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REVCAN FO) Oak Ridge, Tennessee Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Gustavo Cudkowicz IMPLICATIONS FOR BONE MARROW CHIMERAS* HYBRID RESISTANCE TO PARENTAL HEMATOPOIETIC CELL GRAFTS: ORN P1111 PENF- Proceeding ?-19 Paris, France, Sept. 1-9, 1964. on Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation Proceedings of the International Conference MASTER Running title: Hybrid Resistance to Parental Marrow Grafts. Send proof to: Dr. Gustavo Cudkowicz Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 U.S.A. INTRODUCTION F, hybrids from crosses between inbred strains of mice are universal acceptors of parental strain skin grafts, the only known exceptions having arisen from unmatched sex-linked histocompatibility factors (2,3,18,20,35, 37). This type of observetion and the results of more general investigations on interstrain susceptibility to tissue grafts (4,22,29) and on distribution of erythrocyte and nucleated cell isoantigens (1,19,32,33) in inbred strains of mice are the basis for the widely accepted concept that the fute of foreign tissue grafts 18 decided in this species by dissimilarities in the products of codominant histocompatibility (or h) genes, the inheritance and phenotypic expression of which are not complicated by genetic or immunological interaccions (24, a review). F, hybrid mice fail, however, to be universal acceptors of parental strain hematopoietic cell grafts given after exposure of the prospective hybrid recipients to conditioning doses of ionizing radiation. In fact, F, hybrid mice of certain genetic constitutions may not support the optimal growth of , transplanted cells from bone marrow (11,15,23), spleen (5,23), or fetal liver (23) of one of the parental strain donors, although they fully support the growth of grafted skin tissues from donors of either parental strain (11). The failure of bone marrow cells of inbred strains of mice to grow on transplantation into irradiated F, recipients has been thoroughly investigated during the past few years and has been ascribed to the lack in F, hybrids of one or more parental isoantigens the expression of which requires homozygosity at the relevant genetic locus (15). It has been firmly established, for example, that marrow cells of donor mice which are homozygotes for the H-2 allele grow . . . . . - - - - * - - - - - - - - (T-1) deficiently in F, hybrid recipients if the latter are heterozygous at the D region of the complex H-2 locus, irrespective of homozygosity or heterozygosity at other regions of H-2 or at other I loci (12-15). On the left side of Table 1, strains of mice H-?" in phenotype are listed, possessing marrow cells which grow deficiently on transplantation into appropriate F, recipients; on the right side of the same Table is a list of mouse strains not H-2° in phenotype, possessing marrow cells which grow optimally in F, recipients, that is, in a manner which is indistinguishable from their growth on transplantation into isogenic recipients. Thus, the grafting of marrow cells detected the occurrence of interaction in the inheritance of a component of the H-2 locus, resulting, presumably, in lack of expression in hematopoietic cells of parental isoantigens and, consequently, in parent-hybrid incompatibility. Furthermore, experiments with other hematopoietic cells, such as thymocytes or leukemia cells, indicated also that certain sites of the complex H-2 locus control the synthesis of tissue specific. 1soantigens (7), not necessarily shared by skin tissue nor expressed on the surface of mature red blood cells. Another example of resistance by F, hybrids to grafted hematopoietic cells has been recognized recently (9). The genetic locus which controls this resistance has not yet been mapped, but is known to be associated with the sex chromosomes. The properties of the sex-associated resistance are not known as well as the properties of the H-2 controlled resistance. Therefore, in this paper I will report only on the possible implications for marrow chimeras of the latter type of resistance, particularly since it seems to be specific for grafted hematopoietic cells. The strength of the resistance of F, hybrids from crosses involving several strains of mice has