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Worsham Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Summary magnet period would cause the acceptance to be increased by about 50%. Each sector is adjusted so that the transit time for synchronous particles is a constant in all sectors. The physical arrangement of the magnets and rf cavities in a separated Orbit Cyclotron are described, and the equations of motion and their solution are discussed. The stability limits are determined for triplet and singlet lens systems, and the choice of operating values to give maximum acceptance are examined. The treatment of random misalignment errors of the magnets is described; the six types of errors whose relative strengths are compared lead to bench alignment errors of al mil. The align- inent of adjacent lenses and alignment over a distar.ce long compared with a betatron oscilla- tion 'wavelength are shown, however, to have relatively relaxed tolerances, In the deflection sector there is a drift space slightly longer than that of a normal sector (i, e., WX > CQ), which upsets the periodicity and requires special treatment. The magnets QW and XS are treated as part of a beam-matching system in that their config- urations and gradients must be chosen to make the beam area in phase space match that of the sector at D, and of the following sector at T. It has been shown that matching of about 99% can be obtained. The problem is identical to other matching problems for axial motion, Introduction Analysis The first concept for the Separated Orbit Cyclotron was originally described by F. M. Russell. Some recent work at Oak Ridge is described in other conference paper 82,3, 4,6 The principal change from Russell's work is that construction in a single plane was found to be more economical than the original "bee-hive" configuration. In addition, the optimum frequency is in the region of 50 Mc/s, where large cavity gaps and, hence, large cavity voltages are possible. The properties of the normal sectors vary smooth y so that the method of analysis devel. oped for AG synchrotrons may be used. The differential equation for radial or axial motion is døy + k(sly = 0, Sector Geometry where s is the length along the path and k(s) is the focusing function: .: . k(s) - for axial motion, a driftsing or darity, -, for radial motion, , and . . . where p = radius of curvature in a field, B. :. + ! " The physical arrangement of the rf cavities and magnets in the Separated Orbit Cyclotron is shown in Fig. 1. The synchronous ion crosses a cavity perpendicular to the plane of the cavity, receives an energy gain and a focusing or defocus ing impulse, passes through a drift section AB, enters the magnet BC, and so on. Because of the requirement that gradients also alternate radially" for rninimum spacing of turns, the total number of magnets in a turn must be odd. Two of the sectors such as AD constitute the minimum magnet period. Also the gradients must alternate along the beam path for this shortest magnet period such that if QW goes FDF, or focus, defocus, focus, XS must go DFD. Therefore, SOC may consist of a series of F, D, F, D, F... lenses (alternating singlets) or FDF, DFD,... (alternating triplets). There appears to be nothing gained by a more compli- cated structure. There is a possibility that a practical SOC could be built without this restric- tion of two sectors per magnet period if the flux concentrating plates* are used. The halved n = hdp. pdB . The matrix describing motion from one point to another is corp asinu β sin μ M = 1 le sin u cosu - a sini tw Lita? *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. .. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED: REHASE TO The PURUS IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARIMIDLERTES REDDYING FACTYON. *** ... I. = M (%) - -(3) well as by increasing the aperture, of course. ß must necessarily increase with energy in a given SoC since its value depends most strongly upon the length of the magnet period for a given focusing configuration. where y' = dy/ds. The trace of M is 2 cos H. For stability, the value of u must be real. ... 1 dB B and a(= -2 , are periodic in a periodic focusing system. The solution of the cquation of motion may be written: PIE 81/2, cos (8) sin y(s) : Y2 Table 1. Separated Orbit Cyclotron. 200-800 MeV Balanced alternating triplets 24 Sectors 1.5-in. aperture 20th Harmonic 7-kilogauss fields Energy (MeV) 200 400 600 800 Gradient (kg/cm) 0.97 1.33 1.73 1.53 Fraction of pole 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.5 Pmax(M), axial 5.92 7.08 7.56 8. 30 radial 5.45 6.52 7.05 7.72 ~3.2 3,2 -3,2 -3. 2 ~3.6 -3.6 -3.6 -3.6 Acceptance, axial 27, 2 (mm-mrad), radial 29.6 Damping 1.0 0.94 0.89 0.88 where the phase o(s) = . To The ds where propagation constant Me is L = the period length. The value of B throughout a period may be determined by the following differential equation: Bill + 4 k(8) B' + 2 k'(s) B = 0. It can be shown that there is a constant of the motion Relative quantities for singlets and triplets are shown in Table II. W = 1/B [y? + (ay + By!)