795 NORV. I . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL .. - . . . -1 PO .. 659 “.... Orniflora -. . -- - NOV 1 3 1964 Effects of Shell Corrections to Stopping power in Theoretical Dose Studies J. E. TURNER Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER Abstract.--The theoretical evaluation of absorbed radiation dose in tissue from external sources is based on the absorbed energy and rate of linear energy transfer (LET) calculated from the Bcthe stopping-power formula. For the chemical elements in tissue, it is known experimentally that shell corrections to the Bethe formula are needed for incident particle energies in the range 0 to 15 MeV. Shell correction curves that agree with experimental data for protons with a number of metals, ranging in atomic number from Be to Pb, have been developed. This work is applied to the light elements present in soft tissue. Shell correction curves, estimations of the mean excitation energies a:d the results of several theoretical studies based on this work are presented. 1. Introduction The theoretical evaluation of the RBE dost iri tissue frian suurces os iorizing radiation is often made on the basis of the amount of e. ergy assorbed per unit mass in the irradiated system and the spatial and Twinpor si distributions of the absorbed energy. To many experiments in : viuse rate is not varied, only the spatial distribution and the Jo. umount of energy absorbed per unit mass are of concern. Measure- Lorem: ci these quantities can be difficult or impossible, and one .requently relies on physical theory to aid in assessing dose-effect relationships. Both the absorbed energy and its spatial distribution are then determined by the stopping power of the irradiated medium (soft tissue, bone, etc.). If the incident radiation consists of charged particles, Ithen one uses directly the stopping power of the medium for i radiation. For neutrons and gamma rays, one can consider the scopping Juwe, of the medium for the charged secondary particles, e.g., recoil protons or other nuclei and electrons. In any case, stopping power is the key physical quantity of interest in theoretical dose studies. This quantity is also of prime importance in dos imeter design and interpretation of dos imeter response. This paper describes the results of some recent developments in the theory of shell corrections to stopping power as applied to dos imetry, both from the standpoint of dose-effect studies and from the scandpoint of dos imeter design and response. The theory of shell corrections is reviewed .. Section 2 of this paper and some numerical results are given in Section - To be definite, the numerical results are calculated for the slowing down of protons in the energy range < 15 MeV in three elements of importance LII (1) Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. in dos imetry: nitrogen, argon, and xenon. 2. Stopping Power Theory For a heavy charged particle the stopping power, .de/dx, of a uniform isotropic medium characterized by N atoms/ cm3 with atomic number z is given by Bethe's formula3 i24. - DE dx 42° e NZ - Arz“e*NZ (in -- 2m vezi op my 111 - B? NIO ) (1) Here z is the charge of the incident particle (z = 1 for protons); e and m are the electron charge and mass; v is the speed of the incident particle; B = V/C, where c is the speed of light; I is the mean excitation energy of the target medium; and c/Z is a term representing shell corrections as explained below. Density corrections are not important in the appli- cations discussed here and have been omitted in Eq. (1). The quantity 1 is the energy-independent parameter given by ini - IVE, - Efni where E -E is the excitation energy of an atom of the target above its ground state energy and f, is the corresponding oscillator strength of the acom. Under the assumption that the speed of the incident particle is large compared with orbital speeds v. of electrons in the ground states of the carget atoms, ive., when vive » 1, the direct quantum mechanical calcu. lation of stopping power gives En (1) with c/2 = 0. This assumption, now- ever, is often not valid since v can never be greater than c. For example, in heavy elements the inner electron speeds are already comparable to c, and one cannot obtain v >> Va in the light elements, such as those in tissue, the condition v >> v. is fulfilled experimentally at high energy, althought it is not fulfilled at low incident particle