w i t h more one to their news 925 . 11 ORNL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-p-925 ... TIE- MASTER FEB 11 iOL DIVISION OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Abstract of a paper to be presented at Detroit, Michigan, April 4-9, 1965 Papers for the program should reach the Chairman-Elect not later than Dec. 29, 1964. No papers can be accepted, changed or withdrawn after that date. Mail this short abstract, with three carbon copies on plain white paper, and the long abstract or manuscript to.... CDi F-65040-2 R.B. Bernstein, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Where (wo or more papers are submitted from one research group an order of priority must be given. TITLE OF PAPER The Absorption Spectrum of H20 and Dg0 in the Near Infrared Region as a Function of Temperature froid -20° to 250°C. * AUTHORS Complete Mail Address ACS Division American Chemist or Chemi- (list address only Member? (underline nüme of speaker) Member? cal Engineer? (il rot, give once iſ all authors classification such as at same address) biologist, physicist, etc.) W. C. Waggener Chemistry Division Yes Yes Chemist Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box X Oak Ridge, Tennessee A. J. Weinberger Yes No Chemist R. W. Stoughton Yes Yes Chemist Work done at ABSTRACT. Length 200 words. Please type double spaced within the ruled area. If you need more space for 200 words, or more space for special abstracts, please continue giour abstract on a second, plain sheet. We are studying the spectra of water in the condensed states between 0.7 and 2.0 H and have measured the temperature dependences of the broad (2 v, + Vz) and (v1 + va + V3 absorption bands of Ho and D20 in ice to 20° below the freezing point, in the super- cooled liquid to 150 below the freezing point, and in the liquid from the freezing point to 250°C and ca. 39 atm. At 250°C we have observed the additional bands, (v + Vz), (2 va + V3) and (va + vz), în saturated and superheated 120 steam. The spectra of H20 and D20 are qualitatively similar; however, the D20 bands occur at longer wavelengths by a factor of 1.35, are broader, more complex, less intense, and H20 in the D20 used. The observed frequency shifts of both the (2 v1 + vz) and (vz + V2 + v3) bands in the following condensed phases from the frequencies of these bands in the dilute gas (literature values) are about -1.7% for liquid at 250°C; -2.1% for liquid at 100°C; -5.194 for liquid at 0°C; -5.9% for liquid at -15°; -8.4% for ice at 0°; and -9% for ice at -20°. This environmental sensitivity of water spectra, attributed primarily to inter- molecular H-bonding, is 25 to 30 times that observed for similar near infrared spectra com, in which van der Waals forces appear to govern the bulk properties. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbice Corporation. Long Abstract The Absorption Spectrum of H20 and D20 in the Near Infrared Region as a Function of Temperature from -20° to 250°C W C. Waggener, A. J. Weinberger and R. W. Stoughton Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Introduction In an initial exploratory study of the effects of temperature upon the near infrared bands of liquid C6H14, NH3, H20 and D20 in the region of the third har- monic or the CH, NH, OH, and OD stretching modes we observed that these relatively broad, complex bands differ markedly from one another. Recently, we have measured the spectrum of co, from below its freezing point to above its critical point in order to compare the temperature sensitivities of the above liquids in which spe- cific interactions such as H-bonding are a factor with a liquid in which van der Waals forces alone appear to govern the bulk properties. We are presently (1) W. C. Waggener, A. J. Weinberger and R. W. Stoughton, Paper 21, Div. of Phys. Chem., National ACS Meeting, Chicago, Sept. 1964. studying the spectra of water between 0.7 and 2.0 u in considerable detail, and over a much wider temperature and phase range than other recent investigations»)17. (2) Yamatera, Fitzpatrick and Gordon, J. Mol. Spectry., 14, 268 (1964). (3) Buijs and Choppin, J. Chem. Phys., 39, 2035 (1963). (4) Luck, Ber. der