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Quantitative measuriment of gama-ray photopeaks coupled with knowledge of the branching ratio, peak efficiency, and geometry enables the absolute disintegration rate of a radionuclide to be obtained. Phenomena that remove counts from photopeaks, such as cascade suming, obviously must be taken into account in such measurements. Similarly, events or a combina- tion of events, thet produce artifacts, spurious photopeaks, or errors in measurements will affect interpretation or analysis of a radionuclide or a radionuclide mixture. A number of such effects have been idertified and studied, and results of these studies are given below. 2. Coincident or Cascade Garna-Ray Summing This effect, which has been treated in an excellent article by Lazar [1], occurs when two coincident gimna rays are detected simultaneously by the crys- tal. It can be shown that the true disintegration rate of a radionuclide, such as cool that decays by emission of two cascade gamma rays, 18 given by PG) where bo Ex172)7(1-(72) AT P(9.) • area under photopeak of 720 E (72) - peak efficiency of 77, Enly) - total efficiency of yz, of solid angle, and Io - d/s of radionuclide. At 10 cm. this correction 18 usually sma!.1, being about 2% for cobo. It becomes increasingly larger as the source-detector distance becomes less, 3. 180° Compton-Annihilation Gamma-Ray Summing When a radionuclide decays by positron emission, it is possible that one of the 510-keV annihilation gamma rays will be counted in coincidence with the 180° Compton back-scattered gamma ray from either the coincidence - .. 510-k@V annihilation canna ray or another coincident gamma ray. This sum- minc phenomena results in the production of an apparent photopeak of ~ 720 kev, whose magnitude varies inversely with the square of the solid angle subtended by the source to the detector. We have obtained gamma-ray spectra by use of a source of Cu°e under several different experimental conditions that illustrate this effect. Measurements have been made at high and low geometries both shielded and encapsulated. These data illustrato especially the enhancemeat of the same ming effect at high gocmetry with a large amount of scattering material present. In 78. 1, there is only a slight indication of the ~ 700-keV photo- peak; here the positrons are annihilated not at the source, but either in the detector or in the walls of the shield. When the source is encapoulated in wax, the result 1.8 annihilation and scattering close to the source or the positrons emitted in all directions. Thus, the conditions are maximized for the production of the sum peak as shown in Fig. 2. At the greater distance of 8.6 cm, there is a small amount of sum peak production even with no encap sulation (F18. 3). This is explained by the greater probability of scato tered radiation reaching the detector from the sides and walls of the 30-cm diameter load shield. The effect here is small, however. But when the source 18 encapsulated (Fig. 4), the sum poak again appears in greater inten- sity as explained above. The distribution of Compton electrons from scattering results in a shary maximum corresponding to 180° scattering. The 180° Scattering peak 18 clearly seen at w channel 19 in Mo. 3 and 4. In the high geometry experiments shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the analyzer discriminator was set to cut oft about channel 16 so as to increase the live time; hence, this peak is not as obvious us in Figs. 3 and 4. For the energy region 400 keV to 2 MeV, the energy corresponding to this 180° scattering slowly rises from about 160 keV to about 200 keV as Illustrated graphically in reference [27. Thus, one vould expect to find the sum peal from the 510-keV annihilation gamma ray and 180° scattered photon at 680 kev. The higher value reported 1s duo either to a slight error in energy-pulse height calibration or more .. . WWW.WI TT? -- VIPi .. - *** *** *** ....... en Por de tenir un predvsem probably to the wel.l. known nonproportionality of Nal detectors for sum peaks. The difference between the expected enerxy of 180 keV and the observed onervy 1. about 30 keV. This 18 the same