energy. It has been pointed out,4 for example, that the K-shell ionization potential for oxygen is about 540 volts, and the condition v» va is not fulfilled for alpha particles with energies less than about 4 Mev. Thus shell corrections to s topping power are necessary in heavy elements at all incident particle velocities and in light elements at the lower velocities. To apply stopping power theory in studies of dos ime try, it is des i rable to know in detail all of the quantities appearing in Eq. (1). in practice, each of them can be determined by direct experimental measure- ment except | and c/2. An experiment that measures a value (- dE/ dx) of stopping power determines, in effect, the value of the quantity my 2mv² 1 - B Inl + - • in 2 24 4Trz e NZ (3) dx exp Note that since I is independent of incident particle energy, the experi- mentally determined quantities on the right hand side of 13), for various energies, furnish directly the energy dependence of the shell correction C/Z. An uncertainty in the quantity ini acts as an additive constant to the shell correction. in order to determine 1 and c/Z separately, further work must be done. Although I is a well-defined parameter of stopping power theory, its theoretical evaluation is difficult and has not been carried out except for the simplest a toms and molecules. For the Thomas-Fermi model, Blochs showed that I is proportional to the atomic number 2. The ratio is approximately 1/2 ~ 10-15 ev, decreasing somewhat at high Z, where the Thomas-Fermi model is most applicable. Thus mean excitation energies are known at least approximately for the heavier elements from theoretical considerations. Since it is the logarithm of l that is related to the experimental stopping power in (3) above, exact values of I are often not critical in applications. Since the innermost electrons in an atom have the highest velocities, the condition v >> V fails first for K-electrons as a fast charged particle slows down from high speed. Separate calculation of the contri- bution of K-elections to stopping power leads to a K-shell correction Cu/z. Walske carried out such a calculation for both Ko and L-shell electrons6 using hydrogenic wave functions. In recent years it has become apparent that still higher shell corrections are needed. In addition to being laborious, a direct extension of Walske's work to the M- and higher shells would be of doubtful validity because higher shell electrons are not in a hydrogenic "1/pll potential. In a modified procedure, the dependence of shell corrections on energy found by Walske has been employed by Bichsel, us ing adjustable scaling parameters, to es ĉimate higher shell corrections in such a way that agreement with empirical stopping power and range data is obtained. 8 Fano has given a method of expanding complete expressions for the shell corrections of atoms into powers of 1/v2.9 The basic stopping power expression can be written? (4) my where l - 9/2m, with a representing the magnitude of the momentum trans- ferred from the incident particle to an atomic electron, and where le 16 is given in terms of the oscillator strength fn by IF 1 - Qf/1E,-E). The integration in (4) has to be carried out over all values of Q and E.-E cons is tent with the conservation of energy. It can be shown that evaluation of the expression (4) leads to the stopping power given by Eq. (1) with the total shell correction for an atom given to order 17 v4 approximately by cm2f(T) +15%), * , Ry“ z PVO) (5) (mv2,2 Here T reri esents the total kinetic energy of the electrons in the atom, Ry is the. Rydberg energy (13.6 eV), and plo) is the electronic dens ity at the position of the nucleus of the atom. The symbols i la denote the expectation value of the enclosed quantity in the ground state or the a tom. An important feature of expression (5) is that the shell corrections expressed in this form depend only upon well defined properties of the ground state of an atom, independently of any model used in the calcu- lation.". The kinetic energy, for example, can be evaluated from data given by Gombás-> or from Hartree-Fock or Thomas-Fermi calculations. The data of Gombás are approxima ted by (T), ~ 244 Ry, which can be applied to give the 1/vc correction in Eq. (5) as a function of 2. The quantities in the numerator of the 1/v4 term in (5) arise mostly from contributions by the two K-elections. The screened hydrogenic approximation for the two K-electrons13 gives (T) ~ 1012 - 0.3)4 Ry? and p(0) - ? (2 - 0.3). A full account of this work is given in Ref. 10. 