...--...-----------...-..-------- 1. . 1. et there i من منعتنعت عن القسم.منمنميننههتنهامتعلمهن time in italiano S . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL P 123 TOFI NL .. - .. -. . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. -: - . -.: .. . . .. - - - . -, - . i - . -.i1.14: TEXT . hannis met ons o p . DITE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE 8 / 19 1964 .. . SL . 1 -:' Co we published in the Prosecco od 0 Symposium on Podcalled Content Jovica .cl Element, Worcester, cücizusetts, lovember 6, 1963. ORAL-P- 123 JUL 1 5 1964 ع کرے۔ اور ترسے MASTER EYECE IS DEPIC..C.? OF CELIU?!-233 A rz-302 ROIS LICITY SHIELDED PICILITY OFIIL* :- - J. . Var Cleve, Jr. and b. I. Lotts metals and Ceramics Division Oai Ridge rational Laboratory Oak Ridce, Tennessee love ki, itt v .. . ... LEGAL NOTICE - ... ! WinessA A LÉ FILLEDER TA OTH * # FANALERIST. E AS WEL EEN 2 -4 . The repurt mi preparado un account of Government .poa sored work. Nelder the called suales, dor Llore Conaiscion, or any per80 ACUN wa beball of the Commimgica: A. Kukes my warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respec! l the score racy, completeness, or usefulness of tbe taforma uon coolland is we report, or eat lire une of any taforma uon, apparatus, althod, or procesi daclosed to as report may not lalringe privately owned rigou; or 2. Asocany liablisttes med reeport to We un ', or for damages rrowUn frou we Un of any tAlormativa, appurato, melod, or process delosed to do repori, Au umed in the above, "person ac leg o behalf of the Commolon" includes any of pioyee or navractor of the Commission, or employee of our contractor, lo he entent Hout auch employee or contra lor of the Commission, or rapiopte of such contractor prepares, disnuinamı, or provide acces, lo. any information purstant to do employmi or cogiruct will be Comansion, or dis enployarct me old coalriclor. A L E H. . ..5 Facsimile Price $_ Microfilm Price $ . * Available from the Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. *Research bred by the U. S. Atomic Erezcy Cormission üraer contract with trac üäica viewie Corporüüion. INTRODUCTION The potential of the thorium fuel cycle for achieving low nuclear fuel costs is complicated by the presence of 232U associated with 233U formed in the re utor. The decay of the 2320 daughters produces penetrating radiation making the consideration of shielding and fast processing times mandatory. The construction and operation of a lightly shielded, semiremote facility, known as the Kil.orod Facility, in which fuel rods containing (Th~3 wt % 2330)O2 are fabricated, is the first step in determining the technical feasibility and economy of the thorium fuel cycle. This facility, which 16 presently operating at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was designed to fabricate fuel rods that will be used in zero-power, criticality experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The fuel rods are produced by vibratory compaction of sol- gel produced oxide in Zircaloy-2 tubes to near 90% of the theoretical density of the powder. The facility was designed to produce 10 rods/ day; however, the attainment of this production rate was secondary to the collection of engineering data on the process itself. The processing of the fuel may be divided into two distinct phases: (1) preparation of the bulk oxide by the sol-gel process and (2) rod fabrication. This paper is concerned with the operating experience of the rod fabrication portion of the facility. The soi-gel process is presented in another paper;l the engineering and development of the rod fabrication process and equipment is available elsewhere.2 FUEL ROD DESIGN The configuration of the reference fuel rod to be fabricated in the facility for the BNL critical experiments is shown in Fig. 1. The BNL experiments requir900 of these rods and 200 rods identical in design except that they are 18 in. in length instead of 46 1/16 in. The nominal compaction density was not specified by BNL but will be determined from the average density of the fuel rods fabricated. It was specified that the rods will have a fuel density of 12% of this determineu average density and the density within a fuel rod will be +2% of the average for that fuel rod. Based on experience with depleted (U, Th)o, in the "cold" operation of the facility, an average density of 90% of theoretical is expected. The cone-shaped Zircaloy-2 bottom fitting, which will be used to direct the rod in the critical lattice at BNL, is welded onto the tube in a gas tungsten-arc welding operation, which is done outside the facility. The annular groove in the bottom plug is used as a handling aid during fabrication. In the facility, the top plug, ceramic spacer, and spring are inserted into the fuel tube after compaction as a unit. the fuel rod to prevent redistribution of the fuel during handling. The Zircaloy-2 top end plug, joined onto the fuel tube by a fusion edge weld in the facility, is threaded to accommodate the stainless steel hanger fixture. This hanger fitting will be used to facilitate handling of the fuel rod in the critical lattice. PROCESS The rod fabrication process (Fig. 2) starts with the delivery of the bulk sol-gel oxide to the powder