' . .' ' "! !' " "" . . . " ', " ." .. .'. ALF D EPW2. "E " . 9 . .. , · Il 1 Y. 1. . - . . * .. . ..... . .. . .. - . .. Liit "..' ". L i ! 4 .. F ..... . .. : . . " Y": * - . , i . p! 'I . 171 T.:, . k # 4. ... ? TI ' . J . 1.:- . . :: . .: i ! ! 2 .. . . 27'!" . . . . 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 14+ . 19...; : ro P. w P : :: . *** . .. ... - N .. . .. ....... .. ...... . .. 7 per : : : . + + CEA SA . " . . . - :-* :: L . ' * :* , , :::::: . , . WAT WINY 1 . . :...! ,"..- :"" " .. 1152 : : : : .. A.. .'; ... TF:- .. .. .. :. *' .. 1 .1.1. 7 ... : L T :. WWW #. .. Yurt .! ... ".. ORN-0-1152 ... #"! CONE-65041 OSNL NEC - OFFICIAL APR 27 1980 , TY)!110-IYIKO Haper vo de presented at Meeting of Reiractory Composites Working Group cu Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, April 12-14, 1965. . . . ... W :1 R 1 the MASTER NE TAR SUDARY OF THERMOCHEMICAL DEPOSIITON STUDIES AT OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY* AUGUST 1964- MARCH 1965 . : : : i : . R. L. Heestand** J. I. Federer, F. R. Patterson, and C. F. Leitten, Jr. Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee .: : 1 .. . . . . cor- erd worth Mother the Doctor raport , wman: preveder pie LEGAL NOTICE de productos report may m my Hero w mpwed, e for deg meg for the amatierten t to de momento delom , prepared my warhorn ante tormenta A W A The Wolontar contract te Coll, or played monster peen, nous in, wo dute per t tegu mund moment, e wel PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEAN TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON EHLE HY THE REDNING SICHON. W THE RESEO PROMEDICALE TO V . . OANI ÅEC - OFFICIAL scurch sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Cvatrac with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNI-AIC - OFFICIAL **speaker. TRE OINAC - Oruc ABSTRACT Progress in chemical vapor deposition studies at Oak Ridge cutionem Laboratory for the period of August 1964 through March 1965 is reviewed. Particular emphasis is given to the studies carried out on üeposition i tungster-rhenium alloys and deposition of theoretically dense uranium dioxide. A brief resume of the status of other vapor deposition and deposition of tungsten sheet for mechanical and physical properties evaluation. INTRODUCTION The chemical vapor deposition program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is primarily wirected toward developing fabrication tech- colocy for high-temperature reactor fuel elements. The investigations, Therezore, included deposition of both refractory metals and alloys suitabie cor cladding fuel elements and deposition of refractory fuel simpounds. Currently emphasis is being placed on deposition of tungsten deposition process is being characterized over the temperature range of 450 to 750°C at a total syötem pressure of 10 torr and, in the case of alloys, a hydrogen-to-WF6 + ReF6 mole ratio of 20:1. The deposits were examined by chemical analysis, metallography, hardness and x-ray dif- Tract.on. Although the goal of depositing homogeneous alloys has not yet seen compietely attained the results of the study are encouraging and provide a background for continuing efforts to optimize the process. fi one-step conversion of uranium hexafluoride to uranium dioxide nas been achieved by combining the uranium hexafluoride with hydrogen dJ. I. Federer and C. F. Leitten, Jr., "Vapor Deposition and Characterization of Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys," paper presented at the America Suciety Symposium on Vapor Deposition Techniques for Fabricat: of Fuels and Refractory Metal Tubing, San Francisco, California, November 30-December 3, 1964. Submitted to Nuclear Applications. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL 3 and oxygen at elevated temperatures mů at reduced pressures. 