SIA " N, Mr. 2 . MULAN UNCLASSIFIED NA . -Y ORNL 18 654 . . .. '. . - :- ! . 1 isi ) . . . . . . 1 L ! . . 1 > . .. i 1 1 . . . . 1*;" 21 2.4 . . ARA IN . V ly YA S . . . I. 1. . W . - " . . Wi. (2 OP 121 . 71 21 SEK SIA INC . 7 W s . NI . NEL W XV TA ru . 2. " 7 12 1 w . ! 1 .1.-.. . * IN . SIR, VY X2 7 7 wa TER 12 ' . (. . - ! " NY 744 . ORNO-p-6054 0.11-2 -3 NOV 1 3 1964 Chromosome Pairing, Crossing Over and Disjunction in Drosophila melanogaster* - Rhoda F. Grell Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ---LEGAL NOTICE The report mo prepared a an mirom i of Carennual sponsored work. Neldber the United Non, nor the Comwonlon, nor any person acting on behall of the Councilou: A. Makes my miranty or repromalama, exprent or implied, su roeperi to the acry. racy, completenes, or w hom of haformation contained us to report, or what there we ol way talonulon, manau, mohon or prono deloord la we report way sot talringe print owned right ar D. Aonmi w Innleko w roapect to the of, or for damagn reiwure from the We of war information, aurats, unlod, or proctus dixcloud in Weroport, Ao out in the aboro, "person why ou bowall of use Coa msalon" Includes way na ployee or contructor of the Commission, or uplore of such coatraclor, to the erunt that Such anployna or contractor of the Conamlaslon, or saplosae of much coutractor prepara, # Atalay, or provides a to, wy taformation purnaal to No toplojacal or contract will the court calom, or wo enploymnl vid much contractor. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Running head: Send proof to: Dr. Rhoda F. Grell Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Dox y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 The study of chromosome behavior during me10818 no longer ocoupies the paramount position that it did in the early days of genetic investigation. This does not mean that all or even most or the problems of chromosome transmission have been solved. Among many organisms, customarily used for genetic studies, such as Neurospora, maize and the mouse, transmission genetics 18 in a fairly elementary state. Even Drosophila, where studies have been most extensively pursued and where the mechanisms were considered to be fairly well understood, has proven to be a still fruitrul organism for investigation. Here, some amazing findings have recently come to light which have led to a radical revision in our concepts of the meiotic mechanism. It 18 these findings and these changes that I will talk about today. Classical Models of Meiosis. We will start out with the pre- mise that the basic processes that we are dealing with during meiosis are chromosome pairing, chromosome replication, chromosome exchange and chromosome disjunction. Our need is to fit these events into a causal relationship that will be consistent with our fund of genetic, biochemical, and cytological data. Superficially, this would appear to be a simple problem because the possibilities are few and because they must be restricted to accomodate the following facts: First, that some type of pairing must precede crossing over; secondly, that crossing over in the four strand stage means chromosome replication must also precede or be concurrent with exchange; third, that crossing over must occur before disjunction; and fourth, that disjunction itself !mplies a previous association of chromosomes. The scheme that was enthusiastically adopted by most geneticists in the thirties was Darlington's "precocity theory" of me 10818 (1) which took as its basic tenet that homologs pair at zygotine because they enter prophase precociously in an unreplicated state in contrast to mitotic chromosomes which are visibly double at the beginning of prophase. The cytological observations of split chromosomes before zygotine in a number of organisms as well as the recent finding that DNA replication occurs before zygotine (2, 3, 4) no longer permits serious consideration of this hypothesis. From the purely genetic viewpoint, we are concerned with that aspect of Darlington's theory which holds that the presence of a chiasma in a prerequisite for the regular segregation of homologs. According to this model, the causal sequence of events is chromosome pairing, followed by chromosome exchange leading to regular disjunction. Darlington's scheme assumes that chiasmata are generally formed in all paired chromosomes at pachytine and that failure to form a chiasma results in a univalent at metaphase and some nondisjunction or loss at anaphase (1). From the time of its inception, it was apparent that this model was incompatible with certain genetic data. Even if we ignore the male of Drosophila, where regular segregation occurs in the absence of exchange, and limit our considerations to the female, we find that here too, exchange is not a prerequisite for regular disjunction. Evidence for this comes from the small fourth chromosomes which are invariably nonorossovers in the displaced female but which segregate in a highly regular fashion; from the larger x chromosomes whion by tetrad analysis are found to be noncrossovers ca. f'ive percent of the time but which nondisjoin with only about one hundredth of this f'requenoy, or 0.05 percent (5); from those cases where noncrossover X tetrads occur with exceedingly high frequencies due to the presence of heterozygous X inversions, yet where nondisjunction remains less than one percent (6); and from studies with the mutant CIIIG which practically eliminates exchange but where chromosome assortment shows a marked departure from randomness (7). As emphasized by a number of workers (8, 9), these observations indicate that something other than exchange 18 capable of governing or modifying disjunctive behavior. As an alternative to Darlington's "chiasma hypothesis of meta- phase pairing", Dobzhansky, on the basis of the behavior of trans- location heterozygotes, formulated the hypothesis of competitive pairing (8). According to this view, crossing over and disjunction are negatively correlated. The relation, however, is not a direct causal one in the sense that crossing over inevitably leads to regular disjunction and failure of crossing over leads to random assortment. Rather, Dobzhansky assumed that both processes are predetermined by the intimacy of synopsis between specific homologous loci, prior to crossing over. Rearrangements provoke a conflict between the attraction forces, weaken the intimacy, as well as decrease the frequency of . . ' .