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Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, | method, or process disclosed in this report. 1 As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. : . 1 t1. . M ore . 1. 1 . 57 IT: . . f EW - 7 44 SEM 1 - - ts SN:13 . . . WWW. IN SA W VS 1 * WWW :- 1 UNT ? :72 SET, ..." - - C" " 8/ 18 DITE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE h961 = WWWWWWWWW -- . 12! TH W ALA " " . LIT W10 w • : un . . L. 2. * IN . - - - NEW WWW. . www -> - w . - .. 1 -'* - ?-- * ? . ET. .-.- . idth 2- - - : - 22T , -. . TE W . 21 * : . NX In 1 INAT 2. YTT 12 22 - 2 . 1 I . . . . - ' L paper to be presented at the International Symposium on Surface Contamination, Pune 8-12, 1964, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 117195720 ORAL-P- 4. 1 CONF-555-4 MASTER - DEPOSITION OF SUBMICRON-SIZE PARTICLES IN VENT ILATION DUCTS* . st L. P. Davis** . Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . 017 4 Focsimile Price 3 SOS Microfilm Price $ 8 1 . Available from the „ffice of Tochnical Services ?Washington 25, D. C. T . . E TE A AV LEGAL NOTICE The roper wom wor arthMont Dutta , Out , me ty. Continen: A. Koho mayurety or p hon e lended wirectemer . . A ny Heinona roto web, or four weer truth weiter , un, men derimotopark Ao want m o , porno wetu wa the Creu " co w ". Whey or contractorate in wagtyd wat netu, much you or contractor of the Crowloto, w plena h ract warna, dermana, ponto , tormatie ov e r the wat Cat , mely na sucha contractor. SV 2 It * Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ri si aver. 7 T- -• **Currently attending University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. ito *TY w.......... INK . CONTENTS Page Abstract. ............................. Introduction. ................ Theoretical Concepts. ....... Transport to Duct Walls in Tiroulent Flow The Colburn Ana. 10 y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effects of Agglomeration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Method of Evaluation. .......... . Discussion of Results .......... . Conclusions ............ . . . w o . . . umivuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reierluces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix. ............................ 16 . . DEPOSITION OF SUBMICRON-SVE PARTICLES IN VENTILATION DUCTS L. P. Davis ABSTRACT A Oi2nt; The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematically the concentration decrease due to particle deposition phenomena in highly concentrated monociispersed aerosols (mean particle size less than 1.0 u ) flowing through ventilation ducts. It was found that, from the standpoint of removal, the decrease in concentration due to deposition on duct walls was insignificant; out, when considering contamination on the duct walls, the amount deposited, even though small when compared with the amount in the bulk stream, should not be overlooked. The rate of de position, characterized by the deposition velocity, was calculated by using the Colburn analogy between momentum and mass transfer. Because of the significant coagulation encountered in the cases investigated, the mean particle size was found to be a strong function of the residence time in the duct. This necessitated that the deposition velocity be expressed as a function of residence time rather than as a function of particle diameter (as is the usual case). The mean diameter was expressed as a function of time and concentration combined with a mass balance over a differential volume element, and the results were integrated. The integrated equation gives a conservative estimation of the decrease in concentration to be expected when highly concentrated, unstable, submicron size aerosols are transported through ventilation ducts. INTRODUCTION ta much of the work done to date on deposition velocities of micron and submicron sized particles has been in the area of stable aerosols where the effects of agglomeration are not significant. Also there is an almost complete lack or information in the literature concerning deposition velocities in the size range of 0.1 to 1 micron. The purpose of this report is to investigate the deposition behavior of particles of size 0.001 to 1.0 micron with concentration ranging from 1 to 1000 mg/m3 with consideration given to the effects of agglomeration. Special atten. tion is given to the deposiiion of particles in a typical ORNL cell venti- lation duct. This is a 54-in.