. • = .- .. .-- LK29.insen . . i I OF ORNL P 882 . . . . : : 2 . . . { I 11 • . + I 4 : . .. . . ww + . . . 1340 1 i . . . . 11:25 | 1.4 1.6 . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 1 a ORNレーP-8 Cl. Cellesis, eta This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least months prior to the 188uance date of this Micrr:- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per 18 being distributed in Microcard fcrm as a preprint. Calculation of Product Yields Using an Open Carbonium www. JAN 2 i 1965 Ion Model Lor Solvolysis hilbenyl-2-butyl Tosylate (1) Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Sir: The case for phenonium ions in the so.lvolyses of threo- and erythro-3.-phenyl-2-butyl tosylates and related compounds has recently been restated by D. J. Cram.2a 1. C. Brown, 3 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTFACTS (2) (a) D. J. Cran, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 3767 (1964); (b) ibid., 74, 2129 (1952); (c) ibid., 21, 3863 (1949). (3) H. C. Brown, ibid., 87, 0000 (1965). hɔwever, proposes that the two pair of equilibrating, open, non-bridged cations x=b and căd should replace the trans- and cis-phenonium ions, respectively. Brown makes the following j I CH,-, Đ H Ho C - Cos CH2 ECCHE Coř.H т ен, Ph. trans- phenonium ion CH3 CH3. C13 CH. Cits ič -ċH Hв'c. D.-CH3 H berec - C H Ph nonium loh assumptions: 1) erythro-3-phenyl-2-butyl tosylate undergoes solvolysis from conformation 1-1, whereas thre5-3-phenyl-2- butyl tosylate undergoes solvolysis from conformation II-2 OTS OTS OTS HACH₃ Phrtrh Hotych сHX Xн НХХсна н ясн3 ph Cits I-1 페 ​I-2 Ph (rather than II-1), and 2) approach to the open carbonium center by entering anion or solvent is exclusively from the side away from phenyl. Cramca not only questions the validity of the foregoing assumptions, but states that even if they are true: 1) the equilibria a=b and căd would have to take place faster--by factors of 100-3000--than any one of the four cations is con- sumed by solvent, 2) the open carbonium ions (a,b,c,d) would have to react with solvent faster than any conformational inter- conversions by factors up to 10,000,4 3) phenyl migration in the (4) Cram's calculations, however, were made by comparing product yields, a method which appears to us to be incorrect. equilibria ab and cod would have to be much faster than the interconversion of rotamers, and 4) Brown's model requires much more "leakage" than is actually observed between the erythro and threo series. Brown's "model" is much more complicated than is at first apparent from the simple picture of the equilibria a=b and ced, for rotation about the Cz-Cbond is possible, thus allowing conformations in which either hydrogen or methyl are perpendicular to the presumed plane of the carbonium center. Further, both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations are con- ceivable, thus incieasing the conformational possibilities. Because of the current ,3 interest in this controversial subject, we decided to use Brown's assumptions as a basis for an open carbonium ion mechanism for the solvolysis of I or II. The scheme chosen is shown in Chart I. Only the minimum number of ionic conformations necessary to yield the observed products have been included. Olefin is assumed to arise from conformations w, x, y and z--either by direct elimination of a proton or through hydride shift, formation of tertiary acetate and loss of HOAC. Equations 1-13, which exactly describe the mechanism of Chart I in terms of the mole fractions (ma, my, etc.) of products (A, B, etc.) and ratios of the several specific reaction rate constants (ky, ky, kp, k, Xe, etc.), were derived in a manner analogous to that used previously." Relative values for these (5) C. J. Collins and B. M. Benjamin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 2519 (1963). rate constants were arbitrarily assumed, and the mole fractions of products A-G and W-Z were calculated.° 4 i - ] - . .. - oletin Ph Ho CHE Mi ang cha & 5 defin defin Chi to Mtot CH3 * Сн, " . "21% & on CHE TOCH сн. ін. ТСН, D-erythro - 3 - phenyl - 2-butyl tosylate Сн, oletin CHUYO CH, ter CHE LO CH H oletin 1 сня L CHART I CHART I (6) Equations 2.