, : + . . - .. .. I OF L ORNLP 1194 . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 CORNU P-1194 . van Art CFSTI PRICES · APR Ź 1965 H.C. $ 3.00.; MM, 50 MASTER E lladamoramos protagoni, mint mindenkortit;* IRRADIATION OF SINTERED BERYLLIUM OXIDE TO HIGH FAST-NEUTRON, DOSES AT 110, 650, AND 1100°C* G. W. Keilholtz J. E. Lee, Jr. R. E. Moore Reactor Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee "NU INFORMEDLIGASTEAS DIST on other to IMA Images NOI, Inim RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT. Commons POV FIBRANT SAD ura ; PROGEDURES OMLETTELONA SECTION." IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS | Submitted to the Journal of the American Ceramic Society for publication. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE The report was propered um nome al Covenant sponsored work. Metther the wind Metro, me the Commission, vor alle portion setting an amall of the Commissions A. Mahn voruty or punctatou, aprund or land, ma nepoct to the soci- moy, completos.se, or watalon at the leformation contained to the report, or that the wo meg tudor nation, rest, wethed, of pracow doomed to do soport may not to bring potrily owned photos of . Ar my hobude na tepect to the words a lor de multing from the wou honetan, arte, bod, or pron dinelowed to the porte A Oh whene, netto notah O oh" boldwe ye Moyue of control the contendons of maplyn almal contractor, to do that med plogue of contractor of the Comminahon, koployun otructor porn, donne in, or persona nocu do, any information permet i Mo nylonu o antruot not commodo, or Memployment with no contrastos. -2 ABSTRACT The behavior of sintered Beo exposed to fast-neutron doses up to 8 x 10% neutrons am"? was investigated at 110, 650, and 1100°C with the objective of the establishing its limits of stability and mechanisms of damage under conditions to which it would be exposed if used as a moderator in nuclear power reactors. The data are generally consistent with the hypothesis that grain boundary separation, the primary mode of damage to Bed compacts at all three temperatures, is caused by anisotropic crystal expansion, which results from the production of point defects and the agglomeration of defects in the crystal lattice. At 1100°C, a temperature at which in-pile annealing substantially reduces crystal expansion, the data indicate that grain boundary separation is promoted by thermal cycling. To minimize damage in nuclear reactor operation, Beo of small grain size and low density should be used, the temperature should be as high as practicable, and thermal cycling should be avoided. I. INTRODUCTION Sintered or hot-pressed beryllium oxide has been considered for use as a moderator or fuel matrix material in nuclear reactors designed for high-temperature performance. The attractive nuclear and physical properties of Beo make it ideally". suited for such applications, but its limits of stability toward fast neutrons needed to be determined before it could be incorporated into practical reactor designs. Consequently, there have been efforts by many investigators in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia to establish these limits and to evaluate the mechanisms of damage. Much of the large amount of data accumulated on the radiation behavior of Beo cannot be compared satisfactorily because of the diversity of types of BeO specimens -3. . studied and the differences in reactor operating parameters. For this reason, in a continuation or the Beo irradiation program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratorycol,:: a series of experiments was designed to permit comparisons of damage to specimens of different grain sizes and densities as a function of neutron flux, dose, and temperature under controlled conditions. Another major objective was to determine the mechanisms by which Beo is damaged when irradiated to the very high fast-neutron . doses to which it would be exposed in nuclear power reactors. This paper presents . . the results obtained from these experiments II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS (1) Characteristics of Specimens The characteristics of the eight groups of cylindrical samples Irradiated in the experimental assemblies are given in Table I. All the samples were prepared by the *** Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, from the same batch of Brush Beryllium Company UoX Grade FeO