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Wy labeure will respect to the whole or for denne route from the vkawy baloration, spurnt, wethod, or pracun duelound botto report, As wend won, porno settore aa ball of the Coualulan" beludou my a. pioru ar contr a o caminhou of onployw of much contructor, to the extent wat mol employee or contractor of the Canadianban, or employe o mica contractor properes, dururaw, or prordne m u to, un taformation surmulto No aplognal or contract wiu de Constanton, or Me employment with such contractor. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF IRRADIATED MATERIALS IN THE UNITED STATES* PATENT CLEARANCE OOTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROOEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RE:DIVING SUCTION, Robert W. McClung and Donald A. Douglas, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . . . .! Areny NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF IRRADIATED MATERIALS IN THE UNITED STATES Robert W. McClung and Donald A. Douglas, Jr. Abstract - Resume' NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF IRRADIATED MATERIALS IN THE UNITED STATES. New demands for nondestructive evaluation of radioactive specimens in high-activity hot laboratories have required extensive development of new techniques. Several methods using external radiation sources have needed greuter development beyond that necessary for cold laboratory operation. Radiation techniques which are discussed include neutron radiography, x-radiography, gamma attenuation and the use of x-ray sensitive television. Many other methods such as ultrasonics, eddy currents, liquid penetrants, and leak testing have been possible by making mechanical modifica- tions to allow the test to be performed remotely. ESSAIS NON DESTRUCTIFS DE MATERT.AUX IRRADIES AUX ETATS UNIS. L'accroissement de la demande pour les essais non destructifs d'echantillons radioactifs dans des laboratoires chauds à haute activite' a exige' un developpement considerable de techniques nouvelles. En particulier plusieurs methodes utilisant des sources exterieures de radiation ont exige' une extension importante de la technique utiliseé dans les laboratoires à très faible activite'. Les methodes à radiation qui sont decrites comprennent la radio- graphie neutronique, à rayons X et à gamma attenue et la production d'images de television à portir de rayons X. L'application des methodes à penetrants liquides a ete' rendue possible grâce à des modifications mecaniques qui permettent de faire les essais à distance. L P 1- .. . . . - - - - . INTRODUCTION Con Many specimens such as in-pile capsules which are subjects for examination in high-activity hot laboratories are intended for further service after examination. This requires that the tests be performed nondestructively. On other specimens such as fuel elements nondestruc- tive examination of the interior of the object for observation of the assembly details, and detection of internal flaws can be desirable or necessary. This is important not only to provide more interrogations to learn about the condition of the specimen after irradiation service but also to enhance the intelligent application of the destrictive tests for os tim'm results. These new demands on nondestructive testing have required extensive development to achieve the desired end. Many of the methods which have been developed and applied in highly radioactive environs are quite similar to those used in conventional laboratories. For example, with ultrasonics and eddy currents the principal difference is the mechanical modifications or developments necessary to perform the test remotely. Some methods (radiography for example) require extensive modification before useful application can be made. Except for the radiographic methous, the radiation background has very little effect on most of the tests. Several of the current techniques are discussed in this paper with the major emphasis being on those which are different from those commonly practiced under cold laboratory conditions. Among those techniques des- cribed are neutron and x-radiography, gamma-ray attenuation, television viewing of x-ray images, ultrasonic detection of nonbond and other flaws, and eddy-current applications for the detection of sodium nonbonding and the measurement of coolant channel spacing in fuel elements. Other techniques which are also nondestructive in nature but are more related to visual observation, metrology, and detection of self-emitted radiation are described at this symposium in the paper, "Remote Metrology and Examination Techniques on Irradiated Fuel Materials As Practiced in the United States," by F. L. Brown et al. PENETRATING RADIATION METHODS A number of the nondestructive testing applications use external sources of penetrating radiation such as x rays, gamma rays, or neutrons despite the high levels of background radiation associated with activated materials. Most of the methods use a Photosensitive emulsion as the final recording medium but some work has been cone using scintillation detection or television imaging devices using semi-conductor