LINU. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . : : 310 IN UN OR Nh-p-310 SEP 2 i 1964 MASTER A STUDY OF SOLUTIONS OF BENSSELSLATION A Tesis Presented to the Graduate Council of The University of Tennessee In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Joseph Lewis Hosszu August 1964 July 17, 1964 To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Joseph Lewis Hosszu entitled "A Study of Solutions of Bessel's Equation." I recommend that 1t be accepted for nine quarter hours of credit in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Physics W.E. Deeda Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Accepted for the Council: Dean of the Graduate School ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his thanks to Dr. W. E. Deeds for suggesting the topic and for valuable criticism during the preparation of this dissertation. Thanks are also due to Drs. R. J Lovell and W. R Bugg for their valuable criticism of this dissertation and to Dr. M. L. Randolpli of the Biology Division at Oak Ridge National laboratory where much of the computational work was performed. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Introduction .......... II. Mathematical Properties of Bessel functions ...... III. Construction of Demonstration Models .......... IV. Calculation of Tables. ................. To to ū un ūdenone V. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. Bibliography ...... ............... . APPENDIX A . .......................... . APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . ili LIST OF TAPLI TABLE PAGL 43 I. Expansion of the Integral Order Besccl Functions ..... II. Lxpansion of the Negative Half-Integral Order Bessel Functions........................ 44 III. Expansion of the positive Half-Integral Order Brasel Functions........................ 45 IV. Expansion of the Negative Integral Order Spherical Bessel Functions .................... 46 V. Expansion of the Positive Integral Order Spherical Bessel Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. Bessel Functions of Positive Integral Order. ..... VII Sessel Functions of Negative Integral Order. .... VIII. Bessel Functions of Negative Half-Integral Order ... IX. Bessel Functions of Positive Half-Integral Order ..... X. Spherical Bessel Functions of Positive Integral Order... XI. Spherical Bessel Functions of Negative Integral Order. .. XII. Normalized Bessel Functions of Order Zero. ........ iv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In the study of mathematical physics, or in any field of science in which mathematical expressions must be applied to a set of physical conditions, it is generally desirable to obtain a general formulation or equation into which an array of parameters may be inseried to fit a specific case. In this manner a student learns to associate the basic principles which are comoon to what superficially appear to be highly diverse phenomeng. Since the criteria by which a particular theorem 18 judged are ultimately based on experimental evidence, the applications of mathe- matical models to the real world 18 one of the primary concerns of the mathematical physicist. At times the theory precedes experimental verification and at other times it lags behind. Whether the theoriat obtains an equation derived from first principles or empirically deter- mines & formulation which organizes a body of data, his application of experimental data obtained under one set of physical conditions to a mathematical model which was derived to explain a quite different set of conditions often leads to further insight into the world around us. One of the most widely used methods of such syntheses is based on the geometry of the system. It is quite often convenient to con- sider as a class those problems which are spherically or cylindrically symmetric. This method does have certain inherent difficulties, but with due allowance for them, It is & rather powerful tool for many purposes. The description of phenomena in terms of the interaction between the variables of a system can generally be best written as a differ- ential equation. The difficulty of solution of sucli a differential equation depends to a considerable extent upon the number of the system parameters An adequate understanding of the basic mathematical principles and operations is therefore a basic key to the understanding or descrip- tion of a physical condition or phenomenon. It is difficult to realize that today an average student cen use and solve differential equations which were considered to be very diffi- cult of solution even by the best rathematicians a few generations ago. Part of the reason, of course, is that those mathematicians did solve the equations, and the methods which they used are in many cases still used. Also, those mathematicians were influenced by the then current philosophy of thought and tried to express their solutions in terms of finite quantities. The use of infinite series and transcendental functions to express the solution to a problem is a relatively recent innovation. One of the more difficult or these differential equations was one of the first order, known as Riccati's equation. This equation, dy = A + By + cya, dx does not yield a solution which is expressible in finite terms. A vari- ation on this equation, achieved by an elementary transformation, is a linear differential equation of the second order known as Bessel's equation. A Bessel function 18 the term applied to a particular solution of the Bessel equation. This solution of a single equation, originally derived to serve as a general expression or description of the path of the radius vector in planetary motion, 18 an excellent example of the wide range of appli- cability of a single type of equation in fields of study which are widely divorced from the original area of investigation. Watson (5) cites as introductory material to the treatise on Bessel functions the example of Daniel Bernoulli who in 1732 succeeded in deriving a general equation to describe the oscillations of a heavy flexible chain, L. Euler who in 1764 derived the general expression for the vibration of a stretched membrane, J. L. de Lagrange who in 1770 described a derivation for the orbital motion of the planets, and F. W. Pourier who in .1822 derived an expression for the cooling of a hot cylinder. These phenomena seem to be completely unrelated to each other and to the equation derived in 1824 by F. W. Bessel regarding the elliptical motion of the planets. It was shown, however, in the now famous memoir written in 1824 and published in 1826 by F. W. Bessel that these physical problems were in fact particular solutions to a general differential equation. The differential equation was that known as Riccati's equation. Bessel, however, realized the necessity of using an infinite series solution with adjustable parameters, or boundary conditions. Another application of this equation and its solutions is to the study of the electrostatic potential and field of a cylindrical con- ductor. Understanding of this particular application is often limited by the inability to visualize the form of the potential functions in terms of the Bessel functions. Because of long familiarity with the elementary trigonometric functions such as the sine, cosine, and tangent, most students can readily visualize their form either alone or in combination. Such a familiarity with the Bt8sel functions would also be advantageous. Unfortunately, most mathematical texts are not adequate for this purpose. Several excellent treatises on Bessel functions are available, but they are usually so comprehensive that the basic structure of the -- functions and their