. .^ . I OFI ORNL P 971 . ..in rne ne € . F EEEFEEEE 1.8 o.. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 PIL 11 . = My - . - P . 2 * - r sons in a pe - 11 «*-.-.-.-.-. . . EX 3 This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least 6 months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. . --- min masin ----- -- .--.- -.- -.-. ... het . . . s - , . T - AK . NO ht MU . LU. V. . W . WM E - . $ 1 IS E . 2 . - 24 22 . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disciosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor.. 3 . - APA . . A ORN - ACC - OFFICIAL ORNA-p-ang Dries FEB 11 965 ASTER COPY i FEB 1 1 1965 n ceny, months per a STUDIES OF THE BEHAVIOR OF PROTACTINIUM IN SULFURIC ACID D. O. Campbell wwwwwwwww wat ontumillimetrimait24. warminsstiet USED ON FIRE wwmaran ACTION, LISTINIAI 101 ... . -LEGAL NOTICE - The report wus m ere un account of Government sponsored wurth. Malther the United Malo, mor the condolen, men varma scula au hall of!' Countertomus A. Maked my warranty armpitation, aprend or implied, wh repoot to the scor- moy, oy , owl a tudaron contain we report, or that al my information, ani, mathor rocon dinched to the report may not bring wtrocely owned rights or 3. Asome way Hobbitko ne monot to the wool, or for damages room ding from the wamy t uin, warm, wwthod, or proomus decimand long the reports As vond he who whenes, pero acting a bhall at the couunistun" lncluding my wa. moyw ar contractor Contain, or plogue of much contractor, the actual that med ampions « untractor of the Counteetnu, a amployee of woche contractor meparse, domains, er fordelen voor her, men dermathapuram to Na waployment or outruct otte the Counterton, « Me plorant will mal contractor. January 8, 1965 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE This paper was submittod for publication in the open Literature at least months prior to the isnuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.8.A.E.C. has no nyi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a proprint. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. A paper to be presented at the Colloquium on The Physical Chemistry of Protactinium sponsored by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Summary ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL • ORNI - AEC 4 Our studies of the chemistry of protactinium in sulfuric acid solutions have continued, utilizing primarily tho solvent extraction method. Emphasis has been placed on the behavior at relatively high protactinium concentrations, up to several mg/ml. Data is reported for extractions into 0.03 M trilaurylamine from 2.5, 3.2, and 4.17 M sulfuric acid. In all cases a reasonably constant extraction coefficient is observed if the protactinium concentration in the aquaous phase is below about 0.004 mg/ml, but at higher concentrations extraction increases sharply. Above 0.01 mg/ml consistont extraction coefficionts are observed for the higher acid concentrations, but for 2.5 M acid results are not reproducible. kates of extraction are very slow for the higlier protactinium concentrations. The change in extraction behavior with protac- tinium concentration is interpreted in terms of the existence of several species which are probably polymeric in protactinium. At least two of these are extractable, but the species formed at higher protactinium concentrations are inextractable although ~ they reach equilibrium with the eretractable species vary slowly. Résumé - Nous avons continué nos études de la chimie du protectinium dans les solutions d'acide sulfurique en utilisant principalement la méthode d'extraction par les solvents. Nous avons prêté une attention particulière au comportement des solutions à concen- trations de protactinium relativement élevées (jusqu'à plusieurs mg/ml). Les resultats indiqués se rapportent aux extractions par une solution 0,03 M. de triaurylamine à partir de solutions 2,5, 3,2 et 4,17 M. d'acide sulfurique. Dans tous les cas on remarque que le coefficient d'extraction est à peu près constant quand la concentration de la phase aqueuse est inférieure à environ 0,004 mg/ml. L'extraction s'accroit rapidement pour les concentrations plus élevées. Au dessus de 0,01 mg/ml or remarque que les co- efficients d'extraction se maintiennent quand les concentrations d'acide sont élevées; mais quand la concentration d'acide est 2,5 M les résultats ne peuvent pas être reproduits. Les vitesses d'extraction sont très lentes pour les concentrations élévees en protactinium. Le changement du caractère de l'extraction en fonction de la concen- tration en protectinium est expliqué par l'existence de plusieurs composes polymeres du protactinium. Au moins deux d'entre eux peuvent être extraits; mais les composes formes aux concentrations élevées en protactinium sont pratiquement impossibles à séparer bien qu'ils atteignant tres lentement un equilibre avec les composés séparables. .-.. . - . . . - - - - . . . - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 'STUDIES OF THE BEHAVIOR OF PROTACTINIUM IN SULFURIC ACID ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Introduction ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Our studies of the chemistry of pentavalent protactinium in sulfuric acid solutions have continued, utilizing primarily the solvent extraction method. Sulfuric acid was chosen for the initial study because, aside from fluoride and organic complexes, sulfate complexes appear to be the only ones that might be resistant to hydrolysis. Emphasis has been placed on behavior at relatively high protactinium concentrations, up to a few milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml). The results reported here are part of a continuing study, and they represent a progress report more than a definitive or final statement. We hesitate to draw many conclusions at this time, especially quantitative ones, because as the history of protactinium well illustrates, unexpected and even unknown factors may exert a controlling influence on experimental be- havior. Therefore, the proposals relative to species are qualitative and tentative, and they are presented for the primary purpose of guiding further work. We expect to have more posi- tive evidence in the future, either supporting or contradicting the proposals in this report. At the previous protactinium symposium we reported distribution measurements between sulfuric acid and both Dowex-1 anion exchange resin and trilaurylamine, which showed a change in distribution behavior as the protactinium concentration was varied with all other parameters held constant.' These observations led to the suggestion that at least one small polymeric species of protactinium was formed reversibly in these solutions under appropriate conditions, and this polymer is more extractable than the simpler species. The present paper is concerned with further study of this phenomenon. Experimental Protactinium was purified by extraction from HCI-HF solution containing either aluminum or boric acid to complex the fluoride. Dowex-1 resin and solvents such as di-isobutylcarbinol, TTA, andamines have all been used as extractants. The extracted protactinium was stripped in- to HCI-HF solution which was then scrubbed with diethylbenzene. It was then repeatedly pre- cipitated with ammonium hydroxide and dissolved in sulfuric acid and water. The final solutions were analyzed for protactinium and acid. Various dilutions with sulfuric acid of the same con- centration were used for the extraction experiments. No significant difference in extraction behavior of several such solutions has been observed. in all distribution experiments the organic phase was 0.03 M trilaurylamine dissolved in diethylbenzene, and it was scrubbed before use with sodium carbonate and sulfuric acid solutions. The most extensive measurements were made with a stock solution containing protactinium at 3.6 mg/ml (0.016 M) in 2.5 M H2SO4. After purification by extraction as described above, niobium (if present) was removed by extraction into 6 M H2SO,-4 M HF, and boric acid was added to complex fluoride before the first two precipitations. Finally, the hydroxide was washed carefully with water, dissolved in 5 M H2SO4 and diluted to 2.50 M. The resulting solution was somewhat turbid, but it was clear by the next day. During approximately four months there was no evidence of precipitation in this stock solution, and extraction experiments started at different times showed no effect of aging. . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL rdne o ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORN - AEC - OFFICIAL die For extractions from 3.2 and 4.17 M H2SO, the solutions were contained in 1/2-oz.-. glass bottles with plastic caps containing a polyethylene disc liner to prevent contamination of the solutions. They were mixed with a tumbler turning at 15 rpm. Some extraction ex- periments with 2.5 Macid were mixed by hand shaking for a few minutes several times a day. When it became obvious that rates were slow in some cases, with experiment extending for months, these procedures were changed. For the rest of the experiments with 2.5 M acid, a tumbler turning at 60 rpm was used to mix the phases and 15-ml glass-stoppered, glass centri- fuge tubes were used to contain them. Glass-stoppered tubes were used because the organic diluent, diethylbenzene, evaporates through polyethylene (used in the bottle caps), resulting in a slow decrease in volume and increase in amine concentration in the organic phase. All experiments were at room temperature. r