been estimated by determining the nwaber of grafted parental H-2° donor cells necessary to override it and in repopulate thereby the spleens of the recipients. The extent to Bhich 'strong' hybrid resistance is weakened by exposure of the F, recipients to x rays has also been established. From both studies, the strength of hybrid resistance to parental strain marrow grafts appeared to be of the same order of magnitude as the strength of the resistance of inbred mice to allogeneic marrow grafts. Cimeras resulting from infusion of irradiated parental strain mice with marrow or spleen cells from resistant F, hybrid donors do not display overt signs of graft-versus-host, that is, hybrid-anti-parent, reactions, as would be expected if the grafted F, cells or their competent descendents would - reaction mount a homograft against parental isoantigens. I have determined by a direct method whether such a reaction was actually present in the hybrid-to-parent chimeras, and found that although hematopoietic cells from resistant F, donors repopulate the hematopoietic system of parental strain recipients, they fail to transfer adoptively the resistance to recipiant mice H-2° in phenotype. The F, cells do, however, transfer the resistance to isogenic and to parental strain weight ont mice carrying the H-2 allele other than H-2. Presumably, they become specifically unresponsive to parental isoantigens associated with H-2 after transplantation into H-2° mice, owing to the excess of isoantigen to Shich they are exposed. This may be the reason why the hybrid-to-parent chimeras were not afflicted by a graft-versus-host reaction. I wish to indicate that studies such as these may help to elucidate the nature of the specific control mechanisms involved in the establishment and growth of hematopoietic cell grafts in irradiated animals. Such studies have shown, so far, that marrow transplantation is not complicated by hybrid resistance, that is, by non codominant I factors, to a greater extent than by histoincompatibilities due to the codominant I genes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mice. The strains of mice used, their origin and their relevant genotypes (T-2) are listed in Table 2. F, hybrid mice are designated by listing first the female and then the male parental strain. The animal) were used at 12-15 weeks of age. Assay for proliferative activity. The iododeoxyuridine-S-I (15-IVAR) technique used to measure in vivo the proliferative activity of marrow cell: suspensions, was similar to that described previously (11). Known numbers of marrow cells were injected into the tail vein of x-irradiated recipient 132 animals. After an interval of 5 days, the mice were given intraperitoneally 0.5 uc of +SIUR and were killed 17 hrs. later. Their spleens were removed, placed in a glass test tube, and counted in a well-type scintillator to 139 measure retained +S+I radioactivity. Injected marrow cells that had settled in the spleen and were competent to proliferate produced DNA synthesizing hematopoietic cells which become labelled upon exposure to 131IUAR, a specific DNA precursor. The results of such measurements are expressed in terms of percentage of the injected radioactivity retained in the spleen. Preparation of cell suspensions. Marrow cells were obtained from femurs and tibias by flushing the bones with Tyrode's solution. Spleen cells were suspended by teasing the capsule of the organ with a needle and gently'shaking the resulting spleen fragments in Tyrode's solution. The cell suspensions were filtered through a 200 mesh stainless steel screen, and nucleated cells were counted in an electronic particle counter, after red blood cells were lysed. 4 Irradiation. Recipient mice were irradiated with 300 kv (peak) x rays, HVL 0.5 mm Cu, at an exposure rate of approximately 70 R per minute. During exposure, the mice were housed in partitioned revolving Lucite cages. Exposure measurements were made under comparable conditions with a Victoreen R meter. RESULTS Strength of hybrid resistance. The following H-2 heterozygotes were BIO X used as recipients of marrow cell grafts from inbred H-2 parental strain donor mice. C3H/Anf X C57BL; C3H x 129; C3H.SW X C3H; (B10.D2; and A X A.BY. The hybri,ds were exposed to 700 or 900 R of x rays and injected a few hours later with graded doses of nucleated marrow cells. Donor cells of the same pool were also transplanted into similarly irradiated isogenic recipient mice - - . .. . . . to assay the competence of the cells to proliferate in the absence of . 