-square concrete duct, approximately 1000 feet long, that vents HRLEL, FPDL,. and several other plants to a fan below the 3039 stack. Flow in the line varies from 10,000 to 50,000 cfm. TICORETICAL CONCEPTS Transport to Duct Walls in Turbulent Flow The mechanisms governing the deposition of particles from a turbulent ai: stream can be divided into two modes depending on the size of the particles being deposited. For particles of mean diameter greater than 1.0 micron the mode of transport is one in which the particles, by virtue of the transverse eddy velocities, are carried across the boundary layer in a projectile fashion. Various theories have been proposed to predict the deposition velocities in this range. Notable of these is the theory proposed by Friedlander and Johnstone. - For particles of mean diameter less than 0.1 micron, Brownian motion provides a possible mechanism and use is made of the Chilton-Colburn analogy between mass and momentum transfer. Chamberlain' reports that for particles greater than 0.1 micron the transfer rate calculated from the Colburn analogy becomes very small and that the problem is solved by application of the theory by Friedlander and Johnstone, but recommends that it not be applied to particles as small as 1.0 micron. This places the deposition mechanism for the size range 0.1 to 1.0 micron in a somewhat nebulous situation. For smoke concentra- tions or 10 to 1000 mg/m the effect of coagulation causes this diameter range to be important even for particle diameters that are much smaller (see Fig. 6). The lack of available experimental data necessitates that some approximation be employed. The Colburn analogy, utilizing the theory of Brownian diffusion, was extended into this region of uncertainty. This approximation is thought to be conservative. w . 3 The Colburn Analogy 2. The relationship between mass and momentum transfer can be stated in tac concise form 8/2 = dpi Where: f = Fanning friction factor, dimensionless, Jo = Colburn factor for mass transfer, dimensionless. If the dimensionless quantity J, is rewritten, according to its definition, as Jo - NSO where: k = mass flux rate, mass/(time) (unit area), c = concentration, mass/unit volume, V = free stream velocity, length/time, Ns. = Schmidt number (ratio of kinematic viscosity to diffusivity), dimensionless; it is seen that upon equating Eq. (2) to f/2 that V = (f/2) v N52 3. Where v. - deposition velocity (ratio of k to c), length/time. Effects of Agglomeration Agglomeration is characterized by a coefficient which satisfies the following relationship: h - = Kt, where: n = initial number of particles per unit volume, cm , n = number of particles per unit volume at any time t, cm , K = acglomeration coefficient, cmº/sec, t = time, sec. Expressing the number of particles in terms of average diameter, density, and mass concentration yields an expression for the time required to reach a given diameter, a, as follows:S Told3-23) t = 7 m/V, K . a - . .... where: t = time, sec, 0 = density of particles, G/cm, = diameter of particles at time t, cm, - diameter of particles initially, cm, m/v, = mass concentration of particles, g/cm", K - agglomeration coefficient, cm/sec. In order to use the aforementioned equations to predict the behavior of aerosols it is necessary to employ some theoretical expression for the agglomeration coefficients such as: . . . - . .. .. . K (2 + AŞ, where: k = Boltzmann constant, T = absolute temperature, n = viscosity of medium, À = nean free path of the gas molecules, r = radius of tne particles, A = Ao + Be C'r(see Ref. 4), A. = a constant (w1.25), B = a constant (-0.44), C' = a constant (al.09). From the above equation it can be seen that the agglomeration coefficient is not a constant, but is dependent on particle diameter. METHOD OF EVALUATION The attenuation to be expected due to the deposition phenomenon can be determined from a material balance written over a differential length of the ventilation duct. The details of this balance can be seen in Fig. 3. The result is the equation given below: 4LV c/Co = exp (- BV), (7) where: C = concentration at a point Lom from the duct entrance, g/cm, Co = initial concentration at duct entrance, g/cm, L - distance from duct entrance, cm, v. - deposition velocity, cm/sec, V = i'rce strcam velocity, cmscc, B = dimension of one side of duct, cm. The above form of the equation should predict the ratio of final to initial concentration (within the limits of accuracy of the value of the predicted deposition velocity) for stable acroso.lii. For instable aerosols the nican dianeter of the particles is continu- ously increasing. This situation adds to the complexity of the problem. It will be recalled that the deposition velocity assumed to be applicable to the range of particle diameters being investigated here is a function of the diffusivity. However, from Fig. 2 it can be seen that the diffusi- vity is a rather strong function of the particle diameter; thus, making the deposition velocity diarre ter dependent. Curves showing this depen- dence are given in Fig. 4 where the deposition velocity as a function of particle diameter with free stream velocity as a parameter are piotted. In order to relate the particle size to downstream position in the duct use will be made of the agelomeration coefficient which relates particle size to tire. Siowever, upon examining Eqs. (5) and (6), it is seen that the expression for the agglomeration coefficient is coupled with the expression for the particie diameter. This being the case, Eq. (5) cannot be solved explicitly for diameter for increments of time such that there is a significant change in particle diameter. To overcome this the following steps were taken: (1) A plot of particle diameter vs time was constructed as follows: (a) Equation (5) was rearranged to give (5a) - -- •- - *.