained, owing to lack of sufficient observations over the oceans other than the North Atlantic. In September, 1873, Captain Hoffmeyer, of the Danish Meteorologic Institute, began the issue of daily synoptic charts of the North Atlantic and the adjacent continents. The publication of these charts was kept up until November, 1876, when it was suspended owing to lack of means, having been maintained thus long largely by the personal exertions of Captain Hoffmeyer. The need of such charts was, however, so urgent in marine meteorology that the project was not allowed to perish, and in December, 1884, by virtue of an agreement between the Danish Meteorologic Institute and the Deutsche Seewarte of Hamburg, the publication was resumed, and has since been kept up, the charts at the present time being four years in arrears. The international publications of the United States Signal Service began with the issue of the Daily Bulletin of Simultaneous Observations, July 1, 1875. This publication was continued until June 30, 1884. Daily international charts were published from July 1, 1878, to June 30, 1884, and from October 1, 1886, to December 31, 1887. A tabulated summary of international observations was published from January, 1888, to June, 1889, after which the international work of the United States Weather Service was formally discontinued. The United States Hydrographic Office began its work of simultaneous meteorological obser- vations with the issuance to its observers of the old Forms 105, dating from January 1, 1888. The general character and compact style of this form, a single leaf sufficing for the observations of a whole month, the simplicity of the observations required, and the brief but explicit instructions as to the method of taking them, seemed to commend itself to seafaring people, and masters of vessels readily undertook to keep the log. In 1888, the year of the issue of the Form 105, abstract meteorological logs were returned by 46 Government vessels and by 544 vessels of the merchant marine. At the opening of the year 1897, 2,039 voluntary observers were recorded as regularly cooperating with the Office in its meteorological work. An analysis of this number shows 90 Government vessels of various nationalities, 29 land stations, and 1,920 vessels of the merchant marine, distributed among the various nations of the earth as follows: British. ... ---------------- 1, 136 Belgian ----------...-------- 21 Hawaiian.................... 5 American -----...--------- 366 || Spanish------------........ is j apanese--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 German...... ------------ 159 Danish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Australian ................... 2 Norwegian -------------. . 80 Chilean ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 || Nicaraguan .................. 2 Dutch ------------------. 42 Russian. ------------------- 7 || Mexican -----------------.... 1 French------------------. 24 || Portuguese.---------------. 5 Bolivian ..................... 1 Italian................... 21 Swedish . . . . . . . ... --...----. 5. As stated above, the form called for a single set of observations per day, to be taken at the hour of Greenwich Mean Noon; and for the convenience of observers, tables were published giving to the nearest four minutes (one degree of longitude) the local time along each meridian corre. sponding to the hour of noon at Greenwich. As a check upon the hour of observation, a column 7 * is set apart for entering the local time, as given by the ship's clock. A complete set of observa. tions requires the space of a single line, the various items being entered in columns, the headings of these being as follows: Time of observation: Temperature—Continued. 1. Day of month. 10. Air, wet bulb. 2. Ship's time. 11. Water at surface. Port or position: Weather: 3. Latitude. 12. State of, by symbols. 4. Longitude. Clouds: Wind: 13. Form of, by symbols. 5. True direction. 14. True direction from which moving, lower. 6. Force, 0–12. 15. True direction from which moving, upper. Barometer: 16. Amount, scale 0 to 10. 7. As read off. Sea: 8. Attached thermometer. 17. State of, by symbols. Temperature: 18. True direction from which coming. 9. Air, dry bulb. Remarks. The present form of the abstract log, an oblong booklet 83 by 34 inches, containing either 16 or 32 pages, each page furnishing space for the record of a single day's observations, was adopted January 1, 1895, as one that answered better the needs and convenience of the observers. A specimen of the latter, completely filled out from an actual log, is given below: Form 105. Greenwich Mean Noon Report. Date, August 6, 1896. WEATHER REPORT FOR GREENWICH MEAN NOON FOR ONE DAY. Estimated current for 24-hours, TIME or observatio N. Port or position. | wind. BAROMETER. Knots...... 1+----------- per hour. ----------------- - Longitude. Thue Force. As Read Att. Ship's Time. * ºn.) | Dmºon. 'º. or'F. Then. - Setting ------ ENE--------. o o º Inches. o 2h. 10m. a.m. ----------------- 5 09 N. 149 06 W. SSE. 4. 30.00 81 WEATHER experienced For TEMPERATURE. WEATHER. CLouds. SEA. PAST 24 Hours. AIR, Anh, WATER I State of, I Forms of AMount, I state of true diºc. Lºh-ºººººººººººººº...?" tº wºº ºr sº lºsº | º' Mºº scale" | my syM.' ºrios rºom º sea moderate; clear Bulb. bulb. FACE. BOLs. bols. 0 to 10. pois. which coming. W*. - º o s' 79 82 c. S Cu. SSE. 9. M. SE. Kind of Barometer? Aneroid 2 or Mercurial?...... Mercurial---------------------------------------------- Barometer------ 0.06 inch.................. too high;------------------------------------------------ too low. When last compared?------ July 8, 1896 ---------------. Where?------ San Francisco ------------------------ Kind of thermometer? Fahrenheit, Centigrade, or Reaumur?...... Fahrenheit ---------------------------. Note.-Information regarding instruments to be given once for each book. (Continue remarks on back if necessary.) The matter of the new form is almost identical with that of the old, the only changes made being the omission of the direction of motion of the upper clouds and the addition of a space for the record of the current during the preceding twenty-four hours. Greater space is also allowed for remarks as to the character of the weather during the preceding twenty-four hours. THE METHOD OF DISCUSSION. At the inception of his administration in 1893, the amount of meteorological data comprised within the forms just described in the Office awaiting discussion had accumulated to such an extent. and was still accumulating, that the present Hydrographer felt that the most urgent and the most important matter calling for his attention was its disposition and treatment, the latter necessarily to be of such nature that the full value of the countless observations might be realized in a manner such that not only the conclusions deduced from their discussion might be put in such a form as to become a practical benefit to the navigators by whom they were taken, but also that the theoretical meteorologist might have therein a readily accessible store of observations upon which to base his future researches into the mechanics of the atmosphere. 