- 7 . : ;- . .. MO synops18 between homologs and lead to both decreased crossing over and increased nondisjunction. If intimacy of pairing is a more critical requirement for the disjunctive process than 1t 18 for exchange, this hypothesis could account for the high frequencies of nond 18 junction in translocation heterozygotes despite almost normal cross over values. From inversion heterozygotes, however, where crossing over 18 known to be greatly disturbed, disjunction 1s expected to be even more irregular. Instead we find 1t 18 highly regular and it becomes clear that the solution to the problem must be sought elsewhere. The Phenomenon of Nonhomologous Pairing This is the way matters stood until the mid-fifties. At this time a remarkable new phenomenon was discovered in the Drosophila female, which, as it turned out, held the key to many of the principles underlying the behavior of chromosomes during oogenesis. It was found that under the proper conditions nonhomologous chromosomes would segregate from one another with great regularity, and it has been assumed here that, as with homologs, regular segregation is preceded by some type of regular pairing. That associations between nonhomologs might be occuring was first postulated by Cooper and his co-workers (10) in 1955 to explain the increase both in x nondisjunction and in dominant lethality where heterozygous X and outosomal inversions were simultaneously present in the genome. Following this, in 1956, Sandler and Novitski (11) proposed that pairing between nonhomologs could account for the failure to recover the different classes of progeny from triploids in the frequencies expected from independent assortment. The following year we (12) were able to provide unequivocal genetic evidence for associations between nonhomologs by studying the off- spring of females carrying on extra y chromosome and a single free fourth chromosome. It was found that in over eighty percent of the progeny, if the Y was present, the four was not or conversely if the four was present, the Y was not. More important, we could establish that the frequency of eggs carrying the maternal free four and no Y was equivalent to the frequency of eggs carrying a Y and no maternal free hour (12, 13). In other words, these two kinds of eggs represente the two reciprocal products resulting from the pairing and subsequent segregation of the two nonhomologs, the Y and the fourth chromosomes. Clearly, this constituted a complete contradiction to the law of Independent assortment of nonhomologous chromosomes. Since then, the combined work of a number of geneticists has disclosed not only that all of the chromosomes of the Drosophila genome are capable of participating in nonhomologous associations but that such associations can occur with the utmost regularity reaching in one case a frequency of 99.98 percent (14). Table 1 pro- vides an indication of the generality and the frequencies of this phenomenon. : .. - . : i .. While it was of great interest to discover that chromosomes could behave in this unorthodox manner, at the same time this phenomenon presented a serious enigma. All pertinent evidence indicates that crossing over is an extremely precise process, calling for exact pairing at the nucleotide level to insure that the DNA template is correctly conserved. Furthermore, it is well known that nonhomologs do not undergo exchange. How then can the prerequisite for completely specific pairing before exchange be reconciled with high frequencies of nonhomologous pairing at this time. Even if it were conceded that chromosomes might conceivably resort to illegitimate pairing in the absence of their homolog, as, for instance, in haploid strains of plants, the paradox is heightened in those cases where both homologs are present, although one may carry a partially inverted sequence, yet a nonhomolog, possessing an entirely dissimilar nucleotide sequence, 1s apparently preferred. Sandler and Novitski (11) had proposed, as a possible solution, that all of the chromosomes of the Drosophila genomi possess homology in common in their proximal heterochromatic regions. Viewed in this way, nonhomologous pairing becomes entirely a matter of proximal heterochromatic pairing. We were able to test this hypothesis by studying the associations among three chromosomes, two of which carried the same heterochromatic base but enchromatic segments of different origin and length while the third chromosome possessed no known homology for either of the other two (18). If non homologous pairing is entirely a proximal heterochromatic affair, associations should occur at least as frequently between the two elements with identical bases as between either of these and the third chromosome. Instead, it was found that the two chromosomes with identical bases assorted randomly and that associations occurred exclusively between one of these two and the third chromosome. Apparently then, factors other than proximal heterochromatin, are involved in nonhomologous a8.sociations. Results, to be described later, have now made it abundantly clear that proximal heterochromatin, per se, is inconsequen tial in this process. Tests of the Single Pairing Model 1. Nonhomologous Pairing As alternatives to the Sandler-Novitski hypothesis, it may be assumed that either nonhomologous pairing occurs along the entire length of the chromosome or that it occurs solely in the eudiromatic consequences are inevitable. First, chromosomes that have been associated nonhomologously must be noncrossovers, and secondly, crossing over between homologs must be reduced to the extent that nonhomologous associations occur. Both of these predictions may be tested genetically and such a test was carried out (19). For this test females were constructed that carried a particular chromosome for which a choice in pairing existed. It might pair and perhaps cross over with its homolog or it might pair with a non- homolog. Preliminary studies had already shown that in such females, - ' 7- .. . 