" I 1 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL P 758 ORNUP-750 CHIEP CONF-72008 *"STER COPY DEC 301964 LUTHAL, MUTAGENIC AND CYT XENETIC EFFECTS OF FAST, CHARGED PARTICLES ON VARIOUS BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS* G. E. Stapleton Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Presented at Second Symposium on Protection Against Radiations in Space Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 12-14 (1961) --LEGAL NOTICE - TVI riport no porno u un account of Government sponsored work. Nellbar the valued suales, nor the Commis5:00, sor day person ucun on belli ol de Coa mission: A. Maker way vorrenly or representation, express or impliud, me respec: to the accu. rmy. completene... or unetulness of the informuon cunealoud to roport, or what we we of any lalor aelor, apparatus, aelod, or proc.dialoud le duo report bay bol lofriage prinuly owned resu; or B. Asnarı may liabiliues mu respect to the use oi, or for dages roowing trou there um ol way toorenton, apparitus, antbod, or proces. dixclound in was report. Al und die above, "person ucung og bemil of the Craniosko" includes way - pinyre or coatrictor of the Coaallion, or omployee of such contractor, lo he armi tut nach employee or contractor of the Coaoiston, or employee of our roouunr perurs. diswajal., or provides sccm. 6. any loformation purnuot to apoyarat or coolract vlucine Coomo.100, or his emaployaroi min oud contractor. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Running head: Send Proof to: tr. George E. Stapleton Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. O. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 Members of the Biology Division have participated in two general types of investigations related to the biological effects of space radiations · (1) Attempts to detect the possible eynergistic action of radiations and other flight parameters such as vibration, and weightlessness by use of sensitive systems in orbiting or probe vehicles and (2) groundbaseå investigations of cellular response to high-energy protons and heavy particles, ranging in energy from 20 to hundreds of Mev. This paper will report results obtained from the second category of experiments. The concept that prompted these studies was that the changes in relative biological effectiveness (RBE) with increasing linear energy transfer (LET) of the particles might vary with different biological materials as well as the effects studied. Therefore, several materials were chosen as test objects, varying from microorganisms to human cells, and lethal, mutagenic and cytogenetic responses were surveyed. It was understood that similar work preceded and continued during our survey, in other laboratories, notably at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, and at Yale University. It was hoped that the results of the many experiments with widely varied test materials and end-points would fortify each other in helping us to understand this seemingly complicated interrelationship. My own work was concerneu with inactivation or lethality and induction of mutations in the often used bacterium, Escherichia coli..? The small size of these cells permits the irradiation of 10% or more cells in a very thin layer with any of the radiations of interest. Also, these cells respond to the presence or absence of oxygen in the atmosphere by a several fola change in their radiosensitivity. This change was studied as a function of the LET of the various radiations. The ability of the chemical protector B-mercaptoethylamine to reduce the radiosensitivity was also investigated in a limited number of irradiations. Mutation frequencies were estimated by use or a airferent strain of the same species. The results of Drs. F. J. de Serres and B. B. Webber are basea cn lethulity and forward mutations at specific loci in the fungus Neuros pora crassa.? The irradiated samples were asexual spores that contained two genetically different nuclei. 'This material allows the estimations of the types of genetic effects displayed by diploid cells. The techniques used permit the easy identification of all mutations at a specific locus by a color change from white to purple, therefore tremendous numbers of irradiated and unirradiated cells can be screened for the mutations induced. Subsequent genetic analysis with well marked test strains allows the investigator to classify the genetic alterations ranging from single nucleotide changes to loss of entire chromosomes. Dr. E. F. Dakberg's experiments are concerned with Jethal effects on spermatogonia and oocytes in irradiated mice." The dynamics of gametogenesis in mice is now well enough understood to make a study of degeneration of certuin cell types in the mouse ovaries and testes a reliable and sensitive measure of radiation damage incurred by wnold body irradiation of these animals. The technique permits the amount of