8 The study of meteorological observations may follow either one of two methods: In the first place, they may be regarded as purely climatological data, from which there may be deduced, after the lapse of sufficient time, mean values of the elements concerned, holding good for certain limited squares or areas, and if computed for the proper epoch, sufficient to make evident the cyclical variations of the special element under consideration. In the second place, they may be considered as observed values of a function of several variables, the general law of whose variation is to be derived from a consideration of these special observed values. The advantage of the second method is that, having once determined the law in question, we are enabled to employ it for purposes of prediction. It was the desire of the Hydrographer that the meteorological records contained in the Hydro- graphic Office should be put into such shape as to lend themselves readily to treatment by either of the methods. To follow the first method exclusively would be to disregard what is admitted to be one of the most valuable features of the daily observations of the past nine years, viz, the fact that they are simultaneous, and that with their aid it is possible to construct a synoptic weather chart covering the navigable portion of the globe. Such, in fact, was the aim of the orig- inal designers of the system, and such is the use to which the observations, as they are received from day to day by the Office, are at present put, daily meteorologic synoptic charts of both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific being constructed, which serve as the basis of the monthly Pilot Charts of those oceans. The value again of such synoptic charts is strikingly exemplified in a recent noteworthy publication of Professors Van Bebber and Köppen upon the “Isobaric Types of the North Atlantic,” in which it is shown that the apparently haphazard and fortuitous distribution of atmospheric pressure over the North Atlantic is capable of being reduced to a small number of individual types, each with its attendant weather conditions, each showing a certain persistency and a certain tendency to transform itself to other types. On the other hand, the climatological side of the question can in no sense be omitted. In spite of the strenuous exertions of the several marine meteorological institutions of Europe, and the earnest recommendations of repeated maritime conferences, the mean values of the various meteorological elements, upon which we must depend for our knowledge of the general circulation of the atmosphere, are all but unknown over those regions of the ocean lying outside of the main channels of commerce, owing to the lack of sufficient observations. Even in the center of the North Atlantic, within, for example, the five-degree square inclosed between the parallel of 25° and 30°, and the meridians of 55° W. and 60° W., the Deutsche Seewarte, in its exhaustive publication, “IResultate der Meteorologischen Beobachtungen von deutschen und holländischen Schiffen,” was able to muster for the month of June, from which to deduce the mean value for that month, but 53 readings of the barometer, hav- ing a range of five-tenths of an inch, and extending over a period of thirteen years. Other squares and months were almost equally barren. Under such conditions, it is evident that the climatology of the North Atlantic, leaving out of consideration the other and less frequented oceans, is far from complete. It was the aim of the Hydrographer to devise a system of filing the observations such that they might be readily utilized in both of these ways: First, for the construction of synoptic charts of the whole or of any portion of the navigable globe; second, that they might be readily accessible for the discussion of the climatological features or the average meteorological conditions of any specified square, zone, or area. Such a system needs to be elastic, to readily admit of additions and the incorporation of new matter, to be uniform, to be free from errors of transcription and filing, and to occupy as little space as is consistent with clearness. The necessity of assembling the observations of each day, and the fact that the period during which the observations for any one day are returned to the Office may extend over several months, made it desirable that each set of observations be independent. It was therefore decided that in the transcription a separate sheet or card should be allotted to each daily set of observations. Since, moreover, the purpose in view was twofold—the first, the construction of synoptic charts, demanding that the observations be filed according to date; the second, the study of the climatology of the sea, demanding that they be filed according to position—the system of transcription adopted must, if possible, be such as to admit of the work being performed in duplicate. THE APPLICATION OF THE HOLLERITH SYSTEM OF TABULATION. After due deliberation and the consideration of various plans of transcription, it seemed to the Hydrographer that the Hollerith system of electrical tabulation enjoyed these essential conditions to a higher degree than any other method yet presented. As is well known, this system was employed in tabulating the returns of the Eleventh United States Census. It has the disadvantage of being symbolic in character, the information, º - - º: ----- s Fig. 1.-Keyboard Punch. after recording, being represented by the position of certain holes punched in a light card by a die. Its great advantages are that the work could be done at one stroke in duplicate, and that the information contained upon any number of cards, however large, is capable of being rapidly tabulated and averaged by the machines devised by the inventor for that purpose. The process of recording and that of tabulating are quite distinct. The fundamental idea of the first is to punch holes in cards so that the positions of these holes will correspond to certain data, and of the second to pass these cards through presses, by which the perforations in the cards are made ** she ºne vre inne ºne 5 - \oo - 2 * so a _\ N - E - ce tº se are 27- **3\seawe ::::::::: ſº lººkºo 5 * \oe 71 - || 1 - 2 - [3]e 29e"NRº 20" o - \oe ** 3 - || 3a 4e Toe Boo loº_º * - \ 1 - • 2 e - : 5- 20° 40- 600 Boº * Nºe Vos *_1 e_loe 5e toe 15- ** \? • \e \e 1- *22° tº be is ze se ae 3 - \ge F * 40° 10's Ne Toe TNSTse Tre E - 12 - |E - || Re H- º 4 - || S S- test- º ge wºre Me", e º Trº ** G Fig. 2.