that ! . C . . . N U ! I N Y . C . w tv F . 'Y . " ' r 1. T 12 : ! . - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL M ' ' 7 * .. 1 2. 750 - . - 0 / P . . 1. . 7 . W V 23 . WWW LIN zor604 PSE ORNLP - 750 . New challenges in clinical comting With the introduction of the so-called "nedical spectrometer" into nuclear medicine, the reliability of the measurements has improved con- siderably, for the couter's attention can now be focussed on the informative components in the radiation while background and other undesirable juns can be greatly reduced. The scattered radiation that is always present when the source lies inside a patient can now be made less troublesome, - - - - - - ; - - thus making it easier for us to design a realistic "phantom" in which the ; standard of comparison will be counted. The spectrometers may also be able to untangle a mixture of two or more radionuclides, they can check the purity of a questionable radioactive drug, and so on. This selective counting of gamma rays was not possible in the Geiger-tube days, and it was difficult even in the early days of scintillation counting, when most of the instruments operated on the integral or "threshold" basis. Ir the spectrometer's full potential is to be realized, however, the instru- ment must be operated with intelligence and insight. Our doctors and technicians are learning to do this. Stability - Returning to the threshold counters for a moment, it is not always realized how easily disturbed they are by factors that change the electronic amplification (including that in the photomultiplier tube) .. . - - - ... - . 4 .1. . . i ' ' :. - ' - ... ..- - - or cause a drift in the location of the electrical threshold, which has - . .. . .. . somewhat the same effect. Figure 1 shows superimposed integral and differ- ential spectra for a sample of barium-133, the integral spectrum being scaled down by a factor of about 16 to keep it from running off the chart. - . . . . In search of stability in a threshold counter, we look for a place where - . .. - . . . . i - . the integral curve is flat, since in such a location the threshold could f - - - - - : . * Text of a paper presented at a meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo, November 18, 1964. Work sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. -2- move a little without changing the count rate. But the integral curve climbs continuously and is not flat anywhere, so the best one can do 18 to find a place where the slope 18 minimum. Or, we should really say, a place where the percent slope 18 minimum. With the spectrometer, on the other hand, there are several places where the curve goes through a maximum, and here the window could shift a little without doing any harm. For several reasons (1), the most useful counting windows are fairly wide, and if the spectrum shows were run again with a wide window the peaks would become quite broad, thus offer- ing regions of good stability. Reduced irradiation of the patient - . . This is one of the prominent concerns in nuclear medicine today. Nearly everyone recognizes it as desirable in principle, but it does . . . - . create problems. The smaller the dose of radioactivity one gives to the . . patient, the less radiation there will be for the counter to measure. - - --... Thus we are being pushed iuto the field of low-ectivity counting, and con- . . siderations of efficiency acquire new importance. . Geometrical efficiency. - Rays come out of a source in all directions; only a fraction of them will reach the detector, and we call this fraction the "geometry". Too often it is distressingly low, and Figure 2 shows why. We can imagine a spherical sheil with the radioactive source at its center and the detector covering part of the spherical surface. The fraction of the surface covered gives a measure of the geometrical. efficiency. Taking a practical example, if the diameter of the crystal 18 6 cm, anå the distance to the source is 15 cm, the occupied fraction of the surface will be very nearly IX3 o, or about 1 percent. Thus the 40 x 252 of about 1 percent : PA ! -3- very first thing that happens is that 99 percent of the radiation is lost. We can improve the geometry nearly 100 times by switching to the "well crystal" type of detector, but an ordinary well won't accept samples larger than a few cubic centimeters. Cassen has designed a well counter that can accept a 120-cc sample (4). Sodium iodide makes an excellent scintillating material, but the cost becomes prohibitive when one tries to surround a large sample with solid sodium iodide. Accordingly Cassen uses broken pieces of the crystal material, imersing them