properties are obscured. Otherwise excellent texts used in mathematical physics are unusable because, in the attempts to present a representative collection of theorems and methods of solution, much of the significant detail and explanation is omitted. This paper is directed at a position somewhere between these extremes. The solution of the basic equations, some of the elementary transformations and properties of the Bessel functions, expansions in terms of a power series, some numerical tabulations, and models or the functions are presented in a form which the student can grasp and with enough detail so that the student can easily see the application to other types of problems. CHAPTER II MATHEMATICAL PROPERTIES OP 239 L FUNCTIONS One of the most widely used equations in physics 18 that bomo as Laplace's equation. Using operator notation, in which is the gradient taken with respect to spatial coordinates and ya is the di- vergence of the gradient, Laplace's equation is written as in which 16 some function of the coordinates upon which time cgerator acts It is customery, in rectangular Cartesiani coordinates, to express ♡ = (x,y,z) and to write eg. (1) as pº(693) - We may apply a transformation of the form x = r cos o y = r sin 2 = 2 where r and 8 are real. Upon substitution of eg. (3) into eq. (2), it follows that D (1,0,z) - "=0. (..) r مره همه م r چه For ease in solution, it le generally assumed that (1,?,2) is a separable product function of the form (5) (8,0, ) = R(r)(A)2(2). Rewriting eq. (4) after substituting the product function R(r)-(0)26-) for (r,0,2) from eq. (5) and dividing through by the product function, Laplace's equation becomes T OR JA g 1 . . + - o 0 . r فرن R ومر r هو قيل : But since each factor of the product function R(r) - R (0) = , 2/2) = 2y la independent nf the other factors, the partial derivatives can be replaced by the total derivatives with no 1088 of generality, and eq. (6) becomes 1. PR 1 dR 1 da z (8) R`ar rar po doo z az Taking the last term of the left-hand-side of eq. (7) to the right-hand-side allows eq. (7) to be written as 1,Ride 1 daz R`dr² rar' pa do 2 az Since the left-hand-side of eq. (8) 18 independent of 2(2), the right- hand-side must also be independent of 2(2). It further follows that since the right-hand-side of cq. (8) is independent of R(r) and ele), the left-hand-side must also be independent of R(r) and m(o). This maitwal independence of the two sides of eq. (8) requires that each side ve equal to some constant, say A. . Thus it iollows that I da 2 = A 2 diz and upon rewriting eg. (8) 1, dar la ( + - ) + Rar rdr 1 den = . A. radga After multiplying each side of eq. (10) by read and adding Ard and -(1/2)dam/age to each side, we find that je, dR 1 an -6 +=) + Ane ..--. - R aro r dr (11) A doo Again applying the reasoning used above, since the left-hand- side of eq. (11) 18 independent of Ale) the right-hand- side must also be independent of Fle). Also, since the right-hand-side of eq. (11) 18 independent of R(r), the left-hand-side must also be independent of R(r). This mitual independence of the two sides of eq. (11) requires that each side of the equation be equal to some constant, say B. Thus it follows that 1 de - das B, (12) and 1 1. do -( Rºdra 1 de +- ) + r dr' B + A = 0, (13) pad or med de R dR tr - + (B + Ara) R = 0. dre dr (14) If now the constants A and B are chosen such that A = 12 and B = -x, where da and na may be either positive or negative, real or imaginary, or even complex, then eq. (9) and (10) may be written respectively as qaz (15) a la z ميه and do u-n . (16) dorit The eq. (15) and (16) can be shown to have the solutions 2(z) - ce iz + De-12 (27) and (18) me) = E cos n o + P sin ne, where C, D, E, and F are constants which are to be determined from the initial or boundary conditions of a particular problem. Equation (14) now becomes [ ᏛᏒ aᏒ . pa +r + (- m ) R = 0. - dr dr (19) Upon setting x= nr and assuming that x and n are each real, it can be written as de R dR to come + x - ax ax + (2a - m )R = 0. (20) Equation (20) 18 generally known as Bessel's differential equation and the solutions to eq. (20) are called the cylinder functions or the Beesel functions of order n. Ir R () is the Bessel function of order n, the functions Bin - Ry (hr){ van (ne) }e tuz (21) COS are solutions of Laplace's equation and are known as a cylindrical harmonics. For n = 0, the harmonic is symmetric about the z-axis, as is apparent from inspection of eq. (21). To solve Bessel's equation, let us rewrite eq. (20) with DR da R Then x@y" + xy' + (x - poly = 0. An obvious trial solution of eq. (23) 18 a series of the form 30 Substitution of eq. (24) into eq. (23) ylelds, on the left-hand-side, the expression sol E 2 (8 + x)(p + = 1)x1 + x 2 (P + r)x* r * O + (x@ - na )xP 8 hill A or, after some rearrangement of terms, - na Pag (p® - 50) + xD + 1 % (8 + 2)a - mo? + x (0:1 (p + r)* - ry] - - (25) r = 2 In order that the eq. (24) should satisfy eq. (23), it is neces- sary that the expression (25) be identically equal to zero. For the non-trivial cases this will be true with x 0, only if the coefficients of all powers of x in the expression (25) are themselves identically 10 zero. Thus a, (p3 - mo) = 0. But & is the first coefficient in the series of eq. (24) and 18 itself therefore not equal to zero. There- . . fore po emo o (26) This 18 known as the indicial equation as its solution yields the values of p, which are of course t n. Now, taking the coefficients of xp *t, xo*?, ... in the expression (25) and setting them individually equal to zero yields ax[(P + 1)2 - ] -0 af (p + 2) op] +-0 (278) af (P + rjo - be] + 2-2-0, 2 (P + n + 1)(p - n + 1) = 0 Dung (P + n + 2)(p - n + 2) - - (270) a(p + n + r)(p - n + r) = - -2 from which the coefficients by, Bugs Bung • • can be found in terms of By: From the first equation there results ay = 0, and ag, Big, am and all subsequent coefficients of odd index are equal to zero. From the . other equations, It follows that ay " Ton + 2)(p - n + 2) ao a + more 4 rip + n + 2)(p - n + 2)][ (F + n + 4) (p - n + 4)] (28) (-1)*ao 2r Clp + n + 2)(p + n + 4) ...(p+ n + 2r)] [(P + n + 2)(p - n + 4). . . (pon - 2r)] • The coefficients, in terms of ag of eq. (28) satisfy eq. (27) and the right-hand-side of eq. (24) reduces to xaldo - no). Hence eg. (23) satisfies the relation | xy + xy + (xe - nê ly - xe ( - ) . (29) Now, if in eq. (27) and (24) one allows p = I n, the series solution of eq. (24) will be a solution of eq. (29) or eq. (23), but only if the series of eq. (24) 18 convergent. If p = + n, then ya agen 2. anta) * zuulen + amlən ...}. (50) y : 2,X" 1- . (30 2(n + 2) 2.4(2n + 2)(2n + 4) There can be found a similar solution by replacing p = +n with p = -n in the series, from the other root of the indicial equation, and it will be distinct, provided that n is not an integer. Applying the ratio test for convergence, one can write the recurrence relationship of the coefficients as Prºr(2n + r) Starting with a = 1 as roc - O, roxas r(2n + r) Bo that tñe series converges for all values of x. One usually sets a = 1/2"(n.) 18 n 18 a positive integer, or Ao = 1/2" r(n + 1) 18 n 18 unrestricted. For the former case denoting the function as Jo (x): 28.1!(n + 1) 24.2!(n + 1)(n + 2) (32) it...}. 20.3!in + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3) It 18 apparent that Jn (x) 18 generalized for all values of n except the negative integers by writing r(n + 1.) for n! . Then we would have ag - 1/2" r(n + 1) and co (-1)" yn + 2r Jn(x) = E . roor!r(r. + r + 1) If n is not an integer, p = -n yields 2r - n (g(x) = (-1)"_ r = 0 rir(r - n + 1) 2 Thus, if n is not an integer, the general solution of the Bessel's . . equation is y G Jn (x) + H J-n(x) · where G and H are arbitrarily chosen constants. 