-System of Holes in Keyboard Punch, with Fields and subfields. * Moe se lºs to control the operation of electro-magnets, which in turn act upon counting or integrating mechanisms. The actual punching of the cards is done by the machine shown in fig. 1, known as the “Keyboard Punch.” It is about the size of a typewriter tray, having in front a perforated punch board of celluloid, shown, as arranged for recording the meteorological data of the Hydrographic Office, in fig. 2. Over this keyboard, and nearly flush with its surface, swings freely a sharp index finger, whose movement, after the manner of a pantagraph, is repeated at the rear by a punch. The 10 movement of this punch is limited between two guides, upon which is placed the card, 63 inches long by 34 inches wide, which, after punching, is to serve as the symbolic representative of each set of observations. The card devised for use in the Hydrographic Office is shown in fig. 3. This card has been - punched to record the set of Greenwich mean noon observations given on page 7. For the sake -O 19 || 0 re 0 20 40 60 || NR Sh I NR Wr I NR INRI NR 0 20 40 60 || NR ne|N 5 10 15|Q - 0 20 20 pm s || 0 Q 10 15 N O || 0 5 An 27 || 0 C; I St I St 0 - 40 60 || 0 0 1 2 3 4 || S W 10 || 0 |Q|28 || 0 Q 2 3 4 |Cisſ N | N - 0 le 0 E | 0 20 40 60 || 0 | | | 2 || 31 O | NR 20 40 O 80 Cicº C | E 2 |- s 10 || 10 || 5 80 100 120 Op. 2 3 || 3 O o laoſ o 5 to © Ac As S 3 20 40 60 Olo 1 2 3 ele, w w| 4 0 5 10 15 NR 20 40 60 Q | Cu 0 || 0 || 5 S 4. 5 FO || 0 || 15 10 || 0 O 10 ºlº =-O 2 || 0 || 0 || 0 1 2 3 Q O 7 a 3 + |O || | º 0 | NR 0 || NR 0 1 O 3 4 || 0 5 10 15| N Cu.N 2 || 2 || 6 = 0 O || 2 || 2 B e O 40 ſo © | 0 | N St. NR 0 1 O 3 + · S | 4 || 4 || 7 ... 10 || 0 || 3 || 3 F | 2 | 60 80 || 2 | E | 2 |Q| R H B | NR b Q d f |O || 6 || 8 a 2 || 4 || 4 3 || 0 5 || 4 || S e S | S L c | g h 1 m o p q |Q © 4 S 4 || 10 C. C. W I 6 || W L T O G Tº r s tº u w z | 10 ol zol a sal 'ºl | | | | asl l l l l l l l l l -O 19 || 0 ||am 0 20 40 60 NR Sh NR Wr NRI NRI NR 0 20 40 60 | NR NFle NR - 0 20 |20 pm S | 0 Q 10 15 N O || 0 5 |An 27 || 0 5 10 15 O |ci | St | St | 0 - 40 60 || 0 0 1 2 3 4 || S W 10 || 0 O 28 || 0 O 2 3 4 || Cis N N | 1 reſºle 9 | E | 0 20 40 60 || 0 || || 2 || 31 Q |NR 20 40 O 80 cicule E I 2 - 5 10 || 10 || 5 O 80 100 120 Op. 2 3 || 3 O || 0 || 30 || 0 5 10 O | AC As S | S 3 ke|9|| 0 O 10 15 |160] + 5 20 40 60 O || 0 1 2 3 Q |Q|w w| 4 * @ 4 || 9 || 9 || 0 || 4 - O O_7 || 0 & 10 tº NR 20 40 & O |cº 0 || 0 || 8 NR 0 || NR 1 O 3 4 || 0 5 10 15 N cu.N 2 || 2 || 6 O * | *|| Hall. E S 60 80 2 2 R H B N R b d f 6 s To a 2 2 B : 0. 5 || 4 8 *|| | | | | | | | | |* © 4 S | 4 || 10 O W H 6 |O W . T O G NF r s tº u w z Z ol zol sol sol sol tool izol sº isol ol ' - iel is and l l l l l l l l - Fig. 3.-Hydrographic office Card for Recording Marine Meteorological observations. of clearness, both “date” and “position” cards are shown, the difference between them being explained in a later paragraph. The punch moves over the surface of this card in exact correspondence with the movement of the index finger over the surface of the keyboard, and the depression of the latter at any hole of the keyboard serves also to perforate the card at a corresponding point. : 11 It will be noted that the keyboard (fig. 2) has in all 264 holes, arranged in 12 rows of 22 holes each, and that each hole is marked with its distinctive lettering or number. The card (fig. 3) carries space for punching 288 holes, arranged in 12 rows of 24 holes each. The holes, when punched, are five thirty-seconds of an inch in diameter, and the distance from center to center is one fourth of an inch. Omitting the first two columns, of which mention will be made later, each space upon the card has the same signification as the corresponding hole in the keyboard. Heavy lines serve furthermore to divide the surface of both keyboard and card into groups, or fields; and light lines divide these again into subfields. Each of these fields corresponds to some class of information contained in each day's observations. The present card and keyboard have been arranged with a view of recording not only the simultaneous observations returned to the Office upon Form 105, but also the observations contained in the old quarterly log books issued to observers, and indeed meteorological information in any shape. Inasmuch, however, as the Form 105 is the most comprehensive, and likewise that most frequently employed, the description given will refer more specifically to that form. In order to bring the information, with its multitude of variations, contained upon Form 105 within the compass of the card, it was necessary to employ some system of abbreviation in expressing numerical quantities. The system adopted marks, first, the nearest 20; second, the nearest 5; third, the nearest unit. Thus, 26=20+5+1; 78–60+15+3; 152=140+10+2. This, of course, applies only to the variable parts of those quantities. Furthermore, where the report fails to give any information called for, the same is denoted by the symbol “N. R.” (not recorded), the subsequent tabulation requiring that some symbol appear in each field. Leaving out of consideration for the present the explanation of the fact that fields 1 and 2 appear upon the card and not upon the keyboard, the meaning attaching to the several fields is as follows: Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 correspond to year, month, day, and hour, respectively. (The months are to be recorded numerically, January=1, February=2, etc., using the abbreviated notation.) Field 5 gives the latitude to the nearest degree, from 0° to 799, inclusive. Field 6 gives the longitude to the nearest degree. Field 7 gives the direction of the wind to the nearest compass point. The first subfield gives the four cardinal points; the second, the number of compass points to the right of the cardinal point. Thus, NNE.-N.--2; SW.-S.--4; WNW.-W.