. KU . 1. 49 UNCLASSIFIEDI ORNL ' N . .. .1 2 WAR UN 41. . P. 2 EN . 3 . 4 456 www ..................................................... ORNL-P-456 EINF-2017/ JCT 81964 STUDIES DI THE HALO Q ME DEUTERIUM ARC AND A PIG -TYPE DISCHARGE* N. H. Lazar C. W. Blue R. A. Gibbons 0, D. Matlock _ Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee August 20, 1964 . -LEGAL NOTICE of way before us, or where in contation, cum swall of the Council or the Valsad The mport me popared muscount of Govonul sponsored wort. Neither the Unimed ham, ter te mbulon, mor my person kung on behalf of the Counselons A. Xan my nerasty or reprimaution, eixound or implied, mul rompact both acry. macy, completene, or woulun ollo Information containdu do report, or that we were of way tulonution, parto, med, or proces. d cloud in to report may not latring peintuu omand : or D. Aamuwa w Idabellum w roupact to the ww. of, or lor damages resulting frow we no way Wormatien, men method, or pcom dielowed in a report. Ao wood in the whore, "perma athy on behalf of the counlukom" including my m. mergo or contractor of Commalaston, or employee of much contracbr, to the out that mot a g e or contractor of the Countertoo, or raplayne of much coolriclor proper terminal, or provides me te, any information pureut to Memploy or contract wth Cuestoa, or ws onploynal mu much contractor. Mr with o to, way mornin much contractor , (To be published in the proceedings of "International Symposium on Diffusion of Plasma Across a Magnetic Field," held at the Hotel "Kaiserin Elisabeth." Feldaf ing/Starnberger See, June 29 to July 3, 1964. Publication will be informal and distributed to conferees only.) . : I *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. : V 22 . STUDIES IN THE HALO OF THE DEUTERIUM ARC AND A PIG-TYPE DISCHARGE* N. H. Lazar C. W. Blue R. A. Gibbons 0. D. Matlock Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee .-.- .- S ZE + For some time we have been interested in the source of the relatively high pressure observed in the operation of a deuterium arc.? The arc column has been studied by Mackin and Gibbons and, as a result of many combined diagnostic techniques, le observed to have the following properties: Te 0.15 Farc T4 = 16 ev A = 1.6 cm2 n = 1-2 x 1014 The temperature of the electrons (in ev) appears to vary with arc current (given in amperes) as shown. A 18 the arc cross-sectional area, determined optically. Geometrically, the arc is a fairly thin cylinder with a diameter of approximately 2 cm. The density 18 quoted for an input deuterium gas feed rate of 3.0 cc/sec and 18 expected to be proportional to gas feed rate. All the gas fed into the anode is observed to appear at the cathode, where it is pumped by & 20-in. diffusion promp. The facility in which our measurements were carried out, the Gas Arc Facility (GAF), 18 the same as the one previously used. Figure 1. shows a schematic layout of the experiment. The magnetic coils, arranged to produce a 2:1 mirror ratio, produce a field in the midplane of up to 9000 gau88. The arc has been run at fields as low as ~ 1.5 kgauss. Base pressures are ~1000 mm Hg in the central region with cylindrical baffles ~2-7/8 in. Inside diameter, 9 in. long in the mirror throats. These were chosen, experimentally, to produce the minimm pressure in the central region with the arc running; p~ 2 x 10-5 mm Hg as indicated on an ion gauge for the deuterium arc conditions . . . yi . RO 1 as given above. 3.79 .... *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . . . .... X . " . . 2 . 2 11 1 . . . " Il . 3 U In order to determine if the source of gas may be as a result of lon diffusion across field lines, the radial distribution of lon density was measured in the halo of the arc column as a function of magnetic field. The effective area of the tungsten wire probes were 2.5 x 10-2 cm“; 0.010 in. diameter ~ 1/8 in. long. The wire was shielded with boron nitride surrounded by a grounded cylinder beyond this area back to the insulator so as to define the geometry. Langmuir curves were taken to establish the current beyond lon saturation. The results are shown in Fig. 2, where the current at each point 18 'multiplied by (r/T.)1/2 for comparison with Simon's theory of diffusion in cyll.ndrical geometry.? The e-folding length 18 been to be nearly independent of B and to be equal approximately to 1 cm. This length may be related to a diffusion coefficient for transport perpendicular to the direction of the field assuming a model for the longitudinal transport. In view of the neutral pressure range, the perpendicular transport should be governed by ion-electron scattering. Taking any of the current simple