23 However, if the value of n 18 either zero or an integer, the solutions of eq. (33) and (34) are not distinct. If n 18 zero they are obviously identical. If n 18 a positive integer, the first n coeffi- cients of eq. (26) vanish since 1/1(- p) 18 zero for p a positive Inte- ger and eq. (33) becomes (-1) - n + 2r (x) = 0 + f (-) . ranrir(r = n + 1) or, 18 ron +8: n + 28 __$(x) = (- 2)". 2. 3) ***, 8 = 0 (n + 8)!!! from which it can be seen that: 5-(x) = (- 1)" J (x) · (36) The Bessel function solutions are seen to depend upon a recur- rence relation between the coefficients of a trial series solution. It would be convenient 1f the Bessel function solutions of the first kind, Jo (x), were also bound by some form of recurrence relationship. Fortu- nately this is the case. With y' = dy/ax, eq. (23) can be written as vity (1 - . Now, let y = x". Then, with v' = dv/dx, 2n + 1 ' v = 0. To find v, let us assume that there exists a series solution of the form 11 vs £ box (39) and substitute eq. (39) into eq. (38). Then i [m(2n + m)bux" - 2 + bukty - O. (40) m = 0 Since a non-trivial solution 18 des Ired, it is necessary that Om - 2 = -1(2n + m) bm. If we choose to begin with m = 0, then bm- 2 = O, BM-4*0,..., and 2 2(2n + 2) 22 (n + 1) DO ST + 2.4(2n + 2)(2n + 4) 2!2 (n + 1)(n + 2) This just duplicates the coefficients of the Bessel function series solution, as derived earlier. It 18 easily seen that xv 18 a solution of the Bessel equation for any n. It can be shown that a generating function of the form XV <(x/2)u - 1/u). ve Ov! '2 HM8 atlē (41) will yield, after some manipulation, the equation + m. €(x/2)(u - 1/u) = { "J(x) · (12) na co .. : Then substituting for Jn (x) from eq. (33), differentiating and clearing terms, we find that x"J}(x) + nx" - 2 Jy(x) = x" In - (x) (43) where () (54(x)], also, x"""}(x) = nx- 1 Jy(x) = - **" Jn + z(x), (44) These may be written as 5:02) -262) - ICN), and J'(x) = - Jn + 2(x) + - Jn(x) · X n Thus it follows that 2n 29 J/(x) = In - 2(x) + Jn + 2(x). (45) Therefore, knowing the value of Jo(x) and J,(x), or any pair of Ju (x) and Jn + 2(x), one may determine the value of any of the Bessel's functions whose order 18 a positive integer. Further, by the use of eq. (36) and (45), one may determine the value of any Bessel function of any integral order. It can be shown that the Bessel functions can be written for orders n = 2, 3, 4, 5, . . • in terms of the first ard zeroth orders. An expansion of these Bessel functions is listed in Appendix A, Table 1. With the expressions for the Bessel functions of the various orders, the values of the expansions are not too difficult to calculate for the various values of x. There are several excellent tabulations of such determinations to many decimal places. These tabulations are 16 expressed as decimal fractione and are actually approximations because the Bessel functions are really infinite series. from eq. (32) and (45) with n = 0,1,2,3,4,5, ... and x = 0,1, 2,3,4,5, • . . It can be shown that •1!(1) .2.12 28.3!•1•2.3 dolu) - - • 24- li 2.31.195* ...} 1)(3)(2)-(3) 3.)**...}. Since the algebraic signs are alternatively positive and negative, and monotonically diminishing after a certain term for which (x/2)2 + 18 less than (n!), the series can be terminated at any point after that term with the knowledge that the subsequent terms are in aggregate less than the last term of the expansion which is retained.. with the aid of eq. (32) and the expansions of Table 1 of Appendix A, the values of the Bessel functions of the first kind have been computed for x = 0,1,2,3,..., 20 and n = 0, 41, 42, ..., 110, and are listed in Tables VI. and VII of Appendix B. Because of the multiple uses of the half-integral order Bessel functions of the first kind, as will be shown later, these will be chosen for examination as examples of the non-integral order solutions of Bessel's equation. The solution of Bessel.'s equation for the half-integral order Bessel function, particularly that one which is in such a form as to possess expression in finite terms, has been treated by many authors. One such solution, based on the work of Lommel and chosen for this example because of its form, is given below. n (1)" *n (n + r)! J-(n + 1/2)(x) = le* r=0 (n - r)! (2x)* i n (-1)} + n(n + r)! r = 0 r!(n - r)! (2x)" for n any positive integer, will yield after the application of soine basic trigonometric function expansions 3-(n + 1/2)(x) = nx sn/2 x + - ) E 2 roo (-2)*(n + 2r): (2r)!(n - 2r)! (2x)2r - 811 (x + y ) 51/2(n = 1) 2 ro (-3)*(n + 2r + 1)! (2r + 1)(n - 2r -1)! (2x) Since excellent tabulations of the sine and cosine exist, the appropriate insertion with values of n and x very quickiy yiclit the various values of the Jun+ 12)(x). The solutions of J+(n + 1/2)(x) and J-(n + 1/2)(x) with n a positive integer, are distinct. The expansion of the Juin (x) are listed in Table II of Appendix A. By a similar method, it 18 possible to determine the values of the positive half-integer cylinder Bessel functicns of the first kind. The general solution for these functions are more conveniently 18 determined 1!. n is restricted to be a positive integer equal to or greater than zero. Then 12 (x/2)n + 1/2 + I Loull 'n + 10(x) = (48) xt (1 - ) Mat . nyx - 1 Or, upon integration by parts (2n + 1) times, n (1)! -n-(n + r)! 'n + 1/2(x) =- r=0 r!(n - r)! (2x) te-ix (-1)- nol(n + r)? (49) r=0 r!(n - r.)!(2x)" which can be rewritten as sin 'n + 1/2(x) :: nx 2 s n/2 (- 1)*(n + 2r)! r = 0 (2r)!(n - 2r):(2x)ar s 1/2(n-1) + COB ( x - (50) - 2 . r . I (- 1)*(n + 2r + 1)! (2r + 1)!(n - 2r - 1)?(2x)2 r * The expansion of eq. (50), as listed in 'Table III of Appendix A, can then be readily used to express the numerical values of the positive half-integral order Bessel functions. These tabulations are to be found with those of the negative half-integral order values in Tables VIII and LX of Appendix B. An isometric drawing of the integral and half-integral order Bessel functions of the first kind appears in Figure 1. It was mentioned earlier that the choice of the non-integral order solution was made because there existed a multiplicity of uses of . . ID: hubad ONLU pything in pija MT! AU 1:1 TIHTI T. TWIT T H Toti . in 1 " DU Turn 11. - Lot, - - torin t orty na, noviny i Ri omning I - - - . . mico- - IND !!! 14 dubbio Without Whitrip . 10 . IHMIS Mid ! hahid 11 . . inti ------- . . . -- . L . - - - . _ . - -.- - 1 . - - ht ; f.. . : :1.,!!! .. ... .. . ... ... ... Figure 1. An Isometric Contour Plot of the J.(x). CV 20 the half-integral order colution. In this connection, let us consider the following derivation, which, though quite elementary, does show an important application of the halt-integrul order Bessel functions. There exist problens, due to geometrical considerations, whose solutions and form are more easily expressible in terms of spherical coordinates than in terms of rectangular coordinates. To solve these problems, the Laplacian lo expressed in terins of spherical coordinates with the transformation x = r sin a cos y = r sin o sin (51) 2 = r cos 0. Then the Laplacian 18 written as 1 Die SPD amb el Connect sin mor. dr pod sine do (52) * Podporou For convenience of notation, let the following operators be defined: Pero 12 = -- lo con og la (sinoe). den (33) (532) sino do sin od 83 and L = - 12. (530) Substitution of cq. (53a) into eq. (52) yields para el 21 Allowing 0 to operate on , as defined earlier, Laplace's equation takes the forms: Divo 0, It is convenient to assume, as was done earlier, that the function y(r,0,?) 