WWW Titill 11.1" Wiki N A WWW.LOL. I ' , .. . WAT .. U SU - - - 1, UNCLASSIFIED 11 NOWY With 4 W ! trisha. " . PIRMOW ES : 4 . W. Hv! .. WAN TAL AL ORNL - - ' ' . . . . . . ' . . MS ' .. 249 . - - --* * - 13 Fris . ORNU-P-249 CONF-60574 -3 - -:- : - VIVO . - -:-.-. -:- SEP 2 i 1966 W !' va Trejscells ..- . . . - LEGAL NOTICE -- nepast womepared w w w w werden m ordt wurthMather the Vander ., the Committee, we want more to su tell a Ca tatan: A. this we my warranty of promontotthon, or tablet, mu ropel to the more. mry, completo , or whether the wor d ort, of many more, wert, ohw m e old the report as we wtory SN : . A my thebost there we we of my word, wor d put when we have come to . When the lead to report. Auto Moyee or connector of the C , w type of contracte weet per tract at the Center, w h en the water om . Cocon, or wo hyd w et curte : . 1:20n wic? 10:.:.. ore 1.0 . escarca como u jine ...m St. Louior. Cazzini vidim nuoruü ü ... . Oival, . 1 - ا : 1 :: آرا و ارم: 1-5 م " . ا و.",","1" ,". " وا } ا ا ا ا دراو . و . . . . . ا ا ا ا ا ا واوا ا ، ا لز | !. . ا ز ا ا ا ا ل رiر و ا رو ..! ، ' ر ا ا "'. " . " '' - : . ''''! . . اا هوا" . ا را |". . ، ' ' . " " . . " . . . : '' ..'' ' "1- ,fl: : ." . !.. ' . :م ا ا ا . ; ' ,'ا " م ااا :'' لي در ! . ::::.. :: ! . ! . .. أزرار ب ود 1 ا از * ا ا . ' " وا ء وا ' م م ن ا ا أ ا " **: ?"""""""""""'"'" | ا 4101 : 1 ': .:: ! . . ا ، . - - - - = - = = = - = - - - - . : - : . . :-- - :: - ---- = - - - :: و . رRI با ...من شده اند . -..:::... ..... .. دت د.ت . . ... ... ... - - - .. ت ي . ::::: ::: ::: ... ...::: : : | | ام 11 ... داشتن | .. . پر بلیو محمد - و .... . . | : . wütü for future studies: :: ن تن ده ة - دشت ماه * -. : مة ...... ...... ...... نا. . . . . . ... . . خره ::. :: it. .:: ..| 1. ا : :.. ::. ::.. ::: نك ... :.: زانا . . ::: " ... با 1 نه :... ... ...: :: :: :: :: ::: . نا ..... د تن ان::: cocubes two levels ciutats - rucior pluri. exicu .... :: .:: -: . . . . .. . . . . . . :- ن .: S4 is .قناة .... . - . - . . . . . . ت ا تنه: ته ده . نه د : ..نه .. با c The . . : : - : : - 3 | | | : , བ་བ་ , གོ ནུའི --- ༣ - ཟ • ་ ༤ ,་ :=- -- • - = = - ,་་ --- ས : - - - .ཐརr, - . : ་ , : ་ - ་ -: -- - ཀོ - = - ་་ = ; = = – x - བ ར :: : 5 , -, , - ་ , .: . ༤ ཟླ་ , - - ་ : - - ་ ། ་ ་ ,, ་ cs * : .༦ : ་ , ༦ ༤.. .༤༦༦, ༤.. ...་ : . ..c cc. o - པ༌ E .. . :" |}F || , །་, |. བ་ -- པ༌ . - - ་ - : ht! ་.. ་ :,Euru. - ་ -- . . ܪ . ' .' . - . ."*** r-.- - - -- - : 7 1 ܫ ܀ ܕ rz ܝ ܂ ? . :: : : ܕ܂ A . :. ܪ - . ; ܟܟܨܨܝܪܚܪ . : - . ? ܕ ܪܪ ܘܐܟܢ . ".S.- ܃ ܃ ܕ : ܂ܟܝܪܗ ܪ ܪܕܪܪ ܕܕܪܠ ܬܕ ܕ ܝܽ ܪܪܪܬܕ . *. ܫܪ ܫܐܐ ܙ ܗ̈ܕܡ : :** ܫ ' ܕ ܀ ..-.- F -,- - - - - - . ܙ ;- ** $ *- ܀ - -' - -.: : : - " . - . - . . | | | | | ܂ | . ܀ :; .: | . ܪܢܬ ܢ:;) .iri ܢ܀ ܕ ܝ ܙ - . ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܃ --. ܕܪܐ ܂܂ ܝ ܂ . - . ܊ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܂ ܝ . - ܀ ܫ ܀ - - - - . - ' - ': - - ": ܢ ' ܂ - ܝ : - ,. - > . . ܕ. ܀ ܂ -, :. .- . ܂ ܂ ܃ . ܕ -; : . 3 .; " . . ܝ. ܂ . - : - " ., , ܂ - ܀ . ܀ ܊ - :: ' - . :- : - ܀ - - - .--ܪ ܂ * -'. ** ; ;: . ,. ܂ .5: ; .܂ ,- ܐ € ܐܕ . ' ܪ . -- Lin ii. In h . :.:... w at going work was viagra price range, brand !, . : * , ,' ". ." . "'. . .' 1' i l . ../ All 110 V. !!... !: ... !!! ' " ! : ' :::' ' . ' ' 3. The nominal compaction density was not pucified by BPIL but was determined from the average density of the fuel rods fabricated. It was 1 specified that the rods will have a fuel density of +2% of this determined average density and the density within a fuel rod will be 2% of the average for that fuel rod. Based on experience with depleted (U, Th)o, in the "cold" operation of the facility, an average density of 90% of theoretical was expected and was obtained using (Th-3 wt . 2330)02: NE The cone-shaped Zircaloy-2 bottom fitting, which will be used to . direct the rod lo the critical lattice it , is welded onto the tube . 10 a gas tungsten-arc welding operation, which is done outside the facility. The annular groove in the bottom plug is used as a handling aid during fabrication. In the facility, the top plus, cerumic spacer, and spring are inserted into the fuel tube after compaction as a unit. The ceramic spacer and spring are used in the void area at the top of the fuel rod to - - prevent redistribution of the fuel during hanriling. The Zircaloy-2 top end plug, joined onto the fuel tube by a fusion edge weld in the facility, 18 threaded to accommodate the stainless steel hanger fixture. This hanger Mitting will be used to facilitate handling of the fuel rod in the 5 . . . 