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Nother the United who, w wieken, wer wey porn mong na may A Mega m an, pronor me, ma poco ha scor mory, we wan the water tato tan to pare, e that we Per me shume west, we doelen we moet wy w bring A ng is w orthwh a hot damage thing RESIDUAL RADIATION STUDIES w my we want t mod directed in the report ..Mihr www Com... wewe mwe. We captur i n, o completo ed antractor, the entend thes C. B. Fulmer and K. S. Toth la byw trwater e tootme, e t mod controler preparat, Commen, we provide the s torm wo employment or contrast Oak Ridge Natior al Laboratory will be cond u plement content." Oak Ridge, Tennessee and M. Barbier CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneva, Switzerland MASTER Summary Studies of residual radiation levels to be encountered in high beam intensity accelerators are reported. Calculated residual radiation decay curves are compared with experimental data. Previously reported work with 600-MeV protons is extended to a wider range of bombard- ment times. The experimental and calculated decay curves for C, Al, Fe, and Cu are com- pared by normalizing the intensities of the 32 Na activity in the aluminum. The experimental and calculated decay curves agree within a factor of 2 or 3 over a range of cooling times for boinbard- ment times that range from 3 hrs to 2 years. Data obtained from one group of samples exposed to 19 - 26 GeV protons for 5 months are also compared with the calculated decay curves, The method of calculation takes into account each of the spallation products (those with half lives less than 10-min are neglected) and sums the contributions to obtain the gross residual radiation level as a function of bombard. ment time and cooling time. Both gamma flux and radiation dose rate were calculated. If cross section data were available for all spalla- tion products formed by the interaction of high energy particles with the structural materials in an accelerator installation the residual radiation levels could be computed for any assumed bombardınent. Since such data are not available for all materials, we have made calculations for a few materials which are extensively used in accelerator construction, and for which spallation cross section data37 are available over the range of 0.5 - 1 GeV. Introduction The experimental data were obtained from samples of materials exposed to either the direct or the scattered beam of 600-MeV protons in the CERN Synchrocyclotron. The residual radiation measurements were made by counting the emitted gammas with a 3 x 3 in. Nal(TI) scintillation counter. Integral counting rates were measured as a function of cooling time. Accelerator technology is sufficiently developed that serious consideration is being given to construction of machines capable of producing 0.5 to 1 GeV proton beams with inten- sities ranging from hundreds of micro-amperes to tens of milliamperes. An essential part of the planning of an accelerator of such high inten- sity is a quantative estimate of the residual radiation levels that will result from operation of the machine, Adequate shielding and remote handling facilities must be provided for safe operation and maintenance of the accelerator and associated experimental facilities, . Exact agreement between calculated and experimental results is not expected. The total detection efficiency of NaI(TI) crystals varies with gamma energy; it decreases by a factor of ~ 2 between 0, 1 and 2 MeV. Gamma dose rates are approximately linearly dependent (in the calculations a linear dependence was assumed) over the range of gamma energies involved. For the calculations of gamma flux there is no energy dependence. Calculations and Data at 600 MeV. Estimates of residual radiation levels for a particular accelerator will be based on detailed calculations for that installation. The work reported in this paper is an attempt to determine the reliability of such calculations. Our approach to the problem is to compare calcu... lated decay curves with experimental data for a wide range of bombardment time. The calcu. lations were done at ORNL and the experimental data were obtained at CERN. In an earlier report" calculated decay curves were compared with experimental data obtained from 3-hr and 3-mo bombardments. In the work reported here the