488 F i n d Kinder in. ** WO **• " en . ORNL UNCLASSIFIED : . ............ .... ORN-P- of 88 DTE-Sopil HIGH FIELD SUPERCONDUCTORS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS* MASTER W. 7, Gauoter Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee I. Introduction In this paper I will not try to describe bystematically whut 18 known at present about the physics of high field superconductors. I will restrict myself to discussing the results of several rather straightforward experiments and tests. This will lead to the concepts of a few simple models which have proved to be very useful for descrit. ing some important properties of high field superconductore. It 18 the goal of the following two papers on experiments with and on the theory of type II superconductors, respectively, to preoent an outline of the present state of this field of physics, especially to discuss how much can be explained by applying first principles. On the other hand it would not be interesting and there would not be time enough to go into many details of the technological development of superconducting magnet coils. I would be satisfied 1 during this lecture I could succeed in describing the most important phenonena, in discussing a few userul models and 1 I could demonstrate that the . engineering of superconducting coils 18 presently already above the first stage of trial and error. Even within these limits it will be unavoidable to give an incomplete and sometimes an over-simplified picture. II. Superconductors of Type I, II, and III First let us consider three different types of superconductors. Type I are the well-known soft superconductors like Hg, Sn, In, etc. Their critical field strength 18 a few hundred gause, and they display the Meisbr.er-Ochsenfeld effect. Figure 1, I, shows a typical (idealized) magnetization curve of a sample (solid cylinder) with a very small demagnetization factor. We assume that this sample has been cooled dowa in zero field. The performance with increasing external field. can be simply explained by assuming a specific resistance p = 0. With decreasing field, p = 0 alone would lead to flux trapping (broken line); *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporationi however, the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect makes the magnetization curve completely reversible. The performance expected from a banpie with Os O but not displaying the Meissner Ochsenfeld effest 18 show by a type I superconductor (SCI) in the shape of a hollow cylinder (F17. 1, I, broken line). A solid cylindrical sample of a type II superconductor (SCII) 18 characterized by the reversible magnetization curve, Fig. 2, II. No flux penetrates for 0 38 382 H 18 called the lower critical field. Between this field strength and the upper critical field 1.2 flux pene- trates gradually; at Hc2 the flux penetration is complete. The SCII 18 said to be in the "wixed state" in the region I > B. this latter constant can be neglected in Eq. (6). The introduction of the quantities F, and a takes in account that the factors d3 und a" are only order of magni. tude approximates for the quantities involved. Thermal activation enables the flux bundles to "hop over" the energy barriers and flux bundle movement in the direction of the Lorentz. Porces will result. The "Flux Creep Velocity" can be represented by . . - qa 1:02 KT . (20) From similar equations P. W. Anderson derived expressions for ac and for the temporal change as of the field inside a HFSC tube. In some wat modified form they are: : ... . V . ... .::.:: (21) and A'..49 .kI en t A' + B. a (22) 'Eq. (21) explaina Kim's et al. .experimental result expressed by Eq. (u). Also Eq. (22) has been experimentally verified by the same research ... team. Exact measurement showed that I' decays following a logarithmic". law. Let us assume that a decrease of the 21eld' I' by 1% was observed after 10 sec. Then a 2. decrease can be expected after 100 sec, 3% . after 1000 sec, etc. The flux creep becomes soon extremely slow and after a relatively short time the "ciltieal" state cannot be dist:lngulab. ed from an equilibrium state. : imi i .:. ::..;" •:: 618.7 . It is, however, possible to produce a continuous "Flux Flow" by : Torcing a certain transport current density through a wire by means of an external electromotive force. Under appropriate experimental condi- tions the wire remains in the mixed state, i.e. completely superconduci. ing, although a voltage drop along the wire can be measured. This voltage drop V is not produced by ohmic resistance but by