1 1 . ' 4.. ... . .... . .. . . . ... . 1.! . ' . . :. .. .. UL :" . "! . l.. ! . . " ! . . . .. . . . .... A DE G RUBU ! . . : ; . ' 1: UNCLASSIFIED . .: ... " ' . ' D .- T T 2. Tur.. T T * iMF * , . . W WA 26 : 4 1 0 . ORNL 7 . " i ' 11 Y. ' P CS UT 4:49 4 . LP-Q.. 1 . y 1165 2 . . - 2 . " '_ . - -.. .- - Sith ORNLP1165 " : CONF-650210-3 :' ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL COMPARISON OF POLE FIGURE DATA OBTAINED BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION AND MICROHARDNESS MEASUREMENTS ON ZIRÇALOY-2* BINI - AIC - OSSICIAL P. L. Rittenhouse and M. L. Picklesimer Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT A rapid and semi quantitative method of determining preferred orientation on large numbers of Zircaloy-2 specimens was desired. Knoop microhardness measurements were investigated as a solution to this problem. The variation of Knoop microhardness measurements on selected planes as a function of indenter exis relative to crystallographic or fabrication directions was determined for four lots of polycrystalline Zircaloy-2, on which both conventional and loverse po.le figures had been determined, and seven Zircaloy-2 single crystals. Data from the single crystals was used to construct a polar coordinate hardness contour map. With use of an empirical relationship between the single crystal hardnesses and those of the poly- crystalline material conventional pole figures could be constructed which compare favorably with those determined by X-ray diffraction. A quantitative relationship with Inverse pole figure data was also obtained. To determine preferred orientation qualitatively from hardness data requires a minimum of twelve measurements per plane on three, preferably orthogonal, planes. The exact procedure requires attention to grain size, specimen preparation, and indenter load. The time required for preparation, measurement, and analysis 18 of the order of 45 to 60 min. -LEGAL NOTICE de 25 TO . TA . The moment moppure u Nomat of Covenant sponsored work. Malther the ind kame, bor de communen, sot my m a setting on what of the countestoms A. Met my marranty or reprowatation, exprend or implied, no respect to the seco. mey, o l eo, or wetenose of the information contabrod h do report, or that the of my tabornton, omentum, methods or proche declared to do muport may not intrino mirnou o or ... D. A Nytutki mith repect to the wa , or for d u rent from the olung wountton, wouritu, hod, or proces melound in the report. As w th whom, "pornom att a hhall at the Commission" tcludere my m. merem tractor of the comminton, or ployee of much antrietor, to the anime what moll ople of contractor of the Commia, or replogue of wel contractor propers, mund, or who meeto, y normation play a contract Commentar, ar No en toyut with much contentor. www LT 13 APPROVED. PROSEDURES · ARE ON FILE IN THE REVYT . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL visionho "Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. INTRODUCTION The design of structures from a-Zr alloys requires consideration of preferred orientation and the resulting anisotropy of wechanical properties. Rapid and semi quantitative methods of evaluacing anisotropy and of determin- ing preferred orientation are needed for quality control and for examining the large number of test specimens required in development programs. An Investigation of the microhardness anisotropy in Zircaloy-2 was undertaken to ascertain whether these measurements could be used for this task. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Single crystals of Zircaloy-2 were grown by an Q-B-a annealing sequence using electron-bear heaüing.The orieatation of the crystals was determined by a conventional back-reflection Laue technique: The crystals were then mounted in a goniometer head and the desired crystallographic faces were milled and chemically polished. Polycrystalline Zircaloy-2 specimens were prepared from fabricated sheets or plates. Inverse pole figures for these materials were obtained using the x-ray diffraction technique described by Jetter, McHargue, and williams.? A Wolpert-Greis Micro-Reflex hardness testing machine was used to make the Knoop microhardness measurements. The single-crystal aná polycrystalline specimens were loaded to 0.5 and 2.0 kg, respectively. Seven crystallographic planes of the single