TAN UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . . 11 . . W , " AD WW " . 1. " NA" .. 2 . . . . . 25 . . .:- . - - . 542 okre P-542 16!!!. ... / OCT 30 1904 --- EOAT NOTICE --------------- ond then there, the nel ooowww diam CALORDETRIC INVESTIGATION OF THE THORIUM OX DDE-WATER INTERFACEY 8. F. Holmes E. L. Fuller, Jr. C. H. Secoy Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT A Calorimeter for the precise determination of heats of immersion in solid-liquid systems has been developed. The all metal calorimeter is of the isothermal Jacket type. The temperature sensing element 18 a thermistor whose resistance is continuously measured by a circuit consisting of a Mueller bridge, a high gain breaker-amplifier, and a recorder. Energy equivalents of the measured resistance changes were determined by electrical calibration. For fast reactions the calorime- ter bas a useful sensitivity of about 0.002 cal. The calorimeter is capable of bandling five samples for a single assembly of the apparatus. Performance of the calorimeter and utility of the results are demonstrate ed with selected data obtained on the thorium oxide-water system. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The phenomenon of heat evolution on immeroing a solid in a liquid has been known since 1822. However, only qualitative conclusions could be drawn from the carlier measurements as there was no acceptable method for determining the surface areas of powdered and/or porous materials. The BET method for the determination of surface areas provided the foundation for quantitative results on a unit area basis. Following the introduction of the BET theory the pioneering work or Boyd and Harkins served to put heat of immersion measurements on a firm thermodynamic foundation. With the advent of experimental innovations such as breaker- type amplifiers and thermistors, heat of immersion measurements have been applied to an increasing number of problems related to the solid-liquid and solid-gas systems. From a thermodynamic viewpoint the most userul information is obtained from coupling heat of immersion measurements with adsorption isotherms for the same solid-liquid system. The outstanding characteristic of -alorimeters used for heat of immersion measurements is their sensitivity, rather than extreme accuracy or precision. The small heat effect associated with immersing a solid in a liquid demands high calorimetric sensitivity, for in many cases the total observed heat will be much less than one calorie. Figure 1 is a section view of the calorimeter used in our work. With the exception of the stirrer and sample holder, which are brass, the entire calorimeter was constructed of copper. In order to protect against corrosion and to reduce radiant heat transfer, the interior and exterior surfaces of the calorimeter were gold-plated. Inlet and exit connections to the cooling 21NL coil were made with thin-walled rubber tubing. The "O" ringe shown in Fig. 1 provided erfective air-tight seals as evidenced by no dirficulty with ovaporation or condensation. The calorimeter stirrer was driven directly by « 300 rpta synchronous motor. Total Internal volume of the calorimeter (including metal parts) 18 300 cms. For immersion export. ments, the calorimeter was loaded with 230 cm of water which brought the water level to within about 1.5 cm from the lid. An immersion ex- perimeat was initiated by manually lifting the sample holder assembly, which broke a Bampic bulb against the sample breaker. Any one of the i'ive samples could be selected w rotation of the sample holder Akoembly. Vertical motion of the sample holder assembly was limited to about 8 mm by a me cianical stop on the nylon section. This arrangement was necessary to prevent breaking more than one sample bulb per experiment. The calorimeter was suspended by four wylon rods inoide a brass submarine jacket whoso inside surface was gold-plated. The calorimeter was separated from the submarine jacket by a tour om dead air gap. The ud of the submarine jacket was fitted with appropriate exit tubes for electrical and mechanical connection to the calorimeter. The constant temperature bath consisted of a well-stirred, insulat- ed, 30 liter water bath operated at 25.0°c. Control was accomplished by a nickel resistance thermometer used with a proportional controller with reset action. This combination gave short-term control to better than + 0.001° with long-term drift le88 than 0.001° per 24 hours. A simpliried block diagram of the electrical circuito 18 shown in F18. 