h or * W . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL b. . . 1 .. 661 ORNL-P-eel 7 الى کہ ', i N . NOV 1 3 196, FFECTS OF G OG EFFECTS OF GAMMA RADIATION ON CATION EXCHANGE RESIN IN A FLOWING WATER SYSTEM • utura, ne Árss MASTER r W. C. Yee and W. Davis, Jr. + Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee -LEGAL NOTICE - Momoport mo popard un account of Governoet sponsord work. Mether the valued mens, mar the Commission, nor meg perman acting on baball of the Counselon: A. MALOs my wrest or nopeaton, end of lupus, nu repect to the accu. noy, , or wortels at ho formado conto de ropor, or that the we of my taalbou, wpunten, method, a procum decleod la date report wy nor latrin winatay and nights or 1. Awes may lalautina od moct to the wool, or lor d e mutting trou the wou horum, vent, or rececloud a comport Mewud da die heme, pero ecte a a convinetou " nebudou my me meno ar sutructor of the Counci, grloga mucha contractor, to be at that pech employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of each contractor prepares, domination, or more now , mag wormation purna » Mo sployee or contract sto miasto, Mo m . . .: 31 tw " *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbice Corporation. Submitted for presentation at the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 1964. Paper sponsored by ANS member, R. E. Blanco of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ABSTRACT Prolonged exposure of cation exchange resin in the hydrogen form to gamma-radiation and flowing water caused more drastic changes in the chemical and physical properties of the material than has been reported by other investigators for resin exposed to like dosage in a static system. After a dose of 0.75 x 109 rads in a dynamic system, the rate of loss of strong-acid capacity was 20 to 25% per whr per gram of dry resin, compared with the 4% and the 10 to 20% found by others for the static system. Also, de-craslinking of more than 4% of the resin matrix accompanied this loss of capacity, compared with the more moderate de-crosslinking or even additional crosslinking reported for the static system. Camma radiation also caused gas evolution, bead swelling, and produced a weak-acid capacity in the resin equivalent to 3 to 5% of the original strong-acid capacity. Decomposition products included soluble sulfuric, sulfonic, and oxalic acids, and insolu s bits of resin. The G(-s) value was estimated to represent 1.0 to 1.2 otoms lost per 100 ev of energy absorbed. . L 54 . "77 :t3 1 B. his Although ion exchange is widely used for decontaminating waste waters and separating and purifying radioactive nuclides, the limitations imposed by radiation damage to organic resins are poorly defined. Previously reported work has dealt with resin exposed under a variety of conditions: the "bone-dry" state,'," the "moist," air-dried state, (2-0) and the completely wat, swollen stato. 1o.1 In addition, all . - : reported exposures were made in quiet water, which permitted the accumulation . ** --. ... min.: of degradation products formed during irradiation. Changes induced under these cir- . .. cumstances would not necessarily cpply to processing conditions where, typically, resin .. .. . is submerged in a flowing aqueous stream which would remove some of the degradation . . - - products. - .. . - - - . . . . The object of this work was to study the changes in resin properties under simulated conditions of processing by exposing a fixed bed of cation-exchange resin to cobalt-60 . ... ... .. . gamma radiation and flowing water. - EXPERIMENTAL - - - - Materials. The cation exchange resins Dowex 50W of 8%, 12%, 16% and 20% - - - crosslinkage, and Amberlite 200, a highly ci'osslinked yet porous material (macroreticular), were tested. Before irradiation, each sample was converted to the hydrogen form by treatment with caustic, ethyl alcohol, nitric acid, and demineralized water in the usual way. Procedure. In each experiment, 30 ml of resin in a stainless steel cylinder was inserted 0.012 watt per gram of dry rosin. The apparatus is sketched in Fig. I. Demineralized water of . 