discrepancy t'ound by Peelle and Love 37 in their study of sum garona ruyu. Probably the safest, most reliable, and most accurate method of coun- tinc a sample is to position the source at a fairly low geometry, 1.6., at leust 3 cm and preferably 10 cm from source to detector. Whore sample and standard are · be compared, the amount of absorber close to the sources ~ 700 keV does not prevent accurate measurement of pure samplee, its presence maliy obscure an impurity or cause uncertainty in the mind of the experimenter. For absolute measurements, 1.0., without the use of compas'ator standards, all sumaning effects should be minimized and must be corrected for in the calculat-ons. The more familiar suming phenomena, y-y cascade suming and 8*-summing, (as discussed above in section 3) are reduced at 10 cm to a maximm of only a few percent of the dinintegration rate. 4. Gamma-Ray Spectrometry_of8* Emitters In the gamma-ray spectrometry of positron emitters, the position of annihilation relative to the detector is of great importance. The height (and area) of the 0.51-MeV gamma-ray photopeak obtained when a source has the absorber close to it varies cons..derably from that obtained when the absorber 18 far away. As is well know, the positron annihilation results in the pro- duction of two 0.51-MeV gamma-ray quanta per positron, and these two quanta are emitted in directions 180° from each other. It is thus necessary to divide the total integrated area of a positron annihilation gamma-ray photo- peak by two to obtain the actual number of positrons triat it represents. Using sources of Na“, we have studied the effect of absorber position on the number of annihilation quanta detected in the crystal. The disintegra- tion rate of the Na22 was obtained from the integrated area of the 1.28-MeV gamma-ray photopes.k by absolute gamma ray spectrometry. A source of Na< was dried on polystyrene and measured on a 3" x 3" NaI(Tl) ganma-ray spectro- Ti - MeV gamma-ray photopeak wus massured and the apparent disintegration rate" - calculated: where ? . fraction of decay by position omission, Mo - solid angle, and En intrinsic peak efficiency. Table I lists the results obtained under a variety of absorber conditions. From Table I a number of Interesting observations can be made. Frst, 1t 1s obvious that the correct value for the disintegrotion rate is obtained only when the gamma rays are anninilated close to the source, as evidenced by the first entry. This arrangement was a beryllium sandwich. With only one absorber piaced diractly below the sample, the observed disintegration rate is about 20% lower than the true value. With no absorber (annihilation in aluminum cover of detector and in detector) or with absorber on the crystal, the observed disintegration rate 18 seen to be 15-18% too bighiPlacing absorber behind the sample, either with or without additional absorber on the crystal, results in a disintegra- tion rate ~' 40% above the true value and ~ 20% above the value obtained with no absorber directly below the crystal. This agrees with the 20% lä- crease obtained when the source placed on the absorber (#2 in Table I) was backed by beryll1um (#1 in Table I). These effects are essentially indepe.:d- ent of the source-detector distance. 5. Production of Ann:lhilation Radiation by Interaction of High Ener Carma Rays With Walls There are many instances in which a positron end tter must be measured in the presence of a large amount of a radionuclide with one or more high energy gamma rays. If this situation arises, it is almost always more advan- tageous to measure an accompanying gamma ray (17 one is present in the decay), rather than the 0.51-MeV annihilation radiation peak. This is because the high energy gamma rays can interact with the sides and top of the shield to produce amihilation radiation, which results in the appearance of a photo- peak at 0.51 MeV ia the observed gamma-ray spectrum.