UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 447 OR Nhule yum *:; - : 2 ASTER DETERMINATION Q MUCLIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN SOLUTIONS CONTAINING LOW LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVITY BY LEAST-SQUARES RESOLUTION OF THIS GAMU-RAY SPECTRA" E. Schonfeld A. &. Kibbey W. Davis, Jr. --- -LEGAL NOTICE ------ ni rupan moman » H K of wom a n Mati hew Now, we the minute, www na wengi wa M CMONO A. Waun umrman manuum, m nd, 1 moldes dhe or may, or, totalme a m ma bind the impon. * My Mannen, want, and, men ha roon sila niring mtrol, n am . Are un menu mu mert the heat. ur thong bago nung trma he the way where the mande, omka, w permet au mond naimport. mayno no tenim med mer om den dant to payne o rin at the Comu, w e met within the name, Moduk, » MI play wul marinha To be presented at the "Sighth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology," to be held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 6-8, 1964. Research sponsored by the 0.8. Atanic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. 2 7 ! T . ABSTRACT Carmen-ray spectrun resolution, « rapid, cheap pothod for determining the ndionuclide content of solutions, was tested for use in studies of processes concerned with the decontamination of waste water containing only 102 to 10% wuc of radionuclides per liter. Tosta, with two multichannel spectrometers, and Assocated data analyses by the method of least squares, were made with solutions of boco, 855r, lice, and 144ce added as tracero to water containing gºer, 95zr-Mo, LORu, 134cs, and 137C8. The lowest concentration of radioactivity was about one- tenth of the lovest value previously determined by this technique. Some of the solutions were concentrated by evaporation by factors up to 20 to evaluate this feature for improving accuracies of analyses. For comparison, the solutions were also analyzed by standard radiochemical Dethode. Agreement between the two methods was excellent for con sr for concentrations down to about 500 muc/11ter (scatter of t5 to 20%). Agreement between the two methods was good for C8 at activities down to 3000 to 4000 muc/liter comparative values from the two methods difered by factors of 5 to 10 for 4*ce except at activities above 5000 wc/liter. More dilute solutions were successfully analyzed only if they were first concentrated by evaporation. Because of large statistical fluctuations at "U Ru concentrations no bigb 18 1000 to 2000 vuc/liter, no particular significance can de given to the data for this nuclide. Several contributions to the thematical techniques of govery spectrum resolution are reported. These include: data showing that gaib süifts up to 5$, and threshold shifts of two cišannels, can be accurately handled by a computer program; resolution of the errors of concentration estimates into contributions by various kind and the various radioactive species present; and use of chi-square to test the ovenll relability of the multichannel spretrunter. page 3 deleted - was ristred for * table of contents. INTRODUCTION 1 . One by-product of some nuclear-energy installations 18 slightly radioactive process water, produced in such large volumes (hundreds of thousando to millions of gallons a day) that disposal to the environment is an economia neccosity. However, such disposal can be permitted only if the concentrations of biologically hazardoue auclides (such as posr and +31Co) do not exceed certain maximum permis- ofble values defined by the V.8. Public Health Service. To quote, for example, "When 220Ra and Sofr concentrations do not exceed 3 and 10 wuc/liter, water supplies shall be approved without consideration of other sources of intake of these radio- active materials." If these maximum permissible concentrations are exceeded, then the water must be decontaminated to a level that permite safe disposal. At CRNL buch decontamination 18 partly achieved by a conventional line-soda process fol. loved by dilution in the Clinch River, which further serves to reduce the concen- tration of contaminants. The goal is to decontaminate such waste water to extremely low levels prior to its disposal, not depending on dilution by surface or ground water. Thus, the new processes for decontaminating large volumes of blightly radioactive water have been under study at CRNL for a number of years. These methods include sorp- tion of the radioactivity on naturlly occurring ion exchange materials,' on organic ion exchangers in fixed-bed", and moving-bedº processes, and by foam separation.' The test water may be tap water to which radioactive tracers are added, or actual proce88 vaste water to which tracers may or may not be added. The efficiency of a process for removing a radioactive auclide frou water 18 calculated from aumerical values of the concentration of this radioactivity entering and leaving the process. In common with most process development work, then, the rate at and the extent to which the process variables are tested will depend on the speed and cost of the analytical results -- in this case, ndiochemical analyses, which can in some instances be replaced by a faster and cheaper wethod. The first purpose of the present report is to describe the results of multi- channel gamma-ray spectrometry and associated spectrum-resolution tachniques for "WYTYT T WICE determining the concentrations of cach of five to eight nuclides when individual concentrations are in the range 10% to 105 wo/liter. Canna-ray spectrometry 15 Past and cheap for such activity levels because counting times are only 5 to 20 min, and sample handling is limited to concentrition hy evaporation. Radionuolide con- centrations obtained with standard, yet costlier and more tedious, radiochemical methods used at CRNL are also presented to show the probable absence of bias in the spectrum-resolution calculations. The second purpose de to describe extensions we have made to existing mathe- matical techniques for estimating the uncertainties of concentratioüs of gamma- ray emitters by spectral resolution. These extensions, particularly to the work of Salmon, "º include further study of the effects of the following: gain and threshold shifts, the presence of unexpected nuclides, and the prerence of short- lived nuclidee. The extensi.one also include a method for estimating the contribution of background and the activity of all other nuclides to the un- certainty of the activity of a selected nuclide, and the use of chi-square as an overall equipment test. EXPERIMENTAL Procedure and Description of Sanyoles The procedure for obtaining • gamma-ray spectrum consisted in placing 100 ml of the radioactive solution in a pint-size polyethylene bottle, in turn placing the bottle in a polyethylene bag, and thence on top of a 3- X 3-in. NaI crystal. After closing the lead shield in which the crystal was contained, the sample