UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 449 : . , . ..- - '; . 1 -= - -- ORN - P-449 17:19 - i wy MASTER INSIGHTS OBTAINED FROM INTENSITY AND MECHANISMS OF DOSE RATE EFFECTS: FRACTIONATION STUDIES ON CHROMOSOME ABERRATION INDUCTION* Sheldon Wolff Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee -LEGAL NOTICE -- mun mport we and Mine a aumento noord wort, Malther the Unit Als, wor m , www wyboll Onconto ! A. Mehme my writy of promotion, compound or implied, m u st be moro noy, pino , m ettant where to the mooth, or in we men internet w eb, w e am decidit womport may not interne 2. Ar my ine wirepact the a, « le borrowing tren the wenn morsom, mantu, mw, w much dochound in the mi, M uhemen, pa ta ta the Counte" wetudes more mowy or with o u tcom, opowe dl much wuctor, Hot what y or contractor Centolu, plyn of wat once more, wete, m a non, Na mlematto per no maplewo ornet Wine Commoi, et Maplewo w mock cowrsetor. ce CNTT *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. 17. - . 2 . . www Kunning head: Chromosome aberrations Send proofs to: Dr. Sheldon Wölfr Biology Division Oak Ridge National laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee . . :. .. .. . . . . R 3. YASS TO * * 51 . W ..!". " "' " "" "UVIVULIK",' " " , " . A Studies in radiation genetics have long been the foundation on which much of the theory of modern radiation biology was built. In the main, this wae true, because in radiation genetics, one studied the events induced by the radiation, rather than the lack of the event. For instance, instead of looking at individuals not affected by radiation (1.e., survivors), geneticists looked for those arfected (mutants), The basic studies performed over the years have not only fit the concepts of target theory, but have actually provided some of its strongest support. Target theory holds that radiation effects are caused by a simple interaction of radiation with specific susceptible loci within the cell. Some of the effects require but a single interaction and are considered to be one-hit whereas other effects require multiple interactions of radiation and cellular targets and are therefore multi-hit. Simple mutation induced in sperm have long been known to be a one-hit event. By this we mean that the numbers of mutations produced by X-rays increase linearly with the dose. An 11lustration of this may be seen in Fig. 1 in which are presented some of the early dose action curves for visible mutations induced in Drosophila sperm. The same phenomenon is quite general and has been observed in many other organisms. The meaning of a linear curve of this nature 18 two-fold: (1) That the mutations are induced with a certain probability that 18 directly proportional to the dose, and (2) that there is no interaction of the various lonizations or clusters of ionizations in inducing mutations but that each mutation is caused by a single ionizing particle or hit. If the latter were . . . . . a MI! 11 not true, und an interaction of hits were necessary for the formation of mutations, then the yield would increase faster than linearly with dose. If two hits were necessary, for example, then the probability of getting both hits would be the product of the individual probabilities for each hit. This Increase as the square of the dose. In addition to linear dose curves, there 18 further evidence that mutations are the result of a single ionization or cluster of ionizations This evidence 18 the generally observed (until recently) lack of a dose intensity or dose fractionation effect. The argument from this type of evidence is that if an interaction between independent ionizations were necessary to produce a mutation, 1.e., mutations were two-nit, then if radiation were given at low intensities, 4 decay or repair of the effects or some of the earlier ionizations could occur before the whole dose was given. Thus, the total numbers of ionizations wouild not be in the cell concurrently. The same into various portions with rest periods between. A decay or repair of the effects of one part of the dose could now occur in the interdose intervals, again leading to a decrease in mutation rate. It mutations, however, are truly one-hit, i.e., required no interaction of independently induced lonizations, and are induced immediately, the classical target theory would predict t.lat there would be no intensity or fractionation effect. * * * The early experiments on Induction of sex-linked recessive ellería in Drosophila sperma show no such decrease either at low intensities or after fractionation. As a matter of ract, if the results of several workers are pooled, it is found that an approximately three million-fold variation in . R ZN En: 13. . *** intensity (from 0.0001r/min to 