calculations are compared with data obtained over a wider range of bombardment time. Experimental and calculated residual radiation decay curves for a 3-hr bombardment with 600-MeV protons can be compared in Figure 1. The experimental data were obtained from thin samples exposed to a proton flux of ~ 109 p/cms-sec, An averaged counting efficiency, based on previous measurements, was used to convert the experimental counting rates to dose rates. Good agreement is obtained for C and Al. For Fe and Cu the general shapes of the calculated and experi. mental decay curves agree and the magnitudes agree within a factor of two or three. The **Research sponsored in part by the U. S. Atomnic. Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation, L MANCE OBTAINED: NETEKO TO OUD IS APPROVED. PROOFMURES ARE ON FILE IN THE LLLL 1144 1 al 1 P . A discrepancies are not surprising when the experi- mental errors in a boinbardment of short duration by a beam of low intensity are considered. The calculated dose rate and the experi. mental counting rates obtained for a 3-mo exposure to scattered 600-MeV protons can be compared in Fig. 2. The two sets of curves are normalized at the flat part of the Al decay curve where 32 Na (T1a = 2.58 y) is the dominant activity. The calculated and experimental decay curves agree within a factor of ~ 2 throughout the range of the data. Figures 1 and 2 were pre- sented in an earlier report but are included here for comparison with data from a larger range of exposures. The experimental gross activity decay curves for several samples that were bombarded for 96 hrs with a 600-MOV proton beam are : shown in Fig. 5. The ordinate scales were determined from calculations for Al; the scale is the dose rate at 1 meter for a collimated beam of 1 HA. It is also the dose rate outside a large slab uniformly irradiated with a fl* of 106 particles/ cm - 800. The calculation is for a collimated beam. The conversion of the results of the calculation for distributed fluxes is discussed in Ref. l. The experimental gross activity decay curves obtaired for the 2-yr borribardment are shown in Fig. 6. The ordinate acale was determined by the calculation for Al. We believe that these curves are reliable to within a factor of ~3, which is probably as accurate as the intensities of bombarding particles can be predicted. The calculated and experimental decay curves for a 96-hr 600-MeV proton bombardment are shown in Fig. 3. Again, the curves are normalized for the aa Na activity in Al. The ordinate scale is in gamma flux for the calculated curves and in counting rate of the detector for the experimental curves. Except for the portions of the curves for Cu for cooling time < 100 hrs the experimental and calculated curves agree within a factor of 2 througho: 6 the range of cooling time. The ordinate scales in Fig. 5 and 6 are for targets of specific thickne88e8, as indicated. Residual radiation levels are obviously dependent on target thickness. In Fig. 7 calculated residual radiation decay curves are shown for Al samples of various thicknesses for bombard. ment times of 96 hrs and of 2 years. These curves can be used with those in Fig. 5 and 6 to extrapolate residual radiation dose rates for targets of specific thicknesses. Also, thin samples were exposed inside the CERN Synchrocyclotron for a period of two years and the gross activity decay curves measured. The measurements cover the range of cooling time from 660 to 7600 hours. The experimental and calculated decay curves are shown in Fig. 4. The ordinate scales are the same as in Fig. 3 and the sew of curves are normalized on the same basis. The experi. mental and calculated decay curves agree within a factor of <2 throughout the range of the experi- mental data. Accelerator designers and operators are interested not only in the decay of residual radiation but also the radiation level at some specific time after machine shutdown In Fig. 8 are shown calculated residual radiation dose rates as functions of bombardment time. The.. curves shown are for 20 cm thick samples bombarded with 600-Mey protons. There are two curves for each sample. The upper one is for 1 day of cooling time and the lower is for 1 month. Residual Radiation Dose Rates Figures 1 to 4 permit comparison of experimental and calculated gross activity