18 separable into a product function of the form (,0,) = R(r)y(0,) (58) After eq. (58) 10 substituted into eq. (57) and the result is divided by the product function R(r)Y(0,4) and the result may be written as 1 2 3 *) = Y . (59) Ror'Or Y Since the left-hand-side of eq. (59) is independent or 0 and $, and since the right-hand-side of eq. (59) is independent of l', cach side must be independently equal to some constant, say C. The right- hand-side of eq. (59) can thus be written + IP Y = C 1 Y = CY, and solution of the differential equation requires that C-242 + 1) (60) for most applications to problems possessing spherical symmetry. Examination of the left-hand-side of eq. (59) shows then that 262) - £12+ 1). (61) Ror' or Since the only variable present, R(r), is independent of 8 and 9, the partial derivatives can be written as the total derivatives with no loss of generality. Thus 2 (20) = 348 + 1)R (62) dr dr ..- in-..-. If the solution of eq. (62) in some way involved the cylindrical Bessel functions, the result could be more easily expressed. Therefore, .:- - .::. assume that eq. (62) has some solution of the form - . (63) where a and a are constants and r and y are functions of r. Then AR = cara - 2y + arcy' : = cura + 2y + ara + 2y! ar dr ( - ) = a(a + 1)aray + cara + ly' + ala + 2)x4 + Ly' - + ara + 2y", where y' = dy/dr and y" = døy/ame. Then eq. (62) can be expressed as y" Tare + 2 ] + y' [axer@ + 1 + a(Q + 2)2 + 1] +y [ack & + 1) - eX(L + 1)]* = 0, (64) 21a ala + 1) - U2 + 1) , yet ys [ 244 +2" ]+v[ ala * 1,24+2) 3.0. (6) y" + y' (65) . An examination of eq. (65) shows that since the constant a 18 eliminated during the algebraic manipulation, its value may be arbi- trarily chosen to be unity. Further examination of eq. (65) to deter- mine the value of the constant a is not so fruitful. However, if y is to be expressible as some form of the cylindrical Bessel function solution, it must be, as are the Jn (x), a Sturm-Liouville eigenfunction. The Bessel functions themselves are Sturm-Liouville eigenfunctions and, as such, must possess the property of orthogonality The condition of orthonormality is easily met if the solution of the separated radial solution of the spherical Laplacian is finite at the singular point r = 0. Thus for the orthonormality integral there results j[,(r)] [rº!!(r)] +P dr = ønn'. (66) But eq. (66) can be satisfied only if it is of the form s podem (r); (r) ]rar = 8n! . Thus faz a * ? = r or a = - 1/2. Replacing a by - 1/2 in eq. (65) yields 21- 1/2 + 1), - 1/21- 1/2 + 1) - 14+ 1), or 1 (6+ 1/2)2 yo [.(et plat jo-o. y" + - y' + ! V s 0 (67) hero Examination of eq. (67) reveals that a solution in terms of the cylindrical Bessel function solutions involves terms of the order of 16+ 1/2). Thus y = A +54 + 1/2)(r) + BJ-46 + 1/2)(r). (63) Hence R = Ar=1/25+66 + 2/2)() + Br=1/25-66+ 1/2/(r). (69) But since R remains finite for r = 0, B = 0. And A R = (70) PRO+66 + 1/2)(=) To determine A, the substitution of eq. (70) into eq. (62) yields the result that the final answer is independent of A and it may therefore be arbitrarlly chosen to be unity. To write the spherical Bessel function solution, jelr), in terms of an integral order, one may extract the half-order [-function value and write je(r) = 1/7/2r J4 + 1/2)(r) (71) where je(r) 18 the integral order spherical Bessel function solution. The expansion of the 39(r), based on eq. (71) and the expansion of the half-integral order cylindrical Bessel function solutions of Tables II and III of Appendix A, are listed in Tables IV and V of Appendix A. The computations of the values of the spherical Bessel function solutions are to be found in Tables X and XI of Appendix B. An isometric drawing of the integral order spherical Bessel functions appears in Figure 2. Families of functions which possess the property ro,nim Syn(x)y_(x)dx = { °. (72) An' n = m are said to be orthogonal over the interval asxsb. If An = 1, for all n, the set of functions is said to be normalized and is known as an orthonormal set of functions. The equation above, written in a more general form, 18 po, ni m | P(x)y,(x)ym(x)dx = { (73) , n = m with the family of functions said to be orthogonal with respect to the weighting function p(x). It is often the case that (p(x)]?/?(x), 1 = n, m, is defined as the basic function and eq. (73) reduces to eq. (72). The property of orthonormality can casily be shown to apply to minum2,är? i Va 26 er:- 1 Kli Vi 1 . : 1 II B 1 . , . . .,:, idee, . - + -- . . -:.. ..--- . . ... . . . PES pismenguetooth ASKI finanunturi IC 23 ESITE: ... ..... .- , " . - th Lii f 2 - - -2 - .- - .......... U . wanita... Lombardo.....www. adidas haine de Is.....imeid. ماليه المسامه Figure 2. An Isometric Contour Plot of the Spherical Bessel Functions of Integral Order. 27 the Bessel functions of the flrøt kind. Into eq. (23) allow J. (OC) and J (Bx) to be substituted for y. The form of the eq. (23) will then be, for each case: de Jo (2x) DJ (ex) -tx- +(@xa - no )j, (ax) = 0, dxo dx DJ (Bx) DJ (Bx) >> + (8922 - P )J, (Bx) = 0, (75) - an ux with the stipulation that n20. After multiplying eg. (74) by Jn (Bx)/x and eq. (75) by Jo lax)/x, we find that de Ju(xx) , dJax (gx - n ) xJ,(8x) – – + J (8x) - “ – + -- -- Je(x)/(8x) Xin axa dx (76) and (lx) (82 - if) dJ, (Bx) Jolox) - *() t + Jn (Bx)J (cox) dx = 0, (77) respectively. Subtraction of eq. (77) from eq. (76) yielus e le y con el caso = ($9 - ? )xJ, (ccx))/(2x) (78) Equation (70) may then be integrated over the li:nits of 0 to x: (99 - cp)*,(60)_(8x)ax = x [4,(@x) apr. com) at (par] (79) dx dx 28 Then, let J'(r) = - (30) nir). Vor) , dir 60 that dIn(Bx) - BJ'(Bx) (31) dx Then eq. (79) can be written (-op) !*xJy (Cox) Jy(Bx)dx (82) =x[w, (Bx)"}(60) - Buy (20x),(8x)]. Now if a and B are rcots of Jn (), that is, ir Jola) = Jo(B) = 0, and if a + B, eg. (82) reduces to | x(x) (3x)dx = 0 = 0 . (83) For the case of a = B, differentiation of cq. (82) with respect to B will yield o 20]* (60) Jy(8x)ax + (8° -20) * 5% (03) J\(8x)dx (011) = x Pocksy (Bx).Jy (oux) - Jn (cex)J; (Bx) - BxJ,(vx)J; ()?. Now let Q = B and divide both sides of eq: (81) by 20, so that ** [1,(-0.7%ax o facem [15/(0) – 1, Cara) () (05) - 086), (25)J(cx)} · X How If a is a root of Jh(x) we will have Dx [ 5, (.) ax = 5, (c) Tº The condition of orthonormally has 165 uther liian to present u simple method of obtainine the enerica Buscl functions. Mariicui: case is the function which can be catancini in FO! 10! Ceri.wh: 1:16 range from 0 to a. Such a function may be a potential or a firli boundary in electrostatics. Since the function is expressibl, as uri expansion, let us expand it in a series of Bessel functions f(x) = ſ = A, Jn (a,x), i 1 where the ar's arc chosen such that J, la, a) = 0. To deterrine the value of Ay, it is necessary to multiply both sides or er:. (07) b; XJ (04x) and integrate from x = 0 10 x = a. Bis the orthogona' it! property all terms on the right-hand-side vanisii, except A. x J. (x)] so that 5°xF(x)(4xax 4 =0 (w) [Jn (@_x)]@chx For the particular case of the Bessel lincinte, che vieirii... of orthonormality over the range Osma, with 0. = 1, un lien li expressed as - Jolay ) Jh10x) xJ (ax) (ax)dx = k ) (89) 1.16. E.. !tlie. K' Ole Chirr dolta and o l'or in = i,k. The form of vie :0.12)ized Bessel riunction can then be written u (n) 12x1, (x/a) (90) Jila;)] 1:1107: (**'. In particular, live ,1°) is witüen as 1.(0) 2x Jo, (maja) (91) [J, (aq)] The nu:erical values for line normalized Bessel functions are to b. found 1:1 'lablc XII :* Abilleix B, for the raiuc (XI. An isometric Tranini udine nor!K:1:Iersel 'wictions of clo similar ap!!:a.lS 11. 20:re: 3. . legali - : : 1 ... - ----- - - - - . . . . . :- - - -- - ---- - -- -- - - -- - .