Bunsengesellschaft., 67, 186 (1963). Our immediate purpose is to correlate the observed changes in the position, shape and intensity of these extremely complex spectra with the environmental factors responsible for them. We hope that this type of data eventually will provide a Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. bridge between the well-understood vibration-rotation spectrum of water vapor at room temperature and the still speculative vibrational band systems in the con- densed states. Experimental Apparatus The absorption data were taken with a standard Cary Model 14M recording spectrophotometer equipped with a redesigned version of the special equipment previously described'. (5) W. C. Waggener, Rev. Sci. Instr., 30, 788 (1959). Both the sample cell ani. the reference cell are designed to permit gas-liquid equilibration and have identical systems for temperature and pressure from below -80° to 280°C and 0 to 2000 psia. The titanium absorption cell bodies are modified to incorporate a reservoir space above the cylindrical cell space of the original design (see Figure 1). . . re 1). The heater-cooler, in the form of a cylindrical annulus which surrounds each cell body, is fabricated with a cooling channel and a resistance heater winding both embedded in a matrix of pure copper. This assembly is "canned" in a gold- plated thermal radiation sheath and is cradle-mounted as in the earlier equipment. Helium, cooled with liquid nitrogen, is used as the cooling fluid. The temperatures of the sample and reference cells are controlled above and below room temperature by modulation of heating and cooling supplies respectively. Temperature control is better than I 0.1°C, and is achieved by sensing a thermo- couple located in either cell or heater-cooler body. A Leeds and Northrup millivolt recorder with a stable millivolt suppression supply and a Leeds and Northrup duration-að.just type of controller are used for each cell. The cell windows and the contents of either absorption cell may be examined visually for bubbles and turbidity by inserting a special borescope into one of ... ....... ..... .... ..... . the aligrment sleeves installed in the phototube compartment. The visible source beam of the spectrophotometer provides 11).umination of selectable color and intensity. Experimental Procedure Spectral measurements were made with 3.81 cm. cells using CC1, at 25°C in the reference cell. Specially purified water samples were introduced into the bottom of the evacuated sample cell by means of a gas-tight Hamilton syringe. The remaining dissolved air was removed by vacuum pumping the vapor phase. The liquid level was adjusted above the optical path during filling, and the position of the meniscus was followed with the aid of the borescupe during operation of the cell. Measurements of saturated and superheated vapor at 250° were made after carefully drawing off the liquid phase from the bottom of the cell. Spectroscopic Measurements Our procedure for measuring the spectrum of a sample as a function of temperature and pressure involves adjusting the sample to hect or cool slowly enough so that the data taken are independent of the rate of temperature change. The chart drives for the spectrophotometer and temperature recorders are synchro- . nized with the clock and the spectral range of interest is scanned repetitively. .. Wavelengths are recorded timewise with a fiducial mark at 100 A or 1000 A inter- .. .. . . vals. It is then a simple matter to correlate the spectral record with temperature . . .. and plot any parameters as a function of temperature. ..... mura . . The above method minimizes the time and effort required for data-taking while . optimizing the precision of the measured or related parameters. . -aaw** 2.5 Laboratory distilled HO was put through an all-quartz double distillation apparatus prior to use. Commercial D2O (99.8 mo1%) was purified with respect to a trace of organic material by distillation from acid KyCr207, alkaline KMnO4 and an empty quartz flask in successive stages. -ngo, h e T The data for water were obtained in experiments run at 0.2 - 0.3°/min. There was no discernible