2. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL Р 346 . ORNA-p-346 Proceedings of the Xth Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion CLONE -703-2- LACK OF EXPRESSION OF PARENTAL ISOANTIGEN(S) IN F, HYBRID MICE* G. CUDKOWICZ AND J. H. STIMPFLINO Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Ohk Ridge, Tenn., U.S.A. and The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, U.S.A. -------...-- LEGS I NOTICE - ------- no import m.monerna in moral of themont mam p Netwer when I al band tumo, no he couturilon, mi ani Wrn * JM brail rol the vamialne A. VivimuurruneWinniu11.1poinpinnindicroupoolt the orrn my, colonne., of humanitarno matter und in woramit. AP War the wa of an) Inulin, panty., wild. • para unioned law. rarti mim' Priy prinul, omdrigue, or Amern union . 10 reports the heat, ne his d e rosierny Iron Whe Wue of my informath, amaram, th, or pocou a ined in wuo remai Al Man in the bor. porma mung on total of these inun.. " mitro in .. progne ar raunboral de Connima, ng pantom of own mire . In the ori ai or mat, merking of the traitoka, o1 AN0In a w airuar promoureu. damuninin, or arrivare a mi lado: mina armani do konponning inarren 10 CRIMI.com. op u morum: VIIA metrekar #Research sponsored jointly by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and by Research Grant CA-01329 of the National Cancer Institute, U. S. Public Health Service. Send proof and manuscript to: Dr. G. Cuidkowicz Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. 8.A. ------ -- -- .. . - -- -- - - - - - - INTRODUCTION The growth of transplanted bone marrow cells of C57BL and C57BL/10 (3-2/a-2) donor mice 18 deficient in (1) arredlated Fhybridsł,5, (11) R-2" beterozygous backcross progeny mice, but not in H-2 bornozygous segregants”, and (111) Irradiatod F bybrids from crosses between C57BL/10 and congenic mice differing at the K region of H-2, but not in bybride from congenic parents differing at the D region of A-2 or at other a loci. In contrast, transplanted hemopoietic cells of c3H (H-2*/H-2*), A (H-2°/H-2), and C57BL/10.DE (H-2°/H-2°) donors grow equally well in loogenic, F, bybrids, and/or segregating backcross progeny mice.303. Furthermore, hybrid resistance to C57BL/10 marrow can be enhanced or abolished by prolonged exposure of the resistant mice to C57BL/10 tissue antigens, whereas exposure to 18oantigens of C3A or C57BL/10.D? nice does not affect the hybrid's resistance to C57BL/10 marrow st. Collectively, these data are consistent with the supposition that genetic interaction in beterozygotos between alleles at the K region of H-2 modified the expression of parental C57BL and C57BL/10 1soantigen (8) relevant for the fate of transplanted hemopoietic cells. Such 18oantigens do not, however, affect the fate of parental skin grafts, since these are usually tolerated by F. bybride resistant to parental marrow grafts. In this study, we lovestigated the growth pattera of marrow cells from a variety of inbred strain donors on transplantation into irradiated F, bybrids, in an attempt to correlate bybrid : manifested by deficient growth of parental marrow, with the H-2 phenotype of the dunor and recipient mice. lato irradiated a an attempt to co i resistan .. . - - -- - --- - - - - - -- - EXPERIMENTAL F, hybrid and parental strain mice of both sexes were exposed to 700 R of 300 kv (peak) whole body x rays at the age of 12-15 weeks. A few hours later they were injected by tail vein with 10° nucleated femoral marrow cells harvested from 12-15 week old donors of the same sex and sus sended in 1 ml of Tyrode's solution. The growth of the transplanted marrow cells was estimated 5 days later by the extent of regenerative hyperplasia in the recipient spleen, as measured by the incorporation of rad 10active 5-10do-3'-deoxyuridine- 1341743- SUAR) into newly synthesized splenic desxyribonucleic acid (DNA). For this assay each -- -- - recipient was given intraperitoneally 0.5 MC of - TUR, and seventeen bours - - later it was killed, its spleen removed, and tbe incorporated radioactivity measured - - by means of crystal scintillation counting. Details on the method and on the - - - - -..