1 . this chromosome paired with the nonhomolog about fifty percent of the time. Sister females, identical in every respect to the test females except that they lacked the nonhomolog, were used as controls. On the single pairing, 1.e., classical, hypothesis, nonhomologous associations occuring ca, fifty percent of the time must lead to a reduction in crossing over of ca. fifty percent. Moreover, those chromosomes engaging in the nonhomologous associations are expected to be noncrossovers. Analysis of the results revealed that those chromosomes that segregated from the nonhomolog, were indeed noncrossovers, but contrary to prediction, crossing over was the same whether the nonhomolog was absent or present. The test was repeated using two other genetic situations but the results were the same in each case. The data tell us, therefore: 1. That exchange between homologs is not altered by the presence of a non- homolog; 2. Only those chromosomes that have not participated in exchange with a homolog are available for associations with a non- homolog. Thus, it becomes clear that nonhomologous associations do not produce noncrossovers but rather that noncrossovers associate nonhomologously after exchange has occurred. 2. Secondary Nondisjunction A situation closely analogous to nonhomologous pairing is that which gives rise to secondary nondisjunction. This process has been extensively studied over the years, beginning with the classical work of Bridges (20) but it has remained something of an enigma, - 10 leading Stiertevant and Beakle (21) to remark that "the general problem of the mechanism of secondary nondisjunction is unsolved." Secondary nondisjunction may be defined as the increased frequency of X nondisjunction that occurs in females bearing a Y chromosome. The consequences of X nondisjunction are recognizable among her progeny as either females possessing both maternal X's or males possessing neither and both types are collectively referred to as secondary exceptions. Since the nondisjoining X's in contrast to the regularly disjoining X's are noncrossovers, Bridges postulated that the difference between the two types was initiated as a stage preceding crossing over and that the exceptions arose from those cases in which a competition for: pouring partners among the two exceptions would result when the single x happened to pass to the same pole as the segregating X. This scheme introduces the same problem encountered with non- homologous pairing, namely, if pairing for exchange is based on homology, and there is every reason to believe it 18, why should an X find the Y, with which it has only one known locus in common, more attractive than its own homolog? Fortunately, the Bridges' model is subject to the same kind of test that was applied to nonhomologous pairing. Bridges' model likewise assumes a single pre-exchange pairing, so that the incidence of XY bivalents must CAL " ? i . ! ! 1 7 1.! ! decrease in X exchange. Bridges had, in fact, looked for such a decrease in crossing over and had failed to find it. Since the genetic backgrounds of the two types of females (XX and XXY) 'that he used were uncontrolled, his test could not be considered a critical one. In our tests, sister females were utilized, half of which were XX in genotype and the other half XxY, and the frequencies of X-nondisjunction and X-crossing over were measured for the two groups. Studies were made on females that carried two isosequential X's as well as on females that carried a variety of different hetero- zygous X inversions (5). The results demonstrated that in all cases the presence of a Y in the mother causes an approximately 50 fold increase in X nondisjunction and, as 18 well recognized, these secondary exceptions are noncrossovers. Crossing over studies, with two normal x's however, showed that a y caused an increase. rather than the predicted decrease in crossing over. With inversion heterozygotes the Y caused localized effects on crossing over that could be traced to the position of the inversion. In some cases these effects resulted in an overall increase, in others a decrease, but in the latter case the alteration in crossing over was never as great as that predicted from the Bridges model. That the Y was not producing additional noncrossovers was most clearly shown with normal x's where we could perform a tetrad analysis to actually determine the number of noncrossover x bivalerts. . . . . . · 12 1. id 7 7 - These results are given in Table 2. In series i, the frequency of Eo's, 1.6., noncrossover X's, 18 the same for the xx and XXX sisters; in series 2, the Eo's are actually rewer in the presence of the Y, although probably not significantly so. This is so despite a.fifty rold increase in x nondisjunction with the y. The overall increase in X exchange observed with a Y 18 attributable to the increase in higher rank tetrads, principally Eg's at the expense of Ey's. These resulta demonstrate that the effect of the Y on X disjunction 18 independent of its effect on X exchange. Furthermore, it is evident that the role of the Y 18 not to increase X E.'s by pairing com- petitively with the X's before exchange but instead to pair with X Eo's after exchange and in this way cause them to nondisjoin. ". The Distributive