2. The temperaturo sono ing element was a nominal 100 ohm bead type thermistor enclosed in a glass probe. The thermistor was aged in a 150°c oven for 400 hours. Following this, a current or 7.5 mA (rive times the measuring current) was passed through the thermistor for 70 hours. Stability of the thermistor after this treatment has been demonstrated by a constant calibration factor with no detectable long- term drift. The thermistor was uocd as a three-lead thermometer. A Leeds and Northrup model G-2 Mucller bridge served as the primary resistance mcasuring instrument. Two volts from a 6-volt lead storage battery served to supply the bridge current. The unbalance potential of the bridge was amplified by a Beckman model 14 breaker amplifier. The output of the amplifier was used to drive a zero-center Brown recorder having a full scale range of 100 mv. In normal use the gain on the amplifier was adjusted so that rill scale on the recorder was 5 x 10-3 ohm (approximately 1.6 x 20-3 °c). The electrical calibration heater was 10 ohms of enameled 36 ga Manganin wire. An identical heater placed in the constant temperature bath served as the dummy beater. The heating circuit, which consisted of a variable resistor, a 10 ohm standard resistor, and the calibration heater, was powered by four 6-volt lead storage batteries connected in paralel. Potential drops across the heater and the standard resistor Tytt X- were measured with a Leeds and Northrup K-3 potentiometer using a Leeds and Northrup electronic null-detector. Un Duration of the heating period was measured with an electronic frequency counter. The triggering circuit of the counter was connected directly across the batteries and the calibration heater so that it was energized with the same switch contact as the calibration heater. Periodio checks of the accuracy of the Internal oscillator were made by comparing it with the standard frequency broadcast by station www. In normal calorimetric usage the counter was used to measure heating periods up to 1000 seconds in duration with an accuracy of 0.001 sec. Prior to an experiment, the temperature of the calorimeter was ad- justed, f necessary, with the heater or cooling coil to give the desired drift rate depending on the estimated temperature rise for that experiment. Drift rates never exceeded 1.5 x 104 °C/min, and were usually much less as the calorimeter was never operated more than 0.05°C from bath temperature. Cooling of the calorimeter was accomplished by blowing dry air through a coil inmersed in liquid nitrogen and then through the calorimeter cooling coil. The temperature rise for an experiment was evaluated by a simple extrapolation of the fore and after drift rates. Electrical noise of the recorder trace was about 1.8 x 1023 °C peer-to-peak and did not contribute any uncertainty to the measurements. Total beat evolution for an immersion experiment varied from about 1 to 50 joules, depending, on the sample and the outgassing temperature. A total of three corrections were applied to the observed heat from an immersion experiment. .6. These were the beat of bulb breaking, the heat produced by the mechani. cal motion of the sample holder (~ 0.05 joulo), and the correction for the vaporization of water into the previously evacuated void space in the sampla bulb (~ 0.2 joule). The heat of vaporization correction was calculated from the properties of water and the measured void volume in the sampin bulb. The other two corrections were determined experimental. ly Some characteristics of the loaded calorimeter and its associated instrumentation are: a thermal leakage constant of approximately 2.5 x 10°3 min, attainment of an 18othermal condition internally with- in one part in 20* two minutes after cessation of beating, and a short- term sensitivity of approximately 0.008 joule. For a reaction period of one hour, maximum uncertainty in the calorimetric results was no more than 0.2 joule. Six to ei.ght electrical calibrations and five heat of immersion experiments were made for each loading of the calorimeter. In general, the electrical calibrations always agreed to better than 0.1 per cent and were independent of the rate of heating, the total heat input, and the duration of the heating period. Reproducibility of the heat of immersion results for a given sample was generally about 2 per cent. Accuracy of the heat measurements was about one per cent for all of the samples, being limited by the small temperature rise in the case of samples with small specific surface areas and by the extended reaction period in other cases. The sample bulbs used for these measurements were blown from 4 mm Pyrex tubing and had a diameter of 2 cm. 8ize of the bulbs was control. lod by shaping them in a hemispherical graphite mold during the blowing oporation. In this mannor the wall thickness of the bulbs was control. Led between the limita of 3 to 6 mils. Those bulbs had an internal volume of approximately 3.2 cm, were able to withstand vacuum outgas- sing to 500°c, and were easily broken in the calorimeter. The heat released on breaking an evacuated glass sample bulb has been a source of difficulty in precise measurements of small quantities of beat. To determine the magnitude and reproducibility of the cor- rection for the heat of bulb breaking, a series of evacuated sample bulbs were broken in the calorimeter. The average value, after correcting for the heat of vaporization of water and mechanical motion of the sample holder assembly, was 0.513 + 0.016 joule. The significance of this correction varied Inversely with the specific surface area of the sample, amounting to about 15 per cent for the sample with the smallest specific surface area. However, the uncertainty in the correction was only twice us large as the ultimate calorimetric sensitivity. The thorium oxide samples used in tbis study were prepared by the thermal decomposition of thorium oxalate. Four samples were prepared from the same lot of thorium oxalate. Physical properties and impurities for the thorium oxide samples are given in Fig. 3. It is apparent from the geometric standard deviation that each of the samples bas a wide . 