9- (F-1) histoincompatibilities. To avoid sex-associated resistance, the donor and recipient mice of all strain combinations were females. The promotiou of splenic uptake of 15-IUAR by grafted marrow in isogenic recipients was comparable for cells of strains C57BL, B10, 129, C3H.SW, and A.BY, and was, furthermore, a linear function of the dose of grafted cells (Fig. 1). Splenic uptake of 13-IUDR was also a linear function of donor cell dose in resistant F, hybrid recipients; however, it was necessary to graft larger numbers of cells than into iBogenic mice to colonize the recipient spleens, as is indicated by the displacement to the right of the dose-response lines (Fig. 1). It appears, therefore, that the spleen of F, hybrid mice can be repopulated after radiation-induced hematopoietic depletion by an overdose of parental marrow cells toward which the hybrids exhibit resistance. The number of donor cells required to overcone the hybrid's resistance varied markedly in the five strain combinations studied. Spleen repopulation in B10 x B10.D2 hybrids required 15-to-20 times as many cells as spleen repopulation in isogenic recipients, whereas lower multiples of the cell dose inoculated into isogenic mice were adequate for repopulating the spleens of the other, brids. It is noteworthy that differences in the strength of resistance were detectable between hybrids sharing the same H-2 alleles, numely C3H.SW X . C3H, C3H X 129, and C3H/Anf X C57Bt., all of which are H-2*/H-2° heterozygotes. The A X A.BY mice were the weakest with respect to hybrid resistance, for the number of A.BY marrow cells necessary for hybrid spleensrepopulatpanel was only 2.5 times larger than the number of cells required by irradiated A.BY hosts. The strength of the resistance seemed from these data to depend rather on the genetic hokground of the strains entering the F, crosses than on the H-2 alleles of the nybrids. In fact, tesistance was strongest in the hybrids : 1 whose parents shared the C57BL genetic background (e.g., B10 x B10.D2); intermediate in the hybrids with one parent possessing the C3H genome (e.g., Ho C3H/Anf X C57BL and C3H X 129); and weakest in the hybrids whose parents shared the c3H or A genetic backgrounds (e.8., C3H.SW X C3H and A X A.BY). One million nucleated marrow cells of strains B10, 129, C3H.SW, and A.BY exposed were transplanted into a series of allogeneic recipients to 800 R of x rays to determine how the resistance of homozygous inbred allogeneic mice would compare with hybrid resistance to H-2° marrow grafts. The results of these assays, presented in Table 3, indicate that the proliferation in foreign hosts (T-3) of all four types of donor cells followed the same general pattern, and that the strength of the resistance varied according to recipient strain. The growth of donor cells was unimpaired in the spleens of irradiated allogeneic hosts/ H-2° in phenotype; deficient in the spleens of strain A and C3H mice; and absent in the spleens of strain C57BR and DBA/2 mice (Table 3). Differences in strength of resistance were noticeable between C3H and C57BR mice, which share the H-25 allele. This pattern resembles the differences in strength of hybrid resistance among H-2/H-2 hybrids, and suggests that other factors in addition to H-2 influence the strength of resistance to allogeneic marrow grafts. DBA/2 mice and C3H X C57BL F, hybrids are strongly resistant to H-2° parental marrow grafts (Table 3, Fig. 1). Mice of these strains were exposed to graded doses of whole body X rays and grafted with 5 X 10° nucleated C57BL marrow cells. This number of donor cells was sufficient to override the resistance of DBA/2 and of the hybrid mice (Fig. 2). The extent of spleen (F-2) colonization, measured by the 13-IUAR technique, was, however, dependent on . , the magnitude of the recipients exposed to radiation in the range of 600 to 1000 R of x rays. The progressive loss of resistance with increasing exposures was greater in the DBA/2 mice than in the hybrids (Fig. 2), but the difference was relatively small. Therefore, the effect of x irradiation on the strength of resistance appeared to be similar in the two classes of mice. Graft-versus-host reaction in hybrid-to-parent chimeras. Mice injected with foreign spleen or marrow cells after exposure to lethal or sublethal irradiation survive the acute phase of radiation injury, but frequently' die later because of a wasting syndrome, attributed to an in vivo immune reaction by the grafted cells against host 1soantigens (for review, see 21). To determine whether or not such a reaction occurs in parental strain mice grafted with i --------------------- -------- 10. hematopoietic cells of resistant F, bybrid donors, I modified an experimental design used by Doria (17) to obtain direct evidence for graft-anti-host activity in allogeneic chimeras. Fourty million C3H x B10 spleen cells were infused into mice of either parental strain exposed to 850 R of x-rays, and do isogenic F, mice exposed to 950 R of x rays. The chịmeras sựrvived hematopoietic competence of the supralethal dose of radiation, presumably, by virtue of the spleen cell grafts and were not afflicted by the severe and acute wasting syndrome which usually follows inoculation of allogeneic spleen cells into irradiated mice. Thirty days after the primary irradiation and inoculation with F, spleen cells, the surviving chimeras (about 80%) were re-exposed to 700 R of x rays to be tested and classified for resistance or susceptibility to a standard graft of 10° nucleated Blo marrow cells. Any reduction in the splenic 311 incorporation of 13-IVOR by the test-grafts in F,-to-blo chimeras, as compared to isogenic Bl0-to-B10 control chimeras, should give a direct estimate of . 1. hybrid-anti-parent cr graft-anti-host reaction actually present in the chimeras. , 137 On the other hand, any reduction in splenic incorporation of 13-IUR in F, -to-C3H chimeras, as compared to C3H-to-C3H chimeras, should estimate whether or not hybrid resistance was adoptively transferred. Hybrid-anti-parent reactions cannot occur in the latter chimeras, since the H-2° associated parental isoantigens are lacking in the H-2 c3H recipient mice. The results of this experiment are presented in Table 4. B10 marrow cells promoted the uptake (T-4) of 15-IUR in the spleens of isogenic B10-to-B10 and of allogeneic C3H-to-C3H chimeras, but they did not so in the spleens of F,-to-F, chimeras. This indicated that under the conditions of the experiment, the chimeric state did not alter per se the resistance or susceptibility of recipient mice to Blo marrow grafts. In fact, the proliferation of B10 marrow cells in the chimeras was identical to the proliferation of Bio cells in Irradiated B10, C3H and C3H X BlO mice, as reported. B10 marrow cells were able to promote splenic uptake of 13AIUR in F,-to-Bl0 chimeras as if they were fully susceptible, but BlO marrow cells were not able to do so in F,-to-C3H chimeras, as if these animals were fully resistant. To descriminate between different mechanisms which could lead to results of this type, the experiment was repeated with the following modifications: (i) chimeras were prepared by infusing 2 x 10' nucleated marrow cells instead of spleen cells; furthermore, the test for resistance or susceptibility was not done before 60 days had elapsed to allow complete transpopulation of hemic cells to the donor type. Transpopulation was verified by determining whether the peripheral blood hemoglobin of the chimeras was of donor type. The method waployed was the one of Popp and Cosgrove (27); hemoglobin types of the mouse strains involved are reported in Table 2. (ii) C3H x B10 donor marrow was given to parental strain mice, to c3H x B10.BY hybrids (which posess & hemoglobin type different from the C3H x B10 donor mice but . , Ara are identical to them with respect to H-2 type and hybrid resistance) and, in addition, to other inbred strain recipients. Of particular interest was the use of C3H.SW recipient mice which share with one parent of the hybrid the C3H genetic background, but poses in common with the other parent strain the H-2° allele. The aim of this second experiment was to establish whether or not results such as those seen in Table 4 could be obtained in marrow