21 . - La TD : - . . . HI . . . . .!. . . . T ' ' i - : .. - i II. 7 La 1 . * C * * : . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 7** ... Oh "12 . 3 21. 209. i. Y VI . 4.5 + . * * A . NR Y T. ' ' .. 1133 by .. . .L IN . LI R ... 7 PELET . APR 27 1965 ORMA P-1133 l/VF-5 0 - 5/ A LOW ENERGY SEPARATED ORBIT CYCLOTRON* WE. * MASTER E. D. Hudson, R. S. Lord, and R. E. Worsham Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Summary LEGAL NOTICE - The man umuman om at Commandonnerud wrth Mother the Oats mm, me the conducten, men man met wall of the Coundation A. Mamymun ortogrution, and artiet, maar het muey, hopita , www.ence the darnation contained that part is that the me way to the a udieha on my mother intona . A mung labutting with respect to the weather or five dangero mantemente tu then; um and b ottom, amm, oh emen analonda Motorte de mond to the abova, "per mon noting on whole of the Commutacion matutina my m. Hoy or gain contact k o h commotor, b a tut a ampregue o outro de Contacto, or employw d o contractar porn, darbate, or montere nom , u tadornattaa purtat to Mu mnogim ar auntrust with the Comtestou, or he muptor with the contractor. occur only if the field gradients are within certain limits. These required gradients vary with ß and with the e/m of the accelerated : particle in the usual fashion, as in AG synchro- trons. Acceleration in the SOC is achieved by rf cavities placed at equal angular intervals about a ring of alternating gradient guide field magnets wrapped in a flat spiral. Coaxial cavities with two accelerating gaps and having voltage uniform with radius appear to be more economical than tapered rectangular cavities, for machines up to 100 MeV. Deuterons and alpha particles can also be accelerated in a proton machine by operating it on a harmonic nurnber differing by a factor of two. About 5% adjustment in mag- netic field is necessary to correct H when B is twice Ba: For the high energy stages of SOC (above 100 MeV) the tapered rectangular cavity appears to be the most economical. For the region below 100 MeV, however, the introduction of the "coaxial" cavity results in reduced rf power and cavity costs. Fig. 2 shows the general outline of a 10 to 50 MeV SOC with coaxial cavities. A single sector magnet and a coaxial cavity are shown in Fig. 3. The concepts of the separated orbit cyclotron wer first proposed in 1962 by F. M. Russell of Rutherford High Energy Labor- atory, England, while spending a year at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Each sector magnet has a "triplet alternating gradient element for each turn. A typical stage usually has 15 to 30 turns and consequently 15 to 30 pairs of elements driven from a common yoke structure by a common coil pair. This arrangement requires le 88 power than a design with individual coils for each of the elements. The average field between the pole tips is 7000 gauss, and the gradient is about 3500 gauss per inch. The separated orbit cycloiron (SOC), 3, 4 being considered at ORNL features a strong focusing dc magnetic guide field wrapped into a flat spiral, so that an ion beam passes through discretu separated turns. The general appear- ance of an SOC may be seen in Fig. I which shows a model of a 350 to 800 MeV machine. A "Cw" beam is accelerated by fixed-frequency rf cavities placed in a ring alternately with sector magnets. Three requirements must be met for operation of the machine. First, it must be isochronous. The length of the orbii path for each revolution must be such that the particle "'flight time" remains constant from revolution to revolution. Second, the operating frequency of the rf cavities must be such that there is a fixed integral number of rf periods during each revolution. This is commonly referred to as the harmonic number; it may be either even or odd. Third, the phase of each cavity must be adjusted so that the synchronous particle crosses the gap at the phase stable angle, about 30° before the rf voltage reaches a maximum, Each cavity has two accelerating gaps separated by a distance BX/2 so