detectors. X-ray machines are preferred over gamma sources for film radiography because of the higher beam intensities which are readily available. Only a few of the methods will be discussed in detail. Neutron Radiography Thermal neutron beams are now being used routinely to examine irradiated reactor fuel specimens. (1,2) The inspection method makes use of thin metallic foils of materials such as silver, dysprosium, rhodium, gold, and indium. These foils are rendered radioactive by a beam of neutrons. After a neutron beam has passed through an inspection object, its intenc:ty will be modified by variations in the attenuation caused by the specimen. These variations in neutron beam intensity this cause variations in the radioactivity in the metal foil used as a detector. This is analogous to the x-radiographic process in which attenuation of x rays through a specimen produces a latent image on a photosensitive detector. The neutron-induced radioactive image can be replicated or made visible by allowing it to decay for a few half lives in close contact with photographic film. The gamma radiation from the inspection object will not influence the radioactivity of the detecting screen and therefore will not influence the final radiograph. The radioactivity of the screen is sufficiently low so that the transfer of the image to photographic film does not need to be done reinotely. Most of the neutron radiographic work has been accomplished using beams emergent from nuclear reactors. Specially designed shielded facilities have been built adjacent to the reactor wall. One such site has a neutron intensity on the order of 10? neutrons cm-2 secºl and the cr beam cross section 18 6.35 x 10 cm (2 1/2 X 4 in.). The exposure time to the neutron beam varies according to the half life of the screen material as well as the speed of the film emulsion on which the auto- radiograph of the screen is recorded. Typical exposure for irradiated fuel capsules are 5 to 7 min in the neutron beam and a transfer time of three half-live3 decay. In practice a preliminary alignment radiograph is made to determine the proper orientation of the capsule. A rhodium screen is used with a 15 sec neutron exposure and the decay transfer is made to Polaroid X3000 film. After proper alignment is attained, the high quality radiograph is made using fine-grained x-ray film. The gamma activity of the radiographed irradiation capsules has been measured and shown to be greater thar. 5 x 103 r/hr at 30.5 cm (1 ft). The sensi- tivity has been adequate to detect thickness changes of approximately I to 2 percent and the resolution is better than 0.12 mm (0.005 in.) Figure 1 shows a pinhole autoradiograph and a neutron radio- graph (both positive prints) of a radioactive, unopened fuel capsule compared with a photograph of the opened capsule. Another interesting application of this technique is the determi- nation of high burnup in reactor control materials. (3) Neutron radio- graphs of a cadmium shim-safety rod indicated an abrupt change from an effective thickness of 0.625 mm to less than 0.025 mm in highly irra- diated areas. - X-Radiography X-ray film radiography has found application despite the formidable conditions of background gamma radiation. The requirement is to minimize the total exposure and response of the film to the incoherent, background radiation while enhancing the response to image-forming radiation. Steps which have been used are: (1) shielding of the film at all times other than the intended exposure, (2) reduction of the image-forming exposure: time with intense x-ray sources, (3) separation of the specimen from the film, (4) shielding of the non-radiographed portion of the specimen, and (5) use of film which has been manufactured to have an enhanced sensitivity for the softer x rays. (4) Recent studies (5) under mockup conditions have been conducted to determine the amount of non-image-forming radiation which can be toler- ated without excessive degradation of the radiograph. A further stage of the study developed techniques for salvaging film which had received an excessive amount of background radiation. A series of radiographs of an aluminum step wedge were double-exposed before processing to varying amounts of 50-, 100-, and 300-kvcp (kilovolts constant potential) x rays and 1.2-Mev gamma rays. The film was then processed and evaluated to determine the radiographic sensitivity. That which was exposed to a background of x rays accepted an accumulated dose up to 2 r with no sig- nificant degradation. Up to 32 r of the 1.2-Mev gamma rays were toler- ated without serious problem. The best results were obtained if the original image-forming exposure would have produced a film density from 1 to 2 in the absence of background radiation. Since these radiation values are accumulated doses and not dosc ratus, a calculation with the exposure time is necessary before the tolerance to a radiation field can be estimated. For instance, if exposure time can be limited to 1 min, the tolerable radiation field could be 1.2 x 102 r/hr of low energy gamma and 1.8 x 103 r/hr of l-Mev gamma. These and subsequent values, of