1 s . . TOFT ORNL P 1151 i i . 7 . . * 1 . M en 19191912 : o. 1.25 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 , me a - - -- - -- - - --- -- - - -- - --- - -- --- . . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ** .. . . . . - s 17. 1. . - .. .. . ...APR 27 1966 anty or representaforma converted to the LEGAL NOTICE The report was prepared u soconut of Govern sponsored vort Matchar the United Hatos, bor de commander, mor any partea actius a bolall of a comunidan: A. MAM bymruty or reputation. armes or implied, no report o dance- nsy, comple , or wtaten at the totonuou contatod be the report, or t he olmay tudorretan, pourtbus, method, or proces durcloud to do soport may not sortige petrately owned states; or B. Assumec nay liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the veo u bormation, appunto, nothod, or procons dincloud b the mport As and a the bornsparnos echter as bell of the conteston" buchadno a ployu or contractor of the Commission, or sployw a mal contractor, to the stand that I much anplogue of contractor of the Counterton, or caployw o mal contructor properes, dermatetan, or pronta con to, un tutormation purnud to Meeployment of contract to the contestou, or me employment with mucha contractor. . . .contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. *Research Sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Oak Ridge, Tennessee OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Vienna, Austria April 5-9, 1965 BY Nuclear Energy in Saline Water Conversion. IAEA Fifth Panel Meeting on Use of presentation at the tor ation at the C. C. Burwell, R. A. Ebel, and R. P. Harmond .. . DESALIRATION PLANTS* FACTORS AFFECTING ANALYSIS OF DUAL-PURPOSE CONF-650420.-23 ORN-P1151 ' . .. .. 1 . ' ARE ON EKLE IN THE RELEV!NG 'SECTION. THE PUBLIC. IS APPROVED. PROQEDURES PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO ! : Ko . ... . I! FACTORS AFFECTING ANALYSIS OF DUAL-PURPOSE DESALINATION PLANTS . . by C. C. Burwell., R. A. Ebel, and R. P. Hammond '..' ABSTRACT . . The advent of nuclear desalting stations will make possible. an important new source of water from the sea. In each situation, however, it is important to determine how the proposed plent com- pares with alternative methods of supplying the needed water, and to optimize the plant design to fit the local needs. This paper discusses some of the analytical tools and techniques that can be applied to these tasks. In the case of the dual-purpose plant producing power as well as water, the cost of steam must be allo cated appropriately to the two products. Although this is a purely arbitrary choice, a method is presented which has the novel feature of apportioning heat cost so that neither water nor power cost is appreciably affected by changing the product ratio of the plant design. Although simple analytical models can assist in characterizing desalination plant systems, the details of design and optimization are greatly aided by computer techniques. The computer codes in use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for desalination studies are listed, and 111ustrated by examples. . . . . . . . . . ....! " FACTORS AFFECTING ANALYSIS OF DUAL-PURPOSE DESALINATION PLANTS by C. C. Burwell, R. A. Ebel, and R. P. Hammond. Introduction The economics of water supply throughout the world 18 affected by many factors other than strictly technical ones. Desalination, as a relatively new means of water supply, must find its application where it is economically superior to other methods. Thus, it has grown up in an environment of harsh technical and economic appraisal. Now that development has reached the stage where major Increments of water supply by desalination can be realistically considered, many attempts to compare desalting plants with conventional alternates are being made. I am most familiar with these studies in the United States, but I believe the situation is similar in many other places. What we find is the following: 1. The price of water is not the same as its cost. Water use is heavily subsidized in some areas, excessively taxed in others. Some supplies are complex systems in which different sources with widely different costs are ... combined. Dilferent users of the same supply of ten pay different prices. In many cases in the U. S., the true cost of the water is very difficult to determine. 