- . . ! . . I OFT. ORNLP 1188 en 1. P > . . * 0 3.6 40 .. ..... MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. JELLE ORNLP 1188 CONF-658509-4 0XH1-AEC - OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE muo report no prepared u aa account of Covenant 1000rond work. Neither the Vallad Bato, por the Commiastoa, sor way person acties oa bodall of the Coa miestoo: A. Males may narraty or reprowautoa, exprewed or implied, with respect to the accu- ricy. caplotus., or unfulan. of the litorandon contained to thin soport, or that the we printly omad righto; or B. AammeLay Habiliuen mu roopact to the use of, or for dumugo ruowus troca ibe ww of any laformation, appoinne, wethod, or proceu dieciound te this report. An und in the abon, "pornou acting on behalf of the Commission" Laclode, any on- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the ortent that toca saploys or contractor of the Commloulou, or emaployee of such contructor prepares, diawalans, or provides excuusto, may taformulon purnuant to wo womployment or contract wu the Countealna, or kilo employment with such contractor. wu t o provides ruce. to, p o r esployer of much cool went that NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING TECHNIQUES FOR RESEARCH AND PROCESS CONTROL* D. A. Douglas, Jr., R. W. McClung, B. E. Foster, and C. V. Doda Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA ABSTRACT Nondestructive test methods have been used primarily for the detection of defects and rejection of faulty materials. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found it valuable to employ special nondestructive testing techniques as aids in materials research, component development, and process control. This paper will show three 'recent examples of the evolution of nondestructive testing techniques from research to process control. vibratorily compacted uranium and thorium oxide powder. A gamma attenu- ation technique was developed to allow measurement of the homogeneity of fuel loading and was used to aid development of fabrication techniques and equipment. Later an inspection device was built to operate remotely in a hermetically sealed and shielded facility and used for production process control. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. C - OFFICIAL PATENT CLEARANCE QETAINED. REUSSE DE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROREDURA CON ELLE IN THE REDBUYING SACI ORNI - ORHI-AIC - OFFICIAL · Another fuel element required fuel plates containing a uranium oxide- aluminum dispersion core with a programmed variation in the fuel loading across the width. A continuous scanning, x-ray attenuation technique was developed and used to measure fuel inhomogeneities and conformity to design contour. The technique assisted the development for both core pressing and plate rolling practices. A system was constructed for rapid automatic evaluation of production fuel plates. These fuel plates were pressed into involute shape and assembled with alternate cooling channels. Stringent heat transfer requirements imposed a tight tolerance on the channel dimensions. A unique eddy- current device using the "lift-off" characteristic was invented to insert in the very narrow channel and allow recording of dimensions both during fabrication development and actual manufacture. Another approach to fuel elements is the use of minute fuel-bearing particles coated with pyrolytic carbon to retain the fission products. Of concern are the core diameter, coating thickness and integrity, and presence of fuel in the coating. Development of microradiographic tech- niques has provided a powerful tool to evaluate the many variables in the coating process for optimum fabrication. Further application allows eval- uation of. the effects of service including heat treatment and in-reactor testing. Results of these studies enhance realistic evaluation of production lots and recycle of information to correct discrepancies. INTRODUCTION Nondestructive test methods have been used primarily for the detection of defects and rejection of faulty materials. There is a growing trend toward the application of these methods to monitor the quality of manufactured products and use the attained information in turn to modify or control the manufacturing process. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has found it valuable to develop and employ special nondestructive testing techniques as aids in materials research and component development for nuclear power reactors. Frequently the data obtained from these techniques could not be derived in any other way. - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OINI-AIC-Ois CIAL After serving to obtain basic information and assisting in the determi- nation of optimum fabrication procedures, the techniques can frequently be adapted for process control and product evaluation during actual manufacture. The nor.destructive test development program at ORNL encompasses many methods. Examples of recently completed work include gamma-ray attenuation techniques for examining Lomogeneity in fuel rods, x-ray attenuation to measure the content and distribution of uranium in fuel plates, eddy-current devices for fuel-element coolant-channel spacing, and a low-voltage microradiographic approach to the evaluation of minute fuel particles. In each cited case the program started with materials research and component development and continued into support of a manu- facturing process. EVALUATION OF FUEL RODS About five years ago our Laboratory was faced with the probiem of fabricating reactor fuel el.ements of thoria and urania (containing 233U). These elements would need to be fabricated entirely inside a shielded alpha-tight enclosure. A conceptual design for a complete process flow sheet was formulated and ultimately over 1000 fuel rods were produced to very rigid specifications. [1] One of the key developmental tasks involved encapsulating the ceramic fuel in Zircaloy tubes. It was decided that the best remote fabrication process would be to crush, size, and blend the fuel and pour the ceramic powders into tubes. They would be compacted by either electrodynamic or pneumatic shakers. Many questions were to be answered during development of this technique. What particle size distribution would provide the best compaction density? Which shaker is superior, the pneumatic or the electrodynamic? How much does the density vary along the length of fuel column in the tube? Foremost in the mind of the engineer was how could he measure what occurred as he changed the fabrication variables. We analyzed this problem and decided that the attenuation of the gamma rays emitted by a 6°co source would provide a sensitive measurement of changes in the compacted density of ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL the fuel. Using a collimator to produce a focal spot of 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) and a NaI crystal with a photomultiplier tube as the detector, we constructed to aid in the fabrication research. The 6°co source is in the large lead block and the detector is in the smaller overhead shielding. Using our measurements to guide him, the engineer determined the optimum. particle size distribution, learned that pneumatic shakers produced higher densities than electrodynamic devices, and proved that fuel cersities 90% of theoretical could be routinely achieved. General Principles Lambert's Law is the basic principle of this inspection systeri, although we prefer to use a modified coefficient which is based on mass and is independent of the physical state of the absorder, rather than the linear attenuation factor in Lambert's equation. Thus, for our purposes we use I/I. = exp(-x) : where I is the incident intensity of the photon bean, I the transmitted intensity of the photon beam, x is the thickness of the sample, yn is the linear attenuation coefficient divided by the density of the absorber, and p is the density of the absorber. In the detection system, the sodium iodide crystal produces a visible scintillation when struck by a transmitted photon. This scin- tillation is detected by the photosensitive cathode of the photomultiplier tube. Electrons are ejected and multiplied many thousand times, pro- ducing a current pulse. This signal is integrated and fed to a strip- chart recorder. The data are not readily interpretable unless they can be compared with a standard. At first, an exact quantitative measurement of the density was not needed, so we calibrated the system with a gold foil whose thickness was calculated to provide an attenuation equivalent to a 2% change in density. Process Control Once the fabricution cabineers rud fixed their parameters, the second phase of the work commenceå. One specification was that no single rod should deviate in average fuel density by more than any from the mean density of the total lot. The mean density was selected as 8%. A stricter requirement was that no area along the length of the ruel column should deviate by more than 2 in density from the average for the rod. To meet these requirements a scanner was obviously needed, as part of the process line, to detect the rods that did not meet these specifications. Thus, our objective charged from evaluation of research to quality control. Several new problemus emerged when we needed to design a. device for process control. The gold foil was no longer and adequate standard. A method was needed to integrate the signal at the recorder to provide the engineer with data he could rapidly interpret, tests were needed to determine the maximum scanning speed commensurate with the desired sensi- tivity, and finally the system had to be mechanized so that it would operate in a shielded facility. Figure 2 shows the finished equipment reawy