course, pertain to the particular fine-grained film which was used and tests should be run for others. Photographic reduction witir Farmer's reducer (6) was performed on those radiographs which had received so much fogging background that they were uninterpretable. This salvaging operation greatly increased the allowable tolerance. For instance, an accumulation of 16 r of the 50-, 100-, and 300-kvcp x rays was acceptable and an accumulation of 380 r of the 1.2-Mev gamma ruys was not excessive. The best results were obtained if the original image-forming exposure would have pro- duced a film density in the range from 2 to 3 in the absence of back- ground radiation. As noted before, if an exposure time of 1 min is applicable, the tolerable radiation field could be 103 r/hr of low- energy gamma and 3 x 10* r/hr of l-Mev gamma. As a demonstration of the validity of these tests, un excellent radiograph was taken of a 4.45-cm (1 3/4 in.) diam housing containing a 5 curie 6°co source as ma. shown in Fig. 2. The radiation field at the film surface was approxi- mately 1.2 x 104 r/hr. Of course, without the reduction step the film was completely black and the details could not be seen. Non-Film Techniques Scintillation Detection A growing application has been the use of high-energy gamma attemation coupled with scintillation detectors to measure fuel homo- geneity. The radiation beam from a radiation source such as 6oCo is transmitted through the specimen. The thickness, density, or chemical composition in the specimen will affect the relative beam intensity whi.ch is monitored by the scintillation detector. In a typical appli- cation in a recycle pilot plant, (7,8) a fuel rod containing vibratorily- compacted uranium oxide powder is translated axially through a tightly- collimated beam from a 6°co source. Variation in fuel loading (homogeneity) change the transmitted intensity which is detected and recorded. Figure 3 shows this equipment. Calibration with known stan- dards establishes the relationship between transmitted-beam Intensity and fuel content. The detector must be adequately shielded so that the major portion of the detected radiation is that which has passed through the inspected rod. Sensitivity and accuracy for fuel content has been better than 1%. Ccuro X-Ray Sensitive Television Another non-film device which is finding application in hot recycle facilities is the x-ray sensitive closed-circuit television (9,10) for examination of closure welds and assembly features. An x-ray machine is used as the source of radiation for the Inspection. The difference between this technique and film radiography is the substitution of a special television camera tube in place of the film. The camera tube contains a very thin layer of a semiconductor material which serves as a target or detec or. Thus variations in x-ray beam intensity produce an image on the camera tube which can be processed electronically and and displayed just as an optical image is processed and displayed in a conventional television system. dvantages of this method of inspection include the lower sensitivity to high-energy gamma rays of the very thin semiconductor layer, excellent resolution, immediate viewing of speci- mens, and the ability to observe detail while the object moves. Among the limitations are the need for high f.ntensity x-ray beams impinging on the detecior (limiting the specimen thickness), the small detector area of 0.95 x 1.25 cm (3/8 x 1/2 in.) and the requirement for main- taining the target face at a temperature below about 29.5°C. ULTRASONIC METHODS Ultrasonic techniques ure also finding an increased application in high-activity environments. In general the approach is similar to that used in a cold laboratory although the performance may be more difficult or require more mechanization. The method 18 insensitive to radiation except for the accumulated damage to the in-cell components. It has been found that the ceramic piezoelectric transducer elements such as lead zirconate-titanate have a higher resistance than quartz to change in characteristics due to radiation damage. Nonbond Detection Many of the uses of ultrasonics have been for the detection of nonbonding in fuel plates and pins and control rod plates. The simplest test uses a resonance technique, elementary mechanical guides and manip- ulator movement of the probe. Nonbonds with a size approximately 1/4 of the probe area can be detected at core-clad interfaces on either side of the fuel or absorber plates. More complex systems have been assembled to make completie mechanical scans of plates or pins. For example, mechan- ical equipment has been set under about twelve feet of water to evaluate a cylindrical uranium fuel element tiaving both inner and outer surface Zircaloy cladding. (11) Bond testing is conducted at both bonded inter- faces using a pulse-echo, longitudinal.