Pairing Model of Meiosis These studies have led to only one harmonious interpretation of meiotic event in Drosophila females. Nonhomologous associations do not occur prior to exchange. Rather, they ooour after exchange and exclusively between chromosomes that have failed to undergo exchange. On the basis of this evidence, the model shown in Text- Figure 1 has been proposed. Chromosomes that pos8e88 homology for another chromosome pair before exchange. This has been called exchange pairing. If A chromosome has no homology for another, such as perhaps a Y deleted of its short arm, 1t will not become involved in exoħange pairing. Following such pairing, exchange may not ooour. When exchange does ocour, s ohiasma ties the participating chromosomes together and this tie precludes their subsequent involvement with other chromosomes so that they remain associated during the following otages and segregate regularly from one another. If exchange rails to occur, such chromosomes form a pool or nonexchange chromosomes called the distributive pool. Within this pool, a second type of pairing, which we call distributive pairing, now takes place. Distributive pairing may occur between two homologs, in which case segregation 18 again regular. Alter- natively, it may occur between two nonhomologs and when this happens, the subsequent segregation of the nonhomologs will lead to their non-randon assortment and part of the time will result in nondisjunction of homologs and in aneuploid gomites. A clarification of what is meant by a chromosome in the distri. butive sense is in order. Just as it is normally defined, a chro- mosome 18 considered to po88e88 a centromere to which some segment of chromatin 18 attached. Its form may be metacentric as with the large autosomes, J-shaped aa with the Y or acrocentric as with the X. It may be an element deleted of most of its chromatic material such as a small X-duplication, a duplicated element such as a compound X which carries two X's attached to one centrome or an element composed of portions of different chromosomes such as a part of a reciprocal translocation. All of these types function as a single chromosome. In the case of the compound chromosome, it has been shown by Ed Giell (17) that crossing over between its two homologous arms does not alter its runational rolc as a single chromosome 80 that a compound X, whether a orossover or a nonorossover within itself, 18 re 5 .. . 14 * ' - '-' . equally available for distributive pairing. With this model of meiosis it is now possible to resolve those problems that appeared insoluble with the single pairing schemes. First, we see that Darlington's hypothesis that crossing over leads to regular segregation 18 correct becaus e crossover bivalents do remain associated, do not become involved with non- homologs, and segregate regularly at anaphase: Does lack of crossing over necessarily lead to nondisjunction as Darlington assumed? We see it need not, at least in Drosophila, ror chromosomes that have failed to cross over are afforded a second opportunity for associating with one another at distributive pairing. It is this latter type of pairing that is responsible for the regular segregation of X-inversion heterozygotes despite the fact that the majority may be noncrossovers. Their. segregation is regular, however, only so long as a third chromosome is not present in the distributive pool. Should a Y, for instance, be added, association between the X's and Y will result in high frequencies of X nondisjunction, 1.e., the process described as secondary nondisjunction. The more efficient the inversion system in producing nonorossover X-tetrads, the more frequently the X's will be members of the pool and the more secondary exceptions will occur. Thus it becomes clear why the Y associates only with noncrossover X's but does not increase their number. Finally we see that the requirement for precise preexchange pairing 18 maintained since associations between nonhomologs occur only after exchange at the distributive phase. . - - Characterization of Exchange and Distributive Pairing Exchange pairing, 18 defined as occuring exclusively between specific homologous loci which on the molecular level is equivalent to saying pairing between identical (or complimentary) sequences of nucleotides. If more than two such loci are present, exchange pairing 18 competitive since pairing at any particular level 18 assumed to be limited to two chromosomes. Asymmetrical pairing and exchange, leading to duplicated and deleted chromosome segments, as described for the zesti and white regions (22,23) are interpreted to be a consequence of duplicated segments which still possess sequence: of nucleotides homologous to those of the original segment. This means, as has been pointed out by Green (24), the term "nonhomologous pairing" and "nonhomologous exchange" are inappropriate to describe these processes. .. - . While exchange pairing is characterized as being extremely precise and limited to homologous regions, distributive pairing, by contrast, may occur as regularly between nonhomologs as between homologs. When more than two chromosomes are present in the dis- tributive pool, it has been shown that pairing is competitive and that marked preferences are displayed (18). Preference at distributive. pairing 18 apparently not attributable to homology, since studies referred to earlier, with three nonrecombinant chromosomes, had shown that those two that segregated regularly had no known homology ' 1', ' . . . ! .' " . 1. 