22 ii less than one micromho/cm specific conductance was pumpad downward through the resin column at a linear flow rate of 1 cm/min (4 ml/min). The superficial holdup time of the 5 $ Heell INCLASSIFIED ORIIL•L R.OWG. 65798 SEINE-FRITTED GLASS DISK FILTER (Fille EHT FOR MEASURING phut of Stoesthetitt HA " Hain VENTED ASCARITE TUBE CONDUCTIVITY CELLS DYED ANION RESIN COLUMNK tro..aniveintest mot too. v: ZERO-MAX SIGMA PUMP FLOW METER CATION RESIN COLUMN DEMINERALIZED WATER SUPPLY . ..... COBALT-60 .., SOURCE EFFLUENT COLLECTED Fig. 1. Flow Diagram of lon Exchange Resin Radiation Experiment. 3 . ---...m.. .. he ... . 1 - - - - - - water was estimated to be 7 min. Outside of the radiarion field and in sequence, the colunin effluent was (1) passed through a sintered-glass disk to remove entrained particles, (2) monitored continuously for pH and specific conductance, (3) passed through a dyed bed of anion resin in the hydroxyl form to sorb radiation degradation products, and (4) finally collected for analysis. Analyses. The chemical and physical properties of the resin samples were measured before and after exposure to radiation. Resin capacity was determined by titration to pH 7, using a glass electrode, and by sulfur analysis. Water content was determined by removing the excess water by centrifugation and then drying the resin that thus contained only interstitial water; 12-hr in a vacuum oven at 50 to 60°C was sufficient. The collected effluent solution of euch run was coricentrated about fiftyfold in an especially designed vacuum-distillation system ) at 10 to 15°C. This concentrate and the caustic eluant from the dyed anion column were analyzed by wet chemical and several instrumental methods in an attempt to identify the products of resin degradation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Exposing the carion exchange resin to gamma-radiation changed both the chemical and physical properties. After a dose of 0.75 x 10' rads (2 whr per gram of dry resin), Dowex 50W resin lost 10 to 20% of its original weight and 40 to 50% of its strong-acid capacity, the less- crosslinked resin losing more of each (Table 1). A weak-acid capacity of 3 to 5% of the original strong-acid capacity was also acquired. After 3.9 ~ 10' rads, (10.6 whr per gram of dry resin), the 8%-crosslinked resin lost more than 90% of its original weight and 98% of its strong-acid capacity. The macroreticular resin, Amberlite 200, showed a 13% weight loss and a 43% strong-acid capacity loss after 0.97 x 10"rads; this is comparable to the performance of a conventional 160 or 20%-crosslinked Dowex 50W resin after an exposure of 0.75 x 10° rods. . Table 1. Prolonged Exposure of Cation Exchange Resins to Gomma-Radiation Causes Loss in Weight, Loss of Strong-Acid Capacity, and produces Weak-Acid Capacity Original Resin Crosslinkage Strong Acid Capacity Mesh Size (meq/dry g) Gamma Rodiation Dose (px 100% and Content (wo %) Exposed Resin Weak-Acid Capacity (meg/dry g) Mass Loss (wt %) Streng-Acid Capacity (meq/dry g) Sulfur Conteni (wt %) GT-S) atom lost 100 ev sorbed 4.80 15.4 3.18 0.25 Dowex 50W X-8 (20-50 mosh) 13.7 1.0 4.85 14.9 Dowex 50W X-12 (20-50 mesh) 3.38 4.81 0.02 15.5 Dowex 50W X-16 (20-50 mesh) 3.47 Dowex sow x-12 1.6 Dowex sow X-16 4.81 - 459 4.97 Amberlite 200 5.00 0.77 0.75 0.7 14.9 5.5 14.2 15.7 14.8 10 is 3.47 3.27 4.59 Dowex 50W X-20 (20-100 mesh) 14.2 3.27 129 4.97 15.7 1.88 Dowex 50W X-8 (20-50 mesh) 5.00 14.8 0.97 13 3.30 (16-50 mesh) Only strong-acid capacity determined. LE 14 . SH " A4 in 1 4 12. 2 . 1 TI f A comparison of the capacity data of this work for Dowex 50W rosin with those reported in me literature for comparable radiation dose indicates that the rate of loss is greater when the solutions flow through the rosin bod. Utley) reported that the loss rate for air-dried resin expaved in a static system was about 4% per whr per gram of dry rosin for a dose of 0.9 x 10' rods. For resin submerged in a sealed tube of stagnant water and exposed to 0.38 x 10' rads, Higging, reported a loss rate of 10 to 20% per wit per gram of dry rosin. In the flowing-water experiments reported here, the capacity loss rate was 20 to 25% por whr per gram of dry resin for an exposure of 0.75 x 10' rads. Sulfur analysis of the resin samples exposed to 0.75 x 10° rads showed that 20 to 25% more sulfur remained on the resin matrix thon would be indicated by the active sulfonate groups as determined by titration (Table 1). On