was counted for 5 to 20 min with a 200- or 256-channel gamma-ray spectrometer. An additional step with many of the samples (because much of the radioactivity was removed from the water in the sludge and foam columo) was evaporation of 500 to : 2500 ml of solution down to 100 ml, this 100 ml then being placed in the polyethylene bottle for counting. Concentration by evaporation 18 a cheap way of further 10- creasing the accuracy of estimates of radioactivity. Ivo types of aqueous solution were used in these studies: (1) samples takea 1 during operation of a laboratory unit (for decontaminating actual process waste water) consisting of a suspended-bed sludge column followed by a town separation column', and (2) synethtic aqueous solut tops. Solutions from the laboratory equipment consisted of the feed water, unfiltered and f!lterod water from the sludge column, and unfiltered and filtered water from the town column. The radio- chemical content of the food water, made by adding tracer nuclides to process waste water, 16 given in Table in The second type of onlution was syrithesized from tap water and radioactive tracers. These solutions, also as 100-mal volumes in pint polyethylene bottles, were used to study several of the variables associated with multichannel garma- ray spectrometer operation and the subsequent results of spectrum resolutia. A solution containing boco, JUORU, 237C8, and 144ce, cach approximately at the level of 0.5 uc/11ter, was used to study the effects of threshold and gain shifts on subsequent spectrum resolution. Spectra from this solution were used to study the computational consequences of assuming that only three of the four puclidee were present. Four solutions, whose radiochemical content are given in Table 2, que were used in studies of spectrum resolution of short-lived auclides. 1 Radiochemical Analyses Used for Calibrating Spectral Resolution As mentioned previously, evaluation of the spectral resolution method 18 based partly on a comparison with results of other methods that are more or less standard at ORNL. Thus, boco, 098r, and 137C8 activities were obtained by compari- son of areas under the gamma-ray photopeake for the samples at 1.33, 0.51, and 0.66 Mev, respectively, with those for standards of equal or greater activity. These calculations (manual stripping) involved manual estimation of areas and corrections for contributions by the other nuclides in a manner such as that described by Heach. 11 Zirconium, ruthenium, and cerium were determined by beta counting after ap- propriate chemical separations. Zirconium was precipitated as the mandelate and counted after drying instead of being precipitated with cupferron and counted arter ignition to Zroz, as described in the standard procedure. . Table 1. Radioactivity in Process Waste Water from the Laboratory-Tost Equipment' Activity Activity in Added 48 Waste Wate Tracer (818 min 2-1) (ais min2-2) Final Feed Activity (tuc/liter) Lovest Activity (wc/liter) Nuclide 360 6000 85.gr : 9528-NO0 106Ru : 13466 3 to 10 N11 to 0.6 0 to 3 50 to 1000 None None 3,000 to 5,700 20,000 to 450,000 0 to 300 0 to 1400 100 1,400 to 6,000 2,000 to 9,000 9,000 to 30,000 1.5 None 100 137 cm 3 to 14 1000 14tce None None 5 to 20 20 to 70 24th ce Trace Table 2. Activities in Solutions Containing Short-lived Nuclides Half- ble Initial Activity (uc/liter) No. of Photopeaks Nuclide 0.04 to 0.09 60 co 12 Go 1301 15.05 kr 5.3 yr 14.1 hr 12.5 hr 30 yr 64.8 bir 0.02 to 0.04 0.6 0.13 0.01 to 0.02 0.04 13708 • 198 au * . . .. S C . M 'T. . ... .. .. . L .... WIN I T L RESULTS Q SPECTRUM RESOLUTION COMPARED WITH THOSE FROM UBUAL RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSES The primary results of the first phase of this work are presented in Fig. 1 through 4 and in Table 3. In each of the figures, the concentration of a nuclide calculated from resolution of a gamma-ray spectrum is plotted against the concentra- tion obtained from the more usual radiochemical analyson, as described above. There are more than 80 pairs of points for each of these nuclides. Numerical values are for solutions as counted--that 18, after concentration by evaporation 18 such evaporation was performed. For the sake of clarity, standard deviations of results of spectrum rosolution (to be described below) are not plotted in these figures. Cobalt-60 From Fig. 1 it 18 apparent that agreement between the two methods for obtain- ing bºco activities 18 excellent for activities from 100 down to 1 die miami ? (45,000 to 450 wuc/liter). At the upper end of this range, the two methods agree within 5 to 10%; at the lower end, ponagreements are in the range of 10 to 30%. Strontium-85 Comparative data for $58r (Fig. 2) extend from more than 6000 down to about 0.4 dis min m2? (or down to about 200 wuc/liter). Agreement between the two methods for activities above 100 de min-m12 18 better (+2 or 3%) than we might have expected. In the activity range 10 to 100 dis minº-m2the spectrum resolu- tion values are about 10% below those obtained by manual-stripping comparison with 09gr standards, while for activities below about 3 di8 min 21 the spectrum- resolution values are about 15% above those obtained by manual stripping. We do not believe these differences need explanations beyond those residing in the un- certainties of the manual-stripping method (which are unknown) and the calculated · uncertainties of values from spectrum resolution. Cesium-137 Activities of 137C8 varied from about 200 to 7 d18 min-ba1-2 (F1g. 3). Agree- ment between spectrum-resolution values and those from manual-visual comparison (stripping) with standard solutions 18 good at activities above 20 dis min-m1°+; at lover activities the spectru resolution values are lover by about 50% than those obtained by stripping. Although this discrepancy has not been analyzed in 1.- -.. .- * - -:... s**--Lan: * . CO. FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, counts minimi ACTIVITY OF 6°C FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, dis min-mi"! . = *.•: ACTIVITY OF . + 1 : 4 0 2x ACTIVITY OF O CO BY MANUAL-STRIPPING COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS, dis minº'mi"! Fig. 1. Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Content of a Solution. Co . . . .. ... ! 4,6 . L i . . mini .. . . ACTIVITY OF ST FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, dis min' mla! ACTIVITY OF ST FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, counts min-'m1! · ! proseso .. ACTIVITY OF 885r BY MANUAL-STRIPPING COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS, dis minimi rogramowanie na.. .... ..................... . . cream ever........ Fig. 2. Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Sr Content of a Solution. »TA R ri Yu 11. , 4 . ) Y . . T . . .. . . . . ani .. . fonction 10 . " **... En :. ACTIVITY OF 13 CS FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, dis minimal .:: ACTIVITY OF WCS FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, counts min min 42 ' . I ACTIVITY OF 13% GO BY MANUAL-STRIPPING COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS, dis minimio! . ei .- 112 Fig. 3. Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Content of a Solution. . püs ta 2. WA . . ACTIVITY OF "CO FROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, dis min mla! 2016 . C 2 . .. with .. Content of a Solution. Fig. 4. Comparison of Two Mothods for Estimating the co ACTIVITY OF MA CO BY BETA COUNTING, dis mind mind Urs ** SNS outu. TE <. . . . . ******** ; ACTIVITY OF 144 CFROM SPECTRUM RESOLUTION, counts min. 'mt WA Table 3. The Estimated Standard deviation of the Isotopic Ratio is Consistent by Two Different Methods Average Average Ratio. . Standard Standard Ratie. Standard 13700/136C8 Deviation 1* Deviation 26 lkce/lce Deviation 1 8.92 2.45 2.26 2.7 2.1 standard deviation of each measurement. Average standard deviation of the isotopic ratio. Standard Deviation 26 2.6 ...... detall, it is probable that it is due in part to the large interference by the 0.51-Mev photopeak of Ssr in the manual-visual estimation of the counting site at the 0.66-Nev photopeak of 137cs. Cerium-; Activities of luce extended from 500 down to about 0. dis nou (Fig. 4). Here, agreement between the radiochemical beta-counting estimates of activity and 1 those from gamma-ray spectrum resolution are not entirely satisfactory. In most cases, the value of 1*ce activity from spectrum resolution 18 higher than that fron beta counting. The ratio of the two values 18 about 1.2 at the high end of the activity range, but it increases to about 5 at the low end. Uatil solutions of known radiochemical content have been analyzed by the two method, it will not be possible to explain these results with 144ce. Such comparisons are now in progress. Other Radioactive Elements Four other radioactive nuclides or nuclide pairs were present in these solutions, namely, 952r-Mo, 100 Ru-Rh, 134c8, and 141ce. With the exception of 134c8, none of these could be determined with much accuracy by spectrum resolution, nor by beta counting after radiochemical separation in the cases of 95zr-ND and LoRu-Rh. Thus, the results are primarily of use indicating the magnitude of activities that are too low to measure. Activities of >2r-Mo (arter concentration by evaporation) were in the range 0 to 2.6 dis nine-2 according to beta counting and 0 to 3.7 als un 21-2 according 2 OVA . . . . DYN * 2. - 19 1 to spectrum resolution. In all cases this muclide combination contributed 2088 than 5% of the total activity; in many 1t contributed less than 0.1%. Generally speaking, there was agreement (a factor of 2 or more) between the düd ethods of analysis even at the upper end of the activity range. On this basis, values of activities of 95zr-Nd below about 3 d1s mio ?, in solutions described in this report, should not be given serious consideration, whether determined by beta counting after radiochemical separation or by gamma-ray- spectrum resolution, 1f this activity constitutes only a few percent of the total. The situation is much the same for to Ru, which contributed a maximum of 12% of the total activity, although this was at most 15.5 dis ma-n10% according to beta counting after radiochemical separation. At these levels of concentra- tion and activity, the uncertainty of the value of LºRu 18 at least as large as 110 die min 22% Two nuclides, 234C8 and 141ce, were determined by spectrum resolu- tion Bence, the meaning of a value of the concentration of one of these can be discussed only in terms of a ratio, such as +37C8/134c8 and 14*ce/14-ce. These ratios, which should be the same for all samples of each of the three laboratory experiments, are 8.9 and 2.7, respectively (Table 3). The uncertainty of the S1C8/+s4C8 ratio 18 about 25% of the value. This 18 a reasonably low value in view of the fact that 134c8 contributes only about 11% as much activity as does 137C8. By comparison with Fig. 3 it may be seen that activities of 134cs in these solutions were as low 48 1 die miami. . The uncertainty of the ratio +ce/14-ce 18 nearly as large as the ratio Itself (Table 3). Since the 14-ce activity 18 only 1/2.7 of that of 144ce, compari- son with Fig. ' shows that 14-ce contributed only a few disintegrations per minute per mill1liter to the total activity, or only a few percent of the total activity. Thus, the available data indicate that the lower limit of +4dce activity that can be estimated with an uncertainty less than the estimate 18 2 to 5 dis nin 222, or 1000 to 2500 wc/1$ for solutions such as we have tested. . WWW. m." 14 ARY Pirut IANY LM EN 22 KATY *** V 16 DATA AMLYSIS Basic Concepts and Equations The mathematical equations used in spectrum resolution by the methods of least-squares have been presented many times. Since we will be extending the techniques of error analysis, it 18 first necessary to summarize the basic concepts and equations. Consider a standard sample (of solution, in our studies) containing a known quantity of the gamma-ray emitter ] (10 disintegrations per minute per milliliter, for example). We mount the sample appropriately in a lead shield that contains a scintillation detector that is connected to a multichannel analyzer. During an elapsed time interval ®, we collect $y counts on channel 1, Say counts on : channel 2, and, more generally, $ counts on channel 1. These counts are contributed partly by the sample and partly by background radiation. Before or after collecting counts from this standard we count the background during an elapsed time on (which may or may not differ from @y) and collect counts on channel 1. Similarly, we mount and count separately the standard samples of all gamma-ray-emitting nuclides in which we are interested. Finally, we mount and count (under conditions identical with those used for the standards) a sample that contains unknown quantities of some or all of the standard nuclides. This sample of unknown composition 18 counted for an elapsed time t, during which za counts are collected on channel i. The corresponding background counting interval 18 t, and the number of background counts on channel 1 18 z. If there have been no changes in the background radiation intensity or in the operating characteristics of the electronic components of our multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer during the time required to perform all these counting operations2 - specifically, if gamma-ray energy vs channel number and sensitivity ve channel number bave remained invariant -- then the counting rate (counts per unit time) due to standard j on channel 1 18 : Ca. .." 16:19 ! v MLA YA Ei * . i . LES 1 .... KL. . MY NYT . 