INSTV N ." "YON . • W ir WWW MET .. TON1.. - WAT"... ' S N' IN A EUR Tv * AN . .. 5+:- P. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL PI 227 VAN ti X SÉ F ORNL.P. 227 goa drept NF-791-1 SMOOTHED THERMOCOUPLE TABLES E.G. Davidson and R.K. Adams Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER ABSTRACT , - - ::: Since the rounding error associated with the present standard tables for thermocouple emf versus temperature is too large to allow the use of these tables for precision thermometry, the authors have obtained smooth tables which are expressed to a significance of 0.001 microvolt and which witch the NBS Circular 561 tables every- where to vith in the NBS sounding. The method and mathematical techniques for preparing the tables and the results are described. The address 18 given where punched card copies of the smoothed tables or fortuna computer programs fot o s may be obtained. Y ri * : . . .8k . INTRODUCTION . 1 : .PARA For several years tables of temperature versus emf published in the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Circular 561" for standard thermocouple - F materials have been, and continue to be, widely used as the recognized standard on which many precise thermocouples are based. In these tables, S tenperature versus enf 18 tabulated at every degree within the range of the Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Bergy Coumission under contract with the Uaion Carbide Corporation. PASIN Standards, 1964, Part 30, includes thermocouple tables based on values in the NBS Circular 561. This paper references NBS Circular 561, although the tables in the ASIN Standard are essentially identical. . 5 WWW M 11 ? MI . . WAT JU W . " VIA . 1 I STAN h TA). 11 WISA . : be KI PM . 2 II 90 ' M V WC 2- thermocouple material to an accuracy of 1 microvolt in some cases and 10 microvolts in others.3 Although the error associated with this degree of accuracy 18 acceptable for most industrial applications," and the accuracy of temperatures determined from the emf of an uncalibrated thermocouple rounding does not require smoother tables, the error 18 too great for certain laboratory experiments, particularly for those involving small or measure- ments where precision thermometry 18 required. A portion of Table 2 from . Further, it NBS Circular 561, plotted in Fig. 1, 1llustrates this point. ve plot the deviations of the table entries from a smooth curve, which might represent a real thermocouple, we obtain a curve as shown in Fig. 2. For , -. - ::: * V A laboratory experiments in which the slope or the change in slope of temp- - erature with respect to some other physical variable is the important measurement, it is desirable for interpolation purposes to have thermocouple tables of extended significance. Such tables should be smooth to a degree h WW of significance such that the discontinuities due to rounding error do not obliterate the small changes that the experiment was designed to exhibit. Digital computer processing of experimental data involving temperature requires brief mention of another consideration. A table of emf versus temperature requires significant computer memory for storage, whereas a formula does not. A formula 18 easier to program, but table lookup 18 usually faster. . H. Shenker et al., Reference Tables for Thermocouples, NBS Circular **, .s. Dept. of Commerce (April 27, 1955) ISA standard tolerances and ASIN. limits of error are adequate for most industrial work. * 3 .. NE + . - ka LIV L' IVA TECHNIQUES FOR SMOOTH ING THERMOCOUPLE 'TABLES The problem of smoothing the NBS tables has been approached by others using different techniques. One technique involved plotting first dirferences with visual cut-and-try smoothing,'followed by integration of the smoother difference curve and successive adjustment and re-integration to minimize the difference between the integrated emf's and the NBS table entries. An attempt was also made to keep the second differences from being discontinuous. This technique buffers from being slow and subject to human errors. Another technique used Lagrange second degree polynomials for interpolation between key temperatures. This technique, although it provides a result that requires! 1688 computer memory, suffers from being discontinuous in its first and second derivatives at the junction points between polynomlale. * ! GE There are undoubtedly other techniques which have been used, most of which either follow the previous illustrations or are similar to some we tried and found inadequate. In our first attempt to smooth the tables we tried to fit a polynomial to the tables by the method of least squares, using a 10th-degree polynomial for the platinum-platinum-10% rhodium tablep with data points at every sec. The difference between the computed and tabular values was plotted for every degree within the range of the table (Fig. 3). A similar plot was made (F48. 