degeneration produced to be measured in the absence of any apparent repair by cell replacement. Since whole animals are irradiated, these experiments could not be perfornied with the short range protons and heavy-ions. Dr. M. A Bender's experiments on production of chromosome aberrations in human cells) are carried out with samples of the blood of the investigator and as one would guess are "in vitro" experiments. These samples of whole heparini.zed blood are irradiated, the leukocytes are separated, by centrifugation, from the rest of the blood elements and cultured for three days in a tissue culture medium. The cells are stopped from further division, by addition of colchicine, in their first postirradiation cell division, fixed, stained and the number of aberrations scored microscopically. Two easily identifiable types of chromosomal aberrations are scored. The various radiations used are described in Table 1. The LET's quoted are taken from the literature and track average values. As Randolph has suggested the composite average LET for all particles, primaries and secondaries, should be considered in critical LET calculations. This has not been done for the data reported here. The types of dosimetry for the various radiations differea. The X-ray doses were measured in air with Victoreen "r" meter, with the thimble chambers placed in the position occupied by the biological sample. These dosimeters Standards. The wou gamma ray doses were measured by the system described by Conger et al.': The proton doses were determined either by measurement of the proton flux incident or the biological sample by activation of thin copper foils, or by activation of solid organic scintillators, or by lon-chambers interposed in the beam just upstream of the biological sample. The dosimetry used for the heavy particle irradiations was that adequately described by Brustad et al.lu . 6 When possible, we irradiated the different materials in sequence on the same day, after the beam had been characterized, and the dosimetry performed. This was done in an effort to eliminate possible physical errors , Figure 1 shows the type of inactivation data obtained for Escherichia coll B/r. It is clear that survival of this strain is not an exponential function of dose of X rays or prctons. This organism was chosen because of this characteristic, to determine if the shape of the curve would change, as a function of LET as is found for mammalian and other cells. It is clear that aerobic cells are equally sensitive to Xizys and protons of the indicated energies. The protection afforded by anaercbiosis is also similar for X rays, 130 and 450 Mev protons. The uppermost curve indicates that B-mercaptoethylamine protects equally well against damage by X rays and 130 lev protons. Table 2 shows the summary of data available for inactivation and mutation of E. coli. The inactivation coefficient for aerobic cells changes significantly only for the high LET carbon-ions. Anaerobic cells show a significantly higher RBE for 22 Mev protons and the heavy carbon ions thay for the other radiations. Brustadº and others have shorn similar data for Shigella, a closely related bacterium. The data for change in the ratio of sensitivities in aerobic and anaerobic conditions with radiations of various LET's are similar also to those of Brustad. The data for mutation frequencies are far less complete than those for lethality but within experimental error do not indicate any difference in mutagenetic efficiency of protons of 100 to 750 Mev as compared with X rays. Table 3 is a compilation of the available data on inactivation and mutation of Neurospora crassa. The inactivation coefficients are the reciprocals of the median lethal dose (e-) in kilorads. The RBE's for the various radiations increase as a function of increased LET as indicated by the coefficients for 39 Mev helium ions and 101 Mev carbon ions. The RBE'G estimated for two different types of mutations are shown. They can be seen to increase likewise over the same range of LET, as does inactivation. The highest values of RBE, measured with carbon ion irradiation ranged from 6 to 9. The data obtained with 750 Mev protons indicate an RBE significantly higher than 1 for the effects studied. It is not clear why the low LET, 750 Mev protons, yielded RBE's significantly greater than 1. The data obtained with the high LET radiations, however, indicate a very high RBE for heavy charged particles as high as 6 to 9 for the several effects studied. Such heavy particles can be produced at low frequency with chese high-energy protons. Whether secondary particles with very high LET can account for this result cannot be juiged on the basis of these experiments. As far as they can be compared the data shown here are in accord with the recent data on lethal and mutagenic effects of radiations on a diploid strain of yeast, reported by Mortimer.l. Dr. Cakberg's