1. -- distribution of particle sizes. Specific surface areas of the samples, as determined by nitrogen adsorption at 77°K, are much too large to be related to the size of the particles. This has been attributed to the oxide particles retaining the relic structure of the oxalate crystal with the oxide particles consisting of much smaller crystallites or thorium oxide. This 18 in agreement with the crystallite sizes quoted 10 F18. 3. Sample pretreatment consisted of outgassing for 24 hours at tem- peratures ranging from 100 to 500°c to a pressure of approximately 1 x 10 mm of mercury. Ultimate pressure was attained within one to two hours after the sample reached outgassing temperature. Outgassing temperatures were controlled to + 3°C and the samples were sealed off under vacuum at the end of the outgassing period. The beats of immersion of these samples of thorium oxide are shown in Fig. 4 as a function of the outgassing temperature. The experimental heat data were reduced to a unit area basis by means of the measured nitrogen surface areas. Two important points are obvious from Fig. 4. The first of these is the general increase of the heat of immersion with increasing outgassing temperature. The second obvious point is the fact that these four samples have remarkably different energetics with respect to the solid-water interface. This is especially true with respect to sample D, whose heat of lumersion 18 lower and much less dependent on outgassing temperature than that of the remaining three samples. If the only function of the outgassing procedure was to remove physically adsorbed water then the heats of immersion should be practi. cally independent of the outgassing temperature over this entire range, for there should be no physically adsorbed water remaining under these outgassing conditions. A much more plausible explanation is that we are, progressively removing more strongly bound chemisorbed water as we increase the outgassing temperature. On subsequent exposure to liquid water during the imersion process this chemisorbed water is replaced with a large net heat of adsorption. Indeed heata of adsorption as large as 45 kcal/mole have been observed for water on thorium oxide which was dehydrated at 593°c. These high heats of adsorption are in line with the generally beld belief that the surface of polar oxides 18 populated with surface bydroxyl groups. It has been shown that temperatures as high as 1300°c, under atmospheric conditions, are required to reduce the surface hydroxyl content of thorium oxide to the point where they are no longer detectable by infrared spectroscopy. This mechaniøm involving surface hydroxyl groups may not be as operative in the case of sample D because of the fact that the heat of immersion of this sample is relative- ly Independent of outgassing temperature. . There is no obvious correlation of the observed heats of immersion with the physical properties given in Fig. 3. At outgassing tempera- tures greater than about 250°C there 18, with the exception of sample B, a decrease in the beat of immersion with increasing crystallite size or decreasing surface area. Experimentally there 18 not enough difference -10. in the particle sizes to draw any correlations. Neither could impurities account for the observed dirferences in the beats of immersion since all of the samples were prepared from the same lot of material. As a matter of fact, the impurity concentration 18 not large enough to account for the observed differences even ir they were localized entirely in the surface. The gross particles of the present samples are agglomerates of smaller crystallites formed during the calcination process. It is quite probable that in the present thorium oxide-water system the relative heats of immersion are dictated by the relative proportions of the more energetic crystalline edges and corners included in the available surface. In view of the fact that the heat of immersion of these samples is dependent on the outgassing temperature over the entire range of tempera- tures studied it is interesting to look at weight loss measurements over this same range of temperatures. Figure 5 18 the weight lose for sample A as obtained with a vacuum microbalance apparatus. Some 16 to 20 hours were required to reach a constant weight at each temperature with no further weight change occurring after about 20 hours. This 18 excellent evidence that our 24 hour outgassing period 18 sufficient to obtain an equilibrium state. The most significant feature of Fig. 5 18 the fact that there 18 no indication of the weight loss leveling out at 500°c. In other words, a high vacuum at 500°C 18 not sufficient to remove all of the water from the surface of thorim oxide. This fact supports the postulated chemisorption mechanism. -11. The vast majority of reported beat of immersion measurements are rapid proceuses, i.e., they are considered to be instantaneous within the measurement apabilities of the calorimeters used. This is not the case with samples A, B, and C of