1.5 . . ! , !! in common, whereas the two with the same basal heterochromatin, assorted randomly. The question to be answered, of course, is, what factor or factors, are responsible for preferences in dis- tributive pairing? In the experiment just referred to, one obvious possibility was chromosome size, since the two chromosomes that segregated regularly were large whereas the third chromosome that assorted randomly was small. The series of investigations that will now be described examined the role of size in distributive pairing (14). The first sets of experiments studied the effect of size on the frequency of distributive pairing in a noncompetitive situation between two chromosomes, one of which was kept constant while the other was varied from much smaller to much larger than the first. For the variable element, a series of free X-chromosome duplications were used that had been obtained by Cooper and Krivshenki and measured by these workers at mitotic metaphase, using the length of the fourth chromosome as a standard. With respect to chromosome four, arbi- tranly given a length of one, the duplications vary from <0.3/(Dp1187) to 3.3 (Dp 1498) times the length of the four as shown in Text Figure 2. The largest duplication, No. 3, which is greater than four times the length of the four, was obtained by Lindsley and Sandler (25). "Each X-duplication was introduced into females of identical genotype. that carried a single free fourth chromosome which served as the nonvariable element. In this situation, both the free X-duplication and the single free four are virtually always noncrossovers and are the only two members of the distributive pool. Asmeasure of the frequency of pairing between them can be obtained either from the frequency that they segregate from each other or from the frequency that they nondisjoin. Since the frequency of nondisjunction 18 a and segregate, the lower the nondisjunction frequency, the greater the frequency of pairing. Table 3 gives the frequencies of non- disjunction between each duplication and the four. The highest non- disjunction frequency, 4.5 percent, occurs with the smallest dupli- cation. As the duplications become larger and approach the four in size, nondisjunction decreases meaning that association increases. . The lowest nondisjunction, and hence the highest association, occurs with those duplications closest to the four in length. For Dp 1144 with a length of 1.1, 1t is 0.02% or one nondisjunctional product in 5000 flies. Then, as the duplications become larger than the four, nondisjunction again increases, levelling off at 2% for duplications 2.5 or larger. It is evident that the amount of pairing between two nonhomologs, in a noncompetitive situation, 18 a function of their similarity in size. Competitive System Turning now to a study of the competitive situation, the problem was approached in two ways. The first was to examine the effect of a competitor noncompetitive conditions. For this it was only necessary to add a third . . ... ... . . . ! ! 11' 9. ' . Pitiri * ... .. ti . *- . . . A : . 0 . ." ' 'Y : 1 ' ' ' ' ' i .' : Th !- HY - . 1 * L. . . M . - . 14 • chromosome to the distributive pool. The chromosome that was used, which we call I, 18 five to six times the length of the four at mitotic metaphase and has been estimated to be a pool member ca. 96 percent of the time. Again, nondistinction frequencies between the different X-duplications and chromosome four were measured. The results are shown in Text-Figure 3, where the upper curve gives the values when the competitor is present and the lower curve, the values when the competitor is absent. For duplications close to the four in length, i.e. between 0.7 and 1.6, the presence of the competitor has little effect on duplication, four nondisjunction. Por duplications smaller than 0.7 and larger than 1.6, the presence of the competitor has a marked effect as evidenced by the sharp rise in duplication, pou nondis junction beyond these points. The effect of the competitor depends, therefore, on the similarity in Bize of the other two chromosomes. The second approach permitted a highly critical test of the effect of size on preference in distributive in distributive pairing. As indicated above, the starting point for these experiments had been the finding that two large chromosomes, with no known homology, segregated regularly from each other, while a small chromosome, with partial homology for one, assorted,'. randomly with both (18). This situation is shown in Text-Figure 4 by the rightmost points on curves A, B,' and C. The two percent value for curve A represents nondisjunction frequency for the two large chromosomes, T, and a marked Y; the values of close to fifty percent for curves B and C represent nondin junction frequencies for the small four and the Y and for the four and T. In other words the large Y and large 7, segregate regularly walle the small tow assorts randomly with both. ... : L . . . :. . . 2 .. . e If pairing preference is a matter of size, it should be possible, by ... .. . ....... preference. Thus, by substituting for the Y, X-duplications of smaller and smaller size, the point should eventually be reached where the X-duplication and the four now segregate regularly and the large Ps, assorts randomly. This point 1sexpected to occur when the X-duplication is very close to that of the four. By following curves A and B, we see that this is precisely what happens. As X-duplications of smaller and smaller size are substituted for the X, nondis junction between the X-duplications and the shown in curve A, increases. At the same time, nondisjunction between the X-duplication and the four, shown in curve B, decreases. The point is finally reached, when the X-duplication (Dp 1144--length 1.1) and four are very similar in size, that they associate exclusively and the 2 shows fifty percent nondisjunction (random assortment) with both. Actually, this situation resembles the original one for in both cases the two chromosomes of like size segregate regularly and the third chromosome, of unlike size, assorts randomly. These results demonstrate that preferences, as well as frequencies, in distributive. pairing are size dependent. It must be strongly emphasized that pairing behavior at this time 18 neither a property of the heterochromatic nor euchromatic portions of the chromosome, per se. The X-duplications are predominantly heterochromatic, the T, 18 predominantly euchromatic while the four has its normal amounts of both. Yet the pairing behavior. of the three chromosomes correlates closely with their entire metaphase Je ngth and is independent of the amount of euchromatin and heterochromatin they contain.. w . . . . . . ? . . . * - . 