the basis of the sulfur analysis, the average rate of loss of sulfur during exposure, G(-s), was estimated to be 1.0 to 1.2 atoms per 100 ev of energy absorbed. Gamma radiation darkened and swelled the resin beads. After 0.75 x 10' rads, the increase in particle size of Dowex 50W resin beads varied inversely with the degree of crosslinkage, ranging from a 25% increase for 8%-crosslinked resin to no detectable change for the 20% resin (Fig. 2). Optical microscopy studies (10x) of the wet, swollen resin after IN exposure showed no fissuring or fragmentation similar to that reported for resin exposed in the air-dried state. Despite the swelling, there was an overall 1 to 10% decrease in resin 5 LAR volume due to a 10 to 20% loss of weight. mu ., A Data on moisture content and capacity loss show that de-crosslinking of the resin matrix occurred during exposure of the material in a flowing stream of water (Table 2). It was TO estimated that the number of interstitial water molecules retained per sulfonate (-SOZH) group remaining on the resin after 0.75 x 10° rads averaged 120% greater than that for the 11 -.- 23. UWCL ASHFIED ORMLOL toma mno C ORIGINAL ... IRRADIATED * . 1 i wo do or do DOWEX 50W *•8 (20.50 mesh) 0.76 X10 r. Ô ORIGINAL ... IRRADIATED is is in படபடபடபடபடபடபடபடபடப DOWEX SOW X-12 (20-50 mesh) 0.77 X10ºr IIIIIIIIIIII i O PARTICLE SIZE , mm to is -- - ORIGINAL • • IRRADIATED i DOWEX 50W X-16 (20.50 mesh) 0.75 X 10ºr لللللللللللللللللللللللا ôO ORIGINAL --- IRRADIATED - sin ó i DOWEX SOW X-20 (20-100 mesh) 0.77 X 10ºr wei PARTICLES OF SIZE LESS THAN THAT INDICATED, '% - Fig. 2. The Increase in Moon Particle Size of Wat, Swollen Resin was Most Noticeable on the least (8%) Crosslinked Resin. - . . . 1 .. . --... .. . ... .--.-- the new MOT Tablo 2. The Matrix of the Carion Exchange Rosin Dowex 50W Do-craslinks Whon Exposed to Gamma Radiation in a Flowing Stream of Water ORNL.LR. DWG ?? 132 Woler Rotention Water Content Moleculo Thoroolo Crocslinkage Rodlollon Orom Mo Sirona Aold Copoally ove to lower Doro gram ury on (mog por dry gram 1.303 Group Croolinkage due to Mark Sluelew 10° Innar Winot Talitatinal a n el of Oriminal Rain Irrallation m 2.76 1.01 1.54 4.0 3.2 11.7 27.1 en 0.7 0.60 1.20 4.6 2.4 m2 20. 126 (20 mod want 0.7 0.74 1.20 4,6 3,5 RO 20.5 (20- moto am 0.93 0.72 . 3.J 12.2 120-100 mosh) medioned in a co gommoadiation Mold of 0.017-0.013 woln per gram of dry moslim. god do per arampla, 1000 meter). o per compra, 100-12..2m . : LA . *;-o . NA ? original materials. For unexposed resins, this ratio showed a maximum increase of only 30% for each 4% decrease in crosslinkage. The loss of polar sulfonate groups during irradiation would tend to reduce the water content of the resin. Thus, the observed in- crease in water uprake is attributed to decrosslinkage of the resin matrix of more than 4%. Other investigators have reported both additional crosslinking and moderate decrosslinking at comparable dosages for resin exposed statically in the air-dried state. Utley) found additional crosslinking after 0.44 x 10' rads; that is, a decrease in the water retention ratio of 16% for both 8- and 12%-crosslinked Dowex 50W rosin. Data reported by Fisherla) and by Smith and Grohl show that de-crosslinking occurred in each of their experiments, the ratio increasing about 40% after 0.22 x 10' rads for Amberlito IR-120 (8%-crosslinked cation resin) in the former case and, in the latter caso, increasing 80% after 0.28 x 109 rads for 12%-crosslinked Dowex 50W. The greater increase in water retention fas high as 138%) observed horo implies that de-crorslinking plays a major role in the damage reported for resin used in radiochemical processing. Apparently, when a resin bed is exposed to both gamma-radiation (from fission products) and to a flowing aqueous stream, the crosslinks are severed, resulting in detrimental effects such as (1) resin dissolution and capacity loss and (2) the introduction of soluble and insoluble contaminants into the eluted products. The effluent of each of these experiments contained yaseous, soluble, and insoluble products of resin decomposition. The gaseous and insoluble products were not identified, .but ultracentrifuge and light-scattering studies did indicate that the solids suspended in solution had a density of 1 and a molecular weight of several million. The dissolved products were acidic, as shown by the continuously recorded pH and specific conductivity data (Figs. 3 and 4) and included sulfato, sulfonate, and oxalate ions, as identified > - 8.A - TE 2 i 2 UWCL ASHPIED ORAL L Rooma. 