i Stirniekstrinum vinteresting v Analyses were made by withdrawing a sample with a micropipet, placing the sample di- rectly on a counting plate (stainless steel for organic samples, tantalum for aqueous), drying and "flaming" the plate, and finally determining protectinium by alpha counting and alpha pulse analysis. For high-activity samples the pulse analyzer was used as a low geon:erty counter. All protactinium solutions after purification analyzed greater than 98% 23 1 Pa by alpha pulse analysis. Activity in the organic solutions was always essentially, 100% 231 Pa, but the aqueous solutions generally had variable amounts of daughter activity, depending on the age and the magnitude of the extraction coefficient. Results and Discussion Neunkielineet. Distribution Measurements with 2.5 M Sulfuric Acid in Numerous measurements of the distribution of protactinium between 2.5 M sulfuric acid and 0.03 M trilaurylamine are summarized in Fig. l; all points represent equilibrium measure- ments. Points for lower concentrations (open circles) were reported at the previous protactinium chemistry symposium.' The study has been extended to higher protactinium concentrations; and the data include results of stripping experiments as well as extractions, and some kinetic studies for cases in which reactions were slow. The phase volume ratio was varied in the first set of experiments to (o/a in ml) 0.5/1, 1/1, 2/1, and 5/1 (v points, Fig. 1). Two facts became obvious during these measurements: the extraction coefficients increased for long periods, at least several weeks, and the total amount of protactinium extracted during the first few weeks was nearly the same in the four ex- periments. The fraction of protactinium extracted tended to be constant at 30 to 50% after a month, but solvent evaporation made the results at lower phase ratios of little use after 40 days. Subsequently, extraction increased very slowly to a little over 50% for the highest phase ratio. These results suggest a slow equilibrium between extractable and relatively inextractable species, and that most of the protactinium in these aqueous solutions was initially in an inex- tractable form which is slowly converted to extractable species. Throughout this report the term "inextractable" will mean having an extraction coefficient small compared to that of other species in the same solution. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL Extraction from dilutions of the stock solution was studied, using the original stock solu- tion and two successive five-fold dilutions, with a phase volume ratio (o/a) of 3/2 (A points, Fig. 1). The stock solution gave results in substantial agreeme.. with those discussed above. The first five-fold dilution similarly gave a slo: increase in extraction. At equilibrium the protactinium concentration in the organic phase is less than in the first case by a factor of 2, but in the aqueous it is less by a factor of 12. With the second dilution, 0.14 mg/ml, all the protactinium is converted to the extractable form in a much shorter time. At equilibrium the concentration of extracted protactinium varied only a factor of 5 for the three experiments, but the aqueous concentration varied a factor of nearly 500. Since the amount extracted and the rate of extraction are both dependent on the protactinium concentration, it is likely that the inextractable species contain polymerized protectinium, and that equilibria between the polymers are slow. The rate of extraction was investigated more carefully, using 2 ml of the stock solution and 2 ml of organic (Fig. 4). The phases were repeatedly mixed for specified periods of time, centrifuged and sampled. After 1 minute of mixing (and 1 minute for sampling) 0.08 mg/ml had extracted. After a second minute of mixing (total elapsed time 7 minutes) the extracted protactinium concentration increased to 0.12 mg/ml; after 4 minutes total mixing time (14 after 3 hours; 0.8 mg/ml after 5 days; and finally about 1.1 mg/ml (vs 2.9 in the aqueous) after 3 to 6 weeks (v point, Fig. 1). After the first hour, only intermittent mixing was used. These results permit estimation of the concentrations of the protactinium species in the stock solution. The 0.08 mg/ml extracted after 1 minute represents an upper limit to the con- centration of protactinium initially in the extractable form. The data cannot be extrapolated back to zero time with any confidence, but one might estimate a value of 0.02 to 0.04 mg/ml for the extraction at zero time, which might represent the concentration of protactinium in the extractable form in the stock solution. The increase in extraction with time is probably a measure of the rate at which inextractable species are converted to extractable ones. Thus, approximately 0.1 mg/ml