crystals were examined, while six planes of examination were used in studying Zircaloy-2 polycrystals. The specimens were rotated 10 to 15º after each measurement and from 1 to 8 Impressions made at each : angle of rotation. RESULTS The two angles which were used to relate crystallographic directions and planes in the hcp cell to the planes of examination of the single crystals are shown in Fig. 1. Beta is the angle between the g axis, (0001), and the normal to the plane of examination. Alpha is the angle between the long diagonal of the Knoop Indenter and the projection of the c axis on the plane of examination. For example, 17 B = 908 and a = 0°, the plane of examination is of the (hk10) family and the long diagonal of the indenter 18 parallel to the (0001). Knoop microhardness data for the single crysta).g is shown in Table I. The minimum hardness on any plane with 8 > Ô occurs when a = 0° (the long diagonal of the indenter 18 parallel to the g axis projection). At constant values of Q, the hardness is a minimum on the prism planes and increases as the plane of examination is taken closer to the basal plane, (0001). These data are consistent with the deformation systems known to operate in Zircaloy-2. The planes of examination for polycrystalline specimens are shown in Fig. 2. The R, T, and Ñ planes are perpendicular to the roiling, transverse, and normal directions, respectively. The TN plane 1s 45 deg from the trans- verse and normal directions and parallel to the rolling direction. The other two planes are similarly defined. Knoop microhardness numbers are plotted against an angle e, which 18 defined as the angle between the long diagonal of the Knoop Indenter and a reference fabrication direction (see Fig. 2). Two such plots prepared from data compiled in Table II are given in Fig. 3. With the hardness data for both single-crystal and polycrystalline Zircaloy-2 on hand, there remains the task of correlation of this data with preferred orientation. As a first step it should be recalled that the 1 hardnesses for both the first and second order prism planes, (1010) and (1120), were essentially identical. This identity of hardnesses has also been observed in single crystals of iodide-Zr: where data on threr planes, (1010), (1120), and (3170), Pitted the game hardness curve. We felt it not 11logical to assume that the hardness variation on planes equally inclined from the prism planes toward the basal plane is a function only of the angle between the long diagonal of the indenter and the (0001) projection and not of the particular crystallographic plane. For example, it 18 assumed that the hardness and hardness variation 18 the same on the (1074), B = 24.6°, for which data were not taken, as on the (127), B = 24.5*, for which measurements were made. With this assumption we may plot the hardness data for the single crystals on polar coordinates and obtain a map of constant hardness contours as a function of a and B. Such a map is shown in Fig. 4. From a plot of the polycrystalline data, the angle e for the minimum hardness in a plane is located and designated 02. An angle vi is read from the B scale of Fig. 4 at the measured hardness corresponding to 0, along the line of a = 0°. Similarly, V2, corresponding to 02 = 0+ 10, 18 read from the hardness at 82 and a = 10°. This process 18 repeated for successive angular intervals over 90° and the values of " for the different angles are averaged to give for the plane. We define us the average angle between the plane of examination and the basal plane, (0001). The procedure is repeated for each of the specimens and the results are plotted on a standard Wulff net, as shown in Fig. 5, to define two areas that contain equal numbers of basal poles. The line separating these two areas. defines an "average" basal pole figure for the material. The results of the procedure, together with x-ray diffraction pole figure data, are shova in Fig. 6, for schedules 9 and J." An independent check on the values of " calculated from the hardness . data was undertaken using quantitative inverse pole figures determined by x-ray diffraction. The percent of reference direction axes present in 10-deg increments from the basal pole was calculated. This was summed and plotted as a function of the angle from the basal pole (see Fig. 7). The X-ray diffraction value of F 18 the