ri. . I OF I ORNL P. 491. n : - .. V... rgisson i X SDR . 1 911 3.6 엘엘엘의 ​11.4.0 TRE 1.25 1.4 |1.6 P NOT MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 -. .. ... . .. .. . .. . ... . .. . . -- - ...... ... .. . -- - This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. . - - - - - - - ... - - - . - - - ... -.- LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, o his employment with such contractor. .:.,::in . . s. . : r TAS . i . V . A W ORNI P 491 DTIE-P KILPASY" FOR D E V Z 5.1-CE35TFISA: į OCT 8 1999 Contribution from the MASTER Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory pistoolid and the Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee ....NOF-FOR PUBLIC RELEASE - OFFICIA ...DISTRIBUTION' MAY BE MADE OFFICIAL REQUESTS. MAYBEL FILLEORETIS SOME FLUORINE COMPOUNDS OF RHENIUM CONTAINS NOTHING OF PATENT, INTEREST ...PROCEDURES ON.FILE IN RECEIVING.COM AND TECHNETIUM 2 ... SECTION. .. . I ori Miil. .................en sen1.*'." :(1) Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. (2) A more detailed account of this work is given in a thesis by David E. LaValle submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science, University of Tennessee, December, 1963. By D. E. LaValle, R. M. Steele, and Wm. T. Smith Jr. ABSTRACT The compound potassium hexafluororhenate(IV), KąReFo, previously reported to exist in several forms, was prepared in its pure state and was characterized. form as a preprint. per is being distributed in Microcard dence that it has been published, the pa- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- prior to the issuance date of this Micro- in the open Literature at least This paper was submitted for publication honths шор Рохо плод и реда са The corresponding technetium compound, K2TcF6, was I. w wie A B. f C potnately owned shta; or of way laformation, inem, or Mapy daembonetes, or mobile scouto, my normation pe A. Maka mynuty or top wel wploys or outractor of the Content, or aylyn o mal outractor paper, nd be the mone, "parte acting a ball of the Count ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employen et much contractor, to the extent that alay batarration, apparatu, method, or pracow discloved in the repat. any liabilities with soupect to the w with me contract. • tacy, completeness, a watains of the ta formation cound te this report, or that the we menta, method, or process declined to the report may not intring Hamo, mor the Coualor, or my person sety a bola de Cotostat: u tation, pruund or implied, vid repect to the accu- pley of, or for dengue rosing from the " tached i ' er omtrent - - also prepared. The new compound rhenium nitrogen LEGAL NOTICE - . fluoride, ReNF, and also a possible technetium analog: were obtained. A method was developed for the . - .. .. . . .. раа ч зах им рамото preparation of previously known but not well characterized r rhenium tetrafluoride, ReF4; some properties of the . . .. .. ....... compound were determined. ... . . .. Since Puff and Kwasnik reported the preparation of potassium (3) O. Ruff and W. Kwasnik, 2. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., 212, 65(1934). . - . . -.. . hexafluororhenate(IV), KaReF6, as a green compound, uncertainty . has existed as to the color of the pure form of this substance. Feacock* described it as a white compound, and Weise as a substance . . in . (4) R. D. Peacock, Chem. Ind. (London), 1453(1955). (5) E. Weise, 2. Anorg. Allgem Chem., 283, 377(1956). existing in both a white and a pink form. The present study was an attempt to eliminate this ambiguity and to prepare the technetium analog, KąReFg. From the potassium complexes the corresponding ammonium compounds were to be prepared. *. - . - - and decomposed thermally to yield lower fluorides of rhenium and - ... - . .. technetium. Alternatively, the reduction of rhenium hexafluoride . . .. was to be investigated as a means of producing lower fluorides of ... rhenium. . ;' , N RESULTS = N A Potassium Hexafluororhenate(IV).-Ruff and Kwasnik reported that the green salt K ReFo was the product of a preparation in an YRYm other halogen complexes. 