- - | agº, ATT - A , (P).3/ The new Model No. 5 Standard Mergenthaler Linotype, fitted with a removable magazine, which is entirely independent of the escapement mechanism. Magazines can be changed in sixty seconds. A Machine //a/ Meets Every Requirement of z/e Job Printing or Newspaper Composing Room The Mergenthaler Linotype Company New York, U. S. A. Chicago San Francisco New Orleans Toronto Paris Buenos Aires : Louis L. Lomer Sydney : Parsons Brothers Tokio : Teijiro Kurosawa Cape Town : John Haddon & Co. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - - THIS CATALOGUE WAS ARRANGED AND PRINTED - FROM LIN OTYPE SLUGS BY BARTLETT–ORR PRESS, NEW YORK Copyrighted, 1906, by The Mergenthaler Linotype Company, New York, U. S. A. Y MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE --> º A. º º º, o- º -B C º D º º º - sº E. º - - G H | | To Intending Purchasers - HAT your order for Linotype machines may be filled without error, please read carefully the explanatory matter on the fol- lowing pages. Blank specification sheets will be furnished upon request. Use extreme care in filling in these sheets, and return them properly signed, whereupon a formal contract will be forwarded for execution. You are urgently requested to restrict the Order to your immediate requirements, as magazines, matrices, molds, mold liners, and Other supplies are kept in stock and can be furnished upon short notice; they cannot be earchanged or returned for credit. In ordering matrix faces, the number and style of face must be in accordance with the Linotype specimen book. 188669 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE z F O R E W O R D - º - General Use of Machines HE Mergenthaler Linotype was the first commercially successful x composing machine, and is to-day the standard composing machine everywhere. Twenty years ago hand composition alone was in use; to-day ten thousand American-built Linotypes are in use throughout the world. Practically every newspaper of importance in the United States is printed from Linotype faces. Linotypes are in W. use in the Government printing offices in Washington and Manila, and in the offices of the State printers of most of the States. They are used by many hundred book and job offices and by about fifteen hundred small offices having only one or two machines each. They are used on the finest de luxe editions by such leading book houses as V Theo. L. De Vinne & Co., Harper & Brothers, J. B. Lippincott & Co., the Wynkoop-Hallenbeck-Crawford Company, Methodist Book Concern, and Trow Printing and Bookbinding Company. | U What the Linotype Is - HE Linotype is not a typesetting machine. It is a machine controlled by fingerkeys like a typewriter, which creates new type-matter as demanded, ready for the press or stereotyping table, to be used once, ordinarily, and then melted down into Linotype metal. Instead of producing single type characters it casts type-metal bars or slugs, as shown on page 17, each complete in one piece and having on the upper edge, properly justified, characters to print a line. These slugs are automatically assembled in a galley in proper order, as - shown on page 16, answering the same purpose and to be used in the same manner as composed type-matter. The Linotype is a single machine, operated by one man, produc- ing at a single Operation the finished product directly in response to the Operation of the keyboard. It composes matter more rapidly and more cheaply than can be done in any other manner. It does MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE away with worn and battered type and always gives a new, clean dress. Matter may be kept standing at the mere cost of Linotype metal. Duplicate slugs in any quantity may be cast automatically. Capacity of Machines HE machines are guaranteed to be capable of setting above 5,OOO ems (IO,OOO ens) per hour, and this output is widely obtained every day in commercial offices by first-class operators. In the larger faces and in bookwork the output will be somewhat less, The machine will Operate at a speed exceeding that at which any operator can finger the keys. In Open competition, trial speeds of IO,OOO and II,OOO ems (2O,OOO and 22,OOO ens) per hour were maintained for an entire day. The Mergenthaler Linotype Company has constantly developed and perfected its machines to keep pace with the advance of the printing art. The Double Magazine Linotype, built only by this company and described in detail herein, was developed to meet the demand for a machine to do all sorts of complex and intricate composition at one continuous operation. For this sort of work it is in wide use and has no competitor. - Particularly important among the recent developments of the Linotype is the use of magazines entirely independent of the magazine frame and escapement mechanism. A man or boy can change one magazine for another carrying a set of matrices of a different face and have the machine again in operation in sixty seconds. For short runs and frequent change of face this effects a great saving in time. These quickly removable magazines are much lighter and cheaper than their predecessors. They are designed to be employed as matrix cases and to take the place of type cases. They are superior to type cases in many ways, however, for they can easily be carried from place to place; they are more compact; they occupy very little space, and the matrices are properly arranged, so that the instant the maga- zine is put on the machine they are ready for use. ". NOTYPE 2 The Model No. 5 Standard Mergenthaler Linotype in its latest form. The machine is fitted with a removable magazine which can be instantly changed so as to adapt the machine for short runs and frequent change of face y W U O º - The Model No. 5 Standard Mergenthaler Linotype Its Construction and Operation HE machine originally invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler, and Subsequently improved by many modifications and additions, is called the Linotype machine, for the reason that it composes and casts º - entire lines of type. In order that it may accomplish its purpose and justify its name, it obviously must include in its operative mechanism certain elements from which lines of type can be cast. These elements are called matrices. The Matrices are the Elements from which a Line is Cast Each matrix is a small, thin brass plate, in one of the edges of which either one or two letters or characters are cut in intaglio. The matrices, to the number of several hundred, are stored in a magazine which can be quickly removed by a man or boy, and another substi- tuted containing matrices of a different face. From this magazine the matrices are delivered and assembled in lines as the operator plays on a keyboard, and to it they are automatically returned after they have been used in casting a line of type. The matrices of each letter or character are contained in a particular channel of the magazine, from which channel they are delivered endwise in response to the manipu- lation of the key controlling that particular channel. The Escapement Mechanism HE delivery of matrices from the magazine in the exact order in which the characters or letters are to appear is effected by means of the keyboard, to which reference has been made, and by means of an escapement mechanism which controls the delivery of matrices from the magazine channels. The Keys are Like Those of a Typewriter The keyboard in appearance is much like that of a typewriter, but the keys, unlike those of a typewriter, are not depressed by sharp blows of the fingers; the slightest touch or pressure on a key is sufficient to cause the delivery of matrices bearing a letter or character corresponding with that of the key. I MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE º The Escapement Mechanism Delivers the Matrices One by One The escapement mechanism, which is thrown into operation by the manipulation of the keys to cause the delivery of matrices, consists of a number of vertical reeds, the upper ends of which are connected with the matrix-releasing devices, and