investigations of relative biological effectiveness of different radiations on gametogenesis in the mouse are less complete than the others as indicated in Table 4. The RBE's for lethali-;' are shown only for 130 and 750 Mev pratons and for 14.1 Mev neutrons. Although the confidence intervals for RBE are quite large, the values for. RBE of protons are not above l as compared with 250 Kvp X rays. It is clear that the values for 14.) Mev neutrons are significantly greater than 1. Preliminary data from experiments with fission neutrons indicate an RBE of about 5. The peak or saturation RBE as a function of LET was not determined in these experiments, but the available data compare favorably with the data on cultured human cells of Barendsen2 and Todd, ts which show the initial increase in RB2 in the LET region of 100-200 Mev cm/gm (10-20 Kev/y of tissue). Dr. Bender's data on RBE for production of chromosome aberrations on humeun leukocytes can logically be considered together with Dakberg's. Bender's data, sumarizeå in Table 5 Por proton and neutron irradiations include a large range of LET. The aberration frequencies include deletions as well as rings and dicentrics. The frequencies of the former type increase linearly with dose for low and high LET radiations and are presumed to result from one-hit events, while the frequencies of the latter type increase approximately with the square of the dose with low LET radiations and linearly with dose with high LET radiations. The protons yield values for RBE not significantly above 1 as was found for all of the test systems used. This is the case for either type of aberration scored. With increasing LET above 60 Mev cm/gm the coefficient of deletion production increases, the RBE increasing to 5 or greater with the 1 Mev neutrons. It is of some interest that the change in kinetics of production of two-hit aberrations (rings and dicentrics) occurs in the same region of LET (~ 100 Mev cm/gm) where overall efficiency in aberration production of two-hit aberrations per particle is reached, b . A more meaningful analysis could be made, however, if the complete LET response were known. Such data can only be obtained with very high LET particles such as those to be described by Dr. Todd in a later paper in this session. It is clear from the data presented here for four cellular systems that each system responds to increasing LET with a change in RBE, and within the errors of the estimation of RBE and LET it seems the increase occurs within the same LET range about, 100-200 Mev cm/gm. This is in good agreement with the data of Barendsent and Todas and others for lethality in mammalian cells. No attempt has been made in these studies to assess the effect of dose rate on the RBE versus LET relationship as has been investigated by the aforementioned authors. The preliminary data obtained for inactivation and mutation of Could Neurospora conidia might suggest that high LET secondary radiation to be detectable with this system. We will need to know more about tlie maximum RBE as a function of LET to make any further statements about this phenomenon. It is clear from the results discussed that large gaps exist in our present assessment of the role of LET in relative biological effectiveness of protons as well as other types of radiation. Although the different systems show different RBE's with the same radiation, there are reasonable consistencies among the responses of the various systems. Our data indicate that the maximum or peak RBE has not been obtaineci in any of the experiments so far performed. This is in apparent contrast to the data reported by Conger et al.' for production of chromosomal aberrations in Tradescantia, which show maximam RBE in the range of LET produced by 1.3 Mev neutrons. The data are not inconsistent however with those presented by Barendsen nor with those of Tobias and Toda-3, Brustad, 10 and Mortimer, 12 which show maximum effectiveness per particle in the range of 2000 Mev cm /gm for a number of effects on various types of living cells. We hope that more complete investigations with some of these systems will allow us to make more positive statements about this complicated interrelationship and ultimately about the hazards expected from space flights which will involve the encounter with radiations of the types studied here. . 10 Footnotes 1. A. Hollaender, G. E. Stapleton and F. L. Martin. Nature 167: 103-104 (1951). 2. A. Hollaender and G. E. Stapleton. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (1955), Vol. 2. United Nations, N. Y., pp. 206-113. 3. F. j. de Serres and B. B. Webber. 4. E. F. Dakberg and E. Clark. Jour. Cell Comp. Physiol. 58 (Suppl. 1) 173-182 (1962). 5. M. A Bender and P. C. Gooch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (U.S.) 48: 522-532 (1962). 6. M. L. Randolph. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 114: (1) 85-95 (1964). 