additional protactinium (0.15 mg/mi total) is extracted in the first few minutes, so this represents the amount present in rapid equilibrium (minutes) with the ex- tractable species. An additional 0.2 mg/ml is in equilibrium in hours, 0.5 mg/ml in a few days, and so forth. In the preceding experiment, after six weeks there was some indication that extraction increased again. The material balance decreased slightly, and a precipitate that resembled protactinium hydroxide appeared. After 60 days, both the organic and aqueous phases were diluted by about 50% (with 2.5 M acid and 0.03 M amine). The extraction increased sharply to 1.8 mg/ml in the organic phase vs 0.65 mg/ml in the aqueous. Subsequently, extraction decreased very slowly. This increase in extraction upon dilution of one or both phases has been observed several times. An explanation for this is not obvious, but perhaps dilution could cause polymers or perhaps even colloidal or precipitated material to break down into simpler species. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . ... . ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL r Following a number of experiments, the organic and aqueous phases were separated and contacted with a new voluine of the 07::osile phase to measure second stage extraction in one case and stripping in the other. Resuits show that the two phases contain protactinium that be- haves in an entirely different manner. The second extraction was, in general, very similar to the first, with extraction increasing slowly for some days to typical values of 0.8 mg/ml in the organic vs 1.4 in the aqueous (x points, Fig. 1). This indicates that the protactinium species remain in equilibrium. ope Upon stepwise dilution of the organic phase (with 0.03 M ino) the extracted protac- tinium concentration decreased only slightly to, typically, 0.6 mg/ml, while at the same time the aqueous protactinium concentration decrecsed siecdily to a final value of 0.02 to 0.03 mg/ml, a factor of about 50 ( points, Fig. 1). !n sclercl tests the organic phese protactinium concentration was relatively constant at 0.3 to 0.3 mg/mol, while aqueous phase concer inations varied anywhere from 0.01 to more than 1 mg/ml. As the solutions were diluted the distribution was siow, and extracti 7 coefficients increased from about 0.5 to 2 until the protactinium con- centration in the aqueous phase reached about 0.2 mg/ml. At this point the behavior changed; the concentration in the aqueous phase continued to drop by an order of magnitude and the ex- traction coefficient, E., increase to over 20. In addition, equilibrium was reached more rapidly- in about one day. In one test 2 ml of both solutions were vigorously mixed for several minutes and then the aqueous phase was separated and mixed with anew organic phase. The concentration of protac- tinium extracted in the first case was 0.15 mg/ml, and in the second it was 0.087 mg/ml. Arter 1 day with occasional shaking the concentration rose to 0.3 mg/ml for the second extraction. The aqueous phase was again removed and contccted with a fresh organic, and the amount of protactinium extracted was 0.10 mg/ml after 1 day, 0.19 mg/ml after 2 days, and 0.6 to 0.8 after several weeks (vs 2.4 in the aqueous phase, down from 3.6 mg/ml, initially). The initial cmount extracted was smaller for the second extraction than the firsi, and extraction after 1 day was less for the third than the second. This suggests that factors causing the slow extraction exist in the aqueous phase rather than the organic. If reactions in the organic phase were con- trolling, then the extraction rates for all three successive extractions should be approximately the same; but they were not. Instead, the cumulative amount of protactinium extracted in- creased with total exposure time in good agreement with Fig. 4. This supports the proposal that slow equilibria between inextractable species and at least one extractable species in the aqueous phase control the rate of extraction. However, it certainly does not rule out the possibility that behavior is not simple in the organic phase. Stripping experiments gave results entirely different from extractions (o points, Fig. 1). Equilibrium aqueous phase concentrations were 100-fold less in. the strip than in the original extractions. Equilibrium was not reached in a few minutes, but it appeared to be essentially complete in a few hours. Dilution of the organic phase (constant amine concentration) resulted in a re-extraction of part of the stripped protactinium, and most of the measurements fell on or near a constant E, of 30 (see Fig. 1), at least for aqueous phase concentrations from 0.027 to 0.03 mg/ml. At both higher and lower concentrations where other species may be present, lower extraction coefficients were observed. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Li . 03:!--:;?; - 088:01.:( Since these experiments gave a constant E. of 30 over a fairly large ccocenticrico range, they may well represent the distribution of o single species, ihe one we have been calling the "extrac:cble species". At higher concentrations, the concent.crien in inte aqueous phase is high enough that the more complex species (inextractable) bugin to form, so Eo decreasus. At the lower concentrations, E: also decreases because the aqueous con- centration is low enough that the "simple species" becomes significant, and it has a lower extraction coefficient (about 1). it!;;!• 338 .30 Over the vide range of protactinium concentration (aqueous phase) freioa 0.0! :0 over 1 mg/ml, the equilibrium organic concentration is relatively constant at 0.3 ro 0.E ::.:/sné. If the extractable species is predominant over this range, then its conceni:ctica ia ine coue- ous phase increases only from 0.01 to about 0.03 mg/ml (based on E: = 30). This uspuf: ure, 0.03 mg/ml, represents the approximate uppe: limit of the conceniration of the cäirccicble species in aqueous solutions containing up to 1 ng/ml of protactinium. This value is in scod agreement with the figure derived from kinetic data. The rest of the prciccrinium (abova 0.03 mg/ml) exists as inextractable species in slow equilibrium with the extraciebie one, cnc, since their formation is dependent on protactinium concentration, ihey are probably polymeric in protactinium. In some experime...s with smoll organic/aqueous phase ratios extracted proccinium concentrations have exceeded 1 mg/ml, but these have always been asscciaied with such aqueous phase protactinium concentrations, generally greater than 2 mg/mol at equilis.iu.in, or they have occurred after dilution of one of the phases, which sometimes caused odd be- havior. Extraction results in this concentration range were not consistent (see Fig. 1), with organic concentrations varying anywhere from 0.4 to 1.2 mg/ml. Two strip experiments are shown for high organic concentrations. The scatter in the points of Fig. I for high protactinium cor.ceniictions and is cservo- tion that the orgoric phase concentration varies much less than the aqueous could cisc be explained by looding the amine solution to near its capacity for protactinivin insteca of by formation of inextractable polymers as proposed here. The organic phase proiectinic.in con- centrations were about 0.003 M, only about one-tenth the amine concentration. In some cases protactinium concentrations up to 0.01 M have been observed in the organic phase, in- dicating the amine does have more capacity. However, the strongest evidence for the ex- planation based upon polymer formation is derived from the kinetic experiments; it is difficult to explain how solvent loading could cause the very slow extractions that were observed. Initiclly no solids were present in any of the solutions, but the acuecus preses conicin- ing more protactinium than about 1 mg/ml tended to break slowly arier mixing, anä с..:- fugation was necessary to clarify them. After several days small amounts of piccieiinia ve: visible after centrifuge: .. in most of the experiments, the precipitate having insin.iscic.ga pearance of protactinium hydroxide. Samples containing some of the precipiicies showed that they did contcin protactinium. In general, solutions having concentrations below 0.01 mg/ml did not develop the precipitate, while those above 1 mg/ml ultimately contained suósicorial amounts and, in some cases, a white interfacial materici also appeared. Precipitates also isii ..:.:: 1:"05 i..::o).j.. iiiso V inic!;:,. Diss *• ..:0 formed in strip tests in which none of the original stock solurion was presen:. Nonetheless, in most cases, material balance were within ihre linii of volume measurement ar.d sampling and counting errors, normally !0 iv 20%, so any loss of protectinium to precipitation was relatively small. O*NI-AIC-0!!!11! In a few very long time tests at protectinium concentrations of several mg/ml there appeared to be a consistent decrease in material balance after 6 to 8 weeks. This has general- ly been followed by a recovery of the original bulance if the phases were diluted. The de- crease amounted to perhaps 20%, and it occurred almost entirely as a drop in aqueous phase concentration, the organic phase conceniration remaining nearly constant. These observations raise a question about the solubility of protectiriin in dilute sulfuric acid-if, indeed, there is a single solubility. limigi cepend 0.7 inc particular assortment of polymeric (or even colloidal) materiai preseni in a given soluiica; coa inis, because of the very slow rates of equilibrium, could depend on the history of the solution. It