the lower ends of which are actuated by power-driven cams as the operator plays on the keys. Thus, if a key be depressed, the cam of the corresponding escapement revolves and urges the reed upward, so that the releasing mechanism is momentarily actuated to permit the escape of a single matrix at a time. As soon as the finger is removed from the key, the delivery of matrices ceases. The Assembling Mechanism How a Line of Matrices is Assembled - HE matrices which are allowed to escape from the magazine drop upon a conveyor-belt by which they are carried in their proper order to an assembler, which is not unlike a printer's stick, and which, V indeed, answers much the same purpose. The correct spacing of the line of matrices is effected by expansible spacebands or justifiers dropped between the U proper matrices in the line from a separate box at the left of the magazine. The devices whereby the spacebands are discharged from their box are actuated by One of the keys of the keyboard. How a Line of Two Faces is Composed The two-letter matrix bears two characters, one above the other, one of which may be a s roman text face and the other an italic, small capital, or black face. If a line is to be composed partly of the text face and partly of the R Other face, it follows that some of the matrices must be raised above MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE the others in order to produce the desired line. This is accom- plished by providing the assembler with a slide operated by a fingerkey. When the lower characters of a number of matrices are needed, the slide is shifted by means of the fingerkey, and the matrices are arrested at a higher level, so that their lower letters align with the upper letters of the other matrices in the assem- bler. When the slide is withdrawn the ma– trices are assembled at If a line is to be composed partly of the text face and partly of another face, two-letter matrices are used, some of the lower level. By which are raised in order to produce the desired line means of this simple contrivance, a line may be composed partly of One face, partly of the other face, or entirely of either face. How a Line is Cast The Casting Mechanism - FTER the assembler has received a line of matrices, it is lifted bodily, and the line of matrices is automatically transferred to the casting mechanism. Justification is Automatic The essential features of this casting mechanism are a pot of molten metal constantly heated by a gas, gasoline, or coal oil burner, and a mold provided with a slot. The line of matrices is brought in front of the mold with the letters directly opposite the slot. At this point the expansible spacebands are mechanically wedged tightly in the line of matrices, so as to obtain absolutely perfect justification. 13 A. - - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - º B X. w V U T S This illustration shows the manner in which matrices are constantly circulated in the Linotype machine. From the assembler the matrices are passed to the mold disk where the line is cast, and from the mold disk after casting they are raised to the top of the machine - and redistributed to the proper channels of the magazine. - R K L M N. O P Q MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE E. The metal pot is thereupon tilted forward against the mold; a plunger in the pot descends, and a certain amount of molten metal is forced from the pot through a neck into the slot of the mold and against the matrices. The metal solidifies almost instantly. Here the casting operation ends. In the slot of the mold a slug has been cast, bearing the raised characters from which the line is to be printed. The matrices, having served their purposes, are no longer required, and are accordingly removed from the casting mechanism and returned to the magazine in the manner to be presently described. The Slug is Trimmed Exactly to the Size Required The slug held in the slot of the mold is not quite ready for the printer. It must be trimmed to the proper dimensions—an operation which is performed by the machine with the utmost accuracy. Two sets of knives are employed, one to trim the slug type-high, the other to reduce it to the proper thickness. After the slug is cast, the mold disk is turned, carrying the mold past the first knife and neatly shaving off any surplus metal from the slightly projecting slug. As it continues to turn, the mold disk carries the slot opposite two parallel blades which constitute the second knife. Here the mold disk stops. An ejector forces the slug out of the slot and between the parallel blades, so that the slightest excess of thickness is shaved off. From the parallel blades the slug is ejected into a galley where it lies in its proper place, side by side with the slugs or linotypes that have been previously cast. The Matrix-Distributing Mechanism FTER a slug has been cast, the line of matrices must be disinte- grated, and the matrices assorted and returned to their proper channels in the magazine ready to be used anew. Naturally, the first step in this disintegration is the separation of the spacebands from the matrices. Separating the Spacebands from the Matrices As soon as the slug is cast, the line of matrices and spacebands is lifted and transferred to a horizontal bar which captures only the matrices. An arm then elevates the bar and matrices to the top of the machine. The spacebands are left behind and are pushed into their box. A. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE The casting mechanism consists of a pot of molten metal and a disk containing a mold provided with a slot. A plunger in the pot forces a certain amount of the metal through a neck into the slot of the mold and against the matrices. - After having been trimmed, the slug is ejected into a galley where it lies in its proper place, side by side with the slugs or linotypes previously cast. Assorting and Distributing the Matrices The device for dis– tributing the matrices to their respective channels in the magazine is one of the most ingenious and at the same time one of the simplest mechanisms of the Mergenthaler Lino- type machine. Each ma- trix is notched at its upper end, but the notches of the matrices of one letter differ in arrangement or number from the ma– trices of all other letters. Upon this difference de- pends the correct distri- bution of the matrices to the magazine. After having been elevated to the top of the machine in the manner described, the matrices pass to a distributing box from which they are fed singly to a distributing rail running horizontally along the top edge of the magazine. The rail is provided with ribs, and, like the notches of the matrices, these ribs vary in number and arrange- ment at different points in the length of the rail. Driven by two conveyor- Screws, the matrices are K M. N - O V MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE The individual slugs or linotypes after having been assembled are ready for use | - urged along the rail, E. each travelling along the successive sets of - ribs until finally it arrives at a point where the ribs are of such form that they release the matrix, which drops not only into the magazine but into the very channel from which it was originally released. From the fore- going description it will be seen that the matrices are constant- ly circulated through the machine, escaping singly from the maga- - After a slug has been cast the line of matrices and space- zine to the assembler, bands is lifted and transferred to a horizontal bar which passing from the as captures only the matrices. An arm then elevates the bar S and matrices to the top of the machine, leaving the space- sembler in composed bands behind to be pushed into their box. - K M N U s A. - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE lines to the mold disk, and rising from the mold disk to the top of the machine, where they are returned singly to their respective channels. Because of this incessant circulation, one line can be composed while another is being cast and a third distributed. It is impossible