. IT !! WITH.. . P .? L A A 11 AWARD www A W UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 2 27 . FIY 548 17. ORrup.d-48. ) - VAزہی ا x11/ BUITIODS OF FAST-NEITRON SPECTROSCOPY POR REACTOR SHIEI-DING * F. C. Maienschein Oak Ridge National Laboratory OCT 30 1909 INTRODUCTION At the session on Neutron Attenuation in Optically Thick Shieldo, discrepancies were notod even between results from calculational methods which were supposed to be "rigorous." The obvious suggestion was made that experiments should be performed to determine the "correct answer." However, experience has shown that critical examinations of the capabil. ities of calculations on the basis of experiment have been few. "Real experiments" usually involve geometries which are complex with respect to those that the calculational methods can bandle as well as severe prob.:cm:: of determining source strengtho. In addition, the capabilities of the detection Instruments are limited. When careful measurements are pos- sible, the most meaningful tests of calculations and cross-section inputs result from study of fast-neutron spectra. Recent developments of spectrometers offer promise for future measure- ments. However, further work is needed, and it should not be anticipated that a simple, foolproof fast-neutron spectrometer requiring little effort will become available. Any of the plausible methods currently requires several man years to put into operation. Hopefully, calibrations for cor- tain spectrometers can be provided which will reduce this effort. These calibrations might take a form similar to that of the Heath catalog of gamma-ray scintillation spectrometer functions plus a computer-code package for treating experimental data which are produced. Comments on the use- 11'11 fulness of this approach would be appreciated. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The most desirable features of fast-neutron spectrometers for the measurement of continuous spectra in the fission energy recion include: a kaim absolute efficiency of suficient magnitude that moasurements can be completed in a few hours, gond gamma-ray discrimination, at least moderate energy resolution (~10-20%), nondirectional response, and moderate size, cost, and complexity. Spectrometers with similar characteristics are required in related fields, including studies of radiation damage and spectra in fast reactors. However, for these applications, the energy region of most interest falls below 1 MeV. For radiation-damage studies of most materials, the integrated flux levels permit, or demand, the use of spectrometers of low sensitivity, and high-radiation-damage resistance. For the measurement of fast-reactor spectra, extraction of a representative neutron beam is required since the spectrometer cannot be placed in the reactor core without introducing an un- desirable perturbation. For shielding measurements, on the other hand, the beam extraction problem does not arise and comparisons of the fast-neutron leakage can be made with the calculational methods. In the past, most of the possible concepts for fast-neutron spec- troscopy have been tried, although new approaches, such as magnetic deflec- tion of protons from neutron decay, are still being examined. The in- : struments to be discussed in this talk are selected for comment because of their demonstrated or anticipated use for reactor-shielding measurements. The coverage is parochial not by choice but due to ignorance of other de- velopments. In general, the useful neutron spectrometers depend upon production of recoil prot ans, nuclear reactions in counters, activations with cross sections of lowo enerwy dependence, or on time of flight. PROTON-RECOIL METHODS Useful shielding data have been produced using proton recoilo in nuclear plates.,894 The rosults come blowly although improvement has been achieved in this respect with uomi-automatic coordinate recording. Gemma-ray backgrounds may be limiting and sensitivity 18 inadequate for very large attenuations. So far as I loow, no development work is cur. rently under way with nuclear plates. Proton-recoil-proportional-counter telescopes exhibit good carama-ray rejection, and, for moderate energy resolution, very low efficiency. Use of a scintillator as the radiator and/or the proton-energy detector in the telescope increases the efficiency but also the gamma-ray response, at- though to my knowledge pulse-shape discrimination has not been tried. It is also possible that use of a solid-state proton spectrometer ag an element of a telescope should be investigated for shielding measurements." Ilydrogenous scintillators give an integral pulse-height spectrum which must be differentiated to produce the desired neutron spectrum. These de- vices have efficiencies large with respect to those for the above instru- ments and they are