2 The reaciion product may be obtained as a submicron size powder, dendritic crystallites, or a theoretically dense solid depending upon reaction pressures and cas mixing techniques. The stoichiometry of the deposit may be controlled by adjusting the ratios of the gaseous reactants. It is anticipated that other refractory oxides may be produced cither as coatings or Tree-standing theoretically dense bodies by the use or similar techniques. Preliminary studies of joining both wrought tungsten and pyrolytic tungsten by tungsten vapor deposition have been completed. Joint designs Save been optimized for flat stock and tube end closures. A more com- piete program including mechanical properties and optimization of deposition rates is anticipated. Fabrication of pyrolytic tungsten plate for properties evaluation is continuing. Difficulties were encountered during early runs in octaining sufficient material for evaluation from a single experiment. mese difficulties have been overcome and approximately 100 in.2 of stock 0.060 to 0.080 in, thick is presently being produced in each run. Experimental procedures and results for each of the above topics are discussed separately in the following sections. Vapor Deposition of Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys Deposition studies for tungsten-rhenium alloys from their respective hexafluorides were conducted in the equipment shown schemat- ically in Fig. 1. The apparatus is similar to that previously described ror tungsten depositions with the addition of a separate system for 2R. I. Heestand and C. F. Leitten, Jr., "Thermochemical Reduction on Uranium Halides for the Direct Fabrication of Ceramic Fuels," paper pre- sented at the American Society Symposium on Vapor Deposition Techniques for Fabrication of Fuels and Reiractory Metal Tubing, San Francisco, Cali- zornia, November 30-December 3, 1964. Submitted to Nuclear Applications. 38. L. Heestand, J. I. Federer, and C. F. Leitten, Jr., Preparation and Evaluation of Vapor Deposited Tungsten, ORNL-3662 (Aug. 1964). ---ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL TY !10-03 V-1822 1:30:9-JY-1050 VOLASSIFIC!) ()!!! .1? 03-6120 DEPOSITION FURNACE SCAVENGER FURNACE Ci. .... ... mp3l3.1 BURNOFF INS .w! ... I de 17 COLD TRAP . . . . VACUUM PUMP SCRUBBER tw DRAIN . tom Figere lo Vapor-Deposition Apparatus .. .. . ORMI-A1C - OINICIAL . ORNI - AC-ORIICIAL ::: FB : A : . . .: v1 , 1 • cả tư * * * * * * * * * 02H!-AIC - OP!! . metering rhenium hexafluorides. The metered gases are premixed prior to entering the main deposition furnace where reduction of the fluorides occurs. Products of the reaction are then deposited is the solid metal or alloy on tre substrate with hydrogen fluoride as an effluent by- product. Any unreacted fluorides are then reduced in the scavenger urnuce which is maintained at 900°C. The remaining gas consisting of a mixture oi lydrogen fluoride and excess hydrogen passes through the cold tray to the vacuum pump which maintains system pressure. The cola trap is maintained at approximately -70°C to prevent back diffusion of pump cil into the deposition chamber, thus minimizing carbon contamination. Ide gases finally pass from the cold trap through the water scribber where hyárogen fluoride is removed. Copper tubing measuring 3/4-in. ID was selected as the deposition substrate to facilitate removal from the deposit by dissolution in acid. Prior to starting codeposition experiments, exploratory studies on rhenium deposition were made. The study was not sufficiently exten- sive to determine optimum conditions for rhenium deposition, but the effects of basic parameter changes were apparent. It was found that rhenium deposited nonuniformly at temperatures of from 500 to 800°C, rhenium hexafluoride-to-hydrogen ratios of 200 and 300:1, and a pressure of 10 torr. The deposits consisted of rough nodular low-density growths at the inlet to the reaction zone. Lowering the deposition temperature to 400°C resulted in more uniform deposits. Approximately the same results were obtained at 500 and 600°C by decreasing the hydrogen-to- rezium hexafluoride ratios to 100:1 and 50:1, respectively. Previous studies on deposition of tungsten by hydrogen reduction of tungsten hexafluoride3 at 10 torr had indicated uniform deposits at 500°C; there- fore, experiments in codeposition were conducted in the range of 450 to 700°C. meters for rhenium hexafluoride due to interaction with glass and fluori- nated hydrocarbons; therefore, mass flow meters of metal construction ORNI - ALC-OSFICIAL 310-32.