--2, etc. Field 8 gives the force of the wind on the Beaufort scale. (“Vr.” denotes variable.) Field 9 specifies the barometer, whether aneroid or mercurial. Field 10 gives the barometric reading to the nearest hundredth of an inch, corrected, if the barometer is mercurial, for initial error, temperature, and height above sea level; if aneroid, for initial error and for height above sea level. Fields 11, 12, and 13 give respectively the reading (Fahrenheit) of the dry-bulb thermometer, of the wet bulb thermometer, and the temperature of the surface water. Field 14 gives the weather, according to the Beaufort system of symbols. (v = visibility of distant objects is omitted.) Field 15 gives the form of clouds, according to the international system of cloud classification. Fields 16 and 17 give the direction to the nearest two compass points from which the clouds, lower and upper strata, are moving. The meaning of the subfields are the same as in the case of the wind. Field 18 gives the amount of cloud on a scale of 0 to 10. (0 = cloudless; 10 = sky overcast.) Field 19 gives the character of the sea, according to the Beaufort notation; field 20, the direction from which it comes to the nearest two compass points. Field 21 gives the direction of the current observed to within two compass points; field 22, its velocity per day to the nearest mile. Field 23 records the observation of ice, and its character. (B =bergs; F = field ice.) Field 24 records the observation of waterspouts. Fields 1 and 2, recording the year and the month, respectively, will evidently be constant for the 10,000 or more reports received during any one month. A saving in time and freedom from error may therefore be attained by punching these two fields for the whole number of reports 12 simultaneously as far as possible. This is effected by means of the Gang Punch shown in fig. 4. In this punch the several pins are capable of being adjusted to punch any possible combination of year and month from the beginning of the eighteenth up to the close of the twentieth century, the period covered by the card, and as many cards as are desired may be punched at a single operation. Upon a card thus arranged it is practicable to record every probable modification of the several meteorological elements ordinarily observed at sea, along with the various physical phenomena with which navigation is closely connected. The records thus obtained are absolutely uniform in size and shape, and much less liable to error than if transcribed in manuscript; are readily translated by means of a reading board into the originals, and are so compact that the space required for filing is reduced to its lowest terms. The main advantage, however, the ease with which, by the aid of machinery, the climatological data can be extracted from the whole mass of observations, will be returned to later. - To meet the demands of the system of double filing, all cards are punched in duplicate at a single operation, one set being filed as “date cards,” the other as “position cards.” The body of the two cards is precisely identical, the only difference being in the signification attached to the marginal ruling, the explanation of which will be given later. As a guard against improper filing, such, for instance, as both cards finding their way into one case, date cards have the upper right-hand corner clipped; position cards, the lower right-hand corner. A card of either sort accidentally finding its way into a bundle of the contrary sort will have that corner projecting, and may thus be detected and removed. Fig. 4.—Gang Punch. After punching, the cards are placed in drawers provided for holding them, each drawer consisting of three compartments, each compartment accommodating 3,000 cards. The date cards, filed chronologically, occupy one case, all the cards for any one day falling together, guide ºards separating successive days. In a separate, but precisely similar case, the position cards are filed according to the five-degree latitude and longitude square to which they belong, the order of succession of the squares in the filing cases being the order in which they occur as we go from the equator, taking each five degrees of longitude, beginning with the meridian of Greenwich, in succession. The quadrants of the earth are kept distinct, the northeast quadrant coming first, the southeast, the southwest, and the northwest following in the given order. Guide cards, marked with the limiting parallels and meridians, separate the several squares from each other, and secondary guide cards subdivide the observations of each square into monthly groups. For the purpose of broadly distinguishing the locality to which any observation belongs, the plan was adopted of designating by the color of the card the quadrant of the earth in which the recorded observation was taken, the earth being divided for this purpose into four quadrants, with the equator and the meridian of Greenwich as dividing lines. Pink was selected as the color of the northeast quadrant, blue for the southeast, green for the southwest, and white for the northwest, the quadrant in which observations are by far the most numerous. These colors apply to both date and position cards. A result of this subdivision is that no one of the great oceans is covered by cards of one color. But while a meridian might have been selected which would more nearly accomplish this, for example, 110° E., yet the advantage thus gained would probably have been outweighed by the resulting confusion of longitudes. . 13 ERRORS IN PUNCHING. There seems to be no practical systematic method, except duplication by different operators, of discovering errors made in punching the cards. According to the account of the use of the Hollerith Keyboard by the Census Bureau, the only class of errors considered were what is known as “inconsistent errors,” e.g., the recording of a child of 10 years of age as of no sex. These would inevitably be detected by the tabulating machines. With regard to other errors, the rather doubtful claim is made that “it is at least as easy to punch the right hole as it is to punch the wrong one.” In spite of this, however, the slight probability of committing an error, the almost automatic simplicity of the work, and the constantly increasing skill of the operator, assisted by careful scrutiny of the cards, and the intervention of such partial mechanical checks as experience alone can devise, will, it is thought, be sufficient to render negligible the effect of errors thus introduced. In case of the discovery of an error, or if for any other reason it becomes necessary to refer to the original abstract log, the number borne by each vessei upon the official list of vessels observing for the Hydrographic Office, stamped upon the back of both date and position card, serves as a means of identification. - ERRORS IN FILING. Date cards.