72 SWA 18 Similarly, the counting rate due to radioactive puclides in the sample of unknown composition is : 2 . The tern X, 18 the sum of counting rates of all radioactive buclides that can activate the detector (NoI crystal); that 16, (3) .. where x,, is the counting rata in channel 1 due to radiation from nuclide 3. One requirement of the following least-squares analys18 18 that the relative uncertainty 10 au 18 less than that of x. Whether we really know the absolute activity of the standard samples or not, the process of resolving a spectrum requires that we express the quantity of nuclide j in a sample of unknown composition in terms of the standard for puclide j. Thus, the resolution process reduces to calculating the quantity : mi the ratio of concentration of nuclide 3 in the unknown to the concentration in the standard J. This applies to all channels 15 15a of the spectrometer. By combining Eqs. (3) and (4) we obtaio o equations in he unknown quantities me, where o vill generally be 100 (channels) or greater, and h will be in the range I to 20 (nuclides). . *114,3 + 0,202 + €133 +...+15* , *214 * 222 +233 + ... + detay + baths + 42363 +...+ and the en (5) ............ .. . . ... ... TY , . als :. . in med Here, f, 18 the expected value of xj,and, more generally, f4 18 the expected value of xq : Sources of Error Equation (5) applies only to the ideal case wherein the electronic equipment of the gamma-ray spectrometer remains perfectly stable during the whole period required to perform a series of countings. In terms of the familiar plot of the Le energy of maximum 1.ntensity of a photopeas vs channel number( Fig. 5) this perfect stability corresponds to the situation wherein both intercept and slope remain constant. The intercept of the line through the data with the "channel a umber" axis (that 18, the threshola) need not be at channel number 0. Unfortunately, the electronic equipment does not have this ideal stability Instead there are changes in the threshold and in the variation of energy with channel number. One instrument we used showed a 40.5 channel change in threshold, and a 10.5, gain (percentage change in energy per channel), during wf-day period. We consider these to be indicative of very good stability. The spectrometer used for counting the eighty-odd process water samples showed threshold changes of +0.5 . channels and +1.5% gain shift during an 8- hr period; a spectrometer used for counting solutions containing short-lived nuclides showed threshold changes of #1.5 channels and +1.5% gain shift in 8 br. All these values were calculated as part of the resolution of the various spectra. In addition to these small gain and threshold shifts, for which, as described below, we make appropriate corrections in the computer program, there are several mechanical problems involved in the transfer of counting data from the spectrometer memory to magnetic tape for use in the computer. There 18 also the problem of determining whether there are short-term instabilities in the electronic equipment. 18 Fig. 5. Gamma-Ray Energy vs. Channel Number (RCL Spectrometer and a 1/4-in. Beryllium Absorber ----..................................................... ....... ----------...--........ A .. isotope Sr-85 Cs-137 Cs-134 Peak % Efficiency Channel Energy Channels No. (mev) 16 to 200) 52.2 0.51 12.40 66.6 0.667 9.50 61.0 0.601 22.1 80.6 0.794 118.5 1.17 17.5 .. · 133.8 1.33 52.2 4.42 14.1 0.134. 3.195 15.2 0.145 8.07 75.5 0.75 9.88 Co-60 Ru-106 Ce-144 Co-141 Zr-Nb-95 -- . . . GAMMA-RAY ENERGY Zr-Nb AICO . ºf go º co so , rồo tao ra ... . CHANNEL NUMBER OMBER.. . " . 9 . 9 ** 2. CRO14 Short-Term Instabilities. The chi-square test++ provides a quantitative statement » concerning the short-term stability of a multichannel analyzer, although there is a lapse of several hours from the end of the counting operation until computer output 18 available. To use this test, we take 15 successive counts of the same sample and then for each channel calculate the quantity, ! ops .. ..! x? malam • · Both this and the summation of x over all channels provide quantitative information on instrument stability at the time of measurement. Mechanical Problems with Paper Tape At present, our most serious problems are associated with the transfer of data from spectrometer to computer. This transfer involves several steps. First, the spectrometer controls a paper punch whereby the channel-by-channel counting data are listed as bloctal punches on a (black) paper tape. Second, a master paper tape (MPT)+) of the CDC 160-A assembly system (OSAS-A) and then the tape of counting data are fed into the 160-A assembly system. This operation generates a magnetic tape and a paper listing of the data (channel by channel) and printed statements giving channel numbers and the natures of any errors in the paper tape. These might be parity errors or mis-punch errors. An example of the latter would be a punch of 10675 counts when the correct value 18 00675 counts. If there are no errors, the magnetic tape is ready for use in the spectrum-resolution program. However, our present experience shows that there will be an error in the punching of data on paper tape in at least channel of 1 to 10% & card deck of the data, in binary-coded decimal (BCD). Any card containing erroneous data, as shown by error statements on the printed list, 18 reproduced, manually, where correct and punched correctly where incorrect. The resulting corrected data deck is inserted appropriately into the binary or FORTRAN deck of the spectrum - resolution program, which 18 then executed. . I T . 10. LU KUSI MNO) .KNYA ! . . ! W J TUL A " En. . S.. " *O sein. 1 ! Vole NW . . TT CY I . YA ZADANYAKN . . ... 2. VAATA . --- .... + + : : 20 :- : - .... : ; T . - 1 !, - - - - Correcting for Gain and Threshold Shifts A geometrical representation of gamma-ray energy channel number with greatly exaggerated shifts in threshold and gain 18 shown in Fig. 6 , wherein the superscript s refers to standard samples. This figure shows the energy for channel 1 to be Es, the energy for the channel of highest number (n) to he E, the energy of any channel 1 to be E, and the threshold channel to be nø, However, when the sample 18 counted, the let and oth channels correspond to energies E, and E., the threshold has shifted to channel n, and the channel corresponding to energy Bhas shifted from 1 to 1, and the gain, instead of remaining 1.0000, bas become : al · The definitions above. Abe summarized by the two linear equations, one for : sample and one for standard; 788234 ра (9) From a straight-forward application of Eq8. (8) and (9) we obtain an expression for the shift in the number of channels at channel i in terms of. F and the two threshold channels, n and nº, namely;' .