preparation equipment. The material is first crushed in a jaw crusher and separated by a continuous screen classifier into three size fractions: +6, 6+16, and -16. Through recycling of the +ó fraction and judicious charging of the ball mill with the 6+16 and -16, sufficient amounts of coarse and fine powders consisting of 55% 6+16 and 45% unclassified fines are produced. The development of the process to produce the fine fraction will be considered in the "cold" operation section. The two fractions are then separately weighed out on an automatic batch weigher, blended in a "v" blender, and, using a vibrating feeder, fed into the rods. The powder 18 densified using an air driven vibratory compactor during feeding followed by additional densification with a weighted rider rod resting on top of the fuel colum. The end cap, specer, and spring are then placed in the rod and the end-closure weld nade. Next, the rod 16 ultrasonically cleaned and gamma scanned to determine the density fluctuations along the long axis. The welds are then helium leak checked and the rod smeared and cleaned until the smear count 15 < 2000 dis/min. Finally, the rod is loaded into the carrier for shipment. FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT The rod fabrication facility occupies the lower two levels of a three- level facility shown in Fig. 3. The third level houses the sol-gel process. The facility was constructed in an unused chemical-processing cell to take advantage of the air-handling equipment and to use the existing cell walls for secondary containment. Located in one corner of the first level and extending to the top of the second level in the LX 7-ft powder preparation shaft. Adjacent to this shaft, on the first level, are the three fabrica- tion cubicles. The first cuticle contains the vibratory compaction apparatus and the automatic welder, the second the ultrasonic cleaner, and the third the gamma-ray densitometer and hellum leak detector vacuum chamber. Directly over the first two cubicles on the second level is the glove maintenance area. Access into the powder preparation shaft is through a shielding door in the side of the shaft opening into the maintenance area. Access to the fabrication cubicles 18 through roof hatches opening into the same area, The operation of the fabrication equipment is performed either by castle joint manipulators or gloved hands. The powder preparation equip- ment is operated by flexible shafts extending through seals at the shielding wall. The facility is gamma shielded by 4 1/4-in. armor plate and alpha sealed with an inner liner of il-gage mild steel. Three bag- out ports are provided for the entry of small support equipment and removal of debris and samples. The powder preparation equipment (F18. 4), which is located in the powder preparation shaft, utilizes gravity to transport the fuel through pipes from one equipment unit to the next. All of the equipment in the powder preparation shaft is remotely controlled either electrically or by flexible shafts. Minor repairs are made in-place through glove-access ports. To facilitate major repair, the equipment is mounted on movable racks in the front half of the shaft. The defective piece of equipment can be removed by pushing the equipment rack to the rear and lifting the piece to the repair area with a hoist. The vibratory compaction apparatus is shown in Fig. 5. An air driven impact hammer is used as the compaction device. The functions of the end-cap welding machine (Fig. 6) include evacuation of the rod, backfilling with helium, seating the end pluk, and making the fusion end-closure weld. The ultrasonic cleaning device with its attendant power supply 16 shown in Fig. 7. This unit fills with water, ultrasonically cleans the rod, drains, sprays the rod with fresh water, und dries the rod in a blast of warm air. These operations are controlled from a console in the operating area. The gamma-ray densitometer is shown in Fig. 8. The variation in compacted fuel density is measured by the attenuation of the radiation from a 6oCo source as it passes through the fuel bed. The beam is collimated by a 1/8- X 3/8-in. slot between the source and fuel rod. OPERATING EXPERIENCE WITH STAND-IN OXIDE During the initial operation of the fabrication equipment with stand-in oxide (depleted (U,TH)22), it soon became evident that the powder-conditioning equipment was the area oî najor concern. Despite efforts to contain dust within the system, an unexpectedly large quantity of oxide dust accumulated on the exterior of the equipment. Obviously, this very abrasive dust can cause excessive wear of bearing and bearing surfaces. The abrasive nature requirements of the mill to be rotated about three axes simultaneously necessitated the use of several types of bearings. Extensive modifications were essential to obtain a suitable working situation. Even after apparently solving the bearing problem, other modifications were necessary because of the wearing of bearing surfaces causing extraneous material to be introduced into the fuel. Before operation, there was concern that the classifier screens might blind during operation; however, during the cold runs there was no evidence of screen blinding. The remainder of the