2'700r/min) does not effect the yield of mutations. In the mouse, too, it has been found that there 18 no intensity effect for viøible mutations induced in sperm. The lack of repair noted for point mutations induced in sperm, however, has not been the caso in studies of two-hit intergendo mutations that are the result of chromosome breakage and the subsequent rejoining of the breaks in new configurations. Some of these new configurations (such as those that result in inversions, deletions, and translocations) can alter linkage groups and affect recombination. These would be considered true intergenic deletions) are generally inviable after one or a few cell divisions and can be considered intergenic mutations that are dominant cell lothals. Because this latter class of chromosome aberrations is easily studied by cytologists, more work of a quantitative nature has been done with these than with Intárgenic changes that have to be detected by genetic means. Those chromosome aberrations that require the interaction of two breaks have long been known to be two-hit (increase as the square of the dose) with sparsely ionizing radiation. They have similarly been known to be subject to a repair as might be expected for a two-hit phenomenon. That 18, 1f the dose 18 fractionated or given at low intensity, fewer aberrations are induced than 1f the radiation were given in one continuous dose at high intensity. The rational for this is that many more broken ends are produced than finally end up in aberrations and that most of the breaks are repaired, 1.e., restituted . ille an aberration. This restitutional type of repair reduces the number of ends available for interaction within a cell. Thus, 17 in a low intensity or dose Practionation experiment, appreciable restitution occurs before all breaks are CE CTM 751 ',' 1' . .... . . . .4 in the cell, then the total number present concurrently will be lower and fewer two-break aberrations will be induced. Ide Dorld','**7*1/146141 The ease of study of two-bruak aberrations by cytological means has allowed us to carry out experiments that have mada restitutional repair at present the best understood of all genetic repair processes. We no lcriger need to talk vaguely in terms of restitution which simply describes the repair, but now know something about the chomical requirements of the repair process itself. The information regarding the repair process was first gained from dose fractionation experiments in which we were able to separate effects on breakage from those on rejoining.' In these experiments, a first dose was given to induce breaks and then a second dose was given at a time after that ordinarily required for breaks from the first doee to restitute. If after the first dose various metabolic inhibitors were administered and if the milletine . re process inhibited was necessary for repair, then restitution would not occur. Thus, when the second dose was given, all of the effects (breaks) induced. by the first dose would still be extant and there would be no fractionation effect. Under these circumstances, the yield of two-break aberrations would be proportional to the square of the dose administered. If, however, restitutional repair had occurred between the two doses, the yield would have simply been the sum of those induced by the two separate doses. Experiments performed in G, cells of Vicia faba seed showed that cellular respiration and ATP production were necessary for rejoining to contar 48 might be expected since new chemical bonds have to be synthesized when a broken chromosome 18 repaired. It was further found that the "repair system" was itself radiation sensitive and that at higher doses repair was inhibited for - . . ... ON . - . . 24 . . A **. SIS S A . . . . + 124* . W*, 1 TSWANOW! .!!!.. rin sono prestation ..." .1 . ,'.,, . pa . i I ',. ' " . ! . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . .... . :!1 , " . 71 n longer times and thus recovery took longer. We wondered about the nature of the bonds formed. Because chromosomes consist of protein and nucleic acids, it seemed worthwhile to see if the synthesis of any or all of these components was involved in the repair. In Table 1 we see the results we obtained earlier on the effects of chloramphenicol on the rejoining of breaks. The compound had no effect on the yield induced after doses of 600r (In vacuo) in G, cells of soaked seeds of Vicia faba, nor did it have an effect when given before a dose of 300r. When, however, it was administered between the doses, it kept the breaks from the first dose from rejoining before the second dose was given. The breaks of the two doses were thus in the cell concurrently and could interact with one another to form aberrations. Since these