**-- * * - . - - <.. - - - . - - - - - ---- ." . . . . . . .. . d/d = 1 + 6tKc 1/3 door (b) Using a time increment or 0.1 sec, a trial-and-error particle diameter that would give a diameter increase of no more than 10 per cent. This time increment can be considered TO nocligibly small as compared to the total residence time in the duct; ncnce, it may be concluded that any part 'clc dianter 1063 than this is so short-lived as to be of negligible importance. (c) Using the above dctcrmined diameter as the initial particle size the diameter was increased by 10 per cent and the time required to achieve this growth was determined. (a) Next, this diameter was incremented by 10 per cent, the acglomeration coefficient adjusted for the new diameter, and the new time increment was calculated. Proceeding in this manner will yield the mean diameter for any time for not only an initial particle size as determincd from part (b), but also for all omallor initial partiolo dlamo toru (sino. 0.d so « rooidonc. time). (e) The above procedure was repeated for various concentrations and the results plotted as shown in Fig. 6. (2) Equations were written for the curves shown in Figs. 4 and 6 as follows: (a) For V, as a function of particle diameter with velocity as a parameter V = [H + w v7a. (b) For d as a function of time with concentration as a parameter d = ECPta, where: E, H, W, Q B, and y are constants. (3) Combining the above two equations yields an expression for the deposition velocity as a function of concentration, free stream velocity and position in the duct (since L/V = t) as given below, va = [H + w 17e%c9() Za (10) This expression for V, was used in the differential form of Eq. (7) and the results integrated as shown in the Appendix. The result is the rather formidable equation B 4 (H + WJE” 1,2a + 1 (11) 1-Yayl + ja (8) (9) YA (C/C DISCUSSIOOI OF RESULTS The final result or tnis investigation ir Eq. (11) given above. Wạen the various constants are inserted into the cquation it becomes (c/c 0.276 1.37.1 1.37 x 10 + 7.93 x 1004 y,0.735 c0.276 70.735 ? (12)* where: C, C = final, initial concentration, g/cm>, V = free stream velocity, cm/sec, L = duct length, cm. It should be noted that the constants 37.1 and 0.735 will vary slightly since a varies from 0.25 to 0.26 for concentrations or 1 mg/mol to 1000 me/m”, respectively. See Fig. 6. Perdus a few explanatory comncnts are in order concerning the third restriction. The curves in Fig. 6 were determined using the assumption that for a given concentration all particlc diameters below a certain value were so short-lived that their ci'fcct on the final result would be insigni- ficant. Since Eq. (5) is dependent on concentration the limiting initial diameter is also dependent on concentration - the nigher the concentration the higher the allowed initial diameter. Therefore an initial diameter that satisfies the imposed conditions (all smaller diame ters exist for a very brief time) for a concentration C will also satisfy these same con- ditions for a concentration ca, provided that CzC7, Hence, the notation à 52 x 1024 for c? 1 mg/m3 imzlies that the equation representing the curves in Fig. 6 is also valid for, say, C = 100 mg/m and do = 2 x 100CM. Also implied in the notation is that the equation would not give the dependence of diameter on residence time for, say, C = 1 mg/m and d. = 7 x 10°C. This is clearly seen upon examination of Fig. 6 where it is evident that for C = 1 mg/mad the particle diameter has not reached 7 x 100% u even at the end of 100 sec. The values of initial diameter given by restriction 3 above are not the initial values determined by the method described in the section on Theoretical Concepts. Instead, the values given are approximately the diameter associated with t = l sec. It is thought that this extension of the permissible range of initial dia- meters does not introduce appreciable error if the fourth restriction is applied with discretion. --- - For cascs arising that co not satisfy the third restriction a new curve would have to be determined starting with the given value or do and applying stops 1(c) and 1(1) or the section on Theoretical Concepts. . For situations which do satisfy the above