for installation. The mechanical design for automatic indexing and traversing of the rods was not difficult. We integrated the signal to obtain the averace density by attaching a mechanical device to the slide wire of the strip- chart recorder; also, an audible signal was added to ass16€ the operator in recognizing undesirable rods. One of the most difficult tasks was to prepare exact standards that would enable us to quantitatively measure the density. We needed a size that would fit into a Zircaloy tube oi the same dimensions as the fuel tube. Thus, the combined attenuation effects of the cladding and the fuel would be reproduced. To vary the density of a ceramic or a metal exactly and homogeneously was a difficult task. Finally, our Ceramics Group was able to isostatically press satis- factory pellets of thoria-urania, which ranged in density from 85 to 93% in incremental changes of 2%. We decided that two scans would be made on each rod 90° apart. Because of the large number of rods to be inspected, scanning them very FR : 6 rapidly was desirable. However, our scanning speed is limited by the recorder response time and by the beam intensity at the detector. The latter is the most sericus restriction, particularly in this case, because approximately 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of very dense material was the absorber. The statistical accuracy of the system for any spot on the rod is related to the accumulated radiation as determined by the dwell time and the intensity of the transmitted beam. One technique we used to increase the effective scanning speed was to enlarge the collimator And make a rectangular slot 3.2 x 9.5 mm (1/8 X 3/8 in.). This smoothed out many of the irregularities produced by variations in fuel-particle size but did rot appear to reduce the sensitivity. Nevertheless, we had to limit the speed to 10 cm/min (4 in./min) to achieve an overall accuracy of 1%. The scanner operated very successruliy for over a year as one unit of quality control in the process. The only operational difficulty occurred when the photomultiplier tube rapidly lost sensitivity over a period of only a few weeks. We thought that the level of gamma activity in the cell might have curtailed its life. However, when we substituted the same type of tube used in our laboratory machine no further difficulty was encountered. The use of our simple laboratory device for density measurement helped the engineer solve his fabrication problems. It also provided us with sufficient knowledge to optimize the design of a quality control machine with very little extra development. The production unit demon- strated its worth in routinely determining the quality of compacted fuel rods. FUEL HOMOGENEITY IN DISPERSION-CORE FUEL PLATES During fabrication development for the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIK) fuel element (2) we studied, developed,' and applied several non- destructive testing methods to the evaluation of various fuel element properties. The basic fuel-bearing unit is a 0.127 x 61 x approximately 10 cm (0.050 x 24 x 6 in.) plate with a nonsymmetrical fuel-bearing section as shown in Fig. 3. The iuel is in the form of minute particles of U308 interspersed with aluminum. This core section is then completely encased and bonded within an aluminum frame and cladding. Each fuel plate is formed into an involute in the width direction and 540 of these plates are assembled into two annular assemblies. This fuel element, designed to develop a very intense neutron flux in the center of the core, will generate approximately 100 Mw of thermal power. Because of this large rate of heat production, one of the requirements for a nondestruc- tive testing technique was to provide assurance that the generation of heat would be uniform, thus enhancing the reliability of the reactor core. During fabrication development, a nummer of variables could affect the achieved fuel homogeneity. These included the particle size distribution, the particle blending, the die top design, techniques for filling the die and pressing a core, and the detailed practices for rolling the finished plate. Again we chose a radiation attenuation method 13) as the optimum approach to evaluate the effect of each of these variables and assist the selection of the proper fabrication procedure. . The homogeneity evaluation required on the HFIR fuel plates included inspec- tions to assure that no 2-mm-(5/64-in.-) diam spot exceeded the nominal fuel loading by more than 30% as well as to assure that the average fuel loading within any 2-mm- (5/64-in.-) wide x 1.3-cr- (1/2-in.