powder-conditioning equipment has performed satisfactorily. In the complete system, a material holdup of approximately 2 kg was observed during the cold runs. During the operation of the vibrator system, several modifications were necessary. The need to observe the feeding of the fuel into the rod required the elimination of the dust boot over the end of the feeder trough. Although the elimination of the boot increased the dusting, it was felt that adequate feeder control could not be obtained without observe ing the feeding. The chuck for holding the rod was designed to utilize a slightly modified Swaggiok tube coupling. This coupling uses a standard 1/2-in. ps.pe 0 1/2-in. tube male connector with specially machined split ferrule. During tụe "cold" operations, failure of the Swagelok chuck was usually observed after 10 to 12 rods; therefore, it is planned to change the Swagelok tube coupling after the compaction of six rods. Also, & number of failures in the other components of the vibrator-chuck assembly are anticipated because of the extremely high levels of acceleration associated with the Branford* vibrator (reportedly as high as 20,000 to 100,000 times the acceleration due to gravity). Along with daily main- tenance checks on all fasteners on the unit, spare components to the . .. .. . entire vibratory compaction assembly are considered absolutely essential. . - . . . In operating the vibrator, it was found that the freedom of the - anvil, to which the rod to be filled is attached and upon which the . pneumatic hommer impinges, is a very important factor. The anvil must be allowed to move a finite distance (in the order of 1/16 in.) to obtain the desired compaction. If the anvil is not allowed to reciprocate, a reduction in compacted density of from 8 to 10% 1.8 observed. Some diff!- culties were experienced with the Branford vibrator due to component failures within the vibrator unit. *Manufactured by the Branford Co., New Britain, Connecticut. After demonstrating the ability of the powder-preparation equipment to produce powders of three size fractions for loading into the fuel tubes, It was decided to modify the system to produce powders of a binary-size distribution. The decision to operate the system with two size fractions was based on two factors: (1) the binary system is equal to the ternary in compaction density that is attainable and (2) the binary is much easier to operate, especially with a remote systei. During the cold runs, the binary-size distribution was optimized and now consists of a charge of 55% of a classified 6+16 mesh fraction and 45% of an unclassified ball mill fraction. The ball mill fraction 18 controlled by the weight of charge and the time spent in milling. A set of conditions was determined which would result in the most practical use of the distribution pro- duced by the jaw crusher and which would compact to acceptable densities. The ball mill fraction has the following approximate composition: 20% -16+50 --50+140 -140+200 --200+325 --325 30% 20% 5% With this distribution, 20 cold samples were compacted that had an average bulk density of 90% of theoretical with a deviation from rod to rod of < 1%. The density profile measured with the gamma scanner within the se rods was well within the specified +2% with the majority showing a deviation of 1 1/2. The results were most gratifying as results of this nature had not been predicted from laboratory experience. Apparently, a wider distribution range of powders can be utilized with the bottom-actuated pneumatic device used in the facility than can be used with an electromechanical device similarly or on a beam system. The greater breakup of powder during compaction with the pneumatic device can account for this observation. HOT OPERATION After developing the process and equipment to the point that a sustained period of acceptable rod production with the stand-in oxide was obtained, the entire system was dismantled, cleaned, and reassembled before the introduction of the 233U-bearing fuel. The initial operation with the 2330 fuel was not smooth as numerous difficulties aguin appeared. The remotely operated hall mill continued to give trouble and was replaced with one operated with gloved hands. After the se initial prob- lems were solved, the equipment performed with minimin difficulties. The reject-rod rate during the production of the first 100 rods was 25%; this was attributed to lack of experience in the operation and process. After this initial operation, the rejection rate was greatly reduced and is presently at the tolerable figure of 3% of the production. The rejection rate is more accurately described as a reprocessing rate as neither the hardware nor the fuel is lost. When a rod is rejectea, the fuel is simply emptied from the rod and the tube reloaded. In rod production, the most difficult specification to maintain has been the 12% on the density profile. The bulk density and fuel bed heigiit specification have not accounted for a single reject. The rejects on density profile have been traced to either poor preparation of the fine fraction or failure of some component oi. the vibrator system. Typical traces produced by the densitometer of an acceptable and rejected rod are shown in Fig. 10. The decision to accept or reject a rod is made 'oy com- paring the extremes of the scan with the separation produced by a set of stendards which are scanned with each rod. In Fig. 10, the trace of the standards is shown to the right of the two roj traces. Rod production has been divided into campaigns for fuel accountability and criticality considerations. At the end of each campaign, a material balance is made, the operation reviewed, and equipment alteration made, if necessary. To date, 416 acceptable fuel rods containing over 390 kg of . fuel have been produced in four campaigns. A sustained production rate of 10 rods/day has been achieved over the last 100 rods with a maximum production rate of 19 rods/day being accomplished on several occasions. