h ... 1. WA FMS . .. GIA . . apa n i ALA liit Tir! 4* 4 . 1 . "7 " . .. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL PI 302 - _ -, - NUN Fo: publication in the Proccella: of the Sixth Symposium o! Picek Mechanics, Kollit, Mo., L:.. 28-30, 13 SEP - 1999 ORAL-P- 202 CONF-702-/ Na Tum , m A. Mamy w m Ou m un CORRELATION OF CONVERGENCE MEASUREMENTS IN SAIT MINES WITH LABORATORY CREEP-T'EST DATA* MASTER By R. L. Bradshaw, W. J. Boegly and F. M. Empson Costu w tymtoto mm. mun mereu haut " wetu enengah derer ende hele were Cowanie , Meneer : LEGAL NOTICE - Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak ridge, Tennessee Du . INTRODUCTION b.t the Cak Ridge National Laboratory we are studying salt mine stability to determine the design parameters for the ultimate disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in salt mines... To be able to predict the effects of elevated temperature (due to heat generated by decay of radioactive wastes) on creep and mire stability, an understanding of creep efi'ects at ambient temperature is necessary. S. Serata in 1959, suggested that creep 19tes (or cłosure mtes) of mined openings always decrease with time. In 1959, both ORNL and Serata (then at the University of Texas) installed several vertical and horizontal cor.verger.ce measuring stations in the Carey Salt Company's mine at Hutchinson, Kansas. Since that time, ORNL has added additional stations at the Carey mines in both Hutchinson and Lyons, Kansas. These stations were designed to determine the effects of both age of the opening and pillar stress on creep rates. Data from these stations tended to indicate that Serata's hypothesis of steadily *Research sponsored by the US Atomic Energy Conmission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation decreasi: vertical convertince was correio, ni least for the pillar stress 10:1s encountered in the Kansas ines. I: Kirch 1953 Serata indicated trai toe mad successfully extrapolated creep data t'ron laboratory pillar models to creep rates in mined openings." PILLAR MODEL TEST RESULTS L. Obert, of the Applied Physics Laboratory of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, has developed a somewhat different techr.ique for performing creep tests on pillar models. At our request the Applied Physics laboratory carried out 1000 hour creef tests on model pillars which they rachined fro:n 6 in. dian. cores of Lyons' mine salt. Steel restraining rings were epoxied around the upper and lower ends cf the specimens and then the centers of the specimens were ground out to form the pillar, and surroundinis roof and floor. The model pillars had a diameter-to-height ratio of 4, and tests were run with average pillar stresses of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 thousard psi. Vertical shortening of the pillars, as a function of time and stress, was measured by means of dial gages mounted between the steel restraining rings. In the 12,000 psi test, flow was rupid and the pillar was considered to have failed due to excessive flow; however, there was no evidence of catastrophic (sudden or brittle) failure. The 10,000 psi model exceeded 20% deformation before the 1000 hr of the test was completed. Based on the cumulative deformation curves supplied to us by Obert, we prepared Figure 1 showing the creep rates as a function of time, obtained by taking the tangents to Obert's curves at the indicated times. Data from these curves can be fitted by an equation of the om: į = Bota where Ė = strain rate (vertical convergence S. Olivro Inches per irich per day a 5 B = a constant (dependent on units of Ć) = average pillar stress (psi) slope of é vs o on a log-log plct (positive) t = time (nr.) n = slope of ė vs t on a log-log plot (negative) A reasonable fit is obtained with: ė = 9 x 10-3 03.1 -0.6 The exponent of the stress dependent ter. is in reasonable agreement with those obtained by the USBM with salt and similar rocks from other localities. The 0.6 slope obtained for the time function appears to be significantly different than the range of 0.8 to 1 (obtained from unpublished data of USBM and S. Serata) for selt from a different locality. However, extrapolation of the above equation out to periods up to 70 years (:in excess of 600,000 hrs.) produces predicted creep rates which agree reasonable well with those actually measured in the Hutchinson and Lyons mines, whereas agreement was poor when compared with extrapolation of the data from models made from salt from the other localities. It thus appears that the creep behavior of the Lyons and Hutchinson salt is somewhat different than that of salt from some other formations, and that data from one m..ne should not be presumed to be representative of that from mines in different salt