the present study. Pigure 6 shows the typi- cal behavior observed as tweersing these samples in water. This is essentially a seni-log plot of the unreleased heat as a function of time after initiating the imersion reaction. Detectable quantities of heat continued to be liberated for periods of time as long as 90 minutes in the case of sample B. Linearity of the semi-log plots extended over practically the entire period in all cases. Extrapolation of the semi- log plots back to the time of Lumersing the sample gives a value which we refer to as the slow heat of immersion. Half-lives for tube slow beats of Imersian were 7.2, 10.7, and 5.3 minutes for samples A, B, and C, respec- tively. Within experimental uncertainty, these ball-lives were independent of the outgassing temperature. In contrast to this the extrapolated values for the slow beats of immersion were dependent on the outgassing temperature. Figure 7 shows how the slow heats of immersion for samples A, B, and C vary with the outgassing temperature. Within the experimental capabili. ties, no slow heat was ever observed with sample D. The fraction of the total heat of Lumersion which 18 released slowly varies from about 4 to 18 per cent and increases with outgassing temperature. This fraction 16 generally larger for sample B which again 18 out of line with respect to surface area and crystallite size. Slow heats of emersion have previously been reported for the immersion of Alyo, and 510, la water. For the Algog-water maten the quantity of slow heat and its half-life lacreased with outgassing ter perature. Correspooding data were not even for the 810,-water syota. For both systems the slow heat phenomena were attributed to a slow mo- bydration of surface oxide groupe resulting from the outgassing procedure. If the slow step in the lumersion process was rebydration of surface ord.de groups one would expect the ball-life of the alow heat to vary with out- sussing temperature. The fact that the ball-life of the slow beat in the present system is independent of outgassing teaperature is evidence that the rate controlling step is also independent of the outgassing tempen. ture. In view of this we are lead to postulate that the rate controlling step for the slow beat must be slow arrusion of water into the porous structure of the thorium oxide particles. However, the dependence of the N magnitude of the slow beat on the outpussing temperature must be due to the removal of chenisorded water from the laternal surface of the particles during the outgassing process. Much usefu laformation can be obtained by measuring the beat of immersion for a series of samples containing komora amounts of preadsord- ed water. Such data for sample A are shown in Fig. 8. Zero on the pre- adsorbed water eis represents the 500°C sample weight in high vacuum which, as we know trou the weight loss data, does not represent a water free surface. Tvo features are immediately epident from this slide. There 1o a sharp decrease in the heat of Laersion with increasing coverage in -13 . the region of small coverages. This is indicative of a rather large hoat of adsorption in this region. Then there is the levelling out of the best of immersion at high coverages which indicates a rather small boat of adsorption in this region. The horizontal line labeled by in this slide corresponds to the surface energy of water at this temperature. These beat of America data are on a unit area basis calculated by means of the masured nitrogen surface area of 14.7 78. An important point 18, that if this thorium oxide sample, covered with a fila of water, actu- ally had a surface area of 14.7 '/8, the heats of immersion could not full below the surface energy of water. The obvious conclusion 18 that as the porous structure of the sample is filled with water the effective surface area decreases. The point at which the heat of immersion 18 equal to the surface energy of water corresponds to an equilibrium water vapor pressure of about 60 per cent saturation, so many of the smaller pores should be filled. This data also supply additional information concerning the mechanism responsible for the slow heat of immersion. All of the samples corresponde ing to equilibrium water vapor pressures less than 60 per cent saturation bad a slow beat of immersion. Those samples corresponding to equilibrium pressures above 60 per cent did not have a slow beat. Any chemisorption process should be complete at much lower equilibrium pressures and much lover surface coverages. So a physical process, such as dirrusion of water into the small pores of the thorium oxide particles, must be respons- Ible for the rate-controlling step for the slow heat. -14. By a simple differentiation of the data sbrua la Flg. 8 one can obtain the net differential beat of adsorption of water on this sample of thorium oxide. These quantities are shown in Fig. 9 as a function of the amount of water on the surface. Once again, I should 11kce to empha- size that zero on the x/m axis le relative to the 500°C high vacuum sample weight and does not represent zero water on the surface. Data such as shown in this slide are usually plotted as a function of the fraction of the surface covered so that inflections in the heat