4) for the same table, using a fourth-degree polynomial with an added exponential teru. This formula vas obtained from Mr. R.D. Fynn of 53.7. Potts, Jr., and D.L. McElroy, Thermocouple Research to 1000°C - Final Report Nov. 1, 1957, through June 30, 1959, ORNL-2773, p 214. °R.P. Benedict and 8.F. Ashby, Empirical Determination of Thermocouple Characteristics, ASMS-61-WA-19 (1961). Also, "Improved Reference Tables for Thermocouples," p 51 in Temperature, Its Measurement and control in Science and Tndustry, voi. 3, Part 2 (1962). he ART . LI . . ' ... ..WATI LON ' . . tne Heat Transfer Section at NBS and is based on a theoretical thermocouple model. Its use was not recomended for temperatures above 14.50°C for reasons that are obvious from the figure. These curves show: (1) the sharp, l-microvolt-high, discontinuities (sawteeth) are due to round ing error in the tables; and (2) the longer undulations show the ability (or inab111ty) of the formulas to match the tables. Clearly, these formulas fail to match the tables by a wide margin compared with the magnitude of the rounding error. About all that can be . 1 said for the formulas 18 that they are continuous. To make the polynomial function fit the tables and to have an error of about the same order of magnitude as the rounding error would seem to require a polynomial of a rather large degree. For this reason, a smoothed table of emf versus temperature 18, in general, the only adequate representation of thermocouple characteristics for scientific work, and the digital computer memory required to store the tables for automatic calculations simply must be tolerated. DIFFERENCE CURVES VERSUS SMOOTHED TABLES Calibration curves for Mercuremontidades de specific thermocouple, usually do not follow the - Characteristic curves you NBS tables exactly, of course, and the date on different batches of wire deviate from the tables in different manners. Although a polynomial representation of the tables did not appear to be feasible, the same cannot be said of a polynomial representation of the difference curve' associated with a specific thermocouple. The argument 18 simply one of magnitude. 'W.F. Roeber and S.T. Lonberger, Methods of Testing Thermocouples and Termocouple Materials, NBS Circular 590, V.8. Dept. of Commerce (Mb. 6, 1958). . a5 The difference curve for a specific thermocouple 18 psually expressed in microvolts, but the tables are expressed in millivolts. Although the relative error in representing either the tables or the difference curve by a poly- nomial would be the same in either case, the absolute error 18 a factor of 1000 smaller for the difference curve. The number of calibration points for a specific thermocouple 18, on the average, about 81x, which 18 sufficient to determine a low order polynomial representing the difference curve. To determine a polynomial of the nth degree in the least squares sense requires a minimum of (a + 1) pairs of points. The difference polynomial 1s con- tinuous in all derivatives and may be computed to any degree of significance. Howeverbefore the difference polynomial can be derived and before the polynomial can be used in thermometry, we need a basic table with the necessary significance that follows the major excursions characteristic of the material of the thermocouple. Thus, an NBS table Amoothed to a factor of 100 or 1000 greater significance 18 needed. MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUE FOR SMOOTH ING To explain the technique used in smoothing the tables consider the following set of data drawn somewhere from within the table. For purposes ميم مهنا of discussion we will arbitrarily let it consist of five voltages associated with five adjacent temperatures (refer to Fig. 5). To compute a better (smoother) value of the voltage for the center temperature in the group of five, we take all five voltages and use them to determine in the least squares sense a low ordur polynomial of, for instance, the second degree. This polynomial y de evaluated at the center temperature and, thus, we determine a better (smoother) value of the voltage to be associated with - ---.. . .......... : 6- the center temperature. It will be close to the original value of the voltage at the center temperature, but not necessarily the same value. Liketise, we may determine a better value for every voltage in the table by successiveiy fitting a polynomial and calculating the center value. This 18 done by moving along the table, dropping the first point and including the next point in the table. The lowermost two entries and the upupermost two entries will require special consideration, since they do not have both two bigher . buy wie se neighbors and two lower neighbors. In the case of the two lowermost voltages, & smoothea