1 . . 1 1 IK. . 27 . .. 11 .... . .. 19 * - A * ' . * A . 1: 47 1 .1 . I . . . . . 1.'- - . Fourth Chromosome Segregation With the finding that distributive pairing is size-dependent, it became possible to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the regular segregation of the fourth chromosomes (26). According to the distributive pairing model, the two fours, as noncrossovers, should invariably be members of the distributive pool and available for nonhomologous associations. When other chromosomes . . . . . . 1. . : : ..: . associations with the fours. As one explanation, it might be postulated that a special mechanism had been evolved to ensure regular fourth chromosome segregation despite the absence of crossing over and that, as a consequence, the fours, like crossover bivalents, do not enter the pool. The discovery that distributive pairing 18 bize dependent suggested, as an alternative explanation, that the fours, although pool members, are too small to become Involved with other chromosomes of the genome . :.To test whether the Powrs are pool members, it was proposed to introduce the small X-duplications into the pool and to determine whether the fours are now susceptible to involvement with a nonhomolog. If 80, fourth chromosome nondis junction should occur. The results are shown in Text-Figure 5. Nondisjunction of the fours, which is 0.2 percent with no duplication, steadily increases from a value Identical to the control, 1.e. 0.2%, for the smallest duplication, to a maximum of 36.6 percent for a duplication very close to the four in length (Dp 1244-length 1.1). Since at this point nondisjunction of the duplication and one of the cows 16 only 26.4 percent, segregation of the nonhomologs 16 vore regular than segregation of the homologo, then as the duplications 1 . . become larger than the four, four nondis junction steadily declines, reaching a value not significantly different from the control (0.3 percent) with the largest chromosome used, the T20 It is evident from these results that the fourth chromosomes are always members of the distributive pool and will associate nonhomologously 11 a heterolog of the proper size is present. It follows from this that the mechanism responsible for regular fourth chromosome segregation, in the absence of such a heterolog, is distributive pairing. Furthermore, these results demonstrate again that the critical factor in distributive pairing is size and that, unlike N i pairing for exchange, homology is apparently inconsequential. tect ! '. - ' - " The Time of Exchange and Distributive Pairing. It is appropriate at this point to examine the relationship between the cytologically characterized meiotic stages and the events under discussion. This task would be much simpler 1f the time of crossing over were known. Localization of the exchange went at two different points in the meiotic cycle has led to two alternative . interpretations. The first, or classical interpretation, assumes that cytologically visible pairing between homologs at pochytene represents the pairing that precedes exchange. Since homologous contact presumably occurs along the entire length of the chromosome, the limiting factor is the exchange event, whose probability for any given interval 1s considered to be low. With DNA replication occurring well before pochytene, copy-choice as the sole mechanism for exchange 18 excluded by tł18 model. If this version is correct, exchange pairing would occur at the Bygotene stage, exchange during pachytene and distributive paiting anytime subsequent to exchange and preceding first anaphase. The speculation (27) that nonexchange univalents might undergo equational division at first anaphase and pair distributively in the Becondary obcyte cannot be excluded. The second model, that of Pritchard (28), assumes that two types of pairing occur during meiosis. The first 18 restricted to short discrite regions called "erfective pairing" sites and, here, while the probability of establishing such a site is low, the probability of recombination within such a site is high. Recombination 18 thought to probably occur by a copy-choice mechanism at the time of DNA replication. The second type of pairing, that observed at pachytene, is considered to be a devise concerned sobly with segregation. Pritchard's evidence for "effective pairing" sites comes from studies with Aspergillus (29, 30) where recombination data of two kinds, first localized negative interference and secondly the increase in exchange observed In the presence of a triplicated chromosomal segment, support this notion. When the same lands of data are examined in Drosophila, little if any aupport for localized negative interference 16 found. Moreover, early studies of Khoades (31) and Dobzhansky (32) have shown that triplicated segments, such as Pritchard used, decrease rather than increase recombination values. Recently, Da Grell (33) completed a series of experiments in which a triplication (duplication in Probophala terminology) for the base of x existed either free in the genome or attached at different locations. In all cases, ; & marked reduction in exchange in the triplicated segment was observed, but the extent of reduction depended on the proximity of the triplication to its homologous regions. If the triplication is attached to the distal tip of X or inserted in chromosome 3, the reduction 16 only thirty percent; 11 lt 18 free, the reduction is about seventy five percent; but