-wave "ringing" technique; i.e., an impinging pulse of the proper frequency ultrasound will induce resonant vibrations in nonbonded clad. This ringing can be detected as an elongation in time of the received echo. In addition to the bond testing, the same scanner is used to measure clad-thickness with a high resolution, short pulse, untuned instrumentation system and to detect flaws in the core using both longitudinal and shear mode techniques. General Scanning Equipment ASS Ultrasonic equipment has been assembled for in-cell testing of irradiated fuel rods for cladding defects. (12) The equipment includes an immersion tank with features for clamping and rotating the rod and positioning and adjusting the test head which contains the ultrasonic transducer. The system has proven to be capable of finding radial cracks 0.32 cm (1/8 in.) long with depths of 5-10% of the wall thickness. An all-purpose scanning tank has been developed for in-cell per- formance of ultrasonic examination of specimens with cylindrical, flat, or other shapes. (13) The system has remote control on the transducers in 3 linear and two angular directions. For scanning of rectangular objects the search tube can automatically be moved in repetitive longi- tudinal scans with indices of a preset amount in the transverse direction between each longitudinal movement, thus providing complete XmY coverage. Rotary motion can be applied to cylindrical objects and, when coupled with transducer movement in the longitudinal direction, this will pro- duce helical scanning. Thus almost any ultrasonic technique which can be performed by immersion testing in a cold laboratory should be possible in-cell. The device has been used thus far only in a mockup facility. EDDY CURRENT METHODS Flaw Detection The eddy-current techniques, like ultrasonics, can be performed without concern for high-intensity background radiation. Again the tech- niques can be similar to those used in cold laboratories with the principal difference being the mechanization required for remote opera.- tion. One such application was for detection of flaws in sodium bonding Was in a fuel pin after fabrication in a fuel recycle facility. The equipment translates the fuel pin from a magazine (heated to maintain the sodium in a liquid state during inspection) up through an encircling inspection coil and allows its return. The inspection coil was wound on aluminum silicate for heat resistance. It is operated as part of a pulsed eddy-current system. (14,15) The device, when used and inter- preted by an experienced operator, can be used to detect most of the flaws characteristic of the casting operation. For instance, it can determine the sodium level with an accuracy of 10.39 nim and is able to detect and show the difference between surface defects at the sodium interface and voids in the sodium bonding as small as 1.5 + 0.25 mm (1/16 + 0.010 in.). (17) Space Measurement A new series of eddy-current probes using the "lift-off" effect* have been developed for the measurement of spacing in coolant channels and other restricted areas. (13,19) One type has been made small enough to fit into 0.875-mm (0.035 in.) channels between fuel plates. Others have been made to perform similar measurements between fuel rods and in annular spaces in rods with concentric configuration. Hot-cell measure- ments have been made manually. Also by attaching a notorized drive system such as the bed of a milling machine, continuous scanning and recording of channel prorlles can be performed. Accuracies have been 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) or better. om OTHER METHODS Liquid penetrant and magnetic particle examination have been used to detect surface flaws at several sites. (20,21) Speaker-driven sonic methods (22) to measure elastic moduli in small machined specimens have also found application. Several types of leak testing have been per- formed for the detection of leaks through a container such as a fuel *The "lift-off" ef'fect may be defined as the change in the elec- trical impedance of an eddy-current coil due to a change in the distance between the coil and a neart; electrically conducting material. 10 element cladding. These include helium leak detection employing mass spectrometers (23) and the observation of gas bubble formation on the surface of internally pressurized containers. ( The latter can be accomplished by immersion in a liquid bath such as oil or by coating the surface with a liquid film. Another system uses pressure decay in a miniature pressure chamber as a measure of closure weld leakage for fuel rods. (24) Analysis of pressure decay rate permits determination of leak size up to a sensitivity of approximately 5 x 10-6 std cm He/ sec. These various test methods in general differ from out-of-cell techniques only in the more difficult manipulation of material and viewing of results. CONCLUSIONS A number of nondestructive testing techniques have been developed and applied in the United States for postirradiation examination in hot cells. Some of the methods have been basically the same as those in cold-laboratories except for the requirement for mechanization necessary for remote performance. Others have necessitated extensive modification and ingenuity. Although it is recognized that the technology is still in its Infancy, great strides have been made and the cited methods and others yet to come will find even greater usefulness in the future. ANL-1047002 DB . - * Gamma Autoradiograph of Unopened Capsule Neuiron Radiograph of Unopened Capsule Optical Photograph of Clad Fuel Specimens after Capsule Was Opened Fig. 1. An Autograph and a Neutron Radiograph of a Radioactive, Unopened Fuel Capsule Compared with a Photograph of the Opened Capsule. 