SOFT Ama * * * * * *:" Y ? . . 1 AVARI- TA ILOTTI Mens UNCLASSIFIED ORNL ΡΙ 1150 UUEST 38A 1112 1. : 4 . 41 : "! LAR 11 ORNW-P1150 MASTER X w APR 27 1955 LOWF-650316-52 CMCIAL AICIAL URT YHTELST. ACCELERATING CAVITIES FOR AN 800 MEV SOC* N, F. Ziegler Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Summary equaduce a maxilength d and The ininimum required energy gain per turn for the 800-MeV Separated Orbit Cyclotron increases by a factor of about five from the injection radius to maximum orbit radius, Ordinary rectangular cavities operating in the TM 10 mode can be used to provide the accel- erating voltage; however, the cavity length is then about twice the distance between the inner and outer orbits ( 18 ſt). This length, and the rí power loss, can be reduced by shaping the cavity to excite in addition the TM210 and TM310 modes. Inclusion of these higher order modes shifts the maximuin voltage from the midpoint of the cavity out toward the end, resulting in a shorter cavity and lower losses. The performance of a 1/4-scale model of the "shaped rectangular cavity" was found to agree quite well with theory. "Wedge-shaped" cavi- ties were also investigated. In this cavity, which is a sector of a cylinder, the length of the accelerating gap increases with machine radius. The upper and lower boundaries of either type of cavity can be shaped to excite higher order modes. operating wavelength , and n are selected to produce a maximum orbit radius r, nearly equal to the desired value at maximum energy. In other words, ro = nbod /(21). The injection radius is then r; = iBiN (201). The required energy gain per turni may be determined from AT (Ar)(T) (2 + (T/EO)(3 + T/E.)]/r, if Ar car. Then the minimum cavity gap volta ge is Vuin = AT/(mF cos Os), where m = number of accelerating gaps per turn, F: transit time factor and os = phase-stable angle. A curve of V nin as a function of radius is shown in Fig. 2 for a typical case. Here the minimum voltage increases by a factor of almost five between injection and maximum energy, and the radial distance (r. - r;) over which a specified voltage must be maintained is 210 in, or 0.875 2. The actual voltage developed by the cavities as a function of radius may have any shape, provided it is always greater than the minimum value. Introduction Several types of cavities appear to be useful in SOC's. These may be divided into two gen- eral groups--coaxial cavities and TM cavities in which the rf magnetic field is transverse to the direction of particle motion. Coaxial cavi- ties operating strictly in the TEM mode would, of course, provide an accelerating voltage constant with radius. The distance between gap centers must be at least BX12, however. At the higher energies this distance, combined with the large radial extent of the cavity, makes the coaxial system unattractive. Since this paper is concerned priniarily with an accelerating system for a machine having a inaximum energy of 800 MeV and an injected energy of 200 to 350 MeV, the coaxial system will not be con- sidered further. One of the distinguishing features of a separated orbit cyclotron (SOC) is, as the name implies, the relatively large distance between adjacent orbits of the particles. The orbits may be separated by placing the particles in a three-dimensional spiral path'; however, with sufficient acceleration per turn the orbits may remain in a plane. For an 800 - Me V machine the latter approach appears to be more eco- nomical. A conceptual model of such a machine is shown in Fig. 1. Rectangular Cavities The sirnplest cavity which could be used in an 800-MeV SOC appears to be a rectangular Cavity operating in the TM10 mode. The "lectric field in such i cavity is given by Esime = Eq sin (fx/l)(cos by) where For a plane SOC the basic specilications for the accelerating system can be delerinined from the machine diameter, the injected and maximum kinetic energies of the particles (T; and Tol, and the minimum allowable spacing (Ar) between adjacent orbits. The operating frequency of the cavities rnay be determined from wrf = n Wp, where n is an integer and wp is the angular velocity of the particles. Since wp = Vplr = ßc/r, then wjf = nBc/r or 1 = Zar/lip). In practice the b = (27/ 1 . (112212], and t = cavity length in the radial direction. The gap voltage (where the gap coincides with y = 0) is then Vy = Vinsin(tx/l), with Vm = -gEmTo provide the required Ar at r; and ro Vins in(tia/l) = Vi. Vinsin[ola + ro - r;//l] = Vo, 1. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. PATENT CLEARANCE OSTAINED. RECEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROGEDURES ARE ON FILE MTS BECOME TO v 2valo-Vicos (r, - r:llet? ai Tsin r -ry where Vi and Vo are the required gap voltages at r; and ro. Since cavity power loss is a func- lion of both V and ', there is an optimum length for the cavity. In general the optimum length is such that r, coincides with a point on the gap somewhat greater than 1/2, in other words V.mVO The power loss in the walls (z = constant) of either the simple or the "shaped" rectangular cavity is a function of the electric field in the cavity but the power loss in the perimeter (top, bottom, and ends) is a function of electric field and gap length. For a fixed azimutal cavity space in iin SOC it can be shown that there is an optimum :mber of cavities for minimum total power loss in the machine. The ri power loss in all cüvities may be expressed as 12 KO PT-mäsintom! (mpw + Gpg) If other TM0 modes are excited in a cavity it is possible to produce a non-sinusvidal gap voltage as a function of distance along the gap. Consider the following field expansion. P E,(x,y) = ! C sin(nax/l) cost), y; 1 where K = (AT),/Cosos, m = total number of cavities, G = total azimutal distance available for cavities, o/m = TG/mßod transit time á at l'o, Pw - power loss in cavity walls for unit electric field it ro, and p = power loss per unit gap length in perimeter of cavity for unit electric field at ro. This equation is plotted in Fig. 1, along with the power loss per cavity PL and the transit time factors F; and F. for Ko = 30 MeV, T; = 200 MeV, T. = 800 MeV, G= 1200 in., pů = 1.39 x 1004 and P = 2.04 x 10-6. The values of Pw and Pp are chose calculated for the cavity of Fig. 3. where on = (27/ 1 1 - (nx / €114. Given an un- limited number of terms in this expansion, the gap voltage can be shaped to any desired func- tion of x. In a cavity of finite length this result cannot be achieved since the y boundary of the cavity y, will exist only iſ the On's fall within a liniited range. It is obvious from the definition of b, that cos bny will become cosh boy for terms with n>2!./. If y, is to be finite under this condition then Cn must be very small com- pared with Gli therefore, such tems can have very little effect on the shape of the gap voltage. Tapered-Gap Cavities For an 800-Me V SOC the distance between the inner and orbits will be about 0.7 to 1,01 if X = 240 in., and the cavity length may be assumed to be about 1, 5. Under this assump- tion about three terms could be included in the field expansions. Where the cavity dimensions are defined in terms of wavelength, X = x/l, Y = 2y/. L = 21/1, and B = bod 12 the cavity fields can be written as Since the magnets in an SOC are approxi- inately sectorial in shape, the space available for cavities increases with machine radius, Tlie gap length of rectangular cavities is fixed by the space available at r; If the gap length is increased with machine radius the cavity volume can be increased, with a possible reduc- tion in power loss. The electric field in tapered gap cavities can be expressed as P Ego, y) = { 0,2,19,0 )cos b, V. n = P E, =) Csin naX cus B. Y, where 2 n= 1 5,19,12) 2,19,0) = J,(4,0) - N, (a ) N, 19,), H = -(j/TT nl ) CB sinnX sinB Y, 111 11 = 1 b= (29/11NI - (,4/2012. H = -(j/La nC cos naXcos B Y. n=1 The y has been used in place of the conventional 2, and p is the radial coordinate whose origin may or may not coincide with the machine center. If the ends of the cavity are located at py and o2 then the "a,, 's" may be determined from KU In designing cavities to produce these fields, the coufficients C, and the length are selected to give a gap voliage which will meet the minimum energy gain requirements. The boundary YolX) and the power loss may then be computed. A plot of Y. (X) and Eu(x) for a typi- cal case (for a three-term expansion) is shown in Fig. 3. A computer program was written to perform the rather lengthy computation of pertinent parameters, J,(0,) - N, KU N,CU,) = 0, where Un = apy, and k = pole. Roote of this equation are easily obtained by a computer routine since Unlk - llt. As was the case with rectangular cavities, the number of terms which can be practically included in the field expansion is about 210,-pla. The field equations are simplifica somewhat is the fol- lowing substitutions are made: R:2012, A = 1/2, Y = 2yla, and B =D112. Then rectangular cavities, then Vi/V.2 0.21. Where Fi/F, = l for the tapered gap cavity, Vi/V, 2 0.1886. 1re coincides with X = 0.68 in the shaped cavity of Fig. 3 then ri would correspond to X = 0.68 . liro- ,)/(3, IX), or X = 0.116 and ViVo = 0.258. The cavity then provides the required Ar when the maximum voltage is properly adjusted. By the same reasoning it can be shown that the tapered gap cavity of Fig. 5 also provides the required Ar. 1 C2,(AR)cos B. Y, n=1 Table I provides a comparison of the three cavily types for the assumed machine, The length given for the simple rectangular cavity HR = (/19m) CB, 2,(A R) sin B. Y, n 1 1 1 1 n=) TABLE I - Comparison of Cavities р Hv = (jloni " CA 2 (A Rlcos B Y, 11 11 O n n=1 TypeNumber Radial Length (in.) Max. Height (in.) Total RF Power Loss (MW) V = -( RO DC 2,( AR), 1 T 11 n=1 408 372 372 J.