HT . " * N 1. 11 - . 1 - .. . IN 1 M L' U w i. Nih ' . . 2017 " 11 . TL ma . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL : 2 20 YR 479 ORNLP-499 " DTIES OCT 8 1989 CONF.641001- 27 MASTER we .. 2-. . . - . THE USE OF ISOTOPIC NEUTRON SOURCES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS J. E. Strain W. S. Lyon . Analytical Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee droniikin in LEGAL NOTICE – The more wordgundamano wa wurth. More on www, worden, maar omdat A. Wahns my w o rm e n, rood wit hemptiedo will respect to work B. hocemos nag liabilities with respect to the nao et, er for damage resulting from the As we won per months old a Comment * webedience ang • warna ar auteur d e chambre, plays a roca tratar, the man who i wa mare a real e states, who worector para a mans, « martina www. we were more so we can contoh "Research sponsored by the V. S. Aconic Energy Commission under contract 4 LYFM21 4 M . 2 1. Introduction Though the nuclear reactor is considered the primary source of neutrons for analytical application, there are many applications of the low intensity isotopic-neutron sources. The simplicity, portability, and low cost very of ten offset the disadvantage of their low-neutron yield. In this report, a few examples of the use of isotopic neutron sources are presented. There has been no effort to summarize all neutron source applications but only those which have been proven economically practical at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. of uliotola neutron sources are present out o 2. Iyes of Neutron Sources There are presently three distinct types of 18otopic neutron sources. They are alpha initiateå, photon initiated, and spontaneo'18 neutron emitting sources. The alpha-initiated source produces neutrons from the reaction of alpha particies emitted in the decay of a heavy radionuclide with the nucleus of a low mass element. Typical alpha-emitting radionuclides used and their hall- lives are: 16,000 years 138 days 24,400 years 470 years 2 Ra 26 Po 220 Pu239 Am 242 The r.eutron energy and total yield is dependent upon the low mass tar- get element used. Beryllium metal is most often used because of its high neutron yield, ~ 77 a/10° alpha particles (J. The neutron yields and aver- age neutron energy produced by typical target elements are: Element o/100 Alpha Particle 77 En (MeV) 4.5 Be 2.5 22 12 0.9 2.7 1.0 Recently, E. H. Acree of the Isotopes Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory has completed a study of the increased neutron yield from Am C4- Be sources when irradiated in a thermal reactor (2) This irradiation produces cm * in the source which greatly increases the internal aj.pha emission and 1 -l- w RASI thereby increases the neutron yield. The Cra sus has a half-life of 162.5 days and is produced primarily by the beta decay of 16-bour Amcc. There is ~ 5% Amat Pission which Increases the gamma background of the source. The neutron yields and gamma backgrounds of a typical irradi- . ated source are shown in Table I. Toe Amoz-Be source was fabricated by blending the Amo, and Be metal in a 1:10 weight ratio and then compacted into a 6-mm. diameter cylinder. This cylinder was welded into an aluminum container. Following a neutron-yield lieasurement, it was placed in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor and irradiated for 30 days at an average thermal neu- tron flux of 2 x 1024 n/cm?/sec. The neutron energy of the Am 4-cm 42-Be source was measured using 11°- drifted silicon diodes, and except for a slight energy increase due to the increased alpha energy of Cnce, it is essentially the same as that observed for an Am "*--Be source (average E = 4.5 MeV) (Fig. 1). Photon-Initiated neutron sources consist of a radionuclide which emits > 1.6-lleV gamma radiation and a beryllium target. The sources use such radioisotopes as Ra226, 56224, Mn54, Na24, etc., to produce neutrons of < 100-keV energy. The primary disadvantage of this type source is the in- tense gamma radiation associated with the source which requires rather mas- sive shielding. The major advantages are the low cost (except Raccº sources) and the ability to re-irradiate the source in a reactor to restore it to its initial neutron emission level. . The spontaneous Pission sources, such as cp , show promise as high- intensity sources although they are costly and are handicapped by a high- gamma background. The neutron energy distribution 18 essentially an un- moderated fission spectrum with a specific neutron emission rate of w 109 a/8/mg. As gran quantities of this element become available (w 1970), its use in neutron sources of high-neutron yield will accelerate the use of neu- tron sources in industry. 226 - 3. Applications of Isotopic Neutron Sources In the following examples of neutron source application, An --Be.. sources were used almost exclusively due to their long half-life, high yield per cubic centimeter, and low ganna levels (37. Almost any type of neutron source can be used in the examples presented except those activation analysis care .. applications which make use of high energy noutron reactions. The (7,0) sources cannot be used for those applications. 3.1 Neutron Absorption Analysis The basis of neutron absorption analysis is the measurement of neutron flux depression within a sample. The depression of flux 18 proportional to The theory of operation may be mathematically explained by considering that a neutron source produces in a moderator a thermal neutron flux, g. a (N2010.) CR - xx e & - - - - X X . - 4 A 4- where 9 - thermal neutron flux, - the product of the number of blº atoms in the detector and the total neutron absorption cross section of 320, NO, = the product of the number of atoms and their cross sections of the moderator, structural materials, etc., which are assc ciated with the system, and N = the number of atoms of absorbing elements in the sample times its total absorption cross section. In a given arrangement, only the term, NC, 18 variable so that the equation may be rewritten: a 8 CR = KK? + N (K) ...(9200200 where K M201220B X X x2 = (120,0103 and . If there is ac absorbing element within the sample, the couat rate will be: CR - Kq Dividing the count rate obtained with no Am241 - Be NEUTRON SOURCE -CD SHIELDING -20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm PARAFFIN MODERATOR 2.5 cm SLAB SAMPLE PRE AMP 2.5 cm x 6 cm B10 F, DETECTOR LEAD SAMPLE SUPPORT LINEAR AMPLIFIER H.V. SUPPLY SCALER (a) Thick slab neutron transmission analyzer. Сттттттт - - - - $ 106 50 100 150 200 250 1 . - - - . mg B /cm2 (b) Experimental result of neutron transmission measurement in synthetic boron loaded samples. A * . . . " . 2 . . V 2 w 22 : - --- - - -- --. www.DE . . . . . - - - ... *.. . .-.. Fig. 6. Arrangement of Am-Be neutron sources in paraffin moderator. ORNL-LR-LWG. 66052 1 A 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-OWG. 66052 100 ml POLYETHYLENE IR RADIATION CONTAINER ob - 5cm IRRADIATION - 19" L WELL 5 cm DIAMETER - - MODERATOR ASSEMBLED 23 cm UPPER SOURCE PLANE 7.7 cm ä LOWER SOURCE PLANE -- 5cm RADIUS Arrangement of Am-Be Neutron Sources in Paraffin Moderator WW , . X $ DATE FILMED 12/0 765 . RY TI L LEGAL NOTICE -- V4 AT How This report was propared as an account of Govornmont sponsorod work. Moithor the Unitod Suatos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or roprosontation, exprosed or implied, with respoct to the accu- racy, completonosi, or usohulnous of the laformation contained in this roport, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, mothee or procosdisclosed in this report may not infringo privately owned righto; or B. Assumos any liabilities with rospoot to the use of, or for damages rosulung from the Use of any information, apparatus, method, or procons disclosod in this roport. As used in the abovo, "person noting on behall c! the Commission” Inoludos any om- ployo. or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the oxtont that such omploy.. or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor proparos, dienominatos, or provides accous to, any Information pursuant to his omployment or contract wild the Commission, or bio omployment with such contractor. M ST TRIT $ . EW W TA .. .. : . . END