for any operator to manipulate the keyboard as fast as the machine will run. For regular newspaper work 5,000 ems per hour may be considered a fair speed. Exceptionally quick X operators have produced from 8,000 to II,000 ems per hour. - º U I The matrices are distributed to their respective magazine channels by a sorting device consisting of a screw conveyor and distributing rail R º MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE . The New Quick Removable Magazine N order to change faces quickly, it is the practice to keep on hand a number of magazines containing matrices of various faces, and to change one magazine for another as occasion may require. The Simplicity of the New Removable Magazine In the new Model No. 5 Standard Mergenthaler Linotype this method of changing face has been so greatly simplified and improved, that it is possible to substitute one magazine for another in sixty seconds. Formerly, from three to five minutes were consumed. This simplification and improvement has been attained by de- signing the escapement mechanism and magazine so that they are independent of each other; by making the frame of the magazine and the escapement mechanism permanent parts of the machine; by lightening the magazine, and by rendering it possible to slide the magazine downward and forward and to suspend it in front of the machine just prior to removal. In the new Standard Mergenthaler Linotype the magazine is removably supported on the permanently fixed frame. Mounted at each side of the magazine frame at the forward end is a rocker arm with a lifting-cam at its inner end and offset at its outer end to form a rest for the magazine. The levers are connected by a shaft extend- ing across the front of the magazine frame. Cams, levers, and shaft are made in one piece. To remove the magazine, a rod is run trans- versely through the magazine below the first row of matrix ears, simultaneously locking the matrices in place and unlocking the rocker arm. By pulling the rocker arm forward, the shaft is turned and the lifting-cams rotated to throw up the forward end of the magazine. A boy can then slide the magazine down on the levers until it hangs in front of the machine on the rests formed at the end of the levers. In Sixty Seconds Magazines can be Changed The magazine can now be removed from the machine and another hung on the levers, slid back on the frame and lowered on the maga- zine frame by throwing the levers, and hence the cam-shaft in the opposite direction—all in sixty Seconds. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE By throwing the lever at the side of the magazine frame, the forward end of the magazine is thrown up, as shown in the top picture. The magazine is then allowed to slide downwards and forwards as shown in the bottom picture How MAGAZINES ARE CHANGED IN SIXTY SECONDS * * ^ - - - - - -- - V U MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Z When the magazine hangs vertically from the side levers, it can be lifted away by a boy. Another magazine can then be hung on the levers and pushed upwards and backwards into position. After the levers at the side have been thrown up, the magazine is ready to deliver matrices HOW MAGAZINES ARE CHANGED IN SIXTY SECONDS MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - The magazine and the escapement mechanism are independent, the escapement mechanism | constituting a permanent fixture on the machine. This picture shows the magazine thrown up and away from the escapement mechanism preparatory to its removal The importance of this improvement to the job printer can hardly be overestimated. The new magazines are so much lighter and cheaper than the old that he can afford to keep a number of them on hand. Moreover, they enable him to use his Linotype machine profitably on short runs, or wherever frequent change of face is necessary. - We cannot emphasize too strongly the merits of this new remov- able magazine. Including the matrices, it weighs from 44 to 55 - - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE 7. - The magazine is here shown in operative position, so that the escapement mechanism may release the matrices pounds. The time and labor required in effecting frequent change of face have now been so far reduced that the Linotype machine s may be employed for almost any work which the job printer may assign to it. - The removable magazines are in effect matrix cases, equivalent to regular type cases; with the additional advantages that they occupy R far less floorspace than type cases, and that they can be moved about by a boy. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - º v U T S The Model No. 4 Double Magazine Mergenthaler Linotype contains two removable magazines holding two-letter matrices representing 360 characters. In two minutes these magazines can be changed for two others containing 360 totally different characters. This machine is operated in exactly the same manner as the Standard Linotype. - R A - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE s | . The Model No. 4 Double Magazine Mergenthaler B - Linotype N many job printing and newspaper offices a machine is needed which is capable of handling, without change of magazines, more faces at a time than the Standard Linotype can accommodate. To C attain this purpose, the Model No. 4 Double Magazine Mergenthaler - Linotype has been introduced—a machine designed to set up matter for which widely different faces may be needed at a moment's notice. This Double Magazine machine, carrying 360 characters, changeable at will, Occupies no more space than the Standard Linotype, is Operated in exactly the same way, and presents no mechanical diffi- culties to the skilled Linotype operator. It composes with the body matter marginal notes, small-type extracts, chapter-heads, foot-notes, sub-heads, and much of the work that is usually set by hand, without change and without any loss of time. E As its name implies, the Model No. 4 Linotype is provided with two superposed magazines. Each of these is instantly removable. These two magazines, containing 360 characters, can be changed by a single man or boy in two minutes for other magazines containing 360 totally different characters. While the operator is manipulating F the keyboard and setting matter by means of matrices drawn from the - upper magazine, the lower magazine can be removed and another substituted in the manner shown by the illustration on page 29. The machine need not be stopped for a single second. The operator is not compelled to use one style at one time and another style at another G time; he need not wait until the machine has finished its run and is recharged with the style of matrices he must use for the purpose in hand. The removable magazines enable him to use the machine at any time, no matter how short his run may be. The top magazine may be removed in exactly the same way as H the single magazine of the Model No. 5 Linotype by a sliding movement downward and forward. The lower magazine is removed from the rear of the machine. A rocking support carries the magazine, the side members of which support are formed with curved slots which receive lugs on the machine frame. When the magazine and its support are rocked down or up, the slotted side members ride on the fixed lugs, very much as MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE NC - v U T - S. The top picture shows the normal position of the upper magazine of the Model No. 4 Linotype. In the lower picture the magazine is being removed by sliding it downward and forward on its frame. It finally hangs in the position shown on the opposite page R. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE i When the upper magazine hangs in this position, it is lifted off the supporting levers and another hung in its place. The new magazine is then pushed up and back into operative position A. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE if the magazine were horizontally pivoted. The lower magazine is B changed by sliding it outward on its support and swinging it down until it hangs in a vertical position. It is then removed. Another maga- zine is thereupon hung on the support and pushed upward and forward into position. The magazine and its frame are then rocked up into their proper places. The whole operation consumes about sixty seconds. C The escapement mechanism remains on the machine and is not in the least affected by the changing of magazines. In appearance and, indeed, in operative mechanism, the Double Magazine and Standard machines are similar. The features which distinguish the Double Magazine machine from the Standard Lino- name, an additional belt-conveyor leading to the assembler, a modified escapement mechanism, and an extra set of matrix-distributing devices. Only a single keyboard is used, and that, like the other parts of the machine, remains unchanged. E. F. The lower magazine is removed by tilting it down to a horizontal position as here - shown. It is then merely pulled out and another substituted. The new magazine is tilted back into place type are the additional removable magazine to which it owes its MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - 2. !f -- This picture is to show that, although the operator is drawing matrices from the upper magazine, the lower magazine can be changed without stopping the machine for an instant The Double Magazine Machine Sets the Most Intricate Tabular and Pamphlet Matter with Chapter Heads and Marginal Notes Each of the two magazines contains its particular set of matrices. Separate belt-conveyors deliver the matrices from each magazine to a common assembler, which is constructed as all Mergenthaler assem- blers are. The casting mechanism is in every respect like that which has been described in connection with the Standard machine. After the slug is cast, the matrices are raised in the usual way to the top of the machine, and are there separated into two classes, the one MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE THE DOUBLE MAGAZINE LINOTYPE Two magazines contain all the matrices, but only a single keyboard is manipulated by the operator U MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE -º: 1) º destined for the upper magazine, the other for the lower magazine. By two distinct sets of distributing devices, which in principle do not depart from the Standard Mergenthaler distributors, the matrices are returned to the proper channels of their respective magazines, ready to be delivered anew by the manipulation of the keyboard. Since each matrix is provided with two characters, a line may be assembled at two different levels, so that it will be composed partly of the upper and partly of the lower letters, or wholly of either. Change in the size or style of the face produced can be effected instantly, as characters represented in the two magazines may be combined in one line. Sorts characters, or extra characters not represented in the keyboard, may be produced at will by extra matrices which may be instantly placed in the line by hand—and, after the casting operation, are automatically returned to the pi box. When it is considered that two magazines are used, each filled with two- letter matrices, and that these magazines can be changed for others in two minutes, it becomes apparent how a variety of faces can be cast quite sufficient for the needs of the composing room. Two Magazines Contain all the Matrices, but Only a Single Keyboard is Manipulated by the Operator The escapement mechanism is so designed that although each magazine is provided with its own matrix-releasing devices, but a single keyboard is needed. The escapement mechanism forms a per- manent part of the machine and remains in place when the magazines are changed. The fingerkeys actuate a single set of reeds, and these in turn actuate either the one or other set of matrix-releasing devices. By throwing a lever above the keyboard the matrix-releasing devices of one magazine are locked, and those of the other are left free to respond to the manipulation of the fingerkeys. Thus, by means of a mechanism similar to the shift key of a typewriter, matrices can be delivered from either magazine at will. - Existing matrices of the Standard Mergenthaler Linotype can be run in the upper magazine without change. The matrices of the lower magazine are exactly like the regular matrices, except that they are notched in their lower edges. Any matrix may be notched so as to run in the lower magazine. When notched, it will not run in the upper magazine of the Double Magazine machine. All matrices MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE whether notched or not will run in any Standard or single magazine machine. Each of the two magazines will carry a complete font of one or two-letter matrices of any style made by the company. The two magazines may carry fonts of the same size but different style, or fonts of the same style but different size. A full font of body faces, combined with italics and small caps, may be used in the upper magazine, and a similar complement of different size or style in the lower magazine. Again, the lower magazine may be filled with black faces, heading characters, accented characters, symbols, or all other special characters. Thus, the Double Magazine machine enables the compositor to combine different faces in great variety without loss of time. This casting mechanism, used in connection with two-letter matrices, enables the operator to cast a line of type composed of roman, italic, and black faces. The same mechanism may also be used with single-letter matrices º t ſ The matrices of the upper magazine, as they approach the distributing rail during distribu- - tion, ride on a single track by which they are lifted to a higher level than the lower magazine matrices, so as to engage their own distributing rail. G The matrices of the lower maga- zine are notched in their lower edges so as to straddle the single track on which the upper magazine matrices travel, so that they may drop through a chute to their own distributor boxes and engage their own distributing rail. 33 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE * MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Change of Measure The Standard Mold () HEN machines are used for newspaper or similar work, requiring change in the length or measure of the line only, without change in the body, the Standard mold is recommended. This mold contains a long slot in which the slug is cast. In one end of the slot is a removable liner or filling piece. To change measure it is necessary only to loosen a screw, to slide the liner out at the front, and to insert another liner of different length. Liners are sold at a uniform price for all measures up to thirty ems pica. Change of Body and Measure The Universal Mold for Changing Body and Measure F the machine is to be used for work which requires a change of body in addition to a change in measure, the Universal mold is recommended. In this mold the body portion, fixed to the disk, is provided with upright guides, one at each end, to hold the cap in position. Liners are removably seated between the cap and the body, and are held in place by pressure screws seated in the edge of the disk to which the mold is rigidly secured. Change of measure is effected by loosening the cap, removing the left-hand liner and substituting another of different length. Change of body or, in other words, change in the thickness of the slug, is effected by removing both liners and substituting for them others of the required thickness. Liners are made of various sizes and thicknesses, so that the attendant may in two or three minutes adjust the Universal mold to produce slugs of any body from five-point to fourteen-point, and of any length from five ems to thirty ems pica. - Leaded and Solid Matter LL matrices will run in connection with any mold of sufficient size. In order to lead the matter it is necessary only to insert in the mold thicker liners and thus increase the thickness of the slug. For example, if leaded nonpareil is required, it is necessary only to insert in the mold brevier liners. The result will be a