-The error most likely to occur in filing these cards is that a card of one date may be accidentally mixed with those of another date. The following mechanical device will reveal such an error. Along the bottom and left-hand side of the card short marginal lines are printed, extending inward from the edge. Those along the side to which meaning is attached, eight in number, are sufficient to indicate the month, using the same abbreviated system of notation employed in the body of the card. The first eleven of those along the bottom are used to indicate the day of the month, the twelfth, marked “G. N.,” standing for Greenwich Noon. These lines are equidistant, being one-fourth inch apart, and are symmetrically placed with respect to the left-hand lower corner of the card. Each line is properly designated. Before placing the cards upon the keyboard punch, the marginal lines corresponding to the month and day of the observation are punched, using for this purpose a conductor's punch, the width of which, one-half inch, is just double the space intervening between successive lines, and whose jaws carry a light shoulder, limiting the admission of the card to the proper distance. Accurate placing and depth of the punch mark are thus insured, the indentations made being three thirty-seconds of an inch in width and extending one-eighth inch inward from the bottom of the card. Having completed the process of punching the body of the card, the date as shown by the marginal indentations and the date as shown in the body of the card are compared to make sure that the two agree. The bundle of cards under consideration is now placed upon the templet shown in fig. 5, of a size corresponding to the bottom of the card, and having channels placed at distances corre. sponding to the marginal lines of the card. These channels carry adjustable guide bars of such size as to readily fit into the marginal indentations. The bars for any desired month having been put in place, June, for example, the sixth month, calling for bars in spaces marked 5 and 1, December in spaces 10 and 2, etc., the cards, resting on the templet on their left-hand edge, are gently shuffled until those indented for that month have fallen astride the guide bars, while any one not so indented will project, and may thus be withdrawn. Setting the guide bars for any particular day, the same process will separate out from the remaining cards all excepting such as belong to that particular day. The same templet answers for both purposes. Furthermore, by placing an additional guide bar in the channel marked “G. N.” the separation of observations taken at hours other than Greenwich noon, should any such exist, from those taken at that hour is readily accomplished. Position cards.-The position cards are filed in monthly groups, according to the five-degree square within which the observation is taken. The error most likely to occur in filing the position 14 cards, therefore, is that a card belonging to a certain square become mixed with those belonging to another square. The method employed to detect such an error in the date cards is equally applicable here. Along the bottom and left-hand edge of the position card similar marginal lines are drawn, those along the bottom sufficing to mark the longitude, those along the side to mark the latitude, in each case the value indicated being the inferior five degrees of the square. The same abbreviated notation is employed as in the body of the card. In distance from each other, and from the lower left-hand corner, these marginal lines are identical with those on the date card, in order that the same templet may be employed. The marginal lines corresponding to the square of observation are punched, using the same conductor's punch as in the previous case, before the body of the card is touched, and a comparison afterwards made to see that the position as given to the nearest degree in the body of the card falls within the square given by the marginal indentations. The same process by which, with the assistance of the templet, the cards for any one day and date were separated from a bundle of date cards will now serve to separate out the cards belonging to any one square from a bundle of position cards, and by the same device the Greenwich noon reports for any square may be separated from those taken at other hours. A test of the proper grouping as to month is at once obtained by endeavoring to pass a prob- ſ º ººz ºf fe Tſii - | º ** T º | fº = Liſt Fig. 5–Separating Templet. ing wire through the punched holes indicating the month in question. A single card wrongly filed will serve to check the further entrance of the wire. From the date cards, thus arranged, it is possible to construct a synoptic chart of the whole or of any part of the ocean, provided, of course, that the observations are sufficiently numerous. From the position cards, the average values of the various meteorological elements can be obtained not only for the five-degree squares, but also, and with equal facility, for each one-degree square; and not only for each month, but also, if necessary, for any particular portion of a month, or for any day, or for any hour, all of this work being performed automatically by the separating and counting machine. This machine, shown complete in fig. 6, consists of three parts—the press, or circuit-closing device, the dials or counters, and the sorting boxes. The press is shown in perspective in fig. 7 and in detail in fig. 8. It consists of a hard-rubber plate, provided with 288 holes, the relative positions of which correspond with those of the holes in the keyboard and gang punches. Each of these pockets is partially filled with mercury; and they are thus in electrical connection with the binding posts and switchboard at the back of the machine. Above the hard rubber plate swings a reciprocating pin box, which is provided with a number of projecting spring-actuated points, so hung as to drop exactly into the center of the little mercury cups below. These pins are so connected that when a punched card is laid on the rubber plate against the guides or stops, and the box is brought down, all the pins that are stopped by the unpunched surface will be pressed back, while those that correspond with punched spaces pass through, close the circuit, and count on the dials. 15 º º º -º - - - … - ºr |- ill lº Fig. 6.-General View of Tabulating System. | --- | T- - Fig. 7-Circuit-Closing Press. 