instead e necífrient, of spleen chimeras and attributed to repopulation by the F, cells; and if so, whether or not differences in resistance among the chimeras were the consequence of grafting the F, cells into mice homozygous H-2 as opposed to mice of other H-2 constitutions. The results, presented in Table 5, clearly show that (T-5) BlO cells grew deficiently in F,-to-C3H, F2-to-A, and F2-to-C3H X BLO.BY chimeras, as if hybrid resistance was transferred adoptively by the F, marrow. de winter's ancestros n tiendast minuten i dillud In contrast, blo marrow cells of the same pool grew without impairment in F,-to-B10, F,-to-C3H.SW, and F,-to-129 chimeras, as if hybrid resistance was not transferred adoptively to the latter recipients. The two classes of chimeras seemed to correlate with the H-2 type of the recipients and 180 markedly with respect to resistance in spite of the fact that their erythron was repopulated to the same extent by donof type F, hematopoietic cells. The time sequence by which grafted C3H x BIO marrow (10' nucleated cells) reestablished resistance in heavily irradiated (950 R) C3H X BlO.BY mice while it failed to transfer resistance to irradiated (850 R) B10 mice is shown in Fig. 3. Also included in the experiment (groups of parent-to-hybrid chimeras, (F-3) i.e., irradiated (950 R) C3H X Bl0 mice given 10' nucleated Blo marrow cells, to establish whether or not transpopulation to parental type hematopoietic cells transfered adoptively susceptibility to B10 test-grafts. Groups of the three types of chimeras were tested at intervals by reexposing them to 700 R of x rays and infecting them with 10° B10 marrow cells. The chimeras tested for resistance 60 days after primary infusion of marrow possessed at that time - Exclusively ) peripheral blood hemoglobin enty of donor type. F,-to-B10 and B10-to-F, All chimeras were susceptible at all chosen time interval chimeras were ......ciwie e ma partially susceptible until 20 days of chimera age, but regained their resistance at later intervals (Fig. 3). I conclude from these experiments that hybrid resistance to parental marrow grafts is adoptively transferred by F, marrow or spleen cells to mice that do the a phenotype) not posess the parental isoantigens associated with H-2, namelý to c3H, A, and C3H x B10.BY mice, when they beer en functionat 031* BIO bomatopetettengrart. Conversely, hybrid resistance is not detectably transferred to H-2 mice even . where they bear a functional F, wybrid hematopoietic graft. Probably the resistant F, hematopoietic and/or immune system becomes paralyzed or unresponsive homasta tinin na w interne momento e tant upon transplantation into H-2° mice, owing to the excess of parental iboantigens in such recipients. DISCUSSION Assessment of the extent of hematopoietic cell proliferation in spleens of a variety of irradiated 1-2 heterozygotes following trans- plantation of parental strain H-25/11-25 marrow cells indicated that the strength of hybrid resistance, measured by the number of cells necessary to override it, varied among F, mice of different parentage. For example, the resistance of H-2" /H-2 hybrids, such as C3H X 129 or c3H/Anf X C57BL, differed by a factor of two or more from the resistance of 0311.SW X C3H mice, which are also h-2°/H-2k in phenotype (Fig. 1). Furthermore, 11-2° /H-2 hybrids may also differ in strength of their resistance; A X A.BY mice are weakly resistant toward A.BY marrow grafts (Fig. 1), but B10.A X A.BY hybrids are strongly resistant (16), B10.A is a mouse line congenic with B10, except that it carries the H-2° allele derived from strain A istead of H-2 (33, 34). Thus, the two hybrids, A X A. BY and B10.A X A.BY, are identical with::respect to their H-2 constitutiion, yet they differ markedly with respect to the strength of their hybrid resistance, Studies such as these provided evidence that, although hybrid resistance is determined primarily by heterozygosity at the D region of ll-2 (Table 1, and references 12, 13, 15), its strength depends on other determinants contributed by by the genetic background of the parental strains, 14 The generalization I would derive from the foregoing data, but particularly from experiments involving Fy hybrids from congenic parental strains, is that the genetic