" ...". ** " " '^ = ", . t ; ; . . . . . " ! . . ... . .. ..... . ... . . . . . . .. .-. " Y r y .. . .. .. 1. * . :. . : :.- .1 NUW AIT . ' IV . S . . T .. 71 . : : : . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL TIT HTX Wypit, . .. IT . ; : . . .. E +: - ++ - + - - 1 2 . .... 1069 . .' . .'; . . . . - PR Nu 8-1069 Vladic-OFFICIAL LUTET lemy-650201-3 9.1 ORHI - AIC - OFFICIA MAR? 3 1965 HIGH-TEMPERATURE HIGH-VACUUM THERMOCOUPLE DRIFT TESTS J. W. Hendricks and D. L. Mchiroy Metals and Ceramics Division MASTER INTRODUCTION 8. na disanat, or prorlewa na privately owned rightona; or will the Coonstont, or wa employment with much contractor. soch saployee or contractor of the Coe aloston, of employee of such contractor properes. to, nay taformation part ploys or conincter of the Collanton, or asaployee of such contractor, to the extrat that As und in the abon, "price acthangao bello de Couglaston" oncluded my e- uny liabiliun with respect to the w un of any lalorquation, appendu, crthod, or proces dacloud sa to report, of way totoraation apparatus, method, or procum declound in the report my cot intrare nicy, completasun, or watalow of the lodormado contatoed in this report, or that the se A. Makao may irruly or mountauation, aprened or implied, with respect to the accu. San, sor the Commission, nor wy porno nella on ball of the Coaalkon: This report me prepared ML Account of Government sponsored work. Neither the VAIKA ol, or for de to Ho saplogant or contract results from the LEGAL NOTICE Numerous experiments in the region 1000 to 1450°C at pressures in the range 106 to 10 8 torr require reliable and accurate temperature measurement. Varying degrees of success have been achieved using opti- cal pyrometers or high-temperature thermocouples; however, none of these appear to be a panacea. A literature survey-10 revealed a virtual lack of thermocouple drift data for this temperature and pressure range. This information void was unduly complicating many types of tests in which temperature control was important. In order to prevent every experiment fron becoming a thermometry test, a facility was constructed and tests were restricted to those operating conditions and to commercially avail- able noble- and refractory-metal thermocouples. The results, though limited in scope, have increased our knowledge of thermocouple perfor- mance and should be instrumental in the design of future experiments. It was beyond the scope of this work to study in detail the criteria for selection and application of high-temperature thermocouples to attain maximum thermoelectric stability. 11 Rather, in the scope of these tests, it was decided to select a few test materials, to rely on some of the reported test results to circumvent the cause of thermoelectric insta- bility, and to obtain useful design information.. PENICU,15ANCE OStr . 5 THE PUBLIC IS APPRUVED. pris was ARE ON FILE IN THE RACEJVING Skiishia TEST METHOD The drift test facility was designed to allow extended testing at temperatures up to 1500°C at pressures below 10 torr. This test facility has many of the features of those used in the previously reported stability studies on base-metal thermocouples. 12 The present test allows the hot junctions of the test thermocouples to be held con- tinuously at the temperature of an isothermal zone block of niobium. The emf stability was monitored as a function of time, and the nominal zone block temperature was ascertained by intermittent insertion of a thermocouple referee or by intermittent reading of an optical pyrometer sighted into a black-body cavity in the block. Figure 9.1 16 a schematic drawing showing the major features of the facility. OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL A niobium bar, 1 1/8-in. diam by 4 in. long, constituted the iso- thermal zone block. The lower half of this verticall contained 16 reentry holes, 1/8-in. diam by 1 3/4 in. long, for the test thermocouples and a central hole for the movable referee thermo- couple. The upper hall of the block contained a black-body cavity, which was formed by an axial hole, 3/8-in. diam by 1 3/4 in. deep, threaded and capped with a plug containing a 3/16-in.-diam sighthole. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4932 -OPTICAL PYROMETER -VIEW PORT IONIZATION GAGE- Io GETTER-ION PUMP BLACK BODY CAVITY -Togo WO COIL NIOBIUM ISOTHERMAL TEST BLOCK- -TO RADIATION : SHIELDS COLD WALL VACUUM CHAMBER REENTRY TEST TC- GRADIENT TEST TC INTERNAL REFERENCE BLOCK LC/A= ICE BATH COPPER LEADS MOVABLE REFEREE TC K-3 POTENTIOMETER AND SWITCHES - COMPRESSION SEAL - MOVABLE REFEREE TC SLIDING TC HOUSING -MOVABLE EXTERNAL MAGNET 9.2 829 inijosiu - i - inos Fig. 9.1. Schematic Drawing of the Drift Test Facility. 