2. The important factor is not current cost, but the cost of the next addition to the supply. This would seem to be self-evident, but is overlooked in many discussions. Conventional methods and desalination should be compared in each situation on the same basis, adding a given capacity to a given system. 2. : .. . 3. The analysis of cost must include long-range factors. Such aspects as depletion of underground reserves, availability of fuel, rate of growth of water market, and expected Improvements in technology, must be included in a valid stưży. For example, major water diversion projects must usually be planned to anticipate needs many years in the future, and the cost of this excees capacity has to be taken into account in comparing with pumping systems or desalting plants. . i 4. The quality of the water 18 important. Toc often, semi-saline river water 18 compared as an equivalent to distilled water, yet their economic values are not the same. This consideration also applies to alternate means of desalination. . 5. The size of the undertaking affect the weight of the factors. To solve a temporary or highly local water problem greater emphasis is needed on short-range cost and current *hnology, while a commitment for a regional supply system must anticipate growth, depletion, and technical' advances to a greater extent.' All these factors are difficult enough to evaluate in studying alternate water supply methods, but the problem is compounded even more by the prospect of dual-purpose plants. The combination of producing . electric power and desalted water in a single plant 18 unquestionably favorable to the economics of both products.* *There are, of course, situations where water-only plants are required, and their development 18 included in the U. S. program. Our studies at Oak Ridge have shown that while there are prospects for reducing the penalty for a water-only plant, the dual-purpose system will produce cheaper water wherever + - W The economic analysis of dual-product plants, however, 18 aot easy. In addition to all the factors mentioned above, another set relating to power must be reckoned with. Then there is a set of cross-terms, as the mathematicians call them, in walad a change in the water parameters pro- duces an effect in the power system, and vice versa. One U. S. executive, viewing this, proposed that we not build dual-purpose plants because they - - - . - would cause too much trouble with the bookkeeping. We do not telieve it will be necessary to forego the real advantage of dual.-purpose plants, and we would like to present in this paper some of the methods we are developing at Oak Ridge to deal with the problems of optimizing and evaluating dual-purpose plants. The context for most of the work has been the use of nuclear reactors as heat sources and large regenerative evaporators for sea water distillation, but the same principles would apply for other situations. The Dual Plant The dual plar.t produces two products in series from a single source of heat. The products are not necessarily conswed by a single market, and it is necessary in the design to consider what product. ratio can be marketed and how the cost of the two products 18 affected by varying the product ratio. . The product ratio may be given the symbol w and be defined as the water output capacity in million-gallon-per-day Increments divided by the power capability in million-watt Increments. Thus, : . : 0.1 and 1. However, its value may vary between 0 ard 00 for power-only and water-only plants respectively. For a given quantity of energy produced by the energy nource, the power output is aeterniined primarily by the Inlet and outlet temperatures : used and the supply and discharge temperatures of the heat. These factors in turn determine R, the performance ratio of the water p)ant ( lbs. water produced/1000 Btu heat consumed). In practice, it is found that the upper range 02 the product ratio, w. 18 to a large extent limited by the steam conditions at the turvine throttle and by the maximum brine tenperature which the evaporator can accept. Temperatures in excess of 250°F create scale formation and corrosion problems in present day equipment which cancel the benefits of a higher temperature. The graph in Fig. i shows. typical values of w versus turbine throttle steam conditions for a brine temperature of 250°F. Since eventual water needs may outgrow the marketability of power... in some regions, let us consider for a moment what might be done to increase w. For plants with back-pressure turbines exhausting to evapo- rators, this can be done by either increasing the evaporator brine. temperature or by decreasing the turbine throttle steam temperature. The first procedure requires development of improved processes and may pro- ; duce equipment cost penalties such as increased brine treatment for scale control and higher cost for evaporator vessels. For the second, failure to utilize the available, work in the steam supply also produces . . 