in a silicone fluid of high re- fractive index. His counter's geometrical efficiency 18 good, but its energy resolution 18 pnor. We will come back to the question of resolution in a moment. Intrinsic crystal efficiency - Recognizing that many of the rays emitted from a source will miss the crystal, we must also recognize that some of the rays that actually enter the crystal will go right through it without making any ions, in which case there will be no scintillation and no count in the scalor. Moreover, some rays do interact but gonerate only weak scintillations, because the first interaction may be a Campton ovent (it usually 18) and the scattered ray sometimes escapes from the crystal, carrying part of the energy with it. As we shall 360 in a moment, we can't permit the spectromotor to count all suintillations; whether weak or strong, because to do ... . 1.0 . 2 T: FM . 80 would bring in too many background counts. The "primary peak" in a spectrum (see Fig. 3) reprosents strong scintillations that result from the absorption of all the energy of the incoming photon (hence we call it the "total-absorption poak"), and it is in thio part of the spectrum that we can count the greatest number of informative rays cambd ned with a minimum of background. Accordingly the most important numbor describing crystal efficiency is the "poak intrinsic efficiency", by which won the ratio photons absorbed totally all photons ontoring crystal T. This ratio will VILUP! WWW . La " . . . WWW. ***SAL bowiem M **WD MEANS TOM S $**** " **** ER -4- be energy-dependent, for more of the scattered radiation will be lost if the incoming epergy is high. The ratio will also depend on crystal size, since escape is easier in small crystals. Curves are available for crystals of verlous sizes, showing intrinsic efficiency plotted against energy (2,3). 1 T A . 1 3 2 "Total intrinsic efficiency" Includes all the photons that make any kind of scintillation; the "peak-to-total ratio" 18 total-ab all scintillations Thus, peak intrinsic efficiency is the product of the other two. Window efficiency - In very low-activity counting one should take care to use the spectrometer's window properly, for the window 18, essentially, a mechanism that throws counts away. Ironically, it turns out best to throw away about 15 percent of the counts in the total-absorption peak of the spectrum. We normally place the window so that it covers the pri- mary peak, and we muet decide how .wide its opening should be. If we make it too narrow it will throw away too many of the informative ("signal") counts, whereas if it is too wide it will let in too many undesirable ("noise") counts -- background and what-not. The compromiss giving best statistics is shown in Figure 3, where the window catches 85 percent of the pulses in the primary peak; if you try to get more than this it will cost too much in terms of "noise". The top and bottom of the window are adjusted to ir i.. 1 - 131 2 cut the curve at the points where the count rate is 1/3 of the maximum 1.! or peak rate. Fortunately this choice of opening is not very critical;, 0 if stability is also a serious consideration, the window can be made somewhat wider (1, p. 28) without much loss in statistical reliability. The foregoing discussion shows why it is important to have good reso- lution in a spectrometer. If the resolution 13 poor, so that the primary peak is spread out, the "85% window will have to be made wide in order il to fit the peak properly, and this widened window will bring in more back- . 7 . . . " -50 In short, statistics are made worse when the resolution is poor. ground. Quite apart from this, good resolution is important in distinguishing the primary radiation from scatter, in sorting out the several components of a mixture, in plotting a spectrum, and so on. Figure 4 shows a large-sample counter that retains good resolution (5). It uses a single sodium iodide crystal, 125 x 10 cm, and a 10-liter sample surrounds it on all sides except that needed for the phototube. With this arrangement, all parts of the sample lie within about 8 cm of the crystal. The average geometry is considerably less than 50 percent, but the large pass of the sample helps to compensate for this. Background problems are likely to be bad around a hospital, because soice of the sources of background will be variable. They get turned on 2 . and off (e.g. X-ray and therapy machines), or they may be moved from place to place (e.g. doses, patients, excreta, etc.). If very low-level counting is to be done, therefore, a hospital wing should be designed to have a "hot end" and a "cold end", to keep sensitive counters as far as