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The beam is bent and focused by alternating gradient fields produced by pole tips with a minimum radial spacing of 4.5 inches. Magnet design and construction problems are minimized by using the same pole-surface contour and the same mean-field intensity throughout the entire machine. All pole tips in one sector are mounted on a common yoke and driven by a common pair of coils, Shimming gaps are pro- vided between the yoke and the pole tips so that the same mean field intensity can be achieved for all orbits. Only the azimuthal length of the poles is changed to maintain the correct focusing and bending properties of the magnets. Our recent studies have dealt chiefly with an SOC having a magnet configuration in which the alternating gradient pole tips of a given "sector" are all driven from a common yoke structure by a common coil pair. This arrange- ment yields certain pole-tip alignment advantages and uses less magnet power than some other designs. The configuration is best illustrated by Fig. 1, which shows a magnet sector and an adjacent cavity. The Separated Orbit Cyclotron, as char- acterized by F. M. Russell in his original proposal', was a 'beehivell structure. That is, its orbit formed a spiral helix with individual focusing magncis periodically piaced along the orbit path and with accelerating cavities. between the magnets. In this paper, and in the others describing SOC in this conference, 2, 3, 4 the orbit path is in the form of a flat spiral as is : normal in a cyclotron, but with much more radial separation between turns. This transi- tion was made because of the economies : achieved with the flat SOC." For simplicity of design and construction the average magnetic field between a pair of poles is rnaintained at a constant value of 7 kgauss throughout the machine and only the azimuthal length of the pole tips is altered to maintain the proper field strength as the parti- cles gain energy. The magnitude of the field gradient, and thus the pole face contour, is also maintained constant at about 1 to 1.5 kgauss/ cm throughout the machine. The length of the gradient region of a magnet can be varied to meet the criterion of optimum focusing force as a function of particle energy. Zero gradient, or flat, sections can then be added to each sector to achieve the proper average field for each orbit. Under these conditions, and when a beam aperture of 1.5 in. is provided, the minimum spacing between orbits can be as small as 4, 5 in. (We have used 5 in. for most of our studies.) The beam makes only one traversal through any given strong-focusing magnet element. The necessary orbit spacing is obtained by using a very high energy gain per revolution and by using & relatively low average magnetic field, that is, the diameter of the machine is made large. Synchronism is maintained for a large machine by "harmonic operation." The time for a particle to make one revolution is an integral number of rf periods, in most practical designs between 10 and 20. A number of criteria govern the choice of a magnet design for SOC. A minimum orbit spacing is desired so that the overall machine size will be minimized. This, in conjunction with the beam aperture requirement, limits the achievable gradients to a narrow band. The ease of fabrication to a tight dimensional A cross section of four pole pairs with their associated beam tubes and field shaping shims is shown in Fig. 2. This back-to-back arrangement of the poles 1.9 98 sential for minimum orbit spacing. It can be achieved only if there is an odd numbril: of magnet sectors and a magnet configuration 3'equiring an even number of sectors to complete the focusing period, for example, alternating triplets (FDF, DED, ...) or alternating singlets (F, D, ...). The field-shaping shims extend the useful region of the magnetic field by shunting some of the fringe field away from the gap in the region where the field does not decrease rapidly enough. The fields obtained with and without these shime are shown for comparison in Fig. 3. The useful region is 1. 8 in. wide with the shims but only 1.7 in. without, but perhaps of more significance is the reduction of the minimum orbit spacing from 5.5 in. to 4.5 inches. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared sa an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United , M alan, MTN nett a belluno . A. Malo my warrat e teprontotou, pred or implied, moh oprot to the scop mity, comp are, wit of the mormation contelad i de oport, # hat the who na Sloveton, prom, method of process dwelmoed do Hlo report mag mot tartaro motrat mund te pe . 