6 17 18 Peacocks reported his white salt as (6) E. Enk, Bel., 4, 791(1931). (7) F. Krause and H. Steinfeld, Ibid., 64, 7952(1931), (8) H. V. A. Briscoe, P. L. Robinson, and A. I. Rudge, J. Chem. Soc., 3218(1931). rin - (9) R. D. Peacock, Ibid., 1291(1956). WANTv ' ' " . -3- the product of ihe fusion of ammonium he:calodorhenate(IV), (NH4)2Reis, in potassium bifluoride, KHF2, at 250°. Numerous attempts in this laboratory to produce the green and white forms of the complex by the methods described were unavailing. Variations of the fusion method, such as protection of the melts by inert gas, adiition of gaseous hydrogen fluoride during fusion, rigorous predrying of the KHF2 by electrolysis, and extractions of the melts with water, acids, or anhydrous methanol in a Soxhlet extractor under inert gas, failed to produce anticipated results. Whenever KaReFe was obtained, it was the pirik form described by Weise. Weises reported obtaining the white salt both by treating the pink form with gaseous HF at 450° for prolonged periods and by recrystallizing the pink form from 40% HF. These transfornations could not be duplicated in our laboratory. Instead, it was found that treatment with HF (gaseous or aqueous) Jestroys the compound, the products depending on whether air is available to the reactants or is excluded. From dilute HF (up to 5%), pink K Refo recrystallizes unchanged. In stronger solutions of HF the color of the solution changes to yellow, green, and finally black. The product isolated from the yellow solution was indicated by X-ray diffraction analysis to be 90 to 95% K ReFg and the remaining 5 to 10% to be an unknown phase. The green solution yielded a product that consisted of about 90% K2ReFe, some KRe04, and an unknown phase; the black solution yielded a product. composed about equally of these three constituents. However, when a solution (pink) of KaReFg in 40% HF was evaporated to -4- dryness in an inert atmosphere, the end product was a black substance whose X-ray pattern was that of K ReF8 plus some additional lines. When gaseous HF was passed over pink KeReFg for 10 br., an olive-drab product was obtained that did not change color under six additional hours of treatment. The X-ray pattern showed lines characteristic of K2ReFo and some additional lines. The action of HF was best illustrated by an experiment made by means of a modification of the fusion method. A mixture of potassium perrhenate, KRe04, (2 8.) and potassium iodide, KI, (7 8.) was added to molten KHF2 (40 g.). NO apparent reaction occurred, even when the mixture was heated to 800°. However, when the melt was cooled and 5 ml of water was added, followed by reheating, iodine was evolved. 25 After extraction of the cooled flux with water and the usual purification procedure (see Experimental), pink KąReFo was obtained. However, when the experiment was repeated with the sole change of adding 5 ml of 48% HF instead of water, a slight initial reaction occurred which soon ceased; the product ultimately extracted from the flux was predominantly KRe04. Best results for the preparation of pure K ReFo (pink) were obtained by fusing either the corresponding chloro or bromo complex in KHF2 and gradually raising the temperature to 700°. Elemental analysis of the resultant pink salt indicated 20.7% K (calcd., 20.7%), 49.5% Re (calcd., 49.2%), 30.1% F (calcd., 30.1%). The tetragonal unit cell of parameters a = 5.86 Å and 9 = 4.60 Å is in accord with the X-ray data of Peacock and of Weise.5 Infrared analysis of the solid material gave no evidence of hydroxyl groups, which had been suggested as a possible source of the pink color. - . r . -5- The rate of hydrolysis of K ReF8 as measured on a Cary spectrophotometer by following the increase of perrhenate ion in solution was 0.17 and 6.2%/day at 25° and 60°, respectively. The solubility of the salt in water(25°) is about 28/100 ml. Potassium Ilexafluorotechnetate (IV).-Potassium hexafluorotech- netate(IV), K2TcFe, was prepared by fusion of the corresponding : chloro complex and is comparable with the compound described by Schwochau and Herr;10 the unit cell was tetragonal,and the (10) K. Schwochau and W. Herr, Angew. Chem., 75, 95 (1963). parameters were a = 5.18 Å and = 4.64 Å . It is pale lavender and its solubility (25) is about 1.5 g./100 ml. The rate of hydrolysis is 0.015 and 1.6%/day at 25° and 60, respectively. Rhenium Nitrogen Fluoride.