experiments were performed in G, cells, DNA synthesis was not thought to occur. This was confirmed in experiments in which we found that tritiated thymidine was not incorporated into the cells at the time the experiments were performed. We also found RNA was not affected by the chloramphenicol treatment by finding that it did not change the incorporation Nyoulover of HP Into the nucleic acids. At the concentrations used (300 micrograms/ m2-) chloramphenicol was found only to effect a 30% reduction in Incorporation of labeled amino acids into the cell's total protein. We have subsequently checked only nuclear proteins by incubating the cells with tritiated lysine, extraction the nuclei by the method of Mattingly and making and oradiographs of nuclei uncontaminated with cytoplasmic proteins. Counts of the grains in the audoradiographs showed that there 18 a 50% inhibition of incorporation of labeled amino acids into nuclear protein and therefore presumably a toy Inhibition of protein synthesis ( . (1963) ! - 3 T . 1 . . Because of the effect of chloramphenicol outlined above, and because 11461/ rejoining could occur throughout the cell cycle (even in stages where DNA synthesis does not normally occur) we postulated that the bonds formed in the repair of chromosome breaks were proteinacious and not in nucleic acid. We recognized, however, that the studies on protein inhibition might only have indicatod that synthesis of an enzyme (protein) was necessary. The formal possibility still existed that the repair occurred in DNA but required so little DNA synthesis that it could not be picked up in our experiments with tritiated thymidine. Boll and I'then performed experiments with 5-florodeoxye- uridine (FUAR), a compound that Inhibits DNA synthesis in bacterial systems. We found that it did not prevent breaks in G, cells from rejoining (Table 2). When it was administered between two doses of x-rays, the yields were the same as in the controls, i.e., simply the sum of the yields produced by the two individual doses. That the compound can inhibit DNA synthesis in Vicia faba was shown by Bell in experimento in which she treated actively rowing lateral roots that had cells in S. She found (Table )) that sudoradiographs of FUAR treated roots showed a decrease in incorporation of tritiated deoxyscypidine into the DNA of the cells. We are then left with the fact that repair occurs in those portions oť the cell cycle in which DNA synthesis does not occur and that DNA synthesis inhibitors do not prevent repair whereas protein synthesis inhibitors do. We thus, st111 favor the interpretation that the bonds formed in chromosome rejoining are proteinacious. Although an undetectable amount of DNA synthesis cannot be completely ruled out as the cause of repair, to argue that it is responsible for the rejoining seen 18 to argue in the face of experiments that c. MI A. fail to show its involvement. . . - K TR By Irradiating cells in G, and inhibiting repair, we have been able to obtain some information about the chemical nature of the repair processes. There are, however, certain restrictions on the dose fractionation method that must be kept in mind when performing experiments of this sort. One such Kloor restriction 18 that we have to be certain of the agents used to induce the chromosome breaks act randomly throughout the genome and exhibit uniform sensitivity throughout that portions of the cell cycle being studied. These two restrictions so far have been mot only in studies with radiation on cell in GZ: The reasons for this are that cells throughout G, exhibit uniform sensitivity to radiation. Thus, if the radiation in addition to bumbong chromosomes also induced mitotic delay or mitotic diversions, the results will not be affected. Such effects on mitosis will, however, appreciably change the results if cells from S and Ga (wherein chromatid aberrations are induced) are studied because these stages of the cell cycle exhibit variable sensitivity. In general, cells close to mitosis are more añositive than auch liknya those farther away. If mitotic reversion underlays occur, then a population 2.10! of more sensitive cells might be at metaphase and thus scored when compared to cells that were not delayed as much. Such phenomenon can frequently be Literarios.com misleading and confound the experiments (see Wolff, 1964). When chemical mutagens are used as the breaking agents, the results also can be confounded because these compounds usually are effective - Actu primarily in S and occasionally in G2 (Evans, 1964). They also usually cause mitotic delays. In addition, they do not affect the genome randomly. For instance, It has been found that 8-ethoxycaffeine induces breaks in Vicia faba cells preferentially in