- imedim -- - - --.- - - . -. .-.-... · . .-- :- ..-- .- - - - - ---...- -.- .. --- --- --- ::-- . ..- :-- --- : - .. · --- .. . . . . . " -. -- - - - -- - - - --:- Figure 3. The Normalized Bessel rinctions of Order Zero. . . 3 i - - --- - --- .... - r--- -.. .- . .- ---------. ..- . --- -- - --- - - -- - - --- - - - diadal ---------- . - -. - - .... : ; -o.. .:- 1.. .. --. ---- . . . . . . . . . - - CHAPTER III CONSTRUCTION OF DEMONSTRATION MODELS The construction of a model to display the Basel functions as a function of the order, n, and radial displacement, X, as an uid to the visualization of the quasi-periodicity 18 onc of the prir poues of this dissertation. To this end, several criteria were established. Because of the quasi-periodicity of the Bessei function, many authors present a set of superimposed graphical or line drawings of several orders of the Bessel functions on the game set of rectungular axes with the result that only the characteristics of recularity o.nd envelopment are readily apparent. A better method is that of an 18ometric drawing of several orders of Bessel functions, but this generally entails a lack of detail as to the relative magnſtile as a function of the radial displacement. It was felt that a three-dimensional model would best show the form of the Bessel functions because, depending upon one's point of obuervation, the superposition of several orders or an Issumetric view of several orders could be seen. The physical size of such a display was chosen so that several desirable requirements could be satisfied. The size of the malei, len inches by twenty inches, is small enough that it is portable enough to use in a classroon and yet large enough that an averuve-sized class can easily discern the principal details. To satisfy the problem of stability and some degree of ixrmanance, the base was made of a plywood sjab about three-fourtis of an inch thick. 32 33 The bases were chosen on the basis of appearance and size. The wood 18 free of knots and therefore less susceptible to cracking and peeling. 'The representation of the orders and radial displacements were thus established with the choice of the base. The form of the represen- tation of the functions had several possible solutions. Among those -- m m 14 considered were molded plaster, molded plastic, plastic-of-paris, and wood putty. These were discarded because it was felt that the model would then be too heavy and bulky, in addition to lacking the possibility of remuving a section of the model for closer study. Difficulty in the fabrication and the pousibility of damage to the model were the reasons for rejection of the possibility of inserting inctal strips between sections of a plaster-filled contour plateau. With the thought of a solid model still in mind, some consideration was given to laying a series of inch square wooden strips parallel and adjacent to each other. These wooden strips would have had holes drilled into them and into these hules sections of metal rods could be inserted with the heights of the rode proportional to the numerical value of the Bessel function at that position. This idea, though it possessed merit, was rejected due to the difficulty in clearly marking the rods to indicate absolutely the value of the function at that position. At this point, the method actually used vas evolved. Series of parallel cuts were made into the bases tu be wed. Into these cuts individual sheets of plexiglass were inserted. These inserts were each a representative of one order of the Bossel functiuns with the function's value plotted along the vertical axis and the raial diuplacement plotteu along the horizontal axis. Onto each sheet of plexiglass a grid was scored so that the value of the function at any point could easily be determined. The base of the sheets were shimed to insure a snug fit into the grooves cut into the plywood platforms. This particular form of model construction was felt to possess several distinct advantages: 1. The model size 18 quite accurate with regard to the form of the Bessel functions as a function of order and radial distance. The model is portable and can easily be dismounted for moving and storage. Because of the form of the display of the various orders, selected parts of the display can be shown by removing the other orders. In the event that one of the sheets is lost or destroyed, a replacement can easily be constructed. CHAPTER IV CALCULATION OF TABLES The tables of the Bessel functions of the first kind for several different orders are to be found in many places. Among these are some textbooks of mathematical physics, some of the textbooks of differential equations, mathematical handbooks, the Jahnke-Emde-Losch tables (3), and in treatises on the Bessel functions. The reason for their computation and tabulation here is that inany of these tables list only the values for the zeroth and first orders, or are so comprehensive that the problem becomes one of having too much information with the result that one quickly turns to a set of tables which are less comprehensive but more accessible. Also, most tab.lcs do not include the values of the negative half-integral order Bcosel functions beyond the first few. The difficulty of extracting information regarding the numerical values of the Bessel functions is similar to the difficulty of extracting information regarding the theoretical development of the functions. That is, one either has a great abundance of material or a remarkable paucity of it. To remedy this situation, calculations were carried out to determine the numerical values of the various orders for integral values of the radial components. of the tables computed for this paper, only Table I of Appendix B appears in the literature with any large degree of completeness. It was included for completeness of the tables and because the calculations 35 carried out were used as a means of checking the accuracy of the methods employed in determining the values in the other tables. The calculations were carried out manually on a MonroMatic 16-213 desk calculator which has a 20x10 keyboard. The results were checked against the values listed in the Jahnke-Inde-Lösch tables (3) whenever such a comparison could be made. The differences, where they did occur, were noted and the calculation was repeated to check for any error in the mathematics. In addition, a sample of one third of all the other values was recalculated as a check against error. In almost all cases where there was some difference, the difference could be ascribed to the extent to which the decimal fraction was carried in the calculations. In this tabulation, the decimals were carried to ten significant figures and rounded off to nine significant figures before continuing to the next step of the calculation process. It 18 felt by this author that any further calculations of this type should be programmed for an autonatic computor. A rough estimate of the number of mathematical computations and the rechecking felt to be necessary indicated that an average of 9,600 individual operations were performed for the determination of each orier of each of the Bessel functions. CHAPTER V SUMMARY The Besscl functions, though they are of great importance because of their cylindrical and spherical geometry dependence, are not widely known or used. It would seem that part of the reason for the lack of vider application is due to the lack of wider dissemination of information concerning their range of usefulness. It is hoped that this paper will tend to help such understanding. It is really not possible to expound upon the Bessel functions and their uses adequately without going to the extreme of writing