3. Some Numerical Results in this section we show numerical results for the effects of shell corrections in three problems: (1) the determination of mean excitation energies, l, from high-energy experiments; (2) the contributions of shell corrections to stopping power as a function of incident particle energy; and (3) the determination of mean excitation energies from low-energy experiments. Results are given specifically for protons in nitrogen, argon, and xenon. (1). Determination of 1 from High-Energy Experiments. It is sometimes assumed that shell corrections vanish in the high-energy limit. However, as pointed out above, even at arbitrarily high energy the condition v >> v. cannot be fulfilled if v~. Shell corrections in the high-energy limit vec, or B = 1, were evaluated in Ref. 10 by means of Eq. (5) above for a number of elements throughout the periodic system. 14 The results are shown in Fig. 1. The differences A1 in the mean, excitation energies of atoms introduced by assuming (c/Z)e, • 0 are shown in Table 1. The differences are given by " E . A1 ladj 1 (6) COX22D Element Values of Al- leds - 1 for Several Elements Table 1 OvNoo Al (ev) m a yor improv e ... ...... ...... ..... . . . . . .. . .. . . . where in ladi - In 1 + (C/2)B1 (7) The quantity lad defined in this way has been called the adjusted mean excitation energy," which corresponds to the assumption that shell corrections vanish in the high-energy limit. For the purpose of esti- nating All in Table 1, the value 1 - 163 eV was used for aluminum 15 and the approximation I ~ 10 Z was used for the heavier elements. Because of the logarithmic dependence of 1 and lode in (7), the difference Al is insensitive to the particular value of 1 over a wide range. The table shows that in the interpretation of experimental data at high energies, the assumption of vanishing shell corrections can be of significance only in the heavier elements. in dosimeters, xenon is a relatively heavy gas inat is sometimes employed. Table | indicates that the total shell correction for this element at B = 1 is equivalent to about 10 eV in the value of 1 appearing in Eq. (1). For the determination of 1 values for other elements of interest in dos imetry, e.g., carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, shell. corrections play an insignificant role in high-energy experiments, such as those of Zrelov and Stoletov, 16 Bakker and Segre, 17 and Thompson. 18 (2). Shell Corrections as a Function of Energy.-As described in Ref. 7, shell correction curves were drawn for five metals (Be, Al, Cu, Ag, and Pb) to fit smoothed values of proton stopping power and range given in the form of tables and curves by Bichsel8 and by Whaling.19 A plot was made of the right hand side of Eq. (3) as a function of incident proton energy for each metal. Since I docs not depend on energy, the variation in these curves show's directly the variation of the shell correction c/z as a function of energy. The position of each curve on the c/Z axis was adjusted to give the high-energy limit (C/Z) - shown in Fig. I for that element. . . - . . Similar curves for protons in nitrogen, argon, and xenon were drawn to fit smoothly when interpolated between the curves given in Ref. 7 and to have the high-energy limit shown in Fig. 1. The curves were also spot checked for agreement with other data. The results are shown in Fig. 2. The abscissa x in this figure is defined by X (8) where v. is the orbital electron velocity in the ground state of hydrogen, and is the same parameter employed by Lindhard and Scharff. For the three. elements in the figure, x is given as a function of incident proton energy in Fig. 3. The error bars in Fig. 2 ind i cate the magnitude of an uncertainty of approximately + 1 per cent in the proton s topping power for :, - - - - .. an element at the two values of x where they are drawn. From this one sees the actual extent to which shell corrections contribute to the stopping power of even the light elements in tissue at the lower energies. The curves for carbon and oxygen are not shown, but lle close to the nitrogen curve.21 (3). Determination of 1 from Low-Energy Experiments.