( AR) Tn2 na 7. (AR) = J JARINIR"0" SN (AR), 0 1 11 1 1 21 125.5 151 149.5 9 6.93 5.06 where 2 (AR) *R-siniple rectangular, s-shaped rectangular, T-tapered gap. and . : angle between cavity walls. Again, the coefficients C, and the cavity length p, -p can be chosen to produce an acceptable gap voltage. Yo(R) and power loss inay then be calculated with a computer routine. Curves of YA(R), E (R), and the normalized gap voltage, V (R), are shown in Fig. 5 for a typical case. is nearly optimum. For each case the number of cavities is optimized. Experimental The total rf power loss in an SOC using taperci gap cavities may be expressed as A one-quarter scale model of the shaped rectangular cavity, shown in Fig. 6, was used to check theory, fabrication tolerances, and tuning methods. Computed and measured char- acteristics of the model are given in Table II. ko =/ TABLE II - Model Cavity Parameters 2 p __00 (inp. tp), Tmj sin( mt| where y = mo = total angle available for cavi- ties, o/m = ( T u)/(mßon) = transit time angle, and pe = power loss per radian in cavity perimeter for unit electric field ai poThe optimum number of cavities m may be deter- mined from the equation 1 + Ped mbpw tan(/in.) = (20/m,'T + 20 Pcm, P. Comparison of Cavity Types Effective Resonant Shunt Frequency Resistance (Mc/s) (MN Calc. 196,83 22,000 0.922 Meas. 197.49 21,000 0.81 *R = (V x)2/(2PL) 'gmax'' The effective shunt resistance R and the rela- live gitp field were measured by perturbation techniques. The measured values are for the Cavity as received from the fabricator, Fig. 7 provides a comparison between measured values and theoretical values of the relative electric field along the accelerating gap of this cavity. The first "higher-order mode" observed in the model occurred at a frequency of 220 Mc/s. To compare the three types of cavities which have been considered, the following SOC parameters are issumed: :2:10 in, , T = 200 MeV, To = 800 MeV, n-alu = 20, Ar : 4.5 in., G = 990 in., and * = 2.287 radians. Then B; = 0), 5662, Bo = 0,8418, 1; = (mB;1)/(211) - 433 in., 10 = 643 in., (AT); ~ 5.58 MeV, (AT), 629.6 MeV, and V;!;/V. (AT)/(AT), (),1886. if Fi/Fon1.9 for Conclusion Shaping vi SOC cavities to produce a non- sinusoidal variation of voltage with machine radius can signilicantly reduce rf power require. ments for maciiines spanning a wide energy range. The advantage of shaped cavities dis- appears, however, as ile energy range is decreased. For example, preliminary calcula- tions indicate that cavity shaping would be une coriomical in a 350 10 800 MeV machine. Rolerence 1. F. M. Russell, Nucl. Instr, and Meth, 23, 229 (1963). Figure Captions Fig. 1 - Conceptual Model of an SOC Fig. ¿ - Minimum Accelerating Voltage as it Function of Radius Fig. 3 - Height and Gap Field for a Shaped Rec- tangular Cavity Fig. 4 - RF Power Loss vs Number of Cavilius for a Typical SOC Fig. 5 - Height, Gap Field, and Voltage for a Tapered-Gap Cavity Fig. 6 - Scale Model Cavity Fig. 7. Measured Field in Gap of Model Cavity PHOTO 68148 A SECTOR MAGNET RF CAVITY INJECTOR MAGNET -- * : 0 5 10 FEET 15 20 EXTRACTOR MAGNETY lily 1. Cine e pothud medisit an SOG, ORNL-OWG 65-1435 2.0 1 = 240 in., fə 50 mc/sec NUMBER OF CAVATIES, m = 22 GAP LENGTH, g = 45 in. 0s= 30° Ar= 4.5 in. Ti = 200 MeV 7. = 800 MeV ri = 433 in. -- 16 = 643 in. V min (MV) 400 440 480 520 600 640 680 560 (in.) lib. 2. Mummin actuluraling village is a function of raclius. ORNL - DWG 65-1436 TO Eg (RELATIVE ) L = 3.1 6,= 4.0 Cy=-0.25 C3= 2.1 Oo 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 4.0 toy. 1. ledgedal and gup bold lur . shafered reclullgular civity. ORNL-DWG 64-9928R TO 11! TOTAL POWER (MW) r . P = { uinter/m] (mpur + GPP! 5 .. 10 .... 15 20 25 30 NUMBER OF CAVITIES 35 40° Hox. 1. Kto power 119N VA number of civities for it typical Soc. ORNL-DWG 64-9927R 0.7 0.6 0.4 C = -2.29 C2=-0.735 Cz=-0.353 - + ~ . 3.77 4.39 5 .01 5.63 6.25 R Fig. 5. Inglit, fap field, and voltage dur a tapered-yap cavily. > . ii . . . : fin. 6. Sudlo model cavity. ORNL-DWG 65-1437 Eg (RELATIVE) THEORETICAL CURVE • MEASURED VALUE - o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fig. 7. Measured field in gap of model cavity. I . AIM DATE FILMED 3/ 2 /65 LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proce88 disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission'' includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END