(06) - (F - 1) ( 1 40-1.90 4-mythe 79) + (n - )%. deceased (10) .. ^ . , - . .. " A " W ..die mond os.. .. ....... ... .. Fig. 6. Schematic Representation of Gamma-ray Energy vs. Channel Number Under Conditions of Different Threshold and Gain. . - - -- MDPOINT ENERGY OF CHANNEL (mev) ma.com - CHANNEL NUMBER The time interval between counting a standard and its background, or between counting a sample and its background, was small. Therefore, we assumed that there and its background. This assumption need not be ade 11 it is not reasonable since the geometry described above can be used to make any necessary corrections. In our studies the only necessary corrections were between standards and suples in many cases several days, between counting standards and counting Bemples. The effect of gain and threshold shifts on counting rates in specific channels can be expressed by terms represented in Fig. Thus, the set counting rate (background subtracted) observed for a sample la channel 1 is y, (Eq. (2)), whereas 18 do gala and threshold shirts had occurred it would have been xg, which we may express as : 1707 24 48 nel com (11) Now the term (6-1) has already been given 1o Eq. (10), while the derivative ter of Eq. (u) 18 approximated, numerically, o 28 : Equation (u) then becomes : ***Todas las comp 23 Flo. 7. Change in Location of Gamma-ray Spectrum Due to Threshold and Goin Changes themises (ben) COUNTING RATE, BACKGROUND SUBTRACTED Observed Expected if no :) poln or threshold shifts occur 1. ! CHANNEL NUMBER This equation contains thrve unknown parameters, namely, P, n, and n'. We evaluate go by sitting data od standards for photopouk onerky ve channel number EA. (9), w shown in Figs. 5 and 6, and then calculate (14) With threshold and said shifts, the expected value of x0 novely to 18 no longer given by Eq. (15). Instead, by combining Eqs. (5) and (13) ve obtalo : ya ... [14) (46) #2) cofin)-4) spoty a oy our family me" +62 9 was....[lefty) is a 1 * * * . For convenience in writing and in computer programming we define the (n+1) variable and parameter as (16) (17) ve define the (2+2) Variable and parameter as "i(2+2) (18) and (hee) - ches. (19) Thus, Eq8. (15) become of the same form ab Eq • (5) but contain a summation of k (equal to h+2) terms instead of h, whure h 18 the number of different gamma-ray- emitting nuclides in the sample under consideration. These n equations (n channels) in the k (equal to h42) unknown quantities (b auclides plus gain and threshold shirts) are expressed in the same terminology 48 used by Cramér." Thus, the expected value of x, 16 : E (x) .fi (20) and the variance Bay) (21) r . . ..... where p, 18 a weighting factor for the counts collected on channel 1, and of and I, are unknown. As shown by Rainwater and Wy, the weighting factor for a single term such as $29 18 simply equal to $4.. Since ay is a difference in counting rates, we have: WALL- (22) The limitation is that the probability that any particular atau vill disintegrate during the counting period io very small. 12 Equations used in the analysis of data to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of , and other parameters are, from Cronér,7 m follower minimum. where r and 8 may take all values 1, 2, ..., ko The normal equations of the problem are : $11% + bl2m2 + ... + ban than a ....... (25) " + bretz + ... + bung The determinant B 1o defined as: pu $22... by bki oka ... Pick (26) 1 : Bro 18 the cofactor of element Drone Then the maximum likelihood estimate of m, 18 unbiased : The variance of * 16: . and the maximum likelihood estimate o and the maximum likelihood estimate c*? of the variance of fit, of, 10 : pamo, ** 3,247 variance of fit, where The true value of m at the standard confidence level 18 then : and the variance D? (wa) - orzec . . 4 EVALUATION OF ACCURACY AND ERRORA Many tests wore made with solutions of known and unknown radiochanical com position (EXPERIMENTAL section) in attempts to evaluste the accuracy with which gamma-ray spectra are renolved according to equations presented above. These equations woro programmed for excoution with a CDC-1604 computer. In the fol- lowing paragraphs we present examples of the speed of convergence of the computer program, of the accuracy of analysis, of the use or the chi-square tost, and of errors that result from not correcting for gain and threshold shifts. . Convergence of the Computer Prosram The normal equations, EqN. (25), are linear in the parameters. For this reason, values of my thay, o .., are obtained very readily with a computer. However, the fact that Eq. (12) 16 only approximately correct means that the first-order approximation. As a result, the first computed values of the m,'s may be in error, in which case successive iterations are necessary. The first iteration consists in calculating a first-approximation spectrum from the ob- served spectrum by use of the first estimates of gain and threshold shifts. By comparison with the standards, this first-approximation spectrum is used to obtain a second estimate of gain and threshold shifts. The possibility of error in Eq. (12) was tested by counting a sample con- taining 60co, 200 Ru, 237C8, and "*ce (paragraph of EXPERIMENTAL) five times. The first count data (on a 256 channel analyzer) were taken with gain and threshold at reference values; the succeeding four counts were taken without threshold shift but with -7.3%, -4.0%, +3.0%, and +6.7% gain changes. The chi-square values for each spectrum :) show that the best estimates of parameters were not obtained on the first iteration. The shift of +3.04 required a second iteration, and the shift of -7.3% e fifth iteration. It may be noted that for +3.0 and 4.0% salo-shifts, the final viulue of x2 16 about 250, namely, approximately equal to the ....... Whe r wereld. Fig. 8. Gain and Throshold Shift Correction by Successivo Approximation, ki 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MATION ITTIITT H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UUNII GODINE 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000DINIIIIIIIIIIIIII ILLIITTIIDU TUILDIUTID "IMIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTITNI ITUUTTI IIIIIIII MMINTIMIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILUUTIUITITIUITUT TUNINNI IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII TINI w I 1 C C IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TUIN TTITTTTTTTIIIITID MITIMINENTIDMINIVIDUUT 1000DMINI WUDITITITII TUTTO IIIIIMIITMINIMITI MmmW NUTITTINTITITIMIT NIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIIIMIITTIINIUUUUUUUUUU TTTIIIIIII TOTIU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUO TIIUINITUITITITI IITUI MUNTII UNTIIINU WINNIITIT UNTUNITIUTITIT NIMU CHI-SQUARE INDI 11 DI UININIT DITTUU OTTOTITTITUTT M IIIIIII TWITTUUNIT LUIUIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU mmmmmMMITTINTI VITIMINTTM Gain Gain INUL Gain RUSINI. +3.0% hunt -4.0% H IN, +6.7% INII Goin WHITINI HUN -7 IIIIIITTTTTT MUUTUU TUUNIT MITIMIN NUBIUM WILO ROPA MINIUM NOTITIUUUUUUUUUU Nd00op VIII I IIIIIIIIII . U