UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . : * hindi makatakan diantaran 1065 URNL - 1065 /711 ONI - AEC-OFFICIAL 2 637 OINI - ATC-OITICIAC 1.1 MAR 23 1965 SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE WITH HIGH-TEMPERATURE WOORMOCOUPLES USED IN THE ORNL-GCR PROGRAM PUS RRADIATION EXPERIMENTS N. 8. Briggs Instrumentation and Controls Division E. L. Long, Jr. Metals and Ceramics Division F. R. McQuilkin Reactor Division 1C8 INTRODUCTION This preliminary report summarizes a portion of the experiences with 46 high-temperature thermocouples used in about 40 irradiation tests of encapsulated fuel materials for the EGCR and advanced GCR programs. These tests were conducted in the ORR Poolside Facility, the ORR Gas- Cooled Loop No. 1, and the ORR F-1 Core Facility. ? privately owned bus; or with the Comm 301., or hla e oployment wib such contractor. diune minaw, or froides kce.. to, any Information pursuedi lo ve employmeal or contract such eaployvt or cont' xhur ol the Commission, or employee of such contriclor preparos. ployee or contractor of Use Commission, or omploys of such contractor, to the enent wat Ao used in the whore, "perma actos on beball of the Commission" includes any on- ure of any information, apparitus, method. or procos, disclosed in this report, 8. Ainae, may liabilidos mu respect to the wool, or for das fes retuung from the of ray talormaron, apparatus, polkod, or proces diacioned in to report may not lofringe racy, completeness, or wefuser, oltre information coaulnod la A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu. Sules, sur the Commission, nor wy Domu nching on behalf of the Commission: The report was prepared us as sccount of Gover meat sponsored work. Neither the United --LEGAL NOTICE o report, or that the war We are presenting information on the design of thermocouple assem- blies and their compatibility with several types of fuel materials. In general, we cannot draw any conclusions as to the emf drift of high- temperature thermocouples due to transmutation effects on the wires, because of changing neutron flux patterns during an experiment irradiation period and the uncertainty of possible changes in the thermal conductivity of the fuel material. Many times in such tests our primary objective 18 to obtain only initial data from these thermocouples to check our heat transfer analysis and to provide a measure of fuel thermal conductivity. Our philosophy on thermocouple design has been to protect the ther- mocouple wires from direct contact with the fuel materials and to provide an inert gas (usually helium) environment for them independent of the fuel gas environment. We are also leapfrogging our thermocouple designs: because of the long lead time between design of experiments and results from postirradiation examination, we find ourselves reusing designs that later prove to be wholly inadequate. Fuel specimens in the experimental assemblies include VO2 bushings; UO2 dispersions in BeO; vibratorily compacted ThO 2-102, pyrolytic carbon (PC) coated particles of UC2 or (U, Th) C2, either loose or in graphite matrices of several geometries, including 0.6-in.-OD bushings, 1 1/2-13.- OD spheres, and 6-cm-OD spheres; and Beo-graphite materials for compati- bility studies. Fuel-element center temperatures measured varied from 1700 to 3700°F, with the majority being in the range of 2000 to 2500°F (Table 1.1). Frequently, the high-temperature thermocouple assemblies were designed for temperature capabilities higher than that experienced, because of uncertainties in thermal conductivity of fuel specimens. