. . * * , , , , + ." ,": " 1 ", i P : * , dị " ' . ' 2. W UNCLASSIFIED ORNL I . . i . ? . 514 Papor to be presented at German Physical Society Meeting, Düsseldorf, Gornjov, October 5-10, 1964. ORNLP-514. DET ce1f-724-3 UCI 31964 NUCLEAR REACTIONS WITH HEAVY IONS A. Zuckor Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1. Introduction At this writing the field of heavy ion nuclear physics is just a little over ten years old. This period, which has witnessed striking developments in so many branches of nuclear physics, has seen heavy ions used for the study of nuclear physics in many diverse ways and for many reasons. We should note at the outset that the field owes a great debt to several now accelerators, cyclotrons, and linear accelerators which were developed specifically for heavy ions in the carly 1950's, and to other electrostatic accelerators that were later adapted for this use. Currently many species of heavy ions are available, from lithium to argon ions, with energies from 1 to 15 MeV/amu, in various laboratories throughout the world. We will outline very briefly some of the more common uses to which heavy ions have been put",2,3,4. Elastic Scattering. Elastic scatt:ring experiments have been carried out as research problems in their own right as well as to gain an understanding of incoming and outgoing channel phenomena when applied to other reaction studies. In general it was found that semiclassical approximations are very useful and give good agreement with the data, which is not surprising since for heavy ions n = 2,2,2“/Xv is normally much larger than unity. Results of the se investigations show that the nuclear radius parameter r. = 1.5 F fits the data, that * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. VH-* the nuclear surface is probably about 2F thick, and that the optical model gives good agreement with the scattering data. Wo might note, here, that one of the semiclassical theories which is used to : interpret the elastic scattering of heavy ions derives directly from the work of Airy on the scattering of light from raindrops to explain the occurrence of rainbows5,6,7. Inelastic Scattering. This field, which strictly speaking, includes Coulomb excitation, has on account of the classical nature of the interaction, contributed much to our understanding of nuclear structure. Coulomb excitation with heavy ions has revealed the existence of very high-spin rotational states, and been very useful for the study of second-order effects such as multiple excitation, and reorientation of static quadrupole moments. Besides the classical nature of the interaction to make the interpretation simple, a further advantage is derived from the fact that heavy ions can carry large amounts of energy, tens of MeV, and may still be well below the Coulomb barrier for many nuclei, thus minimizing competing y-rays from reactions which might obscure the effects of Coulomb excitation. Other particularly characteristic effects obtained with heavy ions include mutual excitation in inelastic scattering whereby both participating nuclei are left in some excited state. Transfer Reactions. The transfer of a nucleon or group of nucleons from one nucleus to another is characteristically a field which originated with the advent of heavy ions. Here the hope is that some secrets of the nuclear surface will be revealed -- for example, if the transfer mechanism is well understood, neutron reduced widths may be extracted from single neutron transfer experiments. Many . pussles, especially insofar as multinucleon and complex transfers are concernnd still remain oven after several years of study. For example, the angular distributions for transferi of more than one particle are strongly poaked in the forward direction, whersas · nucleon transfers at the same energy may have a very pronounced · maximum at about 30°. Statistical Model. Heavy ions are useful for the study of the formation and subsequent de-excitation of highly excited complex nuclei for two principal reasons: a) it is easy to disentangle direct and statistical effects, and b) heavy ions bring in large amounts of angular momentum and thus enable us to investigate the role of angular momentum in the statistical model of nuclear reactions. Fission, with heavy ions, for example, clearly reveals the importance of angular momentum in this process'. Fluctuations in total or differential cross sections have also been investigated with heavy ions, thus providing a measure of the lifetime of the compound nucleus. Lithium Reactions. These fall generally into two classes: low energy (1-4 MeV) and high energy (20-70 