brevier slug carrying a nonpareil face. Leading may be increased or dimin- ished at will by change of liners. - w º MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Z Mold Liners - and Ejectors OR each change in measure, an extra left- hand liner is required. If there is to be a change in body, an extra right-hand liner must also be provided. It is necessary only to have one right-hand liner for each body, but of left-hand liners there must be one for each body and measure. There must also be an extra ejector blade for each body and º measure to drive the slugs In the Universal mold the cap is detachable from S the body to permit a change in liners from the mold. and therefore a change in body How change of body is effected by releasing the cap from the body of the mold to permit - the introduction of new liners - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE z The Universal Recessed Mold New Mold—Skeleton Slugs N order to reduce the quantity of metal required in operating Linotype machines, and also improve the action of the machine, a new mold is now offered. Its cap is provided with projecting portions which form large cavities or recesses in the slug, as shown below, thus reducing the weight about one-third. The slug has a solid face as usual, and ribs at the side to sustain the face, so that it stands up solidly in stereotyping and electrotyping. The mold resembles in general construction the well-known Universal mold, but is made only for IO point and larger bodies. The measure of the slug may be varied by changing the liner at One end of the mold, and the body may be changed by substituting liners at both ends. - The mold may be instantly applied to any machine without altering or fitting the parts, and may be used in connection with the ordinary ejectors, using an ejector five points thinner than the body being cast. Advantages The slugs being much lighter than usual, the investment in metal is greatly reduced. The expense of keeping matter standing is lessened. As the air to be displaced from the mold is less than usual, more Solid and perfect faces are Secured. Caution Two molds and the necessary liners are re- quired to cover all meas- ures up to 30 ems pica, as follows: No. I will produce Slugs from 9 to 30 ems, except I5%, 22% and 20% ems. No. 2 will produce all measures from 9 to 30 ems, except I.4%, 21% and 28% ems. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - - - | | | | --- - - C Mold Disks Two Molds can be Carried in the Disk at the Same Time OLD disks are constructed with slots to receive two molds on Opposite sides, the molds remaining permanently in position. When slugs of two regular or standard sizes are used, and frequent change made from one to the other, the use of two molds is recom- mended, as one or the other may be brought into position for use simply by turning the disk, without delay or trouble in adjusting the molds. Each machine carries one of these disks. Matrices LL Linotype matrices except those for vertical figure slugs and the Rogers Table System are made on the basis of .OI4-inch to a point and . I68-inch to an em pica. Matrices for the Rogers Table System are made on true typefounders' body, .OI389-inch to a point. All matrices, regardless of face, may be inserted in any magazine. (Pica matrices will not run in magazines made prior to January Ist, I903. Machines made prior to this date require special magazines for German matrices.) One-letter Matrices For Ordinary purposes, matrices carry one character or letter each. These are termed one-letter matrices and are adapted for newspapers and periodicals in which italics and small capitals are infrequently used. Italics and small capital matrices and matrices for unusual accents, arbitrary signs, and special characters are furnished On order as sorts and carried in a sorts tray at the side of the key- board, so that they may be readily inserted in the matrix line by hand when required. They are automatically returned to a pi box. A set of matrices furnished with the machine includes upper and lower case letters, figures, fractions, and points, and consists of 1,500 pieces, more or less. These matrices are made in a great variety of faces from five-point to fourteen-point. Two-letter Matrices To meet the requirements of book Offices, job printers, and the like, matrices are made which bear two characters each. The upper is usually a body character and the lower an italic, a small capital, or a black face. A font of two-letter matrices carries a complete alphabet of body characters (upper and lower case), points, figures, and the like, | 39 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE as usual; also upper and lower case ital- ics, and in addition an alphabet of small capitals. These fonts meet the requirements of book Offices and of newspapers which use italics and small cap- - º | itals. Two-letter fonts - M. -> are also furnished car- rying a complete al- One-letter and two-letter matrices phabet of body faces, upper and lower case, with points, etc., and a complete alphabet, with points and figures of black face or title characters. By means of these matrices it is possible to set without loss of time in connection with the body matter, heads, titles, sub-heads, and the like in black face characters. Two-letter matrices are extensively used in newspaper work. They are made for a great variety of faces and combination of faces from five-point to fourteen-point, as shown in the specimen book of the company. It should be borne in mind that two-letter matrices can be used only in machines provided with special two-letter attachments which are readily applicable to all single-letter machines. Two-line Sectional Matrices For the purpose of producing very large figures or letters for advertising purposes in the ordinary machine sectional matrices are provided. The first matrix being set in the line with others pro- duces on the first slug the upper half of the character. The second matrix produces in like manner the lower half Of the character on the Two-line initial matrices cast slugs such as these Second Slug. When the - --- 40 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE N. * º mºs Nelſºn ºlºmºn ºil. - / Two-line sectional figure matrices are used for the purpose of producing very large figures for advertising purposes two slugs are brought together the two-line character appears as shown in lower picture on preceding page, and also in the above picture. These matrices are made in twelve, sixteen, and twenty-four- point faces, to run respectively on six, eight, and ten-point slugs. Two-line Initial Matrices and Attachments When two-line initial letters are required, in want advertisements and the like, another class of special matrices are supplied. Each matrix represents one of the large letters complete and is set into the line by hand. The slug is cast with the large letter overhanging its lower edge, so as to Overlap a blank surface on the second slug by which it is supported. Special knife attachments are required to trim these slugs. - - Border Matrices For producing ornamental borders or slugs bearing stars, finials, and ornamental characters, special border matrices can be obtained in great variety and design. When placed in the machine they operate in the same manner as ordinary letter matrices. The machine can be adjusted to repeat the casting operation automatically so as to produce the border Slugs in great quantity to MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE The great expense attending the purchase of brass dashes, rules, and the like can be avoided by the use of these quad blocks and suitable matrices be carried in stock. Each line may be composed of matrices bearing the same design or of any desired combination of designs. In this way widely different effects may be obtained. A great number of designs are contained in our specimen book. Dash and Rule Matrix Slides The great expense incurred in purchasing brass dashes, rules, etc., may be avoided by the use of a special quad block and suitable matrix slides. These quad blocks