powder by cold-pressing and sintering at 1750°c in a hydrogen atmosphere. The material of small grain size, was sintered for one hour, and the material of large grain size was sintered for 60 hours. The low- density samples were made by including epoxy resin in the pressed material and removing it by heating at 900°C in air before sintering. (2) Irradiation Assemblies The specimens were enclosed in stainless steel capsules and irradiated in the Idaho Engineering Test Reactor (ETR) at 110, 650, and 1100°C. Temperatures were achieved by gamma heat generated within the capsules. The arrangement of the capsules within the flux profile of the reactor position, the temperature of each capsule, and the irradiation times are shown in Fig. 1. Each narrow bar represents a capsule containing 30 1/4-1n. specimens; each wide bar represents a capsule containing 15 1/2-in.. specimens. All four types of Beo were arranged in each capsule ... annem 4. TYY 1 . 1 . ti . wollen in eccordance with the principles of statistical design. (3) Determination of Neutron Dose The values of the fast-neutron dose were calculated from measurements of the Mnactivity in stainless steel discs located at the top and bottom of each capsule. A cross section of 54 millibarns for the Fe54(n,p): 54 reaction and a : half-life of 314 days were used in the calculations. A Watt is spectrum value of 0.692 was used for the integration of fission-neutron energy above 1 Mev. III. IRRADIATION OF BERYLLIUM OXIDE AT 110°C (1) Gross Damage (Fracturing and Powdering) The gross damage to specimens irradiated at 110°C 18 summarized in Table II, An exemination of the damage data revealed no significant differences between types of Bed at this temperature. Although major fracturing of Type It began at a lower---- neutron dose than in other types, a larger number of specimens of Type II survived intact up to a dose of 2 x 1021 neutrons cm2. Consequently, this difference 18 not considered to be significant. Nearly all specimens disintegrated to powder at doses above 2 x 1021 neutrons cm-2. (2) Volume Expansion Figure 2 shows the volume expansion of samples which survived the low temperature irradiation without fracturing or powdering plotted against fast-neutron dose. It is apparent that there are no significant differences in volume expansion among the 1 four types of BeO Irradiated in this experiment. Also shown in the plot is the volume expansion calculated from density measurements of single crystals irradiated in the same experimental assembly and the volume expansion calculated from the lattice parameters from X-ray diffraction examinations of powdered Beo compacts. 10. Self-constraint in the relatively very large single crystals may account for the lower values found for their volume increases as calculated from density changes -5. compared with values calculated from lattice expansion of powdered specimens. Obviously, grain boundary separation contributes importantly to the expansion of compacte irradiated to doses above ~0.8 x 102neutrons cmma (> 1 Mev). Micrographic Exami.nations Photomicrographs of Beo irradisted at low temperatures reveal extensive grain boundary separation, which is the primary manifestation of domage. Transgranular fracture also occurs to some extent, particularly in large-grained samples, but only rarely does it traverse more than one grain. The effeci of fast-neutron . Irradiation on Bed at 110°c is 1llustrated by a comparison of unirradiated Beo, : shown in the photomicrograph of Fig. 3, with irradiated Beo of the same type in Fig. 4o (4) X-Rey Diffraction Examinations The changes in the lattice. parameters of specimens irradiated at 110°C are given in Table III. These data were obtained from measurements of the 2?. •1 and 21.0 reflections using Ni Ka X-radiation, and represent the average and a parameters including the agglomerations of defects between some of the planes. 