. TIN UNCLASSIFIED ORNL il r. Nr 12 101 it 490 ORN VP-490 Third International Symposium Regulation of Enzyme Activity and Synthesis in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues" October 5, 6 1964 Indiana University School of Medicino Indianapolis, Indiana MASTER RNA Synthesis and Enzyme Induction by Hydrocortisoned F.1. Kenney, D. L. Greenman, W. D. wicka' and W. L. Albritton Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennesson coparend m porno succeed ur reply - LEGAL NOTICE TNO roport m. proporn MM count of Gorennot spamored work. Noleber che vulled have, por Coupleston, nor wy portion and on behalf of the Conwaslon: A. Made wynrruaty or repruuuuou, ciprosd or implied, nu respect to the sccy- rey, completo, or weten of the labor paloa coauind la o resort, or what the me ol may latarmathon, wpuri , method, or proces delound in the report wy mnt Iurice minuly owned robus; or 2. A nna Wyllablue, mu rupect to the use of, or lor demorouduin trou the In of way lalor nation, amorowe, anthod, or proces d loud la we report, As well the more, "person active on all of the Counselon" taclw my merne or contractor of the counlulon, or uplore of such coatraclor, lo he ortant that ouch apoyo or contractor of the Comminton, or enplays of much contract pront, dimonwl, or porta bo, way thborration pur to N. In Noyent or contract mune Couliska, or wo employment mul ouch coolreclor. Research sponsored jointly by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and the National Cancer In- stitute, National Institutes of Health. 2National Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (Grant No. 6f2-CA-16,375-OLA!) Present address: McCollum-Pratt Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 3American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow 4Present address: University of Alabama Medical School, Birmingham, Alabama Introduction Enzyme induction in liver - when Induction 18 detined as an increase in enzyme level - can be brought about by a variety of mechanisms, as 18 amply demonstrated elsewhere in this and in previous volumes of the Advances in Enzyme Regulation serios. In some instances of Induction the mechanism whereby an enzyme level is increased is known, and such is the case in the inductions initiated by glucocorticoid hormones. Inductions of tyrosine transaminase, (1) glutamic-alanine transaminase (2) and tryptophane pyrrolase(3, 4) by glucorticoid hormones have now been conclusively demonstrated to be due to an increased rate of enzyme synthesis. Thus analysis of the mechanism of hormonal Induction can, in these instances, properly advance to the ques- tion: how do adrenal steroids increase the rate of synthesis of specific proteins? This question has led us to an analysis of hormonal effects on RNA metabolism, and the results of our investigations in this area are described below. These experiments have led, in turn, to a rephrasing of the question asked above, which we now choose to pose as: do adrenal steroids increase the rate of synthesis of specific proteins? . Results and Discussion Any consideration of the possible mechanisms by which steroid hormones may influence hepatic enzyme synthesis must take into account * .* * . . . . * : * :* the rapidity with which these hormones are removed from the liver. In :* . :. ' .- .' :.: : Figure 1 data are presented which demonstrate that hydrocortisone-induced : F- : : enzyme synthesis reaches its maximal rate only after more than 90% of an 2 * , ,.. . , -r.. i administered dose of "c-labeled steroid has been removed from the liver. While the possibility that the residual steroid may represent a particularly active form cannot be excluded, this result suggests that the primary hor- monal effect involves cellular events which procedo the actual formation of the polypeptide enzyme. Attention is thereby directed towards the nu- F-2 cleic acid components, thought to be regulating enzyme synthes 18. Felgelson, Gross and Felgelson found that the turnover of RNA wus Increased in all the subcellular fractions of liver, following a single dose of cortisone.