-) long than £10%. This stringent homogeneity requirement for such a small area, 3.1 mm2 (0.0048 in.) far exceeded that of any other known specification. The necessity for 100% inspection of a large number of plates each day demanded a rapid inspection method. Theory As noted earlier, x rays transmitted through a material are atten- uated in accordance with the relation: I = I, exp(2x) • . The mass attenuation coefficient, une increases with increasing atomic number and, in general, decreases with increasing X-ray energy. Under - Oo constant operating conditions, therefore, as the amount of high atomic number material (uranium) in the dispersion core changes, the intensity of the transmitted radiation will change. Appropriate calibration techniques allow correlation of intensity change to fuel concentration change. Equipment We used industrial x-ray equipment for the irradiation source. Careful control of all operating conditions resulted in a very stable and reproducible operation. The detection system for monitoring the x-ray intensity changes consisted of a NaI(Tl) crystal optically coupled to a photom_ltiplier tube. Figure 4 shows the system. The collimator array restricts the primary beam to an appropriate spot size on the specimen and prevents scattered radiation from reaching the detector. Thus, as either the fuel concentration or the thickness of the specimen changes, a corresponding fluctuation in the amount of transmitted radiation is detected, amplified, and recorded. Mechanical X-Y scanning of the plate was necessary to evaluate the entire surface area. Figure 5 shows the system that we designed and assembled to mount the radiation source and detector and to allow the horizontal plate to be driven longitudinally through the radiation beam. Transverse indexing was automatically programmed at the end of each longitudinal scan. Of course, the useful longitudinal scanning speeds are limited by the instrumentation-response time and the beam intensity that can be accurately sensed by the detector. The latter is a major consideration in the determination of the statistical accuracy. Fuel plates have been scanned for go-no-go inspections at a linear speed as high as 6.1 m/min (240 in./min), but for strip-chart recording with full response for all 2-mm- (5/64 in.-) diam variations, the scanning speed has been apprɔxi- mately 1.6 m/min (64 in./min). We selected wide-chart instruments des- pite their slower response because of the need for extreme sensitivity over the wide range of fuel concentration. Calibration and Standards As is true with most nondestructive tests, the measurement of inhomogeneity required special standards to establish and calibrate the technique. We had to establish a quantitative relationship between changes in fuel concentration and X-ray attenuation. Pressed compacts of U30g-Al were rolled into thin foils of different thickness having various amounts of U308 per unit area. We then combined these foils with an appropriate thickness of aluminum to simulate tota. thickness of a fuel plate it discrete points across the fuel concentration gradient in the core. Although these standards were not completely homogeneous, 'extensive scanning and integration of attenuation values coupled with chemical analyses produced a relacively smooth curve relating fuel content to instrument response. The fuel concentration gradient of the HFIR plate, the concomitant requirement for recalibration at each integral position across the width of the plate, and the need for singie- point standardization for go-no-go inspections demanded the use of mate- rials for standards that were very homogeneous and readily machinable. We investigated several materials including tool steel, Al-13% U alloy and 6061-T6 aluminum. The aluminum was selected because of its good homogeneity, its ease of machining and the relaxed machining tolerances that resulted from increased thicknesses for equivalent attenuation. Each standard, since it was related to the changing values of attenuation across the width of the fuel plate, had a contour that resembled the non- symmetrical core shown in Fig. 3. These standards which were fabricated to be equivalent in attenuation to the respective fuel concentrations of nominal and +30% and +10% from nominal, were placed by each end of the fuel plate. Thus, immediately before each successive scan was made, the attenuation value for the go-no-go conditions was recorded or the strip chart and/or used to set alarming circuitry. Then direct comparisons could be made between the reference levels and the actual values on the plate. Results We used the scanning system throughout the latter stages of the development of the fuel plates, where it proved quite useful in evalu- ating the effect of changes in the fabrication procedure. The system was instrumental in altering the fabrication technique to reduce the excessive accumulation of fuel at the ends of the finished fuel plate. The effect of changing the particle size was graphically illustrated. The system was used to obtain the values necessary to correct the die tops in which the fuel cores are pressed. The scanner is also used for rapia