20 Values of lattice parameters reported for specimens of previous experiments were calculated from reflections observed as diffuse maxima with copper Ko X-rays, whose Brage spacings are not a simple function of the average interplaner distances in the crystal. Crystal expansion, which is greater in the direction of the g axis than the a axis, varies from 1.2 to 3.5% over the dose range 0.7 to 2.23 x 1021 neutrons cm - 2 (> 1 Mev). The anisotropic expansion ratio, (Ac/s)/(48/s.), averages about 20. IV. IRRADIATION OF BERYLLIUM OXIDE AT 650 AND 1100°C The four types of Beo were irradiated at both 650 and 1100°C in two experiments which were similar except that the irradiation time of one was about twice that of the other. The purpose of this procedure was to permit comparisons of the radiation e monttinn Lor damage to specimens of the same types irradiated to the same fast-neutron doses for : different fast-neutron flux values. In conjunction with the Irradiation experiments, out-of-pile control tests were carried out to determine the effect of thermal treatment alone on Beo specimens of these types. (1) Out-of-P1le Control Tests Tests weze conducted out-of-pile in which the four types of Beo were subjected to the same thermal treatment that the specimens received during irradiation. This . irradiation experiments. .'. • Examinations of the specimens after conclusion of the tests showed no gro88.. . fracturing or significant dimensional changes as a result of the thermal treatment at either. 650 or 1100°C. Photomicrographs of the samples in the as-polished .condition at 100x magnification revealed no grain boundary separation or transgranular fracture. The out-of-pile tests do not, of course, provide a temperature differential necessary for determining the effect of thermal stress, which may be important in irradiation studies. (2) Gross Damage to Irradiated Specimens: The experimental conditions and the gross damage data (fracturing and powering). are summarized in the bar grapa of Fig. 5; each of the bars covers the range of fast-neutron exposure of the specimens of the type represented. The boundaries of the damage regions shown in the bar graph are approximate. Some samples survived without visible grosu damage, although in a greatly weakened condition, even in fast-neutron dose ranges where most samples of the same type were severely fractured or powdered. Post-Irradiation removal of the thick steel cladding required to achieve the necessary gamma heating of the capsules containing the quarter-inch samples proved to be very difficult. The gross damage data for these samples are not presented . : . . . 1 + . ------ --------------...--.--------- -- - ----------- mode my do ma s omo Several conclusions may be drawn from the data summarized in Fig. 5: 1. The gross dainage, which increases with increasing dose, is greater at 650 than at 1100°c for all four types of Beo. 2. Powdering of Beo compacts, which previously has been observed only in low temperature irradiations, can occur at temperatures as high as 1100°c after exposure to doses greater than 4 x 1021 neutrotis cm(> 1 Mev). 3. In general, Type I Beo (low density, small grain size) withstood irradiation better than the other types in both experiments, while Type IV Beo (high density, large grain size) was generally damaged to a greater extent than the other types, particularly in Irradiations at 650°C. 4. Unexpectedly, there is no #adication that damage is greater to samples irradiated in high fast-neutron fluxes than to samples irradiated in low fluxes at equivalent fast-neutron doses. There is less damage to samples irradiated at 650°C than to samples Irradiated at 110°c (see Table II) for equivalent doses. This indicates that some in-pile annealing occurs even at temperatures as low as 650°C. · The increase in volume of the hall-inch Beo compacts which survived irradiation · without severe fracturing in the short-term experiment and the long-term experiment 18 plotted against fast-neutron dose in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The volume expansion of the quarter-inch specimens is not included because the dimensional data for these specimens were not consistently reliable. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the specimens irradiated at 650°C, which expanded less than specimens irradiated at 110°c, expanded considerably more than the samples. irradiated at 1100°C. In Irradiations at 1100°C, it is clear that Type I Beo (low : density, small grain size) expanded much less than Type IV (high density, large grain size). Types II and III were intermediate in expansion. : -8. : There was no survival in irradiations at 650°C in the long term experiment. The volume increases of the four types of samples irradiated at 1100°C in the long- term experiment, shown in Fig. 7, are in the same order as in the short-term experiment, with Type I expanding the