background of C57BL parental mice endows F, hybrids with strong resistance. Hybrid resistance is termed strong when it requires fox spleen repopulation by H-2° homozygous marrow the grafting of 10 to 20 times as many cells as required by nonresistant mice. On the other hand, the genome of C3H or parental A strain mice endows F, hybrids with weak resistance, that is, with one which can be overridden by a two to fivefold increase in the number. of grafted cells required to colonize the spleen of nonresistant Isogenic recipients. Since hybrid resistance is related to genetic interaction between alleles at the D region of H-2 (12, 13), it is reasonable to postulate that the effects on strength of resistance . : of varying the parental strains may be due to independent allelomorphic modifier genes which may regulate the extent to which genetic interaotion in H-2 heterozygotes leads to the suppression of isoantigens of the H-2° phenotype. Irrespective of the mechanism by which the differences in strength of hybrid resistance were brought about, the range of values found were of the same order of magnitude as the range of values found in allogeneio inbred strain mice resistant to H-2 marrow grafts (Fig.1, Table 3). In addition, the strength of hybrid resistance was evaluated by determining the weakening effect of graded doses of whole body irradiation (Fig. 2). Although hybrid resistance is known to be relatively insensitive to radiation (11, 23), it was not substantially different in this respect the from the resistance of H-2 incompatible allogeneic host-donor combination that has been studied (Fig. 2). The experiments demonstrated that resistance phenomena in heterozygotes, due, preaumably, tr noncodominant factors, do not constitute a greater impediment to marrow transplantation than 15 the resistance phenomena due to the classical, to strong codominant I factors. Once the hybrid resistance is overridden by an appropriate dose of grafted parental marrow cells and/or by a supralethal dose of whole-body x radiation, the long-term persistence of the marrow grafts is not deteruined by the H-2 associated resistance factor, but by independent determinants (28). For example, C57BL mice possess marrow which grows deficiently on transplantation into H-2 heterozygous hybrids (Fig. 1) and which also regresses frequently in hybrid recipients whose resistance has been overridden, as shown by Popp (25,26). The study of the short- and long-term growth pattern marrow grafts from segregating F, mouse progeny in F, recipients 'has clearly demonstrated the independence of the two phenomena (28). imadiated Transplantation into irradiated resistant F, hybrids of appropriate numbers of B10 marrow cells and transplantation into irradiated inbred strain homozygotes of C3H x B10 F, marrow or spleen cells resulted in chimerism and in complete transpopulation to donor-type erythropoiesis in 60 days. Resistant hybrids repopulated by Bl0 cells became susceptible to Blo test grafts of marrow (Fig. 3), whereas, resistant hybrids repopulated by C3H x B10 marrow or spleen retained their resistance (Fig. 3, Tables 4-5). C3H and A strain mice repopulated by C3H x B10 F, cells acquired resistance to Blo test grafts (Tables 4-5). These experiments have demonstrated that susceptibility and resistance to parental marrow grafts is transferred adoptively through, hematopoietic cells. Since hybrid resiętance is presumably directed toward 1soantigens or the H-2 homozygous phenotype, it was expected that severe graft-versus=host reactions would occur in Blo, C3H.SW, and 129 chimeras as their hematopoietic system transpopulates to the C3H x B10 type. These chimeras, however, were not detectably 111 and the direct assay for hybrid-anti-parent, i.e., graft- versus-host, reactivity gave negative results (Tables 4 and 5). The condition of these mice is similar to the condition of newborn parental strain mice infused with F, hybrid spleen cells which fail to develop runt disease (5). Thus, the F, marrow or spleen cells that were competent to transfer adoptively hybrid resistance to C3H and A mice failed to do so specifically in H-2 mice. C3H.SW and C3H mice, for example, differ only by a chromosome segment of linkage group IX containing the H-2 region, but they fell