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A gap has been provided between the pole and the yoke to take care of variations in yoke saturation with radius so that all poles in a sector can be driven to the same field level with a singie coil pair. The variation of field with radius in a 1/8-scale model is shown in Fig. 4, along with the appropriate gap required to correct the variation and the results of a preliminary test on a crude 1/8-scale model of an SOC sector magnet. By careful adjustment of the magnetic material in the pole-base gap it should be possible to achieve the desired field in the beam aperture i,o the required tolerance. The 1/8-scale model fronr: which the data were obtained is shown in Fig. 5. For economy of construction the yoke was "burned out of an obsolete model of another machine. The pole tips are straight and do not have contoured surfaces. The contour of the pole tips has been modeled separately at 1/2 scale. Fig. 3- Magnetic field from a pair of poles without (left) and with the field-shaping shims (right). The data are from a 1/2-scale model of the pole 8. Fig. 4-Magnetic field in the beam aperture (1/8-scale model) with and without a corrective gap between the base of thie poles and the yoke. The effect of varying the reluctance in the magnetic circuit for orbits of different radii, due to saturation of the yoke, can be seen. An SOC for accelerating protons to 800 MeV could be made in any one of many ways. One design which has been studied in consider- able detail and at present seems to be rather attractive is composed of several stages. Stage 1 is a 0 to 0.75 MeV Cockcroft Walton and a 0.75-20 MeV linac, stage 2 is a 20-100 MeV SOC, stage 3 is a 100-350 MeV SOC, and stage 4 is a 350-800 MeV SOC. The choice of the energy division points is largely one of er onomics. The magnets for all stages are the same in principle. Some of the charac- teristice of each stage are shown in Table I. Fig. 5- An 1/8-scale model of a segtor magnet. The pole gap is maintained by brass spacers that would be omitted from the final machine. This model is suffic- ientiy accurate for obtaining only gross properties of the magnetic circuit. References 1. F. M. Russell, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 23, 229-230 (1963). 2. N. F. Ziegler, "Accelerating Cavities for an 800-MeV SOC," to be published in the proceedings of this conference, E. D. Hudson, R. S. Lord, and R. E. Worsham, "A Low Energy Separated Orbit Cyclotron," to be published in the proceedings of this conference. . R. E. Worsham, The Beam Dynamics of the SOC," to be published in the proceed. ings of this conference, Table 1: Design Characteristics of a Multi-Stage SOC Stage 2 3 20-100 100-350 350-800 15 15 24 13 21 770 Energy span (MeV) No. of sectors No. of orbits Harmonic no. Weight of steel (tons) Weight of copper (tons) Magnet power (kw) Orbit path length (ft) Orbit radius, inner (in.) outer (in. ) 26 2100 35 335 3400 250 3800 56 540 7260 550 675 101 213 213 340 . > $ ; T ! in negres i : o mwelt me Cr con O Fig. 1. Sector magnet and rf accelerating cavity for the 200-800 MeV stage of an ŞOC. Tlie magnet coils, omitted here, aru shown in : Fig. 5. ORNL-DWG 65-498R a -- . de POLE-BASE PLATE FIELD SHAPING SHIMS ÓÓÓ BEAM PIPE POLE-BASE GAP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... melalui INCHES LLLLLLLL Fiy. 2. Cross section of four pole pairs of an SOC magnet. ORNL-OWG 64-9972R . per 1, 70' S f 1.821 2. 25" K . 2, 7511 0 NI = 63,000 amp-turn. NI = 46, 200 amp-turn. B . 7. 28 KG = 8.1 KG de 3.3 kG/la. DE 3.5 kG/In. Bmax = 11.4 kG Bmax = 11.1 Orbit apucing = 4.5 in. Orbit specing & 5.3 In. Fig. 3. Magnetic field from a pair of polos without 'lost) and with the field-shaping shimo (right). The data are from a 1!2-scale model of the poles. ORNL-DWG 65-1976 WITHOUT GAP Souborno MAGNETIC FIELD (kgauss) WITH GAP POLE BASE GAP (in.) · 450 500 : 550 600 650 RADIUS (in.) Fig. 4. Magnetic fiold in the beanı aperture (1/8-8cale model) with and without a corrective gap between the base of the poles and tho yoke. The effect of varying the reluctance in the magnetic circuit for orbits of diffurent radii, due to saturation of the yoke, can be suen, ..: - Ar 1 . , 1- Ar : ; con S . .:. Y. NUN 14 . . . L mo . . * - - . Fig . - 5. An 1/8-scale model of a sector magnet. The pole gap is maintained by brass spacers that would be omitted from the final machine. This model is sufficiently accurate for obtaining only gross properties of the magnetic circuit. ! L.. . - . .. .. 1.- " RE 1 15 .. - - .. . MAA .'. .. r DATE FILMED 6 / 21 /65 . . r 1. ** . 12 % . . . I . i . .. .... . .-M - 2. . 4 LEGAL NOTICE -mon . UT 2 W - S . This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Statas, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of uny information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; er. B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployeo or contractor of the Commaission, or employee of such coatracior, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor propares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . 07 ut, END E . at 4 . . 7 t