(5) By employing briet periods of exposure to 32p ("pulse- labeling" ) we later found (y that the steroid effect is actually limited to nuclear RNA synthesis, which is dramatically increased by the hormone, while synthesis of cytoplasmic RNA was unchanged (Figure 2). Increased synthesis of nuclear RNA precedes accumulation of the induced transaminase, a result kinetically consistent with the conclusion that the primary hormonal effect is on nuclear RNA synthesis, with the hormonally induced increase in this parameter resulting, in turn, in increased enzyme synthesis. Also con- sistent with this conclusion is the demonstration by Greengard and Acs() that actinomycin treatment prevents the hormonal elevation of transaminase activity, thus implicating DNA-directed RNA synthesis in this induction. When longer periods of exposure to up were employed, an hormonal effect on cytoplasmic RNA labeling bocomos apparent (Figure 3), in agreement with the results of Foigelson et al.(5) The sequence of events following hormone administration thus appears to be: (1) an increase in the rate of nuclear RNA synthesis, (2) passage of the newly synthesized RNA into the F-3 cytoplasın, and ( 3 ) utilization of this KNA In enzyme synthesis. What is the functional nature of the KNA synthesized in response to hydrocortisone? In attempting to answer this question we were fortunate that research in several laboratories has been directed toward learning more of the nature of the rapidly-labeled RNA of animal tissues and cells. From these studies it is clear that the bulk of the rapidly-labeled RNA 18 made up of two kinds of RNA. The first of these (PRNA) 18 nuclear in origin, 18) is of high molecular weight, 18-11) has a boso composition like that of rRNA, (-) and under appropriate experimental conditions can be shown to move into the typical 28 and 18 8 (Svedberg units ) of rRNA.''.wine! These charac- teristics identify pRNA as a precursor form of rRNA. In addition to PRNA there is a second component ( dRNA ) which is synthesized in non-molecular regions of the nucleus, (•) is quite heterogeneous in size, (8-12) has a base composition like the cell :)NA, C-1) and which preferentially hybridizes with DNA.(13) These characteristics Identify this RNA as dRNA, and it is possible that this is the cellular mRNA. However positive identification of an RNA as RNA must involve demonstrations of messenger activity, 1.e., the capacity to code for the synthesis of a particular polypeptide chain must be shown. While there have been numerous demonstrations of capacity to stimulate amino acid incorporation into protein in cell-free systems there is as yet Abbreviations employed are: PRNA, nuclear precursor to ribosomal RNA; DRNA, DNA-Ilke RNA; mRNA, messenger RNA; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; and tRNA, transfer RNA. no firm proof of ability to code for the synthesis of a particular protuin. Honce for the moment a positive functional designation of this RNA cannot be made, and we therefore profer the operational designation dRNA. Analysis of the base composition of the rapidly-labeled nuclear RNA, and the finding that hormonal stimulation failed to alter this composition I- (Table 1) provided the first indication that synthesis of more than one kind of RNA 16 Involved in hormonal enzyme Induction. Composition of the newly-synthesized RNA from the nuclei of adrenalectomized animals is like that of the total ( unlabeled ) nuclear RNA, and 18 Indicative of a mixture of PRNA and dRNA. This result 18 in accord with the studies dis- cussed above. Treatraent with hydrocortisone falled to alter this composition, although the hormone effected a 2- to 3-fold increase in the rate of labeling of RNA. We infer, then, that the hormonally-induced RNA must be, like that synthesized in the absence of adrenal steroid, a mixture of pRNA and dRNA. Direct evidence for this conclusion was sought, employing a slight modification of the thermal fractionation procedure introduced by Georgiev and his collaborators. By this technique the ºp-labeled nuclear RNA was separated into four fractions, containing RNA species differing in base composition and sedimentation characteristics (Table 2). Fraction con- T-2 tains only low molecular weight 32p-RNA and will be discussed separately below. Fractions 2, 3 and 4 contain the bulk of the RNA that becomes labeled in a brief exposure to *p. While our experience with this technique has