OIIIIIIIII 2 (Threshold Shift = 0.0 Channels) SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI MUUDUTUMIUI LLISIIlIlIlI919 PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIT. WIRDIDIT QITU 4110IITTI ITINITIMIT m niSIIIIIIIIIIIIIMUUTTU MUUT ITERATION NUMBER ITITMDIHIIT MINIUUIUILL ANTIITINIMITTIMIATTENTINITI UT Degrees of Freedon = 245 . ... MP. number of channels, as it should be, however, with shifts as large as 16.7% and -7.3%, A and not get below about 350. Thus, 17 gada shifto exceed about 15%, there'will be at least a small dies in the final (seventh) ostinates of paramotors. Cain and threshold-shift Corrections When gain' and threshold-shirt corrections are not included in the computer program, the effects on ye orx®/(*) are very dramatic, fig. • 'The quantity *lcalfi) should be about 1 1f there 18 no shifting of threshold or gain in the interval between ccunting standards and counting a sample. The spectrometer used in these tests yielded spectra withx 2/(-E) of about 500, with gain shirts of 15% for threshold shifts of -2 or +2 channels, the corresponding x®/(**) values were 37 and 90, respectively. Such large numbers indicate that the count- ing data do not fit the equations Eq. (5)] very well. The quantitative estimates of errors due to gain shifts are shown for one / solution in Fig. The spectrometer gain was shifted by -5% to +6%, after which the spectra were resolved three ways: (1) with no shift correction for gain; (2) with just the first approximation of moky) and in Eq. (25); (3) with ab . many iterations (a maximum of 5) in Eq. (25) as were' necessary to yield two suc- cessive values of xa that differed by less than 5%. It may be seen that computed values are in error by 10 to 60% when no correction is made for gain shift; when successive iterations are made (to a criterion, in this case, that Xe change by less than 5% on successive iterations), the error in the estimated quantity of nuclide present 18 less than 4% in the worst case (STCs at -5% gain, Fig. . lig 10. . . . . Reducing Uncertainties by_Increasing Counting Time . The variance of an estimate of a parameter me . 18 calculated according to Eq. (33); the standard deviation of mo namely 0(2), 18 obtained simply by taking the square root of DP (n). This uncertainty can be reduced by increasing the counting time, as shown in 718. for one of the samples of water from the " ww . ... - - : wala imm uiillii Uldunni inlillilu! Donu MUNDIT IL 1 Tinn. EEEE IUIDUAARI LUIT. ORDER .!!OTTTTTTT. min 11 w ITUIMMATTI MEIDDIMINUTIHTIMIT Ni! TTTIIIInmi RIMINIT MITRAT 1!1!1 BEINLADEDEBLEDELSE OTT::1:BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I C TTTT TMR2 11. BABES Lllllllllllll MUIHIN! ITIN Wilma :! Fig. 9. The Chi-Squoro Tost Shows Clearly the Occurrence of Gain or Threshold Shift in the Gamma-ray Spectromoter. Will el und WAT B udumi Imm!!! 1:1::!!i:10|!! idi. BIN TMT !! Til!!! lilin 11: 1 pit Pinnin 11.HU Wullum U mbullillll vitim t il: !!:)!! ! lllllllll W WW !!! AWADUIT LADOM UNIT LL RUIDO! MANUT WWW UHI TAMBUR .WllllUITT M010RAM INNIHIITTI 1: WilllllllllUIT .. MORTARILMIDUMIT !!!1!1Willilil LADA LOONTLIGEN 1. Tiilit Buil ANIMI du Uulill TommNHINOL B: MBOO HUR ANTHITOMI W w WllllllllUII WWWnNIITR I TO !11! MAT:10 MMUN BULUM UudulllilHILLAH!! TOM HIERAAD RINTIMNOM WumWllllll I :N AOITI ?. T ADA UPR ROHITIMU JUHHILli OBRO OMONT HDD11TUINDO TRANT Vidlik 1:1:1 till1!!! LH:::::il:ifi ilill } , 18 kuulllllll Ituiut IIT L udili 1000000 MMIII R AM Willlllllll tudi LUDE: BAADO OBRADODUIT L uludlulull IL: EN:11!!! will A OD Bm Di 0 min TAHM I .. .. LUDDIN DESNI ... no win m IDA100 THIOADA until II) DuoDARIO RITER ! !! Manu TIL A lisiin T:00 1100 !!!!! ! AOLOMA NINAHITI LUL 1!! ... ODDAMI TO DARIO0 2018 UUTINI T: wila 10 mobil DANT milli will PAA..HUHN REDMIHI Shillit RODRIUNIL di Badulllll 1. Ova Am AB !!1110mm! MUDIITOTT will WORD ANDMED ammlIlIIII A HAITI 00 INDIM RM20 DN di Mil DOHRI KOAHUILIN bediile:::11!1!1 ANNITUD *** T UM RUMITUN TERRIT: 117 M :11 ! BIMBULIS01E!! Oi! 40189 :10UWIIIII ARO 110 111 110 All AIOMBATTU O 06. Mull MURAD DIDINIUOOTBAA mim 180 MDAUTOT 1. UN TID AT 0.010DIRI ANII 1: IMP OT un Ulm IUI BADOO Inova! On HBA1002 BADOO AUNTARI DIBUNI mon UD BODO O ADVOUHODOB an. .MIN! 21970 OLO DILUIUITI a m TULUI DOWA Dom WID NA LARO 1701 ti o moim ulIlIlII willinmormaiiD.HUN !! 110 HOUD DAN M.BD 40 AINDL RUMII Am! OOONOOMINI 10 film DUHANNONIMINDAN ITOM 01011. And ill! JAN HOU DONIIIIIMII 120100010 H AI BUUDULI DOBROAD MONUMI NAMBA Wu Ti si i n || Dulu M0020 IMUNITID Hon 0110101NIA DLH dilu WHOODliliul !.il!! DRAULUI UIU DAN 001llllllllITIL 10 0011 IV HUHllll ... t witte l T? T HROODWIDT Millor da UDU L MASHTRIU HUNIIlIlIIN D 10 MTB HAMIA HII will LOUI WA MOTI 10MH 1:::! !.11! MUNDU 10 .012011 III Pin: Eiiii! !! U21 i DOCELA WIMWOMT ARHAATTI A HIIMIIIIIIIIII 110110 110110 ..:: A L UMINIT Lill SBBAUUNNITTI u mi nam NT 1 til Hlin OB0108000 ADPUNIMIT Woulullllllll DO DO THIN M 1 HM 10 10 10 10 ANI Dun Soul TO ! nulllllllllIIII 1:111:111 TIMO TO0mnmn 1118 l li UR !! M ! UTU Millllllllll W uland BaumITATIO ADA L! ... WADILI Mull 122Hi10 A NO ANNI all Willil T BEHOOR BIN LALLADI!MUT MODEL Lumi mm 150ml THRESHOLD SHIFT (channel) : : HAERE:: MORLINNADEINUDKANN MIRONNENBRIA :: BEDITIILIVATBIBERORREORDEROBERT : :::: : : BEEB: EHEEFT :: :: ALERTALEHT 1- KOOD:2: BERAPPER:23FERREREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE : UL::12 692 BEENWA53BEBESAREBBBBB.93692 29'ACALUB.BEBE4E29886 : : M:ELULU IE:::: G BEL .:: ILTI GAIN SHIFT (%) Ona : 2 3 BABU 935R29B2BEDREMEHEBBE ITUUm Dom MINIONONOOITE :ITT 11. CA 1 TILL. obs W , X ----H BEBEE . TEOREEEEEEEEEE: , TOT 71 IMPRIMEIMNOHO : : :: :ini : . 1 L Iiiiiiii: | | | TIIUMAPORODELIH DIMETOL (iiiiiii::. REPERIBEIRREBEOBRE main atá a Threshold JO Gain RIER I Tuli llllllllllllWMO!: minimui NINI WATAW will 1: TuNM10TATTI QUOTE IL IT TOTEM Layon bonheur la commune l . . ii is 192 REES OF FREEDOM CHI-SQ S CYCLE KUSTEL I us SEMI-LOGARI ATV TI MA.. . LA S Mi | 0 H z II. ADA 14 . 191r . N. JEW ASUS M Hin TITI DIU Fig. 10. By Succosive Approximations, Corrections for Gain and Threshold Shifts Con be made and Used to obtain Accurate Estimates of Nuclide Activities in These 4-Nuclide Solutions. The ratio should be l. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIUMIDITA IINIMIIDUUNUTUL U M III M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII No Carroction 1-Cycle Correction Iterativo Correction Immuuhullllllllllllllllllllll I UIIIII 11 IISI N IT IIIII LIUD UUUUUU AU 11 UTVUD IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII : 1 1 1 ITOU UI TIN IIIII III INTI III 1 1 COCO UTTI IIIIII DIIT IIIIIIIIII III TUDIN 1 III LI JU ITI TIL UTI 1 TITI SPAULONG MOSS COMPANY NOSTON X MASS WOW 1 III 11 1 1 11 DI 1 1 | DI = RATIO OF CALCULATED TO TRUE QUANTITIES testy.W superior Designet = : 3 . 