MeV). In the first category, Li ions have been used to identify and study energy levels in very light nuclei such as B", Be®, etc., and to elucidate the cluster structure of nuclei in the vicinity of Li. Experiments of the second category have been used as a possible tool for nuclear spectroscopy in analogy with stripping reactions. They show, for example, that w can break up into He* + H3 when passing close to a heavy target aucleus. ... T. Production of Radioisotopes. On account of their short range and consequently low yield heavy ions are in general not very useful for the production of isotopes either for practical application or for the study of the isotopes themselves. Two exceptions to this must be noted: in some instances vory neutron deficient isotopes can be made with heavy ions and in no other way. Trans- uranic elements seem to be produced most successfully by the transfer of nucleors from a complex projectile to a heavy element target. The problem here is that a highly excited compound nucleus of a very heavy element will invariably fission with much greater probability than it will decay by neutron emission. If, however, neutrons or protons are added to the target nucleus by a transfer process, the resulting nucleus may be only slightly excited, and decay by y-emission followed by B-decay to a heavy isotope of sufficient half-life to be detected by some of the very sophisticated apparatus that the transuranium hunters employ. We cannot in this review cover all the areas in which heavy ions nre used for the study of nuclei. Instead we shall limit ourselves to two topics which may illustrate some of the virtues and disadvantages of heavy ion reactions: a) neutron transfer reactions, and b) the effects of angular momentum on the statistical decay of excited nuclei. II. Neutron Transfer Reactions Very soon after heavy ion reactions began to be studied in a systematic way, nucleon transfer reactions were identified An example of such a reaction (and we shall henceforth, for simplicity, limit ourselves to neutron transfors) is A12? + N24 - A128 + Nd3 . Here a neutron is transferred from the nitrogen nucleus to the aluminum; and frequently the reaction proceeds to the ground states of both residual nuclei. Such reactions have been extensively studied and have the following characteristics: Above the Coulomb barrier the excitation functions are flat, levelling off between 10 and 20 mb. Below the barrier the cross sections drop off more gently than is the case for the reactions in which the participating nuclei fuse. As we shall see, the reaction N14 + x14 - 113 + 15 has a measurable cross section of 4 Mb even at 4.7 MeV in the center-of-mass system. This energy is less than half the Coulomb barrier energy E. = 9.8 MeV, as calculated for a black nucleus with r. = 1.5 F, and E. = 2,220'/R. Transfer reactions exhibit very characteristic angular distributions consisting of a single peak which appears at small angles at high energies and at large angles at or just above the barrier, Fig. 1. In a classical collision picture we may imagine that the transfer always takes place at a certain closest internuclear distance Romin. If the nuclei approach more closely fusion takes place; while at larger distances there is no nuclear interaction whatever and we get pure Rutherford scattering. The angle 8 at which the peak in the angular distribution appears is related to Rmin by 2,2262 Rmin (1 + csc 012). 20 . . . It turns out that if Rimin is expressed in terms of r., the nuclear radius parameter, in the usual fashion Rimin = r. (A," + A,"", that the value of r. is about 2.0 F for light nuclei such as boron, nitrogen, or aluminum, and about 1.6 F for heavy nuclei such as gold. The reason for this difference in r, is not at all clear nor has it been investigated in sufficient detail. So much for general properties of transfer reactions. We turn now to the interesting question: whether we can learn anything about the nuclear surface from them. For this.a reaction theory is needed -- and the most complete is the one developed by Breit and his collaborators" for the transfer of a neutron, well below the Coulomb barrier where all competing reactions can be neglected, with a Q-value close to zero to make the kinematic problem simpler. This theory has gone through many stages of sophistication; we will examine it here at its semiclassical stage wherein the orbits of the heavy ions are treated in a classical fashion and the neutron is considered as tunneling from one nucleus to the other. The transfer cross section is given by the following formula Iſ R, Rzg2 x 8a 1, dz 111 + a