location of any fuel that is outside the maximum core outline. Frequent checks with primary attenuation standards and occasional comparison of predicted fuel content with chemical analyses indicate a system accuracy of approximately +1%. The design criteria that we developed on the versatile laboratory model enabled the building of one pilot and two production scanners for evaluation of the HFIR production cores. These latter three scanners incorporated X-Y plotters to allow recording of out-of-tolerance conditions on . plan view. COOLANT CHANNEL SPACING Another problem facing the fabrication engineer on the HFIR fuel. element was the assembly of the large number of plates while maintaining careful control on the coolant channel space between plates. If this spacing deviates excessively from the intended value, it would affect the coolant flow and could cause excessive fuel plate temperature and possible failure. We selected an eddy-current approach (4,5) as being best for this measurement. Principles current, it produces an electromagnetic field. This field will induce the flow of eddy currents in nearby electrical conductors. The eddy- current flow, which is influenced by the electrical properties of the specimen and the coil-to-specimen distance, will be a factor in determining the electrical impedance of the eddy-current coil. Thus, as the coil-to-specimen spacing changes, the coil impedance changes correspondingly. Figure 6 shows a cross-sectional view of the probe designed to use this principle for the measurement of coolant channel spacing. The coil is mounted on a long thin metal strip which serves as the insertion handle. Attached to the end of the tape is a metal leaf spring, which is curved so that it overhangs the coil. When inserted in a face and the spring pushes against the opposing surface. The electrical excitation of the coil generates the eddy currents in the spring. Thus, as the channel spacing varies, the movement of the leaf spring toward or away from the coil will generate a change in the coil impedance that can be calibrated in terms of the channel thickness. Application o We used elementary hand-held probes throughout fabrication develop- ment for measuring experimental fuel elements to reveal poor dimensional control and to assist corrective measures. Figure 7 shows a probe being inserted into a channel of a prototype HFIR fuel core. For dimensional control on production cores a motor-driven inspection station was built containing five probes for simultaneous multipoint measurement and con- tinuous recording in a channel cross section. The accuracy of measure- ment is a function of the total range of measurements but has been demonstrated to be better than 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) 1.n this particular application. MICRORADIOGRAPHY OF MINUTE FUEL PARTICLES Another approach to fuel elements is the use of minute fuel-bearing particles that have been coated with pyrolytic carbon to retain the . fission products. These materials seem very promising to the nuclear industry because of their high-temperature, capabilities and good neutron economy. Typical dimensions for such a specimen are a 0.15-mm (0.006-in.) core and a 0:05-mm (0.002-in.) coating thickness. The coating is intended ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 12 to prevent the fission products produced during reactor operation from escaping into the coolant. To establish the overall quality of these minute particles, new nondestructive testing techniques were necessary for evaluating the coating thickness, fuel-particle shape, presence of fuel in the coating, and integrity of both coating and cora. A micro- radiographic technique (6,7) has been shown to be a powerful tool for this. We have used the method to inspect fabricated particles for acceptability and to evaluate the results of changes in manufacturing procedure and of thermal and radiation proof-testing. General Principles The application of radiography to the evaluation of very small coated particles required extensive modification of conventional tech- niques. The radiographic method records on film the variation in radia- tion absorption (which is energy dependent) across a specimen. To be useful the absorption must vary enough for an interpretable contrast of density to be achieved on the film or other detector. The very small dimensions of the coated particles and the low absorption of radiation by the pyrolytic carbon coating required the use of low-energy (low- voltage) radiation. Equipment and Materials In the program we used commercial radiographic instrumentation modified to provide better control over x-ray energy and exposure time. The use of very low energy x rays made the presence of absorbers other than the specimen most undesirable. Therefore, we needed to remove all extraneous material that could cause, absorption, scattering, or uneven filtration of the soft x-ray beam between the target and the detector film. The radiation-absorbing material was removed by use of an x-ray tube head containing a beryllium window only 0.2 mm thick and a helium- filled chamber between the x-ray head and the specimen, since even air effectively attenuates the x rays at the energy level required. The helium was retained in the chamber by 0.0125-mm (0.0005-in.) polyethylene diaphragms, which had no measurable effect on the x-ray 13 transmission. Figure 8 shows the 107-cn- (42-in.