theories, there would be either a 1/B or 1/B² dependence of the diffusion coefficient. The observed dependence 18 independent of B. In view of this difficulty in comparing the e-folding Jength with a theory, . It was decided to look for time variations in the radial diffusion. Figure 3 . shows the time dependence of the floating potential as seen on a probe and the 1.4, observed correlation of two probes displaced a distance spam in z. Figures 4 and 5 indicate the correlation for lon current and electron currents to two. . probes, as seen on a dual beam oscilloscope triggered from the upper trace signal. The correlations are so exact, that when the two probes are exactly on the same field lines, the two traces may be superimposed on the oscillo- scope screen. The correlations between probes displaced in r or o are not as good. Mgure-6 shows such a correlation; from pulse to pulse the . . . .. . S Tri. exact shapes of the signals seen on the two probes differ somewhat. however, by taking many pulses, an "average" time delay may be deter- mined, so that an average radial or azimuthal velocity of the plasma can be defined. This correlation becomes poorer as the spacing between probes increases. For example, if the probes are displaced 90° (at r = 2 cm), the two pulbes appear randomly related. When the probes are close, the direction of rotation of the plasma can easily be established by triggering the scope on the socond trace; only the tails of the first are then vieible. The sense of rotation is in the direction of an ion moving in its Larmor orbit. These pulses, then, correspond to a narrow plasma (~0.4 cm wide) moving radially and azimuthally correlated all the way from the midplane, through the mirrors, to the anode; geometrically, a "Plute." The radial and azimuthal velocity has been measured from the observed "average" correlation between two probes, as a function of distance from the arc center in a field of 7 kilogauss in the midplane. These results are shown in F188. 7 and 8. It may be seen that outside r = 2 cm, vx/v0 = constant ~ 1.2, but inside this radial distance, v, increases rapidly. 'It appears the flute starts radially then slows down and moves in a spiral toward the walls. Both the maximum amplitude and the frequency of flutes are observed to decrease as a function of radius. To determine if the ions were simply running out the ends of the flutes along field lines, 81x-inch diameter plates .. were placed about each baffle at the two mirror coils. These end plates were also divided into quadrants to pewnit correlation measurements. Figure 9 shows the correlation observed between the ion current to a small wire probe and the current to one of the quadrants. The decay of the current to a quadrant may be analyzed assuming the ion temperature is unmodified from its . . ?" AN R32 . . IT value in the arc and the ions diffuse along field lines like a gas. It appears, then, that the flutes are dissipated as the long run out their ends along field lines as they spiral outward. Taking the average currents observed on these end plates after recombination as the influx of gas into the central region, and using the known arc pumping speed, it appears that we now may explain the neutral pressure about the arc. This current represents about 4% of the total ion current in the arc. We still have difficulty in reconciling the observed radial dependence of the average current to a probe with the behavior of the flutes. Although the higher observed average current with lower fields is consistent with the end plate current behavior, we have not, as yet, been able to establish & quantitative relation of the probe current with the frequency and amplitude of the flutes. There seems to be additional background plasma, perhaps resulting from tearing up of the flutes as they move radially in addition to the lons diffusing axially, which has not been accounted for in the model. restauranter So far, we have established that the primary source of gas arises from the cross-field transport of some of the arc plasma and the subsequent recombi- nation of the lons on the end walls. We have attempted to determine the dependence of this transport on arc parameters, with only moderate success. Figures 10 and 11 show the variation of the total currents to the end plate (presumably total transport) as a function of arc current (electron temperature) for different magnetic fields and gas feed rates. There seem to be critical conditions at certain values of electron current density at which the transport increases by a factor of 2-3; however, it is anomalously high for all the conditions represented by the curves. d iz It may be worth