--Ammonium hexafluororhenate(IV), (NH4)2ReF6, prepared from the corresponding potassium salt by an ion-exchange procedure, was shown by thermogravimetric analysis to decompose in argon at 300°. A thermal decomposition of (NH4)2ReF6 at this temperature in gaseous HF resulted in a mixture of , A unidentified phases, but decomposition in vacuo or in argon gave a black residue; X-ray analysis showed that about 97% of the residue was a single phase. The powder-diffraction data indicated that the highest degree of symmetry which satisfied all the diffraction maxima of the Debye-Scherrer pattern was a tetragonal unit cell having the parameters a = 5.88 X and = 13.00 X: . These data, as well as those for other compounds discussed, are given in Table I. Elemental analysis (Table I) . S . D . -6- TABLE I X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Compound hkl sobgÅ Scale' Å RENAD 101 5.360 5.334 3.492 (112 53.503 73.:88 2203 .004 3.240 3.250 200 2.938 2.576 105 2.366 2.240 2.940 52.578 (2.561 2.378 2.248 52.180 12.166 2.079 213 *********** 7o 2.174 5204 2006 220 2.073 301 1.932 1.938 116 1.914 1.842 1.921 (1.849 1.841 1.771 (1.751 (1.744 207 1.764 1.748 5224 3.14 1.614 1.614 305 1.561 1.524 323 1.565 1.526 (1.517 21.513 $217 1.513 218 •7- TABIE I (continued) Compound dob» À a calce Å 1.47o 1.47o W+ 411 1.419 1.418 M+ 316 1.11 , - 325 1.409 1,581 1.554 M- -- - •. 1.581 1.356 1.554 , ༼552 M+ - ་ • བ -... • ས • : 07 1.347 1.548 • • • • - -.. - 1.359 •. 40 1.315 + 228 NE 219 1.359 1.315 1.28o 1.265 1.219 5.2oo 4.791 M- 424 TONAS # | ༔ ༔ བྷ R , དྷཝཱ ༔ སྤྱི ཙྪཱ དྷཱ ཙྪཱ ཉྙོ ཝཾ ཡྻོ ཙྩོ | ཙྩཾ ཡྻོ ཙྩོ དནྟི | 1.28o 1.266. 1.219 5.18o 4.7o 3.515 2.991 ooo1. 201:1 3.502 2.985 བྷ་ཝ༧ས་པ ་ ཐམསཨ ཨམ་ 1120 121 2.5ཅར 2.557 ༦ . o21 2.278 ;:x; 3 2•279 2.23o 2,173 ་ཆབn 1012 2.174 M+ 1.959 :་: -2 t - : ༌༌ - 1122 2131 1.871 1.815 1.768 1.788 1.957 1.87o 1.812 1.758 1.77. ་ :་::: :་ , 1.6sod :་:༌ : ---..-... TABLE I (continued) Compound hls? obs, À calc, À 2132 1.519 1.516 1.495 2.497. 2250 3110 1.435 1.436 1.409 1223 1.407 1.. 377 1.376 2023 1.361 7.080 Refde 110 112 5.340 003 400 5.040 103 4.745 210 4.484 2202 4.291 (113 1.359 7.160 (5.330 15.315 5.038 4.704 4.527 54.276 24.268 53.988 (2.939 (3.303 23.265 53.201 73.191 13.133 13.109 2.849 root 3.952 2212 3.278 3301 1222 3.198 (310 2005 3.121 2.876 2.607 2.529 2.608 2.386 2.530 (2.386 2.383 (2.381 TABLE I (continued) Compound hki a obce Å Scale' À 324 2.298 , M 331 216 1 UU 91 * 007 2.270 420 (2.295 {2.297 (2.292 82.279 2.264 2.177 2.180 2.047 (1.994 31.985 | * *izi 422 2.186 325 2.180 334 2.047 1.989 008 510 (405 (1.983 Relative intensity: S = strong, M = medium, w = weak. Pcr ka radiation, 1 = 2.909 A. Ccu ka radiation, 1 = 1.5418 A. Not explained by unit cell. . . - -iii-. indicated 83.5% Re, 6.3% N, and 8.39 F. The calculated composition : of the hypothetical compound rhenium nitrogen fluoride, ReNF, is: Re, 85.0%; N, 6.4%; and F, 8.7%. The residues from several decompositions were weighed and gave the values 65.9, 65.2, and 64.4%. of original weight (calcd. ReNF, 65.28). The range of stability of ReNF is not great. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that it decomposes at 500°. A slight inflection in the thermolysis curve at 900° suggests that a small amount of material decomposes; possibly the material is rhenium nitride (RezN). 11 (11) H. Hahn and A. Konrad, z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., 264, 174 (1951). Technetium Nitrogen Fluoride.Similar experiments were performed with ammonium hexafluorotechnetate(IV), (NH4)2TcFe, but the amounts of material were too limited for adequate elemental analysis. The residue after decomposition of (NH4)2TcF8 in argon at 300° was 53.5% of the original weight (calcd. for TCNF, 53.0%; for TcF2, 55.0%). The residue was reduced to technetium metal in hydrogen at 500°. The loss in weight was 25.5%. The calculated loss for TCNF 18 25.096; for TcFa, 27.7%. Surprisingly, however, a hexagonal unit cell 18 postulated from the powder-diffraction data, the parameters bring a = 5.98 A and < = 4.80 Å (Table 1). Rhenium Tetrafluoride. - Rhenium tetrafluoride, ReF4, was reported by Hargreaves and Peacock12 as a product of the pyrolysis of rhenium (12) G. B. Hargreaves and R. D. Peacock, J. Chem. Soc., 1099 (1960). - pentafluoride, ReFs, and was observed by Malm and Selig?3 to occur .. . .. (13) J. G. Malm and H. Selig., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 20. 