-1470 Chemical analysis of the deposits prepared using the above tech- miques indicated that concentration gradients exist in the tubes. Since reniuü exažluoride is more readily reduced than tungsten hexafluoride, the deposits were high in rhenium at the inlet to the reaction tube. The longitudinal variation in rhenium content is shown in Fig. 2 as a üunction oi selected deposition conditions. Recovery values were etermined by comparing the metal content of both metered fluorides with the weicht of deposit obtained in the deposition furnace. The curve labeled Wre-16 is typical of deposits prepared at tem- peratures from 500 to 700°C - a high rhenium content near the inlet zollowed sy a rapid decrease in rhenium content with distance from the inici. Tre curves labelea WRe-18 and -19 represent deposits prepared at 500 and 600°C, respectively, in which argon was included with the reacting gases. By a mechanism that is not yet completely understood, argon caused the rhenium to be distributed differently throughout the deposit. Comparison with WRe-16 shows that the rhenium content was sub- stantially increased in the "downstrean half" of the deposits. In fact, the rhenium content in WRe-19 was essentially constant over the distance ö to 12 in. from the inlet. The presence of argon, however, lowered the metal recovery in the main deposition furnace as shown in Fig. 3. Lowering the deposition temperature to 450°C also caused a significant change in rhenium distribution as shown by the curve labeled WRe-20. The high rhenium content ncar the inlet reflects the greater ease of reduction of Relo compared to WF6 at 450°C. Analysis of the data from several experiments reveals that approximately 50% of the rhenium, but only 55% of the tungsten, was recovered in the main deposition furnace. Deposition rates for tungsten-rhenium deposits were different from those of unalloyed tungsten as shown in Fig. 3. The curve labeled W-600 shows deposition rates as a function of distance from the inlet for unalloyed tungsten deposited at 600°C. In general, the deposition rates for tungsten-rhenium deposits, as typified by curves WRe-16 and -19, were greater near the iniet than for unalloyed tungsten. In addition, comparison of curve Wre-19 with, -16 shows that deposition rates were suppressed by the argon. The grain structure of these deposits was SI 1. ORNE-AIC - OFFICIAL 19131350 - 53V-INDO MMO -O3Y- THL + . Fig. 2. Composition of Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys vs Distance from the Inlet, of the Main Reaction durnace. UNCLASSIFIED ORN! --OWG 61-10145 80 menovanj - ** ---- WRC-16 WRC-18 WRC-19 Wie-20 TEMPERATURE (°C) 600 500 · 500 450 PRESSURE (milio) 10 10 10 10 Ha (cc/min) 1500 1500 1500 WRC-201 1500 WE (cc/min) 60 60 ReFc (cc/min) Ar (cc/inin) - RECOVERY (%) 89 60 60 10 10 500 41 500 54 25 " RHENIUM CONTENT (%) IN on the in WRe-18 t entionalmente contatti WRe-19 1 17h. WRe-16 2 10 . 12 6 8 DISTANCE FROM INLET (in.) . A ORNI - A8C - OSSICIAL ORMI-AIC - OIFICIAL A ** er . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . - 1101110 - 33 V - 1180 W!!!!".. . *** .. . . . . 14 . UNCLASSIFIL... 3. Deposition Rates of Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys vs Distance from the Inlet of the Main Reaction Hirnace. 1. ORNL-DWG 6410144 ** TEMPERATURE (°C) PRESSURE ( HO) Ha (cc/min) WFG (cc/min) Refo (cc/min) Ar (cc/min) RECOVERY (%) W-600 WRC-16 WRe-19 600 600 600 10 10 10 1500 1500 1500 60 60 60 - 10 10 - -- 500 98 89 54 WRe-16 · DEPOSITION RATE (mils/hr) . . __WRe-191 VW-600 10 12 4 6 8 DISTANCE FROM INLET (in.) ORNI - ABC - OFICIAL OPNL-71C - OTTICIAL -AEC - OFFICIAL se gererally columnar as is round with pure tungsten deposition. With increasing rhenium content more needle-like columnar grains are formed. The interstitial content of two deposits as a function of rhenium content and distance from the inlet of the reaction zone is shown in Table 1. There is a general tendency for the impurity content to decrease with decreasing rhenium content (increasing distance from the inlet). Deposits containing greater than about 25% Re were attacked during dissolution of the copper deposition tubes in nitric acid, reducing the deposit to small pieces having considerable surface discoloration. Thus, nigher cxygen values near the inlet may be the result of contamination rom the acid dissolution. In aüüition to chemical analyses and metallographic examinations, e deposits were characterized by X-ray diffraction and hardness measure- cienus. X-ray diffraction patterns were cötained using powder samples oi various rzenium content. The results which have been more fully reported Casewhere", are summarized in Table 2. Two phases were found in as- aeosited samples: alpha-tungsten (body-centered cubic) which was the Principai. phase in low rherium deposits and veta-tungsten (cubic) which 4iavcreu by high rhenium contents. The lattice parameters on the alpha-tungsten phase approach the value ior pure tungsten, a = 3.1648 A, with decreasing rhenium content, indicating that this phase is simply a solid solution of rhenium in tungsten. The beta-tungsten structure commoniy occurs as an intermediate phase in transition metal systems. 