possible from the sources of variable background. This has been partially achieved at the Medical Division of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (@INS). There the whole-body counter, and the 10-liter sample count or referred to above, are isolated by themselves at one end of the hospital wing and, for good measure, they are buried in a bank of earth. Special materials, selected for rear-zero radioactivity, are used in the construction of the walls of the "cave" where the patients are counted (5). Figure 5 shows the floor plan of the underground annex; note the 4 meters of earth between the cave and the hospital proper. There is considerable additional earth betweon the cave and the teletherapy machines, which are off to the left in the 7 o'clock" direction. The subjects to be counted take a shower and put on 21 . . TO LOL A # 1917 . . " . . . .. . 1 :. .. -6- a clean X-ray gown before going into the "clean laboratory", where only the subjects and the operator of the equipment are allowed to go. Visitors, carrying who-knows-what on their shoes, are expressly kept out, but they may watch the operations from tive office through a lerge window in the wall. While being counted the patient lies on a canvas stretcher and is . surrounded by a thin, plastic box so that only 8 percent of the air in the cave need be ventilated. In addition, the air is carefully filtered ..-.. first. The provisiona lould considerably reduce the contamination hazard from radon, fallout, etc. Low-energy emitters - Not long ago the medical people suddenly realized that the electron-capture nuclides give off neither alpha nor beta particles, and thus their destructiveness to surrounding living tissues is greatly reduced. They do deliver a definite "on-site dose", but usually it is rather mild, being due mainly to conversion and Auger electrons, plus a contribution from photons having energies of 10 kev or less. These considerations brought the electron emitters quickly into HC L . " the diagnostic field, where they are enjoying a surge of popularity. It so happens that most of the medically useful members of this group are . low-energy emitters, so now the instrument designers are presented with I the problems of counting photons in the 20-100 kev energy range, and of locating their points of origin with a direction-sensitive detector. . We fully sympathize with doctors who want to keep down the radiation - E . dose received by the patient, but it should be pointed out that low-energy $ rays have a few unfortunate habits. The patient will absorb many of . .. them, for one thing, which will make quantitative counting difficult, and more than usually dependent on the "realism" of the phantom in which the .. standard of comparison will be counted. No phantom, of course, can hope IYI .. . 2 . TEX . to match the absorption and scattering in all patients: people are just too variable. But the quantitative, in-vivo procedures are not the only ones. in trouble, for the low energies also bother the directional devices --- notably the honeycomb collimators. Figure 6 shows the two kinds of rays that can deceive a directional detector: (1) rays that penetrate the septa between the holes in the honeycomb, and (2) rays that come into the field of vision from off-target locations and then are scattered up into the detector. At low energies the penetration problem is lessened, but the scattering problem becomes worse (6). There are three reasons for this. First, the Klein-Nishina function (8) shows what there is more scattering at the lower energies -- mors deflected rays to worry about. Second, the Compton equation (7) shows that the scattered energies lie close to the primary, making it harder for a spectrometer to identify and reject the deflected rays. Third, the spectrometer approaches this task partially ti crippled, for its resolution gets worse as the energy goes down. These la finestra de rata una mica three hazards are shown pictorially in Figure 7. We can offer the spectrometer a helping hand by moving its analyzing window somewhat to the right of the normal position. This utilizes the steeply sloping, left side of the Gaussian response characteristic to sharpen up the differentiation between the primary rays and scattered rays whose energies have been only mildly degraded. Figure 8 shows how such . an asymmetrical window is applied in the case of cobalt-57. This trick se t in the entire involves a loss in count rate, but it can clean up a scan considerably, suppressing off-target rays that would make the outlines less sharp. in the internet Securities This problem 18 discussed more fully in reference (6). For reasons of stability, : the asymmetrical window should not be used unless it is needed. In short, the low-energy emitters have vices as well as virtues, and * c uc S - - VO * " WANNY . . ! . VALAM 11 L .',. '.. . 