9.3 This block was mounted vertically inside a Ta-10% W alloy heater coil, 2-in. ID and 6 in. long. This coil was mounted on and completely surrounded by three tantalum radiation shields. A variable step-down autotransformer was used to adjust the voltage applied to the furnace winding. The furnace assembly was supported by a stainless steel stand mounted on a stainles6 steel base plate, The base plate contained several components critical to the test, A water-cooled copper reference junction block was mounted on the plate to provide cold juctions between the test thermocouples and copper extension leads. This internally contained reference junction not only reduced the length of wire needed per test thermocouple but also solved the troublesome problem of multiple vacuum seals for the various ther- mocouple materials. The penetration of the copper wires and two Chromel-P/Alumel thermocouples (which were used to monitor the refer- ence junction temperature) was sealed using Teflon compression glands mounted in tubes 6 in. below the base plate. This stand-off seal allowed bakeout of the base plate prior to testing. The copper wires extended to two L&N thermal-free, two-pole, twelve-position switches which allowed thermal emf measurements to be made with a K-3 potenti- ometer. An icebath cold junction with twist connections to copper wires was used for the Chromel-P/Alumel reference junction thermocouples. The base plate also contained a bakeable 400-anp copper-ceramic feed-through to supply electrical power to the furnace. Finally, the base plate contained a centrally located l-in.-diam, 17-in.-long stainless steel tube, which housed the mechanism for moving the PtgoRh10/Pt referee thermocouple into electrical contact with the top of the central hole of the niobium isothermal block. The mechanism consisted of a short .. iron cylinder moved vertically inside the stainless steel tube by means of an external magnet. The leads of the referee were allowed to flex within the stainless steel tube prior to joining copper wires at the reference block. A deformable copper compression gasket sealed the base plate to the cold-wall stainless steel vacuum chamber. The top of this chamber con- tained a viewing port (for sighting into the black-body cavity with an optical pyrometer), a 15 liter/sec getter-ion pump, a Veeco hot cathode ionization gage, Model RG 31A, for measuring the chamber pressure, and a copper evacuation line which was crimp-sealed after the initial vacuum bakeout of the system. A number of pretest operations were performed in preparing a drift test. The niobium isothermal zone block was pickled in 35 HNO 3-15HF-50H2O) and annealed at 1000°C for 2 hr at 1 x 106 torr. The Morganite ARR alumina sheathing (used on all bare-wire tests) was boiled in 50 HNO3-50 H2O for 4 hr and dried at 1000ºC for 72 hr at 1 x 10°3 torr. This treatment is thought to reduce the iron content of the insulators. The thermocouples to be tested were fabricated and located in the niobium isothermal block, the electrical check-outs completed, the system sealed, and a bakeout performed. The test chamber was evacuated to 3 X 105 torr using a mechanical promp and an oil diffusion pump. The getter-ion pump 9.4 was used to achieve 7 X 10 6 torr. The system was helium leak checked and then baked for 24 hr using 150°C steam in the water-cooling chambers, The copper evacuation line was then crimped off, leaving only the getter- ion pump to maintain the pressure. The furnace system was then heated to obtain data at 800, 1000, and 1200°C prior to drift testing at higher temperatures. Data were obtained periodically by raising the referee thermocouple into the isothermal block, allowing 20 min for equilibration, recording the thermal emf of the system's thermocouples and the optical pyrometer reading, and lowering the referee. The referee thermocouple was made from 0.020-in. diam platinum and PtooRh 10 wire. Although this referee thermocouple was continuously in the system, most of th not at the high temperature of the 1sothermal block but at a location where the temperature was 300°C. The optical pyrometer reading was obtained by sighting the black-body cavity with a Model 95 Pyro Micro- Optical, disaypearing filament pyrometer. The temperature indicated was lower than the referee thermocouple by as much as 85°C at 1300°C and 100°C at 1450°C. No attempt was made to correct for absorption in the night port and the prism because the optical reading followed changes detected by the referee thermocouple to within a few degrees. All of the test thermocouples indicated temperatures different from those of the referee thermocouple due to slightly different vertical positions and to initial calibration differences. For present purposes, these differences are inconsequential in this test since the purpose of the test was to measure the change of thermal emf with time at tempera- ture. This can be accomplished by comparison with the initial reading of a particular thermocouple if the furnace temperature is maintained constant during the test. The referee thermocouple and the optical pyrometer indicated that the furnace temperature was maintained constant to better than 110°C during these tests. The