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Through the design, construction, and operation of the Kilorod Facility and its fabrication equipment, the practicability and economics of refabrication of (2330, TM)02-bearing fuel rods are being assessed. Although a complete assessment of the facility cannot be made at this time because production is still in progress, the operation of the facility has proven the feasibility of a bulk oxide vibratory compaction method of fuel element fabrication. Using a binary powder-preparation system developed in the facility in conjunction with a pneumatic-type vibrator, it has been shown that 100% of the fuel produced can be utilized in the fabrication of acceptable fuel rods. The following conclusions have been made based on the operating experience gained at approximately the half-way point in the project: 1. The engineering feasibility of the vibratory compaction method for producing oxide-filled rods has been proven. 2.' Rods of (90 +29% of theoretical density, of +2% or less variation 10 along the long axis, And of 42 ft 11 in. fuel bed height have been routinely produced. 3. A method of producing a fine fruction by control of operating parameters has been devised and proven. - ....... 11 REFERENCES 1. C. C. Haws, Jr., "Pilot Plant Preparation of 233U02-ThO2 Shards by the Sol-Gel Method," paper presented at the Powder Filled Uranium Dioxide Fuel Element Symposium held at Worcester, Massachusetts, November 56, 1963. 2. J. D. Sease, A. L. Lotts, and F. C. Davis, Thorium-233u Oxide (Kilorod) Facility — Rod Fabrication Process and Equipment, ORNL-3539 (April 1966). LIST OF FIGURES 1. (ORNL-LR-DWG 6615383) Design Features of the BNL Fuel Rod. 2. (ORNL Dwg 6h-239) Fuel Rod Fabrication Flowsheet. 3. (ORNL-LR-DWG 76196A) Kilorod solide Preparation and Rod Fabrication Facility. h. (ORNL-LR-DWG 74597) Powder Preparation Equipment and Mounting Pallets. 5. (ORNL-LR-DWG 75776) Vibratory Compaction Apparatus. 6. (ORNL Photo 58244-A) End-Cap Welding Machine. 7. (ORNL Photo 58683) Ultrasonic Cleaner, Power Supply, and Cleaning Tank. 8. (ORNL Photo 59560-A) Gamma-Ray Densitometer. 9. (Photo 58687A) Remote Ball Mill. 10. (Y-55931) Ivo Typical Density Profiles Obtained from the Gamma-Ray Densitometer, UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 66153R3 -----46116 in.-.--.-...--- ----------... --.--- ............... 3& in.----- 429'in. OCH --- 1896 in...to- FUEL LENGTH . . YYYY Y T: 0.499-in OD X 0.430-in 10 ZIRCALOY-2 TUBE A120, DISK INCONEL SPRING 90% THEO D 2% UO2-Thoz FUEL 900 9 NOM HANGER FITTING- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL Owg 64-239 FROM GAMMA SCANNER FUEL TUBES FEEDS -6 +16. - VIBRATORY COMPACTOR RECYCLE TO FEED JAW CRUSHER BALL MILL GAMMA SCANNER CLASSIFIER WELDER FINES 0.505 in. HOLE GAUGE WEIGHING DEVICE. ULTRASONIC CLEANER LEAK CHECK +16 BLENDER WEIGHER TRANSFER BOTTLE FINAL CLEAN H. P. SMEAR WEIGHER SHIPPING CASK ... .... ..--. ... in UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-OWG 76196A SECOND LEVEL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1. CELL WALL 5-ft CONCRETE - - - سمت POWDER CONDITIONING SHAFT 03 / PERSONNEL SHIELD 412-in. STEEL FIRST LEVEL ROD FABRICATION: VIBRATORY COMPACTION - WELDING- CLEANING-INSPECTION UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 74597 - - - 2-in. FEEDER VALVE- . . BALL MILL - - - JAW CRUSHER- . CLASSIFIER f-in. FEEDER VALVE REMOTE WEIGHER RECYCLE HOPPER- AVE - - - - - -- E-BLENDER - - -S2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-OWG 75776 - STATIC LOAD MECHANISM ALPHA SEAL - VIBRATORY FEEDER - FUEL ROD - -..-,. . . - - - - --- -- - , - II WII هعهعهعهعهعتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتننععنئسنسعدهم - CHUCK PNEUMATIC VIBRATOR WELDING CHAMBER ELEVATOR 20. TORCH term.. 6 7 pit ---- It w ay to people ع عننملحشد بسسسسسسسسسسفنمنعشسنسنیم محسنی:مسمنمنمهمه ص END PLUG PRESS ur . . . .1 1 44 . י.ל .. « .... . SONBIASTER * - : או * דיון יז --- י' • --/-- .. . . .......... ....... ..... . .. - * - - - - . א . א : - ן He LEAK TEST FIXTURE - PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE. .. , TROLLEY - - FUEL ROD FUEL RODI COLLIMATOR - N COLLIMATOR) - . LEAD PIG CONTAINING 10060 SOURCE - . U!JCLASS1i1s0 PHOTO 586971 * BE INCOMING POWDER LINE INCOMING Į JAW CRUSHER (BEHIND) *,*.... . men POWDER SEALING RING Jela - SINGLE ROLL BALL MILL GRINDING JAR wer DISCHARGE POWDER LINE! ......... . . , det 1,"*". 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