angle, measured from the basal pole, which divides the inverse pole figure into two areas each containing 50% of the reference directions. Table III compares the vis determtued by X-ray diffraction with those calculated with the hardness map for five schedules of Zircaloy-2. There are a number of points to consider before one attempts to use this method for relating Knoop hardness. to preferred orientation. One desires to make the fewest possible hardness measurements consistent with obtaining satisfactory data. In considering this we must look at the number of planes, the indenter orientations per plane, and the number of impressions per orientation required. In no Instance is examination of less than three planes (preferably orthogonal) acceptable. The hardness curves have always been observed to be symmetrical about some value of 0, and we have averaged the data over 90°. To find the point of symmetry, indentations must be made at no less than four indenter orientations over a spread of 135º on each plane. Generally, 95% of the hardness values for a particular orientation will fall within a spread of £8; greater than 90% within 15. The spread, however, depends on the perfection of texture (the greater the perfection the less the spread), the grain size (less spread for smaller size), and the specimen preparation (less spread for chemically polished specimens than for mechanically polished ones). Increasing the load causes a decrease in the spread related to all these factors. Most importantly, one should always have 50 or more graias under the indenter. . . ORNI. ALCOINICIAL Two examples that show the very minimum effort that we could recommend are given in Fig. 8. Both examples show a total of 12 impressions per plane or a minimum requirement of 36 per specimen material. The time required for measurement and analysis 18 of the order of 45 to 60 min. More impressions at more orientations will, of course, give a more trustworthy, but perhaps no more satisfactory, result. Little' advantage is seen in increasing the number of measurements above what we used, approximately 200 per specimen material. CONCLUSION ... tu LIONA Knoop hardness data for polycrystalline Zircaloy-2 can be used to rapidly determine an "average" basal pole figure for the material when used in conjunction with single crystal data. The method should be applicable to any anisotropic material. The results are semiquantitative but quite useful in quality control and for rapid approximations of the anisotropy and preferred orientation in polycrystalline Zircaloy-2. 1 ** CRNI - AEC - OFFICIAL HY 4* * . * FILT T* Table I - - - Knoop Microhardness of Zircaloy-2 Single Crystals - - - 210 4 3 191 1 3 170 4 132 + 3 115 5 112 1 3 271 1 5 271 1 2 220 6 6 196 3 180 t6 143 43 127 130 4 275 4 3 Au w 229 46 204 6 193 4.6 158 + 5 141 1 3 148 4 266 $ 4 231 1 5 213 + 5 204 178 1 3 161 6 3 265 1 6 276 £ 4 234 1 4 217 4 210 1 5 195 6 184 3 178 # 3 240 + 5 224 64 213 1 3 204 + 3 193 1 4 196 1 1 268 $ 4 264 1 2 244 4 3 224 + 2 218 + 3 209 2 198 1 3 198 1 3 US ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 7 OINI O ALC - Official Table II Knoop Microhardness of Polycrystalline Zircaloy-2 deg: 14 206 16 201 1 3 193 4 5 184 £ 6. 176 1 4 165 $ 5 156 + 2 152 1 1 148 + 2 147 6 5 Schedule ga 152 6 242 € 153 4 244 # 2 156 15 246 1 2 161 16 246 # 3 170 6 246 § 3 179 I 245 # 3 287 24 6 193 I do de 242 198 $ 5 240 # 3 201 f4 237 14 . MPA 210 + 3 212 14 211 + 2 210 4 3 207 3 202 + 2 199 12 194 £ 5 193 +4 192 22 219 44 217.13 216 6 3 212 + 3 207 $ 5 201 £ 5 195 1 3 192 $ 3 188 1 3 186 1 3 156 # 3 154 2 161 + 3 166 $ 3 177 3 188 5 194 + 2 198 $ 2 202 + 4 204 + 3 172 £ 3. 171 5 172 £ 6 174 1 6 176 $ 6 179 $ 3 182 + 3 186 5 4 191 1 5 192 14 1 93 lop Schedule ja 201 1 5 215 $4 202 + 6 216 5 204 + 6 214 # 5 208 + 4 211 4 213 1 6 .204 + 5 218 + 6 200 + 6 222 £ 3 193 1 6 224 6 6 187 69 224 64 183 65 222 4 180 6 3 173 I 177 1 6 182 + 6 188 $ 4 193 1 5 198 1 6 204 • 2 205 1 5 208 $ 6. 