the regions around the secondary constrictions núdzvienen MB) of the two M chromosomes ; B-propriolactone seems to affect the centrameric ! Sur P . regions of some of the S chromosomes; maleic hydrazide breaks chromosomes only at S and , furthermore, If It doesn't induce breakage at the first cycle of synthesis, the compound remains in the cell and, con induce breaks during the second replication following its application. “All of these properties , **::*astisins of chemical mutagens make it very difficult to interpret experiments in * . t mention Ka att ingen som han sizi narmin. tximi sati... - Eine eigene which fractioned doses of the mutagens are administered or even in which one dose of mutagen plus one dose of x-rays are given. 2. ital.. 1196) Mermers and Swanson reasoned that different chemical mutagens would have different chemical activities and thus would induce chromosome breaks of different chemical natures. They hoped that by performing fractionation experiments and seeing if breaks from one treatment could interact with breaks from another, they could find which breaks were chemically similar. From the known chemical activities of the mutagens, then, it would theoretically be possible to gain further insight into the nature of the chemical bonus involved in chromosome breakage and rejoining. Unfortunately, what was found was that none of the breaks induced by different chemical mutagens Interacted quantitatively with one another whereas they all reacted with x-ray breaks. Since the many agents may affect chromosomes in different parts of the cycle it is not surprising (with hindsight) that they did not find interaction. The fact that x-rays could produce breaks that would interact with the breaks from various other mutagens is consistent with what we might expect since x-rays cause breaks throughout the cell cycle. Thus, x-ray breaks can be induced in cells that are being affected by the mutagen. The fact that fractionated x-rays and various chemical mutagen doses seem to produce breaks that interact, on the surface, seems to indicate that the original hypothesis in regard to the different mutagens Inducing breaks WA i ll primerna t o --- n - b .. TV www.meman------- re - ... --...-- -- .ca 4V 10 of different chemical bonds might not be tenable. We should remember, however, that the properties of these compounds causing mitotic delays makes it very difficult to be certain that the chromatid aberrations seen at any given time after treatment always come from cells in the same portion of the cell cycle and thus cells that have the same sensitivity to treatment (see Riegerythinchreine 1963). Studies with chemical mutagens are further complicated by the knowledge ... : 19616 that the chromosome breaks do not rejoin randomly even after irradiation. There are but a limited number of places or sites within the nucleus where the chromosome strands come close enough to one another to rejoin and form an aberration iſ broken. If a mutagen preferentially affects only certain regions of the chromosomes, then to get an interaction of breaks, these regions have to be within sites and, more specifically, within sites at that time in the cell cycle at which the mutagen is effective. & 1.. . . . Mb ** II 1 : ME Dr .. . . 7.1 - The early experiments on repair mechanisms had indicated that intragenic mutations differed from intergenic mutations in that the former were irreparable. As outlined earlier, this was almost a corollary of their one-hit nature. Among the intergenic mutations too, however, there was a class of aberrations that were independent of intensity and so thought to be irreparable. These were the one-break as opposed to two-break aberrations. Recently, however, we have had to modify our thinking in regard to the reparability of one-hit events both for point mutations and gross chromosome rearrangements. 62) Waltgen first performed studies on UV Induced mutagenesis in E. coli. that showed that the final fixation of the mutation did not occur at the time of irradiation. Although the mutations increased linearly with dose, the post-irradiation environment of the bacterial cells affected the numbers of recoverabir mutations. This was not caused by selection and waitgen postulated that the initial damage inflicted upon the gene was a pre-mutational damage that was converted to a final mutation at some later time. According to this concept, at least a part of the action of radiation on genes 18 to cause a one-hit latent effect. This later effect can be dissipated or repaired without giving rise to a mutation. Kimball soon found that a similar repair occurred for one-hit/810w growth and lethal mutations induced in paramecium by x-rays. His work, as Witkin well as that of what they can, indicated that the period of latency could exist until the cell synthesized DNA. From that point on, all damage that was not repaired was converted to true mutation. There experiments all indicated that the pre-mutagenic lesion is in DNA; the nature of the repair process that dissipates the lesion, however, is still elusive. : Although experiments with mature mouse sperm fail to show any dose intensity effects, experiments by Russell showed that fewer mutations were included - : .. - WARS * . 