formations. TC CORRELATION OF VERTICAL CONVERGENCE MEASUREMENTS WITH PILLAR MODEL TESTS Tables 1 and 2 show the results of vertical and horizontal convergence masurements in the Hutchinson and Lyons mines, respectively. (It should be noted that the Lyons station numbers which were omitted are either different type measurements, have not yet been installed, or sufficient data has not yet been octainer to establish convergence ruties. Figures 2 and 3 show the locations of the measuring stations. Horizontal closure rates (in inches per year) in the Hutchinson nine, are believed to be subject to abou' + 0.02 in error due to use of a less accurate type of gage installation than that used for the other measurements. For the other measurements, (both horizontal aná vertical) anchors are set approximately 18 in. Into the salt, and readings are taken with a dial gage which reads to 0.001 in.: however, other variables, such as minor seasonal variations in mine air temperature, reduce the accuracy of the results to perhaps + 0.005 in./yr. Figure 4 corapares the vertical convergence rates in both the Hutchinson and Lyons mines (tables 1 & 2 plus additional data) with the convergence rates predicted by the empirical equation derived from the pillar-model tects. After an opening is about 10 years old, approximately two years of data are necessary to establish two points of sufficient accuracy on the convergence rate vs time plcts due to the slow decrease in rate of closure. Thus each of the points for Hutchinson stations 2, 3, and 7 is the rate established by taking the total deformation for a period of one year, converting it to the proper units, and plotting it as the rate at mid-year. Only one point is shown for the older stations since, for example, in a 30 year old opening, about five years of data would be required to produce two significant points. Most of the gaging stations in the Hutchinson mine are located near the boundaries of the mined-out area and thus the adjacent pillars would not be expected to be supporting the calculated dead weight of the overburder as should be the case if the pillars were in the center of a very large panel of rooms. That this is true (at least for openings up to a few years of age) is shorn in Figure 4 by the behavior of Hutchinson Station No. 6. A short time after the excavation in the area of Station 8, mining was discontinued on the west side and shifted to the east side of the north parel. When the orening at Station 8 was about three years old, ühe apparent stress in the pilar was about 1700 psi (sue Table 3 as well as Figure 4). At this time, mlning was resumed near Station 8 and the western boundary was extended beyond that shown in Figure 2. The rapid rise in vertical convergence rate indicates that the pillur had not been fully loaded after the initial mining; however, it should not be assumed that the load increased to more than 3000 psi (as might be inferred from Figure 4). With the incremental load added some three years after the opening was created, the time scale would have to be shifted to take into account the fact that the creep due to the incremental load essentially begins at a new zero on the time scale. With the points plotted, as shown, as a function of time after the original loading (initial creation of the opening) the convergence rate would have been expected to show a more rapid decrease as the pillar stabilized under its new load. Unfortunately, the gaging station had to be removed before this stage was reached. It is expected that Station 1 will show a similar behavior when mining is again resumed on the west side of the north panel. In general, the stations located nearest the centers of large mined-out areas tend to approach the stress calculated by assuming an infinitely large mined area (see Table 3). Hutchinson Station No. 6, for example, while located near the eastern boundar, is in the center of a panel which is very long in the N-S direction, .. : : ' ' and the atress value obtained from Fig. 4 approaches the calculated value. On . .* . : ::. . the other hand, Hutchinson Stations 5, 9, and 10, located near a northern boundary . - as well as the large irregular pillar left around the mine shaft, indicate stresses considerably below the calculated values. SY Lyons Stations 1 through 13 are located in the area around the shaft (no large shaft pillar was left in this mine) where the mining pattern was very irregular and the estimated extraction ratio is no better than a guess. Therefore the calculated pillar loads for these stations (Table 3) may be too high. The vertical convergence rates at stations 8 and 9 are anomalous, and the 29 INN . " anoraly is definitely known to be due to a parting separation and resultant ceiling sag. Stations 26 through 33 are progressively nearer a western boundary and the convergence rates seem to reflect this fact, although it is believed thathere may be some ceiling sag contributing to the cor.vergence at 16 and possibly at 20. Referring again to Table 3, it should be noted that stress measurements made in the Hutchinson mine by the USBM (using stress relief techniques)?,0 tend to confirm the general validity of the pillar-nodei extrapo.lations. The 1300 psi figure was measured one pillar away from Stations 9 and 10, and the 1600 psi was measured in a pillar near Station 8, soon after Station 8 was installed. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VERTICAL AND JIORIZONTAL CONVERGENCE RATES :. *. - - . . -. -. :- : '=' If it is assumed that the shortening of a pillar in & mine is similar to squeezing a parallelepiped body between two parallel plates; that the pillar volume displaced in the vertical direction is redistributed by equal expansion on all sides of the pillar; ard that the change in height is small compared to the original height , it can be shown that, for a rectangular pillar of height A, width W, and length L = nw, the change in width (AW) is related to the change in height (AH) by: Am I ) AW = n A null For a rouni pillar (of diameter D) under the same assumptions, the relationship is: D = F Thus, if it is assumed that expansion is equal on all sides of a pillar (round, square, or rectangular), and since Hutchinson pillars are square and most pillars in Lyons are roughly square or at most 2:1 rectangular, it - :.. wert: min.: - would be expectea that the masured ratio of rorizonial to vertical convergence (Fcriz/A Vert) should be between 1/2 and 2/3 times the width-to-height rat?c. If it is assumed that horizontal expansion is directly proportional to the horizontal dimension, it can be shown that: & ic .. and Thus, if pillars are not round or square, the results are dependent upon which direction the horizontal convergence is measured in. If convergence is - - - . -. : : '= measured between the long sides of two rectangular pillars, the reasured value 18 AW, and A Horiz/A Vert is thus 1/2x(w/A). If convergence is measured between short sides, the measured value is AL (= na w, and A Horiz/Avert is n/2x(W/H). Thus for the case of a pillar with 1 = 2w, the ratio of the measured values Alloriz/overt would equal W/A. If the convergence is measured between a long and a short side, the measured ratio (Horiz/vert) would thus be (1+n)/4x(W/A), or 3/4X(W/A) for the case where I = 2w. Thus it would appear that, if horizontal expansion volume is equal to vertical contraction volume, (assuming uniform shortening throughout k pillar), then no matter whether the pillar is round or rectangular with long dimensions up to twice the short dimension, no matter which sides of the pillars the convergence measurements are made between, and no matter whether horizontal expansion is uniform all around or is greatest in the direction of the longer dimension, the measured ratio of horizontal convergence to vertical convergence in both of the Carey mines should lie between 1 (W) and (w where w is the short dimension and A is the height. The foregoing assumes, of course, that convergence measurements are not influenced by ceiling sags due to parting separation, or pillar spalling. It also assumes that the horizontal expansion of the pillars is uniform over the i . . . vertical extent of the pillars. This last assumption is an oversimplification: A CT Honever, if the horizontal expunsion is rorurilcim in the vertical plan, it ... to be expected that the greater expansion rouid take place at the vertic: 1 center of the pillar.' Under these conditions, the horizontal measurements reported here would tend to be on the high side, since the horizontal gages are located at the vertical centers. In the Hutchinson mine the pillars are very nearly square and W/A ratios at our res suring stations run from about 3.7 to 4.7. The data also indicate that there is little or no parting separation since the clusure rates near the pillar and in the center of the room are nearly equal. Thus it would be expected that measured Aforiz/vert should be about 2. However, at all the Hutchinson stations the measured ratio (last colwan, Table 1) is less than, or approximately equal to unity. In the Lyons mine, the Aforiz/Avert ratio would be expected to range up to about 3. Instead, at stations which do not show evidence of parting separation, the ratio is approximately unity (last column, Table 2). Thus the bebavior in the Lyons and Hutchinson mines is similar in that horizontal expansions of the pillars do not seem to be great enough to account for the apparent shortening of the pillars. There are a number of possible