220 $ 190 # 3 225 £ 5 190 # 5 226 6 190 + 3 224 9 188 2 219 5 188 + 3 211 6 6 188 + 3 205 6 189 14 200 5: 189 198 64 191 4 196 $ % 190.3 • 60 70 80 90 P. L. Rittenhouse and M. L. Picklesimer, Metallurgy of Zircaloy-2: Part I - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Anisotropy of Mechanical Properties, ORNL-2944 (Oct. 13, 1960); Part II - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Preferred Orientation and Anisotrow of Strain Behavior, ORNL-2948 (Jan. 11, 1961). ONI - ACOSTICTAT Table III * Determined by X-Ray Diffraction and Knoop Microhardness Schedulea X-Ray, doc, KHN X-Ray,KUN X-Ray A KIN can co 77 77 71 76 72 77 73 67 70 70 73 22 43 70 40 .76 32 46 71 44 16 48 29 17 26 15 51 26 17 34 I 'p. I. Rittenhouse and M. L. Picklesimer, Metallurgy of Zircaloy-2: Part I - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Anisotropy of Mechanical Properties, ORNL-2944 (Oct. 13, 1960); Part II - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Proierred Orientation and Anisotropy of Strain Behavior, . ORNL-2948 (Jan. 11, 1961). w o -5 -WHO .. . * . 10 L References 1. J. C. Wilsoa and M. L. Picklesimer, "Variable-Gradient, Electron-Beam i Heating Methods for Growing Single Crystals of Zirconium," paper presented at 1964 International Conference on Electron and Ion Rean Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada, May 6-8, 1966, under joint auspices of the Electrochemical Society and ATME (proceedings to be published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York). 2. L. K. Jetter, C. J. McHargue, and R. O. Williams, "Method of Represent ing Preferred Orientation Data," J. Appl. Phys. 27, 368–374 (1956). 3. P. L. Rittenhouse and M. L. Pickles imer, Metallurgy of Zircaloy-2: Part I - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Anisotropy of Mechanical Properties, ORITT2944 (Oct. 13, 1960); Part II - The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Preferred Orientation and Anisotropy of Strain Behavior, ORNL-2948 (Jan 11, 1961). . Tables 1. Knoop Microhardness of Zircaloy-2 Single Crystals II. Knoop Microhardness of Polycrystalline Zircaloy-2 III. * Determined by X-Ræy Diffraction and Knoop Microhardness V-INIO - - - - - -- - . (FAM A TIPUTO -ALC Figures TUO 1 (ORNL-DWG 65-2081). The Plane of Ecamination in the CPH Cell. 2 (ORNL-DWG 65-2082). Planes of Examination and Reference Directions for Polycrystalline Zircaloy-2. 3 (ORNL-DWG 65-2390). Knoop Microhardness of Two Schedules of Polycrystalline Zircaloy-2. 4 (ORNL-DWG 6.-6106). Constant Hardness Contour Map of Single Crystal Zircaloy-2. 5 (ORNL-DWG 64-6111). Plotting the values Find and the Pole Figure. for Determining 6 (ORNL-DWG 64-6110). Comparison of Hardness and X-Ray Data Pole Figures for Two Schedules of Zircaloy-2. (ORNL-DWG 65-2084). Percent of Reference Directions vs Angle from Basal Pole. 8 (ORNL-DWG 65-2083). Number of Orientations and Impressions Comprising Minimum EPI ort. ALL - OFFICIAL [000] ORNL-DWG 65-2081 ORNI - AEC - ORFICIAL OXNI-MIC - OISICIAL WE OLRD ORNL-DWG 65-2082 ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL VIDIA10 - 330 - INO 1151110 - IV - INIO | ORNI-DMG 65-2390 KNOOP HARDNESS 300 SCHD. 9 ZIRCALOY - 2 KNOOP HARDNESS 300 - | SCHD. J ZIRCALOY - 2 260 260 220. IN 220---- | .....RT...…........ 180 1801 14 아 ​140 100 0 709 30 50 A-DEG 100 0 30 50 A-DEG 70 90 'VORNI - AIC - ONNICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OANI - ACC-OSSICIAL ORNL-OWG 64 - 6106 0-90 0-90° 260 240 220 200 180 091 140 0-900 120 Q-100 QRO ORNI - AEC - OFF ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL NVIDILO - DIV-INIO Fig.5 ND 0 TO RD ORNL-DWG 64-6114 ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Ruth Hitit. +-2. ... +1 +1 - 1............. . . WID110 - ĐIV - INYO. WIJI:10 - )!V-INIO ORNL-DWG 64-6110 ΤΟ ND H SCHEDULE 9 SCHEDULE J - -- X RAY H HIGH INTENSITY M MEDIUM INTENSITY L LOW INTENSITY O ZERO RD KHN OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNAIC - OINICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OR NL-DWG 65-2084 Schedule 9 % OF REFERENCE AXES WITHIN V DEG. OF 0001] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 y-dog. ORNE - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL O-IV-INIO - OFFICIAL : ORNI ~i 30° 30° 30° ORNL-DWG 65-2083 ORNI-AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - Ornicial . UN UX . : ! 2 ft. 7. 3 71. 11 - . A - . ..!! : DATE FILMED 5 / 26 /65 - WS 4 iti V 1. - LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containod in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting írom the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or @wiployee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END TOON .2 1 .1.*. *. * . . . . .. .... !!! * ki . ... , "