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL D. B. Trauger, Some Major Fuel-Irradiation Tests Facilities of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-3574, (April 1964). Note: The F-1 Facility is described on page 28 under "Eight-Ball Experiment." OINT - AIC - OFFICIAL PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. REISTO THE PUBLIC IS APPRI : ED. PRODUKT ARE ON FILE IN THE RECOVING SOCJON. 17121Q_V - INBO OINI - ACC - Official 1.2 Table 1.1. Ranges of Temperatures Measured .. Average Temperature Range (°F) Number of Thermocouples ه ي <2000 2000-2500 2500-3000 >3000 بیا یہ Maximum Temperature (°F) Number of Thermocouples <2000 2000–2500 2500-3000 >3000 I wio o All thermocouples which gave questionable indications were · excluded. IVIDU10-DIV-INIO OINI - AC - OFFICIAL ONAIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - 10-orriCIAC 1.3 DISCUSSION The 4 thermocouples were classified into six types with appro- priate subtypes. The different types which are described below represent major geometrical and material variations, and the subtypes provide for minor variations. The thermocouple wires were Pt/PtgoRhin, W/Re, or WogRes/W74Re 26. Type 1 thermocouples (Figs. 1.1A, 1.1B, and 1.10)" have stainless steel- or Inconel-sheathed thermocouple wires insulated with crushed Mgo in the low-temperature region of the experimental assembly. The sheath is brazed to a stainless steel capsule bulkhead. A portion of the sheath is removed from the wires that will be in a high-temperature region, and high-fired ceramic insulation is placed over them. The wires and the insulators are contained within a refractory-metal thermocouple well which 16 also brazed to the stainless steel capsule bulkhead. The measuring junction is of a coil design, discussed later. Type 2 thermocouples (Figs. 1.2A and 1.2B) are the same as type 1 ther couples except that the measuring junction is the more common butt- weld design. To form this junction, the wire that melts at a lower tem- perature is melted first and allowed to braze to the wire that melts at & higher temperature. Type 3 thermocouples (Fig. 1.3) are the same as type 2 thermocoup.l.es with the addition of a protective sleeve or coating over the thermocouple well. Type 4 thermocouples (Fig. 1.4) have tantalum-sheathed thermocouple wires with crushed ceramic insulation. The sheath 18 inside an open-end refractory-metal tube. The tube and sheath are brazed to the capsule bulkhead. Type 5 thermocouples (Fig. 1.5) are tantalum-sheathed with crushed ceramic insulation. A protective sleeve or coating is placed over the tantalum sheath. The sleeve is not brazed to the capsule bulkhead. Type 6 thermocouples (Fig. 1.6) are tantalum-sheathed with crushed ceramic insulation inside a refractory-metal thermowell that has a pro- tective sleeve or coating. The sheath and the thermocouple well are independently brazed to the stainless steel capsule bulkhead. OINT - AEC - OFFICIAL The figures referred to include a brief case history for each thermocouple. The experiment numbers, such as 08-5, -13 , and BOGRAC Mark I listed on the figures, are code identifications for tests con- ducted in the Poolside, Loop 1, and F-l facilities, respectively. The dut numbers enumerated under the heading "Sheathed Material" are from an internal coding system and are ueed for identification of each material purchase item which allows classification of the thermocouple inventory according to vendors' and purchase specifications. OINI - AC - ORFICIAL WI91510 - DIV-INIO IVIDID10 - DIV-INTO ---4 --------------- . MAZE MARE · HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 1 TYPC CAMMINENT ruct NOTES SERVICC POST: IRRAQ CIAM WINCS SWEATMEO MITENT MAA. NANOL (HOST marion KATEMIAL INSULATION TIM AVERACC, TINC TEMPT MIS | КТК Lug BUSHINGS I MOSTic VIACS I JUNCTION IN TAXI romaus' aal IMANC INDICATO. FROM I T WWUL COMPLETELY FILLO imrc 1/C, osvay D TO Mark ; WITH Mas aue TO LEM IN Caruc. meu com ww mere AN I. . YTO OTTO OTTO OTTO OTTO Mons ino TUMCSTEN WELL IN GOOD CON. DITION. NO INFORMATION AVAIL U ON THERMOCOUPLE. 