value for them 18 computed, wing the same polynomial that was determined for the third point from the end. It 18 simply evaluated at the - - - - - - -'. . appropriate lowermost two temperatures for which a smoother value of the ALE voltage is desired. Similar considerations apply to the uppermost two voltages. Once these smoother values have been computed, the whole operation may be repeated by operating on the previously computed voltages and returning an even smoother set of voltages. Those familiar with statistical techniques will recognize that, if the approximating polynomial in the previous discussion 18 of zero degree (in other words, the function is approximated by & constant which is nothing but the average of the five points), we are employing the technique long used by statisticians for smoothing statistical time series. They refer to it as the "moving average" technique. Before applying this procedure, we must answer three questions: ' 1. What degree polynonial should be used. 2. How many times 18 it necessary to repeat the smoothing operation to achieve a given degree of smoothe88. 3. How many data points should be included in the group for smoothing. The first question need de answered the only on approximate agere before ve ans apply the technique. We first construct a table of differences of . To several orders from the original data. To do this, we find it convenient to first normalize the data, that is, we multiply the data by an Appropriate . power of 10 and convert the result to integer form, such that the least : ... Bignificant digit in the integer form corresponds to the last digit of ... significance in the decimal form. From these normalized data, differences . . out to several orders are computed and examined. . . - .... To interpret these data, let us first review some properties of difference tables. If the original data had been derived from a polynomial of the ath degree, then the (a + 1)th order and all higher orders of differences would be zero. If a difference table 18 constructed from a function that 18 not a polynomial, it will be found (1f the function is tabulated at sufficiently close intervals) that the second-order differences are smaller in absolute value than the first-order differences, that the third-order differences are smaller than the second-order differences, and so on, until an order is reached at which the differences are small whole numbers and alternate randomly in sign. Beyond this order, the differences aga in grow in absolute value but continue to alternate in sign. That order of differences whose magnitude was smallest may be likened to the (a + 1)th- ordered differences for the polynomial. In other words, if a polynomial 18 chosen to represent the function over a short interval, a polynomial of the ath degree cou] 1 best represent the function. This provides an approximate answer to the first question. The answer to the second question also involves a difference table. Suppose we have selected the degree of the polynomial and the nubber of data points to be included in the group for smoothing, and we have actually smoothed the data once. Let us further suppose that we want our table to be smoothed out to the closest 0.01 microvolt. If the smoothed data are now truncated at the level and are normalized, and a table of differences is - constructed from this data, we will again find a given order of differences whose absolute values will be less on the average than for any other order, and these differences will alternate randomly in sign. If the differences -. . .- . are, for the most part, 0 and £ 1, with maybe an occasional + 2, we may conclude that the previous smoothing operation was sufficient. If the above condition does not hold, we must repeat the smoothing operation until it does. Let us now turn to a consideration of the third question. The answer . - to this question is related to the first question and for this reason, the previous discussion gave only an approximate anqwer. The number of data points selected for smoothing could be as few as three. An odd number is desirable for symmetry reasons. The ability or a polynomial of given degree to approximate the original data will depend on the size of the interval and, consequently, the number of data points used for smoothing. The shorter the interval, the more faithfully the smoothed data will follow the original data. This is not necessarily desirable, because the original data presents a saw-toothed pattern relative to the true function that it supposedly represents. To overcome this difficulty and to prevent tbe smoothed data from retaining the saw-toothed nature of the original rounding beer pattern, it is desirable to include sufficient data points in the smoothing group to bridge the longest span between adjacent teeth in the saw-tbbthed