5 . . . an economic penalty wless the lower teruperature steam can be produced at less cost. An attractive prospect of a different sort 1s to use the excess work internally In some other water-producing piocess than direct distillation. . An example of such a multiple process plant is shown schematically in Fig. 2. It consists of a steam turbine directly driving a vapor com- pressor. The vapor compressor serves as a heat pump driving an evaporator which operates at an acceptable maximum brine temperature. The turbine exhaust 18 led to a second evaporator for the produc of more water. Similarly, the mechanical output could be used to a freezing, reverse Osmosis, or electrodialysis procese. Returning now to the dual system, let us see how its economic behavior can be analyzed and its design optimized for a specific case. Analytic Procedure : Analysis of all the possible combinations of processes and variations within a given process can be a very complex problem. It is frequently useful to analyze the effects of a few important parameters in a very simplified fashion to gain insight into how the system should responå. Then, when the behavior of the controlling variables is understood, the less important minor corrections may be included in a more complete state- ment of the relationship. For the dual-purpose plant, a principal compli- cation is the fact that the costs of production must be equitably distributed between two products in a consistent fashion. A procedure for allocation of steam cost to the two products would provide the most straightforward analysis, since other parts of the cost are relatively separable into: power and water groups. ..... ....... . . ...... ...... .. .. --.... -- We have developed such a procedure which, although arbitrary, is direct and widely applicable. The method arranges matiers so that the cost of power is not affected by changing the exhaust temperature, or product ratio. I will present first a simplified equation which solves the problem of assigning steam costs this way to the two products in approximate fashion. The resultant relationship can be used analytically to solve such problems as the effect of turbine exhaust temperature on the final cost of water. Finally, we shall adjust the simple result to . include less important factors. From the standpoint of a power-only plant, the value of the exhaust steam 18 measured by the remaining available energy which could have been obtained from it. Since it is well known what electrical yield obtainable from steam expanding in a turbine 18 close to linzar with temperature in the range below 250°F, this value is proportional to the original cost: of the prime steam and to the remaining temperature span above the con- denser point (90°F, for example). Similarly, for evaporators, the value of steam in terms of driving force for heat exchange is also proportional to its temperature span above approximately the same condenser point. (The economic condenser temperature in either case is affected by the : cooling-water or sea-water temperature.) Suppose that we let the unit cost of prime steam = S, and let f = the fraction of the electrical yield lost by diverting the steam to the evaporator in the dual-purpose plant, 1.e., f = 1. (back-pressure .. efficiency/condensing efficiency (P = 1:-). . ... ... ało... -r.'... con - Define D/A = f, where D = the turbine temperature range diverted to the evaporator (texhaust - tcondenser), then a 18 a constant for given prime steam conditions, since the yield is linear with temperature. Thus, our condition of maintaining constant power cost gives the wit value of exhaust steam as I = S.