rour restraints, Eq. (12) can be applicd directly. Consider the case of a monodispersed aerosol of concentration 1 mg/m2 and initial particle size 0.02 u moving at an average velocity of 10 ft/sec in a 54-inch square duct, 1000 ft long. Upon using Eq. (12) to determine the decrease in concentration, 1t 18 found that c/c - 0.9954. From this it can be seen that the predicted decrease in concentration is neclicible. CONCLUSIONS From the proceeding development the following can be concluded: (1) The method described and the resulting equation provide a plausible means or predicting the decrease in concentration due to deposition. (2) The procedure used involves numerous approximations (e.g., curve fitting) aná the results obtained should be viewed in light of this fact. (3) The predicted decrease in concentracion due to deposition in the duct for the diame ters and concentrations investigated can be con- sidered negligible; however, from the standpoint of contamination on the duct walls the amount deposited should not be overlooked. -9 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-7289 - - - . . . .".. DIFFUSIVE TRANSPORT FORMULA (Colburn) VELOCITY OF DE POSITION (cm/sec) INERTIAL TRANSPORT FORMULA (Friedlander and Johnstone) 0.001 0.001 1.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 PARTICLE DIAMETER W) il Fig. 1. DE POSITION OF PARTICLES ON VERTICAL PLANE SURFACES 88% LMT . **** ** ***** VMTRAWW .. . ! UNCLASSIFIED) ORNL-DWG 63-1928 PARTICLE DIAMETER (w) 10-31 10-> 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 DIFFUSIVITY (cm/sec) Pin ¿ DIFFUSIVITIES OF PARTICULATES AS A FUNCTION OF PARTICLE DIAMETER -11- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-4929 C + DC Fodb INPUT RATE = B2vC where: B = duct dimension, cm V = average free stream velocity, cm/sec C : concentration, particles/cms or a/cm3 OUTPUT RATE = 82v(c + dC) ACCUMULATION where: L = distance from duct entrance cm Vg = deposition velocity, cm/sec ! MATERIAL BALANCE FOR THE ELEMENTAL VOLUME YIELDS BPCV = 82V(C + dC) + 4B/C + ) Vodl INTEGRATING FROM C = C. AT L = 0 AND C = CATLEL GIVES: : c/c. = exp-ngL .. Fig. 3. Equation for Particle Deposition in a Duct (Stable Aerosol). ....... .. : . a . , UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-3798 V = 40 ft/sec ŏ Å o Vg. DE POSITION VELOCITY (cni/sec) - --- ...:: ::.! 10-4 _ Vo (1.37 x 10-9 + 7.93 x 10-12v] 01.06% Vg - cm/sec V - cm/sec d - cm VALID FOR d > ~2 x 10-2 MICRONS 10-5 10-2 10-1 PARTICLE DIAMETER (microns). rii .. DE POSITION VELOCITY IN 54 SQUARE-INCH DUCTS .. Y23 - /3 - :-. - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-4931 . -.-- -- -- -- -- - 108 AGGLOMERATIO:: COCITICIO:VT (cm, sic) 10-10 10-3 10-2 10-1 PARTICLE DIAMETER () L AGGLOMERATION COEFFICIENTS AS A FUNCTION OF PARTICLE DIAMETER 9LOMERATION CO UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DVIG 61.-3989 · -.... ...... .. . -. .-..-..... 1000 mg/m3 ... ......... ...... . ... . 100 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 1 mg/m3 PARTICLE DIAMETER (microris) . . :............ ..... ...... ... . . ... . a mentos adicio . honest . !! thing. 10-2 --- ........ | d = 4.67 x 10-4 C.26 ja 0 d - cm a = .25 aic=1 0 C - g/cm3 = .26 al = 103 APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING RANGE do < 2 x 10-2 v ic> 1 mg/m3 da <3.8 x 10-2vic > 10 mg/m3 de < 7.0 x 10-2 pic > 100 mg/m3 do < 1.3 x 10-10;c > 1000 mg/m3 Too- 100 0 1- sec --------0 -------- 7.0 TIME (seconds) Fig.do Particle size as a function of Time cind concentration. 15 REPERUNCES 1. S. R. Friedlander and 1. F. Johnstone, "Deposition of Suspended Parti- cles from Turbulent Gas Streams," Ind. and Eng. Chem. 1), 1151 (1957). 2. A. C. Chamberlain, "Transport or Particles Across Boundary Layers," NERE-M 1122 (1962). 3. W. E. Browning, Jr., and M. H. Fontana, unpublished report (1963). 4. J. W. Thomas, "The Dirrusion Battery Method for Aerosol Particle size Determination," CRNL-1648 (Dec. 14, 1953). ló AP?DIDIX : 5. Development or Equation to predict (c/c.) with Acglomeration considered . - . - ... From the differential mass bulance dctcrmined in Fig. 3, 1t 18 seca - . that . . .- ,:> . - (B/4) v dc + a(C + dc/2) V = 0. (7.1) Using the expression for v, given in Eq. (10), Eq. (7.1) becomes (B/4) v dc + C AL(H + W V)E%C?(L/V)20 0. (7.2) Separation of variables yields ac + WE' 770 al. (7.3) YB 3v1 + ja Integrating the left hand side from c. to C and the right hand side from O to L yields c1 + yß - - ) 78 = 1 + 2 I 14(11 + WB 7 Ic-yBI Ila + 1 O OV (7.4) Where: B = duct dimension, cm, C = concentration L cm from entrance, gm/cm, C. - initial concentration, E = constant (4.67 x 10-4), = constant (1.37 x 109), i - distance from duct entrance, cm, V = free stream velocity, cm/sec, = constant (7.93 x 10^12), a = constant (0.25 to 0.26), 3 = constant (0.26), = constant (-1.06). END .