- e ..... ... influence of variables such as sex and age of the animals, the magnitude of the X ray exposure to recipients, and the time between grafting and 134 TUAR labeling, were investigated previously. The splenio uptake of 13-TUAR was expressed in percentage of the total radioactivity injected. Of 16 different inbred strains of mice, 10 possessed marrow cells capable of sustained proliferation in 18ogenic and in A-2 heterozygous F bybride (Table 1). The 1-2 phenotype of these mice, as determined by bemagglutination, was A-2Ⓡ for strain A, -2a for strains BALB/c and DBA/2, 8-2* for strains AKR, C30, C57BR, and 101, -2 for strain DBA/1. The -2 type for strains FU and RFM 18 not knowa, except that there are indications that the H-2 allele of RFM 18 similar to 8-26. The marrow of the other six strains o: mice, all homozygotes for 8-2, falled to grow detectably in B-2 beterozygous P, recipients, although the cells . . - - - - Home -.- . --evo --no - - - . were competent to grow in 18ogenic or in H-2° homozygous F recipients (Table 1). Three of the H-2 strains were related to the C57BL strain, namely C57BL/6, C57BL/10 and C57L; however, the strains LP and 129 were not. On the other hand, C57BR, a moube strain related to C57BL, but A-2" in phenotype, did not possess the trait of deficient growth of transplanted marrow in bybrids (Table I). to find additional support for the correlation between deficient growth of parental marrow in hybrids and the H-2° phenotype, marrow cells from 18ogenic-resistant or congenic lines.° (1.6., lines identical with a given background strain except for substitution of a chromosome segment carrying an allele at a single 8 locus) were tested for growth in suitable F hybrids. The marrow of lines congenic with C57BL/10 showed the deficient growth pattern characteristic of C57BL/10 marrow, 1f the allelic substitution occurred at one of the loci H-1, 1-3, or A-4 (Table II). If however, the -2° allele of C57BL/10 was substituted by 8-2, 1-2 or 1-2 the narrow acquired the ability to grow without detectable impairment in F, bybrids, irrespective of the C57BL/10 genetic background (Table II). Conversely, the marrow of lines congenic with A, 038, or DBA/1 lost the ability of proliferating as well in hybrids as in 1sogenic recipients, only when the A-2 allele was introduced, irrespective of the genetic background of these strains (Table II). (C38 X C57BL)F, mice are resistant to transplanted C57BL marrow and to marrow grafts from other -2° strains (Table III). The resistance of such hybrids to C57BL marrow can be abrogated by 4 injections of C57BL spleen cells given at weekly intervals, but not by injected spleen ce.118 of the other parental strains,4. One week after the last spleen cell injection (2 x 10' cells per injection, 1.p.) groups of (c38 X C57BL)F, bybrids were irradiated and grafted with marrow cells from C57BL donors and from donors of five other 8-2 strains to determine whether or not the induced unresponsiveness toward C57BL marrow would extend to cells of other H-2 strains toward which tbe hybrids were also resistant. Although the treatment of the hybride with cz1 cells did not modify their resistance to 8-25 marrow cells, repeated injections of C57AL spleen collo induced unresponsiveness toward all the tested 1-2 marrow grafts (Table III). CONCLUSION Marrow cells of parental donors failed to grow on transplantation into irradiated F, hybrid recipients