least, Type IV expanding the most, and Types II and III Intermediate. In botia experiments, the volume expansion increases with increasing fast-neutron dose. : If the volume expansions for irradiations at 1100°C in the two experiments are compared at equivalent dose values (see Table IV), it is apparent that there is greater expansion in the long term experiment than in the short-term experiment. This unexpected finding of greater expansion in lower fluxes for equival.ent doses can possibly be explained as an effect resulting from reactor operational variables such as thermal cycling. For instance, the long-term experimental assembly experienced three times the number of thermal cycles (132) during irradiation as did the short-term assembly (45). Thermal cycling of anisotropically strained. boundaries during each cycie. A greater number of thermal cycles during an irradiation could result, consequently, in greater expansion caused by grain 'boundary separation. (4) Micrographic Examinations Photomicrographs of Beo compacts Irradiated at 650 and 1100°C clearly show extensive grain boundary separation as well as some transgranular fracture.•,7 In samples of large grain size (~ 70 m) Irradiated to dosez exceeding 3 x 1022 . neutrons cm2 (> 1 Mev), transgranular fracture accounts for an apparent reduction in grain size of about 25%. Samples with smaller grains (~ 23 ) also show trans- :. granular fracture but not enough to reduce the apparent grain size by a significant amount. In both cases, however, the primary mode of damage is grain boundary separation. (5) X-Ray Diffraction Examinations Results of X-ray diffraction examinations do of selected Beo samples Irradiated at 650 and 1100°C are presented in Table V. The values for the g parameter were calculated from measurements of the 21•1 and 21•0 reflections of Ni Ka X-radiation from Beo compacts ground to a fine powder. Almost all the volume expansion calculated from the lattice parameters results from the increase in the c parameter; the a parameter Increase is negligible in irradiations at 650 and 1100°C. The anisotropic volume Increase calculated from the laºtice parameters of samples irradiated at 650°c (1.4 to 2.2%) 18 considerably less than that of samples irradiated at 110°c (see Table III). The increased rate of in-pile annealing at 1100°C substantially reduces the g parameter increases from the values found for samples irradiated at 650°C. Comparisons of different Beo types in Table V provide no indication, within the precision of the data, that density and grain size have a bearing on lattice parameter increase. No flux intensity effect at 650°C 18 apparent from comparisons of data from the two experiments at comparable neutron doses. Because in-pile annealing at 1100°C should be very rapid, a marked flux intensity effect would be expected. The lattice parameter measurements on samples irradiated at 1100°C, however, are not precise enough to demonstrate this effect conclusively. . .. . . V. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY . The experimental results are generally consistent with the hypothesis that point defects produced by fast neutrons cause misotropic expansion of the Beo crystals, predominantly in the direction of the c axis, which, in turn, produces grain boundary separation in randomly oriented compacts. Photomicrographs clearly showed that grain boundary separation is the primary mode of damage at all temperatures from 110 to 1100°C, although some transgranular fracture is evident, particularly in specimens of large grain size. Most changes in the physical properties of Feo bodies .. -10 irradiated to high doses can be accounted for by grain boundary separation augmented by transgranular fracture. These changes include fracturing and powdering, volume expansion, which has proved to be a reliable criterion of fast-neutron damage, and large reductions in the crushing strength and thermal conductivity. The anisotropic volume expansion of a Bco crystal may be considered to be the sum of (1) the anisotropic volume expansion as calculated from the lattice parameters, and (2) the volume expansion produced by agglomerations of defects between some of the basal planes which are too large to be included in the g parameter increase. Single crystals Irradiated at 650 and 1100°C, which are very large relative to crystals in Beo compacts, show a dark banding parallel