5 10 our knowledge, this is the first reported occurrence of the phase in the tungster-rhenium system. This phase does not appear in previously reporteü prase diagrams, although these diagrams have not been established below abouü 1200°C. 6,? The possibility exists that the beta-turgsten phase results from preferential substitution of rhenium on certain crystallographic planes of tungsten to produce an ordered structure that ' * I. Federer and R. M. Steele, Nature 205(4971), 587 (1965). 5. V. Nevitt, Trans. AIME 212, 350 (1958). 75. J. English, "Binary and Terrary Phase Diagrams ox Columbium, olybdenum, Tantalum, and Tungsten," DAC Report 152, p. 92, Battelle memorial Institute (April 1961). 10 Table 1. Analysis of Impurities in Tungsten-Rhenium Deposits Distance from Inlet Deposition Temperature (°C) Rhenium Experiment dude: Impurities (ppm) (in.) a WRe-12 500 sco 46 120 on <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 1179 .8 34 2 9 2 9 2 ó 2 15 3 2006 h 30 2 <5 WRe-22 600 <20 1. 46 3 29 5 10 9 6 di 4 1.5 37 3.5 15 5.5 5 7.5 20 9.5 1 2.5 , 32 405. 19 6.5 10 8.5 5 10.5 3 w 120 20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 1 20 30 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 m in û û û ûn Ĥ A N ca ke-23 500 500 <20 < 6 3 i 1 4 < 34 55 14 8 41 <5 18 6 <5 <5 <5 motal length of deposition zone 12 in. nagh values possibly associated with chemical separation of acrosit from copper tube. Tv11:30 - SY- Hivi un Table 2. Results of X-Ray Difiraction Studies on Typical Tungsten-Rheniun Deposits Bheniamond (5) C-Tungsten Intensity a, A) B-Tungsten Intensity & TAJ Sigma Intensity As-Depositeå (600°C) 37 4.997 S 5.010 5.018 3.144 3.152 3.162 3.165 NI 3.165 3.165 NF Lex po = 9.633 = 4.985 A wt . S Annealed (1500°C, 4 hr) 3.146 S 4.996 3.146 5.011 3.154 S 5.014 3.162 27 F 3.165 MF 3.164 NT 3.165 S NOTE: S, strong; M, medium; W, weak; NF, not found. - ORNI-AIC -OSTICIAS is zot readily observed metallographically. Rhenium might be capable 0: nigh ocentration packing on the (111) of tungsten because of reasonabnü sinilarity to the (1000) of rheniun. The small variation oi tie veia-tungsten lattice parameters over a wide range of rhenium concentrations may be due to the ability of tungsten to accomodate rhenium on preferential sites. This substitutional behavior would explain the hardness increase corresponding to increasing rhenium con- tent of the deposits. Signa phase, which is reported to occur in alloys containing from 26 to 630 Re,? has not been round in any of the as-deposited alloys within this range oi compositions. As shown in Table 2, the sigma phase was identified in the deposit containing 37% Re following a vacuum anneal at 1500°C. Otherwise, this heat treatment resulted only in small changes in the lattice parameters of the other deposits. No evidenca os elemental rhenium was found in as-deposited or heat-treated Sampies. liardness values of two deposits are shown in Table 3. The sharp increase in hardness with increasing rhenium content coupled with the Cenerally excellent purity of these deposits support the x-ray evidence oi alloying at the deposition temperatures of 500 and 600°C. As pre- viously mentioned, the high hardness of these alloys could be associated with a preferential substitution of rhenium on certain crystallographic planes of tungsten. Further studies to improve the homogeneity of deposits are under way. 22:ects row being investigated include zone heating of substrates and modification of the gas injection system. Deocition of Uranium Dioxice From: Uraniuin Hexafluoride, Oxygen and Hydrogen To date, our work has centered on the thermochemical deposition of UO2 by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen or steam with UF, as follows: (1) SU- JY-TRO Table 3. Room Temperature Hardness of Tungsten-fheniun Deposits Rhenium (%) Haraness (DPH) Re-12 1775 1960 1730 570 370 350 325 o un año tu o t ñ ☆ WRe-16 1680 2000 425 350 380 Ünalloyed Tungsten 450 ORNE-AEC - OSSICIAL 14 ORNIHrac (2) (3) (4) (5) The reaction of