16 - The dials are shown in detail in figs. 9 and 10, and may also be seen grouped in position in fig. 6. Each dial is divided into 100 parts, and two hands travel over the face, one counting units and the other hundreds. The train of clockwork is operated electrically, by means of the electro- magnet, whose armature, as it moves each time the circuit is closed, carries the unit hand forward º- - - - Wºź º @ % Fig. 8-Detail of Circuit-Closing Press. one division, while every complete revolution actuates a carrying device, which in turn causes the hundred hand to count. The electrical connections are made simply by slipping them into the frame and clips shown in the upper part of fig. 7. The third element in the system is the sorting box, shown in fig. 11 in perspective, while fig. 12 is a diagram of its mechanism. - - - --- | - -- º - * > * - - ** ſill/I'll]]. vir **uctuºunteer arºuºurºurt lºtu, º, Counter. Fig. it).-Counter. The box is divided into numerous compartments, each of which is kept closed by a lid. As seen in fig. 12, the lid L is closed against the tension of the spring S by the catch a at the free end of the armature 4. If the circuit is closed by the press on the machine, through the electro-magnet E, the armature A is pulled down, releasing the trigger of the lid L, which is at once thrown up by the spring S, and remains open until closed by a touch of the operator's hand. The connections with the machine are made by means of the short cable seen at the left of the sorting box. 17 If, now, it is desired to make the familiar tabulation of the number of winds in a given square blowing from each direction, the binding posts of the switchboard corresponding to these terms are connected with the binding posts of the dials on which these items are to be counted. If it is also desired to assort these cards into groups according to the force of the wind, the binding posts of the switchboard representing such groups are connected with the clips into which the sorting box plug fits. The circuit being thus prepared, when a card is placed in position in the press and the handle of the pin box is brought down by the operator, so that the circuit is closed through each hole in the card, not only will the registration be effected upon the dials, but the sorting box that has been selected for a given group is opened, all the other sorting boxes remain- ing closed. It is, however, in tabulating combinations of phenomena that the machine exhibits its special adaptability to the work in hand. Let, for instance, the problem be to determine the occurrence of winds exceeding a certain limit of force, under given conditions of direction, barometer, and Fig.11.-Sorting Box. Fig. 12.-Detail of Sorting Box and Circuit. temperature. Such tabulation is effected by means of relays, controlling the action of the regis- tering dials. These relays are mounted together in racks, at the bottom of the case shown in fig. 6. In the case just suggested, the wind forces exceeding the given limit are joined up in multiple arc, and the wire is then brought to one contact of the relay corresponding to the direction. From the other contact it is carried to the relay corresponding to the given barometer, and thence to a third relay corresponding to the temperature. The counter will therefore be operated only when a card punched for the given combination is inserted in the press. Each of the relays, by joining up in multiple arc, may be made to cover a given range of value, and an analysis of any degree of fineness may thus be obtained. Furthermore, the machine tabulates in one list the cards satisfying the required conditions, and in a separate list the cards not satisfying them, including them under the general heading of “all others.” This is done for every operation through which the cards are put, thus giving a constant check as to whether any cards have been missed, counted twice, or have otherwise failed to register, the check being effected by joining up in multiple arc all of the holes in each field except those called for by the conditions. 15361—2 18 The integrating device, by means of which average values of numerical quantities are obtained, consists in a cylinder around whose circumference studs are set; spring contact points connected to the mercury cups of the press; a motor for revolving the cylinder in conjunction with a train of ordinary registering mechanism; and a device for starting the motor so that the cylinder will make one revolution. A card being put in the press, the circuit is closed through a given counter to the battery, to the cylinder of the integrating device from one of the nine contact strips of the integrator, through the corresponding mercury cups uncovered by the punched hole of the card, through the plunger of the pin box corresponding to that hole, and back to the counter. At the same time another circuit is closed through the magnet when the handle is brought down, which allows the train to revolve the cylinder of the integrating device one revolution. During that revolution the circuit through the dial counter will be made and broken from one to nine times, according to the contact strip which is brought into operation. Any number of counters can thus be operated at the same time, they being connected in multiple arc. With the assistance of the tabulating machinery just described and in the hope that it will to some extent be an efficient substitute for the working force, of which it has long stood in need, the Hydrographic Office has undertaken the treatment of the meteorological material which the recent years have served to accumulate. In its work in the past the Office has been made the subject at times of inconsiderate criticism, having its foundation rather in the ignorance on the part of its critics as to the conditions under which the Office exists than in any lack of merit in its publica- tions. The present Hydrographic Office, established by act of Congress in 1867, is in no sense the successor of the Office represented by Lieutenant Maury at the Brussels Conference in 1853, and has no legislative authority to prosecute the work which was discussed there, even if it were regarded as desirable to pursue that method of investigation at the present day. By acts of Congress the Hydrographic Office is authorized, in addition to its other and more specific duties, to prepare the monthly pilot charts of the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. Through the issue of these charts it has opened for itself avenues for obtaining meteorological observations direct from mariners of the world upon a scale which promises to become sufficiently extensive to enable it to circumvent the obstacles which meteorological conferences have labored to overcome. At the time of the establishment of the British Board of Trade Meteorological Office, for the purpose of carrying on the work proposed by the conference at Brussels, the wind was the princi- pal motor of commerce, and the deductions of the averages from the logs of many vessels which go