11 TE 1 1 UT1 11 LU UN 1 11 TTUU 1 11 . UUUUU TI DI 1 IL . O. MA SEMCO GRAM PATE SMOISWIG Hi Xue • 106 RU LITT I III TITUI III III LO 1 . - . . - UID ILL LILI . LUI . TUN I 1 IIIII M . NO .. v. ITUUT III JIU AIUT ID III LUI ON INDINI (DIIIIIIITUU IITIIIIIIIIITIL U DI . .. 1. W NULUI w OUT THE .... III (IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II VUI icon .. . .tno HAMON WMMMS .. 000w uume Hn0m . (1L000 N 1 00....1 AIRIUL .me 4 WYWOO MMM NIMMT +0000 : QnaTUNDE ... Wuna UITO . .03 ! MM IMMM Uto OIDULIIT 01-10..4TOIT pow .. MOTO t0001.00 ww00TL 00100 ... 1 . 02.. morm 1000mm .0 1 tr WTO 0110 to DO ..... ^ 1001010 VID . NITOU WW000 10 ILOCO to .. ._ .. De.... OO NO 0100 000 000 . . . t .. i IS11 "Oiii oh . ar .. dow. :-, és -.. GAIN SHIFT 33 - Fig. 11. Variation of the Standard Deviation of Each of the Components of a Soven-Isotope Mixture With Counting Time. .. . . -- Conditions Sample counting rate/Background counting rato = 1.3 Vol. = 100 ml in l-pt. polyethylene bottle - . . NUCLIDE ACTIVITY T ito Isr (dis min-1 me!) lo 106 4.5 + 141ce-144 Co(50-50) (<0.1) p . 137 C. E 9.1 1x 95 2r-no 0 134cs 1060 Co DXO 0 0.6 0.9 1.6 1. Slope : 5 STANDARD DEVIATION (dis min-mi-h -ooooo to sol 4 to je to . mantener croce, .......................... COUNTING TIME (min) 1 laboratory test imit. The activities of the nuclides are averages from spectrum resolution and conventional analyses. This figure shows the wcertainties that are typical for conting times of 5 to 20 ming the times used with samples shown in Figs. 1 The figure also shows a familiar reduction 10 standard deviation proportional to the square root of counting time. L ...... . ......... .. ..., drømmen mit Naistening hollowin 2K g sekiant nobis RESOLUTION OF ERRORS The amount of nuclide e in a sample per unit of this nuclide in standard 8 is calculated according to Eq. (32); the absolute amount of this auclide in the sample 18 ans, where ag 18 the activity of nuclide s in its standard in whatever units we wish-to use. Whereas the variance of m 18 given by Eq. (33), the variance of a m 18 : 8 8 $10,) -3°(.) + b(0,). (34) Now we have already assumed that the channel-by-channel counting-rate data for each standard are much more accurate than the corresponding data for a sample. Mathematically, this 18 equivalent to dropping the second term on the right of Eq. (34), in which case we use : p2(,me) - 6332(m.). (35) We would like to able to express this variance of the activity a , in terms of the counting rates of the various gamma-ray emitters in the sample. For this purpose we combine Eq6. (33) and (35) to obtain': pºs = ). * * 12 2 - ) pe D2(x) (36) wawi where we define: D2(x,) . . (37) As defined below Eq. (3), xij is the counting rate in chanel i due to muclide 3. The total counting rate (in all channels) due to muclide j 11, then: . . . . (38) . . . Similarly, the total background counting rate 18: --] (39) The total counting rate of all nuclides (excluding background) 18, from Eq8. (3) and (38): (40) By substituting Eq. (2) into (22) and then bumming over all channels, we obtain: PoE CHAT (41) By substituting Ege. (39) and (40) 1nto (41) we obtain: È )****;;*****.. (he) Finally from Eq8. (37), (42), and (36) ve obtain the desired expression for the variance of a , in terms of the counting rates of the various buclides plus background. 8 :{**** ****,5]. (3) A very extensive analysis of Eq. (43) 18 beyond the scope of this report. However, we do wish to point out several features of significance. First, except for the multiplying factor a, the counting rates of the various puclides are simply additive in their contributions to the variance of the activity of a specific nuclide. Second, the background counting rate appears twice in the contribution to variance. Third, 18 a.? 18 constant, then the variance of the activity is inversely proportional to counting time a (18 pl = 7), in which case the inverse effect of the square root of a would be expected; as shown in Fig. this inverse effect of Vi 18 observed, suggesting that a ? 18 constant. The last feature of Eq. (43) that we wish to discuss briefly 16"ą, some values of which are given in Table 4 for water (first two colums) and for solu- Men tions containing total activity of the nuclides corresponding to counting rates in which were particularly interested. Values of a were calculated from two types of Least-squares resolution of gamma-ray spectra: first, by using PA = 1 in Eq. (23); second by using a weighting factor 1/02(x), where DP (x) 18 defined in Eq. (22). By comparing values of a 10 1 and 2, or 3 and the we see that the two calculations do not differ much. We also see from Prowo 2, 6, 8, 10, and 12 that the value of a 18 nearly independent of sample activity (from o activity in sample to 3 timee background activity), provided the two nuclide groups 1 Ru-Rh and 95zr-No are assumed to be absent. These two are present in very low and very uncertain concentrations. As stated under RESULTS OF SPECTRUM RESOLUTION ,the spectral-resolution values for activities of Ru-Rb and »2r-No should not be taken seriously. Samole Concentration by Evaporation There are several ways to improve the accuracy of estimates of nuclide activities in solutions such as those described in F188. 1. These include 10- creasing the counting time, decreasing the background activity, and increasing the * ****** etiam . -. Table 4. Values of a. Do Not Change Much with Type of Weighting Factor, Mixture Activity level, and Number of Isotopes (unless they have similar Energies). - Number of a weighting Activity Ratio Sample Background Values of Components Weighting Assumeda Factor 13708 Co 100Au celo) 9527-N 858r 0.40 0.39 1 0.49 0-2(x) 0.43 0.59 0.60 2.6 0.44 0.444 D-2(x) 2.9 0.54 0.44 0.64 0.72 0.61 0.59 0.77 0.89 0.47 1.20 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.65 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.47 1.6 0.50 0.50 1.6 0.14 0.21 0.55 0.34 0.42 0.24 0.74 0.37 0.36 0.52 0.36mm - 0.40 0.37 . 0.40 0.37 0.45 0.37 0.42 134C. 0.65 0.60 1.27 1.13 0.80 0.73 1.2 0.78 1.16 0.77 0.80 0.52 0.30 0.6 0.64 . 0.47 - ' 0.74 2.9 0.6 31 . .. . . 0.30 0.63 . . .. 1.6 0.47 1.32 0.68 3.0 2.4 . .. 0.52 0.42 . .:-*- 3.0 0.46 :; Although the nuclide groups were present, computations were made on the basis that all á or only or were present. À dash in a column of values of age corresponds to a calculation in which the auclide was assumed to be absent. $50% of each of 141ce and 144ce. T 201 CTS L 'A IN . . NA :4 . SC . 39 sample specific activity by evaporation of the solvent (water, in our studies). Economically, the evaporation process 18 the most satisfactory since the cost of evaporation 18 much less than a pro rated cost of gamma-ray spectrometer use. The effect of volume reduction, VR, which varied from 1 to 25 10 our tents, on the standard deviation of an 18, from Eq. (22) and if a remains constant, . . 1/2 . Draguay Pesten w). 