into two distinct categories with respect to adoption of hybrid resistance (Table 5). This particular finding strongly supported the conclusion that the H-2 allele decided of the host animal determines whether or not F,-to-parent chimeras met become resistant to H-2 marrow grafts. It may also explain why no ill effects due to graft-versus-host reactions are produced by functional F, spleen cell grafts in ozygous recipients. The lack of adoptive transfer of hybrid resistance and of graft-versus-host reactions in H-2 chimera mice in the face of functional hematopoietic grafts fron resistant Abbott donors. is interpreted to mean that specific unresponsiveness toward parental isoantigens by F, cells developed in such chimeras. This is known to occur in long lived allogeneic marrow chimeras TO (8,36) owing to the excess of host isoantigens to which the grafted cells are can be ie, nonresistant exposed. Furthermore, resistant hybrids are considerably rendered unresponsive, to parental H-2 marrow grafts by exposing them to parental tissue isoantigens during neonatal (10) or adult life (14,15). Hence, it is not surprising, I have red altogether, that the same process may foccur in F,-to-parent chimeras. SUMMARY F, hybrid mice that are heterozygous at the D region of the H-2 locus do not support optimal growth of transplanted parental marrow cells when the donor 18 homozygous for the H-2 allele, although they fully support the growth of parental skin grafts. Resistance to grafted parental marrow, which is due to a single noncodominant gene, can be overriden either by increasing the number of grafted donor marrow cells to several times the number sufficient to repopulate the hematopoietic system of nonresistant irradiated recipients, or by increasing the radiation exposure of the resistant mice. The strength of the hybrid resistance, as measured by these. two parameters, is of the same order of magnitude as the resistance to grafted marrow found in some H-2 incompatible allogenic donor-host combinations. Once the hybrid resistance is overridden by relatively marge marrow inocula, the long-term persistence of these parental grafts is decided by independent factor(s) not associated with H-2, as revealed by studies of appropriate segregating mouse progeny (28). Transplantation of marrow of spleen cells from resistant F, hybrid donors into heavily irradiated isogenic mice and into parental strain mice carrying an H-2 allele other than H-2° results in adoptive transfer of hybrid resistance. On the other hand, no hybrid resistance is transferred, nor doel detectable graft-versus-host reaction occur in parental strain recipients homozygous for H-2 given F, hematopoietic cells. Presumably, the latter cells become specifically unresponsive to parental isoantigen(s) associated with H-2° when they are infused into H-2° mice. 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Deficient growth Optimal growth Strains H-2 type Strains H-2 type C57BL C57BL/6 B10.A # C57BL/10 DBA/2 B10.BY BALB/C B10.02 # B10.129(5M) + B10.129(144) + RFM B10, 129(21M) + СЭН B10, LP + C3H.K + C57L 101. 129 AKR C57BR C3H, SM + B10.BR # A.BY # DBA/1 D1.LP # A.SW # FU unknown * Data from Cudkowicz and Stimpflin • Isogenic-reistant or Cor congenic lines of .. - .-.-.- .. mice are identical with a given background strain except for substitution of a chromosome segment carrying a different allele at a single locus (30, 31). + Congenic lines differing at an H locus other than H-2 from their background strain (30, 31). # Congenio lines differing by an H-2 allele from their background strain (30, 33, 34). Arri N WA . . . . Table ? - List of strains • 27 Strains. Genotype * Designation in this paper Origin .. A/Sn ......... 