temperature indicated by the referee thermocouple is reported as the nominal temperature for each test. MATERIALS TESTED AND RESULTS Three tests have been completed using this facility and the salient features of these tests are shown in Table 9.1. Test I was exploratory in nature and yielded interesting results. Test II was a planned repeat on certain aspects of Test I with several new configurations and materials. Test III 16 a continuation of Test II after rem:)val of several unstable sheathed thermocouples. Test I was performed on the four types of high-temperature thermo- couples listed in Table 9.2. These thermocouples were insulated with pre- treated two-hole ARR alumina sheaths. The hot junctions of the noble- metal thermocouples were prepared by tungsten-arc inert-gas welding, the gradient thermocouple, wires were tweezer-welded to the niobium block to make the hot functions through the block, and the refractory-base thermoc couple hot Junctions were twisted for 1/4 in. and wire-wrapped with 0.002-in. tungsten wire. 9.5 Table 9.1. Conditions of the Thermocouple Drift Tests Test No. Nominal Time at Average Temperature Temperature Pressure 7°c) (hr) (torr Remarks 1300 352 2 x 10-7 Planned termination prior to 1450°C test Planned termination after 1012 hr 1450 1012 4 x 10-8 II II 2200 143 1 x 10-6 III 1315 100 1 x 10-6 1x 10-2 Stopped to remove drifting thermocouples Planned termination prior to 1425°C test Test stopped 600 hr 1425 600 Table 9.2. Thermocouples Evaluated in Test I at 1300°C (350 hr) and 1450°C (1012 hr) Wire Size (in.) 0.020 Thermocouple Conver- sion Table (Ref) Position in Block Reentry Source Number : Tested 2 Pt90 Rh10/Pt (13) PtgRhG/Pt70Rh30 0.010 Reentrya 2 (14) Sigmund Cohn, reference grade J. Bishop Co. standard grade J. Bishop Co. standard grade J. Bishop Co. standard grade Pt9476/Ptqo Rh 30 0.020 Reentrya Pt 94 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 0.032 Reentrya 2. Pt 94 Rh6/Pt70Ah 30 0.020 Gradient W/W74RE 26 W9sRe 5/W74RE 26 (16) 0.020 0.020 J. Bishop Co. standard grade Englehard Inc. Hoskins Manufac- turing Co. Reentrya Reentrya "Reentry position means inserted in a hole in the niobium block. Gradient position means strapped on or tweezer-welded to the bottom of the niobium block. 9.6 Table 9.3 lists the temperatures indicated by the referee and the optical pyrometer as well as the chamber pressure for Test I at 1300°C. The referee thermocouple and optical temperatures differed by 70 to 90°C and were fairly consistent indications of the change of the block temper- ature from one time to the next. Any differences were perhaps due to variations in the vertical placement of the referee thermocouple. The block temperature was constant within +10°C, which is sufficient for this test. The average temperature indicated by the two thermocouples of each type tested is listed as well as the difference between this average at several times and a value obtained early in the test. There is an amazing consistency in the test thermocouples in indicating the block change in temperature from data point to data point. These results are plotted in Fig. 9.2 and show that after 352 hr at 1300°C there is no 1 preference among the thermocouples tested. Additional proof of this can be observed from the AT 2 values listed in Table 9.3 and plotted in Fig. 9.4 The AT2 values represent the temperature difference between the referee and a particular test thermocouple and thus include both calibration differences and differences caused by position in the test block. These values are perhaps more indicative of the very nominal drift which occurred at 1300°C since furnace temperature variations are removed in calculating AT 2. Thus within +5°C there was no thermal emf drift at 1300°C in 352 hr at 2 x 10 torr. These results were unexpected; so the test temperature was elevated to 1450°C and heid there for 1012 hr in order to promote drift if any should cccur. The results obtained at 1450°C are tabulated in Table 9.4 and plotted in Fig. 9.3. The thermocouples in the reentry positions did not exhibit any drift of thermal emf to within 18°C. However, the PL94Rh6/ Pty oRh30 thermocouples welded to the niobium test block (and thus in a severe temperature gradient) did drift negatively by approxi- mately 80°C. This is believed to be due to niobium diffusing into the hot junction, thus altering the wire composition. Because of the severe temperature gradient, this inhomogeneity caused the observed decrease in thermal emf. After accruing 1012 hr at 1450°C, the system was cooled to 1300°C, as indicated by the referee, and rechecked at this temperature. The reentry thermocouples agreed with the previous data at 1300°C to within 10°C, as shown in the last column of Table 9.3. This is additional prvof that the reentry thermocouples did not drift during Test I. Thus, Test I shows: (1) No preference exists among the thermocouples tested in reentry positions from the viewpoint of drift behavior for this