. - . , . TOFT ORNL P. 1134 . 0 . c . .. . .:45 ESO 3:13 11:25 | 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 .. Y -- +1. E Z " , home or * 2 22 * BLANK PAGE : LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: . . . . . -- - . '. - A. Makes any warranty or representa - tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . -, . 1. . . . . * ** KC X * * ti 1 7, 15. ** APR 27 1966 Brip i .. . -- . . - - - - - - - . .. 14 DEVELOPMENTS IN GRIDDED ION LENSES - LEGAL NOTICE - The report w prepared u rocount of Government sponsored work. Ketther the Uutted to , moto Conteston, nor y para trabalho commitustaa: A. Med u t or reputation, expruund or implied, we respect to the accu- mcy, completo, or wodne of the bodoration contatood to dois report, ar dhur dhe ne of my beformation, eppuretu, odhod, or procese decloond to the report may not inten petuated on me or D. ALL Hamu wa mpact to the wood, or for de su ruolttas from the of any bubormados, appunto, method, or proces diaclound to this reporte Asind ta the above, para ottaa bell of the Contactoo" tacladus my ploys or contractor of the Constanta, ar aployw of red contractor, to the extrot that med waployee of contractor d the Commiuston, ar aployu o much contractor properu, Het ton, or provides accoto, wy tormation par to a sployees or contract tal de conducted, or e ampio, non ta rich costructor. J. W. Johnson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee WIU Rru L-1134 ARE ON FILE IN THE RE1}EIVING SECTION, 2 PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROHEDURES TRT ALEARANGE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO Abstract For most applications, the use of 5 MV Van de Graaff, there was not sufficient : grids in focusing elements can improve beam :' space for the installation of the larger pulser. ... current densities per unit solid angle by a Also, test bench data indicated that the compact : : factor of 10 or more. The coupled problems of pulser lens could handle a larger peak current .high grid transparency and long grid life have without adversely affecting the pulse duration, limited their usefulness in accelerator systems. | The development of machined grids with a 10 fold Machined Grids increase in life expectance will be described. These grids are for the Einzel lens of the ORNL It was concluded that the grids would have Nanosecond Pulser in which wire mesh grids had to be made with a depth (parallel to the ion beam an average life to failure of 75 hrs. The grids axis to width ratio greater than one if the grid were machined by electrical discharge (Elox) life were to be increased without a corresponding techniques in a sheet of tungsten or molybdenum. decrease in grid transparency. At the suggestion Transparencies as high as 84% have been obtained. of R. M. Farnham of ORNL Fabrication Department, The sheets can be pre-shaped to compensate for mechining deep grids by electrical discharge residual spherical aberrations in the lens, techniques was attempted. The method used con- Shaped grids have shown further increases of sisted of cutting or to be more accurate burning beam brilliance of 30-40%. For fast pulsing op- ' through an 0.015 in, thick sheet of tungsten erating in which there is no space charge with a brass tool cut to form the negative of neutralization, beam brilliance figures of l amp the desired gridded area. The tool was gridded per sq cm per steradian have been obtained with with an 0.006 in, thick slitting saw to & depth : beam currents up to 3 mA. of at least 5 times the thickness of the sheet to be cut. The time required to make the tool was Introduction reduced considerably by continuously cooling the tool with liquid nitrogen. This kept the thin In most electrostatic lens-systems for ion- sections of the tool from softening from the beams, except for those systems with very large heat of cutting and from bending out of position. magnifications, the use of grids in the focusing Also, ice, frozen out of the air, acted as support elements can improve beam current densities per as it filled up the slits behind the saw. Figure unit solid angle by a factor of 10 or more, 3 shows the developmental cutting tool and grid According to Liebmannt and subsequent measure- which proved the technique practical, ments made at Oak Ridge the grids greatly re- The electrical discharge machine used was a effectively removing the divergent parts of the model M-500 with PS-28 power supply made by the field pattern in the lens geps. The mild di- Elox Corp. of Michigan, Royal Oak, Michigan. The vergent nature of the individual apertures of power supply was run at 200 Kc. the grids makes them impractical to use in lens- systems having very large magnifications i.e., Because of the wear on the cutting tool which electron microscopes. Figure 