12 1 RI . - spermatogonia when the intensity of x-rays was lowered from 90r/min to Str. indi 1963) C.009r/min. The frequency did not drop at a lower rates. A similar intensity effect was found when mouse ovcités were irradiated. Russell has ruled out cell selection as being the cause of his intensity effect and he favors the interpretation that the decreased frequency of mutation at lower intensities is the result of true intracellular repair processes. He has also found, however, that dose fractionation does not give the same qualitative results in spermatogonia as does lowering the intensity, 1.e., when the dose was fractionated, the yield went up instead of down. This has indicated that there may be shifts in cell sensitivity to radiation.much as we know occur for chromosome breakage throughout S and Gg. Thus, if the dose is not given instantaneously, the yield could either go up or down according to the sensitivity of the genes at the moment irradiated. Such a rapid change in (1961) sensitivity has been observed by Tacima et alin'studies on induced mutagenesis in silkworms. Thus, although the results on mammals and silkworms in the main fit the concepts of intracellular repair of premutagenic damage, effects caused by changes in stage sensitivity remain to be ruled out. Yields of one-hit chromos me aberrations too seem to be affected by repair. Brewen has found the yield of chromatid aberrations induced in the corniplepithelium of Chinese hamster increases if a post- irradiation treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors 18 administered. This has been interpreted as being a similar phenomenon to that observed above in the dose fractionation experiments with protein synthesis inhibitors; that 18, that repair requires protein synthesis and that if repair 18 Inhibited, less restitution will occur and the yield of aberrations will increase. In experiments on Gy cells (chromosome aberrations) or Vicia faba, however, we .. . Mina WAV . : : > yield. . have never found inhibition to increase the yield after but a single dose which has led us to postulate that it is the number of breaks in the cell concurrently and not the time that they remain open that affects the yield. " in finale carrossenestorid Brewen has shown that when S and Gg cells (chromatid aberrations) of Vicia faba are studied the apparent difference is a reflection of the fact that S and G, are not uniformly sensitive to the radiation. Thus, he thinks that in Vicia, at least, protein synthesis inhibitors affect mitotic rates so that at any given time after x-irradiation, a different population of cells are 1 Thischenne in scored if an inhibitor was given. An arrival of cells at metaphase could increase the yield of chromatid aberrations as we have found to be the case 10.! .Opin/76.31 when far-red radiation is given with x-rays." Yleid from G, cells which show uniform sensitivity to x-rays would not be subject to changes caused by mitotic delays and reversion. Although we feel confident that post-irradiation treatments after a single dose do not affect the yield of chromatid aberrations in Vicia faba root tips, Brewen's original interpretation of his results in Chinese hamster might still be valid. Kirby-Smith has found, for instance, that a low dose 1 of ultraviolet radiation to dry Tradescantia pollen grains that are all in the same stage can greatly increase the yield of chromatid breaks induced by very low doses of x-rays. He has postulated that the reason for the synergism is that "UV results in the inactivation or inhibition of chromosome rejoining mechanisms in accordance with the ideas by Wolff". Under such circumstances X-ray induced primary breaks that ordinarily restitute become available for aberratior: formation. Bailey and I habien ) have performed an experiment on chromatia pollen grains aberrations induced in Tradescantia tuletospores that is consistent with this interpretation. We irradiated with either x-rays or ultraviolet radiation RE - . LE . castruction dry Tradescantia pollen grains and then søwed these on agaflides with and without chloramphenicol (to inhibit protein synthesis). Post-Irradiation treatment with chloramphenicol increased the yield of x-ray but not of UV induced chromatid