time, temperature, and environment. Implied by this is that neither alloy content nor wire size is an important variable. (2) Thermal emf drifts as large as 80°C/1000 hr at 1450'C may possibly be expected for all thermo- couples welded to niobium and exposed to a severe temperature gradient, although this effect was noted only for the Pt 9 RH6/Pty oRngo thermocouples in Test I. Table 9.3. Thermocouple Drift Data Por Test I for 352 hr at 1300°C (5 of 17 readings) Duration of Test in Hours 63 160 232 Duration 66 Test 12 Hours 32810350 ORNI ~ All - OFFICIAL 328 Test Thermocouple PtgoRh 10/Pt T(°C) 1273 1267 1272 1272 1270 1271 AT1 +33 +31 +36 +32 +30 +19 AT2 Ptg4RhG/P+ 70 Rh30 (0.010-in. diam) 1264 1258 1265 1257 1258 6 AT, +1 +43 1246 -18 +54 AT 2 +42 +40 +43 Ptg 4Rh6/PtmoRh30 (0.020-in. diam) 1254 1248 1255 1245 1247 -7 -6 +1 1244 --10 +54 52 +50 +53 +57 +55 AT 1 AT 2 Ptg & Rh6/PtooRh30 (0.032-in. diam) 1263 1256 1259 1258 ATI 1265 +2 -5 1250 -13 +50 +43 +42 +43 +45 +42 AT2 Pto4 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 (0.020-in. diam gradient) 1237 1247 1240 0 +56 1254 +14 +54 +7 1244 +4 +56 1150 90 -150 +62 +57 W/W17 4RE 26 1255 1264 1259 1257 1253 1262 0 +44 +2 +43 +44 +45 +43 +47 AT2 Wo 5 Reg/W4Re 26 1286 1278 1278 1278 1283 3 +25 1288 +2 +12 +26 +22 1300 +20 +20 Isothermal Block Temperature (°C) Ptg o Rh 10/Pt, Thetares 1306 1298 Optical Pyrometer 1215 1215 (uncorrected) Chamber Pressure, 20 torr (x1007) 1308 1220 1304 1220 1300 1209 1220 1.6 1.1 0.07 For each thermocouple the quantities reported are: T, reading of test thermocouple; AT 1 (Theme - Is hood of test thermocouple; AT2 (Trefense "test thermocouple' at the particular time. Data at 1300°C after being at 1450°C for 1012 hr. Seriesonicial 9.8 DWG 64-4931 Fig. 9.2. Test Conditions: 1300°C, 352 hr, 2 x 10°7 torr. (a) Inter- nal comparison of thermocouples of Test I. Isothermal zone block tempera- ture during Test I at 1300°C. (b) Temperature difference of referee thermo- couple and thermocouples of Test I. OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4931 O'RNI,-ATO - OFFICIAL • Pigo Rho/PI * Piga Rhe/ Plzo Rh30 (0.010) Piga Rh6/ Pito Rhzo (0.020) • Piga Rh6 / Pino Rh30 (0.032) • Plod Rhe/Pipo Rh30 (0.020 GRADIENT) o W/W 74 Re26 o Wgs Reg/W74 R$ 26 . AT, (c) lo-90°C) : REFEREE TCC) T (°C) OPTICAL +1035 hr - AT 1450°C 1290 Fla am +1035* (1450°C) (-150°C) 52 the ATA (C) ORNL - AEC - Official 50 100 150 250 300 350 (0 AT +12) ........ 200 TIME (hr) ORNL - AIC - OIFICIAL 81.5% i 9.9 Table 9.4. Thermocouple Drift Data for Test I for 1012 hr at 1450°C (5 of 36 readings) +2 +4 +55 T +2 -12 +2 +47 +49 Duration of Test in Hours Test Thermocouple 166 406 718 910 PtgoRh 10/Pt T (°C) 1428 1416 1430 1432 1428 AT, -12 AT 2 +34 +33 +28 +28 +28 Pt. 4 Rh6/PtroRh30 (0.010-in. diam) 1409 1394 1403 1400 1395 AT1 AT 2 +55 +60 +61 Pto4 Rh6/PtroRh30 (0.020-in. diam) 1401 1385 1400 1403 1397 ATI -16 AT2 +61 +64 +58: +57 +59 Pto4 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 (0.032-in. diam) 1411 1400 1411 1413 1410 AT1 AT2 +49 +47 +46 Ptg 4 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 (0.020-in. diam gradient) 1388 : 1360 1358 1338 1316 -28 -30 -50 -72 AT2 +74 +89 +100 +122 +140 W/W74Re 26 1415 1402 1414 1416 1415 0 AT2 +47 +41 W95 Res/W74RE 26 1469 1452 1468 1475 1466 AT1 -17 +6 AT2 -10 Isothermal Block Temperature (°C) PtgnRh 10/Pt, Treferee: 1462 1449 1458 1460 1456 Optical Pyrometer 1360 1350 1361 1366 1362 (uncorrected) Chamber Pressure, 54 8.3 torr (x 2008) For each the wocouple the quantities reported are: T, reading of test w of test thermocouple; im referee * test thermocouple) at the particular time. 0 -13 +47 +] +44 -3 15 8. 35 15 ORNI - AC-OFFICIAL thermocouple; AT i time pericular time. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-4939 www.smm . . AT (°C) • Ptgo Rho/pt * Piga Rh6/Piyo Rh30 (0.010) Piga Rhe/P170 Rh30 (0.020) • Plga Rho/P170 Rh30 (0.032) • Piga Rho/Piro Rh30 (0.020 GRADIENT) o W/W74 Re26 o Wyg Reg/W74 Re26 whe -OPTICAL T (°C) hos REFEREE т РС) 1350 (20) 20- O 100 200 300 400 600 700 800 500 TIME (hr) 900 Fig. 9.3. Test Conditions: 1450°C, 1012 hr. 6 x 10°8 torr. (a) Internal comparison of thermocouples of Test I. Isothermal zone block temperature during Test I at 1250°C. (b) Temperature difference of referee thermocouple and thermocouples of Test I. 9.11 Test II was initiated to confirm the results of Test I and to test other configurations. The thermocouples tested in Test I. are listed in Table 9.5. In the process of raising the test temperature to 1300°C, it was decided to test for a short time at 1200°C. This temperature proved to be sufficient to cause significant thermal emf changes in the niobium- and tantalum-sheathed MgO-insulated Pt 9 Rhro/ Pt thermocouples. This drift was so severe that Test II was terminated after 143 hr at 1200°C in order to remove these bad actors prior to testing at 1300°C. The results obtained in Test II are listed in Table 9.6 and plotted in Fig. 9.4. The gross negative