that the phase of the voltage is appropriate as the particles cross the gaps. As contrasted with the tapered rectangular cavity in which the voltage varies approximately sinusoidally with radius, the voltage in the coaxial cavity is uniform with radius. The maximum voltage in either case must be the same to achieve the same orbit separation at maximum radius. The orbit separation for the coaxial cavity, where the gap voltage is constant with radius, is shown in Fig. 4. At 10 MeV the separation between orbits is 10 in. , decreasing to 5 in, at 50 MeV. An energy gain of 40 MeV is obtained in 14 turns, or orbits, with coaxial type cavities while 19 turns are required when tapered rectangular cavities are used. The additional power in the cavity resulting from the higher voltage at the small radii is more than compen- sated by the fact that nearly all of the coaxial cavity is useful in accelerating the beam. A large part of the rectangular cavity cannot be used because the voltage is too low, but it must be excited. The average field strength in the guide field magnets must be appropriate for the momentum of the particles at every point in the machine. Focusing, or stable motion, will *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. A further advantage is that the number of orbits is reduced in a machine having coaxial cavities, since the energy gain per revolution is larger at small radii. This results in a lower cost magnet and a possible relaxation in fabrication tolerances. The characteristics for the 10-50 MeV SOC are tabulated in Table I. When the rf gap. i8.eguard to BX/4 the particles PUSTENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. READE TV P^14 the particles ALIS IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES BLE W THE RGDEJVING SECTAN. . - .. ..... ..* * *"" ** * ******L i tt42.2 . F . 1 . , . '. i . . Et References 1. receive 90% of the energy they would have received if the rf gap had been very small. The synchronous particles cross the cavity gap where the voltage is 86.6% of maximum, or 30°, before the voltage peaks. These factors reduce the voltage gain per gap crossing to 78% of the peak voltage. F. M. Russell, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 23, 229-230 (1963). R. S. Lord and E. D. Hudson, "Magnet for 800-MeV Separated Orbit Cyclotron," to be published in the proceedings of this conference. N. F. Ziegler, "Accelerating Ciavities for an 800-MeV SOC," to be published in the proceedings of this conference. SOC machines with an injection energy of 50 kV have been considered. Although such a machine can be built, present studies indicate that it has a very small, if not negligible, acceptance mainly because the large voltage gain per gap crossing produces radial oscilla- tions larger than the beam pipe aperture. The oscillations are caused by the particles having an incorrect energy. Since particles can be accelerated when the voltage is from - 30° to +60° from the phase stable angle of -30°, the percent energy spread in the beam will be fairly large in the low energy stages when the rf voltage is large. For this reason it appears that an injection energy near 10 MeV may be more suitable for the low energy SOC. R. E. Worsham, "The Beam Dynamics of the SOC," to be published in the proceedings of this conference. Figure Captions Fig. 1-Model of 350-800 MeV SOC showing magnet sectors alternating with accel- eraiing cavitics. The beam is injected and extracted through 90° magnets. The SOC described above was designed for the acceleration of protons. A brief study has shown that it is also possible to accelerate deuterons and alpha particles in the same machine. Since the magnetic rigidity (the ratio of momentum to charge) of a deuteron or alpha particle is approximately equal to that of a proton traveling at exactly twice the velocity, Fig. 2-Schematic of 10-50 MeV SOC with coaxial cavities. The beam is injected by having a higher field in the first pair of poles and extracted by reducing the length of the last pair. Fig. 3-Model of a single sector of the 10-50 MeV