= SD/A = cost of the heat to the evaporator, approximately. The preceding analytic statements are shown graphically in Fig. 3, where turbine efficiency 18 plotted against steam temperature. It may be seen that the electrical yield, (€ - B), which is lost to the evaporator may be expressed in terms of temperature by the proportionality in the lengths of sides of similar triangles. This expression, you will note, is derived from the assumption that the power should cost the same from a dual-purpose plant as in a larger power-only plant using the same reactor. . This gives the power the cost benefit of a larger reactor than it would have if made alone, but gives the remainder of the combined-plant savings to water. For the moment we have neglected the credit due the water plant for providing a cordenser for the turbine, but this and other corrections will be considered later. : Let us now ask: What is the optimum temperature at which the turbine should cease expanding steam to make power and turn it over to the water plant? We have provided that this variable make no difference to power cost-- but what does it do to water cost? The unit cost of water is equal to the cost of providing the evaporator plus the cost of heat. The evaporator . unit cost, E, 18 linear with performance ratio, R, in the range of interest," and can be represented by kq + KaR/D, where kq 18 a, constant, D 18 the jy · temperature range available for the evaporator (see above), and ka 18 determined by the cost and performance of heat transfer surface. It is assumed that the temperature range 18 kept below the region where the evaporator suffare cont panelties, Unit water cost = W = E + A/R. Substituting, W = kl + kar/D + SD/RA. Differentiating W with respect to R and setting the derivative equal to 0, we find that, : : Ropt = D V s/kas Substituting Rort for R,. we find that D 18 eliminated, and the minimu. water cost 18: Oot Women = kq + 2 V. Skals'. Thus the cost of water in a dual-purpose plant 18 (to first approximation) independent of the cross-over temperature, and depends only on the prime steam cost, the steam conditions, and the evaporator heat conductance cost. Our method of distributing costs has produced a system in which w may be varied at will over a certain range without affecting either power or water cost. Once a general relationship of this sort is formulated we may begin to modify it to include less important effects. Let us consider how H, the cost of heat charged to the evaporator, might be affected by the mojifications. One such correction is the credit available to the evaporator for per- forming the condensing function for the power system. Although this credit is numerically small., it would favor the lower cross-over temperature's, wherein a large amount of power furnishes condenser credit to a small amount of water. . . . . . . 9 Another modification to the value of I takes into account the fact that the evaporator does not receive the ful quantity of heat going to the turbine. Finaliy the value of s itself 18 a complex function of reactor size, fuel cycie costs, capital charge rate, etc. Even the steam conditions It produces affect the steam cost. The steam conditions, in turn, affect 4, €, and D. A general expression for S 18, . . .: . i $= ka + 3 (P]n where the number of terms, n, in the summation may be varied to include as many factors as desired but which may be practically limited to fewer than 10.. Thus the corrected expression for the cost of heat to the evaporator assumes. & forna such as: Brandewy [ofas + on pa} - botºela -] .: A - ElA - D) The improvement in evaporator heat transfer coefficients at higher average plant temperature, which favors higher cross-over temperatures, has also been neglected, so far. We have now reached the point where it is no longer obvious to state how I (to say nothi.ng of water cost) 18 affected by changes in one or more of the factors which determine its value. Since the corrections are small and partly cancel each other, it turns out that the conclusion reached in our very simplified analysis is, in fact, still valid, but it is not so . neatly obtained. It has become worthwhile to develop computer codes to calculate the effects and determine the results of varying one or more of the parameters in a complete set of cost equations which define water and power costs from ..... 