R,) (1 + a Rz! In this expression · = reduced wavelength of the transferred neutron h/Mv. a is proportional to the separation energy of the transferring neutron in the original and final nucleus. (R, + R2 = R are the radii of these nuclei) a = (2M E 112,112. The exponent X contains the tunneling probability x=27[x 2,12 ,1 - _121]. Horo, for simplicity, the neutron separation energy is taken to be the same in the donor and acceptor nucleus. In fact this is usually not the case, but aside from complicating the formulao introduces · no additional difficulty. These factors are all calculable, so that the formula for the cross section contains now the interesting product 1/, 12, where , is the probability of finding the neutron in the donor nucleus and 1, in the acceptor nucleus. Several possibilities emerge from this treatment. First we must ascertain whether the theory fits experimental data. Since the expression for the total cross section contains a product of a's, we may take ratios of reaction cross sections which eliminate all factors except the reduced width 6. For example, N 4,113 and F9F18 transfers have been measured on six targets, then the ratio of o(N24, n°3,70(F19, F18) should be the same in all the barrier where the theory is expected to hold. .. ".. . Table I. Ratios of Reduced Width: A(N 4,/91F9 2.5 Reaction PAL BONA, AND B20(829, 718,81 Nday , ints Na23, Na24 A127, , A128 V517 , 1952 Mn55, Mn56 1.5 2.0 1. 2 2.0 The agreement is remarkably good considering that no nuclear structure information is used in the theory. Additional confirmation comes from the excellent agreement between theoretically predicted angular distributions for the reaction N 4(N4, n n ) and recent measure- ments at Oak Ridge, Fig. 2. By fitting the excitation function, Fig. 3, the product 1, 1, is then evaluated. If it is assumed that the reduced width for the neutron is equal in N°4 and in N's, the value for the spectroscopic factor o? = .046. This may be compared with ? = .040 for plane wave and .052 for distorted wave analysis from the (dp) reaction N.*id, p)N"5. We thus have in heavy ion transfer reactions a very powerful tool for the measurement of spectroscopic factors so essential to the nuclear shell model. III. Angular Momentum and the Statistical Model Heavy ion reactions in which most of the nuclear matter fuses can be used to great advantage to study the statistical model of nuclear roactions, and in particular to investigate the offects of angular momentum on the de-excitation of a compound nucleus. Before we proceed I would caution the reader that the term "compound nuclou." in this case is used somewhat losely and docs not have the precise mathematical meaning that was given to it by Breit and Wigner". One of the virtues of heavy ion reactions is that it is easy to some evaporative process. This is especially true at low energy, 2 to 5 MeV/amu where fragmentation of the projectile or the target has not been observed to be a likely process. For example, while (p, n) or (a, p) reactions have both direct and statistical components with different admixtures at different angles, a (Nº4, a) or (C2, p) reaction must proceed through a compound nucleus since direct reactions in this case are of the (N 4, NS) type. This fact not only lessens the confusion but also permits the study of angular distributions of such reactions 5, 16; a matter which is very difficult 5. 16 with light projectiles. Before launching into the effects of angular momentum, we will list here some conclusions which have been drawn from previous heavy ion experiments: 1) The spectra of light particles from heavy ion reactions show a statistical shape, and do not have a high-energy tạil. 10 2) The level density of light nuclei measured in this way is roughly in agreement with the formula 1 = elab and a ~ A/10. This is an average behavior and deviations on account of nuclear structure are observed. The probability of evaporation of various particles, protons, deuterons, tritons, or a-particles is equal. That is, the preformation coefficient which was postulated for this case is unity for all particles to within the accuracy of the evaporation theory and our knowledge of nuclear level densitie 8. We now turn to a more detailed consideration of the effects of angular momentum in the statistical de-excitation of compound nuclei produced by the bombardment with heavy ions. The level density of a nucleus with spin į can be approximated as PIE*, ;) = P(E*, 0) (21 + 1) e-j|j + 1)/202. It is clear that the level density cannot increase without limit, as (2j + 1), since the rotational energy of a nucleus may not exceed its excitation energy. The exponential term in the above equation takes care of that, and remembering that ple*, 0) ~exp (E* (T) where T is the nuclear temperature, we can write : PIE*, j) = (2j +1) 6 (E* - Exot)/T From the usual definition of the rotational energy E = 1 jbj + 1)/23, where J is the moment of inertia, we may express o as · (2 = 0T*?. . 