1.4 - C C OTTO Rio DITTO DUTTO T U ITULO. . * WIRL MOME Aroma STUCK IN Suth. 1/0 INCT Wannes MEAN COW na ACAMO IN TACT O a u MAMICATION wp.com! 04 ss! majad 2010 Dia, leo Insu DUTTO CS w MOMEN CONTAINCO I NAK MO ( MMC OF Tie sarco INITIAL STARTUP : CORROSIVE ATTACK GROUrt to em DAY WAL PAUNC ON STARTUP ACF ORNL 3302. 24 21 s mods was MUMCN Ma Me Toe RRATU to neup of INSIQ CAPSULE. 245 rok DAYS THE TAILU OTTO OTTO OTTO lonxa SI TA OITYO " 1 0 .00 DA Mo Qiaran MMATONT- MOLY wu tuTE MOLD 1700 1023 MOS . Ondort! COWICO LINCTM TMC | iAC FAILCO AFTER WOS. DAIRY. na, v c us. IRC AT (D WMWA TO 2950 2.5 MO LANE MOS (MMATIC O'MO NO INORMATION AMALANG ON TNCRMOCOUPLE 0 0o aut 1 on To . Opis OTTO OTTO OUTTO OITTO 2700 DITTO Fig. 1.1A. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 1. ORNI - AIC - OMSICIAL OINT - AC - OFFICIAL WIDT10 - 33V - INDO IVIISIO- DIV-INIO ----- -- -- BRAZE MAZE HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE I TYPE C (RIMMT ! Puth NOTES SLAVICC OSTIRNAQ CIAM. NO NO.( WIRTS WEATHCO MI TOM WELL NPROX (osure Insation MATERIAL INSULATION AVCTACL TIME LAIT | TEME i 023 W. Me 04 SST. TUNCITINUO, IUSMINCS 2350L 2150 į I MOS. NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON! |vs ainaa azos' aüd TMC AMOCOUPLE WA, NO in aix la azodia LOT 10 ish LONG. 01.9 DITTO DITTO Dil To DITTO OITTO 2150 OIT TO 1 S MOS. 1.5 OIT TO QITIO DITTO 04.6 12W 304 SST.! 0125 aa My ASUL M. QisTaal 6220 w. 1.1 8920 2440 ! MOS. T* QSCILLATED KETWEEN TWO WCLL APPEARED NORMAL. OCATTO TIMP, LEVELS. TEMPS GIVN ron UMR UML WHICH RIMONCAFTD ron FINAL MONTM. YAC MAILCO AT I WEEKS NO INORMATION AVAILAOLL OM SIMTUP IMCAMOCOUME 11.90 TOITTO DITTO TOITTO vonta LI: OIT TO IOIT TO DITTO MO OITTO DITTO 1 DIT TO DITTO OUT TO INCO 0123'aa 1 WENS MOTO OF T/C WELL SHOWS · MO REACTION WITX PUCL. เor เหe .lOITTO DITTO, DITTO DITTO 20 owns LCAMS AMOUNO TOP OF T/C WELL ASSMILY. V VO, SUSHINGS Ima i Yje SST, TUIG: VIIM. NO IMNSVERSI FINS I CLAD. DIT TO LIOS | DITTO DITTO 1 DITTO DITTO TRE TAILLD AT STMTU 14 WEEKS SMALL LOAN AMOUNO TOP or IRC WELL ASSEMBLY. L1.nom DITTO DITTO DITTO DITTO No. 220AY wo Quaraa) - 2020 w. r. I MO 1/C INFORMATION AVAIL. CLAD OF FUEL CLEMENT CRENCA Fig. 1.1B. Hich-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 1. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL OIMI-AIC - OINICIAL IVI1110 - ) 3V - INTO WIDT10 - IV - INTO ::: :::od BAAZE MAZC HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE i. ruti MOTOS SERVICE SCAIMO . TEMA PNOL 1 noun MATERIAL INSULATION AVENAGE TIME NOST IRRAD CIAM. TYPC (XPERIMENT MQ Wincs INSERTION DATE LI.on W. R I vs I 9.0 INCONEL anas'aa fuLL CLIMENT TAILCO AT STARTUP |aaoou LOT 124 Toitto Dirio Mhe aiur'aavo, IUSWINGS IN 2020 W .304 S37 Tuki; WIAL WRAPPED TRANSVERSE Finns IN SLAD OIT TO ADVANCED CCA VO, AUSHINGS MACMINCO SHIRAL' FINS DIT TO 1.1.11M VIA T/C TAI O AT STMINE CONS NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THERMOCOUPLE 1.6 11:1) DIT TO DIT TO T 2550 Ta 2400 19 WEEKS OITTO 01 Tio! OITTO EXCEPT LOT 131 Jo, IUSMINGS. VENICO FULL (LEMENT. 1 - - - - į Fig. 1.10. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 1. -- ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AC - OMRCIAL - IVO - DIVINIO WIJN10 - 91V - INDO O W ORAZE ORAZE BRAZC HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 2 TPC CIMRIMENTI ! 2 Full NOTES Schvice POST IMRAO CIAM NO NO O WINCS WATHIO MI: TOMA WELL TYPC NOL CROWN .INSERTIOM WATCHIALNSULATION ANRAGE TINC DATE TOMY 11:9 nitono 100 .0 N VO, AU SHINC (GCA INSTRUMENICO 1940 i 160 WICKS NOCHEMICAL ACACTIONS AC 1177/01 Vs no STRICS TrueL ASSMILY POST IWCCM WILL COUL SST. NU. ORAL 3302 UI O ITTO, DITTO DITTO OUT TO OITTO OITTO TELAS DIPTO --.-.. Liisa oirro dirvo. Oirro Outro : orto *-OUTRO DITTO ------1960 1.7 1.7 OITTO DITTO DIT I LO:IA 1273201 OIT TO DITTO LOW ICONS NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE on TMCAMOCOUL. VERY (AMATIC - -- *** IM 11.76 Dirro durio OITTO OTTO * DITTO DIT TO OIT TO 2700 - 2100 '14 MINS (NO CAP ON CAN LEANCO. FAILUAC IN CLADOINC NOIN FORMATION AVAILASLC ON THE OCCULE 31680 Weens NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE yor.21 1 on IMCAVOCOUPL. 11.90 .airpo' DITTO DITTO DITTO DITTO 2100 VENTCO rutu CLEMENT 1/1/6) 20 XCHCOULCD DISCruce J18 SOCRAC MAAM I 10:1 W.SA. INCONCL 0.0 0.0.3' MO 0125" NON VILCO w.na no ve' oo 00.0.022' 00100169 10. CRASHTC 1020'a VOINSA IQITOLO WA PWM COMAATIOILTU LOT 15) LONG TEST Quero : DITTO DITTO DIPTO OITTO (ACCPT JO LONG WELL IN CONTACT IN PILL AS ON 122070 WITH GRANITl. Oor, cord. TIONS TO CATC ARC. TON 6.0 PLUG IN 1923 2 WCS wtιι Οι για DITTO DIT TO ! ! OITTO CICIPI 000 1910 WEEKS (ACEPT TC.) WELL IN CONTACT WITM I.a SOTTOM 1.0 PLUG IN WELL OMIITTA ۲۲ و۲۲: و ۵۱۲ DITTO OITTO OI I TO DITIO CACCPT 16:9 ۵۱۲۲۵ Схсат LONG OITTO CACCP 2160 2050 2 WEEKS Fig. 1.2A. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 2. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL OANI - AIC - OSSICIAL IVIDIO- V-INUO NVIDI110 - IV - INTO Y::: :::: : :::::::: :: : :: :: ::::} P ouze ĶI MAZCO HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 2 TPC CIRNIMINTI I full MOTIS SAVICE Na mai Wincs WEATHCO! MINCMO TVAC Anonimos HINSOLUTION MATCHIAL INSULATION ny AVCHAGL PIMC OST INAAQ (NAM I am ! SC COUCO DISCHARGE TW IN PILC AS OF 1//65 COMOITIONS TO APC AAC 2033 2 WEEKS 20 | MOCRAC WS AN INCONEL 1.0 aousº Mo 0.125 NON FULLCOWELL IN CONTACT Me 1 XR 10 aa aa .2022° 02.0.016° 1.0.GAAMITE WITH S.a sorrow n.o Qataa MOINSA LA MTO SLG WALL TWM coume PIBILIT I PLUG IN Or 193 14h Lance CST. ONIT TLA OIT TO Carro DITTO DITTO DITTO DITTO (YCEPT TO? wa tu. E LONG • 1.8 DITTO ! I DITTO (1CCO i 21% OWOCKS Fig. 1.2B. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 2. ONNI - ALC - ONNICIAL OINT - AC - OFFICIAL ----------- .: W21110 - ) IV - INIO IVI91510 - DIY - INYO :26 be :===== === CLO TIM SMEROS BRAXE ΜΑΖΕ HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 3 Punc CIMMINENT 1 1 ruel NOTES SCAVICE OI IRRAD (XAM Na WINCS SCATMO MI POMO. WELL Alive on tuleve NOK Owosund INSATION WATCHIAL INSULATION COA PIIK MALCOI Tom AVCHAGE | TIMC DATC 01.1 wg av TIMCONCL Toonraa. no wao. n.MX 20. nsinalPC COATCO VCA TRC LOST MEM B NOSI/C ( WCLL (MMITTUD. vi noluraamploops'io loro ut laoci w.T. I Vacuum MAPICLES IN CASURING comTION OF MO (NO MAO ALLORCDI AKATION O CAR. 2010'ual insul mous us''LOMC 121 come with MIL CRAMITE "LATNIT 6. aa! JUNCTION ure su. Tuvun LOT 120 .