difference in the fit of data obtained by alternate heating and cooling cycles over the same temperature range. In these experiments the scanning speed was 10 A/sec. with a chart display of 300 A/in. An aspect of the versatility of our cell assembly is the ability to freeze a sample in situ and examine the corresponding spectrum of the solid. Samples - - were carefully frozen over periods of 1 to 2 hours, the process being followed either visually with the borescope or spectrophotometrically using dispersed radiation (0.589 ) through the sample. The light loss due to scattering in a sample at the freezing point was large but uniform (90-95%) over the region of interest (0.7 - 2.0 u) and nearly con- stant with time, the established baseline rising less than 0.001 of an absorbance . - - - unit per minute under stress of the heating effect of the undispersed radiation from the infrared source lamp. Results and Discussion The two families of curves in Figure 2 permit a direct comparison of the effect of temperature on the suctra of liquid H,O and D,O under saturation pres- sures from near the freezing point to 250°C. The spectra are qualitatively similar; however the D20 bands occur at longer wavelengths by a factor of 1.35, are broader, more complex, less intense, and generally less temperature sensi- tive. The additional breadth and complexity of the Dgo bands is attributed, at least in part, to the presence of light water contaminant. The (3 v3) bands at 0.85 and 1.12 u are clearly visible in Figure 1 but are of low intensity. However the (2 v + v) and (v + v + v) bands were amenable to close scrutiny. All bands tend to increase in intensity and shift toward lower wavelength (higher energy) with increasing temperature. The (vy + V2 + Vz) 22 7. IT + ........ ...................... .............. ... . ........... . ...... . .. . . . ..... . hely -5 bands, in particular, exhibit two prominent components which are involved in the large frequency shifts near the freezing points. Figure 3 presents the results of a study of the temperature deper.dence of the position of maximum absorption of the (vz + V2 + V3) band ir. liquid water. These data reveal clearly the presence of the two components. The low frequency component, most intense at the freezing point and below", decreases with rising teriperature while the high frequency component of the band is becoming prominent. -:- E Both components are partially resolved into two peaks or equal intensity at 43°C. Figure 4 shows a similar study of the higher energy (2 V2 + vz) bands. While the separation of components is less apparent, nevertheless, the similarities in the behavior of dv/dt with T from - 159 to 250° for the bands are striking. The liquid state spectra become less broad and complex as the temperature rises to 250° (see Figure 2). Figure 5 is a graph of the temperature dependence of the (2 V1 + Vz) band widths. The breadths of these bands at the freezing point are a factor of 80 to ico greater than similar infrared bands in liquid con. Also, these bands narrow rather than broaden with increasing temperature, an indi- cation that the effect of H-bonding is over-riding the kinetic broadening which must occur in the absence of specific interaction. - . . - ..* - .. The temperature dependence of the molar absorptivity of the (2 vn + Vz) band maxima of liquid water (see Figure 6) is linear and anounts to +0.6%/°C at the freezing point. ... ... . .. . 1.1.'.... n amistin Figure 7 shows the pressure dependence of H,O vapor spectrum at 250°C. The uppermost curve is that of saturated stean at 250° and 39.9 atm. The (2 v7 + V3) and (vz + va + vz) bands are clearly visible but of low intensity as the vapor density is 1/40 that of the liquid. A comparison of the molar absorptivities of the band maxima with the corresponding liquid spectra indicates that intensities of these bands are quenched a factor of 30 to 35 in the more condensed phase. "In addition to the results shown in the figures, data have been obtained below the normal freezing points and for ice. -6- The (2 v2 + vz) and (v2 + vz) bands which were a factor of 40 too intense for study in the liquid phase show, at 3.4 atmospheres, the rotational fine structure which characterize these bands in the dilute gas state. The contours of the three sub-bands persist in each case up to the saturation pressure. We are continuirg to analyze these data at present and plan to extend this study to include measurements at 300° anü with shorter cells. - - --- .m. 438 e rdie i h ... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- LR-OWG. 318418 CELL-AND- RESERVOIR CAVITY al. TEFLON SEAL RING N3 DO tilus btii. IA ey SAPPHIRE WINDOW h yor! 'LIQUID LEVEL PIPING CONNECTION METAL CORE CENTER LINE OF LIGHT BEAM Figure ! SCHEMATIC' DESIGN OF THE COMBINED CELL-AND RESERVOIR CAVITY OF THE HIGH TEMPERATURE - PRESSURE SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC CELL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64.8-413 TTTTT (111) HO ATM 39.2 16.6 250 204 159 116 70 5.9 1.22 0.3 - - ::: ABSORBANCE (3.81 CM CELL) 1201) 0,0 (99.8 MOL %) °C ATM (114) 250 39.4- 204 | 16.6 160 6.0- 116 1.7 71 0.3 27 | 0.0 (201) (003) 1003) III ILI .7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1. WAVELENGTH (MICRONS ) TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF LIQUID WATER UNDER SATURATION PRESSURI FROM NEAR THE FREEZING POINT TO 250°C. REFERENCE CELL CONTAINED CCIA (LIQ. 25°C, 1 ATM ). Figure 2. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-8607 8700 TTTTTTTTTT 46550 8650 som er godt |_0.227 + 0.005 cm, : 6500 8600 tagirone 6450 8550 S endaleanselemarked 6400 | 0.216 + 0.004 cm/°C Vmax (cm') H2O Vmax (cm-) D20 тттттті -6300 84004 6250 ooroorsaang sobom ooooo 8350 34 cm /ac +6200 - 43° C OSSOVER TEMPERATURE 8300 TitleLIIIII6450 Ö 40 80 120 160 200 2400100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Temperature Dependence of the Position of Maximum Absorption of the (v + Vz+V3) Band in Liquid Water: • H20 ;•D20 (99.8 mol %). Figure 3. a UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-8606 10,4505TTTTTTTTT 10,4006 10,350 -0.313. -7750 ) H2O v 10,300 00.283 4 0.008 cm/Cumbernalelo Vmax (cm East .co com o 8o 8o 8 000 89000 8°. Vmax (cm-') D20 I 5.2 cm /°C TONTT 10,200 7600 10,150 A 7550 20 10,100 40 IIIIIIIIIIII7500 20 80 120 160 200 240 TEMPERATURE (°C) Temperature Dependence of the Position of Maximum Absorption of the (20, +Vz ) Band in Liquid Water : • H2O ; • D20 (99.8 moi %). Figure 4. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-8994 -TT 800 600F Awa(cm-4) 400 400+ 2000 40 80 _ 120 1 160 200 240 Temperature Dependence of the (207+ V3) Bandwidth in Liquid Water : o H20; D20 ( 99.8 mol %). Figure 5. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-8993 T O RNI DWG. 68 9993 Emax (liter mol-'cm') x 103 W 25- HO B 120 160 200 240 Occordio °C Temperature Dependence of the Molar Absorptivity of the .cz (99.8 mol %). ....... Figure 6. a UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-8555 RESOLUTION (Å) (011) NOTE: VIBRATIONAL QUANTUM NOS. Vivre. FOR THE UPPER STATE OF EACH COMBINATION BAND ARE IN BRACKETS: THE LOWER STATE IS (000), FOLLOWING MECKE. J. PHYSIK 81, 313 (1933). 39.9 ATM-- M -36 Å (101) 21.8 ATM ABSORBANCE (381 CM CELL) 14 14 Å to ē. - 4ått H-58 (111) (201) W 41021) 3.4 ATM 0.06ee suhe 23 8 DO 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.4 WAVELENGTH (MICRONS). PRESSURE DEPENDENCE OF THE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF WATER VAPOR AT 250°C. REFERENCE CELL CONTAINED CCIA (LIQ., 25°C, 1 ATM.). Figure 7. :-? DATE FILMED 4/ 7 /65 . :- . . A - - --- - -LEGAL NOTICE -. - - - . .,: M indra, This roport was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Statos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotonosu, or unofulnoss of the information containod in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procoss disclosed in thio report may not infringe privately ownod rights; or B. Assumos uny liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damayes resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothud, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the abovo, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with ouch contractor. # :", . ionnecti 4.. . ...itt ... ... i n .. m + r . mizingen::sindi. END .