pattern. This saw-toothed pattern 18 best seen in a plot like Figs. 3 and 4, but it may also be obtained from examining the difference table of the original data. The span between AR *** teeth 18 as large as 90 degrees in one case. Over intervals of this size, 1t 18 necessary to reexamine the answer to the first question. It may be desirable to raise the degree of the approximating polynomial. After this technique has been carried out, it will be found that the smoothed data curve does not pass exactly through the origin, as it must if it is to represent a real thermocouple. This little wrinkle 18 overcome by subtracting the residue at the origin from all the entries in the smoothed table. If the smoothing has been gone with close attention to all three iti questions discussed, the magnitude of the residue at the origin will be # C * less than the original rounding error. Increme sp * DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Table 2 from thead The result of smoothing NBS Circular 561 tabtes using this technique is *** c. ** . shown in Fig. 6. A portion of the smoothed difference table is shown in Table 1. -- ----. tom Recently, NBS has employed digital computer techniques in its type * -- ... thermocouple calibration work, but has continued using the segmental poly- 8 nomial technique first published by Roeser and Wenzel. The coefficients of their original eight therd-degree polynomials were designed for the International Temperature Scale of 1927 and for emf's expressed in Inter- national volts. Based on these polynomials, with adjustments for the International Temperature Scale of 1948 and emf's expressed in absolute volts, we calculated a smooth table, designated NBS 127. A plot of the difference 6 between the smoothed type #table obtained from NBS Circular 561 and NBS 127 18 shown in Fig. 7. *W.F. Roeser and H.T. Wenzei, Reference Tables for Platinum to Platinum- Rhodium Thermocouples, NBS Research Paper No. 530, U. 8. Dept. of Commerce (Feb. 1933). -10- At present, NBS 18 using a seven-polynomial "table" in their computer calculations; the coefficients of the seven polynomials currently beiug used are by NBS s given in Table 2 of this paper. Figure 8 is a plot of the dif- ference between the smoothed Table 2 of NBS Circular 561, as determined by the authors, and a curve determined from these polynomials (designated NBS T48). The primary advantage in using a smoothed table instead of a set of polyromials in precision work is the speed of conversion from emf to temperature in the computer. The smoothed tables from NBS Circular 561 have an additional advantage: they are based on long-used and well-established tables which, whether or not they well represent actual thermocouple characteristics, are used by nearly all who work with thermocouple materials in the United States. Also, as is desirable for the several reasons mentioned earlier, the derivatives (through the second order) of the smoothed table are nearly continuous functions, whereas only the first derivatives of the NBS set of polynomials are designed to match at the junction points between polynomials. The authors' procedure has been applied to several types of thermocouple materials (Table 3). The approximating polynomial was of the second degree .. and in all cases. De number of data potuto ciuded by the omoottring group was Locuin .... . .. 201 AVAMMSA-exceptionnelle en bon report e d the top study pe .. tweet . . . . Punched card copies of the smoothed tables pour portes s tene can be obtained by writing to Mr. F.C. Vonderlage, . Po . . . . . . ... Office of Industrial Cooperation, Oak Ridge National laboratory, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. An Oak Ridge National Laboratory report, ORNL-3649, Vol. I, documents the entire investigation of thermocouple tables, and Vol. II contains the smoothed tables in printed form. These two volumes can be obtained from the Division of Technical Information Extension, P.0. Box E, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ܂ ܘܐ Table 1. of tannie & ton û Patian amputer Smoothed Difference Table Processing of Nes Circular 56), OUVUT, ܘܘܘܐ vvܘ DIFFERENCE ORDER 3rd 4th 5th 6th P. cc? NORMALIZAND 1st 2nd 7th DIPUT (mv) .8 -- ܕܢܵܐ q8M45 ܘ2ܐ -79 .89 .807 7203 7962 ܕܘܕ 8072 5ܢ8ܢ 81484 .82 8287 8 ܚ ܘ ܝ ܚ ܘ ܝ ܚ ܘ ܝ ܚ ܘ ܂ ? ܗ ܝ ܚ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܘ ! ܗ ܘ ܀ ܗ ܘ ? ܗ ܘ ܀ | 830܂ ܕ830܂ ܟܐ 83777 ܛܛܢ845 28ܐ .338 .885 .853 .861 .869 129 85332 8662 6853 36 TOLE II 5 . . Table 2.) Rocfficients* of Polynomials for "ype 8 Thermocouple e.m.f. = A + BT + Cm ? + DT2 where ent is Absolute Microvolts, T in deg. C. International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948 Temp. Range et 0 - 231.90 231.90 • 327.40 327.40 - 419.45 419.45 - 630.50 630.5 • 1063.0 1063 · 1250 5.4291221 1.1045780 x 10-2 - 1.1624775 x 105 6.0813770 7.3742742 x 20-3 - 5.1125365 x 100 6.2766721 6.7056532 x 10-3 - 4.3585867 x 10-6 8.0100051 2.0856326 x 10-3 - 2.9964276 x 10-7 8.1229839 . 