1 . both should be considered in deciding whether or not to use one cť them. : . 7 Currently we think that for scanning purposes an energy of around 150 kev is about ideal. Below this energy the difficulties begin to mount, and one should avoid them if possible. Because these newer nuclides are currently receiving so much atten- tion, we might do well to tabulate a few of their advantages and draw- backs.. 3 - 1 Drawbacks 1) Advantages less dose to the patient per uc (but the real question is: ? more actual information per unit of patient damage ?) 1) poor geometry (if crystal is small); . 2) special crystal and can; 3) special colliinator, for full efficiency; a) less strain on the detector: a) good intrinsic efficiency with small crysta.l.; b) negligible collimator leakage; 4) "escepe peak" in spectrum; . 5) poor energy resolutiou; mow nae mouston. c) reduced background; 6) electronic noise problems; a) smaller size, weight, cost, etc. 7) phantom troubles; 8) scatter troubles. The foregoing review, without pretending to be complete, presents some of the developments in counting and shielding techniques that are needed to meet nuclear medicine's increasing instrumental demands. They re-emphasize the need for good spectrometry in the clinical counting of ! . gamma rays. . ? ! . . AXX WEKAWYCHOS Math WARNA s -9- . - References - materinsti - . . - D ..- n net 4_ - . - (1) D. A. Ross (59): Medical gamma-ray spectrometry, U.S. A. E. C. report ORINS-30, pp. 24 & ff (off. Tech. Serv., Dept. of Commerce, Washicgton 25, D.C.) (2) C. C. Harris, D. B. Hamblen, and J. E. Francis, Jr., ('59): Basic 7 n'hidant a principles of scintillation comting for medical investigators, V.S. A.E.C. report ORNL-2808, pp. 9 and ff. (Office of Technical Services; Donnais - - this report is bound together with (1), above). * , ' ' (3) R. L. Heath ('64): Scintillation spectrometry, Second edition, vol. 2, - . taurimit appendices 2 and 3, U.S. A.E.C. report IDO-16880-1 (or TDD-4500) (off. Tech. Serv., Dept. of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C.) (4) B. Cassen ('62): J. nucl. Med. 3, 128. (5) D. A. Ross and A. C. Morris, Jr., ('62): Medical Division Research Report ORINS-42, p. 48 (off. Tech. Serv., Dept. of Commerce, Washington, 25, D. C.), (6) D. A. Ross, C. C. Harris, M. M. Satterfield, T. R. Bell, and J. C. Jordan ('64): Fadioaktive Isotope in Klinik rand Forschung, Band 6, 108 (in press; Urban und Schwarzenberg, München). (7) A. H. Compton ('23): Phys. Rev. 21, 483. See equation (3), p. 486. (8) O. Klein and Y. Nishina ('29): Z. Physik 52, 853. For graphical development of the equation see A. T. Nelms ('53): U: S. National Bureau of Standards Circular 542, Washington, D. C. 2 i ndari..n niin einem andere manierista res white someth aniamo anche r asra m e Turt 12 Ca YZ 1111 . L . " III. W , -10- Legends Fig. 1. Differentia). and integral spectra for a small source of barium- 133, in air. The integral curve was run at about 1/16 sensi- tivity, to keep the graph from running off the chart. This curve rises continually, offering no flat regions where sta- Fig. 2 - differential spectrum shows & peak. (Spectra courtesy of Medical Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies.) Detector "geometry" can be estimated by imagining a small source at the center of a sphere (radius R), with the detecting crystal (radius r) occupying part of the spherical surface. The ratio of the occupied area (approximately ar2) to the whole surface (45 R2) gives the fraction of the radiation that reaches the crystal. With the source only three crystal diameters away, more than 99 percent of the rays are lost. A gpectrum of chromium-52, with the background spectrum below. When the sample is very weak, the spectrometer's window should see only 85 percent of the pulses in the total-absorption peak, for beyond this point the rapidly increasing "noise" overpowers the slowly increasing "signal". (Spectra courtesy of ORINS Medical Division.) Low-activity counter for 10-liter samples. The large mass of Fig. 3 - Fig. 4 - sample, which surrounds the crystal except on the bottom, makes up for a detector geometry considerably less than 50 percent. Courtesy of ORINS Medical Division; redrawn from (5), page 51. Fic. 5 - Plan of the whole-body-counting facility at ORINS Medical Division (unpublished, by permission). This annex is buried -ll- in a bank of earth, which shields the patient-counting "cave" from the variable radiation in the