4. w 2 P . " . . TER NA " " 12th WP W . -' * ; i . . UNCLASSIFIED) ORNL 42 *?. . I PN9 in . m . . .. -. 394 TIE, indig ORAL-Br. 394. CONF-117-1 CONCEING THE CAPACITY OF LYIPHOCYTES TO GIVE KISE TO ERYTHROPOIESIS. * Joan :right Goodman, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831, U.S.A. ak Ridge: MASTER The hcavily irradiated mouse has provided an excellent medium for the study ci differentiation and proliferation of transplanted hemopoietic cells. In this apparently ideal environment, not only transplanted bone marrow, but her.cpoictic stem cells found among peripheral blood leukocytes and peritoneal fluid cells are stimulated to differentiate into all mature formed elements normally found in blood and lymphatic tissues. Recent data on lymphocyte transiormation, as well as attempts to correlate "marrow lymphocyte" numbers with hematopoietic potential, have stimulated interest in the small lymphocyte as a pluripotential stem cell. Heavily irradiated mice were transfused with large numbers of lymph-node lymphocytes, and histological and 59fe-uptake data were collected during the second week after transplantation to determine the capacity of lymphocytes to support red cell formation. Good regeneration of lymphatic tissues, including many plasma cells and germinal centers, was seen in lymphocyte-transfused mice but not in radiation controls. Marrow, spleen red pulp, and thymus were depleted of cells in both experimental and control groups. Only an occasional mouse from these experiments showed small areas of erythropoiesis or moderate thymus regeneration. 595e-uptake data from lymphocyte-treated mice substartiated the histological finding that lymphocytes have no significant capacity to give rise to erythropoiesis. * Research sponsored 'oy the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Abstract for C. N. R. S. Discussions on the Transplantation of Allogenic Hematopoietic Cells, September 7-9, 1964, Paris, France. --LEOAL NOTICE - This report me prepared as an account at Government sponsored work. Mother the United ..me Ownetom, we mme wanting on the contento! A. W wartet un morcontatta, do it, murest to the new my, nation with the TO M , a tthewom, or home wow manh tra the Www whern, proto, wew, w mn Mootoond to winporn. Mwetu, prawa Out" mehmo. more or contractor water, w aplyes a wote contractor, to the most her o r to Online, « superne med womerhetor , w oment now , met water er et me the Owen , « Me employees w ront winter. . . . NI . . Dies .. .; - ;.. ide i danas:? 'nin ins i ria CONCERNING THE CAPACITY OF LYMPHOCYTES TO GIVE RISE TO ERYTHROPOIESIS Joan Wright Goodman Biology Division, Oak Ridge, National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee contenimientri mintimitatom Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Eng . . . . . . ..... . . .... .... .. .. ......... Now that the lymphocyte is in vogue and its ability to transform 1.8 doubted only by a few intransigients, it might be in order to investigate the capacity of this cell type to differentiate. There is little doubt that cells taken from lymph nodes, presumably lymphocytes, can take part in nonograft reactions. In the transplantation field, for example, it is' well known that isologous cells given to irradiated recipients will prevent successful homologous marrow takes. Thoracic duct cells, again presumably lymphocytes, have the same ability (Gesner and Gowans, 1962), as have blood leukocytes (Goodman, 1962). Nobody would dispute the ability of lymph node cells to give rise to antibody formation ( although the exact role played by the lymphocyte in the many complex changes taking place in lymphatic tissue after antigenic stimulation is far from well defined. There is, however, considerable disagreement as to whether lymphocytes are pluripotential stem cells and can give rise to granulocytes, erythrocytes, and megakaryocytes. This disagreement actually goes back to the description of small, darkly-staining cells found in marrow, called variously "small round cells" (Schooley and Giger, 19), "marrow-lymphocytes" (Everett, 19 ), "lymphocyte-like cells" (Cudkowicz, 19 ), Ork MUTIA SURI A . v a Lindow . online ... .. .... ....... . - - -- "small lymphocytes" (Yoffee, 19 ), and undoubtedly other things. Even if -V : -2 3 . these small, round, darkly-staining cells could be shown to be morphologically ädentical with small lymphocytes found in lymphatic tissues and peripheral circulation, the task would still remain of showing that they are truly , pluripotential, hemopoietic stem cells. a down The following experiments were done to test the ability of lymphocytes to give rise specifically to red cells in the mouse. Lymph node cell suspensions, predominantly small and medium lymphocytes, were administered intravenously to heavily irradiated recipient mice, and a week or so later 24-hour Fe% uptake by their spleens and red cells was measured. It was thought that these conditions vould provide an environment optimal for the transfused Lymphocytes to differentiate, if it were possible, into red cells. METHODS Lymphocyte donor and irradiated recipient mice of the following types were used: (C57L/Cum 4 X AVHECum )F,, hereafter called LAF, ; : (C57BL/6. 