electromotive ... forces due to a contimous movement of flux bundles. The dependence of V on a = J(B + B) and the temperature T can be qualitatively understood ::. by the existing theories. It als raised beyond a critical value ap, the thermal conductivity becomes insufficient and a catastrophic transi. tion of the wire into the normal state occurs. Il we designed the last mentioned breakdown of Flux Flow under special conditions, we can consider "Flux Creep" and "Flux Flow" as .. :: "quasi static," i.e. as cases of "quasi equilibrium.". This is in contrast to the already previously mentioned phenomenon of "Flux Jumps." IX. Flux Jumps Figure 7 representa a tube magnetization diagram obtained under experimental conditions which avoided carefully disturbances by flux Jumps. Without special precautions these flux jumps are almost una avoidable. A somewhat over-simplied, schematic tube magaetization diagram is showa in Fig. 9a. We distinguish total and partial flux Jumps. Figure 90 represents the corresponding magnetization curve. A total ilux jump at H = Hraises the value Ha of the internal field to H = Hi, the full value of the external field. The magnetic moment breaks down to zero. A slow increase of the external field from Hy to Hy might result in moving back to a point Pa of the undisturbed tube megnetization curve. Figire 9c gives a qualitative picture of the flux density distri. bution due to the shielding currents in the tube wall. After the total flux Jump the shielding current has been dissipated and complete flux .... penetration takes place (B = 1 = H). The slow raising of the external field from H, to Hinduces supercurrents in the outer parts of the.. " HFSC tube and flux penetrates gradually from outside to inside. At H = liz the whole tube wall is just flux penetrated (B = B2). This 10, however, the same state which had been achieved by raising A, to 82 without the occurrence of a flux rump and corresponde' to reaching the . . . . wodisturbed Leation curve la -12- Even under very carefully arranged experimental conditions, flux jumps can hardly be entirely avoided. They might be not "dangerous," 1.e. they might be restricted to local disturbances only. There is, however, the possibility that & complete breakdowa takes place, ine. that the specimen cannot recover to the critical state. Such "dangerous" flux jumps can be observed at low fields and high current densities. This seems to be plausible, since the energy dissipated in this case 18 large. Experience shows also that HFSC's with high ac, especially at low temperatures, are prone to dangerous flux jumps. Since these two conditions correspond to a strong fixation of f.lux bundles, an explana- tion seems to be difficult. It must be borne in mind, however, that flux jumps do not result from uniform bulk properties. There might be one "hot spot" from which a kind of avalanche pronegates. The energy release connected with a total breakdown in the small volume around the hot spot becomes larger with larger a, and lower temperature. The following naive picture might be applied to this case: Suppose a body can be moved on a surface 12. "sticking forces" are overcome. With small sticking forces a smooth movement can be easily achieved. If the sticking forces are high, the movement tends to become jerky. The avalanche-like propagation of a disturbance starting from a "hot spot" is principally due to electromagnetic disturbances and to heat transfer. Electromagnetic forces and the enhancement of the ther- mal activation off set the quasi equilibrium conditions in adjacent volume elements. The propagation of the superconducting-normal state boundary due to heat production and heat transfer, especially in soft SC, has been carefully studied and seems to be fairly well understood. For HFSC the much faster electromagnetic propagation mechanism seems to be, however, even more important. Experience showed that coating of HFSC with non-superconducting dietals of high electric and thermal conductivity restricts appreciably the occurrence of dangerous flux jumps. This is due to the shielding of electromagnetic disturbances; to some extent the electric bridging of the relatively high resistance of HFSC material in the normal state by a well-conducting metal might be advantageous; finally, heat transfer and heat capacity of the metal coating act against the propagation of local disturbances.' -13- · X. HFSC Wires and Ribbons Previously the influence of metal coating of UFSC on the occurrence of flux jumps has been mentioned. These observations are closely related to special designs of HFSC wires and ribbons which are widely used at present. Nb(25 to 60 at.