7. A. D. Conger, M. L. Randolph, C. W. Sheppard and H. J. Luippola. Rad. Res. 2: 525-547 (1958). (1957). Bi. G. J. Hines and C. L. Brownell. Acad. Press, New York. Ch. 14, pp. :3-665. 9. W. A. Gibson, G. E. Stapleton and B. BWebber. ORNL-TM 924 (June 30, 196!+). 10. T. Brustad. Adv. in Biol. Med. Physics 8: .161-220 (1962). 11. R. K. Mortimer, T. Brustad, and D. V. Cormack. Univ. of Calif. Report UCRL-11387, 35-53 (1964). 12. G. W. Barendsen. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 114 (1): 96-413 (1964). 13. C. A. Tobias and P. W. Todd. Univ. of Calif. Report UCRL 21387, 25-34 (1964). Table 1. Radiation Facilities Used Facility Radiation LET Mev cm²/sm Track Average University of California - 184-in. Synchrocyclotron HIIAC Accelerator 2.50 750-Mev protons Carbon ions Helium ions ~ 20000 130 University of Chicago - 170-in. Synchrocyclotron 450-Mev protons 2.50 Harvard University - 260-in. Synchrocyclotron 50-Mev - 100-Mev protons 12 - 70 ORNL - 86-in. Cyclotron 22-Mev protons 2.50 ORNI. - Maxitron 250 X-ray Machine 250-Kvp X rays ~ 258 C060 Gamma Source 1.2 - 1.4-Mev photons ~ 2.68 ORNL - Health Physics Reactor Fssion neutrons ~ 3008 ORNL - Cockcroft-Walton Accelerator 14.1-Mev neutrons 2.5-Mev neutrons ~ 3008 conger et al. See Ref. 7. PT. Brustad. See Ref. 10. CA. C. Birge et al. See Ref. 8. Table 2. Bacterial Inactivation and Mutation Mutation Cocfficient Revertants per Survivor per Kilorad Inactivation coefficienta Ratio Radiation Aerobic Anaerobic Aer./Anaer. Proline Galactose 0.14 0.043 0.15 0.050 10 x 10-10 10 x 10-10 10 x 10-10 12 x 10-10 20 x 10-20 30 x 10-10 20 x 10-10 0.13 750-Mev protons 430- Mev protonso 130-Mev protons 250-Kvp X rays 22-Mev protons 100-Mev carbon ions 0.042 0.125 0.010 20 x 10-20 0.13 0.062 0.11 0.078 The inactivation coefficient is the reciprocal of the et dose (LD-37) determined from the exponential slope of the survival curves. The data obtained with the 430-Mev proton bcam. are somewhat less reliable than the others because the uniform beam area was smaller and the dosimeter system was not cross-calibrated with the other radiations Tuble 3. RBE's for Cellular Inactivation and putation in Neuros pora Mitation Radiations Cellular Inactivation RBE for ad-3A Mutation (one-hit) RBE for ad-3 IR Mutation (two-hit) RBE 750-Mev protons 0.1145 1.77 1.36 1.147 1447-Mev protons 0.0675 1.02 1.00 0.87 1.214 2142-Mev protons 0.0839 2.30 1.30 250 Kvp X ray 0.0648* 1.00 1.00 1.00 39-Mev helium ions 0.105 2.37 1.62 6.1 1.81 4.38 101-Mev carbon ions 0.396 9.10 *Average of inactivation constants from four experincnts is used for 250-Kvp X-ray inactivation constant. co y Rays Table 4. RBE of Protons to X Rays and 14.1-Mev Neutrons to for Spermatogonial and Cocyte Killing RBE Lower 95% Confidence Limit Upper 95% Confidence Limit Radiation Cell Type Point Estimate Spermatogonia: 14.1-Mev Neutrons* A 1.76 1.41 2.19 Late A 2.52 2.38 2.76 2.89 2.69 Late A + In 2.11 Spermatogonia: 130-Mev protons 0.28 0.47 0.64 0.70 0.95 Late A 0.41 Late A + In 0.68 1.40 0.27 0.00 Oocytes 0.28 0.73 Spermatononia: 750-Mev protons A 0.84 1.10 0.77 1.11 Late A Late A + In Oocytes 0.64 0.52 0.69 0.20 0.96 1.34 0.66 1.53 *From Oakberg and Clark, 1961 Table 5. Coefficients of Chromosomal Aberration Production for Proton Irradiation of Human Leukocytes Radiation Coefficient of Aberration Production Deletions Rings and Dicentrics RBE (103 x) (106 x) 0.6 6.0 0.7 750-Mev protons 450-Mev protons 0.9 1.0 100-Mev protons 0.7 0.8 50-Mev protons 0.4 250-Kvp X rays 6.0 + 0.5 14-Mev neutrons 0.4 0.9 1 0.03 2.3 0.2 2.8 + 0.2 5.0 N w 2.5-Mev neutrons 1-Mev neutron 5.6 From Y = a + bd; the coefficient 18 b, expressed in aberrations/cell/rad. From Y = cd"; the coefficient is e, expressed in aberrations/cell/rada. calculated from deletion coefficient only. By definition. For purposes of comparison, these coefficients would be meaningless because the kinetics of two-hit aberration production change in this LET range, becoming approximately linear for 2.5 Mev neutrons. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 64.7792 AMINE - -- ANAEROBIC -. te SURVIVING FRACTION ..-AEROBIC I X-RAY V ORNL-22 Mov PROTONS • HARVARD - 130 MON PROTONS - CHICAGO -450 Mov PHOTONS ---- CALIFORNIA - 750 Mov PROTONS 20 40 60 RADIATION DOSE (kllorods) Fig. 3. Surviving Fraction of Escherichia coli B/r as a Function of Dose (Kilorads) for Protons of Various Energies. Survival curves are for cells irradiated aerobically, anaerobically, and in the presence of cysteamine (0.12 M). ... . .. DATE FILMED 4 / 13) 65 - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Coinmission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expre88cd or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proci $8 disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or coniractor of the Commission, or employec of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . ..ocm medor. END