to the basal planes, which probably consists of very large Beo defect agglomerations. The volume expansion of these crystals 18 larger than that calculated solely on the basis of lattice parameter increases. The anisotropic crystal vo.Lume expansions at 110 and 650°C (w 1 to 3%) are certainly large enough to produce grain boundary separation. The only case in which taere 18 a question concerning whether anisotropic expansion is the doninant mechanism .. arises in irradiations at high temperatures (1100°c). The lattice expansion at 1100°C is very small, and volume expansion calculated from density measurements of single crystals was found to be no greater than 0.9% even for fast-neutron doses exceeding 5 x 102 neutrons cms. Because crystal expansions of 0.9% or less produce very little grain boundary .separation at 110°C, the possibility has been considered that at high temperatures, grain boundary separation is produced by gas pressure of helium, which diffuses to the grain boundaries after its production within the grains by neutron reactions. -11- There is no indication of a flux intensity effect on gross damage, volume expansion, or lattice parameter expansion in irradiations at 650°c. ' At 1100°c, a temperature at which in-pile annealing should be very effective, there is also apparently no flux intensity effect on gross damage. Surprisingly, however, volume expansion is greater in low fluxes than in high fluxes for equivalent doses. A proposed explanation is that thermal cycling can promote grain boundary separation in compacts with anisotropically strained grain boundaries. Accordingly, there could term, low-flux irradiations than in short-term, high-flux irradiations for equivalent doses. This explanation could also account for the unexpectedly large amount of grain boundary separation in samples irradiated at 1100°c relative to the small amount of crystal expansion observed. In order to minimize fast-neutron damage to a Beo ceramic body used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor, the temperature should be maintained as high as practicable, and the material should be of low density and small grain size. Because of in-pile annealing at high temperatures, a low fast-neutron flux would probably produce less damage than a high flux for equivalent neutron doses. A more important factor in minimizing damage, however, may be the maintenance of the material at its operating temperature during its entire period of use. The data at 1100°c indicate that grain boundary separation in Beo bodies, with the consequent deterioration of physical and mechanical properties, may be promoted by thermal cycling during Irradiation. : ; VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to G. M. Watson for his encouragement and helpful, discussions covering all phases of this work. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory: -12- A. F." Zulliger and G. H. Hewellyn, engineering design of experimental assemblies; 1. L. Yakel, G. W. Clark, and R. M. Steele, X-ray diffraction examinations and single crystal studies; E. Is. Long, Jr. and E. J. Manthos, micrographic examinations : - - -- -- - - . *.-.-K .*, LP 1 -13- REFERENCES 1. Proceedings of International Conference on Beryllium Oxide, October 21-25, 1963, Sydney, Australia, J. Nuclear Materials (in press). 2. R. P. Shields, J. E. Lee, Jr., and W. E. Browning, Jr., "Effects of Fast Neutron Irradiation and High Temperature on Beryllium Oxide", Oak Ridge National laboratory Report ORNL-3164, March 16, 1962. 3. R. P. Shields, J. E. Lee, Jr., and W. E. Browning, Jr., "Irradiation Effects on Beryllium Oxide", Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 4 (2) 338 (November 1961). G. W. Kellholtz, J. E. Lee, Jr., R. P. Shields, and W. E. Browning, Jr., "Radiation Damage in Beo", Proc. Symp. Radiation Damage in Solids and Reactor Materials, Venice, May 7-11, 1962, vol. II (Vienna, TAEA, 1962).. 5. G. W. Kellholtz, J. E. Lee, Jr., and R. E. Moore, "The Effect of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Beryllium Oxide Compacts at High Temperatures", Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-T-741, December 11, 1963. G. W. Keilholtz, J. E. Lee, Jr., R. E. Moore, and R. L. Hamner, "Behavior of Beo Under Neutron Irradiation", Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-TM- 742, December 11, 1963. G. W. Keilholtz, J. E. Lee, Jr., and R. E. Moore, 'The Effect of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Beryllium Oxide Compacts at High Temperatures", J. Nuclear Materials 11 (3) 253-264 (1964). 