%)Zr wires with 5 to 20 mils (5/40 to 1/2 mm) diameter are being manufactured with copper coatings of around one mil radial thickness. The insulation is fused nylon or formvar. No-Zr : ribbons are not often employed. Kunzler's et al. well-known wire design consists of sintered NoSn in a Nb jacket. Various types of No,Sr. conductors are manufactured by 'application of metallurgical aiffusion processes. They comprise wires with single or multiple cores and various shapes of ribbons. Another way of producing No Sn conduce tors 18 a vapor deposit process on a stainless steel (Hastelloy) ribbon as the mechanical carrier. In this case too, copper coating 18 employed. In all the mentioned cases the details of the metallurgical treatment (cold work, heat treatment, etc.) are of great influence. A very important quality test of such superconducting wires and ribbons is to measure the critical ("quenching") current as a function of a transverse external field. These tests are performed with straight pieces of a few centimeters length or with coils non-inductively wound: with a conductor of about 3 m length. In both cases the test results are about the same ("short sample tests"). It 18, however, of influence whether first the field and then the current is raised, or whether this sequence is reversed. The first method, which is most frequently .. employed, yields in general higher quenching currents. Typical short sample test results with a ribbon with vapor deposited : No Sn are shown in Fig. 20a. Two different directions of the external field (Hll I and HLI) are indicated in the figure. Test results with a field perpendicular to the plane of the ribbon are not shown. The ILLI quenching current characteristic follows approximately a relation IH = constant For Hll I the quenching current 18 roughly constant. For an external field H which is parallel to the plane of the ribbon and which forms '. ..an angle 8 with the direction of I, Kim's formula for J.(Eg. 6) has been generalized by G. D. Cody and G. W. Cullen to , :....... ac (23) ... . - .. . • -14 n maat... ithin e med ... wewewe---rammen - - - . In this special case Q. - 12.5 x 109 G amp/cms and B. - 2.4 kg. Short sample quenching characteristics of a No-Zr wire are showa in Fig. 10b. A 10-mil N0-33% Zr wire, without copper.coating, epoxy potted, has been used. Here the high increase of the quenching current for longitudinal fields up to about 35 kG 18 very remarkable. This phenomenon 35 presently only partly understood. XI. Degradation Effect of SC Magnet Coils For calculating the field strength which can be produced with a superconducting magnet coil, a simple formila was mentioned (Eq. 16) . in Section VII. This and other similar formulae are based on the following reasoning (Fig. 11a): In a magnet coil with uniform current density J, the maximum field strength HM , H. occurs on the inner sur . face of the cylindrical windings volume in the midplane of the coil. - In this region the turns are exposed to the maximum field Hy which 18 . . transverse to the wire elements, 1.e. these "critical" turns of the wind. ing "see" the maximum field. A thorough analysis of the conditions 10 . " a solenoid wound with soft superconductor wire shows that the field distribution around the critical turns of such a coil is very different from the homogeneous external field as applied in a short sample test.. ::. For HFSC, however, especially at high fields, such an appreciable difference in the shape of the surrounding field might not exist and a simple graph (Fig. 110) should yield the quenching current of the critical turns intersection of a straight line (which respresents the number of gauss per ampere) with the short sample characteristic. In fact, the very first HFSC magnet coils performed in accordance ; with the mentioned straightforward consideration: Kunzler's et al. Mo Re coil (which used "gold insulated" 0.07 w wire) and the solenoids wound with "Bell Telephone Laboratory Wire" (6 mil diameter NoSn sinter core in a relatively thick No Jacket). Later on, solenoids made of . copper coated No-li wire (with low ac) and copper coated No-33% Zr witia : only 5 mils diameter showed the same easily predictable performance. This 18 in striking contrast to the experience with magnet coils I wound with standard No-2x. wire. The expected coil quenching current .. :- (Fig. 210) 18 much larger than actually observed. The magnitude of the '::'. "degradation factor" . .. ..... . (25) act 