remarking, at this point, that we have not yet established the cause of fluting. The excellent correlation along z suggests the axial wavelength is very long - much longer than the arc length. This seems to rule out, helical-type instabilities. It is apparent that the flutes are of high n-order, and for the field gradient in which the plasma exists, we would expect it to be stabilished by the finite Larmor radius of the lone. Nevertheless, the plasma column 18 observed to rotate with a velocity, v. 2 x 105 cm/sec at the surface (much faster than expected from the field gradient). This is not as fast as expected for the diamagnetic drift, which is supposed to be stabilized by the finite Larmor radius--and so it is difficult to under- stand how this can be the source of the instability. -161. i s iseviidiini A second series of experiments have been performed with a somewhat less dense arc produced in a PIG geometry. I would like to describe these experiments because of the possible interest in such a plasma source and, perhaps, in the gridded probe technique which has been developed; primarily, through the work of P. R. Bell on the DCX-2 experiment. ild mbinados o The source was originally developed for acceleration of a high current of hydrogen lons to energies of ~ 30 kev and, in fact, ~250 ma can be ob- tained in d.c. operation. Figure 12 shows a sketch of the source geometry-- generally an electron reflecting electrode 18 used at the far end of the colum of plasma which diffuses through the anode hole. This electrode, however, 18 not essential for stable arc operation and may be put at anode potential with oniy slight changes in the arc characteristics. This emphasizes the point that other mechanisms besides simple oscillation of the electrons 18 critical for the arc properties observed. 23- . C O . . The hollow, cylindrical cathode 18 made of tungsten and 18 heated to incandescence by ions flowing out of the plasme.. Accurate density determinations have not been made, but estimates range from 10hd ions/cc to over 10 lons/cc in the arc column, based on preliminary probe measure- ments and geometrical estimates.. We have used a gridded probe to determine the ion energy outside the main plasma core in a uniform magneic field. The probe and circuit used 18 shown in Fig. 13. The outside grid and entire assembly 18 at wall potential. The middle grid (G2) 18 biased either positive or negative to repel either all the lons or all the electrons. The collector potential is then varied so that the lon or electron energy may be determined and also any directed energy resulting, for example, from a plasma potential different from wall potential. . The results of some of these experiments are shown in the next few figures. The observed lon distribution is shown in Fig. 14a (with the electrons repelled). The mean energy of the lons, taken as the 1/e point of the distribution for no especially profound reason, is 350 ev. Mean energies approaching 500 ev have been observed on occasion. The electron distribution shown in Fig. 1lib 18 typical--the mean energy is only 14 ev and the distribution (although only the tail of the total distribution in the plasma) 18 nearly exponential. The only parameter which appears to drasti, cally affect the ion energy 18 the gas feed rate into the source. Figure 15; . ... shows the variation of observed energy with this feed rate. . . . . . - " . ' . . VI . . in . REFERENCES 1. R. A. Gibbons and R. J. Mackin, Jr., Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Munich, 1961 (North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, p. 1769). 2. ORNL-3564, Thermomuclear Division Seniannual Progress Report for Period Ending October 31, 1963. R. A. Gibbons, N. H. Lazar, and T. F. Rayburn, p. 63. 7 , . . . 13 WW T YT T - TT m. ... . . . . .. .. . . . LIST OF FIGURES 1. Gas Arc Facility. Spacing Between Mirror and Centers is 27 Inches. Anode Show 18 No Longer Used. 2. Radia. Density Profile from Deuterium Arc as Function of Coil Current. Magnetic Center in Midplane is 1.75 Ing. 3. Floating Potential Seen on Two 0.010-Inch Tungsten Wire Probes. Dual Beam Oscilloscope Triggered on Rise of Upper Trace. 4. Correlation of Ion Current Between Two Probes Arranged on Same Field Line Spaced 11-1/2 Inches. 5. Correlation of Electron Current Between Two Probes. 6. Ion Current Correlation Between Two Probes Separated Radially by 0.26 cm. Trace Triggered on Upper Trace. 7. Radial Flute Velocity as a Function of Radial Position from Center of Arc. 8. Azimuthal Flute Velocity as a Function of Radial Position from Center of Arc. 9. Dual Trace Triggered from Lower Signal Showing Ion Current to an End Plate Following the Observation of the Presence of a Flute in the Midplane. 