10 'a given dual-purpose plant concept. With a properly arranged code, both · analytic expressions and empirical data from actual designs can be assimi- lated. An extensive program for such codes and for plant systems analysis 1. under way at Oak Ridge under AEC sponsorship. I would like to briefly review this program and give some examples from it, but I would like to : emphasize that the code never creates new information. It is merely a means of cataloging and utilizing the available knowledge, and one must use great care to apply computer results only in the situations where the input data are valid. The Oak Ridge Computer Program Computer codes have been developed as needed to handle special aspects or details of the overall dual'plar.t problem as well as the main problem itself. New requirements arise frequently and as time permits new codes are developed. At the present time the code library contains ten volumes. Table 1 shows the list of engineering problems that have been solved and the names of the codes which have been developed for the purpose. Since it is neither possible nor desirable to present a detailed dis- cussion of each code in the library, each code will be briefly described and some selected features of one of the codes will be illustrated to show the general nature of these computational tools. Under the general category of sub-optimization codes are included : those which optimize specialized components or systems in a plant, as part of a larger code. Iwo fuel element design codes are included here. The first code computes design criteria for a single fuel element module for a natural uranium, heavy water moderated reactor similar to the A . VITIT HWOCR concept. The design criteria computed include heat output, fuel: content, dimensions of the double ring configuration, etc. The second fuel element code for energy optimization is much more general. It will accommodate the design of a fuel element with rod oluators of with annular rings. The coolant may be either water or organic, either boiling or in forced convection. The code will either design an optimum fuel element or give the performance of a fixed design. The code is intended to be coupled to a neutron physics code in order to determine the neutron flux through the fuel element. It 18 also planned to couple the code to a fuel cycle cost so that a complete optimization can be done on the . computer. The energy transport code has been used to study the costs of moving large amounts of energy over the distances which might be encountered . with large desalination plants. Media included in the study included electricity, steam, water, heavy water, sodium, molten salt, and helium.' ......... The object of the fourth code in the sub-optimization group is the optimization of the tube_geometry in a vertical tube evaporator. Either the Wright or Martinelli pressure drop correlations for two-phase flow in ... - ---. erones..m. .17.0142:1.7.18712.1 "A1:,** . vertical tubes may be used by the code. For heat transfer, the code will accept either the Dukler correlation for an evaporative film or an empirical relation such as experimental results with special high performance tubes, The four water plant codes constitute the second category in the code library. Two of the four codes deal with multistage flash evaporators. The first of these makes detailed calculations at each stage and furnishes . . 12 . much of the information needed for plant design. The second MSF code makes calculations on an overall evaporator basis and is correspondingly simpler than the stage-by-stage code. The third and fourth evaporator . codes are based on the multiple-effect, vertical-tube evaporator concept, the difference being that the vapor compressor code utilizes a heat pump to furnish the heat required for the evaporation process. The purpose of the four evaporator codes is to make accurate material and enthalpy balances. These results may then be used to size the equipment required and calculate costs. The last two codes in the library are the dual-plant codes. The optimization code is useful for conceptual design studies and for advanced system analysis. The parametric code is much simpler and is essentially a cost assembly code. In the parametric code the equations describing the reactor, turbine-generator, and water plant are accessible and system interactions are considered to the extent of the number of parameters provided for each component. It is visualized that other systems may be added to this code. Examples of such additions include: power and water distribution systems, other water-production plants utilizing excess . power for additional production, interaction of the market with the system, etc. The dual-plant optimization code will now be discussed in a little more detail, as an illustration of the nature of the code library. The Dual-Plant Optimization Code Figure 4 shows the simplified flowsheet for the Dial-Plant Optimiza- tion Code. From the input, the calculation route flows to the reactor . 