relatively nondirectional. However, the scintillator suffers from a very large gamma-ray background and the differentiation re- quired to obtain a spectrum is complicated by the finite pulse-height reso- lution of the scintillator, nonlinearities in light output, and multiple interactions. In spite of these problems, recent developments offer promise of a useful shielding spectrometer of this type. The developments include the use of pulse-shape discrimination against gamma rays and careful cali- bration of the scintillator response with monoenergetic neutrons, together with analysis of the pulse-height spectra obtained by a competent method. Such a method will be discussed today. For low-neutron energies (< 1 Mov) a hydrogenous proportional counter can be used with pulse-shape gamma-ray discrimination in a manner similar to that of the scintillator. This technique is of particular interest for the determination of fast-reactor spectra. NUCLEAR REACTION METHODS A second major class of neutron spectrometers includes those which depend upon the determination of the energy of nuclear reaction products produced by neutrons. The only useful reactions are Sheln,p) and 21(n,x). Other reactions lead to oxcited states and thus lose the one-to-one cor- respondence between measured charged-particle energy minus the Q value and the neutron energy. Even for these reactions complications arise. especially in the form of elastic She recoils and competing reactions in lithium such as Li(n,a) for high-neutron energies. SHe can be used in a proportional counter to provide a spectr meter of reasonable efficiency. The Columbia group has developed a method based on pulse rise time which can be used to discriminate against the She recoils.' This method will be discussed today. The value for the Beln,p)r reaction is positive but small (+ 0.75 MeV) so that gamma-ray background from the reactor may be troublesome. However, the pulse-shape discrimination used against the recoils will also eliminate some of the gamma-ray response and tests in a reactor spectrum are needed. Since Lithium forms no gaseous compounds at or near room temperature, considerable attention was directed toward incorporating lithium in a crystalline scintillator. The resulting Z11(Eu) scintillator® gives usefu efficiency and energy resolution when operated at low temperature. However, the gamma-ray response, in spite of the + 4.785-MeV Q value, has prevented its use for shielding measurements. oso A lator application of the 'Li(n,ayr reaction de in the form of a sandırich of two solid-state spectrometers surrounding a thin layer of ht. Coincident detection and energy determination of the triton and alpha are required in the two diodes, thus reducing the gamma-ray response and other backgrounds. The mi layer must be thin to permit oscape of the charcod particles and the efficiency to low. Further, use of the solid-state detectors (diodes), which are largely silicon, gives rise to neutron-induced charcod-particle reactions in the silicon which may satisfy the coincidence requirement by the charged particle emerging from the surface of one diode and entering the other. This effect has been determined by sub- stituting a layer of 'h in place of the Owl and subtracting the background thus determined. A future approach will use the 18 otope 30si, to construct the solid-state spectrometers, since the Q values for (n, charged-particle) reactions In sºs1 are larger than for the other isotopes. In spite of the coincidence requirement, the gamma-ray backgrourd is probably the major limitation on the use of the mi dicde sandwich as a non- directional neutron spectrometer in reactor shields. Shielding of the diodes can be done by moving them away from the 'll layer and using a collimated beam of neutrons (and gamma-ray background) incident only on the ºut. The efficiency is thereby reduced further but data will be presented today for water-shield thicknesses up to 50 cm using this technique. The Sheln,p) reaction can also be used with a pair of diodes but the lower Q value increases the problems of overcoming the gamma-ray and silicon hackgrounds. Further, the marked anisotropy of the reaction products produces problems of efficiency determination at high-neutron energies. . ..