SOC. Only the beam tubes and the cavities are under vacuum. Fig. 4- Orbit separation and energy vs radius for a cavity design having constant voltage with radius, but with tapered gap and hence tapered electric field. type if the harmonic numbers differ by a factor of two. Magnet trimming coils would be required to correct for the slight difference in rigidity (caused by the non-integral mass ratios). The inagnetic field correction would be only a few hundred gauss out of 7000, about 5%, see Fig. 5. The lower accelerating potential required for deuterons could probably be achieved simply by exciting the cavities with less rf power. It is also possible to vary the energy of the output end of the accelerator in steps by using different harmonic numbers. Some such possibilities are tabulated in Table II; the required field corrections are small, as shown in Fig. 6. Fig.5_ Magnetic field vs radius for accelerating protons, deuterons, and alphas in the same machine, Fig. 6-Magnetic field correction required in each pole as a function of radius to operate a ninth harmonic SOC on higher harmonics at reduced input and output energies. The values of B required are given in Table II. In general, the use of alternating gradient magnetic focusing introduces no special problems because a generous amount of space is available for the magnets and their coils. The SOC principle allows the use of low frequency (i. e,, 50 Mc/ 8); this results in large transit time factors with wide cavity gaps, and permits very high voltage using only existing rf tech- nology. Table I. Design Characteristics of a 10-50 MeV SOC. Sectors 16 Orbits 14 . Beam radius Min Max Magnetic field Gradient Magnet copper Magnet steel Magnet power 84 in. 180 in. 7000 gauss 3500 G/in. 14 tons 327 tons 1 39 kW Harrnonic number Frequency Wavelength (a) Cavity voltage RF gap Min Max Phase stable angle Cavity power 50 MC/ 8 236, 2 in. 260 kV peak BA 74 8. 5 in. 18. 5 in. -30° 525 kW Table L. Operating Values for a 7-Sector, Multi-Particle SOC. Injection Energy (MeV) Bo Final Energy (MeV) Harmonic Number Particle (KG) 10.00 4.94 9.81 8. 08 60.31 27. 75 55, 14 47. 36 7.000 6.939 6.893 6.287 6.66 5.59 4.75 38.63 32. 14 27.17 23. 29 5, 706 5.225 4.818 4.471 3. 56 3.13 2.77 2. 47 20.19 17.68 15. 61 13,88 4. 171 3. 908 3. 677 3, 471 L - L - . . . 4 . '. 5 des 10 15 FEET Fig. 1. Mudel of 350-800 MeV SOC: showing illugnet sectors alternating with accelerating cavities. The beam is injected and extracted through 90° magnels. ORNL-OWO 65-1977 . . . . .. .- - . .- :::: 9-:--.. .. -M . R-15 11 ..*.. 10 MOV - . -. .-13.2 Mev, 46.8 M&V 50 MOV CAVITY "MAGNET Fig. 2. Schematic on 10-50 MCV SOC with coaxial cavities. The boam is injected by having a higher field in the first pair of polos and extracted by reducing the length of thu last puir. > . 1 i . 0 5 10 15 20 25 INCHES 10 11 1.1. i Finn . A s' 2 Fig. 3. Modol of a single sector of tho 10-50 MOV SOC. tubos and the cavitlos are undur vacuum. Only the beam II A .V . ORNL-OWG 65-1975 L CRBIT SEPARATION (in.) ENERGY (MeV) 75 100 125 150 RADIUS (in.) 175 200 Fiy. 1. Orbit separation and hergy is facing for a cavily design having constant voltage with radies, but with hispered gap and lience tapered clectric fuld. ORNL-DWG 65-639A PROTONS DEUTERONS ALPHAS B (kilogauss) 50 60 70 80 90 RADIUS (in.) 100 110 Fig. 5. Magnetic field vs radius for accelerating protons, deuterony, and alphas in the maino niachine, ORNL-DWG 65-640 'HARMONIC No. 15 HARMONIC NUMBERS 16 TO 18 SIMILAR TO 15 Br-Bo (gouss) 50 60 70 80 90 RADIUS (inches) 100 110 Fig. 6. Magnetic field correction required in each pole as a function of radius to operate a ninth harmonic SOC on higher harmonics at reduced input and output energies. The values of B. required are given in Table II. U Y ru . Z 1.13. 2- -En 1.10 * . .. - : -. .. --- . ETA' . . DATE FILMED 6/ 21 /65 ** * 17. . : en meer --LEGAL NOTICE - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commigeion, nor y person acting on behalf of the Commission: da. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END .. :