a tome which is too unwieldy, but this short paper does try to show that the major topics of derivation, explanation, application, and some numerical calculation can be accomplished to some depth without sacrificing either clarity or brevity The topics discussed in this paper by no means exhaust the field of the Bessel functions, even outside the highly abstruse area of the subsidiary theorems and derivations. Yet the material covered is more than adequate to give the student a basic grasp of the topic necessary for the wide application of the functions in problems of mathematical physics The model constructed to prevent a visual display of the function was designed to show the regularity of the function's contour plot and to Give the student an idea of some possible uses of the function. The form of the contour plot to some degree resembles the isunatric display of the neutron cross-sections when plotted as a function of 37 38 energy and mass number. Other sections resemble the form of the pulse height display of photon interactions in solids such as the alkai-halides. The uses of the Bessel functions and their normalized solutions are almost without number. The basic geometrical dependence ussures one of their application wherever the problem involves either cylindrical or spherical symmetry. Some specific uses of the Bessel functions include those of wires, coaxial cables, electrostatically charged disks, rings and rods, potential fields of linear and circular accelerators, radiation fields of shaped radioisotopes, heat flow and temperature gradiant problema, flow and ebb of tidal estuaries, motion of real pendula, problems of flow in pipes and along curved surfaces, and problems of mixed thermal and radiation effects in atom'.c reactors. BIBLIOGRAPHY Byerly, William L., An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Dllipsoidal Harmonics with Application to Problems in lathematical Physics. Ginn & Co Boston, 1893. Gray, A., and MacRobert, T. M., A Treatise on Bessel Functions and Their Applications to Physics. Second Hition. Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London, 1922. Jahnke - Emde-losch, Tables of ligher functions. Sixth dition, Revised by F. Losch. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York Toronto London, 1960. MacRobert, Thomas M., Spherical Harmonics, An Blementary Treatise on Harmonic Functions with Applications. Muthuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1927. Watson, G. N., A Teacise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. Cambridge University Press & The llacmillan Co., New York, Second Hition, 1918. HO APPENDICI APPENDIX A TABLE I EXPANSION OF THE INTEGRAL ORDER BESSML FUNCTIONS Jg(x) = (2/x)J; (x) - 5 (x) J., (x) = (8/- )J(x) - (14/x)5(x) 34 (%) = (i£, '32 - 6/x)JZ(x) - (24/7)J (*) J3(x) = (38••* - 56x + 1)5, (x) - (21:47 - 11/x)J5 (x) Jg(x) = (3, 09:0;* - 608/x + 16/%)J, (x) - (21:0/** - 64148 ) J. (x) J7(x) = (-6, 680/3F - 7,530/x* + 2418/x2 - 1)J, (x) - (2,880/x* - 768/** - 24/x2 + 4/)J. (x) J, (:) = (54,5, i20/x? - 111,350/x + 4,030/22 - 30/x)J, (x) - (-:C, 320/x - 10,752/x* - 576/x2 + 8/)J. (*) (2) = (7.0, 320, 920/22 - 1,27, 840/36 + 72,950/** - 728/x2 + i)J, (x) - (345,120/x - 172,032/x* - 12,096/x* + 896/x + 24/x2 - 4/x)J. (x) - 639,672,2.5017? - 3,095, 376/3€ - 258,046,'*+ 26,880,** + 1,008/** - 80/x)J (x) TABLE II the XPANSION OF THE NEGATIVE HALF-INTEXRAL ORDER BESSEL FUNCTIONS Joy p(x) = /2/ sx [ + cos x ] Josis(3) = 12 *x [ • sin x - (1/x) cos x ] (x) -12aXfr - (1 - 3./4) cus x + (31x) sin x ] J.,(:) Sa RX [ + (1 - 13,'Xh?) sin x + (431x - 15/*°) cos x ] Ju .(x) =V2/IX [ + (1 - 15/4 + 105/0) cos x - (10/X - .:05/x) sin x) J-11 g(x):.. ! - (1 - 105/22 + 19.5/**) sin x - (15:48 - :20;X + 945/) cos x ] J (x) = ax [ - (1 - 210.4.+ 12589 - 10,39; ) cos x + (21/x - 1,200/x + 10,30; Xo) sinux? Jox) ..Tur + (1 - 370/4 + 17,325,4x4 - 135, 1377) sin x + (18/x - 3,50/300 + 12.570.'*" - 135, 135/8”) cos x) J() = AXC + (- 2012? + 51,975/74 - 09:15,67.45.3 + 2,037,025 x") cos x - (30;'* - »,930/x + 2'70,270,20 - 2,02'7,025/x?) sin x ] J (x) = /27tx [ - (1 - 290/x+ 139,135.'*" - 729,723/xf. + 34,459, 425/xº ) si.: * - (i76ix - 13.060 / x2 +2:15,9:15 / X6 - 16,216,200/x? + 34,459, 1:25. '*°) cos x ) J.:;**) - (1 - ., ****/2*2 + 325,315,'** - 18,918. 900 /4 + 310, 131,825/** -515:1, 72,075,449 ) cos x | + (55;'* - 245, 74:0/x2 +2,832,435,-91 891, 800/x? +054, 729,075/xº) sin x) TABLE III EXPANSION OF THE POSITIVE HALF-INTEGRAL ORDON BESEL FUNCTIONS Jo;2(3) = 12/5x [ * sin x ] Jz/p(x) = 1279x [ - cos x + (3/x) sin x ] Ju 12(x) = /2771x! -(- 3/x?) sin x -(3/x) cos x ] J.: g(x) = 12, "ax! + - 15/XP) cos x -(6/x - 15/*) sinx ] Ja :-(x) = 2753 [ +: --:5;** + 205/** sin x +(10/- 205/x®) cos x ] Jy /n(x) = /275X [ -(1 - 105/x + 945/x*) cos x +(15/x - 420/x3 + 9:45/x) sin x ] J.Z. (*) = /27r* [i - 210,42 + it, 725'** - 10,395/8€ ) sin = -(21/x - 1,260/x? + 10,395/x") cos x ] J.:;2(::) = 275x [ +1 - 378/x+ + 17,325/** - 135,135/f) cos x -(28/x - 3,250/23 + 62,370/25 - 135,135/x?) sin x ] une(z) = -2; 1x! +(1 - 630/4? + 51,975/** - 9:5,945/2€ + 2,027,025 /m) sin x +(36'x - 5,530,30 + 270, 270/x . 2,027, 025,1x?) cos x ] 13:(::} = 277: [ - (1 - 990,432 + 135, 135/** - 4,729, 725/x + 34, 459, 125/**) cos x +(1:5;% - 13,060/32 +0445,75/- 46,216,200/x + 34, 59, 425/*°) sin x] (3- FX [ - ::35 + 325,315,'*. - 15: 9-2: 900,'xt + 310,134, 825/*- 5510, 729, 075/x0) sin x -(55/- 25: 740/x + 2,532, U35,'* - 91, 691,600;':? + 55:-, 729,075/xº) cos x? OS X TABLE IV EXPANSION OF THE NEGATIVE INTEGRAL ORDER SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS 1-2(x) = [ +(1/) cos x ] (x) =[-(-;x) sir. * -(1/) cos x ] (x) = [-1.1: - 3;'*) cos x + (31x*) sin x ] < (x) = [ +=;:- :5/x") sin x +(6.*- 15/X®) cos x ] if(x) = [ + 1x - 05/X2 + 105/*) cos x - (10,'** - 105/x) sin x ] 3.-(x) ='(x - 105/x2 + 9.45/) sin x - (15/x2 - 1:20/** + 245/") cos x ] 3.(x) = [ -(:.!8 - 220/22 + it, 725; XS - 10,395/x?) cos x +(21/X2 - 1,260/x* + 10,395/x) sinx! () -+: 'x - 370/x + 17,325/35 - 135, 135/x?) sin x +(28/x - 3,50/** + 02, 370/x8 - 135,135/3) cos x ] , (x) -1 +13 - 30 + 5:275/2 - , 945/x+ 2,027,0251x") cos x -(30/x2 - .750 + 270, 270/8" - 2,027,025/3) sin x) j (:) - [-(1.2 - 90,22 +23:.133/x5 ,729, 125/x + 34, 159, 25/x) sin x -(-5/3 - 13,530,'** + 9.:5,945/46 - 16, 216, 200/XC + 34, 459, 1:25/xº) cos x ] (x) = [ - *- -.-25/+ 3-5,3-5,4 - 18,918,900 jx? + 3.20, 134, 825/** - 554,729,075,272) 2052 +(55/32 - 25,7-0,* + 2,532, 835/x® - 92,391, 800/XP + 054, 729, 075.40€) sina TABLE V EXPAIISION OF THE POSITIVE INTEGRAL ORDER SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS t. 30(x) = [ +(18x) sin x ] 3,(x) = [ -(1/x) cos x +(1/**) sin x ] js(x) = [ -(2/x - 3/*°) sin x -(3/8") cos x ) jz(x) = [ +(3./x - 15/xº) cos x -16/X2 - 15/**) sin x ] 3: (=) = [+1/x - 15,/X2 + 105/*}sin x +(10/22 - 105/**) cos x ] jg(x) = [ -(1/x - 105/28 + 945/x) cos x +(25/32 - 420/x* + 945ix ) sin x ] 3-(x) = [ -(1/X - 210/** + 11,725/** - 10,3956x?) sin x - (21/X2 - 1,260/x* + 10:395/XF) cos x? j_(x) = [ +(1/x - 376x + 17,325/** - 135,235/x?) cos x -(28/x2 - 3,150/7* + 62, 370/x - 135,-35/x* ) sin x ] je(x) = [ +(1/x - 630/x+ 51,975/28 - 015,945/x? - 2,027,0<5/x** ) sin x +(36/x? - 6,930,'** + 270, 270/8% - 2,027,025/22 ) cos x ] jo(x) = [ -(1/x - 390/2* + 135,-35% - 4,729, 725/x? + 36,459, 42;/**) cos x +(5/X - 33, 360./** + 91:5:945/x- 16,216, 200; x + 3 is, 155, 125 x0) cer ] 3. (*) = [ -(1/x - 1,-185/x2 + 325,325/** - 18,918,900/x + 310, 134, 825/X2 - 554, 727,075;x2) sin x -(55/*- 25,740,** + 2,832, 335/xf - 22,891, 505/x + 55->";29:0°5:***) cos x] APPENDIX B r . - i -. -.. --. -. . -. - ... ... ... ... -- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL pop R 41. P . 