data can be correlated with the completion of a monolayer, etc. We would also like to do this but, as yet, we do not know where to place our zero. The large heat values obtained with small quantities of water on the surface are much too large to be attributed to any physical proce88, that 18, the large net heat of adsorption must be due to chemisorption. Also given in this figure are the 1808teric heats of adsorption cal- culated from the adsorption branch of isotherme we have determined with a vacuun microbalance. These 18otherms contained bystersis loops and thermo- dynamic data derived from such isotherms are highly questionable. Never- theless, if for comparison purposes only, we have calculated the 1Bosteric beats of adsorption. These values have been corrected for the heat of vaporization of water to make them comparable to the calorisetric data. Completion of the first physically adsorbed layer occurs at about 12 mg of water per gram of thorium oxide. In the region where there 18 physical ad- sorption only, there 18 quite good agreement between the calorimetric and ..... .... ...... -15- 180steric heats. The points which deviate from the curve occur at equi. librium pressures of 20 microns or less. This, plus the fact that the sample weight in high vacuum 18 dependent on temperature in the vicinity of 25°C introduces a large amount of uncertainty in the 180steric heats in this region. Heats of adsorption derived from the calorimetric data are not subject to the limitations and uncertainties associated with the 18osteric beats. These studies are currently being extended to other types of thorium oxide material in order to explore the effect of substrate structure in the thorium oxide-water system. t * A TLY WHY w sij i nerie " . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 74139 " .. NYLON SECTIONS- . . . . . . . . "O" RINGS . . . STIRRER- -COOLING COIL SAMPLE BREAKER- -THERMISTOR IN WOOD'S METAL HEATER IN OIL- SAMPLE HOLDER ASSEMBLY SAMPLE BULBS (5 TOTAL) 5 cm. ; . Color Calorimeter for Heat of Immersion Studies. R UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 74140 $-tu 10 ERMISTOR ! _ __ G-2 MUELLER BRIDGE BREAKER AMPLIFIER RECORDER . . . - - TEMPERATURE MEASURING CIRCUIT . VA - *+1 . 7. T -n Hilitha " FOUR 6-VOLT STORAGE BATTERIES AVMX Holila ..:-*-*-os . .. .. ... , . : 31012 HEATER 1012 DUMMY . ins . ELECTRONIC COUNTER K-3 POTENTIOMETER NULL DECTECTOR eta-sanmitor.. 1013 STOS . M . i'w. 0-12 *52 ELECTRICAL CALIBRATION CIRCUIT Instrumentation for Heat of Immersion Studies. 10 - - - *..'. UNCL ASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-4704 PROPERTIES OF THO2 SAMPLES SAMPLE CALCINING TEMPERATURE (°C) CALCINING TIME (hr) NITROGEN SURFACE AREA (m2/g) GEOMETRIC MEAN PARTICLE DIAMETER (microns) GEOMETRIC STANDARD DEVIATION CRYSTALLITE SIZE (angstroms) A 650 4 14.7 2.63 1.37 194 B 800 4 11.5 2.07 1.37 220 C 1000 4 5.64 2.72 1.38 682 1200 4 2.20 2.97 1.39 1700 IMPURITIES (in ppm): F <10; NO3 <10; SO4, 140; PO4, 15; Si <10; CI < 10; Fe < 10; Ni <10; Cr <10; Pb <10; Na, 20; K <10; Li <10; Ca, 51; Ba, 0; AI, 2 - * - ; .. * *** * * * **..'. i A., w UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4705 HEAT OF IMMERSION (ergs/cm2) 500 100 200 300 400 OUTGASSING TEMPERATURE (°C) Heat of Immersion of Tho, in Water at 25.0°C. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-2021 WEIGHT LOSS (%) O EQUILIBRATED AT LEAST 16 hr •3 TO 6 hr EQUILIBRATION 100 400 500 200 300 TEMPERATURE (°C) - - V - 1. - - Vio . YA UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4706 HEAT RELEASED AFTER TIME (ergs/cm2) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 1, TIME AFTER IMMERSING SAMPLE (min) Time Dependence of the Slow Heat of Immersion of Tho2 in Water at 25.0°C (Samples Outgassed at 450°C). E . . --amaren med henvenuto **** ORNL-DWG 64-4707 SLOW HEAT OF IMMERSION (ergs/cm2) . . . . - - - - - 200 100 300 400 500 OUTGASSING TEMPERATURE (°C) Slow Heat of Immersion of Tho, in Water at 25.0°C. WU Wim W ' MW - . . W . . . YUNI UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 64-3726 1200 1900 1000 O BY DIRECT DOSING • BY EQUILIBRATION WITH KNOWN H2O PRESSURE HEAT OF IMMERSION (ergs/cm?) 300 TO 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PREADSORBED H20 (mg of H20/9 of Thoz! Heat of Immersion of DT-37-100 (650) Tho, at 25°C. ( With Preadsorbed H2O) ** * samen menys in the risert for at ku . .) Immunsystem UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 64-3730 x/m (mg of H20% of Thoz! NET AH (kcal/mole) -- -- - - -- - - - - T9-egte p olo 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x/m (mg of H20/9 of Thoz! Net Differential Heat of Adsorption of H2O on DT-37-100 (650) Tho, at 25°C. . DATE FILMED 12/ 30 164 I. - . - P 1. UNTU ..' + - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was proporod as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or reproson La tion, expronsod or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotonors, or vuofulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procon disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides accos. to, any information pursuant to his omployınent or contract with the Commission, or his omploymont with such contractor. Marcadores END