?). Table II. Relative Values of , V, and Acceptance, Sectors/period ß v Acceptance This quantity, which is an ellipse of area mW in y - y' space, is an adiabatic invariant if the focusing parameters vary slowly. For an aperture of Y, the maximum value of Wis given by Singlets Triplets 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 Da Pmax Random Error Analysis The variation of ß through a sector of alternating triplets is shown in Fig. 2. Since the area in phase space is conserved, W varies throughout the machine as the square root of momentum. Therefore, the beam size will The random error analyses for AG synch- rotrons and linear accelerators 8, 10 are almost directly applicable to the SOC. If there is an error A(8) in an element of the focusing system, the differential equation of motion becomes vary as Vp/Bmax' + k(e)y = k(8) A(8). ds The stability diagram for an SOC sector at 200 MeV, Fig. 3, shows that at high energies the rf produces a negligible effect on focusing. It is of particular interest that the betatron oscillation phase shift per period can be changed over a range of ~40° with only a very small change in Romania Therefore, the betatron frequency may be adjusted to prevent any resonance from occurring due to magnet spacing, and yet there will be but a small effect on the acceptance. The adiabatic invariant will have the approxi- mate value w1/2 = w 1/2 + S as'A(8')k(8') [yz (8')c08 x - y, (8') sin x], where W. and x give the amplitude and phase of the betation oscillation without errors. Now max The results shown in Table I are typical for alternating triplet lens in a 200-800 MeV machine. To get any particular value of gradient the pole may be made with partly a flat field and partly a high gradient field. Notice the acceptance for this 1.5-in. aperture, This number could be increased by increasing the number of sectors (thereby reducing B) as Yg? = Pmax, FWF AY má - -YP!?) = Pmax, F7w1/2 - W.1/32, References F. M. Russell, Report ORNL-34 31 (1963). m8 where is the final amplitude of oscillation with errors, YF is the corresponding final amplitude of oscillation if there are no errors, Bmay, Fis the final value of Bmaxi and Ayrms is the final rms amplitude of oscillation caused by the errors. For example, if there is a random error of mear square values in je radial or axial position of a triplet lens, the oscillation growth will be given by N. F. Ziegler, "Accelerating cavities for an 800-MeV SOC", to be published in the proceedings of this conference. - 3. J. R. Richardson, "Meson Factories'', to be pubiished in the proceedings of this conference. 2 Arms 3 Pmax, fo Lamm P* i'm' In=1 AY 4B R. S. Lord and E. D. Hudson, "Magnet for an 800-MeV SOC", to be published in the proceedings of this conference, where n = total niunber of elements, l = length of mth element, BA and B. = values of B at the focusing and defocusing lens respectively. E. D. Hudson, R. S. Lord, and R. E. Worsham, "A Low Energy Separated Orbit Cyclotron, to be pub- lished in the proceedings of this conference. H. G. Hereward, Report CERN PS/INT. TH 59-5 (1959). S. Ohnuma, Yale University, private communication. 8. E. D. Courant and H. S. Snyder, Annals of Physics 3, 1 (1958). R. L. Gluckstera, Yale Internal Report Y-7 (1964). The values for the types of errors that can occur in the magnet of the 200-800 MeV machine and their relative sensitivity are listed in Table III. Correlated errors refer to dis- placement of the triplet sets of pole tips from the synchronous path. Uncoräelated errors refer to relative displacement of the individual pole tips in a triplet, relative to the mean axis of the individual lens. The worst error is non-collinearity caused by displacement of the center magnet of the triplet relative to the end magnets. The available area in which the beam may grow is determined from the difference between aperture and the damped beam size for no errors. Coupling between the radial and longitudinal motion uses some of the space. For this machine, the rms value of A must be near 10-3 inches. Therefore, the bench alignment of the poles must be completed to about 1 mil rms. The alignment of the assembled lens relative to each other can, however, be ~5-10 mils rms. A smoothly increasing radial error going from o at injection to 1 inch at the final energy will rpoduce only 4 mils of radial oscillation. Therefore, it is the bench alignment of the poles and the align- ment from pole-to-pole that is critical R. H. Helm, Report SLAC-14 (1963). John Martin, ORNL. private communi. cation. се Figure Captions Fig. 1-soc, normal and deflection sectors. Fig. 2--B and beam shape in typical sector, Fig. 3 -Stability limits and Bmw in typical sector, for alternating triplets. These tolerances are based on no correc- tion at all for the random errors. Since SOC is very nearly a linear machine and since ea cli random error amounts to a linear transforma- tion, John Martin? has recently suggested that a pair of small bending magnets could induce an oscillation to compensate for the error- induced oscillation. The magnets might appear in each turn of the machine and, to be most effective, should be spaced about a quarter- wavelength of oscillation. It would appear that: this scheme could increase the tolerance by the square root of the number of turns. A more detailed investigation is in progress. Table W: Relative Ser.sitivity of Random Errors in a 200-800 MeV Soc. Relative Sensitivity Correlated Uncorrelated Types of Errors 0.84 1. Non-collinearity 2. Displacement 3. Skew 4. Orientation in 2-X plane 5. Length 6. Gradient 1.0 1.4 x 10-2 10-3 1.4 x 10-2 χωφ 0.84 alle z/2AG/G 1.4 x 10-2 1.4 x 10-2 0. 84 Kitty S ' ORNL-DWG 65-4941 CAVITY E - MAGNET, O, : FOR DEFLECTION MAGNET MAGNET, O +CAVITY E- +CAVITY E SOC Normal and Deflection Sectors. Fig. 1. Soc, normal and deflection sectors. ORNL-DWG 63-493 # # SLOPE CHANGE FREE F, DF, FREE FREE D,F,, FREE, 6 PATH( m ) RE MAGNET RF MAGNET RF . Beam Shape in 2-%' Space; T=200 MeV. Fig. 2. B and beam shape in typical sector. ORNL-DWG 65-492 T~200 MeV GRAD GRAD (kg/cm) AT $=-30° + - 4.5 H=180° - HR=180° p=120° --- =90° - - H* 600 - -- --- . : p=0° - . - 60 -30 0 4-PHASE OL 30 wala man o - AXIAL BMAX Fig. 3. Stability limits and me in typical sector, for alternating triplets. max puu- L. . - -- - - - - -- - - - + S HA 1 DATE FILMED 6 / 21 /65 121 13 . tii , . . + NO . P • vi rpretation on below . i en staan. Dit with any interno di inte - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Goverament sponsored work. Neither the United States, cor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makes any warranty or represcatation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, r me . .. - ! ..." 7 K .. END *