(STI) o .1 OITTO 1 DIPTO DIT TO OIT TOOIT TO DITIO DITTO OITTO 293 2000 VNOS NO (VIOCNICE OF ANY AC. (ACEM 2 Tos nuso ACTIONS a IAC ASSEMBLY LOT 131 JMS MM COWOMENTS WITH Ime rom W IN IN sumamoinC CANire sa sana'' MATRIN. DITTO TOITTOLOITTO DITIO OIT TO Tom 1 [ 21401 2240 lova MOS DITTO CICEPT MEASURING IR QUE O CANATIC ) T/C NUNCTION ONONEN LOT 124 JUNCTION TU SU QAY. OIMCHISC locron MOT CCLL CY: STATE (W OSTRVCO ALTAMINATION. I MOLY IN CRROR IOITTO DITTO DITI DITT DIT TO DITTO DITTO z rumus ar ) NPILL AS OP 1721 SCHOUCO DI CHANCE (ACEPT MLS The Moon CONDITIONS TO CATC AAC LOT 144 2323 2050 ANOS. VLOAT то ам. 1.10 DIT I DITTO 10.0 2005 in aan PTAOLITIC 1COost pe WENTED FULL TINDILC AS Or T72016! DISCUCE NOT SCMEOULCD aa. 2027" on 1. ow COATING COATU wca CLIMENT corations TO OATC ARC La mous 13% LONG laoos' T. ARTICLES IN 2500 2450 , INOS. CIL. www. int maacn 1.9 DITTO و۲۱يه w i sunca m er Fig. 1.3. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 3, ORMI - AIC-OISICIAL OINI - AC - OFFICIAL IVIDIO-DIV-INIO NVIDI910 - DJV-INIO Sinn Nierman *4rum tenemoudronwardowana ORAZC MAIL HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 4 FUEL MOTES SLAVICE SWEATMCO WITOUR. WILL MAX. APPROX trosune MATERIAL INSULATION ARCRACCPIMC POSTIAKAD (XAM. WINCS Punt ( APCMIMENT NO NO.( INSTATION PARE 2005 . Hooa. No ca 1. 2405 1 245 ) NOS 000 OMM MOP COATED WO twee ATCLIS IN Camill MIMIY TUOMING SWEEP TYM CNsu. CO., (HITS VIA WILL SMC ATM ANNULUS NO INFORMATIUN AVAILABLE ON TMAVOCOUAC PVC FAILLO APTEN UZ OYS OTTO OTTO ۲۲۵ OTTO OUTTO 1985 I MOS OTTO Οτι . Home O DIT TO DIPTO --. OTTO Burro oirro OOO. 2//2 Ogo' ao LOT 70 ! 1600 1723 mas . I DIT TO oo WAMOWW! Wa MRTKLES IM ho WAMIL DITTO OTTO 2166 2180 sqmos OIT TO INC saker on on CNY . ...... Fig. 1.4. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 4. ORMI - AIC - OINICIAL *****O'RNI - AIC - OINICIAL.-.-.- IVIDU10-DIN- INTO IVIO -DIV-INIO pretirinh Vacrita.orma wath 2 . WAAN ANTAKT HYV I N TXANO WARE mor IANA (KAM HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 5 ime launchini KAVICE | WNU INCATO wi.Nu м XIV NOTES w ororost? Orion MANTNIAL RULATION AVOWCE TIME Mr PC Courove Moonaal NIK en | 113 Imos w a o'a a LOT Ne Nem m . 2. a. la MARII communur WITH The WMAINITE ACT. ONNL: 301 in | OTTO OTTO I WITO mnauik NO WITO UM IN tren THAI CMQ ADOCO TON XAL MONS LOT 1X maty Louc on 1. MEACTOR STARTUP WA MACKCO AMOUNO 1/C WOLL NO OTHER INFO. MWAIL. CAP marro IN WOT CRLL 1.11 1.11 QITO Kin LOT OTTO SOME WITO II ALE AJ Nava IAOMON QURING con TIONS TO MCM TAMMICATION awo w MA XCHLOULIO disce : M WITO mauti LLAN IN UPRA BRAZE-SS. SLEK ADIO ON SOM ✓ CANCRU. Von Ko WC WLS * SOU ANLASMA MANO. ronMO 01104 WIRQ an. LOT NO 10. 01. TW OTTO | OTTO ITO I slots WC min A a no raw WCIO MLS OCCP OUTER мм. Тамо от. TAI INACTM MOUALLY Minu . ... Fig. 1.5. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 5. OINI-AC- OISICIAL ...OIN- AIC -OISICIAL WID1810 - DIV-INIO IVINTOOV.INIO ZZZZZZZZZ Beach Sot May - - MAZE MAZC HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE TYPE 6 NOTES MOST IMRAO CIAN lull TYPC WELL MAI. irn CIMERIMENTI No WIACS Stamco WI TEMO INSTATION MATERIAL ROLLATION PALE suive an HILVE COM TING MARD LAVICA NPROXI was AVENACKI TIME MOTO IS MAICO WW Cu. PC COATLO V MATICUL CM UTC MATRIX OC OA Winnelaous' aa 0010° aa lor 2000 | WHQLTK QwaQ COATING OON' W 0.010 TK .) om TAMOS NO I/C Iwo CAPSULE WAALO AY MIMARY CONTAINMENT 06. 1.12 OTTO OTTO OTTO OTTO OTTO OTTO ORTO Crime LCALD PC MATONMANCE (XCELLENT | TIC WOW KINO ( KAMOINED TOOTM T/C ASSEMBLY MAAL JOINTS LLAMCO. - - - - - Fig. 1.6. High-Temperature Thermocouple, Type 5. ORMI -NIC - OMSICIAL ORNL - ATC - OFFICIAL ****** TOOTJO- J DINI - AIC - OFFICIAL 1.13 -1N10 The thermocouple data in some instances are incomplete or inclu- sive, because the tests were conducted primarily for the fuel studies, and operational control was based on requirements for neutron flux, exposure time, and surface temperature conditions. Unfortunately, some potentially valuable postirradiation