13 plant, thence to the turbine-generator plant, and from there to the water plant. The water plant presently in use with thị.8 code 18 an MSF evapo- rator. At the first decision point, it 18 determined whether or not the power for the complex 18 correct. If it is not, an iterative calculation is made through the three-plant sequence. When the power is correct, the, operator's input determines whether or not the plant will be optimized. If so, the optimization subroutine is entered. If not, the case in com- puted and the results are tabulated. Variables which may be optimized are the blowdown temperature, the brine velocity, and the brine heater approach temperature. Future plans for this code include the capability of optimizing tube diameter and the overall height of the plant. Figure 5 shows typical simplified equations that may be found in the reactor and turbine-generator plant subroutines. The first equation 18 : an empirical equation relating the thermal efficiency to the temperature drop across the turbine. The next set of three equations relate the costs . 18:.. : of the reactor plants in dollars per thermal megawatt to their respective sizes. inicio UICI . · These equations represent a particular reactor concept and are to a certain extent optimized. Other reactor types would be represented by similar sets of equations. The last two equations represent the cost of the turbine-generator plant in dollars per electrical megawatt of capacity. The two equations cover different temperature ranges for the - --- : - - exhaust steam. :: Tecnon Anrum.* The water plant subroutine uses the bases and assumptions shown in Table 2 and the cost equations listed in Table 3. The cost equations are: based on the results of two detailed cost studies. Both cost studies used a multilevel, multistage flash evaporator as the model, the only difference . · 14 .. . . . .. . being the size of the plant. For each case being studied by the code, the water plant subroutine computes all the flows, temperatures, volumes, power requirements, and areas required in the plant. The costs are then computed as functions of these results. .......... Inputs to the code are deliberately separated into the categories of :: (1) customers' input, (2) constants of nature, and (3) designer's input. It is important to insist upon and maintain this separation so that the code user 18 constantly reminded that certain information 18 not suitable material for computation or optimization but must be (perhaps arbitrarily) selected by the customer. The input 18 Included in the print-out of the results of each case studied. This 18 to verify that the correct input was really used. The detalled output print-out 18 in computer code language. In addition to the detailed output a formal cost summary in statement language is printed out. An example of the formal output is shown in .. Table 4. In addition to tabular outputs the code has the capability of .::. pro presenting the computational results in graphical form. The subroutine which produces these graphs has provisions for selecting as many as twenty-five different parameters on the ordinate and selecting as many as six for the abscissa. A family of curves resulting from as many as : six values of a third parameter may be plotted on each graph. An example : of a typical plot (in this case relating the cost of heat for the evaporator to the production ratio, a, at six different values of fixed charge rate) 18 shown in Fig. 6. . .. vo Conclusion Although we have made only a beginning in the field of systems analysis and optimization of desalination plats, we belleve that tech- niques of this kind can play an important role in fitting dual-purpose nuclear stations into their appropriate place in the power and water needs of society. Although we intend to rely heavily upon computers in this work, we believe that continual scrutiny must be maintained to make sure that the input data employed in the code are appropriate to the problem at hand. : i :: i : . . . . . L. N . 