ir tbe donors were H-2° homo uygctes and if the recipients were A-2° heterozygotes. This failure of growth could not be correlated with any other known allele at the H-1, 1-2, H-3, or H-4 locus, or with any other aspect of the donor's genetic background. (C3H X C57BL)F, hybrids that had been made unresponsive toward C57BL marrow grafts by pre-exposure to C57BL tissue 180antigens were similarly unresponsive, 1.e., nonresistant, toward marrow grafts of other H-2°/8-2° donors. Tus indicated that the factor responsibe for bybrid resistance to parental marrow was similar in all the A-2° /H-2° strains that were investigated. The findings support the interpretation that genetic laterection involving a subunit of 8-2 (associated with the K region?) results in lack of expression in F, heterozygotes of 1soantigen (s) of the 1-2 phenotype, affecting the survival of homozygous parental, marrow grafts. Table 1. Growth of parental marrow cells transplanted into F, hybrid recipient mice. Donor Recipient " Splenio uptake of "LUAR (% $ staad, error) Strain H-2 Strain H-2 A ala C57BL/10 x A . bla 0.49 .03 C57BL b/b C3H X C57BL C57BL X C57L k/b b/b 0.02 $ .001 0.61 t .04 C57BL/6 6/6 C57BL/6 X DBA/2 C57BL X C57L bld b/b 0.02 .001 0.70 .05 C57BL/10 b/b C57BL/10 X A C57BL/10 X 129 0.03 = .002 0.78 5.07 6/6 C57L b/b C57L X A C57BL X C57L b/b 0.03 = .001 0.59 .03 LP b/b LP X C3H LP X C57BL/10 b/b 0.03 £ .001 0.65 £ .03 129 b/b C3H X 129 C57BL/10 X 129 k/b b!b 0.03 = .001 0.70 .06 C57BL X BALB/C bld 0.47 $.04 BALB/O DBA/2 did dla C57BL/6 X DBA/2 . b/d 0.51 . .06 AKR сзн k/k к/k k/k k/k C57BL/10 X AKR b/k C3H X C57BL kib C57BR X C57BL/10 k/b C57BL X 101 b/k 0.75 £ .03 0.55 + .04 0.59 .05 0.60 3.04 C57BR 101 DBA/1 gla C57BL/10 X DBA/1 /9 0.67 £ .04 FU C57BL/10 X FU b/? unknown unknown 0.70 £ .07 0.53 .03 REM RFM X C57BL/10 3/6 Ten - twenty mice of both sexes in each group. Donor colls vere also given to isogenic recipients; the splenio uptake of ***IDUR in the latter was comparable to the uptake in suscaptible Fj hybrids. : Table II, The effect of allelic substitutions at single H loci on the growth pattern of parental marrow grafts la F, hybrid mice heterozygous at the H-2 locus. Background Strain Growth Pattern of - Congenic Strains Allelio Substitution Designation Marrow Grafts C57BL/10 None C57BL/10 Deficient (H-1° H-26 1-34 Hungary B10.BY and B10.129 (5M) Deficient H-20 and H-1 H-2*, H-2" and H-24 B10.A, 810.BR and B10.02 Optimal H-36 B10.LP Deficient ii. Handebo B10.129(21M) Deficient - ..... A (H-2 None Optimal H-23 A. SW Optimal ... . H-26 A.BY Deficient .me C3H (H-19 H-2k) None сэн Optimal Hozó C3H.K Optimal H-26 C3H. SW Deficient on ... .. DBA/1 (H-29) DOWA (hazeny None DBA/1 Optimal ..... D1.LP Deficient . . . . . . - case --. ............--..- Table III. Growth of trasplanted mirrow cells homozygous H-2° la (C3H X CS7BL)F, hybrid vice pretruted with parental spleen cells. Usuake of " Donor Strain Untrusted (Resistant) LODE (& stand, error) in recipient spleens сэн spleens C57BL spleen (Resistant) (Nonresistant) C57BL A. BY 0.03 $ .001 0.05 = .01 0.07 $ .02 0.06 $.01 0.09 £ .04 0.04 + .01 C3H.SW 0.03 £ .001 0.06 $ .02 0.05 $ .009 0.04 $ .005 0.05 £ .01 0.03 $ .006 0.79 £ .05 0.58 £ .05 0.68 $ .07 0.73 $ .06 DI.LP LP 0.65 £ .08 129 0.80 $ .06 Four lajections of 2 x 10' nucleated spleen cells were given latraperitoneally at weekly Internals, Qae veek after the last injections groups of 7 • 10 alce were irradiated and gnfted with 10° nocluted wrrow cells. 10 REFERENCES 1. Cudkowicz, G. and Stimpfling, J. H.: Deficient growth of C57BL marrow cells transplanted in F hybrid mice: association with the histo- compatibility-2 locus. Iumunology, Lond., 1: 291-306 (1964). 2. Cudkowicz, G. and Stimpfling, J. 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