1 illustrates the may be seen in Fig. 3, it was necessary to use two reduction in focus diameter which can be ob- cutting tools pei' grid, one for the roughing cut tained by using grids. The traces were made by and the other for finishing. Careful re-alignment slowly sweeping the beam across two closely of the finishing cutter was, of course, recessary. spaced apertures at the Lens focus. The beam diameter as determined for the sharper traces Grids with a transparency of up to 84% have (grids in lens) was about 1/3 the diameter ob- been made; however, 80% seems to be a reasonable tained from the broader traces (grids removed) average value for transparency which can be rou- Itinely obtained with the present techniques and The main disadvantage to using grids is that equipment. they are gradually sputtered away. In the Manosecond Pulser? installed in the ORNL 3 MV Grid Life Test Van de Graaff, average grid life to failure has been 250 hrs. The development of a compact A compact pulser was set-up and run on a pulser, which has an overall length and lens dia test bench to lire test the machined grids. The meter of approximately 50% that of the pulser ion source, a Duo-Plasmatron, and the pulser were used in the 3 MV Van de Graaff, accentuated the operated at the same conditions in which 0.0015 in. sputtering problem; for the same beam current, . W wire grids had failed after 70 to 80 hrs. The the current density on the grids was 4 times total beam current from the source was about 2.6 greater. The result was to reduce the time be- mA, and the pulser was run at 2 Mc. The test was tween grid replacements to an unacceptable concluded after 200 hrs. when it was found that interval of 75 hrs. As may be seen in Fig. 2, there had been no noticable decrease in the depth - the Duo-Plasmatron Pulser Terminal on the ORNL of the grids. The only evidence of sputtering . . -. - - - . - - .. hun . . .. . - .6 x 9 PRINT SURFACE . . - -.. - ... .. .. . ... ... was a slight rounding of the surface of the first. i. Further increases in transparency of machined grid facing the beam. This sputtering may be . grids should be possible with improved machining seen in Fig. 4 which is an enlargement of the techniques and equipment. Personnel from the center of the grid area. The grid mesh is 40 x 40 ORNL Fabrication Department think that the newer per in, and the webs width averages 0.0037 in. models of the electrical discharge machines will · This greatly reduced sputtering rate probably was give better surface finishes and therefore better due to a lower grid temperature since the machined dimensional control. This should allow for a re- grids have much more heat transfer area than the duction in grid width without endangering the wire grids. mechanical inbegrity of the mesh. .. Curved Grids Optimizing the shape of curved grids is being approached empirically. The unknown effect The development of practical grids machined of the rf sweep voltage on the focus and the in sheet material led, naturally, to attempts to distortion of the lens fields by secondary make further improvements in beam quality by electrons makes analytical methods impractical in shaping the gridded surface. The only shaped sur-. this application. face tested to date was spherical with a radius equal to 2 times the lens diameter. The convex Acknowledgments surface of the grids face the center element of the Einzel lens as may be seen in Fig. 5. The I gratefully acknowledge the contribution lens diameter is 2 in, and the overall length from to this experiment of C. R. Rickard, J. L. Neil, image to object is 7.1 in. The diameter of the Sr., and C. M. Berge who were instrumental in gridded area of the machined grids, also shown in development of the grid machining techniques. I . Fig. 5, can be limited to 1 in. because the beam also wish to thank C, D. Moak for his helpful and diameter is only 0.75 in. at that point. encouraging discussions during the experiment and the preparation of the manuscript. The curved grids were made by forming an 0.010 in, thick sheet of molybdenum to the de- References sired radius and then cutting the grid in the same ranner as previously described. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract wich the Union Carbide Since our major interest is in fast beam- Corporation. . pulse work, the flat and curved grids were com- pared on a basis of results produced during pulsed 1. G. Liebmann, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London). 62B, operation on a test bench. The beam pulses were 213 (1949). collected on an ultrahigh frequency Faraday cup located immediately below the sweep aperture of 2. C, D. Moak, W. M. Good, R. F. King. J. W. the pulser. From the trace displayed on a sam Johnson, H. E. Banta, J. Judish, and W. H. pling oscilloscope (Tektronix 661) the beam :: Dupreez, Rev. Sci. Instr. 