drift of the above-mentioned sheathed thermocouples is apparent. The other thermocouples confirm the Test I results in that within +10°C no drift occurred at 1200°C in 143 hr. Thus the reentry, the partial reentry, and the gradient thermocouples of all varieties, not insulated with Mgo, did not differ in performance. It is significant that the tantalum-sheathed BeO-insulated Wo Res/Wry 2Re 26 thermocouples in the reentry positions did not drift in thermal emf in contrast to the tantalum-sheathed MgO-insulated Ptoo Rho/Pt thermocouples. This difference is believed due to the different insulators rather than the thermoelements. In any case, these results sound a warning on use of metal-sheathed MgO-insulated thermocouples in high vacuum at high temperatures. The removal of the four bad thermocouples of Test II allowed several partial reentry thermocouples to be added to Test III. The actual thermocouples tested in Test III are listed in Table 9.5 and represent a slight extension of Test II. Four types of thermocouples were exposed at reentry, partial reentry, and gradient positions. These positions were selected to show that a third metal (niobium in this case) diffusion in the temperature gradient of the hot junction was required in order for the negative drift observed for the gradient- positioned PtgRh6/ Pty oRh3o thermocouples of Test I to occur. Test III was initiated by 100 hr of exposure at 1315°C with the results listed in Table 9.7 and plotted in Fig. 9.5. The vacuum was not as good as in Test I; the optical pyrometer was in significantly closer agreement with the referee thermocouple than in Test I. The test results do not show any significant thermal emf drift and thus confirm the Test I results at 1300°C. The variation in AT2 among the reentry thermocouples was smaller in Test III (+3°C) than in Test I (+16°C) because more care was taken in aligning the hot junction positions in the reentry positions in preparing for this test. The results of Test III at 1315°C did not show any drift for the various thermocouple positions. Since drift was not observed, even for the gradient thermocouple in Test I at 1300°C, these results were as expected. Test III was continued by raising the temperature to 1425°C and yielded the results listed in Table 9.8 and plotted in Fig. 9.6. Again the conditions of this test were slightly different from those of Test I at 1450°C. The vacuum was not quite as good, but the optical pyrometer and referee readings agreed much better. There was good 9.12 Table 9.5. Thermocouples Evaluated in Tests II and III Wire Size (in.) Position in Block Number Tested Test Number Thermocouple Source PtgoRh20/Pt 0.020 Reentry II, III Sigmund Cohn Co., reference grade PtgoRh10/Pt 0.020 Gradient i II, III Sigmund Cohn Co., reference grade Pt 9oRh10/Pt 0.020 III Sigmund Cohn Co., reference grade Thermo-Electric, Inc. PtgoRh2o/Pt 0.010 Partial reentry Reentry 1/16-in. Ta, MgO Reentry 1/16-in. • Nb, Mgo Reentry Ptgohid/Pt 0.010 Continental Sensing Inc. 2 II, III J. Bishop Co., standard grade Ptg4Rh6/Pty oRh30 Ptg4Rb6/Ptyo Rhzo Ptg4Rba/Pty oRh30 0.020 0.020 0.020 Gradient 1 II, III III Partial reentry Gradient J. Bishop Co., standard grade J. Bishop Co., standard grade Eaglehard, Inc. Englehard, Inc. II, III W/W74Re 26 W/W7 4RE 26 0.020 0.020 III Partial reentry Reentry Wyg Res/Wy 4RE 26 0.020 II, III W9g Res/W4Re 26 0.020 Partial reentry Gradient Hoskins Manufac- turing Co. Hoskins Manufac- turing Co. Hoskins Manufac- turing Co. Continental Sensing, Inc. 0.020 II, III Wg5Res/W74RE 26 Wyg Res/Wy4Re 26 0.010 2 II, III Reentry 1/16-in. Ta, Beo Partial reentry means inserted less than 1/2 in. Into niobium block but not touching the niobium block. 9.13 Table 9.6. Thermocouple Drift Data for Test II for 143 hr at 1200°C Thermocouple and Position Duration of Test in Hours 773 7579 95 19123 Ptg oRh2o/Pt Reentry 1210 1213 216 1313 130s 1222 +12 ATa T, PtgoRha /Pt Gradient 1210 1210 1213 1306 1208 0 1210 +2 ༢ +5 1219 +11 ༥ AT AT Ptsoma d/pt Ta, Mgon ཀ་ AT Pt9ORk10/Pt Nb, Mgo 11e7 , 118 。 942 119 -35 862 1150 37 862 847829 1139 1139 1128: -3445 226 1132 56 1207 1143 1167 ལ0 1166 41 1167 0 1155 -52 1146 61 AT Pt94 Rh6/Ptry Rhzo Reentry ་ 1199 1192 1197 045 +179 1197 +5 1196 +4 +1, 1193 +1 8 1208 +16 8 +8 ATi AT w/w7ARe26 Gradient ཀྱ་ AT, AT W9 Res/W74RE 26 Reentry 1193 1188 1191 0 418 1192 +1 +13 1194 + 1202 +11 +2 13 •13 413 1235 1234 1235 232 1235 1229 1242 ༡ c7 28 -30 28 Ar AT W95 Reg/W7 4Re 26 Partial reentry 1227 1226 1325 1226 1220 1234 。 ༤ ཕྱི་ -18 20 1s 9.14 Table 9.6. (Continued) Thermocouple and Position 7 73 Duration of Test in Hours 75 7995119143 Weg Reg/W7 Re26 Gradient T 1226 1224 1225 1222 1219 AT 1225 -1 -18 1232 +6 17 AT2 18 20 ܬܪܢ -18 1237 1238 1236 1238 1233 1245 +6 30 31 33 -31 -32 -30 Wyg Res/Wy2Re 26 Та, Beo 1239 AT1 AT 2 PtgoRhıd/Pt Preferee 1209 Optical Pyrometer 1150 Chamber Pressure. 5 torr (* 10°6) 1206 1205 1208 1207 1201 1215 . 