189 (1961). -1l- during some of their reductions of ReFy to ReFo by rhenium metal. This reduction was investigated further in this laboratory. The compound keFe (with associated ReFr) and rhenium metal were heated in sealed nickel tubes under various conditions of temperature (usual maximum, 400º), lengtia of time, and ratio of reactants. Some tubes were quenched in liquid nitrogen; others were allowed to cool slowly. In one trial the reactants were heated in a thick-walled (0.06 in.) nickel tube at 400° overnight and then to 600° over a period of 2 hr. Only about 15% of the metal reacted. The usual products besides unreacted materials were moderate amounts (10 to 30%) of ReFs and traces of ReF4. In no case was a fluoride lower than ReF4 observed. The residue after removal of the volatile ingredients was always rhenium metal - by its color and grain-size obviously unreacted material and unlike the black powders resulting from disproportionation. A study was made to establish the approximate conditions for producing the may.imum amount of ReF4. Heating 8 g. of rhenium metal with a 100%; excess of ReF6 (relative to the production of ReF4) in a nickel tube for 4 days at 400° and for an additional 20 hr. at 500° resulted in the reaction of ^60% of the metal to produce mainly ReFs from which by disproportionation (in a dry nitrogen atmosphere) 38. of ReF4 was obtained. The optimum conditions for the production of ReFa, however, were established in a procedure run at ordinary pressure. A nickel reservior that contained ReFo was opened to an evacuated nickel tube that contained 5 8. of finely divided rhenium metal at 550°. -12- Outside this hot zone the entire system was kept at ~40° to maintain a pressure of ReFG near atmospheric in the system. After 10 days the nickel tube was sealed, removed to an inert-atmosphere glove box, and examined. Essentially the sole reduction product was ReFm, which had deposited just beyond the hot zone in the nickel tube; ReFs was present only in traces and farther away from the hot zone. The 4 g. of ReF4 obtained represented a conversion of about 70% of the ReFg. When the ReF4 was purified by sublimation in vacuo (which begins at 150° and is fairly rapid at 200°), some ReFg was obtained; a black residue remained that was stable to 300'. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the residue consisted of about equal parts of rhenium metal and an unknown phase, which may have been a fluoride lower than Ref:. An elemental. ana lysis of the sublimed ReF4 indicated: Re, 70.4% (calcd. 71.0%); F, 28.6% (calcd. 29.0%). The X-ray power pattern could be indexed on the basis of a unit cell of tetragonal symmetry having parameters a = 10.12 Å and g = 15.95 Å (Table 1). Rhenium tetrafluoride is a medium-to-dark blue substance and is exceedingly sensitive to reaction with the atmosphere. It can be kept in Teflon capsules with screw caps or in sealed glass tubes. It dissolves rapidly in water, methanol, ethyl alcohol, and ether to give intense-blue solutions. In water, immediate hydrolysis is evident from the deposition of a black substance, but in methanol the blue color of the solution persists for a short time. When a few drops of 30% H202 is present in these solvents, the blue colors last longer – in water up to half an hour, in methanol for several hours – before black precipitates form. -13- Attempts were made to determine the nature of these solutions. A methanol solution was evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The X-ray pattern of the resultant black residue was similar to that of ReF4 but with some differences. The product from a methanol Bulution of ReFm that contained H202 gave a different X-ray pattern that was not identified. In further experiments, solutions of anhydrous KF and ReF4 in methanol (without