310 20F2 . TABLE VI BESS L FUNCTIONS OF POSITIVE INTEGRAL ORDER (x)مل (xكيل 0.00000 1.00000 0.75519 2.22339 (x) 0.0000 0.01955 005امد .6 م ( 0 . 1289 ا د ) - 2005. ۔ - 0.3271 : 0.00000 0.11490 0.35283 0.18509 0.369l 0.0555 -0.2267 -0.30l: 0.57572 0.33905 .0.0560 -0.32:57 -0.255 -0.0. 0.00000 0.0002 0.00703 0.0430 0.0320 0.25lll 0.3 20 (x) 0.00000 0.00247 0.03399 0.13203 0.2012 0.39123 0.3576i 0.15779 -0.0535 -0.26517 -0.21960 -0.01503 0 . 75- د ره:0 . 1 11. ) -۲ -م م 0 . 25 من 5.3 307 0.7i5 -0.02033 -0.2533 -0.17119 0 . 37 ون c . i 577ن 0 . 12- و 0 . 1 امهاا 0.25463 0.1390 -0.0693 ا 765 ق.م ا 0.30905 0.3107 0.36183 0.1476 .0.16755 -0.29113 -0.18093 0.05837 0.22034 0.19513 0.00331 -0.17680 -0.1940 -0.0381+ 0.1393 0.1832 0.0728 -0.09590 0 . 182 وما 0 . 2177- با 0.21927 ا ا ت ا " :: : 0 . 0762 با ا ا:!:)) ، ز) ( 0. 23. 0.043 7 -0.17572 -0.223 224 -0.0707 0.1333 0.21510 0.0303 -0.097 -0.1- ..:: -0.10570 0.05 .. ( ۱ 0.20592 0.17107 ... -0... -0.122 ..:: 2. ... 02 -0.05503 -0.2306 -0.2382 -0.0737 0.3151 C.22037 0.13045 -0.0577 -0.1870 -0.15537 0.00357 0.15116 -0.i197 -0.2026 -0.15201 0.05l7 0.i8i9 0.25335 -0.00753 -0.15775 (. 0 . 107- با . ۱۱) () :: ۱۰ ۱ از ۱۱۲) (۱) 0.06963 0.1805 0.13057 () O 0 . 1503- بن 6h TABLE VI (continued) به ت : (x) (xكول .. (x)و (x)ميل O 4 ( « 0.00000 0.00000 0.000l7 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0 . 0025 ا 0 . 000 ومن 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00019 0.001 0.00695 0.02353 0.06076 11:50 - ) ، J(x) 0.00000 0.00002 0.00120 0.0ll39 0.0908 0.131.0, 0.25 33 0.33919 0.33757 0.2043 -0.025 -0.2015 -0. 2 72 -0.1303 0.06:16 0.2021 0.16672 0.00071 -0.5595 -0.17275 - 0.05505 0.0izi7 0.05337 0.12958 0.23338 .3055 0.327. 0.2171 0.6i537 -0.17025 -0.2057 -0.15020 0.00402 0.0184 0.05 53 0.12797 0.22345 0.30505 0.31785 0.2297 0.0509 0.00000 (.00000 0.00000 0.00008 0.00093 0.00552 0.02116 0.05 892 0.12532 0.21 285 0.29185 0.30865 0.23038 0.0697 0.1l30 -0.22004 -0.1953 -0. 3 0.12276 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00003 0.00035 0.0020 0.00833 0.02559 0.06221 0.123ll C.2010 O 2 } ، { - را) 0 . 125 و 0 . 207 قيا 0 . 280 جها 0 . 270 دا N سم 1، . . 0 . 1 :20ما 0 . 03 کا 0.29266 0.2357 0.0999 -0.06622 م ir16 r ح ( ، 0.3007 0.23378 0.08500 -0.09007 -0.20620 -0.199il -0.07316 0.09155 0.186 -0.23197 -0.17398 -0.00702 0.15372 0.19593 0.0929 -0.07355 0. 15. 0.1675:- 0.05133 -0.2167 -0.3 0 . 1913- و 2005. ۔ م () 0 . 197 ما 0.12512 -0.09837 2.05235 50 . TABLE VII BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF NEGATIVE INTEGRAL ORDER م و ح ) و 24 لد (x) (xكيل (x) ل (x) ل (ع) لها 0.00000 0 . 0002- ما 0.00000 -0.1: 005 -0.577 -0.33905 0.06044 0.32757 6.27556 0.00oo0 0.2:20 C.35283 0.303 0.00000 -0.01956 -0.1289 -0.30906 -0.3107 -0.3 83 -0. 17 .. 55 c.2012 0.18093 -0.05837 0.00000 0.00002 0.000.20 0.013 0.0 ::05 0. 0. 0 . 3 غدود رد:0 . 6 0.00000 0.0027 0.03399 0.3203 0.28112 0.39123 .375 0.179 0.10535 -0.2547 -0.21050 -0.02503 0 . 25 خ 0 . 00 37:با -0.2352 -0.2531 0.3319 0.33757 0.2013 0 . 12 ماما+ -0.00703 -0.0302 -0.13203 -0.26lil -0.36208 -0.34789 -0.18577 0.05503 0.23 106 0.23828 0.075447 -0.13164 -0.22037 -0.13015 0.05747 . 0 . 0 "ات . 0 . 0i وان -0.21+227 -0.36 -0.1i99 0.25463 0.1390 -0.0893 -0.21775. -0.1520i 0.05l7 0.1839 0.17578 به 24 با2273. 6. 0 . 223 ماما و i82.0 -0.19513 -0.0033 0.17680 0.2: :27 -0.20:52 -0.21372 -0.1i803 0.0611 0 . 072 نا م اما لن 0.07031 -0.13337 -0.210 -0.05039 0.057:56 0 . 1 ومن .i197 مت0 . 20 با2025. - 0 . 15 دوت * C110. 0.038 -0.133 -0.1332 با1870.) از) لا 6 . 187 ود -0.00757 -0.1577; 0.10570 0.16672 0.00071 -0.15595 -0.1767 -0.05505 ...071 0.0563 C.3057 0 . 072- عن 0.15537 -0.00357 -0.15115 ژنره.. 0 . 1603 من 0.05 90 5 TABLE VII (continued) x J_(k) ܐܬ݁ܨ. ܐ 12 ܐܐ -9 6.5OK 6.006 6.00 ooooo. ܘ .ܘ -0.0003.? 56ܗܣ.ܘ 0pos.ܘ Sܪܐܘܘ ܡܣܘ.O com.ܘ ooo8. ܘ- oooo.ܘ comܘ o . co25- ܛ: o .opic -o.o1517 -o.05337 -c.2956 O.OOOOO -o.ooop? -6.0035 o.ooo93 -o.co552 ܐܬo18.ܘ 05553. ܘ 16ܐܣ. o . o020- ܪܐ 23358. ܘ- o.12797 c-223;5 0:3050- -..05892 -6.12632 -0:32058 -0:32745 -6-21673 -o.;3817 0 : 21 88ܪܐ .ܘ pl Opis.ܘ 6 . 6 6ܬܐܐ 695.ܘ o2323.ܘ 5O72.ܘ 0 . 120 69ܙ 2078:ܘ ܦܪܐ28o.ܘ 7ܪܐ30:ܘ 23378.ܘ 0850.ܘ -o.co833 -o.2559 -o.06221 co،12311 woo2010 85;31:ܘ 4 o:221:97 ;.oi,509 -o.29185 -0:30385 -0-23038 -o.96597 ܐܕܐ276-0- ܪܐܘܙܐܐ،O- 7025ܐ.ܘ ، ܘ 23 : 057 Sodo܂.ܘ 6+ܐܪܐ03..- .25ܝܵܐ.o- -o2258 -0:2357+ 4 4 u r { { rH rܓ݁ܙ 4 - ivo fuoܘ 4 ; ܘ3ܐܪܐܘ -023197 -0:37398 -..0702 O:22ool} -o:-8754 15378.ܘ 953ܐ. ܘ 285ܪܐo.ܘ -o.907 -0:20626 -.1911 -..0315 05139. ܘ- |ܪܐ6ܐܐܘ 22-&، ܘ o:19593 -..0738 ܗ. ܘ- 95 06822. ܘ 19139، ܘ 06ܝܐ20،ܘ 9837.ܘ 06135. ܘ- _ 6 . 0929 .ܐ 0 : 39- ܐ7ܬܐ 9155.ܘ -o.12512 TABLE VIIL BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF NEGATIVE HALP.. INTEGRAL ORDER و و کچ کو ل د || 0.3110 کا075، 90 عرار، ,ا۔ 0 . 23- اما 2.87635 0.55231 0.05591 0.16196 5 ،030 3-1 ) .13 .2796 1 .6795 .0.7c75 -0.379 . 1 ،102t7 -0.39577 0.0871 6.3670 0.3219; 1 . 26 13و 0 . 62 ها . 6 3 ،1032 .5 .5605 -0.25997 c.10122 C 3:27 ( .22735 580ما2. 6. ما 07، 1. TiTژ، . 036، 0۔ 0.3396 ح ا 0 . 171 من 0.23795 6 . 0 م16 6 . 322 ها 04105. ر)۔ -0.23061 -0.27397 -0.0263 -0.2013 -0.0500 0.13031 0.1989 0.10701 -0.0639 0110 0.06725 -5 .4053 -0.2101c .6 ،319 .6 ، 012 6. 18 6 227 6.22575 .6 .1938 .0.3687 -0.002 0. 00 (2006 0.230 5 . 158 اما 7اما2، 6 و به تو عمان.6 0.108 0 . 17- های 02523، 6۔ 0 . 16 ام 0 . 10. ماهان . .21232 -0.2li70 0.01o7 C .19:33 0.20091 0.0859 -0.1517 6 .1916 .0 .05324 0.12119 وق.) -0.13301 0.2202 0.7 1926 0.2021 -0.077003 .0 ،12177 0.21027 -0.12332 6.1756 0.2212 0.12 0.0613 0 . 1 ملالها 6 ، 19 ارنا وهم ها -0.21336 -0.12922 0938 6.18918 0.1333 .6.03697 -0.16657 1250i، 6۔ 1950، 6۔ 0.01i01 .و دمام 6.13 0. 01 0 . 1i13- ما 5 ،10298 .6 ،09361 0. 00 قوم1.) .0. 107 0 . 15 آنها 3.07200 بابا037. ر)۔ 0 . 173 عبا 6 . 14 بادبا مها 01. 6. .6.1716 TABLE VIII (continued.) ل ع ( (علي علي (x) .192 ۔ 21 / 2 .1372 8,665.616 ,ا۔ 20 . 356 قيا 9 , 372 . 60 28, 316, 562.2i .696.2731 ) ,2ا۔ 53 . 1991 وا. 051 ,339 ,535 3 . 7i197وا ,ی T552.مناه من 3635.. 5,151.700 193.55935 2.57990 .5725 1.5910 -768.79121 .85.35104 .13.7939 38 .31507 10.1170 3.79639 6.929 0.5329 0.306fo .3.0 .0.13055 دورio.گا 0 . 763 مبا 3 . 55655۔ 0 . 795- و ..26085 0.7kT 0.29093 9.77282 2.5175 1.16793 0.6563 ...6330 .0.33232 .0 ،50036 -0.29930 -0.0926 0.10725 0.286 0.25032 0.1670 .0775 -0. 265 0 . 2- نن صباح... 0 . 05- وفي 0 . 12 موبا -0.45337 .0.28360 -0.10955 وهاها.0 0 . 28 واها .0.08780 ه 0 . 27 0 . 073 ا .0.25013 -0.1001 0.03358 0.235 0.2479 0.11659 .0.058s 00:22 0 . 16 63با 0 . 228. م 20:15 0.22059 c.15910 0.01o30 -0.152: ..1&2 ..0553 01:9 مع1. . 0 . 036- ت: 0 . 28 ويها 0.3097 2.9olio 0.105 0.1979 0.0751 -0.0350 .6.1688 -0.003 -0.1666 -0.20193 -0.10676 0.05623 .0.12265 .0.0.5 0.iST: 2.20020 0.3120 ا5 مم TABLE IX BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF POSITIVE HALF-INTEGRAL ORDER J (x (x) (x) 1/2 372 0.00000 0.671110 0.51301 0.06502 -0.30192 -0.34217 -0.09101 0.19812 0.27906 0.10961 -0.13727 -0.24055 -0.12358 0.09297 0.21124 0.13397 -0.05741 -0.18305 -0.14123 0.02743 0.16286 0.00000 0.24031 0.49129 0.47772 0.18529 -0.16965 -0.32793 -0.19905 0.07593 0.25450 C.19798 -0.02293 -0.20466 -0.19366 -0.011:07 0.16543 0.1874 0.04230 -0.13202 -0.17953 -0.05767 512 0.00000 0.04950 0.22393 0.41271 0.44039 0.24038 -0.07292 -0.28343 -0.25062 -0.02477 0.19666 0.23131 0.072442 -0.13767 -0.21423 -0.10088 0.09257 0.19351 0.11923 -0.05578 -0.17258 0.00000 0.00719 0.06851 0.21013 0.36582 0.1002 0.26712 -0.00340 -0.23256 -0.26830 -0.00966 0.1294) 0.23484 0.14071 -0.062:44 -0.19909 -0.15850 0.01561 0.16513 0.16485 0.02150 0.00000 0.00081 0.01589 0.07761 C.19930 0.33366 0.38461 0.28002 0.04712 -0.18388 -0.266440 -0.1519) 0.06457 0.21344 0.18300 0.00798 -0.16192 -0.18749 -0.05500 0.11652 0.18011 J (x) 11/2 0.00000 0.00007 0.00295 0.02265 0.09262 0.1905€ 0.30980 0.36345 0.28557 0.08436 -0.14013 -0.25374 -0.186l: I 0.00705 0.18010 0.20386 0.05741 -0.11386 -0.19255 -0.10966 0.05953 14 1 .7 . hu h " 21 TABLE DX (continued) . 