1. Berger, "A Summary Report on Neutron Radiography," US AEC Report ANL-6846, Argonne National Laboratory, July, 1964. Y.55921 i . Fig. 2. Chemically Reduced Radiograph of a Housing containing a 5 Curie Source of 6°co. PHOTO 59404 PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE TROLLEY FUEL ROD COLLIMATOR 2 mo LEAD PIG CONTAINING 1 C060 SOURCE ..! Fig. 3. Equipment for Measuring Fuel Inhomogeneity by Through- Transmission Gamma Attenuation. 14 REFERENCES 1. . Berger and W. N. Beck, "Neutron Radiographic Inspection of Radioactive Irradiated Reactor Fuel Specimens," Nucl. Sci. Eng. 411-14 (1963). 2. W. N. Beck, "Recent Advances in Nondestructive Examination of Irradio:ced Fuel Capsules," USAEC Report TID-7697, Technical Information Division, pp. 2.22.1-11. 3. H. Berger, "A Summary Report on Neutron Radiography," US AEC Report ANL-6846, Argonne National Laboratory, July, 1964. 4. G. H. Tenney, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, personal communication, 1964. 5. R. W. McClung, "Radiography in the Presence of Background Radiation," Mater. Evaluation (to be published). 6. C. B. Neblette, Photography, Its Principles and Practice, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. New York, 1942. 7. J. D. Seuse, A. L. Lotte, and F. C. Davis, "Thorium-Uranium-233 Oxide (Kilorod) Facility-Rod Fabrication Process and Equipment," US AEC Report ORNL-3539, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1964. 8. B. E. Foster, S. D. Snyder, and R. W. McClung, "Measurement and Application of X- and Gamma-Ray Attenuation to Reactor Materials Evaluation," paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Nondestructive Testing, London, England, Sept. 9-13, 1963. To be published in Proceedings. 9. J. W. Allen and R. W. McClung, "An Electronic, High Resolution, X-Ray Imaging System," USAEC Report ORNL-2671, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1959. 10. J. P. Mitchell, M. Rhoten, and R. C. McMaster, "X-Ray Image System for Nondestructive Testing of Solid Propellent Missile Case Walls and Weldments," U. S. Army Report WAL 142.5/1-5, Watertown Arsenal Laboratory, August 1962. 11. D. 0. Hunter, "Ultrasonic Testing of Irradiated NPR Fuels," Paper No. CP 63-715 presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Electronuclear Conference, Richland, Washington, April 29–30, 1963. 12. T. G. Lambert, "Ultrasonic Inspection of Irradiated Fuel Rods," pp. 255-265 in Proceedings of the llth Conference on Hot Laboratories and Equipment, ANS Winter Meeting, New York, December 28-31, 1963, American Nuclear Society, New York, 1963. 15 13. Technical Function and Operation of the High Radiatior. Level Examination Laboratory, Building 3525, USAEC Report ORNL CF-61-1-75, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, January 1961. 14. C. J. Renken, R. G. Myers, and W. J. McGonnegle, "Status Report in Eddy Current Theory and Application," USAEC Report ANL-5861, Argonne National Laboratory, November 1958. 15. K. Ono and W. J. McGonnagle, "Pulsed Eddy-Current Instrument for Measuring Sodium Levels of EBR-II Fuel Rods," USAEC Report ANL-6278, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1961. 16. T. C. Cameron and II. M. McCall, Jr., "Development and Evalua- tion of Prototype Remote-Controlled Sodium-Bonding and Bond-Inspection Processes for EBR-II Fuel Cycle Facility," US AEC Report ANL-6724, Argonne National Laboratory, May 1963. 17. M. J. Feldman, Argonne National Laboratory, personal communication, February 1965. 18. C. V. Dodd, and R. W. McClung, "Fuel Element Coolant Channel and Other Spacing Measurements by Eddy-Current Techniques," US AEC Report ORNL-TM-129, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 1962. 19. C. V. Dodd, "Design and Construction of Eddy-Current Coolant Channel Spacing Probes," (First part) Microtecnic, 18(5) 286-289 (Oct. 1964). Second part in issue 6. 20. G. H. Tenney, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, personal communication, 1964. 21. K. K. Klindt, A. E. Richt, and W. C. Thurber, "Postirradiation on of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Control Rod Drive Rack from SM-1 Reactor," USAEC Report ORNL-3218, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, November 1961. 22. R. E. Womack, "Modulus of Elasticity Equipment for Hot Cell Application," US AEC Report UCRL-7173, University of California Radiation Laboratory, January 1963. 23. $. E. Dismuke, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, personal communication, February 1965. 24. A. P. Grunwald, "Leak Testing of EBR-II Fuel Rods," Nucl. Sci. Eng. 12 419 423 (1962). !" - . DATE FILMED 16 / 8 /65 LEGAL NOTICE – This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neithor the United Statos, aor the Coliinission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 7 - END