these materials has previously been proven thermo- dynamically feasible when accomplished in a series of steps as shown in rcüc vion paths 2 and 3 or 4 and 5; however, the process was directed toward deposition on fluidized goed particles rather than as a free standing, derse deposit, and difficulties were encountered in obtaining a high-density low-fluorine deposit. UF 6 + 7.2 → UF4 + 2H7 , UF4 + 2H26 - V02 + 487 . UF 6 + 2H20 → UO2F2 + 4HF, UO 2F2 + H2 → UO2 + 2HF . me overall reaction as shown in Eq. (1) is believed to proceed simul- Cuneous-y oy the paths shown in Eqs. (2; and (3) or (4) and (5); however, ja matery be cotained as a dense, solid deposit; a crystalline needle-like üüposiü; or a powder with neither UF4 ncr UO2F2 detectable in the system. van analysis was made of the thermodynamic and kinetic factors that wtect the rate and efficiency of the one-step reaction, and it was found that i'accors favoring direct reduction were: (1) low system pressure, (2) temperatures sufficiently high to limit formation or con- densation ci possible intermediate compounds, and (3) excess amounts of both hydrogen and oxygen to drive the reaction to completion. Based on Ciese assumptions, experiments were ruri to confirm the erfects of temper- ature, ressure, and gas composition on the reaction product. A schematic (Fig. 4) shows the apparatus consisting of a resistance heated, 22-40% Rh tube furnace, a nigh-density alumina reaction tube, borosilicüie glass flowmeters, a cold trap cooled to approximately -50°C ANA cür hyà: cen fluoride removal. It was necessary to inject the UF6 Cirectiy unto tne hot zone of the furnace to prevent preliminary formation ci' the intermediate products UF4 or UO2F2 in the cold zones, thus losing materia: by condensation. Figure 5 shows the arrangement of the water- cooled injector used to introduce the UF6 into the hot zone of the system ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL BI. E. Knudsen, H. E. Hootman, and N. M. Levity, A Fluia Bed Process zor the Direct Conversion of Uranium Hexafluoride to Uranium Dioxide, AL-6066, Argonne National Laboratory (1963). M W AYANG # .... " . ...!" . .. .. .. R TID1310 - OV-1N8O TV1013!() 937 - 110 E AK * UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10778 ". . . . . Fig. 4. Schematic of the Fucl Deposition Apparatus. hu: H2-- DEPOSITION FURNACE ja minera COLD TRAP 7 4-2015 * . wees. .-..-...... .... .... ........ . *****. BURNOFF . . H2O A- VACUUM PUMP SCRUBBER ORHIMIC - OFFICIAL OENI-NIC - OPTICIAL . ..LIS . T.E 1 1 1 -23V-IKO 1191310 - 93 V - INZO UNCLASSIFIED ONN- OG 64.9982 . za.. " ! PAVY Fig. 5. Details of Uranium Hexafluoride Injection System. 1 .rtriting A . 1 1 . ! . . 1 LOW DENSITY ALUMINA SUBSTRATE TUBE) - HIGH DENSITY ALUMINA , ;; CONTAINMENT TUBE ! ARGOIV --HO IN -UFO ... . . . ... ..... .. ..... H20 OUT -02, H2 VO2 DEPOSIT . . . - FURNACE V ' S . ORHI-MIC-OIFICIAL ORNI ATC - OIIICIAL xi..! . . .. . 17 Eco Con Low-density alumina deposition substrate that was used to cucinevate removal of samples. In addition, argon is used as a blanket CÔ separate the reactants at the injector tip and to prevent buildup of 102 on the injector. io tio deposition temperature. Following adjustment of the argon, hydro- Cete, üric oxygen flows, the UTé is introduced and adjusted to operating 3-ster prescure. No further system changes other than minor i low adjust- we w ure required throughout the rün. On shutdown, the gas flows are ..vorne at temperature and pressure is reduced to < i torr. The furnace iw chci allowed to cool to ambient temperature prior to removal of the wpciv wizont limits of investigation in the experiments consist of zvücuion temperatures from 900 to 1500°C, pressures from 2 to 20 torr, nad w ceci composicions ranging fro. 30 to 80 vol % H2, 10 to ven 02 or steering and I to 10 vol % UF. System parameters have .vü Ben oprinized in regard to all variables; however, several trends 9 Eparenc. In the temperature range of 1200 to 1500°C and with Dessutom wciow 10 torr, UO2 is formed when gas composition limits are held w in 60 to vol 112, 10 to 40 voi 02 or steam, and I to no voljo UF:. IT UF', is injected directly into the hot zone sc. that mixing occurs asi che desired temperature range, the deposit may be obtained either as a mint aendritic, crystalline growth or as a solid, dense, uniform deposit. in the solids, it has been found that stoichiometry