1155 1.2 1155 1.1 1155 1.0 1155 0.87 1150 0.68 1160 0.67 For each thermocouple the quantities reported are: T, reading in °C of test thermocouple; AT, (Tim - Ty nood of test thermocouple; 22 (Preferee - Ttest thermocoupled at the particular time. • Ploo Rho/P1 (REENTRY) Pigo Rhop! (GRADIENT) • Plgo Rho/PI, To, MgO (000) ACTUAL READING OF ONE SUCH T/C • Pigo Rho/PI, NB, Mgo 20 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWO 64.4929R * Piga Rho/P170 Rh30 (REENTRY) o W/W74 R26 (GRADIENTI o Wgg Reg/W74 Re26 (REENTRY; o Wys Reg/W74 Rez6 (PARTIAL REENTRY Wgs Reg/W74 Rez6 (GRADIENT) • Wgg Res/W74 Re26. To, Beo OINI - ACC (1197) 0 97, CC) (1942) (862) (8621 1 847) (829) (226) 1210 REFEREE TPC) OPTICAL 1150 ? 1140 .. Ata (°C) 25 50 100 125 150 75 TIME (hr) ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 9.4. Test Conditions: 1200°C, 143 hr, 1 x 10*6 torr. (a) Inter- nal comparison of thermocouples of Test II. Isothermal zone block temper- ature during Test II at 1200°C. (b) Temperature difference of referee 4:32.919 ornunla and thermocouple of mest. TT. 9.16 OINE - AIC - OIFICI Table 9.7. Thermocouple Drift Data for Test III for 99 hr at 1315°C Thermocouple and Position I Duration of rest in Tours Duration of Tegt in How 75 99 Pt, oRh 10/Pt Reentry 1306 1326 +20 1325 +19 1326 +20 -10 1327 +21 -12 ATI AT 2 Pt. Rh 10/Pt Gradient 1289 1307 1308 1307 +18 AT1 1306 +17 +10 +29 +18 +14 +13 +9 +8 AT2 Ptg o Rh 10/Pt Partial reentry 1284 1301 1302 1303 +19 +18 +17 +18 1304 +20 12 +18 +15 +14 ATI AT 2 Ptg 4 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 Reentry 1303 1328 1331 +28 -10 AT, 1324 +21 -8 1325 +22 +25 -12 · AT 2 Ptg 4Rh6/Ptro Rh30 Gradient 1289 1315 +26 1307 +18 +9 1304 +15 +12 1305 +16 +11 +13 +6 AT 1 AT 2 Ptg 4Rh6/Pt70Rh30 Partial reentry 1281 1298 1301 1307 +26 +14 +27 +20 1303 +22 +13 +21 +18 +15 AT2 AT2 W/W74 Re26 Gradient 1299 1322 1318 +19 1317 +18 1320 +21 +23 AT, AT, +3 +3 W/W74 Re26 Partial reentry 1310 1327 +17 1326 +16 -10 1324 +14 1325 +15 AT 1 AT2 ORNI - All-OSSICIAL 9.17 OINI - AIC - OFFICI Table 9.7. (continued) 1 — раво 1322 AT 2 +21 +8 Thermocouple Duration of Test la Hours and Position 75 99 Wos Res/W74Re 26 Reentry 1303 1322 1321 1324 ATI +19 +18 +19 +21 5 W9 5 Res/W74 Re26 Partial reentry 1293 1313 1312 1314 1315 AT1 +20 +19 +22 AT2 +9 +2 Wg 5 Reg/W74 Re26 Gradient 1290 1310 1308 1310 1311 AT 2 +20 +18 +20 +21 +12 +11 +8 +6 Wg 5 Res/W74 Re26 Та, Beo 1327 1325 1327 1328 +19 +17 +19 AT2 -21 -12 Ptg oRh 10/Pt, Treferee 1302 1321 1316 1316 1316 Optical Pyrometer, T 1270 1275 1282 1290 1290 Chamber Pressure, torr 4.6 x 10-6 4.5 x 10-6 4 x 10-6 1.1 x 10°6 8 x 10°7 AT2 +5 1308 AT 1 +20 For each thermocouple the quantities reported are: T, reading in °C of test thermocouple; ATi (Time - T, nr) of test thermocouple; A12 (Preferee - Ttest thermocouple at the particular time. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL 9.18 bar Fig. 9.5. Test Conditions: 1315°C, 99 br, 1 x 10°6 torr. (a) Inter- nal comparison of thermocouples of Test III. Isothermal zone block tem- perature during Test III at 1315ºC. (b) Temperature difference of referee thermocouple and thermocouples of Test III. ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64.4928 • Pigo Rho/P1 (REENTRY) Pigo Rho/P1 (PARTIAL REENTRY) o Plgo Rho PI (GRADIENT) Piga Rhoptzo Rhzo (REENTRY) Ptge Rho/P170 Rh30 (PARTIAL REENTRY) • Ptge Rho/P170 Rh30 (GRADIENT) • W/W74 Re26 (PARTIAL REENTRY) 7 • W/W74 Rez6 (GRADIENT) Wgg RegW74 Re26 (REENTRY) Wg5 Res' W74 Rez6 (PARTIAL REENTRY) - Wg5 ResW74 Rez6 (GRADIENT) o W95 RegW74 Rez6 (To-Beo) AT, (°C) 1330 REFEREE THERMOCOUPLE 1290 1270 k* OPTICAL PYROMETER AT2 (°C) TI - AIC - OFFICIAL 16) 20 40 60 80 120 TIME (hr) s. 1s . Table 9.8. Thermocouple Drift Data for Test III for 382 hr at 1425"C Duration of Test in Hours 46190310 Thermocouple and Position Ptg oRh 10/Pt Reentry 140 1441 10 16 144 to +1 -14 - ༈ -14 Ti m, Ptg o Rh 10/PC Gradient -16 17 1417 1420 17 +0 +9 149 2 1323 +6 +3 ༔ +7 AT T, Ptg oRh 10/Pt Partial reentry 1414 +0 1420 1425 s ri 130 +2 +7 +༩ 123 +5. +4 +g +5 za Ptg 4Rh6/Pt Rh30 Reentry 1437 1337 1436 133 iའn +o +0 -10 T AT, Ptg 4 Rh6/Pt70Rh30 Gradient 1410 1403 1404 1402 +0 107 -3 420 +16 + 4 +26 +25 ma Ptg 4Rh6/Pt70Rh30 Partial reentry 1411 1416 +0 112 +1 +15 ཙྪཱ 141s +༩ r; T, 1415 +4 +11 +༩ +10 +15 W/W74Re26 Gradient 1426 ཙྩུ 1-29 r 1427 +1 1 142e 43 126 +0 +0 40 +4 +3 Na v/vzRea6 Partial reentry 1430 126 1328 16 143o +0 , to 40 ཞལ 9.20 Duration of Test in Hours 46 190 310 - 382 Thero scouple and Fosition W95 Res/Wy4 Re26 Reentry 1437 1436 1434 1437 AT 1 1438 +1 +0 1 ܢ- AT2 W9 5 Re5/W94 Re 24 Partial reentry 1432 1429 +0 428 1431 1429 +0 -1 +4 +2 AT I AT2 Wo 5 Res/Wy2Re 26 Gradient T 1424 1424 1422 -2 1425 +1 AT, +0 +2 *o AT2 +2 W9 5 Res/W74 Re26 Ta, Beo 1443 1442 1446 1445 +0 +2 -15 1427 -17 Ptg o Rh 10/Pt, Treferee 1426 Optical Pyrometer, T 2395 Chamber Pressure, torr 2.4x10*6 1441 -2 -15 1426 1400 4x10-7 -16 1430 1397 2.2x10-7 -18 1427 1397 2x10-7 1395 1x10-6 For each thermocouple the quantities reported are: T, reading in °C of test thermocouple; AT d) of test thermocouple; AT 2 (Treferee - Ttest thermocouple) at the particular time. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL 9.21 Fig. 9.6. Test Conditions: 1425°C, 400 hr, I x 10°7 torr. (a) Inter- nal comparison of thermocouples of Test III. Isothermal zone block temper- ature during Test III at 1425°C. (b) Temperature difference of referee thermocouple and thermocouples of Test III. •oo ••L • Pigo Rho/P1 (REENTRY) o Pigo Rho PI (PARTIAL REENTRY) o Pigo Rho Pt (GRADIENT) Pige RhG/Plzo Rh30 (REENTRY) Piga Rho/pizo Rh30 (PARTIAL REENTRY) Ptge Rhe/ Piyo Rh30 (GRADIENT) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5070 • W/W74 Re26 (PARTIAL REENTRY) O W/W74 Re26 (GRADIENT) Wgg Reg/W74 Re26 (REENTRY) O W95 Reg/W74 Re26 (PARTIAL REENTRY) Wos ResW74 Reza (GRADIENT) o W9s Res/W74 Re26 (Ta, Beo) ORNI - AIC-OFFICIAL AT, (°C) REFEREE. T (°C) lo) OPTICAL AT2 (°C) . -16 vo 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 TIME (hr) 9.22 agreement among the reentry thermocouples at 1425°C. After 200 hr at 1425°C, the thermocouples in the various positions did not show any drift, The Pt9Rn6/ PtroRhzo gradient-positioned thermocouple had drifted about -0°C, whereas in Test I at 1450°C, this type thermocouple had drifted -15°C in 200 hr. The slightly lower test temperature may explain this difference. Thus, the other results of Test III at 1425°C confirm the results of Test I at 1450°C. The repeat test has thus showa a lack of thermal emf drift for these thermocouples at high temperatures in high vacuum. POSTTEST EXAMINATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS After Test I was concluded, the test thermocouples were removed and a: limited examination of the thermoelements made. There were no striking changes visible at 100x (binocular) for the WRey/W24Re 26 or the W/W, 2Re 26 thermocouples. The PtooRhio/ Pt thermocouples were thermally etched for 5 in. from the hot junction, and near the hot junction, individual grains nded across the wire. The surfaces of these large grains showed a considerable amount of thermal faceting. The Pt 9 Rh6/ PtroRbzo reentry thermocouples were similar in appearance to the PtgoRh10/Pt thermocouples. The gradient-tested Pt 9 Rh6/ PtoRn3o thermocouple differed in appearance only in the region that had been in contact with the niobium block. The surface of the wires was very mottled and rough in this vicinity. The wires of the noble thermoelements were easy to fracture just below the hot junction bead; this was probably related to the excessive grain growth. These casual observations do not offer any strong evidence for explaining the drift results. However, since drift was observed in only a few cases, striking visual changes were not expected. For the non-drifting thermocouples, little (other than thermal etching) appears to have occurred. Since the hot junctions of these thermocouples were immersed in an isothermal zone, any changes caused by this etching were not sufficient to generate composition differences in the temperature gradient portion to cause drift of thermal emf. Thus, the results indicate that, if the hot junction is placed in a moderately good 180- thermal zone, then none of the types of thermocouples tested will drift significantly at high vacuums and high temperatures. ---- ......... ... .. ...... The gradient-positioned Ptg2Rh6/Pty oRh30 thermocouple did drift at 1450°C and the thermoelements did have a significantly different surface appearance near the hot junction. One reasonable explanation of this performance is that in the hot junction region (which was in a steep temperature gradient) a compositional change did occur and this inhomo- geneity caused the observed drift. The surface appearance of the wires appears to support this viewpoint. Figure 9.7 is a photomicrograph of the PtroRh3o wire that contacted the niobium block. This structure is not typical for this alloy but shows a second phase present in this region. This phase is due to the aiobium. 9.23 UNCLASSIFIEDS Y-56678 .." . enerowane Fig. 9.7. Photomicrograph of Pty oRh30 Wire Which Contacted the Niobium Block in Test I. 500X. The thermal emf of the tantalum- and niobium-sheathed, MgO-insulated Pt 94 Rh6/ Pt thermocouples drifted negatively at 1200°C: Figure 9.8 is a photomicrograph of one such thermocouple which was niobium sheathed. It is apparent that a reaction occurred and penetrated the thermoelements. This reaction, whose character is not knowa but which must be associat with the MgO, apparently caused the negative drift of these thermocouples. Whether this is due to Mgo, per se, or to impurities in the MgO is not apparent at this time. CONCLUSIONS Tests at 1200 to 1450°C for times up to 1000 hr at pressures between 106 and 108 torr have shown that the thermal emfs for platinum-rhodium- and tungsten-rhenium-base thermoelements did not drift under these condi- tions. Commercially available thermocouples of the type Pt 9 ORE 10/Pt, Pt94 Rh6/ Ptry Rhzo, W/W24Re 26, and Wo 5 Res/Wy Re 26 were shown to be stable within 110°C for the test conditions. Wire size and alloy content dia 9.24 · UNCL ASSIFIED Y.49667 (20) UNCLASSIFIED Y-49669 CP Ex t . x ... Fig. 9.8. (a) Photomicrograph of Niobium-Sheathed, MgO-Insulated PtooRho/ Pt Thermocouple After 143 hr at 1200°C and 106 torr. 100x. (b) Platinum wire from 8(a). 