9.95 1 : . 1 ..! ! L ., L . . * - - PROCESS - - . - - The rod fabrication process (F1C. :) :**!15 with the delivery of the bulk sol-gel oxide to the power preparation titul puent. The material 18 first crushed in a jaw crusher and separated by a continuous screen - - - . 1. ) classifier into three size fractions: +6, -6+16, and -16. Through ie AB . - - recycling of the +6 fraction and judicious charging of the ball mill with the 6+16 and -16, sufficient amounts of course and fine powders consisting *- of 55% -6+16 and 45% unclassified fines are produced. The development of the process to produce the fine fraction will be considered in the "cold" operation section. The two fractions are then separately weighed out on a automatic batch weigher, blended in a "v" blender, and using a vibrating feeder, fed into the rods. The powder is diensified using an air driven . . . vibratory compactor during feeding followed by additional densification .'-' V .- . -' . with a weighted rider rod resting on top of the fuel column. The end cap, - spacer, and spring are then p.l.uced in the roi iind the end closure weld made. Next, the rod is ultrasonically cleaned and summa scanned to determine the density fluctuations along the long axis. The welds are then helium leak checked and the rod smeared and cleaned until the smear count is < 2000 dis/mn. Mnally, the rod is loaded into the carrier for shipment. P .". UNCLASSIFIED ORNL Dwg 64-239 ROM GAMMA SCANNER FUEL TUBES FEED VIBRATORY COMPACTOR RECYCLE 'O FEED JAW CRUSHER BALL MILL O AMMA SCANNER CLASSIFIER WELDER s 0.303 in. HOLE GAUGE WEIGHING DEVICE . ULTRASONIC CLEANER ------- 18 . . -6 +6 LEAK CHECK BLENDER WEIGHER TRANSFER BOTTLE FINAL CLEAN H. P. SMEAR WEIGHER SHIPPING CASK Fuel Rod Fabrication Flowsheet The rod fabrication t'acli!.. occapie.. :ower two levels of a three- Level facility shown in Fig. 3. The third 2041 houses the sol-sel process, The facility was conetructed in an wiuscä сhcal-processino cell to taic advantage of the air-handling equipment inde i se the existing cell wills for secondary containment. Located in one courir of the first level ani extending to the top of the second leve i. is te kem x 7-1't powder preparation shaft. Adjacent to this shait, on the l'irst level, are the three fabrica- tion cubicles. The first cubicle contains t voratory compaction apparatus and the automatic welder, the second the mi sonic cleaner, uni the third the gamma-ray densitometer an Helium. 16.cctor vacuum chamber. Directly over the first two cubicles ont une secon is the glove maintenance area. Access into the powder preparazion i is through a shielding door in the side of the shaft opening into the short nance area. Access to the fabrication cubicles is thround roof raicinn pening into the same area. The detailed design features or the equipat installed in this area have been reported by Sease et al. (1) The manual operations in the facility ire accomplished by using either gloved hands or castle joint manipulators. Each piece of equipment was so UNCLASSIFIC D OHNL-IR-OWG 70196AR - · common SECOND LEVEL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1 CELL WALL 5-ft CONCRETE set the AC RETE - .... mon . . ' - =- 4 - -- - i - .- LE 9 . TU . *** .. 1 M . PERSONNEL SHIELD Ala-in. STEEL FIRST LEVEL ROU FABRICATION: VIBRATORY COMPACTION - WELDING- CLEANING-INSPECTION L Kilorod Solids Preparation and Rod Fobrication Facility. . , . .' - - 15 - - desicned that control is primarily clorir!??; llius the manual operations _. . . . - . consist of transfers from one ltem to 41101!:!'. The powder preparation equipment requires the use of cloved once in the positioning of valves . - . - - - and in charging and dischargini trie binnel:22. The compacted rod 18 transferred by the castle jo::t in pusti Ut The operation of the fucilliy was OK".into periods by two different mechanisms: (1) th: pon.C::... .. shipment numbering 120 finished rods and (2) the pro..:: 0 :::::::kately 100 kg of ruel. The fuel processing separutio..!?!!! onvenience of the fuel preparation plant and w.re . ............. At the end oi' cach. campaign the system was reinot; :; :0.rial balance mnie, and the operating history criticiniis revichili. Hier procedures requiring modification were performed at this tinc Taiwand initiated in the next campaign. EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE EVULATIOX The major portion of the cquipment alterations was performed during the operation with the stand-in oxide; however, other repairs or modificum tions were performed during the operation wit.. 2330. The remote ball mill (548. 