H202) were mixed. In a few minutes 4 bright-green precipitate deposited beneath a light green supernatant solution. The precipitate was highly sensitive to air (it turned black); therefore, in a succeeding attempt it was filtered off under an inert gas. The green substance gave no X-ray pattern; however, flame photometric analysis indicated a potassium content of 19.8% compared with 20.7% calculated for KęReFe. In another trial, the green precipitate was allowed to digest overnight in a closed plastic bottle under argon. The precipitate, which had become pale blue under a light-yellow supernatant solution, contained only 10.4% potassium and produced a well-defined but - - - - - - - - unidentified X-ray pattern. In anothe. experiment, an intimate mixture of solid ReF4 and solid KF (anhydrous, zone-refined) was prepared in the inert-atmosphere glove box and was compressed in a small steel cylinder between two . . * close-fitting movable plungers. This apparatus was in turn sealed in a nickel tube under argon and heated for 60 hr, at 250° and for an o additional 4 br. at 300°. X-ray analysis showed that the dark grayish-green product consisted of about equal parts of KeReFo and an unknown phase. Icaching the dark material with methanol left a *** tercintag - 14- violet water-soluble residue that formed a stable violet solution. The violet solid contained 16.0% potassium. EXPERIMENTAL Materials.-The ordinary chemicals used were reagent grade. Potassium perrhenate and ammonium perrhenate of >99% purity were obtained from the University of Tennessee, and ammonium pertechnetate .. .. . "'.. .. - . was recrystallized from a slightly impure product obtained from the Istopes Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The potassium hexabromorhenate(IV), K ReBre, was prepared as described by Weises." potassium hexachlorotechnetate(IV), KąTCC18, &ccording to Nelson, Boyd, and Smith; 14 and (NH4)2Re Is as described by Peacock. - (14) C. M. Nelson, G. E. Boyd, and W. T. Smith, Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 348 (1954). Rhenium metal was prepared by the reductijn of NH4RE04 in hydrogen. 15 (15) Rhenium metal obtained in this manner may contain a small amount of rhenium nitride. In an experiment, Regn was prepared by heating NH4ReO4 in a static atmosphere of hydrogen at 300° for two days. The resulting metal was dissolved in 10% H202, and the insoluble nitride was removed by filtration. The HF, in small cylinders, was a product of the Matheson Company. The fluorine was made available with its accessory apparatus in the Fluorine Laboratory of the Chemical Technology Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. i = -4 .. - - : : - - : - - ---------- - . . 4 -:- --15- Apparatus and Procedures.--Fluorocomplexes. Fusions were done , IN A 100-ml. platinum crucible provided with a cover. The crucible was heated in a small, electric crucible furnace just large enough to accommodate it. The crucible was supported so that it projected 1/8 in. above the furnace to allow fumes to escape. A thermocouple led from the furnace to an indicating and controlling Capacitrol. Gaseous FF or argon, or both, could be admitted either to or under the surface of the melt through 1/4-in. copper tuting that terminated in a 6 in. length of 1/4-in. platinum tubing. Fusions or evaporations in inert atmosphere were accomplished in platinum boats fashioned from sheet platinum. The boats rested in a nickel tube 40 in. long and 2 in. in diameter. The tube was closed by removable flat plates (fitted with openings of 1/4-in. copper tubing) bolted to flanged ends through Teflon O-rings and was heated with a hinged-type tube furnace. Filtrations were accomplished with a polyethylene Büchner type funnel, holding ordinary filter paper, in a bell«jar arrangement so that suction could be applied. Fusions were made as follows. The halogen complexes were ground in an inert-atmosphere glove box to pass a 200-mesh screen. A weight of KHF2 was taken equal to ten times the weight of the complex, and the KHF2 was melted. The complex was added to the melt a little at a time and was allowed to dissolve. The crucible was covered, and the temperature was raised slowly