hospital. The dotted line shows the path of a subject from the office, through the shower, to the "cave", and back to the office. The "clean laboratory" 18 a restricted area, ventilated with carefully filtered air at slight poeitive pressure. Visitors can watch the procedures through the window in the office wall, but are not allowed to go in. Fig. 6. Showing two linds of rays that a honeycomb detector 18 not supposed to see, since they originate outside the legitimate field of vision. The penetrating rays go through the septa between the collimator's holes. The scattered rays come into the field of vision and are deflected upward into the crystal. At low energies there is less trouble from pene- tration, but more from scattering. From (6), courtesy of * See page // A Urban as Urban' und Schwarzenberg, München. 118_1 - Showing the three ways ta which scattered radiation becomes troublesome at low ecergies -- 100 kev compared with 500. Upper curves: Compton's equation (7) shows that the scattered energies (single collision) will be crowded together when the primary energy 18 low; Klein-Nishida calculations (8) show that the scatter 18 al. Bo more abundante Lover curves: These show how a spectrometer's resolution gets worse, at low energies, just when good resolution 18 needled. From (6), courtesy of Urben und Schwarzenberg, München. Fig. 8 - Cobalt-% scans, showing the cleanup value of the asym- metrical window (lover loft) when the primary energy is low. From (6), courtesy of Urban und Schwarzenberg, München. INDE ? ****** vores bin*pda; -m..9"," T Y PE"; SEX. - IA Note: The upper curves are not energy spectra: the "abundance" plotted 18 the fractional scattering per mit solid angle, not per (Italico) ... unit kev. It 18 a scattered ray's direction, more than its energy... i that determines whether or not it will enter the detector. IITTI IIIIII UNI IHII IMUM MILITA Illlll IIIIIIIIIIIII WINUTITUIUTI WITHI III 111 llllll ITUTULUlilluT H WINNIN UU IlmTullllllllll MUHIMU UTIHTITUTI HllllllllllllllllllIU UUUUUUUUUUlulilu Will Illllllllllllll UTILITIH Il M - M MINIUM ultiTTIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITUN llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IM ! JINI DILULUOOTUD TUDUDIO...- IIIIIIIII WITH III lllll W DIIT! ITIH ITI00000 IMDI IILI LILI Illllllllllls. S HINI Must Jill 0 100 200 300 400 kev F1 iem Fig. 1 - Differential and integral spectra for a small source of barium- 133, in air. The integral curve was run at about 1/16 sensi- tivity, to keep the graph from running off the chart. This curve rises continually, offering no flat regions where sta- bility would be good. It rises mout steeply wherever the differential spectrum shows a peak. (Spectra courtesy of Medical Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies.) ens persones R- . . * ML TI ' . 1. EXIO .. . TZ I .. 20 " 1 Z ? 7 YT . " Pour RY the EN AY TU ! LR 4 LT . + • Fig. 2. Detector "geometry" can be estimated by imagining a small source at the center of a sphere (radius R), with the detecting crystal (radius r) occupying part of the spherical surface. The ratio of the occupied area (approximately ar2) to the whole surface (48R2) gives the fraction of the radiation that reaches the crystal. With the source only three crystal diameters away, more than 99 percent of the lays are lost. B WINDOW COUNT RATE Cr 51 -FWHM TAX FWHM ellent BKG. 4 MAX. SOW Predi 0 100 200 300 400 500 KEV "85% WINDOW" FOR BEST STATISTICS Fig. 3- Nr:.. RI, I A spectrum of chromium-51, with the background spectrum below. When the sample is very weak, the spectrome ter's window should 806 only 85 percent of the pulses in the total-absorption peak, for beyond this point the rapidly increasing "noise" overpowers the slowly increasing "signal". (Spectra courtesy of ORINS Medical Division.) - - > & 'Hi.. V, AV*** thoutwem: 42-mitin abid' Damiinit'. 2 TAKT LE . !. www B 2 UN DO AYI CH . . 2.1 1 . SAMPLE (e.C. SAND) 6" STEEL BOX CRYSTAL NOI, 5"x4" + -S. STEEL CONTAINER PHOTO TUBE in ":"- "uit * water suv DOOR- r ir..', SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW wei... mi . . 'ro. Fig. 4. Low-activity counter for 10-liter samples. The large mass of sample, which surrounds the crystal except on the bottom, makes up for a detector geometry considerably less than 50 percent. Courtesy of ORINS Medical Division; redrawn from (5), page 51. S A I .' Y N . . . a . . to be more than we . -- T 2 - 12- EW ht . . 52 6 STTANTI i INSTRUMENT DAVON CASINET WOO - . - -CAVON AUTO CLEAN LALORATORY M - 17 AUSB 25T ENON pomma ndono awwny DEELS 1 WAT Sinišam L i hans. :-* reconstruir 0 -' zni. :- !.. ' " y - i ia. Fic. 5. ht Plan of the whole-body-counting facility at ORINS Medical Division (unpublished, by permission). This annex is buried' in a bank of earth, which shields the patient-counting "cave" from the variable radiation in the hospital. The dotted line ..