-The curves in Fig. 2 have been used to estimate mean excitation energies for nitrogen, argon, and xenon from the experimental data of Brolley and Ribe.23 These experiments were carried out in part with 4.43-MeV protons and with 8.86-MeV deuterons, which have a velocity equal to that of 4.43-MeV protons. in these experiments shell corrections .contribute an important amount to the stopping power. Brolley and Ribe give the experimental stopping power values in Table II. To evaluate 1 from these data we have from Eq. (3) Inl + { = 9.167 - 32,8 z (-) in which I is in ev, (-dE/dx)ex is in MeV/ g/cm², and A is the atomic weight of the element. Using the curves of Fig. 2 at the appropriate values of x for 4.43-MeV protons, we obtain the values of 1 given in Table 11. The value of 1 for argon agrees with an independent calculation using Brolley and Ribe's data and the K- and L-shell corrections of Walske. It is also in agreement with the recent experimental value 1 = 190 + 17 eV reported by Martin and Northcliffe<5 for heavy ions slowing down in argon. The nitrogen value found here is greater by 4 eV than that found from the Brolley-Ribe data in Ref. 24, which is not significant. Xenon apparently was not calculated in this reference. The value found in Table Il is not consistent with the value 1 ~ 10 Z for elements in the region of the atomic number of xenon. 15 However, Brolley and Ribe point out that their measured xenon stopping power is too low compared with other gases in the experiment. As noted in the table, the value for xenon from this experiment is probably too low by about 65 ev. - - - -- The above examples show the effect of shell corrections on the value of 1. Another important consideration in theoretical dose studies is the direct influence of shell corrections on the stopping power itself. Figure 4 shows the fraction by which the stopping power of nitrogen for protons is reduced due to shell corrections. These values are also typical of carbon and oxygen. The contribution for protons has a maximum of about 5 per cent in the energy region of several hundred kev. On the low-energy side of the maximum the shell corrections pass through zero in Fig. 2 and then approach large negative values. Beyond this region, electron capture-and-loss phenomena set in and the theory is no longer applicable. On the high-energy side of the maximum the contribution drops to less than 1 per cent at several Mev. Since the range in tissue of a 3-MeV proton, for example, is only ~ 0.2 mm, shell corrections will be of interest in theoretical dose studies when dose is investigate in volumos with dimensions of this order of magnitude, in . . .. 1... Table 11 Experimental Stopping Powers (Ref. 23) Element I (ev) - - dE/ dx (ev-cm² x 10-15, - . - . - 1.76 + 0.04 3.72 + 0.08 8.06 + 0.18 89 189 485a avalue probably too low by abryt 65 av. in historiastasize viesti**...** - V resultater TV i a the m in de ... PE- these cases, neglecting shell corrections would increase the stopping power by the order of several per cent. Since the stopping power is identical with the LET (rate of linear energy transfer), the assignment of a value of RBE (relative biological effectiveness) would be affected somewhat also. 4. Conclusion Shell corrections are relevant in theoretical studies in dosimetry from two standpoints. First, their evaluation is needed in order to determine accurately mean excitation energies (l values) used in dos i meter design. Unless experiments to determine ! are carried out at high energies -- and then only for the lightest elemen cs--C/Z will contribute measurably to the stopping power. The logarithmic dependence of dE/ dx on 1 tends to decrease the importance of shell corrections because experiment measures, in effect, the quantity Ini + C/Z. Second, shell corrections can reduce by several per cent or more at low energies the stopping power of light elements. This could have a practical effect in special studies of low-energy dos imetry, such as with protons and alpha particles with energies ~ 1 Mev, in which one is interested in doses and RBE in volumes of tissue with dimensions comparable to the ranges of ihes e particles. 1 :; . L Y er 10 References (1) Research sporsored by the U. $. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. (2) "Radiation Quantities and Units," linternational Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU) Report 10a, National Bureau of Standards Handbcok 84, Washington, D. C., 1962. (3) H. A. Bethe, Ann. d. Phys. 5, 325 (1930); "Quantenmechanik der Ein-und Zwei-Elektronenprobleme," "Handbuch der Physik," Springer, Berlin, 1933, Vol. 24/1, pp. 491 ff. (4) H. A. Bethe and J. Ashkin, "Passage of Radiations through Mat ter," "Experimental Nuclear Physics," E. Segre, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1953, p. 1696 (5) F. Bloch, Zeit. für Phys. 81, 363 (1933). (6) M. C. Walske, Phys. Rev. 88, 1283 (1952); Phys. Rev. 101, 940 (1956). (7) V. Fano, "Penetration of Protons, Alpha Particles, and Mesons," "Annual Reviews of Nuclear Science," E. Segre, Ed., Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, 1963, Vol. 13, p. !. (8) H. Bichsel, 'Passage of Charged Particles through Matter," "Handbook of Physics," Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1963, pp. 8-20. . . . .... . 11. (9) CF. Section 4.4 of Ref. 7. The method treats the problem non- relativistically. . - terr orism: (10) U. Fano and J. E. Turner, "Contributions to the Theory of Shell Corrections," "Studies on the Penetration of Charged particles in Matter," Report No. 4, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council (11) Cf. also G. Placzak, Phys. Rev. 86, 377 (1952). (12) P. Gombás, "Statistische Behandlung des Atoms," "Encyclopedia of Physics," S. Flügge, Ed., Springer, Berlin, 1956, Vol. 36/2, p. 183. (13) H. A. Bethe and E. E. Salpeter, Quantum Mechanics of One- and TWO-Electron Atoms," Academic Press, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1957, p. 163. (14) The numerical evaluations in Ref. 10 were actually carried out with a slightly modified form of Eq. (5) in which the effect of electron-electron correlations in a toms was calculated explicitly for collisions corresponding to low momentum transfer (low u). The effect is largest in this case, but amounts only to less than ~ 3% of the kinetic energy. (15) "Studies on the Penetration of Charged particles in Matter," National Academy of Sciences-Natlonal Research Council Publication 1133, U. Fano, Ed., Washington, D. C., 1964. (16) V. P. Zrelov and G. D. Stoletov, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. (USSR) 36, 658 (1959). English translation JETP 9, 461 (1959). (17) C. J. Bakker and E. Segre, Phys. Rev. 81, 489 (1951). (18) T. J. Thompson, "Effect of Chenii cal Structure in Stopping Power for High-Energy Pro tons," University of California Radiation Laboratory Report UCRL-1910 (1952). (19) W. Whaling, "'The Energy loss of Charged Particles in Matter," "Encyclopedia of Physics," S. Flugge, Ed., Springer, Berlin, 1958, vol. 34/2, p. 193. (20) J. Lindhard and M. Scharff, Kal. Danske Videnskab. Selskab., Mat.-Fys. Medd. 27, No. 15 (1953). (21) Note that the stopping power of a tomic hydrogen can be calculated completely from theory (Ct. Refs. 22 and 5). (22) L. M. Brown, Phys. Rev. Z2, 297 (1950). (23) J. E. Brolley, Jr., and F. L. Ribe, Phys. Rev. 28, 1112 (1955). (24) "Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers," National Bureau of Standards Handbook 79, Washington, D. C., 1961. (25) F. W. Martin and L. C. Northcliffe, Phys. Rev. 128, 1166 (1962). , UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- DWG. 64-9731 - - . . . . . . . - To 20-30-40-50-60-70-80- 90 100 ATOMIC NUMBER Z Fig. 1.--Estimated proton sholl corrections at B - | as a function of atomic number. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- DWG. 64-9730 . .... . ..me n . -'2 ' *. . -XENON . * - . .. - - . . ARGON . . . , - -NITROGEN 5 10 50 50 100 100 500 500 __ _ _ . . - Fig. 2.--Proton shell corrections for nitrogen, argon, and xenon as a function of x = v1/v2. , 1 - - 11.107- ' ' - . 1 1 . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-9728 NITROGEN ARGON -XENON 7 F 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 PROTON ENERGY (Mev) Fig. 3.--x as a function of energy for protons in nitrogen, argon, and xenon. - . wonder en time for a comisia de mesa wifi, NIK mis - CD , hjul . AIR 2 - 4 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG. 64-9729 PERCENT 0.5 ī 5 10 PROTON ENERGY (Mev) . . 22 17 Fig. 4.--Per cent reduction in stopping power due to shell corrections for protons in nitrogen. E 1 A . D .. $ - . . * 4* : 2 M . 12 1 . 9 . DATE FILMED 1 / 12 /165 IP 1 . no 251. . - 2 - - .. seryeng ngang perna h meramanmar MAN d in 1 . * * - ,- . -LEGAL NOTICE - - . - AP? . - - .,- ... This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with resect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 3 . si ! SKI . 11 . - . . * 4 + 1, . ur D1 ? . 1 . END 1 .