-) high chamber that we used in the program. With the 1.5-mm (0.06-in.) focal spot, the effective penumbral shadow contribution to unsharpness is approximately 0.3 H. Later we made a 47-cm- (18.5-in.-) high chamber that reduced the exposure time to one-fourth but increased the penumbral shadow only to 0.6 M. Also we reduced unnecessary absorption by the use of bare photo- graphic plates (without cassettes or film holders). This change necessitated the use of darkroom exposure techniques. We evaluated several different detectors and showed that the opti- mum was high-resolution plates coated with an emulsion having a reported resolution capability of 1,500 lines/mm (38,000 lines/in.). We viewed radiographs on these plates at magnifications up to 500X with little difficulty caused by emulsion grain size. Of the several high-contrast fine-grained developing solutions tested for the high-resolution plates, we found the standard x-ray film developer to be as good as or betšer than any other solution tested and to have the added advantage of being near the x-ray exposure room. con- siderable care was exercised in handling and drying the high-resolution plates to prevent undesirable artifacts caused by contamination. Procedure The particles were placed directly on the radiographic plate beneath the helium chamber. The helium atmosphere was maintained in the chamber with a very slight positive internal pressure retained by the thin helium chamber, they were easily changed before and after exposure with- out disturbing the helium in the chamber. With the available x-ray exposure field, samples from a number of batches could be radiographed simultaneously. The energy levels used for particle evaluation varied up to about 10 kvp. A typical exposure included the following values: 10-kvp, 30-ma, 50-cm (20-in.) film-to-focus distance,, and 15-min exposure detail or resolution in the plates is limited by electron diffusion in the emulsion, which is rated at about 1 H at the energy level being used. 14 Transmitted light microscopy is used for viewing the radiographs and for preparing photomicrographs. Results The technique has become a vital link in the development of ruel particle technology. It is now regularly used in the evaluation of as-fabricated particles for coating thickness and core diameter with an accuracy better than I do Qualitative information is obtained about the shape and integrity of the core and coatings and whether fuel has migrated into the coating during fabrication. Figure 9 is a micro- radiograph of particles selected to show many of these characteristics. When particles are evaluated during and immediately after manufacture, the desired information is used to make appropriate correction to coating- gas mixture, the coating time, or temperature. This has been particularly valuable when particles have been made with layers of coating of different densities. Other applications have included the evaluation of all par- ticles intended for in-pile testing. They are examined to assure the removal of all imperfect particles to give added assurance of a success- ful test. The technique has also assisted in determining the effects of service testing such as heat treatment or in-pile testing. Figure 10 shows fuel migration detected after heat, treatment in a batch of par- ticles. Several fuel particles that han undergone as much as 6 at. burnup were microradiographed. The radiation levels at contact were as high as 3000 r/hr of beta and 120 r/hr of gamma. Slight modification of the standard technique allowed valuable evaluation with only slight loss of detail on these highly radioactive particles. CONCLUSIONS The projects that have been discussed show some of the benefits that have been obtained at ORNL through the use of specially developed nondestructive techniques. The valuable information derived during the early stages of material research and the assistance provided in. OXH1-MEC - OFFICIAL 15 revealing the effects of process variation in prototype component development make this technology indispensable in research and develop- ment. In addition there is usually much destructive analysis during process development that can be correlated with nondestructive test results. Therefore, when these tests are adapted for production con- troi, the correlation will allow more intelligent interpretation