are inserted in the machine in place of a line of matrices. The block contains on One side a removable slide or strip containing a pattern or matrix for a dash, rule, or other design. When the machine is operated continuously it will produce good metal dashes or rules and assemble them in the galley. To change pattern it is necessary only to remove the matrix slide and to substitute a different pattern. Our specimen book contains patterns in great variety for dashes and for single and double rules. M - o - - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE B. D E. The Linotype Automatic Quadding-out Attachment NCREASES the speed 25 to 50 per cent, on law testimony, mail- ing lists, poetry, catalogue and directory work, running around cuts, and on other quad lines. Readily applicable to all Linotype machines. Can be instantly thrown into or out of action. Does not interfere in setting straight matter. - Operation of the Attachment The Operator sets only the letter matrices, and immediately sends the line forward without setting quads as heretofore. As the line passes to the mold the jaw advances automatically, clamping the line and also covering and closing the mold so as to produce the blank or quadded surface on the slug. In this manner quadding to any extent is effected instantly and while the next line is being composed. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE The Rogers System of Linotype Rule and Figure Work A Method by which the most Intricate Rule and Figure Work can be Set Without Sawing the Slugs The Rogers system for rule and figure composition, invented by Mr. J. R. Rogers and adopted by the Mergenthaler Linotype Com- pany, has made the mechanical composition of tables and intricate figure work as easy as straight composition. By the use of this system the most intricate rule and figure work can be composed, quickly, conveniently, and at a lower cost than by any other method of tabular composition. Furthermore, the necessary appliances are very simple and easily mounted on existing Linotype machines. The machine produces the ordinary horizontal slugs having therein slots to receive shallow brass rules. The slugs are delivered from the machine with the slots therein, and no sawing, cutting, or other work is necessary. After the proofs are pulled and corrections made, the rules may be inserted in an instant, and when the form is locked up the rules are held securely in place. Rogers table matrices are like the ordinary Linotype matrices, except that the figure or letter is in the bottom of a slot, instead of being located in the edge, as usual, so that when the matrices are A. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE assembled side by side their slots will align and form a mold in which the front edge of the slug is cast. The mold with which the matrices are used is the ordinary Universal Adjustable mold, except that it is of less thickness from front to rear. When the line of matrices is presented against the mold, the matrix slot aligns with and forms a continuation of the mold C slot So that the body or base part of the slugs is cast in the mold as usual, while the front edge is cast in the matrices. The slots in the slugs are formed by matrices or division plates without slots. These matrices, of a thickness corresponding to the required rules, are assembled at the proper points in the matrix line from the keyboard D in the regular way. The matrices are made on the unit system setwise. In operating under this system, the table is laid out or cast up as usual. A strip of paper is preferably placed in the assembler scale, with marks - to indicate the location of the required rules. The operator then E. manipulates the keyboard and composes the line as usual, touching at the proper times a key representing a rule of the required thickness. The composition proceeds as with the other copy, and the machine - produces slug after slug containing the slots. When the slugs are assembled the slots register, forming a continuous slot or groove into which the rules may be quickly inserted. Box heads, cross rules, etc., may be set with facility. The brass rules may be made continuous throughout the form and extended beyond the slugs for the box heading or the rules may be labor- saving lengths. G The most complicated tables, including reading matter between the column rules and all the ordinary reference marks, light and dark figures, and light and heavy rules, leaders, horizontal rules, etc., may be produced by this system more speedily and cheaply than in any other manner. - Linotype Motors HEN ordered, the company will furnish electric motors of special design, which will be mounted on the machine. Direct-current motors are built for II.5, 230, or 500 volts; alter- - I nating-current motors are built for various voltages and frequencies. - The use of individual electric motors is advantageous in that the MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE When electric motors are used, the machine and its driving mechanism are complete in themselves machine and its driving mechanism are complete in themselves, so that external belting and shafting are dispensed with and a uniform speed maintained. Before Ordering a motor consult an electrician as to the voltage of the current which you use. If alternating current is used, the frequency must also be determined. The company guarantees that these motors are in good and oper- ative condition on leaving its works, but it will under no circumstances be responsible for accidents which may occur to them thereafter. Kerosene and Gasoline Heaters OR use in localities where gas is not obtainable, Linotypes can be fitted either with kerosene or gasoline heaters. Kerosene Heaters The kerosene heater consists of a tank, pipe connections, an auto- matic regulator, and burner, all of which are attached to and become part of the Linotype. The tank holds enough oil to last twenty-four hours. The automatic regulator governs the quantity of oil supplied M N. -- --- º - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE to the heater and keeps the temperature of the metal always the same. In towns where the pressure of gas is uneven and hard to govern Such heaters can be used to advantage. Gasoline Heaters Although the company believes that kerosene is the better fuel for use in cities where gas is not obtainable, it supplies a gasoline heater. The burner needs only to be seated on the frame of the machine under the pot; no change in the machine whatever is required. If the burner is to be used permanently, the supply pipe is extended to the reservoir located outside of the building. If, however, the burner is to be used only temporarily or in an emergency, a small tank connected with the burner by a short pipe may be employed, so that the entire contrivance may be conveniently stored and held in reserve for instant use when demanded. Ordinary gasoline is used. No blowers or air pipes are needed. The burner is furnished com- plete with the exception of the oil tank or reservoir, which may be purchased of any dealer in oil stoves or lamps, and connected with the burner by a pipe of any desired length. Natural Gas Governors F natural gas is to be used as fuel, that fact should be plainly stated to the company, for the Ordinary governor on the main pipe will not answer if natural gas is to be used. A special high-pressure governor must be employed. A suitable governor can be obtained from the Equitable Meter Company, 226 First Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Linotype Metal Good Linotype Metal—What It Is OTHING is of more importance than the use of good metal. Stereotype metal is not recommended, but stereotypes can be made with Linotype metal. The repeated heating and recasting of the metal will, in time, impair its quality. It may be restored to its original condition at small expense by the addition of moderate proportions of lead, tin, and antimony, as understood by every stereotyper. A specially hard metal should be used for directory or catalogue work, where slugs are kept standing indefinitely