35, 672 (1964). current and shape were determined. The traces . F. W. Johnson, and R. F. King, Rev. Sci. Instr. 30, 694 (1959). Igrids with no change in the ion source or extractor geometry or operating conditions. The peaks are E, H, and Hž beams, left to right, respectively, as separated by transit time effects during fast sweeping. As may be seen in the table in Fig. 6, the beam brilliance and current density, as determined from H peaks, for the curved grids are 37% higher than that of the flat grids. The higher H peak current from the curveå grid set- up was due to higher transmission of the curved grids and was normalized out for the determination of beam quality. The significant information from · trace was obtained from the fiull width at half diameter: Discussion Under normal operating condition in a Van de Graaff accelerator the life of machined grids is. expected to exceed 1000 hrs. This type grid recently was installed in the lens-pulser in the ORNL 5 MV Van de Graaff; therefore the grid life in this machine should now exceed the operating life of other items in the terminal. The 12-16 hr loss of operating time every 75 hrs to replace men- ---- .mo .-.- . perisos.com-a m anggagaya 00:41 - AEC - OFFICIAL Figure Captions Fig. 1 - Effect of Einzel Lens Grids on Focus. Fig. 2 - Duo-Plasmatron Pulser Terminal for ORNL 5 MV Van de Graaff. Fig. 3 -- Developmental Cutting Tool and Grid. Fig. 4 - Enlargement of Machined Grids. Fig. 5 - Compace Lens-Pulser and Grids. Fig. 6 - Beam Quality; Flat vs. Curved Einzel Lens Grids. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO P-62219 . . i : o Dwi . . .. . Effects of Einzel Lens Grids on Focus. T ; - 11 ی ها -ج اولیه را . . * ا . اه هد 1 ( شجع= كل - ... i. ة . , , حم /ان . ! * .* : و 4 , ا و و ها 5 زر "" جرم !مام و 316 مه و * * . . ا . 15 قادة و ماخذ نامه عم مه . باد - :1 م اپنا تن من بود خخ ! . " . : : 1 نق ,اج م ة ده == . دهان و دندان -" " و ما :" .... به شیخ ::: نام و هواو م . ادهم *:. .: . . . . M . , , , " : ده . " م ۱۰. . هما ر " او ات ازهمه ه . م . .قه ... . . . . . . . م : * * " . : ه ما * "* . ".. . . 2 .. . 1 . 4 ..... 1 - 13, و به بار : 1 ک ل و ... ز. ، :".: { . " و ا بعد از و . . موس حمسهسهسهم : .... . ه- سه- هههه هید م " . ا. " را {اء . به ر هم بره م ۳) ..م نها . . . ش ده هیچ ری زا بهم ، به .. . : : : : - : - ا . + . . : , r : . - لر. ا " * . . 1 . . 1 . . een : ., .-ii" , . 1. : - . ti ; D 1; 1 1 R : . .;" ... : .ST .: : . . . 7 . : i - '. liri ., . , 1 -,. i . . ". 1 XXY 7 . ... > ,14 * 1 .. . :: . ' . . ::... 1 :. 2 : . . itt: " helt , 1 SR Fitri its: in . . ' 1 . :: LT 21 . . ! . 1 * 1 .2 D , C: X * * 7 . * ' ' . ** 1. . .? W 4 .74 " ... : :. . } LIT . U ' .. . 4 * . .. ! !, :. , . . . i 1977; : . U PERT TYY 1. 7 . .... .. mu . * ' * . , ! , . . .. * .RS . * T . , ' ! * ." . !... , * . i' , * . .. T RI . 1 **.* I . WAY ! ,'. 1 1.17 1 : 1 . 14 ER iti . EK 2 1 . si V V .19 .,:! : mim T 71, . ! . . . .. . : 1 : : 1 1. 1,3 Vi RE " . . . . 7 N . ii' . . . L *EX i . that ** . .. . " , t * 1. ! 1 : WE . nu . . W . 2 * .. $ . i . . . . - , . .. 7 LI . ** . . To 1 . 2 : . 9 2- . . . : " . . " 1. * 1 . 1 .1. MXXY ! , , , .. .. * . * C . * . . : . " ," I. . . ! . . . 1 . .. . . .. . . . . . - .ii . . T- . - ! !. . : . . . . 11: 17 1 - Y . . L .". . Pi.. 21 , tits " ..." . . . LY. 2 . ... ... . . :: . 1.11 . 1. 1.1 . . ! . ' 2 Tiit .1 2T . tir!! . .. v ?. 2 is . . NA photo .. . 1. 1:11 .. ii S .:. .. tk. " : ** , . . ! .. 11. i'i. ' ; :. iii12 ' . 1. : . * - i . ' . . ' . ... . . * * : . .. 157 .: L. 0 1 . ' ',' 2: . 11. ' . SERTA .'. ' ,"' .. ''. . . t AR . .. . . CA . " . . ... ; :.. . i : , . . . . . : . . 1 . . ::; ; . , * . - : :: . ... ' i . * - - • is . . F I, . . ai", H .. . t . . . ! . ". .' II + E . 1. 1 . - yi. *** . x Y it 12 . " 1 r -lit IL : E .. . . .. .. 1. . :1 Liit, i lit ! 46. MILLI + 1 **** . :.; 17.-. * . . . 11. . . . 1 1 "I. . . .5 . . !! ia" "S + . 0," . . ., : LA . . . " 1. IN I II '; . .. 1 4 . . . A ilon .." . w . ::. 171 " - 2. 5 -1 It ATAT . 13.PL - 21","1", " 1 7 . .: ORNL-DWG 65-1974 . DUO PLASMATRON ION SOURCE U -EXTRACTOR ELECTRODE l111113 -UPPER DEFLECTOR PLATES 4.05 R 3.26 .. WIRE MESH TI 0.26 - 1.20 2.00 DIA — - EINZEL LENS UP- TO 2 INCHES 000 0.26 FLAT MACHINED 3.85 -LOWER DEFLECTOR PLATES CA 2 - SWEEP APERTURE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES . . . . . . 'N CURVED MACHINED GRID TYPES LENS-PULSER Compact Lens - Pulser and Grids. + ORNL-DWG 65-1973 usik, plavi M GRID SHAPE CURRENT DENSITY BEAM BRILLIANCE 1 | AOC amp amp FLAT | 0.043 cm CLEVED 0.059 cm amp 0.77 cm. Sterodian 1.06 cm. Sterodian 059 amp cm2.steradian (r=2D) cm2 - - - -- -- - -- - - . Ī S . Beam Quality; Flat vs Curved Grid Einzel Lens. END DATE FILMED 7 / 2 /65 . -.-11 FILTRY " IRI. AL .