decay High Energy Data and Calculations ..., curves for a wide range of bombardment times. Although the beam intensity for the experimental While most of our experimental data were data was not measured, except for the low obtained with 600-MeV protona, one group of intensity 3-hr bombardment (Fig. 1), the agree thin samples was exposed at the CERN Proton ment obtained for the .96-hr, 3-mo, and 2-yr Synchrotron.. They were placed 3.5 meters irradiations demonstrates that the spallation cross section data used in the calculation are direction. The samples were exposed to reasonably accurate and complete, and that 19-26 GeV protons and fast neutrons. After calculations can be used with confidence to 5 months they were removed and the residual predict residual radiation levels in accelerator radiation decay curves were measured. installations. Spallation cross section data for 28-GeV The experimental data obtained at the CERN protons on C, Al, and Cu were tabulated from . Synchrocyclotron include a number of samples published measurements, and used to calculate that are not shown in Fig. 1-4. For most of residual radiation decay curves for a 5-mo these the available spallation cross section data exposure. The calculated and experimental are not as complete as for C, Ali, Fe, and Cu. decay curves are shown in Fig. 9. The The agreement between calculated and experi. ordinates for the experimental curves are mental results in the above figures suggests that: counting rates and for the calculated curves calculated dose rate curves for Al might be used . they are gamma flux. The curves were to determine dose rate scales for the larger num. ,, normalized for the 88 Na activity in Al. Except ber of curves included in the experimental data... for the short-life activity in Al the agreement . Fig. 4-Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for samples irradiated with 600-MeV protons for 2 years. (Details as per Fig. 3.) is reasonably good. The data suggest that the Na cr088 section for 19-26 GeV protons on Al is somewhat larger than the value used in the calculations. The agreement obtained between the calculated and experimental decay curves is encouraging but additional work is needed before conclusions about residual radia- tion calculations for this high energy region will be as valid as fos: the 600-MeV energy. Fig. 5-Residual radiation levels for l-cm thick samples irradiated for 96 hours with 600-MeV protons. The ordinate scale is also applicable for dose rates outside large I-cm thick slabs irradiated with a uniform flux of 108 protons/cms-sec for 96 hours. References 1. C. B. Fulmer, K. $. Toth, and M. Barbier, Nucl. Instr. and Meth, (in press). J. B. Ball and C. B Falmer, Report ORNL-3554 (1964). Fig. 6-Residual radiation levels for 20-cm thick samples irradiated for 2 years with 603-MeV protons. The ordinate scale is also applicable for dose rates outside large 20-cm thick slabs irradiated with a uniform flux of 108 protons/cmsec for 2 years. 3. M Honda and D. Lal, Phys. Rev. 118, 1618 (1960). P. Benioff, Phys. Rev. 119, 316 (1960). Fig. 7-Dose rate vs cooling time for aluminum 4. with 600-MeV protons for periods of 96 hours and 2 years. 5. G. Rudstam, E. Bruninx, and A. C. Pappas, Phys. Rev. 126, 1852 (1962). J. Hudis, et al., Phys. Rev. 129, 434 (1963). Fig. 8-Residual radiation levels for 20-cm thick targets irradiated with 1-4A beams of 600-MeV proton. Phong thurve for cachmenplanatdayooking and the lowes auronofogmonth. E. Bruninx, Reports CERN-61-1 (1961) and CERN-62-9 (1962). E. A. Wolicki, R. Jastrow, and F. Brooks, Report NFL-833.(1956). J. B. Cumming, et al. , Phys. Rev. 127, 950 (1962). Fig. 9-Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for samples exposed in the CERN proton Synchrotron for 5 inonths. (Details as per Fig. 3 and 4.) 9. Figure Captions Fig. 1-Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for thin samples irradiated for 3 hrs with 600-MeV protone Fig. 2. Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for samples irradiated with 600-MeV protons for 3 months. The calculated curves are dose rates and the experimental curves are counting rates of the detector per gram of sample material. The experimental and flat part of the Al curve. g. 3. Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for samples irradiated with 600-MeV protons for 96 hours. The calculated curves are gamma fluxes i meter from the sample and the experimental curves are counting rates of the detector per gram of sample material. The experimental and calculated curves ::..are normalized for the flat part of the Al curve, : . MITT -- . 5 . ORAL -DWG 63-2859 AFEETAHEAEFFD | CURVES REPRESENT CALCULATED RESULTS I CARSON O ALUMINUM EXPERIMENTAL • HON A COPPER U . . .. - . - . . . . . . .- A.. . A - - - DOSE RATE (r/hr) . . - . - 1' ..... . . . 1 Tolih ! - . - - o . . . d . . . .... . w 1004 10° 2 5 10 2 5 5 10° 2 5 105 2 TIME (hr) Fig. 1. Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for thi: Hamples irradiated for 3 hrs with 600 MeV protons. ORNL-LR-OWG 79523R 1000 CUAL # 3-month PROTON EXPOSURE CU ,' INTENSITY ** A . V --EXPERIMENTAL -CALCULATED RA UA 10 100 COOLING TIME (days) Fix. d. Calculated and exporiniental roaldual radiation decay curves for samploi irradialed with 600-MeV protuns (or 3 months. The calculatod curvus are doso ratus and ihe oxperimental curves are counting rate of the dutccior pur yram of sample material. The oxperimental and culculatad curves aro normalized for the flat part o tho al curve. ---- top - Ni . .. ..... . . ORNL-DWG 65-1721 --- - - - -- - 96-hr PROTON EXPOSURE CALCULATEDt ----EXPERIMENTAL -- - . - 1 INTENSITY . . . . ZI ..then 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000 COOLING TIME (hr) Fig. 3. Calculated and experiinontal residual radiation ducay curves for samples irradiated with 600-MeV protons (or y hours. 'The calculated curvos arc gamma fluxos 1 meter from the sample and the experimuntal curves arc counting rates of the detector pur gram of samplo material. The experimental and calculated curves are normalized for the fal part of the Al curve. ORNL-OWG 65-1722 1000 2-year PROTON EXPOSURE CALCULATED ----- EXPERIMENTAL OR! INTENSITY 100 10,000..40,000 1000 COOLING TIME (hr) Fig. 4. Calculated and experimental rusidual radiation decay curvou for samples Irradiated with 600-MeV proton. for 2 yoars. (Detalls as por Fig. 3.). ORNL-OWO 65-1723 BaSOAS Alit DOSE RATE AT ONE METER (MR/hr-HA OF INCIDENT BEAM) 11 T : - - BaSO4 (BARITETA Eco Alcat to 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 COOLING TIME (hr) 3000 10,000 Fig. 5. Kusidual radiation levels lur 1-сin thick samples irradiatod for 96 hours with 600-MeV protons. The ordinatu scale is also applicable for dose ralus outside large l-cm thick wlaluirradiated with a unui o flux of 10 prolonr/cmºsoc lor 96 hours. ORNL-DWG 65-1725 NII MO DOSE RATE AT ONE METER (MR/hr-HA OF INCIDENT BEAM) EXPERIMENTAL EXTRAPOLATED 100 10,000 COOLING TIME (hr) Fig. 6. Residual rudlauon lovolo for 20.cm thick sample. Irradluted for 2 yuar, with 600.MaV protons. The ordinata scato so also applicable for dono ratas outaido large 20-cm thick slabs Irradiated with a unltorm. nux of 100 protons/cmtec for 2 yuar.. ORNL-DWG 65- 1726 . 1 DOSE RATE AT ONE METER (mR/hr-HA OF INCIDENT BEAM) 2-yr EXPOSURE; THICKNESS (cm) H -50 LETTO ALAN -- - 96-hr EXPOSURE; THICKNESS (cm) | 0.5 U 0.3 50.2 -0. 10 10,000 ICO 1000 COOLING TIME (hr) Fig. 7. Dose rate ve cooling time (or aluminuni suniples of various thicknesses irradiated with 600-MUV protons for periods of 96 houry ind 2 years, ORNL-DWG 65-1864 Fe · Cu- 41 DOSE RATE AT 10 cm (R/hr) 1 . --- 1 day COOLING mo COOLING 100 :! 1000 10,000 EXPOSURE TIME (hr) Fig. 8. Residual radiation lovel. for 20-cm thick targets irradiated with 1 - A beams of 600 MeV protons. ORNL-OWG 65-1724 5-month EXPOSURE - CALCULATED ---- EXPERIMENTAL INTENSITY . 5 10 : 1000 100 COOLING TIME (hr) Fig. 9. Calculated and experimental residual radiation decay curves for samples exposed in the CERN proton Synchrotron for 5 months. (Details as per Fig. 3 and 4.) ! _ turi ". " . 1. 16 . 1. - - 34 .: 11 . . . t . T . .. TY nie . . 7 . .. 4 ... 1 - . La -S1 DATE FILMED 16 / 21 /65 I.1 2 . 1 - LU Ethi . L . . . 1 .. ! . . . . UT. 14 NTV ". AR 2 T . VHF VL Y.. .1 11- his LLL wy ! : !. .. in This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither th:9 United Statec, nor the Commission, nos any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent tat such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. * UN ! "i 14: st;: -++- V 14 WA 'im .." i . it Y. .4 END * E " . I I ... . ... . ! . : ! ... : +