examination information on thermo- couples was not obtained due to limiting schedules and/or costs. As can be noted in Figs. 1.1-1.6 (ref. 3, 4), thermocouple types 1, 2, and 3 have þare wires beaded with Beo insulation and are inserted into protective wells (called bare-wire thermocouples), while the types 4, 5, and 6 are tantalum-sheathed thermocouples inserted into wells. Types 3 and 6 have sacrificial sleeves that are intended to react with the surrounding fuel materials. The schematic views in the figures are purposely out of proportion to make certain details clearer. More realistic schematic views of four thermocouple types, as incorporated in their experimental assemblies, are shown in Figs. 1.7-1.10. Among the bare wire thermocouples, type I was the earliest design in this series and reflects several development steps. The coiled junction was thought to be desirable to offset differential thermal expan- sion between tungsten and rhenium, and between 95% W-59 Re and 74% W-26% Re. The rhenium or the 740 W-26% Re wire was coiled. Experience with types 2 and 3 thermocouples (which were smaller assemblies with the same size wires as used in larger assemblies) indicates that expansion apparently is not a significant problem with tungsten-rhenium alloy wires and that they can be successfully butt-welded. Use of tungsten and FS-82 well materials was discontinued in favor of the fairly success- ful and less expensive molybdenum tube well. The Pt/Pt 9 Rhio wires were replaced by tungsten-rhenium wires, because we expected to encounter higher temperatures and because platinum-rhodium wires are fragile. The rhenium sleeve used in the type 3 thermocouple design was used to structurally support the molybdernim in the event that it became car- burized and tended to disintegrate. Indications are that carburization of the molybdenum tube was not a problem. Major penalties for this relatively rugged design, as used in types 3A and 3B thermocouples, were the large hole in the fuel specimen and the costly rhenium sleeve. The highest temperature measured with a bare-wire, coil-junction thermocouple was 3700°F (a type 1D thermocouple la experiment 03-5). Because of the nature of the fuel specimen, the experiment was conducted 80 as to achieve the maximum temperature during the second month of irradiation. Subsequently, under steady operational conditions, the emf output or the thermocouple drifted downward uniformly to 2950°F over a 3-month period, erratically drifted to 2340'F in two weeks, and then failed two weeks later. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL 3GCPR Quart. Progr. Rept. Mar. 31, 1962, ORNL-3302. "GCPR Semiann. Progr. Rept. Mar. 31, 1964, ORML-3619. 1.14 OINI - AIC - OSSICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORN L-LA-OWO TO267R -PWG HEAD (304 STAINLESS STEEL) FOR DETAILED DIMENSIONS SEE DRAWINGS: D-RD-10731 D-RO-10732 oran STAINLESS STEEL THERMOCOUPLE SHEATH SLEEVE 1304 SS) -THERMAL SHIELD (304 STAINLESS STEEL) 21 in. NEUTRON SLUG (304 STAINLESS STEEL) -BO INSULATOR - TOP CAP (304 STAINLESS STEEL) LOW DENSITY MOO SPACER FUEL ThO2-2.9 wt% VOZ (VIBRATORY COMPACTED) 0.250 in. OD X 0.173 m. ID X gain. LONG MO TE WELL 9.171 in - BeO TE INSULATOR skin. W-26 % RO WIRE - -- - - - . -0.625 in. OD X 0.020 m. WALL X 6.984-in. LONG TUBE (304H STAINLESS STEEL) .,.. . -TE BAND (304 STAINLESS STEEL) Skee-in GAP -TE (CHROMEL-PAALUMEL) SOLID B80 -LOW DENSITY MOO SPACER in in. Sight. Bygą in. DIA - BOTTOM CAP (304H STAINLESS STEEL) OURT-wel-UPNICIAL - Fig. 1.7. Typical. Type-1 Thermocouple Installation in Experiments 03-5 and 