not yielded the clear-cut separations of PRNA and dRNA reported by Georgiev et al.,(!) the base composition c: Fraction 2 approaches that of rRNA, while the com- position of Fraction 4 approaches that of dRNA. From these differences in composition we have calculated the amounts of the two types of RNA present in gach fraction. Hormone treatment did not appreciably change the results of this fractionation, and it was therefore possible to determine whether or not hydrocortisone effects a seleciive increase in one or the other types of RNA. The results ( Table 3) show clearly that the hormone offect 18 equiva- T-3 Jeni in all fractions, and thus we conclude that synthesis of both pRNA and dRNA is stimulated by the hormone. Whether tRNA synthesis is affected proved more difficult to resolve. l'he: 32p-RNA recovered in Fraction 1 of the differential phenol extraction sedimented with a sharp peak over the 4 S region known to contain tRNA. Liver cytoplasm similarly contains P-RNA that sediments like tRNA. How- ever, as we have shown (14) most of this 32p-RNA is not tRNA, but a mixture of low molecular weight spocles that probably reflect degradation of pRNA and/or dRNA. When tRNA is separated from this mixture by salt fractionation ( Table 4) or by DEAE chromatography, it is clear that most of the 32p. labeling of tRNA is due to turnover of the -pCpCpA terminus of the rucleo- 1-4 tide chain. Labeling of the salt-insoluble RNA reflects de novo synthesis, and the synthesis of this RNA was affected by the hormone to the same ex- tent as that of pRNA and dRNA. The effect of hormone on the labeling of ERNA ( Table 5 ) was strong ( 2- to 3-fold) on the guanylic, adenylic, and uridylic residues, but limited ( 17%) on the labeling of cytidylic acid. This Indicates different mechanisms for the two types of labeling, that of cytidylic 1-5 being due to end-group turnover, and that of the other nucleotides to de novo chain synthesis. Since the content of CMP in tRNA is roughly equivalent :0 that of GMP, we were able to correct the data for CMP for the extent of labeling due to chain synthesis. When this is done it becomes apparent that there is no hormone effect on terminal nucleotide turnover, in contrast to tho synthesis of tRNA which is affected by the hormone to the same ex- tant as pRNA and dRNA. The possibility that increased laheling of RNA could be due to an hormonal stimulation of the labeiing of precursor nucleotides would appear to be negated by the finding that end-group turnover of tRNA is not hormone sensitive. In addition, we have isolated the AMP of liver hornogenates and determined the radioactivity of its phosphate as a function of hormone treat- ment. When the usual correction for variation in Pi specific activity was made, there was no change in the specific activity of AMP, although there was the usual Increase in that of RNA ( Table 6). We therefore are confident T-6 that the changes in RNA labeling we observe are in fact due to increased synthesis of RNA and not to precursor perturbations. The pattern that emerges from this study is clear in one respect, namely, that synthesis of all the known functional types of RNA 18 stimu- lated by adrenal hormone. Still far frora clear, however, is the relationship of this stimulation to what appears to be selective enzyme induction. The oft-oited model of control of genetic activity formulated by Jacob and Monod (45) Umits control to the synthesis of mRNA, and the hormonal in- duction studied here is clearly more complex than this moments. The model cited was developed from studies of enzyme Induction and virus-infection in microbial systems, and it is entirely possible that control of enzyme syn- thesis in these instance? :: Quite different from that operative in mammallan cells. However, in the cont of our present knowledge of protein synthe- sis, it is difficult to understand why new synthesis of both tRNA and rRNA, as well as mRNA, should be required in order to selectively increase the rate of synthesis of a few enzyme proteins. An alternative that must be seriously considered is that the selectivity of enzyme Induction by hydrocortisone 18, in fact, only apparent. The generalized increase in RNA synthesis that follows steroid administration is consistent