11-28 1bD our colonył A.BY A.BY H-26 our colonyi OUT . C3H/Anf C3H/Anf 11-25 Cumberland View Farms C3H1/HeSn C3H our colony+ C3H.SW C3H, SW our colony+ C57BL . C57BL Cumberlad View Farms C57BL/10ScSn B10 H-1° H-2B our colony+ B10. BY B10.BY H-10 11-26 our colony+ B10,D2-old B10.02 Hapa our colony+ C57BR/R1 C57 BR H-24 W. L. and L. B. Russell's colony DBA/2 DBA/2 H-20 Cumberland View Farms 129/R1 129 H-25 160 W.L, and L. B. Russell's colony * Only genes relevant to the context of this paper are listed. + Pedigreed breeders received in 1960-1962 from G. D. Snell it Pedigrecd breeders received in 1964 from G. D. Snell Table 3 - Uptake of 134IVAR* in the spleens of allogeneic recipient mice grafted with marrow cells from homozygous H-2 donors. Recipient Strains' Donor Strains B10 129 C3H.SW : А СЗН C57BR DBA/2 B10 129 +1 0.845.09 0.27 + .10 0.71 = .07 0.70 = .05 0.75 +.06 0.70 + .06 0.85+ .08 0.79 +.06 0.78 + .05 0.73 + .07 0.77** .05 0.86+ .05 0.25 +.06 0.18 + .04 0.26 + .06 0.31 = .09 0.53 = .10 0.32 + .06 0.35 + .10 0.24 + .07 0.01 .001 0.02 + .01 0.01 + .003 0.01 + .002 0.06+ .01 0.03 + .01 0.09 = .04 0.03 + .01 C3H.SW +1 A.BY *Mean of % uptake + standard error of the mean. *Exposed to 800 R of x rays and grafted with 10° nucleated femoral marrow cells (10-15 animals per group). "OW .......... ............................. ... ........ com.com.... 29; Table 4 - Splenic uptake of 13-IUR in response to test grafts of Bl0 marrow cells in F,-to-parent and in isogenic spleen chimeras* Constitution of Chimeras Uptake of 15-IUAR in recipient spleens ( + stand. error) Spleen donor Recipient C3H X Blo B10 (8)* СЗН C3H X BLO 0.84 + 0.07 0.09 + 0.04 0.07 + 0.01 0.92 + 0.08 0.60 + 0.07 (9) (10) (7) B10 B10 сан C3H *30 days after primary irradiation and transplantation of 4 x 10' spleen cells, the mice were reexposed to 700 R of x rays and tested for resistance or susceptibility to 100 grafted marrow cells. 'Number of chimeras tested in parentheses. . 302 Table 5 - Splenic uptake of +IUR in response to test grafts of B10 marrow cells in F,-to-parent, Fy-to-allogeneic, and in isogenic marrow chimeras* Constitution of Chimeras Uptake of 13-IUDR in recipient spleens Marrow donor Recipient (%+ stand. error) C3H x B10 (10)" B10 C3H.SW (12) (9) ..C3H A 0.68 0.75 * .04 0.70 7.08 0.05 = .01 0.07 .02 0.03 = .005 0.71 = .06 0.437.05 0.35 = .02 C3H x B10.BY (15) (7) (12) (10) ( 8) (16) B10 B10 СЭН сэн *60 days after primary irradiation and transplantation of 2 X 10' marrow cells, the mice were reexposed to 700 R of x rays and tested for resistance or susceptibility to 106 grafted marrow cells. *Number of chimeras tested in parentheses. LEGENDS FOR FIGURES Figure 1 - Mean splenic uptake of 131IUAR in relation to the number of parental. marrow cells injected into x irradiated isogenic and F. hybrid recipient mice (five mice per point). . . Parental strain donor cells and Isogenic recipients - 700 R B10 cells B10 x B10.D2 - 700 R C3H/Anf X C57BL - 900 R C57BL cells - 129 celle C3H X 129 - 700 R . C3H.SW X C3H . 700 R C3H. SW cells A.BY cells A X A.BY - 700 R . . . ..., Figure '2 - The effect of whole body x irradiation on resistance to grafted C57BL marrow (5 X 10° nucleated cells). Growth of donor cells, as judged by uptake of "SIUR in the spleeng of DBA/2 O and C3H/Anf X C57BL F, y recipient mice. . . о C3H x B10- esito-B10 maine claimeras сзн х ві0-таомиладоtо-сзн х вio.BY че са: B10-esteemed to-C3H X BIO maine climten Isplaltic U RTIKEL TUAN ( . . . . -- -- -- - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , 104 } - . . - - - - . . . . . + -- - . .. . . 1 6 6 - -- - - - - ---- -- 7 7 8 9 8 9 105 - - . L 1 . " . TV, 1 - - - . . . . . . . . . . T. .... .-.-.- . T - a . : --- - ......... ! ! . . . 1 2 . -- ... :1 : :. - - - . - - • 1 - - - - . ! 1 - - - 17 . 1 .... NUMBER OF TRANSPLANTED MARROW CELLS! ... . + + - . . 1 - - - X + . 1 - > -- . - - - = + .. -- -- - . - . . . 1 . .- . .- . . . - 1 . . . . . . . - -- -- 1 - -..-.- . - - - - - - - 1 -- . -- - 0 . - . - - - .. . - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - . . 11 10 . . I ' ' : : ! 1 + - + 1 0 . - - .. ... - - . .. - 1 ... . . . - -. . - 1 +-+ var 10 X 10 TO THE ! INCH KEUFFEL CSSER CO 358-12 KADI II U.S.A. 100MM DOUTUI INIDHINIRODA STUDIIDII LULLLLL'IIII nOIMI 100mmDIRMDIRIURIMITmInm CONDIDINOU ONOIDIDILIDINDINOODID DUUUU01 CD . ITIONNTIT (TNI MITITIT LIMITTITUTO UUUUUUUUUUU UNUI LUL UNTITTELITI 2011 UNIMIT LIIIII ILLU V LUUUUUDULI IIIIIIII VUUUUUU9000 RIIIIII DRIDUD TIITITITITITITIT 11 HIIIIII.RU ODIULID IIITITOITIINIT CIUTILITIITTI MIDII11I HILUUUU HIITTO DIIVOOL TIITTIIN OI MINI UIDI JITUTITITMOITTTTTTITUITTIITTITUITITATIITTTT ITTIITTIINTITITUTIITTITTO U TUD DUBO . 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Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. orasistir wi t h END their