. * . .14 . W UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . t t .. ... . . Si HAT P . min * * * * ** * * 2 . . w 1068 . I O'RNI - AC - OFFICIAL MAR 23 1965 ORNU B-1068 A716.5 20.1 cery. 6501044-5 g DYNAMIC GAS THERMOMETRY: MIASTO 20.1 ORNI -AIC - Olli --- LEGAL NOTICE - DYNAMIC GAS THERMOMETRY E. W. Hagen Instrumentation and Controls Division This resort was prepared as an account of Coronament sponsored work. Noluber the Unilad Suter, mor the Commission, sor my person acua on behalf of the Coa miontan: A. Make. any warriaty or reproseatation, expres.md or imaidd, win roopert the accu. racy, completenes., or wwetulber, of the laformation contained in to report, or that there wa. of any lalor malina, apparatus, wethod. or proces. (klound ta wo report may not fairinge princely owad righto; or 8. Aonme un Itabiliter will respect to the une of, or lor damu.. ro.wun from the uw of any information, apparstus, molbod, or mocare disclosed la We report. Ao und in the abovs, "person octag on behalf of the Commisolon" include, nay m. ployee or contractor of the Comminolas, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that auch employs or cont'actor of the Compiuloa, or employs of anxa contractor preparer, disseminates, o provides acc... to. any informuoa pinnat to do employ mat os' codiraci with the Commusloa, or Al, employment mul sub contractor, A study of dynamic gas thermometry utilizing small throated, sonic flow nozzles for making in-reactor high-temperature measurements and for application to cther high-temperature measuring problems has been under investigation at ORNL. The study was begun when application of a pneumatic themperature-measuring (PTM) system was proposed for the EGCR. By this method, space temperatures are determined from the predictable temperature-pressure relation of a gas flowing at sonic velocity through two nozzles in series. The investigation is directed toward developing a general-purpose temperature measuring system that will be unaffected by prolonged exposure to temperatures in excess of 1000 F or to radio- activity. If a practical system is to be developed, stable nozzle-flow per- formance is required; therefore, nozzles made from selected materials to determine their long-term stability and accuracy in the ORNL Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor (EGCR) and the feasibility of using very small nozzles (approx 0.010-in. throat) for other temperature measuring problems. Since a slight change in the physical character- istics of small nozzles can appreciably alter the flow calibration, the effects of simulated EGCR gas conditions, without the abrasive constit- uents, were investigated. Extended time tests on three nozzles fabri- cated from types 304 and 321 stainless steels and from Inconel were conducted. Nozzle calibrations are shown in rig. 20.1 where 100 hr of continuous testing is the equivalent of a minimum of 2.65 yr of cyclic operation in the EGCR. In each case, a shift in the value of the flow coefficient was noted at a second calibration after 150 hr of high- temperature operation. This shift was apparently caused by changes in the material which altered the nozzle geometry and the dynamics of the gas-to-surface boundary conditions. Because of this phenomenon, PTM nozzles are preaged or conditioned for a minimum of 150 hr before final calibration and after they have been installed into probes. OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL Three other nozzles were tested for flow-coefficient stability by thermally cycling them from 200 to 1200°F (rise time of 10 min, holding time at 1200F for 5 min, cooling time of 20 min) and by exposing them to sonic flow velocities in a helium atmosphere at temperatures from 1000 to 1600°F for extended periods of time. Two of the nozzles were made from type 304 stainless steel, since nozzles made of this material will be used in the EGCR-PTM system. As expected, the smallest nozzle showed the largest percentage change in flow coefficient, and the largest nozzle showed the smallest change (Table 20.1). Only the total change in value of Plow coefficient is shown, because neither the elapsed time for each test nor the time between calibration checks was the same for these tests. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL MATENI CLEARATICI. OR1236. First To THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROR:1805 ARE ON FILE IN THE RECE.11716 SECNON. IV1110-IV - INTO WIJI:10 - ) IV - INVO ORNL-LR - DWG 75050 C, FLOW COEFFICIENT = ACTUAL FLOW RATE/THEORETICAL FLOW RATE INITIAL CALIBRATION 150 hr CALIBRATION 500 hr CALIBRATION 0.99 304 STAINLESS STEEL (0.0232-in. NOZZLE), 095 1321 STAINLESS STEEL (0.019-in. NOZZLE) 098 LINCONEL (0.020-in. NOZZLE). 0.98 0.97 C, FLOW COEFFICIENT C, FLOW COEFFICIENT C, FLOW COEFFICIENT 20.2 0.96 0.95 EGCR PTM OPERATING RANGE EGCR PTM OPERATING RANGE EGCR PTM. OPERATING | RANGE 0.95 0.94 6 8 105 104 6 8 109 108 6 4 REYNOLDS NO. 8 105 4 REYNOLDS NO. 4 REYNOLDS NO. Fig. 20.1. PTM Nozzles-Flow Coefficient Stability. ORMI - AIC - OISICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - TIC-OITicTÃO 20.3 Table 20.1. Change in Flow Coefficients of Nozzles After Thermal Cycling and Sonic Flow Throat Number of Hours in Diameter Thermal Sonic (in.) Cycles Flow Change in Coefficient, Nozzle Number Material 0.005 20 50 -25 109 Type 304 stainless steel Type 304 stainless steel Chromium Carbide 0.0115 195 62 -8.1 150 0.023 82 393 -2.0 Unlike earlier reported tests on nozzle material stability, the shape of the flow-coefficient curve did not change during these test runs. However, changes were caused by welding and brazing the nozzles into sections of test loop tubing (Fig. 20.2). An investigation was begun to explore the applicability of the relatively inexpensive cemented carbides to PTM. Small nozzles were made in samples of tungsten-carbide with a cobalt binder and in chromium- carbide with a nickel binder. Development of a satisfactory mounting technique remains the principal problem. Brazing with either copper or a nickel-palladium alloy into stainless steel holders has not produced an acceptable bond. Microscopic examinations revealed small cracks in the carbide nozzles, probably caused by differential expansion between the stainless steel holder and the carbide materials. ing the nozzle first into & collar of a metal having an inter- mediate coefficient of thermal expansion has produced promising results. A chromium-carbide nozzle was pressed-fitted into a copper ring, and the unit was pressed into a type 304 stainless steel holder having the same wall thickness as that of the copper ring. This assembly was then copper brazed. Repeated cycling in an argon atmosphere from 200 to 1200 °F pro- duced no evidence of leakage, nozzle cracking, or deformation of the nozzles. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL -carbide nozzles were operated from 200 to 1500°F with a maximum deviation of 0.5% after 1000 hr. An inadvertent furnace temperature excursion to 1700 °F caused the nozzles to deform. TWO chromium-carbide nozzles have been substituted and are being initial.ly tested at 1000°F. For temperatures below 1600°F, these cemented materials may find satisfactory use in radiation environments, but higher temperatures will cause a reorientation of the granular particles in the material and result in a changed nozzle flow calibration. While sapphire appears to be a desirable material, its leak-tight mounting into an appropriate high-temperature metal holder presents a problem. Also, from other work, the flow performance for small sapphire ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL W.91110-51051NO: UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-2402 CHROMIUM CARBIDE (0.023-in. NOZZLE) C, FLOW COEFFICIENT C,FLOW COEFFICIENT 20.4 304 STAINLESS STEEL (0.0115-in. NOZZLE) 44 UNMOUNTED NOZZLE 2 AFTER BRAZING OR WELDING 3 AFTER THERMAL CYCLING 14 AFTER SONIC FLOW • TESTING . · 0.80 104 . 2 4 6x104 REYNOLDS NO. 104 2 4 6x104 REYNOLDS NO. Fig. 20.2. Stability of Flow Coefficients for Stainless Steel and Chromium Carbide Nozzles. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ONNI - AIC - OIFICIAL ORNI - Atvorniciar 20.5 orifices was found to change when thermally cycled. However, these their performance for long-time (months) flow measurement is unknown. A temperature measuring system utilizing miniature nozzles, 0.0025. and 0.005-in. throat diameter and made from type 304 stainless steel welded into 1/8-in. stainless steel tubing, has successfully measured furnace temperatures up to 1600°F. Although the repeatability of the system was within 0.1%, the ratio of the computed temperature obtained from the system to the actual furnace temperature was not constant. It varied linearly with the high temperature. This discrep- ancy was traced to a change in the effective throat area of the hot nozzle caused by