10. Total Ion Current to End Plate for Various Magnetic Fields in the Midplane as a Function of Arc Current. 11. Total Ion Current to End Plate for Various Gas Feeds as a Function of Arc Current. vision 12. Section Through PIG-Type Plasma Source. 13. (a) Schematic Diagram of Gridded Probes Used for Energy Measurements . in PIG Geometry Plasma Source. (b) Tungsten Wire Probe. 14. (a) Repulsion Curve for Ions, Electrons Suppressed, Seen for a Gas Flow of 0.063.cc/sec. (b) Electron · Repulsion Curve. 15. "Average" Ion Energy Determined from Repulsion Curves as a Function of Gas Input. ni SY L 11 " ws. 20 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG. 48989 . -. rende HO XX 9 FACILITY FOR GAS ARC STUDIES . SINA . . : : . . . SAN CV: Z A. LT * ! ::.. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-6058 0.92 cm e FOLDING LENGTHS . 1.01 cm 0.88 cm -0.90 cm . 110 amp ARCS 3.0 cc/sec Da > 'I 24, 2 alg = 4000 amp ale : 2000 omp olg = 1000 amp • 1 : 600 amp : * * * . 2 3 4 R (cm) DC. Ion Current to Langmuir. Probe. - - i . .. . P. WI . 2 M YA . NO A 12: A I L itaire V l w 10 mi West House Silit more bilans han inte kanten der . inimene ei ole to in their own food, aktiviti van een tegen motor post for bonds , NRW in . . 9/14/63 Floating potential correlation 5.0 v/cm Probes in-line 1.46. cm. spacing . """.... .. X . . - - n i ... " " 1. IN PUN . O TY . 7 . . . . 2 . TY . ULA NEMA. 1 PA . .. ADAN IN 44 INYA. . mine, inn .... . .......... wwwmore .. .... ... .. .. L 8/9/63 Spacing 11 1/2 in. + 1 cm Horizontal out 5/16 (MR 2:1 expect horizontal to 1.050 if originally at 3/4 in.) 41 . . - 28 - - - ri - - - - A - ..:- . -* SARA SI ! . P . . .. .... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. TA .. , * . -- - , . . . .. 10/7/63 Sync - upper + Otherwise same as #44 Upper - ion current , Lower - electron current ... Sweep - 10. usec/cm 4000 AIR. 150 A 105 v 3.0 cc/sec Deuterium arc -. • TUNYAN 1 , is: ,73 M GRA N D 21 MAN . . .. . . 4 . .... .. . . ... .. . . . . ..... . . .. .... che il l imite del Minister is comincino Mico . . V . i . i . ::..: heit -, · 10/10/63 18 2500 A 1136 A VA 126 V 6 V . . Sweep 0.5 usec/cm lon current - 20 v bias. 0.2 v/ cm across 10 12 Probes in-line ~0.26 cm radial separation : 1.46 cm Z separation ..... predliwiera contamin . . .. hy . 10. 411 NA UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4874 . Bo = 7.0 kilogauss PARC = 150 amp VARC = 115 volts Qo. = 3.0 atm cc /sec P= 1.5 x 10-6 torr ARC CROSS SECTION : 1.6 cm2 RADIAL FLUTE VELOCITY ( 105 cm/sec ) OD ARC CORE A ! . 2 5 3 4 RADIUS (cm) E . 7 C. ... SA . + .. . ET UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-473 AT AZIMUTHAL FLUTE VELOCITY ( 105 cm PARC = 150 amp : Bo = 7 kilogauss OO RADIUS (cm) ...1 . ... ... . - -.- ; * 1 9/14/63 Ion currents Upper - top QPK 2.0 v/cm at 10 12. Lower - probe in line 0. I v/cm at 10 12 Sweep 20. usec/cm 4000 A 150 A 105 v 3.0 cc/sec D, 1 ......... . : th 1 -. . 0 7 LI T . VA . . .. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-513 01. 07 5.3 6.1 lo D2 INPUT 3.0 ATM CC/SEC NOS. -BO IN KILOGAUSS E at ARC "AREA" 1.6 CM 2 -7.0 . .. 3,4 4.4 END PLATE ION CURRENT-AMPERES 80 200 100 120 140 160 180 END. PLATE LION VS IARC ARC CURRENT-AMPERES MIL CT UNCLASSIFIDO ORNL-DWG 64-5430 NOS. D2 INPUT IN A Bo = 7.0 KILOGAUSS ARC "AREA" 1.6 CM2 END PLATE ION CURRENT-AMPERES 5.0 3.5 3.0 2.54 20- .241.52 60 80 180 200 100 120 140 160 ARC CURRENT-AMPERES END PLATE ION VS IARC srt . WIT'S 4m PLN " UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4596 1000000 0 0 0 0 0 "nninn VUVUU - - --- - innnnnn Juuuuu rran TILL 1. COPPER ANODE 2. INSULATOR 3. TUNGSTEN CATHODE 4. CATHODE HOLDER 5. TUNGSTEN INSERT 6. VACUUM FLANGE 7. GAS SUPPLY LINE 8. "O"RING VACUUM SEAL 9. COOLING WATER LINES PIG ION SOURCE figit LIS SU N . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4595 SCOPE VERT. INPUT VARIAC TYPE W5 145 VACS|| 115 VAC 10000 100 OR OOV Kn .0047 SCOPE HORZ. INPUT i GRIDDED PROBE BIAS SUPPLY COLLECTOR FIG. 12" COPPER TUBE .010" TUNGSTEN WIRÉREMOVABLE SCREEN VACUUM SEAL & INSULATOR FIG. 16 UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 65380A TA tv, guany more than :.. fo 1 min I = 80 V = 345 v Q=0.063 cc/sec . nia ---- - - -890 v - +890 v ---- RY -- -- de bois.. . .. Home ZO..1'. - -3.71g I = 7.8 0. V = 145 v Q = 0.14 cc/sec Ilo ' .. ; -42 v +42 v UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4594: 400 300 MEAN ION ENERGY VERSUS H2 FEED RATE TO SOURCE 4-9-64 Ēi (ev) 0.1 0.2 0.3 Q (cc/sec) 0.4 0.5 0.6 Yig s. DATE FILMED 12/ 9 /64 : - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. LAN END n ' S