may be con- occia By adjusting the feed-gus composiu.on at a given temperature and :0 2. Reproducible deposits have been made for oxygen-to-uranium music ringing from U02.001 to 102.166• Fiuorine contents are generally biela b ow 50 ppm. Bulk densities for solid deposits have been found to weivoc 02 theoreticaily dense oxide (10.96 $/cc). thin the gas conposition limits established for depositing bulk CO2, rü ibuna that < 1% of the feed material passes through the system ww dovodioce or unreacted fuel compounds. However, when UFG concern weininni en ühe i'eed material was raised above 10%, in addition to the OF HI - ABC - OFFICIAL ORHI-AIS-Orrical 18 VO2 iconed in the hot zone, excess intermediate fuel compounds passed Carousia re system and were observed in the cold trap. For steam or oxygen concentrations in excess of 40%, trace amounts of intermediate urarium conpounds were again observed in the cold trap. Unreacted material under the above conditions may be due to the relatively small system size. Raising the system pressure above 20 torr yields UO2F2 powder under conditions that produced only 102 at lower pressure. Within the current limits of investidution, temperatures above 1300°C give no significant deposition advantage. The above results indicate that for a high-temperature low-pressure hydroiysis reduction of UF, the steam or oxygen concentration promotes the formation of UO 2F2, which is reduced by hydrogen to UO2. Conversely, nydrogen reduction of UF6 to UF4 proceeds at the reaction temperature but is suppressed by the presence of steam or oxygen. Thus, by selecting the proper combination of parameters, the desired product, UO 2; may be formed. A theoretically dense, uniform, low-fluorine deposit has been achieved using the one-step conversion process with control of stoichio- metry. In addition, it has also been demonstrated that 102 may be produced as an extremely fine powder or a dendritic, crystalline material. Both of these are potential feeå material for subsequent fuel fabrication. Iiivestigations of deposition parameters for VO2 in all three forms are Joining of Tungsten by Vapor Deposition The method for depositing tungsten metal by thermochemical reduction o tungsten hexarluoride with hydrogen has been investigated for joining. both wrought and pyrolytic tungsten. The process for tube deposition was used' and only minor charges in fixturing and reactant flow distribution were necessary to produce joints suitable for demonstrating the process. Several joint ãesigns, including flat plate and tube end closures, were Tabricated and samples were prepared for Materials Advisory Board (MAB) type ductile-to-brittle transition testing. -AEC - OFFICIAL Is joestand, j. I. Federer, ana C. F. Leitten, Jr., Preparation wa Everton of Vapor Depositeä Tungsten, ORNL-3662 (Aug. 1964). -------OG MI - AEC - OFFICIAL 19 In studies of joint design effects it was noted that deposits in joint angles of 90° or less gave cracking at the intersection of the angles or radii equal to 0.5 in. tanceni to the root of the wela, samples without cracking were ootained. On metallographic examination of the Laterzace between pyrolytic and wrought tungsten at high magnifications (500X) no visual evidence of voids, iracture, or impurity buildup could be detected. Joints of end caps to tubes were also demonstrated by fabricating a closca-end tungsten tube by pyrolytic deposition, cutting off the end, and rejoining the end again by pyrolytic deposition. End closures of this type were leak-tested by a helium mass spectrometer leak detector and round to be leak-tight. Several flat plate specimens or pyrolytic Chagsies. wrought tungsten and wrought turigsten to wrougai tungsten were in oricated for bend testing. Testing of the joints is presently under way. Deposition oz Pyrolytic Tungsten Plate Material for Mechanical Properties Evaluation Work has continued to develop techniques for depositing tungsten diate .ving high chemical purity and or reproducible physical charac- Cerisüics. Problems investigated include the elimination of nodular vzowths within deposits, matching of ceposition substrates to the aeposi optimization of the deposition process to yield uniformly whick verial for subsequent rechanical and physical property evaluation. 