- . . . MIRESHOLD-DETECTOR METHODS A variety of nuclear reactions lead to radioactive nuclei which may be detected by counting. Analysis of the results, taking into account the dependence upon neutron energy of the reactions used, can give, in principle, the incident differential neutron spectrum with very limited enorby reso- lution. Much work of this type is available, and Vol. I of Neutron Dosimetry is an especially rich source. This "threshold-detector" type of spec- trometer 18 most applicable in studies of radiation damage a.lthough it has been widely used, because of the lack of methods giving better energy reso- lution, in shielding research. Results of this type will be discussed today in two papers. Variants of the above method which deserve mention are the use of counting of the reaction products as in the case of fission chambers and the use of absorbers to modify the response of a single detector. In the use of fission-threshold reactions, the gamma-ray-induced-fission background must be carefully considered, especially for measurements behind good neutron shields. For the second approach, hydrogenous layers have been added to thermal-neutrori detectors, 'LLI(Eu) scintillators and BF, counters, to extend their useful response to beyond 14 MeV. The response must be calibrated and a powerfu "unfolding technique" employed to product useful spectra with limited enervy is large, and the energy range covered 16. very large. Boron absorbers can be employed in a similar manner for lover energy neutrons. -7- TIME OF FLIGHT It is true that the neutron time of flight cannot be usefully measured for a reactor source (considering the MeV enorky region). However, with a puised accelerator such as an electron linear accolerator, the cood enormy ann spatial resolution and the large energy range make this a promising method of neutron spectroscopy for basic shielding studies of moderate attenuations. The photoneutron spectrum from the accelerator target 18 similar to a reactor spectrum in enere' but not in angular distribution. The source spectrum can be measured and used as the input for attenuation calculations which are to be checked by experiment. Measurements of this type will be described today. SUMMARY What conclusions can be drawn from these comments? If I were asked to recommend spectrometer types for shielding studies, I would give the following answers. For the fortunate organization with an already established larce group of nuclear-plate readers, the best approach is to simply use the plates, with their concomitant disadvantages, where intensity and gamma background permit. For other groups wanting to make the most detailed possible checks of attenuation calculations, the time-of-flight technique should be considered first, if an electron linear accelerator can be made available. For shielding measurements at the reactor, the shielded 'Li diode spec- trometer has demonstrated its userulness. If neutron intensities do not permit use of this instrument, the proton-recoil scintillator offers con- siderable promise at the present time. For radiation-damage experiments, the potentialities of the threshold-foil technique have been demonstrated but the possibilities for shield spectral determinations of using powerful unscrambling techniques have not been exhausted. All who disagree with these recommenda- tions should say so. -8. If there exists even partial agreement on spectrometer methods or choice and if there is sufficient interest, it might be possible to share the considerable burder. of calibration including efficiency and resolution determinations for selected spectrometers. This cooperative approach would require agreement on detector materials, sizes, and geometries to be used, and the details would depend on the method under consideration. If you have any comments on these possibilities, please see me at this meeting or send me a lotter. September 16, 1964 R. A. Karam and T. F. Parldnson, Neutron Decay Spectrometer, Rev. Sci. Instr. 35, 600 (1964). G. T. Western, Energy and Ancular Distribution Experiment, MARP-62-16T, FZK-9-183-2, Sept. 30, 1963. S. Blaize et al., Fast Neutron Spectrometry and Dosimetry, Proc, Intern. Cont. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 1958 Vol. 21, 230 (1959). S. Passe, Mesures de Spectres de Neutrons Rapide 3 a l'Aide d'Emulsions Nucléaires, Neutron Dosimetry, vol. I, p. 481, IAEA, Vienna (1963). A. Keith Furr and R. S. Runyon, A Fast Neutron Spectrometer for Reactor Flux Measurements, Nuci. Instr. Methods 27, 292 (1964). E. F. Bennett, Proportional Counter Proton-Pecoil Spectraveter with Gamma Discrimination, Rev. Sci. Instr. 33, 1153 (1962). A. Sayres and M. Coppola, He Neutron Spectrometer Using Pulse Risetime Discrimination, Rev. Sci. Instr. 35, 431 (1964). R. B. Murray, Use of °LII(EU) as a Scintillation Detector and Spectrometer for Fast Neutrons, Nucl. Instr. Methods 2, 237 (1958). T. A. Love and R. B. Murray, The Use of Surface-Barrier Diodes for Tast-Neutron Spectroscopy, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 8(1), 91 (1961). Neutron Dosimetry, vol. I, IAEA, Vienna (1963). R. L. Bramblett, R. I, Eiring, and T. W. Bonner, A New Type of Neutron Spectrometer, Nucl. Instr. Methods 2, 1 (1960). 1. R. Burrus, Neutron Phys. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1, 1962, ORNL-3360, p. 19. . . ... 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