. .. . I I . :'. institution and NIJN . UT ! PEN ARU UN LUI . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . . : mmän ons P 614 L. 1 . 7 oror-p-614. GUES 64-81 CONF-791-/ NOV - 3 1964 Note: TAB 10 This is a draft of a paper to be presented for a Sturly Group on Research Reactor Experimental Techniques to be held in Bucharest, Romania, October 1964. Contents of this paper should not be quoted or referred to without permission of the authurs. MASTEK -LEGAL NOTICE - TW, report memorare un acown a connu padre wart, Melchor the Unit Mains, we the Cannabon, www porno cung on hall of the Counaslon: A. Meer my nusranty or nogrimuathon, o n dor toplied,ma repect is the serv. rky, co powee, w wolnou a morte contained h oroport, or what the we of my lalos nation, martes, memo, opraw o low to the report way of laringe firshly w riter or D. Ar u ay la litemu rodinou wel, or lor tous rendung frou the wol way for auto, amante, mad, or mu delow we report. Ao wodne the whore. 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To understand the basic damage mechanisms which cause property changes it is desirable to carry our irradiations and subsequent recovery studies at low temperatures. Further, it is known that the character of radiation damage and the associated property changes depend strongly upon the energy transferred to the pri- mary atom in an atomic collision or recoil. Although reactor irradiation dama ge has been studied for some years, only recently has the capability of reactors to provide high fluxes of neutrons of well-defined energy been exploited. These techniques in conjunction with advances in cryo- genic techniques can serve to improve our basic knowledge of radiation dama ge. Some of the considerations necessary for this type of research are described in this report. Because of the authors' familiarity, this report deals mainly with the low temperature irradiation facility lo- cated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORAL). It must be pointed out that a particular low temperature facility is limited in its applic- ability. The design and operation of a facility is dependent upon the reactor structure and operation and on the requirements of particular experiments. However, the description of a particular facility serves to acquaint the reader with the common aspects and the scope of the '. ..** work in this field. SPECIFIC FLUX CONDITIONS Various portions of a reactor neutron spectrum are known to produce different types of damage. Figure l shows the isochronel re- covery of resistivity changes in copper caused by various types of Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. -2. irradiation. The effects shown here are observed in other metalst with greater differences seen in many cases. Thermal neutron damage arises from the recoil of an atom from the emission of energetic gamma rays at the time of thermal neutron capture. Atom recoil energies are relatively low for this mechanism and produce from one to a few interstitial atoms and vacant lattice sites per capture. For some elements the effect of transmutations must also be cons:dered. A fast neutron can transfer a large amount of energy to an at sm by collision and through a cascade pro- ce88 this struck atom produces a localized region of high defect concen- tration involving several hundred displaced atoms. These different damage configurations are believed to account for the difference in recovery be- havior. Details of this problem, however, are not presently understood and additional theoretical and experimental investigation 18 needed. Irradiation with reactor spectrum neutrons produces a mixture of the two types of damage in a ratio dependent upon the neutron flux spectrum of the reactor and the nuclear and physical properties of the element. For many elements and flux conditions, neither type of damage is pre- dominant, and the interpretation of data can be difficult. Using known methods, some specific flux conditions can be obtained from reactor spectra. These conditions can have a purity and intensity which are well suited to better defined radiation damage studies. Figure 2 shows the cryostat-reactor arrangement of the CRNL liquid helium facility. The light-water moderated swimming pool re- actopmoperates at 1 megawatt with a thermal neutron flux of 1 x 10+ .n/cm/sec. at the reactor face. One purpose of this facility is to ob- tain a reasonably pure thermal neutron flux at the cryostat. This is accomplished by locating an aluminum tank 45 cm thick containing heavy water between the cryostat and a face of the reactor. This provides a thermal neutron flux at the cryostat of 8 x 1011 n/cm2/sec. with a ca ratio (for Au) of 86. In terms of radiation damage it is found that the thermal neutron portion of the total damage 18 about 85% for copper, * which has only a 3 barn