- such a photopeuk Amma 1 causes indirect interference in the determination of a true positron emitter, and in many instances presents so large an error that the desired determina- tion cannot be made. For example, the determination by activation analysis of trace quantities of copper in the presence of large amounts of sodium 18 seriously affected by this effect. The production of annihilation radiation by gamma rays increases with increasing gamma-ray energy, and the 15-bour Nac produced by activation has a 2.8-MeV gamma ray in 100% abundance. The 12.9- hour cu º produced by neutron activation decays only 19% by positron emission and so 18 particularly susceptible in annihilation gamma-ray interference. We have made some studies in our laboratories to establ.ish the magni- tude of this errect in our standard shields at various geometries for gamma rays of several energies. Our pickle-barrel shield 18 a right circular cylinder having inside demensions 50-cm uigh, 30-cm diameter. The top of. the photowltiplier-crystal assembly 18 22 cm from the top of the shield. Data were taken at heights 5.4 cm, 9.3 cm, 20 cm (top open), 20 cm (top closed), and 36 cm (sample above the top of the shielå) from the detector. Gamma-ray spectra from sources of four different radionuclides were obtained at these distances, and the total integrated area beneath the 0.51-MeV gamma- rey photopeak and the high-energy gama-ray photopeak corrected for peak efficiency and geometry /17. The four radionuclides used and their gamma- ray energies are given in Table II. Figure 5 shows the gamma-ray spectrum obtained from g3 at 36 cm. The two small photopeaks at ~ 1.3 MeV and ~ 1.8 MeV arise from small amounts of 1.8-hour Art and 2.27-minute A14%, respectively, which were present as slight impurities in the sample. Note the large contribution from the anni- hilation garwa ray. Figurs 6 compares the 0.51-MeV and 3.1-MeV gamma-ray photopaak regions from experiments made at two different sources to detector distances: 36 cm and 5.1 cm. Note the decrease in the ratio 0.51-Mev/3.1. MeV photopeak as the source is brought closer. Because the geometry for annihilation gama production and detection decreases as the source 18 brought closer. to the detector, it is apparent that high geometries tend to minimize this effect. Ia 718. 7 18 plotted the results of these measure- ments. As expected, the higher the gamma-ray energy and the greater the distance from source to detector, the larger the effect. Note also the increase in the ratio 0.51/principle gamma ray at 20cmwhen the lead 1 2 3 vir 10 PA MALL Ho cover is placed behind the source. Some additional experiments were made with sources of Na24 in a large (81 cm x 81 cm x 81 cm) shield at different hesabte. Table III gives a comparison of data obtained in the small and large shield. The advantage of using a large shield when large source-detector dis- tances are required is obvious. In addition, M8, 7 and Table III Indicate the difficulty of determining stall amounts of cuºe in the presence of NaC. 8ince Cu°* decays only 19% by 8* emission, there will be only 38% 0.51-MeV Earma rays aval able for photopoak production por disintegration. This means that usch gran of scdium exposed to irradiation and present at analysis time will produce 0.51-MeV gamma photopeak intensity equivalent to 12 mg of cuo when the sample io counted at 10 cm. t 6. Resolution and Shape of Low Energy Cama-Ray Photopeak Iodine-125 is an electron-capturing nuclide which has a highly con- verted 0.035-MeV ganilia ray. Thus, the gamma-ray spectrum consists essen- tially of only TeK X-rays. Because the X X-rays from capture are in coinci- dence with the K X-rays from the converted gamma rays at high geometries, a cascade sum peak 18 observed at twice the X-ray energy. A method has been devised to assay rks by this sum coincidence method 247; in this method the areas of the singles photopeak and the sum photopeak are used. Figure 8 shows an excellent gamma-ray spectrum of phas obtained with the source on the detector face. Figure 9 compares the spectra obtained by use of two different 3" x 3" Nal detectors. The non-symetrical shape of the K X-ray peak in the lett spectruim was a cause of some concern, since both detectors were apparently identical. If one were to use the left detector for a' meas- urement of 1", bo vould not be able to determine the disintegration rate by the sum coincidence method. from the appearance of this spectrum, we might conclude that the X X-ray peak was conteminated with a X-ray of same. what lover wergy. We examined resources on a variety of detector assemblies, include ing both well and solid counters, and observed excellent resolution of the K X-ray peak in only a few. A surprising finding was that the shape of the X X-ray photopeak was 1886 symetrical when neajured with detector assemblies having good resolution for CS gamma rays than when measured with what we :........................ ........... .. usually describe as a poor roboliation detector. A NaI crystal with poor 125 measurement characteristics but sood C8-31 resolution (7.8%) was succes- sively polished with grit papers. Pigure 10 shows the X X-ray spectra of I obtained after each treatment, together with the Css resolution. The crystal surface was first polisbod with 180-grit emery paper; this Improved the Cotsresolution tut worsened the X-ray response. Polishing with 300-grit paper resulted in bitter X-ray resolution, but poor cssr response. Additional polishings with 600 grit, and finally 2000 steel wool,“ gave very good low energy resolution and brought the C8-37 value vo 7.90%, close to the original value of 7.8%. It 18 apparent that crystal prepara- tion by hand polishing can be a prime cause of poor K X-ray resolution for 125. From these studies we conclude that spectral distortiou8 for low-energy responses in many detectors may be attributed to optical effects caused by light scattering at the surface where most low-energy interactions occur. These effects could possibly be confused with electronic noise distortions. Witia proper care, however, suitable low-energy spectral shapes as well as high resolution for C8+5gamma rays may be achieved. 7. Conclusions We bave described a number of possible errors or artifacts encountered in gamaa-ray spectrometry. The radiochemist must be ever alert to the possi- bility of misinterpretation or error. Simultaneous measurement of standards is always helpful but not always possible. Where mixtures of radionuclides are to be assayed, especially positron emitters, extreme care must be taken in the measurement and interpretation of gamma-ray spectral data. 8. Bibliographical References LI] LAZAR, N. 8., I.R.E. Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-5, #3 (1958) 138/146. 27 JOHNSON, N. R., BICHLER, E. and O'KELIXY, G. D., Nuclear Chemistry. Techniques of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. II, Interscience, New York (1963) 41. [3] PEELE, R. W. and LOVE, T. A., Rev. Sci. "Instr. 31 (1960) 31. 17 HARPER, P. V., Y AL., J. Nuclear Med. 4 (1963) 277. .. . PT LE * ::.1 WT. 11 TABLE I Na?? MEASUREMEXIT BY 8+,COUNTING Calculated Na22 Absorber Calculated/Trus 1.0 2. 1:23 Be Dehired uple. 1.23 Be below spla. 4.36 x 204 0.80 1.18 2. 1.23 Be below sple. 3. None 4. 1.23 mg/cm2 Be on xital 5. 1.23 mg/cm2 Be behind Be on %'tal 1.23 mc/cm2 Be behind sple. 3.49 x 204 5.16' x 104 5.04 x 204 6.19 x 204 6.07 : 204 1.15 1.42 1.39 TABLE II RADIONUCLIDES MEASURED IN ANNIHILATION GAMMA-RAY PRODUCTION Nuclide I, 12 Game-Ray Hinergy (Mey) ** o 12.4 37.3 m 15.02 5.1 m 1.5 2.15 2.75 3.1 TABLE III RATTO 0.51-MeV 7/2.8-MeV in POR Na24 IN TWO SHIELDS Source-Detector Distance (cm) Cylindrical Shield (n = 50 cm; d. 30 cm) Cubic Shield (81 cm x 81 cm x 81 cm) .5.3 0.012 20 (top open) 20 (top closed) 0.012 0.029 0.069 0.10 0.11 0.027 0.051 0.065 0.077 -10 ORNL-DWG. 63-3636 Fig. 1. Gamma-ray spectrum of cuºt higio geometry, no absorber on source. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 63-3636 100,000 Cu64 at 1.74 cm 3 in. x 3 in. NaI (TI) No absorber Energy scale = 10 KEV/PHU7 10,000 LLULU COUNT RATE 1000 100 € TTT 10 Liteit . PULSE HEIGHT, arbitrary units 50 100 150 ***; . is. ORNL-DWG. 63-3637 Fig. 2. Gamma-ray spectrum of a surrounding source. high geometry, absorber UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 63-3637 100,000 Cu 64 at 1.74 cm 3 in. x 3 in. NOI (TI) 0.5 in. wax absorber Energy scale i 10 KeV/PHU :10,000 NT RATE - - - - - 50 100 PULSE HEIGHT, arbitrary units ORNL-DWG. 63-3635 Fig. 3. Gamma-ray spectrum of cuº* low geometry, no absorber. . oor....................... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 63-3635 Cu64 at 8.6 cm 3 in. x 3 in. NOI (TI) No absorber Energy scale 2 10 KEV/PHUT 1000 100 . 150 50 100... PULSE HEIGHT, arbitrary units .-.- .-. -.- .-.- . -. - .- -. -. .. ... ... ..- -.- ORAL-DWG. 63-3634 Fig. 4. Gamma-ray spectrum of Cuº* low geometry, absorber surrounding source. T . i .. :: . 2 UNCLASSIFIED '. . * 100,000 il "L . 4.Y. 1: 4 Y VY Cu64 at 8.6 cm 3 in. x 3 in. NaI (TI) 0.7 in. lucite absorber Energy scale i 10 KeV/PHU 1. ; : : YAK ART XL- IX 10,000 . . COUNT RATE 1000 NII MT 10 . OGb. 50 . 100.- PULSE HEIGHT, arbitrary units ORNL-DWG. 64-7799 Fig. 5. Ganma-ray spectrum of 837 at 36 cm. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-7799 : : : 10,000 3.1 MeV . . .. .. 1000 TRATE COUNT الدليل البايتالايام 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 . PULSE HEIGHT (~20 keV / PHU) ORNL-DWG. 64-7797 Fig. 6. Comparison of 0.51-MeV and 3.1-MeV gamma-ray photopeak regions obtained at 5.4 cm and 36 cm. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-7797 537 5.4 cm 337 36 cm 10,000 - - - - COUNT RATE TT 1000 2.- aber rari**'--'an Sendi 1001 I dhu III 10 20 30 40 50 140 150 160 170 180 10 20 30 40 50 PULSE HEIGHT (~20 keV/ PHU) 140 150 160 170 .. . . - ORNL-DWG. 64-7798 Ms. 7. Photon ratio of high-energy produced gamma rays to producing gamma ray m hunction of energy. 1 LAR U .. 11. 14 * W WW ? UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-7798 0.14 . o 36 cm A 20 cm closed o 20 cm open 09.3 cm 5.4 cm 0.10+ NAO.08+ 0.064 : 0.51 y PRIN. Y 0.04 0.025 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ENERGY OF PRINCIPAL Y-RAY (MeV) IMAM HUJILL WAY. .4. ve l . L,'. . . ORNL-DWO. 643021 Fig. 8. Gamma-ray spectrum of 60-day Is, showing area contribution to singles peak (4) and coincidence peak (A). . - -- - - - - i 10% ORNL-EWEES 60 day 1128 3x3 in. Noi (TI) Source on Detector Face Energy Scale, 1 kov/ch1 [Az+ 2A, 12 No. 4 A . COUNTS / CHANNEL : :::::: : ..:. .Biri... 40. 60 CHANNEL NUMBER . . / 1 inicios ORNI-DWO. 64-3017 Mg. 9. Gamma-ray spectrum of 60-day 1" with (a) detector showing lov-energy distortion due to optical effects and (b) detector sboring correct response. il 14 . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG, 64-3017 . . 60 day 1125 3x3 in. NaI(TI) Source on Detector Face Energy Scale, 1 kev/ch . . WUNTSX CHANNEL .: :.: .: . 60 80 0 20 CHANNEL NUMBER 1 - - . ili 1 . i. - - ORNL-DWG. 64-3019 Mg. 20. Gamma-ray spectrum of 60-day I for different treatment of the incident crystal face, (a) Bad face polish with 180 grdt (6) Ind face polish with 300 grit (c) Bad face polish with 600 grat (a) Dad face polish with 0000 steel wool , ? . 7 - * * . 11 VIS RRU AMAT! IM UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWO. 64.3019 60 Day 1126 · 3x3 in. NoI(TI). Energy Scale, 1 kev/ch .: FEnd Face Polish, 180 grit | End Face Polish, 300 grit mmmm TTIR .662 MeV Cs 137 .662 MeV Cs 137 Resolution, 7.3% Resolution, 7.6% :. .. COUNTS/CHANNEL FEnd Face Polish, 600 grit End Face Polish, 0000 steel woola sa... ... : .662 MeV .662 MeV Cs 137 Cs137 Resolution, 7.8% Resolution, 7.95% 20., 40 20 40 CHANNEL NUMBER: : ::..::,:'. " .. . DATE FILMED 2/4 165 LEGAL NOTICE This roport was prepared as an accovat ol Qovorament sponsored work. Neither the United Stator, nor the Commission, nor any person soting on behall of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or roprosentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the acou- rioy, completeness, or wohinose of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any inlormation, apparatus, mothode or process disoloned in this roport may not infringe privately owned rigato; or B. Assumor any liabilities with rospoot to the use of, or lor damages resulting from the un of way Information, apparatus, method, or procesu disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person uting on behall of the Commission" inoludes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omploys of such contraotor, to the extent that such omploys or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor preparos, disuminatos, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employmout with such contractor. END