of data. As newer test methods are developed, these benefits will become even more apparent in the future. ORNI-A8C-OFFICIAL REFERENCES (1) [2] C. C. Haws, J. L. Matherne, F. W. Miles, and J. E. Vancleve, ORNL-3681 (1964). Summary of the Kilorod Project - A Semiremote 1,0-kg/day Demonstration of 233UO 2-ThO 2 Fuel Element Fabrication by the ORNL Sol-Gel Vibratory-compaction Method. M. M. Martin, J. H. Erwin, and C. F. Leitten, Jr., Research Reactor Fuel Element Conference, September 17–19, 1962, Gatlinburg, Tenn., TID-7642, pp. 268-289. Fabrication Development of the Involute- Shaped High Flux Isotope Reactor Fuel Plates. B. E. Foster, s. D. Snyder, and R. W. McClung, ORNL-3737 (1965). continuous Scanning X-Ray Attenuation Technique for Determining Fuel Inhomogeneities in Dispersion Core Fuel Plates. C. V. Dodd and R. W. McClung, CRNL-TM-129 (March 1962). Fuel Element Coolant Channel and Other Spacing Measurements vy day- Current Techniques. C. V. Dodd, ORNL-3580 (1964). Design and Construction of Eddy- Current Coolant Channel Spacing Probes. Gas-Cooled Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report March 31, 1962, ORNL-3302, pp. 165–167. R. W. McClung, E. S. Bomar, and R. J. Gray, ORNL-3577 (1964). Use of Microradiography Combined with Metallography for Evaluation of coated Particles. [4] 151 OXNI-AIC-ONDICIAL FIGURES Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. (ORAL Photo 65331) Gamma attenuation device used to assist fabrication development of fuel rods. (ORNL Photo 59560A) Gamma attenuation device used for process control during manufacture of fuel rods. (ORNL-LR-DWG 72235) Cross section of the High Flux Isotope Reactor fuel plate. (ORNL-LR-DWG 71127R2) Block diagram of the gamma-scintillation detection system. (ORNL Photo 60925) Mechanical scanning system for inhomogeneity measurement in fuel plates. (ORNL-LR-DWC 50492) Probe for measuring coolant-channel spacing between fuel plates. (ORNL Photo 49610) Measuring probe inserted in coolant channel of prototype High Flux Isotope Reactor fuel core. (ORNL Photo 65327) Equipment arranged for microradiography of coated particles. Note helium chamber. (Y-45429) Microradiograph of coated particles selected to show different qualities of interest. (Y-47861) Microradiograph of fuel particles showing fuel migration after heat treatment. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. IL-AEC-OFFICIAL 07:1-d!! -OISICIAL :;:iii.cii iliiiii ; 10:1 ? 3 6 7 8 9 in . pene. .. - OR PL -MEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 1. Gamma attenuation device used to assist fabrication development of fuel rods. w PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE. iv TROLLEY n: FUEL ROD. :D * -- COLLIMATORI LEAD PIG CONTAINING COGO SOURCES - Fig. 2. Gamma attenuation device used for process control during manufacture of fuel rods. OEN! -Arrosiciel O*:! - r. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DVG 72235 CLADDING -CLADDING OD MUND ya . DO UVOD horas ACESTE voir relations d CO2 Piet Argentina OURCE Com ES More S M O See bicic C WASTOS GY NI VIX:lis Ti MO Sows Sam KI WAPI ligne WY 210.18 A 0 en Stine 25 SU U More DETE ELLET ET Binnen SPORTS VE NESTAD 27 B 12 ISSA CD UA OPE That lii 0. . TYPE 1100 AI FILLER- - FRAME U30g-A! DISPERSION CORE- IS CIAL O*NI-AC - OFFICIAL Fig. 3. Cross Section of the High Flux Isotope Reactor fuel plate. ORN1-A1C - OISICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 71127R2 -X-RAY TUBE - FUEL PLATE CRYSTAL PHOTOMULTIPLIER DATA READ-OUT INSTRUMENTATION - COLLIMATORS Fie. 4. Block diagram of the Cun-cintillation dicicction system. SA OE!ABC - OFFICIAI . . . ... .. ::: مربی : 0 6 CẢ 4 م.. . --- - -- -- . .. هن ۰۰۰ .. ..:: م ي . . - - - - .: :: 3 أنة . : . .-- . - . . . . . . . . ه . . OFM - AC - OFFICIAL Fig. 5. Mechanical scannin: system for inhomogeneity measurement in fuel plates. ORNL-AIC - OPSICIAL UNCLASS! IED ORNL-LR-DWG 50492 FUEL PLATE . - . . - LEAF LUI COIL - - FLEXIBLE TAPE SPRING one FUEL PLATE 1 Fig. 6. Probe for measuring coolant-channel spacing between fuel plates. OS! -!C-OFFICIAL it ...... c ons ..... AIDS! om- liin "1- . ... voor - , O , .... ----- tes - - * * * C?NL - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 7. veasuring probe inserted in coolant channel of prototype High Flux Isotope Reactor fuel core. OFMI-ACC-OFFICIAL u WYSY OEHL-AIC - Orlic!A_ .. . . . -**** ******* .. particles. Foto 11 ::. .: or. Fig. 8. Equipment arranged for microradiography of coated . .. Ikast 05E-!? - OFFICIAL ORHIVAIC - OFFICIAL . . . . . . .. . lo. INCHE 6.05 - . . Fig. 9. Microradiograph of coated particles selected to show different qualities of interest. OEHL-AEC - OFFICIAL OIHI-AiC - OFFICIAL - mai, : ------- -.*** .------- m.. .moe.. 75% Vio . Fig. 10. Microradiograph of fuel particles shoving fuel migration after heat treatment. 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