11 The limitation of high-spin states is thus due to a reduction of the thermal excitation energy on account of the energy which is tied up in rotation. There are several effects which are the result of the . limitation of angular momentum: A. Compound Nucleus 1. Reduced thermal excitation 2. Nonformation of compound nucleus B. Residual Nucleus 1. Forward-backward peaking 2. Evaporation spectrum changes with angle 3. Excitation functions changed - Ghoshal breakdown 4. High-spin isomers favored 5. Evaporation spectrum shifted in energy 6. Reduced cross section for particle emission 7. Enhanced cross section for y-decay Nuclear reactions with light particles do not reveal any of these features because the orbital angular momenta are of the same order as the intrinsic spins of the nuclei involved. With a-particles as projectiles, these effects become observable, and with heavy ions where 20 to 50 units of angular momentum may be brought in, these effects become very pronounced. The effects on the compound nucleus are: reduced thermal excitation due to the fact that energy is tied up in the rotation of the compound nucleus and is thus 'not available as kinetic energy of the nucleons. In extreme cases where 80 or 90 units of orbital; 12 · angular momentum are involved in a collision, the formation of a compound nucleus itself is forbidden, simply because no stable body of the proper size can exist. The effects on the residual nucleus are more easily observed: 1) The cause of forward-backward peaking is easily explained in the classical case of a spinless particle with momentum p; and orbital angular momentum T; impinging on a spinles: target to produce a compound nucleus of spin I = , Fig. 4. Particles of momentum Ps are emitted from the compound nucleus isotropically in 8. If we average over all łwe get the well known result that the differential cross section do ~ do w dn/ sin 8, and do / d = K/ sin 8. If the residual nucleus has spin ja small compared to ī, the plane of emission can be moved around 1 since I = i + ], within an angle ~ jil. This results in an isotropic angular distributiun from 0” to e, and from (- ) to 1. Thus we see that the shape of the angular distribution depends not only on the spin of the compound nucleus but also on the spin of the residual nucleus. From this it follows that evaporation particle The third point -- that excitation functions for reactions are not independent of the mode of formation -- is illustrated in Fig. 6. We see that the nitrogen induced reaction has a peak in the cross section at higher energy than the proton induced reaction. This follows from the hypothesis that not all the energy is available for thermal excitation when high angular momenta are involved, and also results in a shift of evaporation spectra (point 5). It is natural to expect the fourth point, which is indeed borne out by experimental observation. 13 .. Because evaporation protons and neutrons can, on the average, carry away only a few units of angular momentum even at high kinetic energies, the compound nucleus may find itself at some stage of evaporation with a great deal of angular momentum and relatively little excitation energy. This condition was named by Fļerov as neutron-metastable, and requires the emission of y-ray cascades. The observed result is a reduced cross section for particle emission: (point 6) and a consequent enhancement of y-ray de-excitation. Although several experiments seem to confirm this prediction, much quantitative work still remains to be done. The parameter o which characterizes the limitation of angular momentum in the level density is thus of considerable interest. We will show that angular distributions from heavy ion experiments . provide one of the very few methods of investigating it. We may write the differential cross section for the probability of the evaporation of a given particle v k and the theoretical expression for the expansion coefficient is 21 + 1) T. 21 ***** riy wagte". więcern gezonde a diversameling whore (24 + 1) T Loni 14 First we note that decay is no longer independent of formation, i.e., we cannot separate the last equation into two independent factors. Then it is apparent that the calculation is a very complicated one wherein angular distributions