and addi- 47 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE H tions are made at intervals. With such metal, 75,000 to IOO,OOO impressions can be made direct from the slug. In the newspaper office 500 pounds of metal is a fair allowance for each machine, but in the book and job office where matter is kept standing at least I,000 pounds of metal for each machine should be provided. We recommend Linotype metal made by the E. W. Blatchford Company, 5 Beekman Street, New York City. Factory Instruction Room N order that our customers, their foremen, and machinists may be fully instructed in the use and care of Linotype machines, an instruction room has been established in the Brooklyn factory where a skilled mechanical instructor is in charge. A limited number of men will be admitted to this room free of charge, but they must either have leased or purchased machines or must be sent in the interest of such. Supplies with New Machines ITH the first machine or group of machines there is sent a limited supply of extras and duplicate parts, and also the wrenches and tools necessary for erecting and adjusting the machine. There is also sent one gas governor for controlling the pressure in the main supply pipe in order to secure a uniform pressure at the burner of the machine. Classes of Machines Single Magazine Machine Model No. 5 One-letter For Newspaper or Plain Composition HE Standard one-letter machine is provided with a single maga- zine, one set of one-letter matrices, representing ninety keyboard characters, and a Standard mold adjustable in length only from thirty ems pica downward. This machine will carry any font of single-letter matrices from five-point to fourteen-point. It cannot carry italics or black faces in connection with the body faces, but it will carry a font of either * ſ MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Separately. Change of measure is effected by the substitution of mold liners which will be furnished on order at small cost. Change of face is effected by running out one set of matrices and introducing another. Time required, from fifteen to twenty minutes. Two-letter Machines HE two-letter machine is similar to those above described, except that it is provided with special attachments for operating the two-letter matrices, representing 180 keyboard characters, so that the operator may at will compose his lines wholly in either one of the two faces carried by the matrices, or in part of each face. Matrices will be furnished at the same price for either black letters in combination with the body faces, or for italics and small capitals in combination with body faces. Duplex Equipments HERE a very rapid change of face as well as body and measure is desired, a duplex equipment, consisting of an interchangeable magazine, font of matrices, two mold liners, so that both the body and measure of the slug may be changed, and an ejector blade for properly ejecting a slug of different size, can be furnished. Having the interchangeable magazines, a change of face is effected by removing one magazine and substituting the other. This can be done in one minute. Either magazine will carry any font of matrices made by this company—one-letter or two-letter. The matrices of one magazine may be a face of different size and style from those in the other. A change of face does not involve adjust- ment of the mold, unless there is to be a change in the size of the face or the length of the line. A second mold, however, may be carried in the disk, adjusted for any desired body or measure. By turning the disk through one-half revolution either mold may be instantly brought into operation. All machines may be equipped with any desired number of magazines, each carrying a font of matrices. One-letter matrices may be run in the two-letter machine, if desired. 49 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Yiddish Machine HE Yiddish magazine is equipped with a single magazine carry- ing Hebrew characters in two sizes on one-letter matrices and with a mold adjustable to measure only. This machine is fitted with eight and nine-point or nine and eleven-point matrices, as ordered. Yiddish-English Machine HE Yiddish-English machine is equipped with two interchange- able magazines, two sets of one-letter matrices, and special devices adapting them to produce at will either English or Yiddish matter. The time required for change of face is sixty seconds. Double Magazine Machine Model No. 4 Combining Four Complete Fonts, 360 Characters HE remarkable Double Magazine Mergenthaler Linotype is described and illustrated on another page, for which reason its construction need not be dwelt upon here. It may be stated, however, that each magazine contains a full font of one or two-letter matrices. The fonts may be of the same face, but different sizes, or of the same size and different faces. Body matter may be set from one magazine and the foot-notes, extracts, etc., from the other without delay. Change of font is effected simply by throwing a lever at the Operator’s right hand up or down, a sign plate indicating which font 1S 111 11S62. The Double Magazine Combines Four Fonts, 360 Characters Four complete upper and lower case alphabets are carried in the machine, and each line may be composed wholly from any of these alphabets or from any desired combination of them. The most intri- cate bookwork, including italics, small capitals, chapter-heads, section- heads, foot-notes, and the like may be set in this machine without necessitating the Operator leaving his keyboard. y MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE C - alteration. Special or sorts matrices representing accented and special char- acters, arbitrary symbols, etc., are made in great variety and may be quickly inserted in any line by hand. If desired, one magazine may be provided with a complete font of one or two-letter matrices and the other with black faces, head- letters, signs, symbols, or other arbitrary characters. In all, 360 characters are represented—more than are carried by any other machine now on the market. The fonts may be selected at will and combined as desired. As described on a previous page, either of the two magazines can be taken from the machine and another substituted in a minute, containing the matrices immediately required. Thus, the Double Magazine Linotype, in itself one of the most flexible composing machines ever devised, is given a range that is not equalled by any other machine. The peculiar advantages to be derived from the use of this Double Magazine Linotype removable magazine have been so exhaustively dwelt upon on previous pages that they need not be reiterated here. All the matrices made by this company, whether single or two- letter, may be used in the upper magazine of the machine without They can be made to run in the lower magazine if specially notched in the lower ends. In ordering these machines purchasers are advised to select for the upper magazine the faces which are most commonly used. The lower magazine should receive the head-letters or other faces which are of secondary importance. French, Spanish, and Other Machines ACHINES can be equipped to produce German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, or any other language using English Or German characters. In each case, a modification is made in the arrangement of characters in the keyboard to accommodate the accented letters and to facilitate composition. A. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Z. º X w V The Standard Linotype Keyboard Standard Keyboards L HE following illustrations show keyboards having their char- acters arranged in the relation most advantageous for different - kinds of work. There are two standard keyboards, one with commer- cial fractions for setting market reports, tables, stock reports, etc.; the other without fractions. In ordering machines it should be carefully noted on the specification sheet whether or not fractions are desired in the keyboard. Furthermore, the number of the keyboard, pictured in this catalogue, which meets the purpose in hand, should be given. The keyboard without fractions, either Single-letter Keyboard No. 1 or Two-letter Keyboard No. 12, is most commonly used. With s these keyboards, the fraction matrices are carried in a sorts tray at the side of the operator and set in line as sorts. Few modifications of the keyboard are possible. It will not be changed except in Special cases where absolutely necessary and at extra cost. The advantage of adhering to the standard arrangement known to all operators is very great. M - - - º MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE D | spacE BAR. | [...] [I] E] [/] [x] [2] [4] E. E. H. [E] [5] [2] [V] [H] [I] [H] [m] [5] [3] [...] E. E. H. H. [T] [H] [M] [B] [4] El El [I] E. E. E. H. E. E. B.] [I] E. E. E. H. [d] [I] [w] [H] [/] [I] E. E. E. H. [D] [D] [W] [E] [4] [I] [I] [/] [a] [f] E. [...] [T] [H] [H] [I] [I] [Y] [...] [4] El El E] [I] [...] [I] [I] [...] [H] E. [...] [I] E] [I] E. Two-letter Keyboard with Commercial Fractions | sex cre B.A.R. | [...] [3] [5] [/] [x] [H] [/] [E] [/] [H] [E] [S] [E] [V] [X] [...] [I] [m] [5] [...] [H] E. E. H. H. [T] [H] [I] [E] [3] [a] [I] [T] [3] [I] [I] E. E. E. E. [...] [H] [F] [3] [H] […] [I] [w] [E] [H] [...] [H] [5] [5] [/] [5] [D] [W] [E] E. [I] [I] [/] [1] [5] [H] [...] [I] [H] [H] [I] [I] [Y] [...] [H] E] [I] E] [I] [/] [I] [I] E. H. E. [...] [I] [F] [I] E. Two-letter Keyboard without Fractions W 53 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Prices of Linotype Machines – Latest Models Standard Single Magazine One-letter Machine—Model No. 5 Includes one magazine, one font of one-letter matrices, and Standard mold adjustable for length of slug only As above, with Universal mold adjustable both for length and thickness of slug Yearly Rental Price $3000 OO $500 OO 3O25 OO 500 OO Yearly Rental Includes one magazine, one set two-letter matrices, one Universal mold adjustable both for length and thickness of slug Including two magazines (one upper and one lower), two sets either one or two-letter matrices, and two Universal molds adjustable both for length and thickness of slug Double Magazine Machine—Model No. 4 $31.50 OO ssso OO Yearly Price Rental $36OO OO $725 OO Rented Only when Ordered with Machine Additional Equipments — For Quick Change of Face Consisting of one magazine, one set one-letter matrices, one pair liners, and ejector blade As above, with two-letter matrices instead of one-letter Yearly Price Rental X W - A. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - - Z Yiddish-English Machine (See Page 50) - Price - - Including two magazines, two sets one-letter matrices, and special devices adapting them to produce either Yiddish or English matter. Time required for C change about ten minutes - - - - . $3215 OO X Above, with two-letter attachments and set of two- letter English matrices instead of one-letter . - 3296 OO Additional magazine . - - - - - - I63 OO D. Prices of Linotype Machines – Older Models Intended for Offices having machines of older models where it is ... " desired to duplicate equipment. Sale and rental prices same as for º E. latest model machines. | V | Additional Equipments for Models Nos. 1, 2 and 3: S. º One-letter Machines (Channel entrance on magazine) U Price . Consisting of one magazine, one set of one-letter - matrices, pair of liners, and ejector blade . - $200 OO $IOO OO G - T - Two-letter Machines (Channel entrance on magazine) - º As above, with two-letter matrices . - - - $225 OO $125 Oo Magazine, without matrices, channel entrance on -- - magazine . - - - - - - - - I63 OO s - Model No. 3 (Channel entrance on machine) -- Equipment as above, one-letter matrices . - - $190 OO || $100 OO Two-letter matrices . . . . - - - - 2 I 5 OO I25 OO Magazine, without matrices, channel entrance on R machine . - - - - - - - - I5O OO - MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - - Supplies Automatic Quadding-out Attachment Price complete applied to new machines at the factory . Price for application to outstanding machines Not E. –This does not include the expense of applying the attachment. Rogers Rule and Figure Attachment Attachment complete, including set of not over 1,600 alphabet and figure matrices, and I2 spacebands, when applied at the shop to new machines . - - - $IOO.OO I25.OO $125.oo For application to outstanding machines NotE.-This does not include the expense of applying the attachment. Price of attachment without matrices and spacebands applied at the shop to new machines - - For application to outstanding machines - - - - - - - Set of Rogers matrices, not over I,600 pieces, alphabet and figures, Rogers matrices as sorts, each - Rogers spacebands, each Rogers rule and figure mold One-letter matrices, any face, per set As sorts, each - - Two-letter matrices, any face, per set As sorts, each Spacebands, each . . - - - - - - - Standard mold adjustable for length of slug only - - Universal mold adjustable for both length and thickness of slug Recessed Universal mold - - - Regular right-hand liners (for recessed mold), each” Special left-hand liners (for recessed mold), each Liners, each Ejector blades, each - Border matrices, any design, each Border matrices, any design, per set of 26 Quad blocks, 13% to 30 ems . Quad blocks, I 3 ems and under Matrix slides, 13% to 30 ems Matrix slides, 13 ems and under * Right-hand liner is the regular U. A. liner. The left-hand liners are special. I 50.OO 8O.OO IO5.OO 55.OO .4% cents $ I.OO 55.OO 4O.OO 3 cents $66.OO 4% cents 85 cents $35.OO 55.OO 6O.OO I.25 I.5O I.25 I.OO IO cents $2.50 2.OO I.75 I.25 I.OO r f MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE I) Terms of Purchase O responsible persons Linotype machines will be sold upon the following terms: Model No. 5 (single magazine machine), a cash payment of $500 for each machine with simplex fitting; $575 for each machine with duplex fitting; $650 for each machine with triplex fitting, etc. Model No. 4 (double magazine machine), a cash payment of $700 for each machine with simplex fitting; $775 for each machine with duplex fitting; $850 for each machine with triplex fitting, etc. Models Nos. I and 3 (single magazine machines), a cash pay- ment of $500 for each machine with simplex fitting; $600 for each machine with duplex fitting; $700 for each machine with triplex fitting, etc. - Model No. 2 (double magazine machine), a cash payment of $700 for each machine with simplex fitting; $8OO for each machine with duplex fitting; $900 for each machine with triplex fitting, etc. No discount is made for cash. The balance of the price to be distributed over a period not exceeding three years, in six per cent, paper, maturing at monthly or quarter-yearly intervals, secured by lien or mortgage on the property. No discount is made for cash. ºf Terms of Rental ACHINES will be leased to responsible persons operating established printing plants. The contract of lease will provide for the payment of rental annually in advance, with the Option to the lessee of doing one of three things at the expiration of the first year: (a) Purchasing the machine or machines with the rental applied as part of the purchase price; (b) continuing their use for five years longer at the same annual rental, payable yearly in advance; (c) surrendering the machines and thus terminating the transaction. Options to surrender at the end of the first year are not given, however, to offices where Linotype machines have already been used. Separate Duplex or two-letter attachments will not be rented. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE Sale of Leased Machines HEN rented machines are purchased at the end of the first year, a cash payment of an amount equal to at least a year's rental will be required, and the balance may be distributed over a period of two years, in six per cent. paper, maturing at monthly or quarter-yearly intervals, secured by a lien or mortgage on the property. Terms of Shipment ELIVERY in all cases is made f. o. b. New York, and ordinarily shipment can be made from thirty to sixty days after the receipt Of the executed contract. - W ſ NVQIHOW =O ALISHEANn | | | |