500x. 9.25 OINL AIC -OSTICIA not affect the stability in these tests. Posttest examinations revealed only minor surface appearance changes occurred for the stable thermo- couples. One test at 1450°C did show that drift of thermal emf could be expected in Pto_Rh6/ Pty oRh3o thermocouples if the hot junction is joined to niobium and exposed to a severe temperature gradient. This is apparently due to compositional inhomogeneities due to diffusion of niobium into the hot junction. Severe thermal emf changes were observed at 1200°C in tantalum- and niobium-sheathed, MgO-insulated Pt9oRh, o/ Pt thermocouples; this 18 apparently caused by a reaction between the thermoelements and MgO. ORNI - MEC - OFFICIAL 9.25 ORHI - AIC - OPTIC not affect the stability in these tests. Posttest examinations revealed only minor surface appearance changes occurred for the stable thermo- couples. One test at 1450°C did show that drift of thermal emf could be expected in PtoRho/ Ptry oRh30 thermocouples if the hot junction is joined to niobium and exposed to a severe temperature gradient. This is apparently due to compositional inhomogeneities due to diffusion of niobium into the hot junction. Severe thermal emf changes were observed at 1200°C in tantalum- and niobium-sheathed, MgO-insulated PtooRho/Pt thermocouples; this is apparently caused by a reaction between the thermoelements and Mgo. REFERENCES I. B. E. Walker, C. T. Ewing, and R. R. Miller, Thermoelectric Instability of Some Noble Metal Thermocouples at High Temperatures, NRL Report 5792 (June 29, 1962). B. E. Walker, C. T. Ewing, and R. R. Miller, "Thermoelectric Insta- bility of Some Noble Metal Thermocouples at High Temperatures," Rev. Sci. Instr. 33(10), 1029–1040 (1962). 3. B. F. Hall, Jr., and N. F. Spooner, "Application and Performance Data Tor Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermocouples," Society of Automotive Engineers Preprint 750C, Presented at the National Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, California (Sept. 23-27, 1963). R. J. Freeman, "Thermoelectric Stability Platinum vs Platinum-Rhodium Thermocouples," pp. 201-220 in Temperature - Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, vol 3, Part 2, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (1962). 5. J. A. Mcgurty and W. C. Kuhlman, "Tungsten/Tungsten-Rhenium Thermo- couple Research and Development, General Electric Co.; Presented at the SAE National Aeronautic Meeting and Production Engineering Forum, New York (April 6, 1962). 6. W. C. Kuhlman, "Status Report on the Investigation of Thermocouple Materials for Use at Temperatures above 4500°F," TM 63-9-6, Advanced Technology Services, General Electric Co.; Presented at the SAE National Aeronautics and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting Los Angeles, California (Sept. 23-27, 1963). 7. S. Fanciullo, Thermocouple Development Lithium-cooled Reactor Experi- ment, PWAC-422 (March 5, 1964). ORNI - AIC-OISICIAL 9.26 8. R. I. Bennett, H. L. Memphill, W. T. Rainey, Jr., and G. W. Keilholtz, Stability of Thermoelectric Materials in a Helium- Graphite Environment, ORNL-TM-746 (Jan. 10, 1964). 9. W. E. Winsche and F. T. Miles, Progress Report Nuclear Engineering Department, May 1 to August 31, 1962, BNL 759(5-62). 10. V. W. Obrovski and W. Prinz, "Newly Determined Fundamental Values for the Thermocouplé Pt 30% Rh-Pt 6% Rh," Arch. Eisenhuttenw. 33(1), IL (1962). 11. D. I. Finch, "Precision Temperature Measurements with Thermocouples," pp. D-1-30 in Proceedings of the Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements, Leeds & Northrup Company, Philadelphia, 1963. 12. J. F. Potts, Jr., and D. L. McElroy, Thermocouple Research to 1000°C – Final Report, November 1, 1957, through June 30, 1959, ORRI-2773 (Jan. ló, 1961). 13. H. Shenker, J. I. Lauritzen, Jr., R. J. Corruccini, and S. T. Lonberger, "Reference Tables for Thermocouples," Natl. Bur. Sta. (U.S.) Circ. No. 561 (1955). Morograph 40 (March 1, 1962). 15. "Temperature-Millivolt Equivalent for W-5Re/W-26Re Thermocouples," acopted lov. 23, 1962. Hoskins Manufacturing Company Publication. ló. "Tingsten-Rhenium Thermocouple Alloys, Temperature-Millivolt Equiv- alent for W/W26Re Thermocouples," Adopted Nov. 23, 1962. Hoskins Harufacturing Company Publication. - OFFICIAL ... . . 1. - DATE FILMED 5 / 13 /65 * ..* 5 ' . 1 Y HT . : T . 2 F - I .. .. LEGAL NOTICE . . .... ........ This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. .......... . . . * - . = - ::" A= U '. ' L . T .! h . . C 1 - : 4 , 1 - , :, . . . + " = A -!. END . : : : . * ". - Hii . . . . - .. **** um perumusawirioms