are fitted by a least squares method with even Legendre polynomials, and the parameter o is extracted with considerable uncertainty. . Figure 7 shows the a-particle angular distributions for the reactions A127(N14, a)Ar 37 and Na23(N14, a)333 and the Legendre polynomial fits. We list in Table II the values of o from three experiments with 28 Me V nitrogen ions: Table II Residual Nucleus Target Range of E* (MeV) : uld gigid E- m 4126 4 to 12 2.7 + 0.6 0.8 * 0.4 6 to 18 3.0 + 0.6 0.9 + 0.3 ail A12? A 27 6 to 20 3.5 + 0.4 0.9 + 0.2 It is clear that the data show the moment of inertia to be approximately that for a rigid body. These experiments are very difficult and time consuming to do and to analyze. Nevertheless, it would be most interesting if they were extended to other parts of the periodic table to get information about the variation of o with nuclear structure properties such as shell effects and deformations. . 15 ... . - - REFERENCES .. - .. . Proc. of Second Conference on Reactions Between Complex . . : . , 2. 4. 5. 6. Nuclei, ed. by A. Zucker, E. C. Halbert, and F. T. Howard (John Wiley and Sons, 1960). A. Zucker, Annual Review of Nucl. Science 10, 27 (1960). Proc. of Third Conference on Reactions Between Complex Nuclei, ed. by A. Ghior so, R. M. Diamond, and H. E. Conzett (University of California Press, 1963). G. N. Flerov, Proc. of the Paris Conf. on Nucl. Physics, (1964), in press. G. B. Airy, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 6, 379 (1839). K. W. Ford and J. A. Wheeler, Annals of Physics 7, 287 (1959). M. V. Goldman, ORNL report 3025 (1961), unpublished. T. Sikkeland, E. L. Haines, and V. E. Viola, Jri, Phys. Rev. 125, 1350 (1962). M. L. Halbert, F. E. Durham, C. D. Moak, and A. Zucker, Nucl. Physics 47, 353 (1963). H. L. Reynolds, D. W. Scott, and A. Zucker, Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. U. S. 39, 975 (1953). K. F. Chackett and J. H. Fremlin, Phil. Mag. 45, 735 (1954). J. A. McIntyre, T. L. Watts, and F. C. Jobes, Phys. Rev. 119, 1331 (1960). 9. 10. 11. 16 12. 13. G. Breit, Handbuch Der Physik XLI/1, Springer, Berlin (1959), p. 367 et seq. G. Breit, J. A. Polak, and D. Torchia, Proc. of Paris Conf. on Nuclear Physics (1964), in press. A. Zucker, Proc. of the Conf. on Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms (Gordon and Breach 1963), p. 860. G. Breit and E. P. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 49, 519 (1936). T. Ericson, Advances in Physics 9, 425 11960). F. E. Durham and M. L. Halbert, Nucl. Physics, in press. 14. . . . г тттттт - E(CM):133 Mer . - E(CM):126 Mev n E(CM):120 Mev - E(CM):110 Mev dolda IN 10-27cme -TTTTT FIGURES E(CM):102 MOV 17 E(CM):90 Mev E(CM)* 82 Mev E(CM): 77 MOV co مع 20 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Figure 1. Angular distributions of N13 from the reaction Au97(N14, NS) Au"98 as a function of incident N14 energy. 18 Om - .tror - WMN. fam. 6.99 More . Naarmt to the KOMI . ?. . 0; 10 20 30 40 $0 0 10 0 MO 180 Figure 2. Angular distribution of the transfer reaction Nl4in14, N13)15 at 6.55 MeV c. m. The solid line is the result of a theoretical calculation. am) THEORY SM . IOWY Figure 3. Excitation function of the transfer reaction Ni4in14, n13)N15. The Coulomb barrier is at 9.8 MeV. 19 2. Cowouto matus THAL SYSTEM, MENO promote maten, arom - - - - - vn SvTT, NONATO MENAGE oven 7 ONECTION o i. . - Figure 4. Schematic description of the effect of angular momentum on the emission of particles in statistical decay. Nm. a) 4,25 lain scene .co.... Figure 5. Variation of level density parameter, a 48 a function of angle for the reaction o16 N14. a)A126. .. 6 . . . - - - - ... .. 20 52.5 o(mb) Cu 560,3n) x-177 VSI(N14,3n) - 52 53 50 .65 E*(Mev) Figure 6. Excitation functions for the reactions Cu°(p, 3n) Znºs and V51(N14, 3n) Zn63. T * 21 V ENET -. . . . Am - anau . ....... 1:1 . CUL UNEI ..... - --- Ull -- - --- . . . . . . Figure 7. Alpha particle differential cross sections from the reactions A127(N14, a) Ar37 and Na23(N14, a)533 at various energies of excitation in the residual nucleus. ? 2 2.1 EV DATE FILMED 12/ 17 /164 W . TE 13 I ts' = RYIN 2 + XX *7* 4 - - - LEGAL NOTICE . . - . - .' This report was prepared as an account ol Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containod in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procoss disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "porson acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extont that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his omployment with such contractor. L: re ie " . . Mr. ,- tri. -- ni arm, st nie FYW * .. 2 12, . END