to make up the results in climatology was of paramount importance. Since then circumstances have undergone radical changes. Commerce now follows certain well-defined tracks, and it is difficult to understand how in future the system of averages can be carried on over the broad field formerly visited. At the present day, instead of proceeding solely with the deduction of averages, it is a question whether greater advances in knowledge can not be ultimately made and benefits gained for commerce and navigation by following the method sketched on an earlier page, viz, by the construction of daily synoptic charts of the two hemispheres. Such charts are now prepared in the Hydrographic Office. Their publication, however, owing to lack of means and inadequate force, is at present not contemplated. All of the adverse criticism aimed at the Pilot Chart comes from men having a scientific specialty, namely, meteorology, but who have no practical knowledge of the sea. Taking the chart out of its proper domain, they insist upon judging it as a work of meteorological investigation, whereas it is a chart whose very foundation is utility. It is declared to be ephemeral; yet much of theinformation printed upon it results from averages and is carried upon successive charts from year to year; and in estimating the value of the ephemeral matter, it should be remembered, as nautical men know, that even the smallest hint of information, or even negative information, saves ships and lives. Independently of the Pilot Chart, the Office has had neither the authority nor the means of pursuing the work of scientific investigation. The amount of meteorological material on hand has, however, now reached such dimensions, owing to the rapid increase in the number of its voluntary observers, many of whom have, in this respect, given the same allegiance to the Hydrographic Office as to their own national institutions, that the discussion of this material is now demanded, if only as a return for the confidence displayed by these observers, in the promise that their labors would be for the ultimate benefit of navigation. A step in advance has now been taken in this direction which it is hoped will prove effectual. : NOTE ON BAROMETER COMPARISONS. In its every day use, the ordinary ship's barometer is a purely differential instrument, looked upon by the mariner as a monitor, the direction and extent of whose fluctuations serve to warn him of approaching atmospheric disturbances. Of its use as an absolute measure of the elastic pressure of the atmosphere, most mariners know nothing. His barometer may and often does indicate pressure differing by several tenths of an inch from the truth, and yet answer his purpose completely. So utter was the lack of knowledge of the barometer's true function that the following paragraph finds place in the Report of the Maritime Conference at Brussels: “That an instrument so rude and so abundant in error as is the marine barometer generally in use should, in this age of invention and improvement, be found on board any ship will doubtless be regarded hereafter with surprise, and it will be wondered how an instrument so important to meteorology and so useful to navigation should be permitted to remain so defective that meteorologists, in their investigations concerning the laws of atmospheric pressure, are compelled in great measure to omit all reference to the observations which have been taken with them at sea.” Although, owing to improved construction and greater knowledge, barometric observations at sea are to-day worthy of confidence to a far higher degree than at the time when this was written, the ship's barometer still leaves much to be desired in the way of accuracy, and of late years the tendency has been, owing to the multiplicity of errors to which it is subject and the apparent impossibility of eliminating them, to intrust the accurate determination of the atmos. pheric pressure to carefully constructed and observed barometers ashore, with which the various ships' barometers are from time to time compared and the error of their reading determined, this error remaining fairly constant over short periods. - The method of making these comparisons at present employed in the Hydrographic Office is most complete in detail. Branch Hydrographic Offices, each equipped with a standard barometer, which is read at hourly intervals during the day, are now established along the Atlantic Coast at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, and New Orleans, and along the Pacific Coast at San Francisco, Portland, and Port Townsend. A vessel arriving at any one of these ports returns to the Branch Office the meteorological forms which she has filled out during the voyage, and in the letter acknowledging the receipt of these reports receives a franked postal card of the form shown in fig. 13, requesting that the ship's barometer be carefully read by the regular observer at a certain hour each day for several days of the vessel's stay in port, and the reading, along with the hour of observation, be noted in a special column on the card. The readings for comparison being made by the regular observer, are thus affected with the same personal error as the ordinary observations. The card is then returned post free to the Branch Office, and the corresponding readings of the standard barometer for the several specified days and hours are added by the person in charge, these readings being copied from the barometric records. The card is then forwarded to the Main Office, and the value of the observed correction, with the date, is entered upon a second card designed for the purpose. All subsequent corrections of the same barometer are similarly entered in their proper order upon the same card, space being provided thereon sufficient for the corrections of several years. Each of these cards thus furnishes a complete history of the behavior of the special barometer from the time of its first use in the service of the Hydrographic Office. Other sources of information are utilized for the purpose of obtaining barometric comparisons. In addition to those places at which Branch Hydrographic Offices have been established, continuous barometric records by means of self-registering apparatus are maintained by the United States 19 20 Weather Bureau at Eastport and Portland, Me.; Charleston, S. C.; Key West, Fla.; Galveston, Tex.; and at San Diego, Cal.; Seattle, Tacoma, and Tatoosh Island, Washington. These records are of course accessible to the Hydrographic Office for the purpose of barometric comparisons. The Greenwich Noon Observations are now regularly taken with standard instruments at many outlying stations and islands in both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The list of these in the Atlantic includes St. Johns, Antigua; Las Palmas, Grand Canaries; Funchal, Madeira; Barbados, Bermuda, St. Helena, Port au Prince, Port Castries, Ponta Delgada, and many others; and in the Pacific, Sitka, Alaska; Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands; Apia, Samoa; and the Norfolk Islands; land observations being difficult to obtain in the Pacific owing to the inconvenient hour. The standard barometer at each of these stations thus furnishes a check upon the barometer of any observing vessel calling at the station. The weather maps published by the various Governments, BAROMETER RECORD. WESSEL (nationality, rig, and name:) Captain -------------------------------------------- In port of.