to 700° aver the course of an hour. The trial was terminated either by placing the crucible in an aluminum desiccator that contained sodium hydroxide pellets and allowing it to cool or by quenching the crucible and its contents UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG. 63-6738 FB1852= 16- in liquid nitrogen and rapidly transferring it to the glove box, where the contents were ground to pass a 100-mesh screen. The ground material was removed from the box and was extracted with a minimum of cold water in a 300-ml. platinum dish with magnetic stirring by a Teflon-covered bar. The residue — whicla consisted principally of KaKeFe (cr KTCFG), a small amount of KF, and some dark hydrolytic products – was filtered off, treated with hot water, and warmed gently for a few minutes to coagulate the black material. Removal of this residue by filtration left a a pink solution, which was concentrated to crystallization under an infrared lamp with magnetic stirring. Very fine, semitransparent, pink leaflets of tetragonal symmetry were obtained, usually in a yield of about 80%. When the rapid recovery of products from solutions was required, Os precipitation was accomplished by pouring the solution into ten times its volume of a 1:1 mixture of ether and alcohol. The KąReFe was converted to (NH4)2ReF6 by passing the solution of the potassium salt through a column of acid-form Dowex 50W-X8 and neutralizing the resulting fluororhenic acid(IV), H ReFs, with NH4OH. The (NH4)2ReFo was precipitated by the ether-alcohol procedure. To convert KaTcFo to the ammonium salt, 2.5 g. of the potassium compound was dissolved in a slurry of 6 g. of the resin 1. 20 ml. of water contained in a beaker. The blurry was stirred for an hour, and the solution was then passed through a small column that contained 5 g. of the resin. The resins in the beaker and column were rinsed until the total volume of solution was 100 ml. Only a small portion of the resultant solution of H2TcFe was neutralized to provide the (NH.)>TCFA used in the decomposition experiments. - -17- Rhenium Tetrafluoride. First, rhenium hexafluoride was prepared from the component elements by passing a mixture of fluorine and helium, appropriate to controlling the reaction, through a nickel tube that contained finely divided rhenium metal (no g.). The exit of the nickel tube led through 3/8-'a. copper tubing to a flanged nickel can (2-in. diameter, 5-in. deep). A cover ,fitted with two Veeco type valves having Teflon seats, was held against the flange of the can through a Teflon O-ring (A in Fig. 1). (Figure 1) The entrance to the can terminated at the cover, and the bottom half of the can was cooled in an acetone-Dry Ice mixture during the fluorination, while the cover was heated with heating tape to ~100°. A thermocouple wired to the bottom of the reaction tube was useful in indicating the incidence of rapid reaction, which sometimes occurred at room temperature. The tube was brought to a final temperature of 300°. After the valves were closed, the can was removed and attached to the vacuum system shown in Fig. 1. A is the nickel can; B, Veeco type valves; C, Kovar glass-to-metal seals; D, glass traps; E, nickel pressure tube; I, Kerotest valves with Teflon seats; G, Vacuum-pressure gage; H, thermocouple gage; I, soda-lime trap; J, outlets to mechanical vacuum pumps; and K, inlet for nitrogen. All connections were of /-in. copper tubing. The nickel pressure tube (12-in. long, 1/2-in. diameter, 0.035-in. wall thickness) flattened and welded at one end was charged with 2.5 g. of rhenium metal (200-400 mesh), and was attached to the system. By appropriate manipulation of valves and vacuum, the ReFs was transferred ORNL-DWG. 63-6738 Fig. 1.