6) continued to give trouble and was remaired 10 times during the ۰ (۱( ۱۱۰.. V. ۱ ۱ 11 زار 11. '(۱۱, ! {{|||| . - نه - - . . -- . - . -: ب عد - بنت - ب -- - ' {{ } } { ۱} { - ---- = - )؛ 11 ۱۱ / ۱۱ از ) و ( )1 ۱ : ۱ ! آIN |{{ ا -- - - . . . -- || Ball Mill ' '. " first two months of operation. The s'i mal was eventually replaced with one of much simpler design and operubie through gloves. The cause of the malfunctioning of the rerotu 1.1.1 dia t... esenpe of powder from the system causing excessive wear wi' bearings wilding surfaces. The remainder of the powder preparation wizulp...i operated with Hohent more ther periodic maintenance. A number of alterations, 27.justments, repairs on the vibratory compaction equipment (Fie. 5) were requirei. m'he polyurethane dust boot between the vibratory feeder tube and the unnel was removed so that the powder feeding into the rod could be obscrviAlthough this increased the dusting in this area, it wis i'ound that t!ic Teed rate could not be adequately controlled unless the strean was observed. After the high forces, imparted by the vibrator, broke the rac':, the rock and pinion gear static- load rider rod was replaced with a weichter moi. The comactuated sliding taper jaw chuck also suffered from these slm... forces and was replaced with a chuck consisting of a slightly modified W ok coupling. Very careful design of components such as these is requi!".; to minimize sharp corners, drastic changes in thickness, and other sue!: si.cess risers as the Branford* *Manufactured by the Bruniorů Coupunt: 3,Britain, Connecticut. PNEUMATIC VIBRATOR ALPHA SEAL CHUCK FUEL ROD * . :. .4 .- . - - --- - - - - * - - - - - - . -- . . * Vibratory Compaction Assembly - - - - ... - - =€ -* - _ " VIBRATORY FEEDER - STATIC LOAD MECHANISM ORNLLA-OWG 75776 UNCLASSIFIED -- - - . :-- :-TV5-****** * * * * Á** WE E *---E- sesor vibrator, which imparts reporteri cceleration from 20,000 to 100,000 times the acceleration due to gravity. The end cap velding machine (51%. C) op: "slud practically trouble free, requiring only regular replacement of the tungsten tip. The mechanical forepump operated continuously for more than eight months when the seals seized, requiring replacement. The density scanner (F1€. 7) performeri aricquately but not up to the dasa.in expuebliniad quality expected when designed. The instrumentation was provided with an integrator circuit to measure the area under the plotted density curve thereby allowing the bull: density of the fuel bed to be determined. The output of the detector-photomultiplicr Wils found to be unstable over a long period of time which would not allow the integrator to establish a base Une for measurement. The cause o: this instability is still being debated. The density variation within the fuel column was determinca by running a set of standards with each rod and coinparing the standards with the rod. Two typical scans are prescntc:'in Fig. 8. The separation between the standards is used to determine the number of chart divisions over which the fuel column scon may range and still meet the specification of 12% of the bulk density variation within 21 individual rod. .- = ---- - 24 -2,- 2 .33.77-**.. * - ME . - - - - - - - - .. - : N ' ! " < END PLUG PRESS : 117 ç' - . . . # - End - Cap Welding Machine. 5 - - - TORCH WELDING CHAMBER ELEVATOR L ! : - e -- *-- -.- .- . 2 - ..._ . . - - : r e - - - - ::- - - es 3 He LEAK TEST FIXTURE A . 1s . - PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE 2 -3 TROLLEY - FUEL ROD - COLLIMATOR * - . LEAD PIG CONTAINING ..C060 SOURCE · do-r..... Moto........ .. .............one. Menn. ..-.. .... ...... ... .. * ***** Gamma Scanner. NA 6 - 1 - ---- The end product or the cro ...: "10 the prociuction of 1100 Fuel roas containing over 878 :"";. :ssary to compc: 1191 rods to cei 1100 specification : .. total 206 prouction was - . . . - - - recycia. The term recyc8C rükarc arc en were recovered and reused irom . "1. Difications, Inc recycle * rate during the early campai ..!:.. .i ranged to ü lc.: 0 *17212