explanations for this apparent anomaly. One plausible explanation is that part of the pillar volume expands into the room via the floor and roof thus contributing to the vertical closure. If 2.3: this is true, then the existing data indicate that the expansion is such that after the first couple of years, it produces a nearly uniform vertical convergence ali the way across the room. A point which tends to support this hypothesis is the fact that parallelepiped samples compressed uniaxially do not behave in the same manner (as regards creep rates) as do pillar models (with the same relative pillar dimensions as the parallelepiped samples) which include the 3 roof, floor, and currounding opening wivi rastrainin; rings simulating the center ot the surrounding opening by restricting the horizontal flow of the roof and floor. There appears to be some flow of salt at the junctions between the pillar and the floor and roof. The data are not sufficient to establish relationships between horizontal closure rates and pillar stress, but, unless the Autchinson Station 1 data are anomalous, it does appear that the horizontal closure rates in in./yr. (which are an indirect measure of transverse pillar expansion races) are siguificantly lower than the vertical closure rates during the first few years after creation of an opening. After about 10 years, the vertical and horizontal closure rates in in./yr. appear to become approxiinately equal. CONCLUSIONS Laboratory pillar model tests, of 1000 hr or less duration, run at several different values of average pillar stress, appear to be sufficient to allow the development of an empirical equation which can be used to predict vertical closure rates in salt mine openings up to 70 years old. Vertical convergence rates have been shown to continue to decrease with ☆ tiine in openings up to 12 years old where the pillar stress is well. below the ultimate strength. Accumulation of data at individual stations in 2. -.. : olaer openings is not yet sufficient to determine with certainty if the : closure rates are still decree.sing after several decades, but the data from the collective stations seem to indicate that rates are still decreasing after 70 years. Horizontal closure rates (and thus transverse pillar expansion rates) appear to be considerably lower than the vertical closure rates for the first few years after an opening is created. It is thus possible that transverse - .. . - pillar expansion tends to approach a nearly constant rate after a short period - - . - - - - - . . . . . . . . 1) of time, aithough the cata also indicate that, after about 10 years, the trarsverse expansion ryte in in./yr, tends to approach the vertical convergence rate. - - -- . . - - . - - - - - - . . . . . . - . -. w W IV wy. . REFERENCES 1. R. L. Bradshaw, W. J. Boegly, Jr., F. M. Empson, A. Kubota, F. L. Parker, J, J. Perona, and E. G. Struxness, "ultimate Storage of High-Level Waste Solids and Liquids in Salt Formations". Treatment and Storage of High- Level Radioactive Wastes, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963, pp. 153-175. 2. R. L. Bradshaw, F. M. Empson, W. J. Boegly, Jr., A. Kubota, F. L. Parker, aná E. G. Struxness, "Properties of Salt Important in Radioactive Waste Disposal", Proceedings of the International Conference on Saline Deposits, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12-17, 1962 (In pres). 3. . . S. Serata, and E. F. Gloyna, Development of Design Principle for Disposal Into Underground Salt Cavities, Technical Report to the Atomic Energy Commission, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory, Univ. of Texas, January, 1959, Chapter 10. #. $. Serata, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Michigan State Univ., March, 1963 (Personal Communication). 5. L. Obert, Stress Determinations and Borehole Deformation Studies, Report APRL, E 40.1, us Bureau of Mines, Applied Physics Laboratory, college Park, Maryland. 6. L. Sbert, "In Situ Determination of Stress in Rock", Mining Engineering, August, 1962, pp 51-58. 7. J. D. Sayder and L. F. Dellwig, "Plastic Flowage of Salt in Mines at Hutchinson and Lyons, Kansas", State Geological Survey of Kansas, Bulletin 152, Part 2, University of Kansas Publications, Lawrence, Kansas, 1961. TABLF. 1. CREFP MEASUREMENTS IN THIE HUICHINSON MINE Hutchinson1 Suation No. Approximatic Ago or Oxoning 11. Your: Total Closure Rate in Incheo Por Yeur Vortical Horizontal Next to Pilar Centor or Room Contor of Pillar Avamy Pillar Holght in Inches Vortimul Cloruro Rate in win/in-duy (Noxt to Pillar) Alor.. World 0.23 130 14.0 2.16 1.3 121 0.11 0.17 3.5 0.16 0.014 0.05 0.06+0.02 0.0740.02 0.1810.02 0.02+0.02 0.1740.02 0.11+0.02 1.6 0.19 0.10 10.4 28 ho 0.02 0.25 .1.1.3 0.116 No longer in Oxl::lonce ho 0.02 0.:) 0.05 0.010.1 (1.740..! 