with a general increase in protein synthesis, rather than with a selective effect on the synthesis of some proteins. Were such an overall increase in protein synthesis to occur, differential increases in specific pro- teins would be expected since the rate and extent of increase of any particu- lar enzyme is then determined only by its turnover time ( rate of enzyme degradation) and the amount of enzyme present before increased synthesis begins. The available evidence suggests that this is, indeed, the case in the inductions of hepatic enzymes by glucocorticoids. Rapid and extensive increases are observed in tyrosine transaminase and in tryptophan pyrrolase, are and the half-lives of these enzymes in of the order of a few hours.(3,4) In contrast, a modest Increase in glutamic-pyruvic transaminase requires 3.5 several days, and the half-Life of the enzyme is in days.(2) There is, thon, no evidence of a differontial efíect of hydrocortisone on the rate of synthesis of these enzymes. stribe mo's gettinerantem One predictable consequence of these considerations is that any means by which hepatic protein synthesis to stimulated should result in apparent Inductions of the rapid turnover onzymes of the liver. Preliminary experi- ments to test this hypothesis have revealed that it is possible to effect in- arnases in tyrosine transaminase and tryptophan pyrrolase with agents other than adrenal steroids. As yet the increases we have observed are small, ao in the effect of ethanol shown in Table 7; tryptophan pyrrolase undergoes T-7 changes of the same order of magnitude as those shown for tyrosine transami- nase. Similar effects can be observed in vitro on the Radyber hepatoma growing in culture, so it is unlikely that residual steroids or adrenal tissue surviving adrenalectomy can be invoked to explain these results. The mechanism of this ethanol effect 18 unknown, but that it is prevented by actinomycin suggests that new RNA synthesis is required. Summary Fractionation and characterization of the pulse-labeled RNA from livers of rats treated with hydrocortisone demonstrates that the hormone increases the synthesis of ribosomal and transfer RNA as well as a DNA-Uke RNA. The hormone did not affect the rate of labeling of transfer RNA due to turnover of the -pCpapa terminus of the polynucleotide chain. Labeling of acid-soluble nucleotides (AMP) was similarly unaffected. The general nature of the hor- mone effect on RNA synthesis suggests that ensyme Induction may simply re- flect a general increase in hepatio protein synthesis. The rapidly tun ng over enzymes tyrosine transaminase and tryptophan pyrrolase can be induced to a limited extent by ethanol in a steroid-independent and actinomycin-sensitive fashion. Table 1 'P Base Composition of Pulse-Labeled Liver Nuclear KNA Time After Hydrocortisone (hr) Percent of Total Radioactivity in CMP GMP AMPUMP A Ratio + U/G + C 0.89 27 27 27 26 27 25 22 21 23 25 25 25 0.85 23 0.92 Bulk liver RNA 0.63 Liver DNA 1.34 Table 2 Fractionation of Pulse-Labeled Nuclear RNA antation Fraction No. Extraction Conditions Totalp Sedi Peak of ºp-RNA Composition of "P-RNA A + U/G + C Type of RNA 48 0.69 33 TRNA 67 ? -l0s, Disperse 0.72 90 PRNA 10 D-RNA -20s, Disperse 0.93 70 PRNA 30 D-RNA 4 85° + SDS 85° + SDS 28 -308, Disperse 308 Dispers e 1.09 1.09 40 PRNA 60 D-RNA GO DRAMA *Modified from Georgiev, G. P., et al.es Table 3 Hydrocortisone Effect on Pulse-Labeling of High Molecular Wought RNA Fractions Fraction No. Total Radioactivity - Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Increase 55,800 1.8 102,500 185,000 133,000 91,700 64,500 2.0 2.1 Hydrocortisone treatment was for two hours. ;: cit. i s:**' ..si Table 4 Fractionation of Low Molecular Weight 32p-RNA* Fraction Totalp Acceptor Activity Sedimentation Characteristics mposition (%) CMP GMP AMP UMP M NaCl soluble 33 + 70 8 8 14 M NaCl Insoluble 48. Disperse 29 20 27 24 *Modified from Greenman, Konney, and Wicks.14) Table 5 : . . . r . Hydrocortisone Effect on Pulse-Labeling of Transfer RNA 1 . ... . . . . Time After Hydrocortisone (hr) Total 32p (cts/min) in GMP AMP UMP CMP Corrected Terminal CMP . . . .. 