05715 - . . 2 -" Influent Liquids Deminerolizod Worer pH > 6.5 micro mho Specific Conductance simo см ~ 4 ml/min (1 cm/min) Crosslinkage: A • 8% Crosslinked, 20-50 mesh B. 12% Crosslinked, 20-50 mesh C. 16% Crosslinked, 20-50 mesh D - 20% Crosslinkod, 50-100 mesh - - - - - - - - - - PH OF EFFLUENT n TRA jou Jo 2- $ * * * ih: 1 750 do 00 OSUREME bratres 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ola GAMMA-RADIATION DOSE (rads x 100% Fig. 3. The Acidity of the Soluble Products of Dowex 50W Resin Decomposition Decreases with Increasing Radiation Dose. . * TT 1 - * 1 UNA ASHPIED OH-LA-owa OSN4 Icm · Oscio SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE OF EFFLUENTIIum cm Influent Liquid: Demineralized Water pH > 6.5 Specific Conductonces, micro mho ~ 4 ml/min (1 cm/min) Crosslinkage: A - 8% Crosslinked, 20-50 mesh 8 - 12% Crosslinked, 20-50 mesh C • 16% Crosslinked, 20-50 mosh D - 20% Crosslinked, 50-100 mesh : . 1 Gamma Rodralen Dose I radsxio -1. GAMMA-RADIATION DOSE (rads x 10-9 150* . *. . 2 Fig. 4. The Specific Conductance of the Soluble Products of Dowex 50W Resin Decomposition Docreases with increasing Radiation Doce. CY " . --------- -------------- 1 WE 8-8 . . . E E by wet chemistry and paper chromatography. A comparison of reportedly!) and experimental specific conductance data indicates that the concentration of acid in the is . offluent was about 10 m, in agreement with the observed pH data. Starting with a maximum specific conductance of about 400 pmho/cm and a minimum pH of 2.7, the acidity decreased with increasing radiation dose. About 75% of the solublo sulfur in the offluont was in the form of sulfata. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are indebted to H. Kubota, W. R. Laing, 1. Willmarth, and J. S. Johnson for their analytical and interpretive assistance, and to J. T. Roberts for his helpful discussions with us. Our thanks go to Dow Chemical Company and Rohm and Hoas Company for supplying compli- mentary samples of Dowex 50W and Amberlite 200 resins, respectively. - .. - . , V 2 . * ASS -- - - . it w ill REFERENCES 1. K. A. Nater, Atoomenergie 4, 155 (1962). 2. S. A. Fisher, USAEC report RMO-2528 (1954). 3. R. E. Wedemeyer, Ph.D. thesis, Vanderbilt University (1953). 4. J. Payne, M.A. thosis, Vanderbilt University (1956). 5. J. W. Utley, Ph. D. thesis, Vanderbilt University (1959). 6. L. L. Smith and H. J. Groh, USAEC report DP-549 (1961). 7. I. R. Higgins, USAEC report ORNL-1325 (1953). 8. R. H. Stevens, USAEC report K-1594 (1964). 9. M. Hlasko and A. Salitowna, Bull. Intern. Acad. Polonaise., Classe Sci. Math Nat. 1035A, 189 (1935). 10. H. H. Jeffery and A. I. Vogel, J. Chem. Soc. 1932 , 400 (1932). 11. L. S. Darkin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63 , 1007 (1941). FEL . . . . 1 - DATE FILMED 0 / 1865 4 $ . LEGAL NOTICE Tt The 1 2 ** This roport me proporod as un account of Govorament sponsored work. Noithor the Unitod Blatos, por the Commission, nor any person acting on bosall of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or roprosentation, exprossed or implied, with rospoct to the accu- racy, complotonesı, or usefulness of the information containod in this roport, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, molhad, or procons disclosed in this roport may not Infringe privately ownod rights; or B. Assumos any liabiliuos with rospect to the use of, or for damago, rosulting from the use of any information, apparatus, motbod, or process disclouod in this report. As used in the abovo, “por son acting on behall of the Commission" Includes any em- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployuo of such contractor, to the extent that such omployoo or contractor of tho Commission, or omployoe of such contractor preparos, disseminates, or provides accoss to, any Information pursuant to his omployment or contract with the Commission, or his omployment wils such contractor. s 11 ... IN If 7 E . 1 - . ho '? MY . St I Nur wer END 3. . : . . > : 16 LAT SCU -