capture : cross-section. For other higher cross- section elements, much greater damage purity can be obtained. In using this general approach to obtain a pure thermal neutron flux, some judgment ...13 ..... :- r . Y , . .. .. L. must be exercised. By increasing the moderator thickness, better flux purity is obtained at the expense of flux intensity. In Fig. I it is seen that the recovery beliavior of reactor fast neut::ons (3 slug fast) damage is different from fission neutron damage. Fast neutron spectra differ widely between renctors and between various locations in the same reactor. This makes the interpretation of radi- ation damage data very difficult for some types of experiments. The f'ission neutron spectrum is well known and is confined to a relatively narrow energy range compared to many reactor fast neutron spectra. Fission neutrons, then, are a source for producing high energy dame.ge wherein the defect configurations can be better defined and have less variation than those obtained from reactor fast neutrons. Under certain conditions, us converter tubes or plates can be used to obtain a suit- able fission neutron flux. It 18 desirable to locate the converter in a position where the reactor fast neutron flux is low or is known to produce negligible damage compared to the fission neutron flux. A moderator adjacent to the converter can cause a feedback of degraded neutrons which will adulterate the fission neutron spectrum in the con- verter. This is prevented by removing adjacent moderator for a modest distance from the converter. Finally, the converter must be lined (or the experiment surrounded) with a thermal neutron absorber such as cad- mium or boron to eliminate thermal neutron damage effects. We have made electrical heating tests on a mock-up of a converter tube to be lowered around the cryostat (Fig. 2) which indicate safe behavior at 500 watts power output with no external cooling. Cooling takes place by natural convection of the helium gas in the cryostat housing dissi- pating the heat to the pool water. Such a converter should produce a fission neutron flux of about 6 x 101° n/cm/ sec. which is sufficient for damage rate and recovery studies of some properties. With this scheme no cooling failure safety precautions are required. The converter can be lowered around the sample chamber at any time, allowing the al- ternate study of thermal and fission neutron damage on the same specimens. ' ... Energetic gamma rays produce damage in metals similar to that produced by thermal neutrons." By surrounding a specimen or the sample 4- chamber of a cryostat with a black neutron absorber such as cadmium or gudolinium, a capture gamma-ray flux sufficiently energetic and in- tense to study damage effects might be obtained. The cross-section . for defect production by gamma rays is relatively small, and such & scheme would require substantial reduction of any fast neutron flux in the interest of dana ge purity. For the same reason, attainable gamma ray dama ge concentrations will be small, even for a substantial thermal neutron flux of 2.04 n/cm -in-00 COPPER TUBING - -.. - PATEL INCHES XVII - REFRIGERATED SHELD SUPPLY - LIQUEFIER SUPPLY LIQUEFIER RETURN I fir 6 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4619 to 7-in. THIN-WALL STAINLESS -in. THIN-WALL STAINLESS - 0.032-in. OD STAIN LESS SHEATHED "HEATER 0.020-in. ID CAPILLARY 30-in. LONG .- .--. . - - - ------ - WIRE BUNDLE (ALL WIRES GO TO BOTTOM FIRST) -- FIRED LAVITE SPACER DISK - - - - - - - - - COPPER CAN (3 x A-in. DIAM X 0.010 in. WALL - . .. GAS THERMOMETER BULB (5 cm3) .. . - . . . THERMOCOUPLE . nte... CS TY - 10-W CARBON RESISTOR (THERMOMETER) .: : - I T ' - . . - CADMIUM SAMPLE (0.0012 0.031 x 1/4-in.) ., KUWAHUSAY : MS 1 ny t" R . LA NS - At . YAK . CUS, MW . L . . ** How . * 2. .. at Cadmium Sample Rig Fię z DATE FILMED 12/31 /64 pse LEGAL NOTICE This report was preparod as an account of Govornment sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person aoting on behalf of tho Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or 'usofulness of tho Information contained in this roport, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, :r process disclosod in this roport may not infringo privatoly owned rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respoot to the use of, or for damagoi rosulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this roport. As used in the abovo, “porson acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- ployee or contractor of tho Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the oxtont that such omployoc or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor preparos, dissominatos, or provides aCCOSI to, any information pursuant to his omployment or contract with the Commission, or his omploymont with such contractor. END