material instability and partial plugging by foreign particles. A practical lower limit of 0.015 in. was found for nozzle throat diameters during the stability testing of nozzle flow coefficients. Smaller diameters are too prone to plug, and slight changes in the throat cross-sectional area cause great changes in nozzle calibration; hence, there are large indicated temperature errors in the measuring unit. Therefore, the practicability of pneumatic temperature measure- ments utilizing sonic flow nozzles remains dependent on finding a suitable high-temperature nozzle material. In cooperation with the EGCR-PTM program, a life test on a one- third-scale nozzle was conducted in an environment simulating reactor operating conditions of pressure, temperature, and gas composition. The nozzle flow coefficient was checked and monitored throughout 1300 hr of continuous testing, which is the equivalent of 17.8 yr of service in the proposed PTM system. At this constant temperature of 1050 F, the flow coefficient stabilized within 150 hr, and the final value differed from the initial value by 0.75%; variations after the first 150 hr were not discernible. The change of 0.75% amounts to an error of +25°F . The requirements for studying the stability of EGCR-PTM nozzles were determined and a closed-loop test facility was constructed (Fig. 20.3). The test loop simulates PTM flow conditions during EGCR operation with the exception of radiation and solid particulates in the gas stream. Essentially, the test nozzles are soaked in the reactor helium gas mixture at 300 psia and 1030°F and are subjected to sonic flow through the throat for 15 sec once every 10 min. The nozzles tested in this loop are fabricated from Inconel and from type 304 stainless steel, nitrided. The latter are typical of those to be installed into the EGCR Periodically the nozzles are removed from and calivreted. Any change in the value for the flow coefficient from the initial pretest value is attributed to a change in the nozzle throat geometry and is expressed as a cemperature error in the PTM system (Fig. 20.4). Life testing is being continued, and ORNE AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL have not stabilized. Based on a calibration after 512 days, the error W11110 - IV - INTO T 10-3V-INIO UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-5607 PRESSURE RELIEF COMPRESSOR SHUT-DOWN CIRCUIT PREHEATER POWER SUPPLY TEST FURNACE SUPPLY PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER TEMPERATURE SWITCH TEMPERATURE SWITCH 20.6 NOZZLE UPSTREAM PRESSURE REGULATOR UIT WATER HYDRANT NOZZLE TEST FURNACE GAS PREHEATER TO DRAIN CYCLE TIMER AIR HYDRANT ATMOSPHERE VENT HIGH PRESSURE ACCUMULATORS DIAPHRAGM COMPRESSOR LOW PRESSURE DUMP TANKS MAKE-UP GAS CYLINDER ORNI - AC-OISICIAL ORNL-AIC - OFFICIAL รมะ - พะ๐ NO. C3180. 1o DIVISIONS M'EN INOM DOIM WAYS 10 X 100 DIVISIONS, PRIMILO IH U.S.A. ON (ILARINI 11.6. Al IVIDIO - CLEAMPIRINT PAPA CO V - INTO དབཀའ་ WS 6507 2.10-05 - i PICAL --.--.. . .. - - * To : T - -- - .. - .:: . - -- . .-. .. ---.. .-. 1 . TEMPERATURE TERROR TEJE WOOD DUAL CURVES: SHOW THE TO AND BOTTOM RESPECTIVELY. OP! THE EGCR PIM OPERATING RANGE .. . ...ii .. : - ......... com... - - antype 20.7 - 100 1120 1140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 100. 320.349. 360 SIMULATED EGCA TM. OPERATION : TEST: :2002 TIME DAYS.. - - . . . + - - -- - - .. - - -- ... i n. -- HD - EMPERATURE ERROR 80210 - --- -- - -- -- - Tid- i.- - . .-... po. - - ..... a Gotta HHHH NOTESEE ABOVE NOTA HILD I LLIDHEIT 20.40:11601180 1700 1120:140: 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 DI SIMULATEDILEGRIPIMORERATION - ZEST|400P TIME, DRYS. : ORNI -AIC - OFFICIAL Fig. 20.4. Stability of WGCR-PTM Nozzle Flow Coefficient. ORNI AIC - OLNICIAL Lochained initiatedniided nimesidad donddabbuinidin -anak and audu 9XNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI-MIC-OINICIAL 20.8 in the PTM system due to the coefficient drift to date would be from +85 to +104 °F for the low and the high portions of the PTM range, respectively. At present, the drift rate appears to be decreasing in both test nozzles, but this may be due to cresting of another cycle (Fig. 20.4). ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL DATE FILMED | 5 / 14 / 65 SL VALERY TITAN iti : . .. . - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsorert work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. L ! . TA END t. . .