1572 192 . 8 13/ 0.00000 0.00003 0.00047 0.0052 0.02787 0.08556 0:18532 0:2931 0.34555 0.28739 0.11228 -0.20180 -0.23543 -020747 -0.04252 0.74251 0.2085 012362 •0.0673 -0.38000 -0.373 0.00000 0.00000 0.00005 0.00112 000792 0.03210 0.08743 0.27733 0.27359 0.33019 0.2809 0.23345 0.0505! 9.1452 -0-2336 -0.08221 0.10180 0.20092 3•14735 •0.0338 -0-25531 J (x) 17/ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00022 0.00296 9 •01022 0.03520 0.08852 0.17385 0.26311 0.51685 0.28377 9.14962 -0.0004 •0.1277 -9.22271 -0.1128 0.06345 0.28553 9.16936 0.03089 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00003 (0.00044 0.00288 0.0233 0.03785 0.0891 016727 0:25:56 9.30530 0.28054 0.16212 . -0.015 •0.1721 •0.228 •0.1375 0.02737 01650, 018154 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00007 0.00071 0.00383 0.03422 0.0003 0.08957 0.16301 0.24305 0:29466 027701 0.37183 0.00567 -0.15042 ••2170 0.15612 •0.00434 0.14163 12. 0 ,Ur 0 0 20 9g * . "" " """ WI TABLE X SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF POSITIVE INTEGRAL ORDER (x) 3 (x) ano.vifunt 0.30118 0.13539 0.34562 0.11611 -0.09503 0.84148 0.1:5464 0.0=705 -0.19220 -0.19179 -0.04657 0.09355 0.123:56 0.0.1579 -0.05440 -0.09090 -0.014:??? 0.03232 0.07076 0.01:335 -0.02739 -0.05655 -0.04172 0.00789 0.01565 0.06204 0.19845 0.29864 0.27629 0.13473 -0.03731 -0.13426 -0.lllc5 -0.01035 0.07794 0.08854 0.02620 -0.04786 -0.07176 -0.03265 0.02900 0.05882 0.03522 -0.01604 -0.04831 -13.09429 0.03365 0.10632 0.07847 -0.00866 -0.07405 -0.06732 -0.00472 0.05353 0.05073 0.01285 -0.03900 -0.05162 -0.01312 0.00901 0.06072 0.15205 0.22924 0.22982 0.13668 -0.00261 -0.10305 -0.11209 -0.00383 0.04891 0.08497 0.04891 -0.02092 -0.06443 -0.04966 0.00444 0.04878 0.04740 0.00.03 0.00102 0.01408 0.05616 0.12489 0.18702 0.19679 0.13265 0.02088 -0.07682 -0.10558 - 1.05742 0.02336 0.07419 0.06130 0.00258 -0.05073 -0.05699 -0.01625 0.03350 0.05048 0.00007 0.00261 0.01640 0.05177 0.10681 0.15851 0.17217 0.12654 0.03525 -0.05551 -0.09562 -0.05905 0.00245 0.06033 0.06597 0.02112 -0.03461 -0.05691 -0.03153 0.01668 11 rii L-Mount 1 A . . TABLE X (continued) 1 x x 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0.00028 0.00161 0.00631 0.01793 0.03953 0.06984 0.00001 0.00042 0.00397 0.01746 0.04796 0.09320 0.13790 0.15312 0.11998 0.04450 -0.03847 -0.07458 -0.07212 -0.01390 0.04579 0.05520 0.03454 -0.01853 -0.05176 -0.04129 0.00000 0.00005 0.00081 0.00496 0.01799 0.04472 0.08391 0.12123 0.13794 0.11339 0.05042 -0.02175 -0.071157 -0.07324 -0.02628 0.03190 0.06107 0.04353 -0.00338 -0.04353 0.00000 0.00001 0.00016 0.00123 0.00573 0.01801 0.04193 0.07614 0.11000 0.12558 0.10723 0.04740 -0.01392 -0.06457 -0.07207 -0.03536 0.01929 0.05481 0.01:870 0.00865 0.10010 0.11529 0.08891 0.05635 -0.00517 -0.05540 -0.06946 -0.04178 0.00823 0.04745 0.05088 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00004 0.00040 0.00196 0.00674 9.01774 0.03742 0.06461 0.09192 0.10661 0.09629 0.05756 0.00190 -0.04713 -0.06599 -0.04612 -0.00125 0.03969 . TABLE XI SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF INEGATIVE INTEGRAL ORDER () -1 0.54030 -0.20794 -0.33000 -0.16292 0.05673 Orl6003 C..0770 -0.01019 -0.10124 -0.00390 0.00040 0.07031 0.05920 0.00958 -0.04210 -0.05985 -0.01613 C.03659 0.05204 C.02040 iz) IDO -1.39177 -0.35074 0.052'36 0.23036 0.13045 0.07321; -0.1092 -0.1211:0 -0.03454 0.06280 0.09087 0.03385 -0.03769 -0.07147 -0.01:162 0.02174 0.05751 0.03952 -0.0106) -0.06667 1 (x) -5 112.89559 11.446231 0.91835 0.39142 0.1E352 0.02794 -0.0516:. -0.13509 -0.02333 0.06776 0.07573 0.09324 0.02815 -0.040945 -0.06304 -0.03864 0.01037 0.05405 0.04156 -0.00421 3.50197 0.57309 0.0..701 -0.2012 -0.:37?? -0.10330 -0.02132 0.05774 0.03275 0.04241 -0.02509 -0.05392 -0.04623 0.00764 0.0:4630 0.0.152 0.00335 -0.03282 -0.01:257 -0.01049 Intrigrirt retri -IĆ.04308 -1.3439 -0.50302 -0.21804 -0.02545 c.12175 0.15273 0.0815€ -0.02810 -0.09533 -0.07942 -0.00551 c.oblig 0.06942 0.02266 -0.03917 -0.05928 -0.02765 0.0238€ 0.05002 -532.30412 -18.54725 -2.2470.2 -0.65266 -0.320:16 -03636ć -0.03.-5 0.070,0 0.11899 0.09333 0.01746 -0.0531:0 -0.03068 -0.04313 0.0181é Dnia Gin F 0.00030 0.04955 0.00003 -0.04436 -0.04817 19 20 . TABLE XI (continued) (عل _(ع) (x) -lo . -7 :0, 29.79 . -14, 05.12 .5l7.055T 65, 339.978 ,35. 489 , 685 بار. ,203 ,672 و923 . 6 97 . 79i8 و ( اا:: را 530 . 126 مبل باi 0 . 05975 29 . 750 و .37, 802.3 .556.29&ei 365, 361 .7 4,698.8796 3.96776 s85قها. 3. مند. ا2 7.32072 2.3790i 6.5163 2.27210 c. 28 0.03329 1 . 23۔ :: : 13.52320 2.56386 0.7962 0.36463 0.21038 0.12156 0.0950 .0.2590 -0.3703 -0.03262 .6.0zli .7.68970 .1.81976 -0.59727 26.96380 5.00039 .35090 0.5-752 .:C 0 . 31. ژلها 0 . 05. ا .6.189 0 . 27 جانيا 0 . 0 251یا .0.1086 .0.9319 -0.03106 03318.ن مايد.0- 0 . 01- ما 0.17514 c.10750 م 18عام.) س خدما0 . 0 م 0.07ks6 0.05472 -0.00323 م 6.1077:: 0.09057 0.0057 -0.0253 -0.05559 -0.05828 .0.05092 6.03559 0.0575 0.058: 0.07381 0.082T 0.05327 -0.00320 -0.0615 -0.08695 -0.04690 2.olo87 0.05787 (.06013 0. 220 -0.02586 -0.05181 -0.02035 -0.0660 -0.07857 -0.05398 -0.00500 م م 0 . 0 915با م 0 . 00- ماها 0 . 05- اماما 0 . 063- با 0 . 055 وما م .0.0965 -0.03070 0.0i576 ة c.03050 0.05755 0.03577 تحت 0.c 200 Whe S. N. 1 TABLE XII NORMALIZA BESSEL FUNCTIONS OF ORDER ZERO 00) (0) (0) (0) x/a 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.50 C.!,0 0.50 0.60 0. oo 1. 6:16 2.22.363 2.51337 2.5971 2.42604 2.20901; 1.73903 1.25933 0.14463 0.00000 0.00000 3.57513 3.92995 2.83178 0.81795 -1.45405 -3.28109 -4.11313 -3.70242 -2.17607 0.00000 0.00000 4.98331 3.262!1 -0.99796 -4.514:57 -1.83354 -1.678714 2.66843 5.12793 3.96337 0.00000 0.00000 5.53744 0.28521 -5.51609 -4.37€84 2.23400 6.07043 2.36660 -4.27470 -5.61802 0.00000 0.00000 5.40901 -3.62442 -5.90877 2.99766 6.35178 -2.05652 -6.66510 1.04667 6.82552 0.00000 0.70 0.10 0.96 1.00 . . T IL TABLE XII (continued) (0) (0) x/a 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.00000 4.26341 -7.05677 -0.71397 7.11bở77 -2.80397 -6.121:33 5.70253 3.143997 -7.58870 0.00000 0.00000 2.30236 -7.80053 6.09990 1.37529 -7.56244 6.56743 0.67566 -7.27505 6.94938 0.00000 0.00000 -0.26083 -5.291440 8.52275 -7.74493 3.28719 2.711226 -7.46730 8.63059 -5.67610 0.00000 0.00000 -3.163646 -0.20073 3.67055 -6.63083 6.60622 -9.28972 8.56952 -6.55138 3.54016 0.00000 0.60 0.70 0.00 0.90 1.00 - DATE FILMED 10/31 / 64 $ 4 * 1 . . * ... - LEGAL NOTICE This report was preparod as an account of Government sponsorod work. Neithor the United Suatos, nor the Commission, nor any porson acting on baball of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or reprosontation, exprossod or implied, with rospoct to the accu- racy, complotonoss, or usofulness of the information contained in this roport, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procos, disclosed in this roport may not infringo privately ownod rights; or B. Asrumos any Ilabilities with rospoct to the use of, or lor damagoi rosulting from tho use of any information, apparatus, method, or procons dioclorod in this report. As usod in the abovo, "person soting on bohall of the Commission" includos any om- ploy.. or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the oxtont that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor proparos, disseminatos, or provides accous to, any Information pursuant to his omployment or contract with the Commission, or his omploymont with such contractor. 7 E nd END I. 1 . X2 . . L