71. *-*73): Dla od (atment wa) * * * .5: Dam) (with VR) D(ams? (without VR) too. If the background counting rate 18 small compared with sample counting rate, then the relative uncertainty in the value of a m 18 decreased by VVR ? 86 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Gamma-ray spectrum resolution by least-squares methods, programmed for a high-speed digital computer, has been used to calculate the amounts of each of 4 to 10 nuclides present in aqueous solutions containing 500 wc/1 to 0.5 pc/liter of each nuclide. The nuclides in the solutions of lowest activity were "co, 8557, 952r-ND, 106Ru-Rh, 134c6, 137c6, 143ce, and 144ce. 9 The main basis for a conclusion concerning the accuracy of the spectrum-resolution technique at the lowest activity levels was a comparison with parallel analyses of the same solu- tions by conventional methods used at ORNL, namely beta counting or manual strip- ping. On this basis, 60co, 85sr, and 137cs can be determined very satisfactorily (t5 to +20% scatter) at activities from 50,000 down to 500 ppc/, 24*ce was deter- mined somewhat le88 satisfactorily (+20% uncertainty at 50,000 pc/v to uncer- tainties of 5 to 10 at 500 pc/w, perhaps because this buclide contri- buted only 10% to less than 0.1% of the total counting rates of the solutions. Activities of 952r-No, which were less than a few disintegrations per minute per .xora WWW XWTA TUM TIN . h . 1 milliliter and less than 5% of the total activity, could not be determined ac- curately by gamma-ray spectrum resolution or beta counting. Similarly, LLORu activities could not be determined satisfactorily at levels of 15 dis min m2? (.12% of the total activity). This cheap, lapid method for determining the amount of each of a number of gamma-ray emitters in a sample is not a cure-all for the high cost of analyses of radioactive materials; yet the potential for savings in time and money are great at activities as low as 1 dis min -m2, and this potential increased as the activities increase to 10 to 100 dis min--m2-2. Some of this potential can be realized simply by concentrating the solution by evaporation; in other cases, particularly when one or two nuclides contribute most of the activity, some chemical separation steps can be used to remove those nuclides that are causing the most uncertainty in other calculated activities. The statistical equations used in this report include corrections for gain and threshold shifts. From tests with solutions of known radiochemical composition, these equations lead to accurate estimates of individual activities if the gain shift 18 as large as 5% and the threshold shift as large as + 2 channels. Such large shifts are greater than we encountered with two gamma-ray spectrometers and are apparently greater than those encountered with most reasonably well- maintained instruments. Thus, accurate corrections for these shifts can be made in a computer program. .......... .... .. .. .. . .........37,47,574"mtina ;' 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank 1. A. Parker and E. I. Wyatt, of the CRNL Analytical Chemistry Division, for conducting the radiochemical and manual-stripping analyses and for measuring the gamma-ray spectra of the low-activity solutions from the laboratory decontamination unit. Credit 18 also due f. L. Miller of the Mathe- matics Division and J. Halperin of the Chemistry Division for their advice and comments. 42 REFERENCES 1. W. G. Belter, "Radioactive Wastes," Intern. Sci. Technol. (12), pp 42-7 (1962). 2. U. S. Public Health Service, Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards 1962, Publication No. 956, Washington D. c., 1962. 3. K. E. Cowser and T. Tamura, "Significant Results in Low-Level Waste Treatment at CRNL," Health Physics 9, 687 (1963). ? Oc. 4. J. T. Roberts and R. R. Holcomb, A Phenolic Resin Ion-Exchange Process for Decontaminating Low-Radioactivity-Level Process Water Wastes, ORNL-3036 (May 22, 1961). 5. R. E. Brooksbank, F. N. Browder, R. R. Holcomb, and W. R. Whitson, Low Radio- activity-Level Waste Treatment. Part II. Pilot Plant Demonstration of the Removal of Activity from Low-Level Process Wastes by a Scavenging-Precipita- tion Ion-Exchange Process, ORNL-3349 (May 13, 1963). 6. I. R. Higgins and A. F. Messing, Development of a continuous Ion Exchange Process for the Removal and Recovery of High-Purity Cesium from Alkaline Waste, ORNL-2491 TOctober 1958). 7. E. Rubin, E. Schonfeld, and R. Everett, Jr., The Removal of Metallic Ions by Foaming Agents and Suspensions: Laboratory and Engineering Studies, RAI-104 (October 1962). 8. R. E. Druschel, "Zirconium Activity in Aqueous or Organic Solutions," Method No. 2 21981, March 8, 1954. ORNL Master Analytical Manual, sec. 2. TID-7015 (November 1957). R. R. Rickard and E. I. Wyatt, "Ruthenium Activity in Aqueous Solutions, Non- Distillation Method," Method No. 2 21733, June 13, 1960. ORNL Master Analytical . Manual, Sec, 2. TDD-7015 (suppl. 3, June, 1961). E. I. Wyatt and D. K. Smith, "Low Concentration & Cerium and Trivalent Rare- Earth Element Activities in Water," Method Nos. 2 211.82 and 2 21994, July 28, 1958. ORNL Master Analytical Manual, Sec 2. TID-7015 (suppl. 1, November 1959). 9. G. D. O'Kelley, ed., Proceedings of the Symposium on Applications of Computers - to Nuclear and Radiochemistry, held at Gatlinburg, Tennesse, (October 1962), U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Monograph NAS-NS 3107 (March 1963). 10. L. Salmon, Computer Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra from Mixtures of Known Nuclides by the Method of Least Squares, pp 165-83, NAS-NS 3107 (see ref 9). 11. R. L. Heath, Scintillation Spectrometry, Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalos, IDO- 16408 (July 1, 1957), TID-4500, p 20. 12. R. L. Heath, Scintillation Spectrometry - The Experimental Problem, pp 93-107, NAS-NS 3107 (see ref 9). 13. V. P. Guinn and J. E. Lasch, Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Requirements for Spectrum Stripper and Computer Calculations in Activation Analysis Studies, pp 243-54 In NAS-NS 3107 (see ref 9). en reception le monde en perym 14. G. D. Chase and J. L. Rabinowitz, Principles of Radioisotope Methodology, Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Mi A. A. Jarrett, Statistical Methods used in the Measurement of Radioactivity, MonP-126 (July 1946). L. Cziffra and M. J. Moravsik, A Practical Guide to the Method of least Squares, UCLA-8523 Rev. (June 1959). 15. Control Date Corporation, OBAS-A, Minneapolis, Minn. 1962. . 17. 1. Cramer, The Elements of Probability Theory, pp 235-42, Wiley, New York, 1955. 18. L. J. Rainwater and C. 8. Wu, "Applications of Probability Theory to Muclear Particle Detection," Mucleonics 2 (2), 60 (1947). DATE FILMED 11/ 25 / 164 .00 -LEGAL NOTICE - - ... This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. * . SOS .. LA ✓ > e WA > M . w . TY END -CE " m isma -