if it is attached to the base of X; very close to its normal location, a ninety five percent reduction occurs. Mearly, the availability of an additional site hinders rather than increases recombination. Interestingly enough, in Drosophila, the triplication itselt rarely participates in exchange, whereas in Aspergillus, Pritchard reports that the triplicated segment 18 as frequently involved in exchange as the two normal homologs. In Aspergillus, as in Drosophila, the intervals proximal to the triplicated segemtn, in both the normal chromosomes and in the nonhomologous chromosomes carrying the triplicated segment, show a marked reduction in exchange, a result hardly in accord with the "effective pairing" site potion. In line with this, the occurrence of positive interference over long intervals in Drosophila, as well as most organisms, becomes very alfficult to account for with small discreet, peiring sites. Although Pritchard's model finds little support in Drosophila prepachytene. exchange remains an attractive hypothesis, An alternative explanation may be considered. In addition to the Diptera, where homologs are expected to lle in close proximity at the preméiotic telophase because of somatic pairing, there exists a variety of observations in the cytological literature indicating that pairing of homologs in the conventional side by side manner is initiated at preme.lotic anaphase or telophase (34). Chromosome condensation followed by parasynapsiis of homologs soon after nuclear fusion has also been discribed for Neurospora by McClintock (35) and Singleton (36). If this should turn out to be the general rule, then the paired, condition necessary for exchange, as well as one which could account for positive interference, has been established well before moiotio prophase commondes. Recently, in collaboration with Ann Chandley, who has been visiting In our laboratory, I have been attempting to obtain more precise information concerning the time of crossing over in Drosophila. We have used heat . treatment of 3Tc for a twenty-four hour period so as to increase the frequency of crossing over. We have brooded daily, thereafter, for fifteen days In order to determine the number of days that elapse between the Initiation of the treatment and deposition of those eggs from which progeny showing an increased frequency of crossing over aribe. In conjunction with the genetic studies, we have injected females with tritiated thymidine and prepared daily samples of the ovaries in order to follow the progression in labeling from the earliest oocyte, where the last DNA replication occurs to the nature oocyte. In this way it 18 possible to determine the time interval between the last DNA synthesis and egg laying. . Our findings are shown in Text-mgure 6. Those eggs laid seven to eight days after initiation of treatment produce the first progeny to show a significant increase in exchange. The increase reaches a maximw.of about · two and one hall times control value on day nine and then falls reaching control values again on day . Interestingly, when we study the labeling sequence, we find label appeare in mature oocytes for the first time on the eighth day after injection. The coincidence between the times of DNA replication and the alteration in crossing over by heat means, unless the heat effect 18 a delayed one, that crossing over 18 occurring concurrently or very close to the time of DNA replication, i.e., at the earliest phase of the stage 1 oocyte. .- - . If oxchange pairing and exchange are proloptoteno evento, associations commonood at zygotine might correspond to distributiva pairing. A diffioulty with this intorprotation has been that the excellent correlation between mitotic metaphase length and begregation behavior suggests distributive , pairing occurs lato in prophase or at metaphase when chromosomes are well condensed rather than at zygotone or pachytene. This difficulty could now be resolved by the recent findings of Moens (37), who has shown for the tomato at least, that the traditionally accepted sequence of meiotic prophase stages has probably been misinterpreted. He finds in the anthers, where an age gradient exists, that following interphase, chromosomes first become visible as paired pachytene bivalents, that homologs then begin to separate from each other corresponding to what had previously been thought to be synapsis of chromosomes at zygotene, now renamed schizonema, that separation of homologs continves so that the nucleus becomes filled with a network of threads, and that following this diffuse stage chromosomes proceed through diplotene, diakinesis and metaphase. The events that have been postulated from genetic evidence fit this altered sequence rather well. Pachytene might then represent a continuation of exchange pairing, initiated earlier at premeiotic anaphase or telophase, schizonema a subsequent stage when chromosomes fall apart unless tied together by a chiasma, and dialdnesis or metaphase the time of distributive pairing between condensed chromosomes. Summary The following points briefly recpaitulate recent findings concerning Drosophila oogenesis: 1. Monrandom asortment of nonhomologous chromosomes has boon demonstrated for all of the chromosomes of the Drosophila genome. The equality of reciprocal classos from such wysortmento indicate that they are the result of meiotio segregations in which associations between nonhomologs precedes segregation of nonhomologs to opposite poles . Segregation of nonhomologs from one another may be as regular or more regular than segregation of homologa. 2. Crossing-over studies have shown that chromosomes participating in nonhomologous associations are always noncrossovers. They have also shown that the incidence of such events, involving one of a pair of homologe, does not affect the frequency of exchange between the two homologs. These two rindings have led to a new model for me 10818. This model includes two types of pairing, an early type, concerned with exchange, called exchange pairing, and a later type, concerned with segregation, called distributive pairing. 