------------------------------------------ NotE.-The readings below should be for that barometer which is used at sea to record observations for the Hydrographic Office. Date Time. (Local 189 . Stand'd.) Barometer, as Att. Leave this read off. ther. I column blank. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Notº-Daily readings at 8 a.m. or 8 p.m., 75th Meridian time, are best in ports of the United States and Canada, and 8 a.m., local time, in other ports; but other times will answer, if more convenient. Please mail this before you sail, whether the columns are filled or not. No postage is required if mailed - in any United States port. N. B. Fig. 13.-Barometer Comparison Card. giving the isobars, are also employed in this connection. The official weather map of the United States contains the result of the observations taken at 8 a.m., seventy-fifth meridian time, corre. sponding to 1 p. m., Greenwich Mean Time. During settled weather, and when the atmosphere is free from disturbances, the hourly change of the barometric pressure rarely amounts to more than one or two hundredths of an inch. In such cases, then, the 8 a.m. observations ashore furnish a comparison with the Greenwich Mean Noon observations aboard observing vessels along the immediate coast sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. Thus an observing vessel in the harbor of Seattle, longitude 122°8' W., will record the barometric pressure at 3 hours 52 minutes a. m., local time, the Weather Bureau observer reading his standard at 4 hours 52 minutes a.m.; and in case of freedom from disturbances, the latter may be used to determine the error of the former. 21 The British meteorological service publishes on its daily map the 2 p. m. Greenwich mean time observations at coast stations, and, in lack of anything better, these observations, although two hours distant in point of time, may be employed for the purposes of comparison. The German, French, and Spanish weather maps furnish no observations even approximating Greenwich Mean Noon. On the Asiatic side of the Pacific the daily weather map published at Tokyo, Japan, gives the barometric pressure prevailing throughout Japan at 10 p.m., Tokyo time, whereas Greenwich Mean Noon corresponds to 9 hours 20 minutes p. m., Tokyo time, a difference of only 40 minutes. The Japanese observations are therefore quite available for purposes of comparison. At Shanghai, Hongkong, and at Manila and several other points in the Philippine Islands hourly records of the barometer are kept, at Shanghai by the Fathers of the Zi-ka-wei Observatory, at Hongkong by the Hongkong Observatory, and at Manila by the Observatory of the Company of Jesus. At Vladivostok (lat. 43° 7' N., long. 131°54' E.); Rykovskoe (lat. 50° 47' N., long. 142° 55' E.), and at Okhotsk (lat. 59° 21' N., long 143° 17' E.), observations are taken at 9 p.m. by the Imperial Rus: sian Meteorological Service. The publications of these institutions are forwarded to the Hydro- graphic Office, and the observations suffice for the purposes of determining the error of the barometer of an observing vessel calling at any one of these ports. The question of the incorporation of the many observations made with aneroid barometers into what is hoped will in time become standard meteorological data has been thoroughly dis- cussed, but as yet remains open. For this reason, a field specifying the kind of barometer employed was introduced into the recording card, by means of which the deduction of the mean value of the barometric pressure as given by the two instruments may be carried on separately, if desired. The adoption of the general mean will necessitate the reduction to standard gravity, in order to render the observations comparable. Shall full weight be attached to observations with the aneroid, shall they be admitted with diminished weight, or shall they be excluded altogether? The British Meteorological Council, the Deutsche Seewarte of Hamburg, and the Danish Meteorologic Institute have adopted this last view, and their publications concerning the climatology of the sea contain the results of observa- tion with mercurial barometers alone. Certain facts in this connection, however, demand serious consideration. The aneroid barometer has become a permanent institution. It is cheap, while a good mercurial barometer is expensive; it is convenient, while a mercurial is cumbersome; it is easily read, while to read the other requires special training; and, worst of all for science, it answers every purpose of the navigator. With these circumstances in its favor, meteorology can only count upon the use of the aneroid becoming wider and wider, and should take steps to convert it from a purely differential into a more nearly absolute instrument. This has in part been accomplished, the records of barometer comparisons contained in the Hydrographic Office showing, with regard to aneroids, a marked superiority of those of late years over those of early years. The improvement in the instrument itself, and the fact that numerous comparisons with a standard are now readily obtainable, must be given due weight before it is decided to follow the example even of such excellent authorities as the institutions cited above, and reject all observations made with the aneroid. Upon its return to the Hydrographic Office each log is carefully scruti- nized in this respect, and where it is manifest that the aneroid is irregular or subject to fluctuations, the observations are rejected and the log is so marked. With such aneroids there is no question of the worthlessness of the observations as meteorological data. The only doubt is as to the accept- ance or rejection of observations of aneroids which have done duty alongside of the ordinary mercurial, and with an efficiency quite equal to that of the more highly esteemed instrument. C