2400 325 948 264 685 640 1203 2725 3200 2252 *Corrected for variation in Pi specific activity. Table 6 Hydrocortisone Effect on Labeling of RNA and Acid-Soluble AMP Tin. After Hydrocortisone (hr) Specific Activity PIAMP RNA Relative specific Activity AMP RNA 7.16 211.8 8680 29.6 1210 7.88 242.5 18340 30.8 2330 * Expressed as cts/min/uumole for Pi; cts/min/mmole for AMP; cts/min/mg for RNA. The RNA was the salt-insoluble, low molecular weight fraction. Spoolfic Activity corrected for variation in that of Pl. Table 7 Y ? ? Induction of Tyrosine Transaminase by Ethanol in Adrenalectomized Rats S Time After Ethanol (hr) Tyrosine Transaminase Activity (units/mg protein) - Actinomycin + Actinomycin . .. - w No o 15 (+1) 21 (44) 24 (+1) 24 (+1) 15 (+1) 14 (41) 16 (44) 11 (41) Two ml of a 10% solution of ethanol was given intraperitoneally. Actinomycin ( 100 ug/100 grams ) was given 1 hr prior to ethanol. The animals were adrenalectomized and deprived of food the day prior to the experiment. Numbers in parentheses represent the range of experimental values obtained using 2 or 3 animals in each group. ch UN : 7 VO 201 . 2 . Legend to Figures Figurel. Enzyme induction and retention of hydrocortisone. Adaptad from Kenney and Flora. (16) . . . * . . Figure 2. Rates of synthesis of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA during onsyme Induction. From Kenney and Kull.16) Figure 3. p-labeling of RNA. Hydrocortisone effects on long term From Kennoy and Kul. (6) Hlyn 26 . RY- '' Sipas References ni! 1. F. T. Kenney, Induction of tyrosine-a-ketoglutarate transaminase in rat liver. IV Evidence for an increase in the rate of enzyme puhta synthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 237: 3495 (1962) H. L. Segal and X. S. Kim, Glucocorticoid stimulation of the bio- synthesis of glutamic-alanine transaminase. Proc. Natl. Acad. 801., U.S. 50: 912 (1963) R. T. Schimke, E. W. Sweeney, and C. M. Berlin, An analysis of the kinetics of rat liver tryptophan pyrrolase Induction: the significance of both enzyme synthesis and degradation. Blochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 15: 214 (1964) W. E. Knox, M. Ogata, N. Hasegawa, and X. Tokuyaraa, The hormone and substrate types of Induction of Uver tryptophan pyrrolase. Abstracts Vith International Congress Biochem. IX-45 (1964) 6. M. Feigelson, P. R. Gros&, and P. Folgelson, Early effects of cortisone on nucleic acid and protein metabolism of rat liver. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 55: 495 (1962) F. T. Kenney and F. J. Kull, Hydrocortisone-stimulated synthesis of nuclear RNA in enzyme Induction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S. 50: 493 (1963) 0. Greengard, M. A. Smith and G. Acs, Relation of cortisono and synthesis of ribonucleic acid to induced and developmental enzyme formation. J. Biol. Chem. 238: 1548 (1963) 8. 10. R. P. Perry, The role of the nucleolus in RNA metabolism and other collular processos. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monograph 14: 73 (1964) K. Scherrer, H. Latham, and J. E. Damell, Demonstration of an unstable RNA and of a precursor to ribosomal RNA in Hela cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S. 49: 240 (1963) T. Tankmoki and G. C. 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Chom. 236: 2699 (1961) 12. 13. 15. 16. (cts/min/g-LIVER! HEPATIC HYDROCORTISONE 6000 +1000 800 049'// FIG. 1 al TIME AFTER HYDROCORTISONE (hr) O NON-INDUCED RANGE - -..... - - - - - - - 0----- --- (UNITS /mg PROTEIN) · TYROSINE--KETOGLUTARATE TRANSAMINASE --- - - € a - :. .. . .. ... . .. - ... . . TYROSINE-Q-KETOGLUTARATE RELATIVE SPECIFIC RADIOACTIVITY TRANSAMINASE UNITS/mg OF RNA PROTEIN O. 60 TIME AFTER HYDROCORTISONE (min) 120 180 240 CYTOPLASMIC NUCLEAR FIG. LB1 21 - -i ' .- .-. . . - - -- - - - - - SNY MAY 4 UN AV .. . . 25 ... 4, 12,189 ,189 .. NUCLEAR CYTOPLASMIC RELATIVE SPECIFIC RADIOACTIVITY OF RNA 0 · 1 2 3 TIME AFTER HYDROCORTISONE AND P32 (hr) O FIG. 3 DATE FILMED 121/ 1 /164 . - C - LEGAL NOTICE – 2 This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulnors of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to tho uso of, or for damages rosulting from the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extont that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employce of such contractor propares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. TE END