3. Investigations into the nature of distributive pairing have disclosed that it is a size-dependent process such that both pairing frequencies and pairing preferences displayed at this time correlate extremely well with similarity in mitotic metaphase lengths of the participating chromosomes. In this respect it differs from exchange pairing where the prime concern 18 homology. The dependence on total lengths excludes the possibility that associations at the distributive phase between nouhomologs 19 a consequence of shared homology in proximal ... . heterochromatic regions. 4. Distributive pairing has been shown to be the mechanism responsible for regular segregation of the fourth chromosomes under normal conditions. 5. The distributive pairing theory provides a satisfactory explanation for a mimher or heretofore unexplained situations including regular segregation without exchange, nonhomologous pairing, the mechanism ox' secondary nondisjunction and preferential segregation of the fourth chromosomes . replication is presented. It 18 suggested that parasynapsis of homologs, prior to premeiotic interphase, followed by exchange concurrent or close to the time of DNA replication and distributive pairing at late prophuse or metaphase, presently provides the most satisfactory correspondence between genetic events and the cytological picture. 28 LITERATURE CITED (1). Darlington, O. Dos Recent Advances in Cytology. 559 + 18 pp. Philadelphia: Blaklston. (2). Swift, H.: The desoxyribose nucleic acid content of animal nuclei. ' Phys. 2001. 23: 163-198, 1950. (3). Swift, H. and R. Kleinfeld: DNA in grasshopper spermatogenesis, oogenesis, and cleavage. Physiol. 2002. 26: 30.1-311, 1953. (4). Taylor, J. 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Moens, Peter B.: A new interpretation of meiotic prophase in Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Chromosoma 15: 231-242, 1964. 2 . :- * Table 1. Frequencies of nonrandom assortment of dirferont pairs of nonhomologo in Drosophila melanogaster. Genotype Chromosomes Involved Segregation Reference Y; T(3;4)86D T(384)860 YA4 92 Grell, R.F.(13) Y; Ins(2L+2R) Cy T(2; 3)rn 90.1 It' s Ye3 Bu Y; Ins (LR) T(2;3)A Oksala, T. (15) Miller, Band R. F. Grell (16) Grell, R. F.(14) XDP; T(3;4)86D TR0)86D X DPA 4 99.9 XX2 Grell, E.H.(17) Y; 14 Y 44 98.8 Grell, E.H.(17) Grell, E. H.(17) 95 T(2;3)A XX; 14. XXki14 9 Grell, E. H.(17) - - . 4 . TABLE 2 Tetrad analysis of crossing over in normal X chromosome 8* Experiment b e by by Distance tal Measured % Total Crossing Over 67.24 € 0.95 70.09 € 1.00 Sxx 4.73 4.98 57.62 51.77 36.00 41.34 1.64 1.91 Distal tip (BC) to centromere xx LXXY 5.23 3.67 62.91 60.73 30.94 34.61 0.91 0.98 Distal tip (y) to car 63.76 + 1.14 66.44 $ 0.95 *E. E Eng Ex No-exchange tetrad; Single-exchange tetrad; Double-exchange tetrad; Triple-exchange tetrad. TABLE 3 Noncompetitive System Nondisjunction frequencies between chromosome four and X-duplications of variable lengths Duplication Mitotic Totals no. length Dp, 4 Nondisjunction among X-regulars* (%) 1187 1162 5.0.3 0.5 0.7 816 1204 0.9 1193 1.0 1339 1.2 1144 1.1 1.4 1337 1186 1346 12,113 8,000 9,324 7,391 5,371 7,126 8,476 5,635 5,991 8,012 2,789 2,665 3,343 3,732 2,767 344 4.49 0.19 0.39 + 0.07 0.22 + 0.05 0.08 + 0.03 0.13 10.05 0.08 $ 0.03 0.02 + 0.02 0.38 $ 0.08 0.39 + 0.08 0.42 0.07 0.43 $ 0.12 1.94 $ 0.27 2.20 + 0.25 1.90 6.0.24 1.63.4 0.24 2.00 $ 0.75 1.6 2.0 1328 2.1 1488 2.5 2.6 1343 856 1498 3.0 3.3 4 " X nondisjunction less than 2% in all cases . . . . W : .. . . Text-Figure 2 .... 12.741 .. ... NATURE OF X-DUPLICATIONS . . - - CHROMOSOME ORIGIN _ _X-LOCI PRESENT yt oc* sc* su-wºt dort pnt su-p+ 00* - ... - - - - -. LENGTH. AT MITOTIC METAPHASE 1.0 < 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 SC8 SC 8 C-S T- SC 8 $C8 Chromosome 4 X-00 # 1187 X-Op # 1162 X-Op # 816 X-Dp # 1204 X-Dp # 1193 X-Op # 1339 X-Dp # 1144 X-Op # 1337 X-Op # 1186 X-Op # 1346 X-Op # 1328 X-Dp # 1488 X-Op # 1343 X-Dp # 856 X-Dp # 1498 X-Op # 3 C-S C-S C-S anno 1.4 + ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 +11+!! + + + + + + + + II 1 + 11 + + + i + 1 +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SC8 1.6 + + + + + + IIII!!!!! 2.1 C-S C-s C-S onunda onomo C-S ann onimo C-S C-S CS anumanmunaa 2.5 2.6 - - - t't . . 3.0 3.3 . . - . - - . .. - - - - (Reprinted groni Genelics 50:151-166, 1964) - Text - Figure 3. Comparison of De, 4 nondisjunction in competitive and noncompetitive system's. . 12,142 1 is . .. YUVALU COMPETITIVE % Dp, 4 NONDISJUNCTION NONCOMPETITIVE J .-.-.- 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 4+ DUPLICATION LENGTH . NIN . ... Hanggang . (Reprinted from Genetics 50; 151 - 166, 1964) -.- . .-..... ... . . ..... .. . .. www Text- Figure 4. Relation of nondisjunction frequencies to duplication tength. . . . A. 12,745 . . . . . Tool ... . ... RANDOM ASSORTMENT % NONDISJUNCTION & Dp.4 0.5 07 09 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 60 PASTA DUPLICATION LENGTH (Reprinted from Genetics 50; 151-166, 1964) Eropa owner op prwt von . . SEMILOGARITHMIC 358.61 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. MADE IN 5.3.A. 2 CYCLES X 70 DIVISIONS to) lenglia Text - Figure 5. Fourth Chromoscnie nondisjunction plotted as a function of duplication and (A control value of 0.2% was obtained with no duplications 1 clann ITSOFemenu . . i I. L I . " S + - III rd - -- 1 en i xC II ,ve19- - - - - n. - --- I---- S- --- ! CK --- - -- --- -. _ ------ 1 - - 11 - - - -- 6.9 10 11 12 14 INN 3. 6 33 Tila 2.5 Sa 6.6 Size 0,3 X-duplications, 4 and 74 - .. Sy . . t . . . . DATE FILMED 12/ 30 /64 Yr . .. - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. MA ? . . . . SA . 2 P are NX EUS RAIN SA . END . . Mr