1.100.1 0.600.5 1.011.0 0.700.1 (1.810.1 36 200 118 0.3 0.66 5.7 0.25 10 O. HO 260 0.2 1. Detin ne or suplember 1963 b. S1:10.1013 local.oil 100 rib pillar pelo c. Sinion Joented in an airwiny Nie TABLE 2. CREEP MEASUREMENTS IN THE LYONS MINEC Aloriz Avert 0.23 1.1 186 7.6 204 Hoooo mů ñ 2.3 Approximate Approximate Vertical Total Closure Rate Lyons Age of Vertical Gage Closure Rate Station Opening in Inches Per Year Length in in No. in Years verticala Horizontal Inchesb min/in-day 0.20 204 2.7 0.22 0.20 204 2.9 0.52 0.20 0.37 0.19 10.4 0.22 2.9 0.17 204 0.25 244 4.7 0.14 144 0.19 174 0.08 120 186 0.08 0.03 186 1. ETR8-TI (center of 30 0.06 1.5 opening) E7R8-T2 (next to 30 0.05 108 1.3 - pillar) a. Data 4s of Ceptoruber 1963 b. Also assumed to be the effective pillar height c. Vertical gages 8 and 9 are anchored in sagging roof slabs. d. Due to rounded openings most gages are in the center of the openings. Pigeon in Sinô In 149*661462999 2.6 1.8 1.4 0.10 0.10 1.0 1.0 108 --, - . . . - Table 3. Pillar Stresses Estimated by Different Methods Pillar Stress Calculated Calculated Measured from Dead from Pillar by USBMC Station Weight of Model (Stress Number Overburden Extrapolation Relist Method) Hutchinson 30008 2900 € 800 van F wr 3000€ 25004 22006 3800 3950 € 26000 1800 2100 2600 2400 1500 3300 2600 1700 1600 1400 22000 1600 1300 1300 22000 Lyons Ons 40000 40000 4000 a 4000 a 40000 40000 3400 3400 4700 5200 3400 3200 3400 29000 2900 2800 2500 2500 25008 3000 2600 2400 2200 2400 33 2500 25004 E7R8-TI Based on actual measurement of room and pillar areas. Based on nominal extraction ratio in the whole panel of rooms. "Report APRL, E 40.1, Stress Determinations and Borehole Deformation Studies, by L. Obert, USBM, Applied Physics Research Laboratory, College Park, Maryland. Based on estimated extraction ratio. . - .-. .- - . - - * UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-6011 105 www . S . A SLOPE = 0.6 . AVERAGE PILLAR STRESS ė , VERTICAL CONVERGENCE RATES (u in. in. 4 day-1). -- - - - HIT 10,000 psi; til 8000 0 7000 6000 it 5000 PF 4000 102 10 100 1000 TIME (hr) 10,000 Creep Rate Data on Lyons Pillar - Models (USBM Tests). FIG. 1 . VRCLASS" ito ORML LA DWG 126/9# MORTH PAMEL MOONS: $0 $0 NI PILLARS: 501 50 11 CEILINO: 13 II MUNCH - MINE SHAFT MOOMS: 60 1300 11 PILLARS: 20 17 mot CELINO: 6 11 HKOH 91 L NOOMS: 50.800 11 PILLARS: 20 I1 WIDE CEILING: 6 19 HNOM MOOMS: 50*300 11 ALLMS 2011 WIOTC CEKL MNO: 6 II HUCH OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO MOOMS: 50 300 11 ICMLLARS: 20 I1 WIDE CEMANG 6 11 HICH mooms: 50*300 11 MULAS: 20 11 Woc CEILIMO: 6 11 HIGH MOOWS: 501 300 11 MUMS: 20 ft WIDE CEILING: 6 IT MIGH ROOMS: 50 - 50 11 PILLARS: 50 * 50 11 CELLING: NO 11 MICH NOTE: ALL HAUL AGE WAYS ANO AMWAYS, 30 11 WIDE • LOCATION OF MEASURING STATION AOOMS: 50 * 50 11 PILLARS: 40 X 40 11 CEILING: NO 11 HIGH 5000 500 1000 FEET Plan of Hutchinson Mine, Showing Locations of Convergence Measuring Stations. FIG. 2 . 5 .--- -. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-6012 Juuron 2008 Ooooooooooo ŏoowonour googoo00oo Boooooo LOUDO Renos soy oo door JLJOOOOO ir OUDU 2008 po goog.nl OOOOO fürwono Tooo 0 0000 errovna snnnnnnnnnnn 100 100 200 FEET Partial Plan of Lyons Mine Showing Locations of Convergence Measuring Stations. FIG. 3 .. . . - . -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-6010 Q3000 psi IN PILLAR MODEL WA HA 2500 - ON 140 R TSTATION & hinong ¿, VERTICAL CONVERGENCE RATES (min. in.-1 day -"). M32 2011 E7R8T1 •,0 HUTCHINSON MINE A LYONS MINE - 103 2 5 106 5 104 2 5 105 2 TIME SINCE CREATION OF OPENING (hr) Measured Mine Convergence Rates Superimposed on Plots of Equation Derived from Model Tests. FIG. 4 . DATE FILMED 11/ 20/64 :: - .. 4 . . LEGAL NOTICE The report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Buata, vor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makas any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the actu- racy, completeness, or wefulness of the taformation contained in talo roport, or that the wo of any taformation, apparatus, method, or procesi dinclound in this report may not infringe prinately owned retta; or B. Asumas any liabilities with respect to the wool, or for damages routing from the une of any information, apparatus, method, or procon dieclound in this report. As wood tan the abova, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes ny ploys or contractor of the Commission, -or-employer of sucha contractor, to the adient that auch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of mucha contractor preparos, disseminates, or provides acces ko, Information pursuant to Wo employment or contract with the Commission, or we employment with sucha contractor. END Wh