13 in general from around 2 (for coils with small inside diameter -- . . . . .. . producios aigh aields) up to wuch higher values, say, 5. Vario:is experiments indicated that tse transition from superconducting to normal state of the wire elements did not occur in the critical wind. . ing region of such coils. Sometimes the first transitions to the normal state were observed rather randomly distributed inside the wind . ing volume. Other experimenta indicated winding sections which were exposed to relatively low fields as the starting points for going normal.. These experiences combined with other considerations point out the great importance of flux Jumpe. The mentioned coils with degradation factors of about one use well-shielded winding material, sometines with low ac, which has uttle tendency toward "dangerous" flux Jumps. Oscillographical observations of HFSC magnet coils with varying current strength show clearly the reproducible occurrence of flux jumps of varyo ing intensity and duration. It seems that coils with a degradation factor of about one are operating under "Quasi Equilibrium Conditions," those with higher a degradation factor under my lux Jump Conditions." This statement 18 backed by observations with magnet coils exposed to additional external fields and HFSC solenoids operating at variable temperatures. Figure 12a represents the test results with coils wound with ribbon with vapor deposited Nozsa. The carrier 1a Hastelloy ribbon, 2.2 mm wide and 0.5 more thick. On both sides NozSa layers of 5 to 8 u thickness are provided. The thickness of the copper coating 18 about the same. The short sample quenching characteristics in a transverse external: field is shown in the figure. A coil with 3.2 cm ID and 4.5 cm OD,.. 5.1 cm long was tested in an external field. In Figi 12a the coil quenching current has been plotted against the total field in the coil center. A "degradated" coil current of 95 amp 18 almost constant up to a total field of 33 KG which consists of 20 KG coil self-field and 13 KG background field, At 30 KG background field tilie coil quenching current reaches 140 amp, corresponding to around 30 KG self-field (60 KG total field). At this point the short sample characteristic 16 : reached and D - 1 stays on up to the highest observed total field of ... . 100 kg. These test results can be interpreted as follows: With a total field up to 30 KG the coil quenches under "Flux Jump Condition" with 4 29 > 2.5. After a transition zone from 30 to 60 20 total field the coil reaches "Quasi Equilibrium Condition" with Dw I which persists up to the highest observed total field. -16- . Experiments by Meyerhofl and Heise showed the influence of the temperature on the quenching currents of small HFSC magnet coils. On a copper coil form 1460 turns of 10 mil No-65% Zr wire with fortivas insulation (however, without copper coating) were wound. The coil dimensions were ID - 0.25 inch, OD = 0.9 inch and b 0.6 inch. A special test cell produced background temperatures from 4 to 11%, kept constant with up to a + 0.1% toierance at each experiment. Wire si with various metallurgical treatments has been used. Results of these experiments are represented in Fig. 12b. Curve I : shows a monotonic decrease of the critical current with increasinis temperature. No flux jumps could be observed and the coil did not show degradation or triming effects. The short sample quenching currents of this sort of wire were low and special measurements (using B. H. Heise's method) showed low pinning energies. We can assume that the short sample and the coll performances are determined by quasi equilibrium conditions. Curves II, III, and IV indicate quite different performance. Up to certain "Degradation temperatures,". Ta, the quenching currents are almost Independent of the temperature. In order to make the diagrams clearer no individual test points have been shown. However, the scatter . ing 18 amazingly low (a few tenths of amperes). At Ta very short dis- continuities could be observed and with increasing temperatures the quenchi:ng currents decreased almost linearly. The following conclusion of these experiments 18 suggested: HIFSC wires with low quenching currents and low penning forces perform due to quasi equilibrium conditions in the entire temperature range of 4.2° to T. ~ 10%. Coils made of wires with higher quenching currents and pinning forces show wlmost constant critical currents in certain tempera.. ture intervals 4.20% < T < Ta. These low, constant critical currents are due to flux jump conditions. For Ta