1100 1000 : 900 . TEMPERATUR 00 300 TURBINE EXHAUST TEMPERATURE: 250°F. EVAPORATOR PERFORMANCE RATIO: 8.3 2004 Do 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 OMEGA (v - MGO PRODUCT RATIO .VS. TURBINE THROTTLE STEAM TEMPERATURE EXHAUST STEAM EVAPORATOR STEAM GENERATOR .diroyli Ciframm . J . V...Write ::' Pili uni- SASA POWER ::: GENERATOR ܕܢܫܢ VAPOR COMPRESSOR .: EVAPORATOR ... .. TURBINE VAPOR COMPRESSOR Vigor MULTIPLE PROCESS DESALINATION PLANT CS1 - - - . with its mom.bath threat that this to addirittured oriin -.. . menina CYCLE EFFICIENCY - CONDENSING EFF.-.- BACK PRESS. EFF.-B : , TEMP. CONDENSING TEMP. PRESS. BACK CYCLE EFFICIENCY VS. TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE TEMP.: STEAM PRIME . . . . DESALINATION PROGRAM COMPUTER DE LIBRARY TYPE CODE NAME SUB-OPTIMIZATION CODES FUEL ELEMENT DESIGN PARTIAL UNIT ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF FUEL . .. _. . . - X - --- ENERGY TRANSPORT HEAT TRANSFER AND PRESSURE DROP IN VERTICAL EVAPORATOR TUBES WATER PLANT CODES MULTISTAGE FLASH - STAGE WISE MULTISTAGE FLASH - OVERALL, BASIS VERTICAL EVAPORATOR VAPOR COMPRESSION DUAL PLANT CODES DUAL PLANT OPTIMIZATION PARAMETRIC DUAL PLANT : : SIMPLIFIED FLOWSHEET FOR THE DUAL YES INPUT OPTIMIZE? NO OPTIMIZATION . : . ...... REACTOR PLANT IS POWER CORRECT? TURBINE GENERATOR PLANT WATER PLANT OUTPUT Fig. 4 L , ' E ' '. ' ' LUUNNLANI BLANK PAGE I1LAUIUIULAINI AIVU TURBINE - GENERATOR PLANT EQUATIONS FOR THE DUAL PLANT OPTIMIZATION CODE · DUAL PLANT TURBINE-GENERATOR - (0.76 + 0.00008 TS) (T1 - TS-4601/T1 EFFICIENCY 41000 REACTOR COST IN SIMWI - MWt s 1500 MWt 10.643 MWts. (1000) 37000 - 1500 < MW+ < 10,000 1500 MWT , 0.37 (1000) • 15,750 MWI 2 10,000 32000 2668 TURBINE-GENERATOR COST IN $/MWe 0.278 /MWe 1000 MWe 0.438) · Ts<210 (1000) · ... ------------------------- 23600 + 40 X TS Ts 2 210 1982 + 3.36 X TS 0.438 I MWe (1000) MWe) 0.278 (1000) : BASIS FOR WATER PLANT CALCULATIONS CALCULATION BASIS ::.:.::..:: IZE -- FLASH CHAMBER ȘIZE HEAT TRANSFER · A. INSIDE THE TUBES B. CONDENSATION C. FOULING FACTOR PUMPING FRICTION HEAT LOSSES. INERTS IN FLASH CHAMBERS BOILING POINT ELEVATION ENTHALPY AND BRINE TRANSPORT COST EQUATIONS DITUS BOELTER EQUATION CHEN EQUATION 0.0002 OR A TEMPERATURE FUNCTION KOO EQUATION NEGLIGIBLE NONE STAUGHTON AND LIETZKE DATA KELLOG TECHNICAL DATA BOOK ORGDP ESTIMATES gable ? | WATER PLANT COST EQUATIONS FOR THE DUAL PLANT OPTIMIZATION CODE 0.5 :. . 1. CHEMICAL COST = K (LF)(Wp + W3') 2. DEAERATOR COST = K2 (Wp + Wg) + Kz (D. POWER). 3. PUMPING COST = Ka(LF). W:H 4. PUMPS AND MOTOR COST = K5(EW) + Kol EP. POWER). 15. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - K7 (P. POWER). 6. VALVES AND PIPING = Kg WF0.5 7. WATER INTAKE = Kg W. 8. SITE WORK = Kyo W.0.6 9. AREA COST = Kyi A.97 10. SHELL COST. - Kq2 V 11. CONCRETE, BUILDINGS, ETC. = K13 + K44 Wp... 12. OPERATING = k15 Wp 0.267, 13. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES = K16. (CAPITAL COST) 14. HEAT COST = Kg7 (LF) Q - .. www . - T a illow..3.. UAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY . ...... - --- - 25148, 760 4715, 914 365.914 310. 674. 4000.000 2. 119 66. 834 - - - - - - i DEG. F: 265.000 248. 812 105.836 65.000 1/10/65 POWER REACTOR POWER MWT GROSS.ELECT. GEN. .. MWE REACTOR AUXILIARIES MWE: WATER PLANT USE MWE NET SALEABLE MWE ? PRICE : : .. MILLS/KWHR ANNUAL REVENUE M$ TEMPERATURES TURBINE EXHAUST MAXIMUM BRINE BRINE BLOWDOWN OCEAN WATER PLANT CAPACITY MGD : PERFORMANCE RATIO LB/KBTU WATER PRICE CENTS/KGAL : ANNUAL REVENUE INVESTMENTS, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS INITIAL FUEL CHARGE REACTOR + STEAM PLANT TURBINE-GENERATOR INTEREST ON CONSTRUCTION NON-DEPR. ITEMS WATER PLANT TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. REACTOR INVESTMENT WATER PLANT INVESTMENT SUB-TOTAL TUBING REPLACEMENT REACTOR OP. AND MAINT.. FUEL WATER PLANT OP. AND MAINT. WATER PLANT CHEMICALS SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 1000.000 4.991 23.860 78.381 M$ . a med 346.047 399.080 111.662 46. 671 12. 812 201. 904 1118. 176 mawasiliana nadmountation hindi na e tt 39, 660 14. 133 S . . 2.982 2.796 79.223 1. 165 5.261 91.427 145.219. 05 Table 4 WATER PLANT HEAT COST VERSUS OMEGA (MGO) 4.00E OL to X FIXED CHARGE RATE o 2.00E-02 o 4.00E-02 6.00E-02 x 8.00E-02 + 1.00E-01 U 1.20E-01 3.00E 01 gao o XOOO - : 2.00E 01. エラーナー ​oooo 1.00E OLE. CIXO . 0. 1.00E-01 ' 3.00E-01 7.00E-01 9.00E-01 5.00E-01 OMEGA Fig. 6 --- -- - CR E A VE .. . ....":...... .. :' *3 W LAL .. . END DATE FILMED 18 / 17 /65 ... ....... .. . .. . . .***. --.. . --