06-5. OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL - - . - - - 1.15 ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL WXLIINNO Will. I ht:8333 ws TOP CMO CAI . . . - MERLOcount LL . TOP GRAPHITE WHA ATOR -- SUELLO MAMTE MELLETT -W- No THERMOCOne GAS OUTLET : . PYROLITIC QNAPHITE SLEEVE 101 TON GRAPHITE WSULATOR BOTTOM ENO CAP Fig. 1.8. Typical Type 01-5, 08-5, and 082-5. Thermocouple Installation in Experiments ORNI - AC-OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL 1.16 - ORSICIAL OINI - AIC - OSSICIAL OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL UWCLASSIFIED ORNL-LA-OWO OUNONG OINI-A NTRAL THERMOCOUPLE MOLYBDENUM THERMOWELL | Woo TE-31 BRAZE CENTRAL THERMOCOUPLE BOO BEADS S221522USBIECTESSELSPIESEBLIEBEBSIEBIE WELD FUEL PELLETS 8.0 TUBE TE-5 CU BRAZE TE-12- MAXIMUM - B&O PLUG STAINLESS STEEL CLAD - MO WELL TE-4- Blain. Mg0 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 1.9. Typical Type - Thermocouple Installation in Experiments I 1-5, -6, -7A, and ~70. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL 1.17 MI - AC-OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-3061 SURFACE TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLES ---UJTER TUBE INNER TUBE C CENTRAL TEMPERATURE THERMOCOUPLE - STATIC SECTION > GRAPHITE CONTAINERS "? L Am 1>POROUS CARBON END INSULATORS --- END CAPS DPW M SWEEP GAS OUT - GRAPHITE POWDER - SWEEP SECTION 5220 SWEEP GAS IN IV JIS10 - DJV - INTO Fig. 1.10. Typical Type-3 Thermocouple Installation in Experiments 01-7, 05-7, 08-7, and O1A-8. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OKSICIAL quo-21-INIO 1.18 The type 3A thermocouple designs were the first used in the type 3. group. Because of unforeseen problems with the experimental rig assembly, the tungsten-rhenium thermocouples were subjected to excessive handling and bending. This was remedied by a subsequent minor redesign of the experiment hardware. For preparation of tantalum-gheathed thermocouple types, we improved the fabrication techniques after the type 4 thermocouples had been made and used. We believe that the failure of type 4 thermocouples may have been related to a poor fabrication technique, and therefore, longer life could probably be expected for a similar thermocouple fabricated today. It is possible that the outer surface of the tantalum sheath had oxidized (or carburized) and that this was responsible for the failure mechanism; we do not know this to be true because we lack postirradiation examination information. The type 5 thermocouples were designed with a minimum diameter of the fuel specimen center hole and of the thermocouple sheath and to obtain as rugged a thermocouple as possible. The sleeve was included as a sac- rificial element that was expected to form a carbide and provide protective coating. The type 6 thermocouple design was similar to the type 5 design, but with the additional protection of a well at the expense of a slightly larger hole in the fuel specimen and a larger penetration through the first capsule bulkhead. Although not completely successful, the type 5 thermocouple in fueled graphite has functioned well at 2300°F (2500°F max) for 9 months and 2900°F (3050°F max) for 2 months. In one case the performance of the thermocouple appeared to be satisfactory at 2400°F (2800°F max) for 2 1/2 months, even though sleeve and sheath barriers failed. SUMMARY AND OBSERVATIONS - - - - - - - A summary of the data given in Figs 1.1 to 1.6 together with the thermal neutron exposure is presented in Table 1.2. In Table 1.2 the types of thermocouples are grouped according to the different fuel materials tested. - Bare coil-junction thermocouple assemblies in molybdemum wells per- form reasonably satisfactorily for medium (2500 to 3000°F) temperature service and somewhat less satisfactorily for high (3000 to 3700°F) temperature service after the first month of exposure. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL The type 3 thermocouple is considered to be the most successful type for the graphite fuels irradiated to date. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL-71G-OTICIAL 1.19 The type 2 thermocouple is probably the least expensive of all six thermocouple types and the least complicated of types 1, 2, and 3. The tantalum-sheathed thermocouples in open or unsealed wells are probably satisfactory for low (1700 to 2500°F) and medium temperature service for reliable initial measurements, but are probably unsatisfac- tory for any extended service. The tantalum-sheathed thermocouples in sealed wells have performed well for extended periods under relatively low temperature service. ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL -----ORNO-ALC - OFFICIAL IVIDI:10 - DIV - INIC IVIDUDJO - DIV-INIO Table 1.2. Types of High-Temperature Thermocouples Used with Different Types of Fuel Type of Fuel Thermocouple Type No. Experiment Average Service Temperature (°F) Thermal Neutron sure (nvt X 1020) No. UO2 Bushings 0.2 . ASSASSIS (a) 1950 (b) (c) 2320 (a) 2150 2150 (c) 1800 1750 voouw 2.5 01-3 OLA-3 08-3 OLC-A 088-4 02-5 07-5 04-6 21-5 -6 11-7A -70 -7B -9 21-8 -8S -10P1 -10P2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.5 1.3 (a) 1.20 UO2 Bushings in 304 stainless steel tube, wire-wrapped transverse fins on clad 2100 (a) 2420 2350 (a) 3200 (e) (a) ir w .5 (e) 1.44 -11M 999 SFA 21.80 2400 VO2 Bushings, machined spiral fins UO2 Bushings, ventilated fuel element Vibratorily-compacted ThO2-U02 UO2 particles in Beo matrix 2.2 3025 2700 2120 (a) 5.0 5.0 L1-70 -13 03-5 06-5 01-6 1.5 ONNI - All OFFICIAL COANI - AIC - ONNICIAL IVIDIDO. DIV-INO IVISI310. DIV-INIO Table 1.2. (continued) Type of Fuel Thermocouple Type No. Average Surface Temperature (°F) Thermal Neutron Exposure (avt x 1020) Experiment No. 30 2450 (1) (8) -14 LA 2425 (a) 1725 Loose PC coated UC2 particles in cylindrical graphite matrix PC UC2 particles in graphite matrix, 0.6-in.- OD bushings PC coated UC2 particles lu graphite matrix-08-6 has 1 1/2 in. OD spheres. All others, 6-cm-OD spheres 172 viv Nr. 5A 1750 ЗА ЗА ЗА 2600 01-5 08-5 08A-5 08-6 01-7 05-7 08-7 OLA-8 OLA-7 05-8 05B-7 08A-7 01-8 08-8 2050 (f) 1.21 2300 (f) 2400 2900 (a) 2000 2150 ..oo Non-fueled, Beo-graphite compatibility test 2B 1825 (1) 1970 (f) 2050 (f) 2025 (f) 215 BOGRAC Mark I: TE-1 TE-3 TE-5 TE-9 TE-2 Thermocouple failed on initial reactor startup, or gave erratic Indications during entire irradiation. "The thermocouple assembly was lost near completion of the capsule assembly. ORNI ~110-- ONNICIAL ORNI - AEC - OSSICIAL IV1110-DIV-INIO IVID110 - DIVING Table 1.2. (continued) The thermocouple emf was unstable or gave unusual indications such that the measured temperatures are open to question. "Thermocouple failed during irradiation. Value given 18 average temperature to time of failure. Experiment failed at reactor startup. Experimental assembly is still in the reactor. 1.22 DANI - AC - OFFICIAL OLNLOA1C - OINCIAL DATE FILMED 5 / 14 / 65 . . . . Il . . . . - .. . - - - - - - . . - LEGAL NOTICE . This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proces disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission! includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Corimission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. END