8. R. L. Hamner, "Fabrication and Characterization of High-Purity Beryllium Oxide . ..Specimens for Irradiation Testing", Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-TM-767, March 1964. 9. 1). A. Gardiner, "The Experimental Design for Beo Irradiation Experiments ORNL 41-8 and ORNL 41-9", Oak Ridge National laboratory Report ORNI-3310, July 2, 1962. -14- 10. · H. L. Yakel and R. M. Steele, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, personal communications. .... -15- Table I. Characteristics of Beryllium Oxide Specimens la) Beo Type Batch Number Specimen Size Average Grain (in.) sverage Bulk Density. (8 cm-3) 2.7 All 0.25 0.5 A28 2.7 IT.. A13 0.25 0.5 A19 I. (Low density, small grain size) (Low density, large grain size) III. (High density, small grain size) IV. (High density, large grain size) AIO 0.25 0.5 8m no se A16 2.9 A15 A17 2.9 2.95 0.5 (a) Right circular cylinders with the diameters equal to the heights. -16. Table II. Gross Damage to Hall-Inch Beo Specimens Irradiated at 110°C . * 2021 * 2022 Beo Type Fast-Neutron Fast-Neutron Fast-Neutron Dose Range Dose for Minor Dose for · Major Dose for Major Fracturing Fracturing Fracturing wit Powdering 2, (neutrons am-2) (neutrons cm-2)(neutrons cm-(neutrons am 3) x 1021 x 1021 I. (Low density, 0.61-2.23 1.1 1..6 small grain size) II. (Low density, 0.56-2.23 large grain size) III. (High density, 0.67-2.2 small grain size) IV. - (of gh densitas ar (High density, 0.5-2.22 large grain 2.1 -17- Table III. Results of X-Ray Diffraction Examination of BeO Irradiated at : at 120°c (a): Beo Type sala A/ AV/v. D) Fast-Neutron Dose (> 1 Mev)... (neutrons cm ) Fast-Neutron Flux (> 1 Mev). (neutrons cm-sec ) x 2022 THE H * 2014 1.8 0.7 0.0120 1.67 4.3 0.0280 0.0010 0.0012 0.0013 0.0013 0.0100 0.0256 0.0298 0.0326 2.22 5.7 0.0324 0.0352 2.23 5.7 (a) Lattice parameters were calculated from measurements of the 21•1 and 21•0 reflections from Ni radiation from Beo compacts which were ground to a fine powder. (b) The fractional volume increase, AV/V., was calculated from the equation AV/v. = 2(19/2) + (As/s.). . - - ...m ore .: -28- Table IV. Volume Expansion of Half-Inch Be0 Specimens Irradiated at 11 . Irradiation Time de (sec) Percent Volume. Increase at Fast-Neutron Dose 2.0 x 102 : 4.0 x 1024 . 7.2 x 102 neutrons comme neutrons com neutrons om x 107 1.4 H. 2.2 .. 2.4 .. H 0.733 1.4 III 1.4 3.1 III IV 0.733 1.4 0.733 4.3 IV ..... . . . . (a) The values of volume increase at the three neutron doses were interpolated from linear data plots. Type II was omitted because there were too little data' available, but the expansion appears to lie between Types I and IV. . . . . L Table 1. Results of X-Ray Diffraction Examination of Beo Irradiated at 650 and 1100°c le. Experiment (5) Beo Type Fast- Neutron Fast-Neutron Temp. sale. Acls.. Dose (> 1 Mev) Flux (> 1 Mev):. .. (neutrons cm-2) (neutrons cm-2 sec-1) (°c) AV/v. (c) : noticias de los downloader x 2021 x 1024 41-9 . . 1.4 1.9 2.25 0001 5.0 5.1 650 650 OOOOOO IV 1.6 650 0.0001 41-9 41-9 41-9 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 II II 2.05 2.2 0.0150 0.0158 0.0140 0.0226 0.0152 0.0114 0.0205 0.0191 0.0194 0.0212 0.0209 0.0204 0.0150 0.0158 0.0142 0.0226 0.0154 0.0114 0.0205 0.0191 0.0194 0.0212 0.0217 0.0214 2.35 650 II 650 5.1 7.95 650 650 650 0.0004 0.0005 -19 do 65 2.25 1.8 4.0 41-9 41-9 41-9 41-9 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 4.0 II 0.0019 0.0034 0.0016 1.65 3.2 um ama 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 IV 0001 .0001 0.0019 0.0034 0.0018 0.0002 0.0028 0.0002 IV 5.5 0.0028 5.9 0.0001 ** (a) Lattice parameters were calculated from measurements of the 21•1 and Ź10 reflections of Ni Ka X-radiation from Beo compacts irradiated in Experiments 41-8 and 41-9 which were ground to a fine powder. (b) Irradiation times of Experiments 41-8 and 41-9 were 1:4 x 10' and 7.33 x 10° sec, respectively. . The fractional volume increase, is calculated from the equation . . . . . . . . PV M . -20- FIGURE CAPTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Arrangement of capsules within the neutron flux profile of the Engineering Test Reactor, in which sintered BeO specimens were irradiated at 110, 650, and 1100°C, ORNL-DWG-64-11199. Volume Increase