1 I OFL. ORNL P 1158 2 :::......:::::::::...: :. .:::.. . ":::: ::::::.,:!!! .... ::. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 OPNL-P-1158 (For submission as "Journal Note" in Journal of American Ceramic Society) ORNI - AIC OFFICIAL APR 27 1965 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT MASTER .AIC - OSSICIAL IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS where UOLICAR ROPERTIES d erno STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF THIRTEEN TYPE-41. RARE EARTH OXIDESR P SINTERED AT 1600°c*. VAM article C. E. Curtis, Consultant Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee •;" ter worden door home or forrientering mo . CFSTI PRICES H.C. $ 7.00;MNS Crystal structure and petrographic data were obtained for sintered oxides of 13 type-4f rare earth elements, promethium oxide being the only one in this series not investigated. The oxides were 99.1% pure or better except for the Sta, Oz which contained 1.4% impurities. The major impurities were other rare earth elements and yttrium (usually less than 0.05%). Pellets 1/8 in. in diameter and 1/4 in. long were cold pressed from available oxide powders at 7.5 tsi and sintered in an alumina crucible in a slow stream of oxygen on the following schedule: 3 hr to 1600°C, 1 hr at 1600°c, approximately 3 hr to cool to room temperature. X-ray dif- fraction patterns were obtained by the diffractometer technique with Cuka (1= 1.54178 Å) radiation and 20 scans of 20 to 60°. The immersion method was used in petrographic examinations. indicated in the table, unresolvable diffraction lines extraneous to those of the major phase were noted in several cases. The presence of these lines may be attributable to the fact that equilibrium structures had not ORNI - AEC *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. -LEGAL NOTICE – ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL FFICIAL Tampert werden nu a awer cord worden to the motora, remendosten, men many more woting on W e Owensoles A Mohos my way or protothen. de implied, monopost to the more mey, plot , want to wormation contain a sports or that the me ney Wormation, part, the moon techod na moreport nay mit tentang petrato ed or 1. Asos tobulin mopot w do the dog etter from the wo of my toe metin, perts, thermowe techod porto As with the mone, porna n a half the C ommi me meto NY ME Wayne or montrowe O d on, aplegu uma contractor, to the attent that mwol player contraster of Commercio, e porte m ontractor mouse, mamamata, e provin no time many mormation pero w Maplegat or cornet the Owe n , a Memployment sta moale contractor. . . . .. . . . .. .. . W ULE LLA Table I. Results of X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Rare Earth Oxides A " with ** Structure of Phases Identified Oxide a (A) B.(A) (A) INI Bldes) CeO2 fcca(fluorite) fcc(fluorite) hex(A-form) 5.403 1 0.004 3.457 + 0.005 Be : Pr6021 Pr203 . Nd203 Mia's workin Sm203 6.02 + 0.01 5.988 $ 0.006 8.847 + 0.008 8.676 + 0.008 8.760 $ 0.008 reagaimawth 3.633 + 0.006 3.581 + 0.006 3.566 + 0.006 Eu203 99,96 *98.5 100.1 G4203 T0407 Dy203 Ho203 Er203 Tm203 Yb203 Luzoz hex@(A-form) monocle(B-form) monoc18(B-form) monocl(B-form) fcc@(fluorite) bcc (C-form) bcc(c-form) bcc(C-form) bcc (C-form) bcc(C-form) bcc(C-form) 3.822 + 0.003 14.177 + 0.010 13.944 $ 0.006 24.061 + 0.010 5.301 + 0.004 10.651 + 0.008 10.576 + 0.005 10.506 + 0.006 10.465 + 0.005 10.417 + 0.004 10.370 0.004 Unidentified extraneous lines also present. always obtained under the cooling conditions used. In the case of the Pr oxide, the extra lines were identified as being due to a minor pro- portion of the hexagonal (A-form) sesquioxide which apparently had not Inverted to the bcc C-form on cooling. Patterns for the oxides of Sm, Era, and Gd were identified as those of the monoclinic B-form of the sesquioxides, ladicating that inversion to the low-temperature C-form had not occurred under the cooling conditions used. .. The petrographic data shown in Table II are consistent with the X-ray diffraction analyses. The anisotropy of the oxides of Stua, Eu, and Ga indicated that the monoclinic form was present. The oxides of Pr and Na could not be evaluated by this technique because of their opacity. The sintered pellets were stable in air at room temperature ex- cept for those of the oxides of Pr and nd which disintegrated within a few hours. Accelerated weight loss occurred at 675°C and 975°C when the hydration product of the Pr oxides was heated in air. The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of R. M. Steele and L. A. Harris for the x-ray determinations and of Dr. T. N. McVay for the petrographic studies 41. Warshaw, Rustum Roy, Polymorphism of the Rare Earth Sesquioxides, J. Phys. Chem. 65(11), 2048-51 (1961). ORNL - ACC - OFFICIA Table II. Results of Petrographic Studies on Rare Earth Oxides Probable Ooxide Form Optical Character of Main Constituents . Index of Refraction ca. 2.38 Ceog Praz Isotropic Indeterminatea Naz 3 Indeterminated Sm3 Indeterminate + Biaxial Negative Blog Anisotropic G0203 EROT DJ 203 Anisotropic Isotropic 2.04(a), 2.08(7) (2v = 200) 2.04(0);2.04(E) 2.02 to 2.04 ca. 2.00 ca. 2.00 1.98 1.96 1.95 to 1.96 Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic Br2O3 Tranzos Isotropic Yoel3 Isotropic 1.95 Ilz03 Isotropic 1.93 especimens were opaque. -- ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL - - V OLLEY CA Ar- END DATE FILMED 5 / 27 / 66 SY ... i " . + - --::. : . -