4 X DBA/2 . )Fq, or B6D2F2; (C57BL/Cum 4 X C3H/Anf Cum . Ey, or wired BC3F; and the inbred strain C57BL/10.D2, or B10.02. Donors and recipients : : were always of the same sex and differed in age by no inore than 4 weeks, irradiated recipients, from 12-16 weeks old, being the younger in each case. Mice were irradiated in a revolving lucite cage that held up to 12 animals at a time. F. hybrids were given a single, whole body exposure of 950 r, B10.D2's 900 r. Physical parameters for the x-fadiation were 250 Kv, 15 ma, 1 mm Al added filtration, HVL of 0.5 mm Cu, and a dose rate in air of approximately 160 r/min. Lymph nodes were resected from decapitated donors and were collected in a small amount of cold physiological saline. The nodes regularly used included cervical, brachial, inguinal, and mesenteric. Other, smaller nodes were occasionally taken. Cell suspensions were prepared by pressing lymph nodes through a stainless steel screen with a glass rod flattened at the end. Cells were further dispersed by passage through a 24-gauge needle into the syringe from which injections were to be made. Sometimes cell suspensions were gently spun down in a clinical centrifuge, debris and fat were removed along with the supernatant, and cells were resuspended in P AUROR! ARA . ***Mp4 views . KLIM M. saline. On other occasions suspensions were injected unwashed. In all cases cell counts were made in a hemocytometer before dilution for injection. Intravenous injections of lymph node cell juwpensions frequently produced a shock-like state in recipients, presumably from pulmonary embolism, and sometimes death ensued. To improve chances for survival, the intended dose for one day was administered in two separate inocula administered 1/2 to 2 hours apart. In all experiments reported here, cells were injected on the same day (2-6 hours after) recipients were irradiated, and in some cases an additional cell dose was injected on the following day. Mice were checked daily for mortality, and Fe> was injected as many days after irradiation as it was thought possible to obtain results, before death occurred, from a particular group of recipients. Details of preparation and injection of Fe” were the same as those described previously (Goodman and Hodgson, 1962). Mice were analyzed by standard methods for EPP Fes uptake by spleen and red cells 24 hours after Fe? injection. P .. Tissues taken from experimental and control mice at autopsy were . - Tired in Zenker-Formol solution, and sections for microscopic examination ta *25*TE . 4 : i P . . AN M PT. I . .. . were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. RESULTS Table 1 outlines the five experiments to be presented and shows mortality results. In experiment A, all mive died, and no Fe-uptake data were , obtained. In the other experiments, however, at least some mice that survived 244 hours after Fe'injection were killed for spleen counts and/or histological study. In no case was survival recorded beyond the second week after X rays and cellular treatment. At autopsy the major difference noted between X-ray controls and lymphocyte-transfused mice was that lymph nodes were larger in those that had received cells. Spleens were small in all cases, and nodules were not seen. Microscopically, lymph nodes were dramatically different, transfused mice showing extensive regeneration with plasma cell formation and active germinal centers (Fig. la), whereas untreated controls presented the usual picture of almost complete emptiness (Fig. 20). This lymphatic regeneration in lymphocyte recipients was also quite evident in spleen white pulp and 18 1llustrated in Figure 2. Red pulp in these recipients was ti HES UM . . . . . N. IS " 1", BE usually bare (Fig. 2a) and did *** differ from that of controls (Fig. 26). - However, foci of erythropoiesis and a few megakaryocytes were occasionally seen in spleen and marrow sections, notably in mice from experiment ------ (see Table 1). In general, marrow spaces, of lymphocyte-transfused mice were as empty as those of controls (Figure 3). Iron” uptake data are shown in Table 2, and for the sake of comparison, peritoneal cell and bone marrow transplantation data taken from published work have been included. It can be seen that Fes uptake values for lymphocyte-transfused mice are higher than for controls in experiment C, and slightly higher in experiment D, but no real differences between control and transfused animals are seen in the other two. The individual C3H control, taken from a separate experiment, shows a spleen Fe” uptake similar to that of lymphocyte-transfused mice of experiment C and an erythrocyte Fe% uptake actually higher. However, when any of these values are compared with those of recipients of relatively low doses of bone marrow or of comparable doses of peritoneal fluid cells, it . HO . More NEMA SPORTISTAS - 1.1 . ! .. INS . . . 'YUN 1 .. . . K 11 . . . 1 I .11 "1. " VIT .. T 'I is immediately evident that they are indeed very low, and erythropoiesis almost negligible. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Lymphocyte transplantation in the present experiments was not able to promote survival of heavily irradiated isologous recipient mice. Similar findings and related ones for thoracic duct cells and thymocytes have been reported by others (Micklem and Ford, 1960; Gesner and Gowans, 1962). Regeneration of lymph nodes and spleen of white pulp of recipients was IS . well advanced by the second week after lymphocyte administration. That the transfused cells bad not simply settled out in lymphatic tissue but were proliferating there was evident from the presence of mitotic figures, many plasma cells, and active germinal centers. Bone marrow and spleen red pulp, on the other hand, were as empty in transfused mo.ce as in untreated controls. There were a few exceptions to this general statement in which foci of red cell formation and a few megakaryocytes could be found. Erythropoiesis in these few mice waso confirmed by Fes uptake values which were greater than those of comparable I ******* **** T AN"... !!!! ve 12 ' 2 . . ." 11 .." to invern .. No red cell counts of the lymph node cell inocula were made, so that it is impossible to estimate the amount of peripheral blood leukocyte contamination that may have been present. One cannot discount the possibility that pluripotential stem cells recently delivered to the nodes from the blood, but not yet committed to lymphopoiesis, could give rise to the small amount of erythropoiesis seen in the present experiments. . : . . :.* ; . . * ** controls. However, an occasional untreated, control mouse, as illustrated in Table 2, can show erythropoiesis in the same 7e59-uptake range. This suggests the possibility that "tiding over" nay - ave been promoted by lymphocytes in experiment C, so that host cells could have begun to recover and to proliferate. Not enough data are at hand to speculate further on this. When one compares the highest Fe59-uptake value obtained from a lymphocyte-treated mouse with values from peritoneal fluid cell or bone marrow cell transplantation, it is clear that lymphocytes have very Uttle, if any, capacity to give rise to erythropoiesis. M ! '. TABLE 1 NUMBERS OF MACE DYING ON SPECIFIC DAYS AFTER X IRRADIATION POLLOWED BY INTRAVENOUS INJECTION OF ISOLOGOUS LYMPH NODE CELLS Days after irradiation : Sex and strain Millions of lympha node cells Numbers of m ice alive after injection Expt. 6* 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B10.De ene B20.D2 0 80 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 341** 2 2*1** B. LAFT 3 B6D2r, por 100+ 212** D BC3F, otot 200+ i 3** E. B6D2F, H 1 1 3** 6** 125 *No mice died before this time. * tice killed for Pe 59-uptake of histological studies. Divided into 2 doses (4 injections) administered an days 0 and 1. 14 . . ! w Wor . W ww.ima AW:: KL. " AL, . -2 - Table 2. 70% uptake by spleens and erythrocytes of irradiated, isologous-lymphocyte. transtused mice. .. Percentage of injected po59 dose* found in: Lymphocyte No. (millions) Days after X-rays BAJS 6504 spleen erythrocytes Expt.** 950 r mice Ave. value range Ave. value range LAP, H 50 0.040-0.080 0.110-0.190 0.556-1.544 0.004-0.110 B6D2F4 na 100 100 11 . ..........0.060(3).. 0.157(3) 0.500-2.300 1.249(4) 0.130-0.400 0.041(3) 0.239-0.722 0.180(3) 0.289-0.482 0.008(2) 0.004-0.466 0.004(5) 0.093-0.613 0.000(3) BC3F, son $1.267(3) | 0.263(3) 0.459(3) 0.386(2) 10.165(714 ? 0.250(4) 200 0.030-0.410 0.007-0.008 0.000-0.018 -- BODEF, 44 225 7 Isolated Irradiation controlla C3H$ 8 0.593(1) 2.680(1) Isologous bone marrow transplantation 7 LAF Mod BCF, pod 1. 0 0.1 9 29.969) 15.3(11) www . Peritoneal fluid cell transplantation" DBA/2 nd 40. 7 12.73(2) BLO.D2 46 125. 9 30.47(5) *0.5 uc Fe" as citrate intravenously in 0.25 ml buffered sodium citrate. **See table 1 for other details. Numbers of mice represented in avera, in parentheses. From a peritoneal fluid cell experiment unrelated to others presented here. 3 LU DUK "Taken from J. W. Goodman: Transplantation 1: 334-346, 1963. LI FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. Lymph node sections from B6D2F, females 8 days after 950 r. a. recipient of 125 x 10° 1sologous lymph node cells. X 125. b. untreated control. . x 150. Pigure 2. Spleen sections from B6D2F, females 8 days after 950 r. ' &. recipient of 125 X 200 180logous lymph node cells. X 125. b. untreated control. X 150. Figure 3. Sternal bone marrow sections from B6D2F, females 8 days after 950 r. 8. recipient of 125 x 10° isologous lymph node cells. X 125. b. untreated control. X 150. TY 'S TVARA " . " . . I Rih . Figure zigunea, 1 . D . on 1 . 50 . .. . - - . 0 1 1 . TA LET -- . ini ... u . miernen C - - E - = + - , cowowinno . . - . yeasy Q ark - - - :: .... ;. vo 17*** , . .. **Ruiter .1.1. Nr. hehe We m * .. . - . WAT 1 ".. *-- .. . - - - --- -- - - dia " . 4 - Figure 3. : DATE FILMED 12/ 1 /64 A -LEGAL NOTICE – This report was prepared u an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Suatos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the Commission: A. Makos may warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with roopact to the accu- racy, completenost, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the we of any information, apparstw, method, or process disolound in this report may not Infringo privately owned righta; or B. Asnumos hay liabilities with roupant to the use of, or for damages rosulung from the um of any information, apparatua, method, or process discloned in this report. As uund in the abovo, "person acting on behall of the Commission" includes may em- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor, to the extent that such employo or contractor of the Commissioa, or omployw of such contractor properes, disseminates, or provides accou to, any luformation pursuant to bilo omploymeat or coatract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END PAN di I 1 . *