-13 were solved simultaneously using Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion on an IBM 7090 computer. W + 0 + + at : 11 min Im - 1 (13) In the first calculations, the results of which are shown in Table I, the following simplifying assumptions were made: ko - kg, and kpk - kg - kæ If the results of calculation no. 4 (in which kn = ke - 20 and kz - k, - 1) are expressed in terms of Cram's mechanism: 1) 51.2% of the reaction proceeded to D-erythro-acetate (95% of whica was formed via trans-phenonium ion), 2) 1.2% went through "leakage" to nearly racemic threo- acetate, and 3) 47.6% went to olefin. Calculation no. 5 would be explained as: 1) 66.8% D-erythro-acetate (97.4% through the trans-phenonium ion), 2) 32.5% olefin and 3) less than 0.5% "leakage" to threo- and L-erythro-acetate. Both of the foregoing' results (as well as all of the data in Table I) are directly translatable to the solvolysis of threo-3-phenyl-2-butyl tosylate; calculation no. 5, for example, would be translated as 66.8% threo-acetate which is 97.1% racemic (2.6% retained configu- ration), plus 32.5% olef in and less tha: 0.5% "leakage" to ano.comican nda m u metros erotiv TABLE I Product Yields for Each Path of Chart I Using Equations 2–13 and Assumed Values for ki 10 2 2 10 20 Path Yield D-erythro D-threo 3 . 4 7 . 8 20 50 25 20 100 1 1 10 · 20 20 50 Mole Fr. Hole Fr. Mole Fr. kole Fr. Mole Fr. Mole Fr. Hole Fr. Mole Fr. Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield 3663 .2840 .2787 2678 .3425 .3574 .3185 .3088) .3197 .2383 . 2331 .2440 :32.58 .3196 .2945 .3038 ) .0049 .0056 .0029 .0030 .0011 .0026 .0312 .0313 .0043 .0047 .0025 .0027 .0011 .0023 .0289 .0307 .0001 .0002 .00006 .00006 1.000007 .00004 .0060 .0062 .0001 .0002 .00006 .00006 .000007 .00004 .0060 .0062 ,0049 .0056 .0029 .0030 .0011 .0026 .0312 .0312 .0056 .0067 .0035 .0033 .0011 .0029 .0337 .0317 .1352 .2033 .2146 .1571 .1465 .1086 .1117 .1550 .2422 .2566 .2464 . 1665 .1638 .1174 .1135 .ű018 .0041 .0023 .0025 .0005 .0011 .01.16 .0123 .0021 .0049 .0027 0028 .0005 .0012 .0124 .0125 L-threo L-erythro L-threo D-threo .2245 olefin * In these calculations ko - kg, and k, ka - kr - kø. erythro-acetate. Calculations 9 and 8 (Table 1) indicate the relative insensitivity of product yield to a 5-fold increase of k irom 20 to 100. : Several calculations were made in which individual values were assigned each of the eight constants. Thus, when kg = 20, we calculate yields of 89.33% D-erythro-3-phenyl-2-butyl acetate (97.3% of wbich is exactly 50% rearranged); 8.99% olefin, and. only 1.67% total "leakage" to D- and L-threo and L-erythro- acetates. In the last example every conformational interconversion is faster than irreversible collapse (ka) of catiow with solvent to yield product, and the rate (ko) of phenyl flip a=b is slower than every conformational interconversion. When k = 50, ki - 1, kr - 10, k = 500, kr - 5, kå - 100, and kz - ke - 1, the yield of D-erythro-acetate is 97.85% (99% of which is 50% rearranged), the yield of olefin is 1.95%, and "leakage" to other acetates is only 0.2%. We conclude that four of Cram's conclusions are unsound for, to approximate most of his results' employing the mechanism of Chart I: 1) the rate constant (kg) for the forward and backward reactions in the equilibrium a=b need not be faster than reaction with solvent (kz) by a factor of more than 25; 2) confor- mational interconversions (ke, k, kg, ki) can, in theory at least, be faster than reaction with solvent (kz), 3) conformational interconversions can also be faster than kg, and finally, :: 4) "leakage" can be very small without assigning rate differences greater than 10-fold (see calculation no. 2, Table I). .: i . . i < . C my .. . . .: - 1. We do not claim that these calculations provide decisive evidence for H. C. Brown's model;3 we believe they demonstrate, however, that the model cannot be refuted on the basis of Cram's arguments a that the rate-processes of the open carbonium ion mechanism wouid have to assume absurd values to explain the · experimenta15b, C results. The inclusion of ion pair return2b in the calculations introduces complications. It is by no means clear, however, that ion-pair return would require larger differences between the various ki, because it would provide an additional material reservoir between ions x and w and could increase products A and B at the expense of all the others. * "" CHEMISTRY DIVISION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE CLAIR J. COLLINS M. H. LIETZKE R. W. STOUGHTON S . . • '. ..!'. it ; ... .. . M a ver ," taru.'..ti sal . . END DATE FILMED 2 / 15 /66 : t it.se'.. ar ... ..... .. . . *