-Vacuum system for transferring rhenium hexafluoride to nickel tubes. -19- to the first glass trap (cooled in acetonemDry Ice mixture), then to the second trap (cooled in liquid nitrogen), and finally to the nickel tube. Liquid nitrogen was maintained around the tube while it was removed with the valve aütached, flattened, crimped, and welded. As the tube returned to room temperature, a slight initial reaction occurred, which warmed it to ~200°. In typical runs, tubes that contained 2.5 g. of rhenlum metal with about 8 g. of ReFo were heated from 6 to 24 hr. at temperatures up to 400. The flattened ends were always bulged; the tubes usually failed beyond 400°, because minute holes developed at the welds. The tubes were quenched in liquid nitrogen, removed to the inert- atmosphere glove box, opened at one end, and placed in a sublimination tube (A in Fig. 2), which was temporarily stoppered. The tube was (Figure 2) attached to the vacuum system at joint E - the trap F having previous ly been attached at G - and the whole system was flushed out with nitrogen, which continued to emerge at E. After attachment, the system was immediately evacuated. In Fig. 2, B is the nickel tube; C, furnace; : D, side-bulb to receive ReFs; E, assembled O-ring joint (held together by a ball-and-socket joint clamp); I, break-seal; and J, Kovar glass- to-metal seal. The rubber O-ring in the joint E is coated with a fluorinated lubricant. The products of the sublimations were: a moderate amount of ReFo caught in the liquid-nitrogen trap along wit”. a small amount of pale-blue rhenium oxytetrafluoride, Re0F4, 16 anú a (16) G. H. Cady and G. B. Hargreaves, J. Chem. Soc., 2568 (1961). ORNL-DWG. 63-6739 20- Fig. 2.-Sublimation tube. Varhi Meyh -- - - -- -- . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -21- yellow viscous liquid mixed with a green solid in the cool parts of the sublimation tube. By heating the yellow liquid gently with a burner, ReFo was evolved leaving behind ReFs. The ReF's was sublimed into the small side bulb. Nitrogen was admitted to the bulb, the bulb was heated, and more Refe was evolved leaving blue ReF4 in the bulb to be sealed off. The ReFo was salvaged by sealing off the trap at H, attaching VO the trap to the vacuum system through the break-seal I at J, and subliming the ReFo into an evacuated nickel storage can fitted with a valve (H in Fig. 3). (Figure 3) The arrangement for the preparation of ReF4 at atmospheric pressure is shown in Fig. 3. The nickel reaction tube at B is enclosed in furnace A. At C is a silver-soldered connection to copper tubing I (for easy cutting in the glove box) provided with coils for air-cooling. Kerotest valves are at G, and I leads to the vacuum system. Heating tape surrounds the system from H to F. After the reaction has occurred, the tube is filled with nitrogen, flattened between F and E, and severed. Analysis.--Samples that contained the fluoride complex ion, ReF62", were decomposed by fusion in sodium carbonate that contained a small amount of sodium peroxide. Otherwise, alkaline hydrogen peroxide was usually sufficient. Control determinations were done colorimetrically: rhenium with a-furildioxime, fluorine with Thoron, 27 and potassium by wer U . (17) Eastman Chemical No. 6748; HOC10H4 (C03Na)2N:NC8H4AsO3H2 . flame photometry. Characterization and final analyses were done gravimetrically: potassium by precipitation as the tetraphenylborate, rhenium as tetraphenylarsonium perrhenate, and fluorine as lead UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 63-6739 J I ORNI-DWG. 63-6761 -22- Fig. 3.- Arrangement for the preparation of rhenium tetrafluoride. . .:- -23- - - . - - - - ... chlorofluoride. The K2ReFe for infrared analysis was prepared in the glove box by mixing 3 mg. of the solid with 500 mg. of "spectroscopic" KBr and forming a pellet of the mixture. Acknowledgements.--The authors express their appreciation: to Dr. G. E. Boyd for his support of the work, to Drs. R. H. Busey and H. Yakel for aid and advice, and to the Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Technology Divisions for the use of physical facilities and - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - . .. for analytical work. - . - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - --- - - C - V MW CLA . . - T i -24- LIST OF FIGURES ORNL Drawing Figure Number Caption 63-6738 w or Vacuum system for transferring rhenium hexafluoride to nickel tubes. Sublimation tube. 63-6739 63-6761 Arrangement for the preparation of rhenium tetrafluoride. UNCLASSIFIED .DWG-اORN 63 - 6761 1 H DالالFHME سم 25 2 : wiele ! 57 1 what the mission END DATE FILMED 9 / 15/65