of 1/2-1n. Beo compacts and single crystals Irradiated at 110°C vs fast-neutron dose, ORNL-DWG-64-8398R. Unirradiated Beo of high density (~ 2.9 g/cm) and small grain size (~ 25 m), as-polished at 100x magnification, 'Y-45357. High density Beo (~ 2.9 g/cm") of small grain size (~ 25 M) Irradiated to a fast-neutron dose of 0.78 x 1022 ueutrons cm2 (> 1 Mev) at 110°C (as polished, 100x magnification), R-22003. Gross damage to Beo specimens irradiated at 650 and 1100°c for two periods of _-- time as a function of the fast-neutron dose, ORNL-DWG-64-1886. Volume increase of 1/2-in. BeO specimens irradiated at 650 and 1100°C in short-term experiment 41-9 (7.33 x 200 sec) vs fast-neutron dose, ORNL-DWG . 63-1936R. Volume increase of 1/2-in. BeO specimens irradiated at 1.100°c in long-term Experiment 41-8 (1.4 x 107 sec) vs fast-neutron dose, ORNL-DWG-64-4404R. 5. 6. .- - -...-... 7. . - arm. .. . .. .. i Z ... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1199 EXPERIMENT NUMBER 141-8 41-9 . 41-10 0000 WERSA8888 1400 2 니니니니니 ​. 1100 ONLOAD CRIP. REACTOR | . . 000 12 . 0 Oo 3을 ​CELL 14 so sol ssal Mol 1 110 1 1.4 x 40 7.33x406 | 3.9 x 106 6 | 0 . 2 4 6 px 404 > Mev) . IRRADIATION TIME (sec) | CAPSULE NUMBER TEMPERATURE (°C) -- Fig. 1 1 11 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-8398R SOLID SYMBOLS - VOLUME INCREASE FROM DIMENSIONAL MEASUREMENTS OPEN SYMBOLS - VOLUME INCREASE CALCULATED FROM LATTICE PARAMETERS • 1 LOW DENSITY (~2.7 g/cm3) SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (174) III LOW DENSITY (~2.7 g/cm3) · LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~ 34u) HIGH DENSITY (~2.9 g/cm3, SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (~ 25 p) HIGH DENSITY (~2.9 g/cm3) IV LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~ 74 u/ SINGLE CRYSTALS . A III T À 110 °C 6 FROM DIMENSIONAL MEASUREMENTS OF BEO COMPACTS – CALCULATED FROM AVERAGE LATTICE PARAMETER EXPANSIONS IN POWDERED REFLECTIONS, Cu-RADIATION) VOLUME INCREASE (%) CALCULATED FROM DENSITY MEASUREMENTS OF SINGLE CRYSTALS 0.4 0.6 0.8 2.2 (x1021) . 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 FAST-NEUTRON DOSE (neutrons / cm2 , > I Mev) 1. Fig. 2 : د ههعع INCHES ہمم مم . :. . : ب ه .: : ۰۹ : ۲ . ., . . . . . . T .: . و... م .. .. ....... و .. و و - مه مه....... F1s. 3 | ا . و ( ::. مه ل مننهنان مسنان دد . . .. .. .. ہ... همه منه . . من.ن: . .. ها . . . . سمند ، شیر منفعه . . . . . Fig. 4 1 . A .- mi - . : 10.01 •. . A 10.00 . - -- -.-.-.-.-.----... ' * ...-...... . TV Time UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1886 BeO TYPE LOW DENSITY (~2.7g/cm3) HIGH DENSITY (~2.9 g/cm3) SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (17) SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (~254) LOW DENSITY (~2.7 g/cm3) NY HIGH DENSITY (~2.9g/cm3) “LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~34u) LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~744) NO OBSERVABLE DAMAGE MAJOR FRACTURING 2 MINOR FRACTURES MAJOR FRACTURING WITH POWDERING ños 60 FAST-NEUTRON DOSE (neutrons/cm, >1 Mevl že m n Y ... o . I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 41-9-TIME, 41-8-TIME, 41-9-TIME, 41-8-TIME 7.33x 10 sec 1.4 x 107 sec . 7.33x 10 sec 1.4x107 sec 1100°C 650°C.... BeO TYPE AND TEMPERATURE Fig. 5 OH - . - - - --- ORNL-DWG 63-1936R • 1100 °C, LOW DENSITY (~2.7 g/cm3) o 650 °C . SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (17) u 1100 °C .. LOW DENSITY (~2.7 g/cm3) 650 °C -- LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~34 ) A 1100 °C ... HIGH DENSITY (~2.9 g/cm3) a 650 °C - SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (~254) 1900 °C 650 °C "V LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~74 H) HIGH DENSIT I, II AND III-650 °C VOLUME INCREASE (7) IV-1100 °C III-1100 °C 11--1100 °C - FAST-NEUTRON DOSE (neutrons/cm2 > 4 Mev) . . Fig. 6 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4404R LOW DENSITY (~ 2.7 g/cmos SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (~174) , LOW DENSITY (~ 2.7 g/cm3) LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~ 34u) HIGH DENSITY (~2.9 g/cm3) SMALL GRAIN-SIZE (~254) , HIGH DENSITY (~ 2,9 g/cm3) LARGE GRAIN-SIZE (~744) T~ 1100°C Ill VOLUME INCREASE (%) 72 (x102) 1.6. 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 FAST-NEUTRON DOSE (neutrons/cm², >1 Mev) Fig. 7 END DATE FILMED 5 / 27 / 66 YL . . . . .. pi, .... R . -- .