02 prime importance is the eliminat:un of rough nodular growths within the deposited, tungsten. These nodules lead to abrupt changes in such physical characteristics as density purity and grain orientation. It is assumed that growth of the nodules is associated with initial impurities in the system or the formation and precipitation of inter- mediate compounds. zormation of these growths have been reduced by lowering deposition temperatures to less than 600°C and maintaining a leak-free system. OFNI – AC - OFFICIAL 08:11-AEC - OSSICIAL 150 - 318-IMNO Previously tungsten has been deposited on copper substrates for convenient removal by acid dissolution. It has been found that copper is ncü suitable as a substrate for deposition of flat plate. Cooling from the deposition temperature results in warping of the deposited cungoten due to the wide difference in thermal expansion of the materials. Preliminary deposition experiments using molybdenum foil inserts in rectangular copper tubes showed that the warpage of the deposit could be eliminated. However, difficulties were encountered in fabricating che liners from molybdenum foil. Consequently, molybdenum deposition r.andreis encased in copper are now being made using powder-metallurgy cecaniques. previously reported, difficulties are encountered in depositing ions canovas or tungsten of uniform thickness.20 This problem stems Proin temperature variations in the deposition furnace and from fuel gas apletion as the deposit progresses down the mandrel. In the nonstatic Cype og system usea to deposit tungster, the longitudinal uniformity of wie deposit was shown to be a function of the reaction efficiency. These wysteris utilize a stationary gas ejector and fixed-temperature profile in the deposition furnace. Thus, at high deposition efficiencies (which are readily attainable) it has not been possible to remove the generated ayárogen fluoride gas from the substrate and supply an equal amount of fresh gas among the entire marürel length. Since the deposition effi- ciency is a 30 a function of H2-W concentration, pressure, temperature, mandrel condition and mandrei geometry, it is possible to select con- citions that optimize the efficiency of the reaction to yield uniform üepciäis. With the aforementioned parameters near optimum in our non- svatic syocom, uniiorm deposit thickness was approached only when approxima Culy 50% of the WF'G passed through the system unreacted. The reactici utriciency was primarily controlled by reducing the system Pressure and introducing a heavy inert gas to facilitate removal of the hydrogen müoride from the substrate wurface. 17. C. Thurber, Metals and Ceramics Div. Ann. Prog. Rept. June 30, 1964, ORNL-3450, pp. 132-139. Further improvements in deposition uniformity were achieved by preheating the fecü gases and moving the high-temperature deposition zone along the length of the mandrel while holding the remainder of the mandrel at a lower temperature. Previously, this moving hot-zone tech- nique was proven satisfactory for depositing long, tubular lengths of tungsten.' Variable temperature was afforded by several taps along the Sensh of a series-wound tube furnace. Recent deposit-thickness- uniformity studies were made in 1 1/2-in.-diam copper tubes 16 in. long. mo date, the schedule presented in Table 4 appears to be near optimum L'or deposit uniformity with thicknesses being (0.050 $ 0.003) in, within a 12-. length. Continuing work is being directed toward higher purification or the source gases and analyses of any foreign compounas which appear in the system. 1 Table 4. Deposition Schedule for Moving-Temperature Zone Cús ilowa (cc/min) WF' H2 Ar 37 312 to- WF6 : (ratio) Pressure (torr) Temperature (°C) Moving Static 200 3000 1000 5 600 450 "Gases preheated to approximately 200°C. - . T- .. . ' L A .. . : UKU ... . 14 +1. - - I. 1 .. PE w 01d 13 14 27 ... i RY M 1. 12 .. . . ? .... 1 1 . ".' .. . DATE FILMED 5 / 26 /65 1.5 Y LA .. . 12 2 FE -LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or impliod, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulnose of the information containod in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this roport may not infringe privately owned righto; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damager resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contructor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor propares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. i . By V West: US si; i 1.. END . C