---.. ......... . ............. shows the path of a subject from the office, through the shower, to the "cave", and back to the office. The "clean laboratory" 18 a restricted area, ventilated with carefully filtered air at slight positive pressure. Visitors can watch the procedures through the window in the office wall, but are not allowed to Li go in. .. . . . ! Fig. 6. Showing two kinds of rays that a honeycomb detector is not 1 supposed to see, since they originate outsiảe the legitimate field of vision. The penetrating raye go through the septa between the collimator's holes. The scattered rays come into the field of vision and are deflected upward into the crystal. At low energies there is less trouble from pene- tration, but more from scattering. From (6), courtesy of Urban' und Schwarzenberg, München. - ------ 4. *4 ' UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-7903 Ko ----- ------ (A) PENETRATING RAY - (B) SCATTERED RAYS SOURCE IN OFF-TARGET LOCATION AREA OF MAXIMUM SENSITIVITY - . .. - - PRIMARY 230 450 PRIMARY - 230 900 450 1350 RELATIVE ABUNDANCE 900 1800 ' 1350 1800 50 100 kev 500 kev COUNT RATE RESOLUTION- RESOLUTION -- LOW ENERGY MEDIUM ENERGY Fig. 7- Showing the three ways in which scattered radiation becomes troublesome at low energies (100 kev compared with 500). Compton's equation (7) shows thet the scattered energies will be crowded together when the primary energy is low; the Klein-Nishina calculations (8) show that the scatter is also more abundant. The lower curves show how a spectrometer's resolution gets worse, at low energies, Just when good reso- lution is needed. From (6), courtesy of Urban und Schwarzen- herg, München. " I ! UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-5840 .:.:.:"... : : . si ke! .. . ... . .. : ... .. CE ... ... . ;.' ... : : : ME= 80 - 145 kev AE = 105 – 145 hev . . . 9 .. AE = 116 - 146 kev TOP VIEW, PHANTOM C057 30 uc EACH VIAL SPEED: 0.4 in./sec DOT FACTOR : 2 DEPTH (LOWER VIAL): 3 in. Fig. 8 - Cobalt-57 scans, showing the cleanup value the asym- metrical window (laver loft) when the primary energy is low. From (6), courtesy of Urban und Schwarzenberg, München. : -*** so that wanna worries mange k i Will A2 ABSTRACT New challenges in clinical counting.“ D. A. Ross, C. C. Harris, M. M. Satterfield, and P. R. Bell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. -- In the field of nuclear medicine the value of the pulse-height spectrometer is now well recognized. Given an alert and informed operator, it can re- duce the obscuring effects of background; it can at least partially suppre88 . unwanted scattered radiation; it can provide better stability (nther . . things being equal) than is available in a "threshold" counter; it can . . . check the radiochemical purity of a questionable drug; and often it can . .. measure separately two radioactive components in the same sample. The .. a • persistent demand for still lower radiation doses to the patients, and the develop ment of now, low-energy emitters, have created new difficulties for the counting equipment, and skillful operation is more important than ever. Good counting efficiency is hard to obtain, and the factors that determine it should be well understood if weak samples are to be counted. The selection of the spectrometer's energy band depends on resolution, as well as on other things. The counting of large, weak samples, and of whole patients, brings up a number of difficult problems, and calls for an all- out attack on background. The low-energy radionuclides are focussing renewed attention on the problems resulting from absorption and scatter.' ing, and special techniques may be needed. Recent arrivals in the moder- ate- and low-energy fields are: gold-199 and lodine -723 (159 kev), cerium- 141 (145), technetium-99m (140), cobalt-57 (122), xenon-133 (81), mercury-197 (67-78), cesium-131 (30), and iodine-125 (28 kev). "Research sponsored by U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. Hii imeno: . . . - -- - M . . 1 LWS . 14 DATE FILMED 2 / 123 /65 . + . . i 1 !! r : * . 21 - --LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makas any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefWness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately ownod' rights; or B. Mssumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commipsion, or einployee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 22 A . . * . . . 1 : END