aberrations. If chloramphenicol inhibits rejoining, as it does in Vicia, then we find that such an inhibition has increased the yield after a single dose much as was found in Brewen's experiment on hamster cells. With Tradescantia pollen grainş, however, there 18 no question of differential stage sensitivity and mitotic delays affecting the results because the cells are all in the same stage when x-rayed. This experiment also slowed no effect of chloramphenicol after ultraviolet radiation which is to be expected 1f Kirby-Smith was correct in postulating that w Itself inhibits the repair mendab e in TR process. th chancesinin artists Conclusions fudendo! In summary, let me say that contrary to early results in radiation t amantate the same wi genetics, results are now being obtained that indicate intracellular repair moine dimentica the maintained in this content 2 of one-hit genetic lesions, capucccur. In some of these cases, however, other explanations have not/unequivocally been miled out. For instance, we must make sure that stage sensitivity differences coupled with mitotic delays and reversions and even cell selection do not obscure the results. Our position is somewhat clearer in regard to two-hit intergenic mutations. These have long been known to undergo restitutional repair. By the use of dose fractionation techniques, we have been able to separatetty effect repair from breakage and by inhibiting various metabolic processes between two doses of radiation, have been able to gain some insight into cheroneal Which of the processes the involved in repair. care . bertandandi Wh Bailey, P. C. and S. Wolff 1964 A comparison of x-ray and ultraviolet- induced aberrations in pollen tube chromosomes of Tradescantia. II Influence of protein synthesis inhibition. Rad. Bot. (in press). sind eiendommentarii recente Bell, S. and S. Wolff 1964 Studies on the mechanism of the effect of fluorodeoxyuridine on chromosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US 51 195-202. sen Brewen, J. G. 1963 Dependence on frequency of x-ray-induced chromosome aberrations on dose rate in the Chinese Hamster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US 50 322-329. Evan, H. J. and D. Scott 1964 Influence of DNA synthesis on the production of chromatid aberrations by x-rays and maleihydrazide in Vicia faba. 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KA minim TABLE 1 The effect of protein synthesis inhibitors on chromosome break rejoining Interval Expected aberracion yield Dose 1 (r; in vacuo) Dose 2 (r) Twochie aberration yield per 100 cells observed Time Treatment Wich rejoining Without rejoining 600 600 75 min. H,0 75 mio. . Chlorom. 75 min. H,0 75 min. Chloram. 75 min. H,O 75 min. Chloram. 300 300 10.0 * 1.8 9.3 # 1.8 9.7 11.9 10.3 +1.9 25.9 #2.4 37.3 * 3.6 07 600 300 300 19.7 19.7 39.3 39.3 ...ALLA omen W میکنند Ft WA TABLE 2 .. Effect of Chloramphenicol on Incorporation of H-Lysine into Nuclei of Vicia faba Root Tips Ave No. Grains Dose (~) Chloramphenicol Nucleus On 1 23.4 + 12.8 I 21.7 . 1000 + 14.3 1 Out - TABLE Y 3 RESULTS OF X-RAY DOSE FRACTIONATION STUDIES WITH VARIOUS TREATMENTS BETWEEN DOS ES Observed no. 1080 in vacuum DOSO II in air 90 min treatment betweon doses Expected yiold ir the two fractions aro additive 2-bit aberrations per 100 cells Expected yield with complete interaction' aberrations 600 *000 100 Coro sove 33.3 12.3 300 · novo Dono Doa 600 300 45.0 45.6 85.9 22.7 sont 300 16.7 DOO 20.0 00.0 73.1 300 . 39.7 38.4 10-5 Muridine 10-5 Muridine 20-5 Muridine 20-5 M FUAR + 10-5 M uridine 10-5 N FUAR + 10-5 Muridine 2005 M FUAR + 10-5 Muridine 35.7 00.0 300 13.7 20.0 00.0 300 51.7 49.4 93.5 *300 cells were scored for all treatments. tmethod of Wolff and Atwood 25, (Vyield 1 + Vyield 2)2. TABLE W Erreot of fuar on the Incorporation of in-deoxyoytidine into DNA of Vioia faba Root Tips .21 . 1 Tabloul. Effoct of chloramphenicol on X-ray- and UV-induced oborrarlons In pollon tube chromosomos of Tradescantia paludosa Exposure Inhibitor prosent Por cont No. chromatid colls dolotions por normal 100 colls No. isos chromatld breaks per 100 calls Total aberrations por 100 colls X-ray (r) 100 None ST00 100 200 None Chloramphenicol None 100 B 68 6 10 21 13 18 28 17 28 29 200 Nono 200 Chloramphonicol 43 R11 UV (ergs/cm2) 5 X 105 None 92 5x105 Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol % 96 1x106 74 ! 3 i 22 to .33 . Nono 1 X 106 Chloramphenicol 81 1,3 11 - - - - TAS 1 . i ni Y . 2 I . . :. سعتنمنننيمعصیتنسينسحسععمعطنمفهننننننننننننننننننسس و ا ل ا ا ا " / . مهم ام ۱: ا 4 وات 1 / 1 . . .. و د م الاجه .. .. " ان . . ,۳ ,WID همه ۴۰ . . . . . . همه و (68) . . . . . . . . . . ، . . ه " .. .. .. .. سهاد سن ما Iq!S!.. u0!! 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