1. 7126453 x 103 3. 7680664 6.3245099 x 103 -1.6014100 x 100 - 53.767999 -267.50639 -265.56993 +1087.2930 22 ', Based on private communication from abs, 5/21/64. , 1 44 PABLO III titlu 3 . Cosmoothei Thermocouple Tables Based on NBS Circular 561. All tables are expressed: to .001 M for every I deg. C. Type Material o EUR no 20 PT-PT*IORH PT-PT&23RH CHROMEL-ALUMEL IRON-CONSTANTAN COPPER-CONSTANTAN CHROMEL-CONSTANTAN r R PE H S. om AM W 1 Mid UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-3239 TEMPERATURE (°C) L NBS TABLES- 3 ... - - CHARACTERISTIC OF A REAL THERMOCOUPLE - --- ------- - " V mindre ŏ 5 10 15 20 25 emf (rev) 30 35 40 45 . TIL Fió Expanded View of Table 2; NBS Circular 561 - Pt-Pt 10% Rh. Expande D MAL S2 ' ul. "We M R . * . . 7 .. L LY. C . WWW. MORA . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-3240 3 - . . « CE . & DEVIAT! -.*. . 1:- . .... ....... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TEMPERATURE (°C) Deviation of Table 2 Entries (NBS Circular 561) from a Smooth Curve. Figa • . ?.. PT-PTX10RH NBS VERSUS LEAST SQUARES FIT IOTH DI 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.00 6.00 w.00 - \NMAM ss . MICROVOLTS DEVIATION -6.00 -8.00 -10.0 -12.0 -14.0 -16.0 -18.0! - Zağı 3 -20.00 - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 DEGREES C 1000 1100 1200 VERSUS LEAST SQUARES FIT 10TH DEGREE EQUATION Muminmwww TT 1 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 900 DEGREES C PT-PTX10RH NBS VERSUS FLYNN EQUATTUN FUI 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.00 6.00 4.00 0 MICROVOLTS DEVIATION -4.00 -6.00 -8.00 -10.0 -12.0 -14.0 -16.0 -18.0 Fig. H -20.0 00 1 00 200_ 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1100 1200 900 DEGREES C VERSUS FLYNN EQUATION FOR PT-PT*10RH IR . . .. . .. .IS ... . . . 700 800 900 DEGREES C 1000 1100 1200_ 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 LIMW UNUI 12 . . : wi T! 1. M . . fi IN w while W A "ANO V MY " me W 2 . . W1LWAUWAWM AMWINYI - " -.- . . ---. ..; .. Mlutilaat.>Star CU. UNDE IN U.S.A. . x = points from unsmoothed thermocouple table . . IstEP4/ and s moothed Dainty st smoothed point for center temperature calculated Efrom fitted curren - - ...n iu. . KTED? -curve to fit. . 5 dota . . - . 2. , ' . - '. -- - - - - . degree irre) of .. 2nd first . . it ! _IL mperature O XO TO THE INCH - 8.885 + 3041 KA * es - Smoothing Procedure 27 . LR PT-PTX10AH NBS (SMOOTHED) MICROVOLTS DEVIATION (SMOOTHED TABLE - ROUNDED TABLE) AAAA -14.0 -16.0 -18.0 -20.06 100_ 200_ 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMP DEG C 1000 1100 1200 1300 ... ................ *.* **1.60***** Pi-PTIUNH NBS TSMOOTHED) well madam AMMIM A AN AMMA MMMMMMMMMMMMMswahilineminde 700 800 1000 1100_ 1200_ 900 TEMP DEG C 1300_ 1400 1500_ 1600_ 1700_ 1800 PT-PTX10RH NBS (SMOOTHED) VERSUS Pi-P1*TURA NO I ULTIVUlld ML 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.00 6.00 4.00 MICROVOLTS DEVIATION -4.00 -6.00 -8.00 -10.0 -12.0 -14.0 -16.0 Frio 2005 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 : DEGREES C 1000 1100 1200 130. : 0) VERSUS PT-PT*10RH NBS POLYNOMIAL T27 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 900 DEGREES C PT-PT-10RH NBS (SMOOTHED) VERSUS PT-PT*10RH NBS POL YNOMIAL T48 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.00 6.00 MICROVOLTS DEVIATION -6.00 -8.00 -10.0 -12.0 -14.0 -16.0 -18.0 - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 DE.GREES C 1000 1100 1200 1300 VERSUS PT-PTX10RH NBS POL YNOMIAL T48 900 DEGREES C 1000 7100 7200 7300 7400 - 7500 1600 1700 1800 . ' . "! . KKK . . 1 UN LX hit . . .. ..! mo " . WWW MOL TUNUD . . hu 2 TE :1 , ." DATE FILMED 11/ 24 /164 R . * î AZ $ 3.G 2 manten si * . TE $ -LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neithor the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes uny warranty or ropresentation, expressod or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotoness, or usofulness of the information containod in this roport, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, molhod, or procoso disclouod in this roport may not Infringo privatoly owned righto; or B. Assumos any liabilities with rospect to the uso of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, molbod, or process disclosed in this report. As usod in the abovo, “porson acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any om. ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or employco of such contractor, to the extent that such omployoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any Information pursuant to his omployment or contract with the Commission, or his emplcyment with such contractor. . MY IN 37 LE r. E- END