also appears that when the protactinium concentration recches that at which we propose polymer forma- tion (a few hundredths mg/ml), a condensation reaction may progress until insoluble mate. rial appears; the "inextractable species" may not be stable to precipitc:ion. Brown, et al., reported a loss after 15 weeks of protactiniu.. from solutions at a protoctinium concentration of 1.11 x 104+ M (0.025 mg/ml) if the ccid concentration was below 2.8 M. Thus, the solu- bility of protactinium in 2.5 M sulfuric acid may be as low as a few hundredths mg/ml, much less than indicated previously 1,3 but equilibrium is obtained in such systems extremely slowly. All the foregoing observations fit reasonably we!! an extension of the proposal made earlier that at low concentrations of protactinium there is a simple species (possibly more than orie) which extracis in a normal manner, but that at sovi 0.004 mg/ml there is reversi- ble formation of a small polymer which is much more extrcciable. These suggestions resulted from extraction experiments from an aqueous solution initially 100 times more dilute than the stock solurion used in the present experimenis. The experiments reported here suggest that after the extractable species reies a concentration about 0.03 mg/ml in the aqueous phase, still other species, probably larger polymers, form at higher concentrations, and that as the protactinium concentration increases these new species are in slower equilibrium with the extractable species. The present stripping experiments overlap the earlier measurements' in the range 0.01 to 0.1 mg/ml in the organic phase, and in this range the present experiments give aqueous protactinium concentrations a factor of 2 to 3 smaller. The results of some of these extraction experiments, however, are in reasonably close agreement with an extrapolation of the earlier ccta, a factor of three higher in organic protactinium concentration. Thus, the two sets of experiments are reasonably consistent. (::::..! Re-excmination of the earlier data for this sarrje system' is of interest. At los protoc- tinium concenirations in the coveous phase (2 x 10m* to 7 x 10-3 mg/ml) the extraction co- efficient was constant at 0.5 for measurements made 10 :0 20 minutes after mixing. However, after both 6 and 13 days the extraction increased ivi all but the lowest point, Eo increasing ORAL-nic-OLLICIA "? 0:!:!: IN HAT ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL uniformly from 0.5 at 2 x 10°4 mg/ml to 1.0 at 2 x 100 mg/ml; Es increased with the 0.33 power of the aqueous phase protactinium concentration. This change in extraction with time and the variation of Er with cor.centration suggest that more than one species may be ex- .. tracting. With equilibrium aqueous phase protactinium concentrations about 10 mg/ml Ein- creased sharply with protactinium concentration, and it increased with time for several days but was essentially constant after 9 days (possibly less). A kinetic measurement with 4 ml of each phase, the aqueous containing initially 0.04 mg/ml, gave 48% extraction after 2 minutes mixing, 76% after 2 days, and an equilibrium value of 80% (20 days). Thus, extraction was much more rapid than it was from the solution containing 3.6 mg/ml initial protactinium con- centration (see Fig. 4). Published spectrophotometric data support the proposal that several protactinium species whose concentrations depend on the gross protactinium concentration are present. The data show that Beer's law is not obeyed in the protectinium concentration range of 10-3 to 10-2 mg/ml in 2.2 M sulfuric acid.4 No data is available for higher concentrations. This observa- tion indicates that the species present in solution change with the protactinium concentration. In view of the known properties of the neighboring elements of protactinium, in both group V and the actinide series, formation of polyroric species is to be expected. However, protac- tinium concentration has not been treated as a variable in most previous work, nor has it been held constant when the effects of other factors were under study. In view of these considera- tions, interpretation of data reporting extraction coefficient as a function of sulfuric acid concentration alone is open to question. Certain assumptions are implicit in the discussion presented here. One of the most critical is that behavior of protactinium in the organic phase is simple and straightforward; thus, all departures from simple distribution behavior are the result of phenomena occurring in the aqueous phase. The primary support for this assumption results from the experiment in- volving three successive extractions of the same aqueous phase, which indicated that more than one protactinium species is certainly present in the aqueous phase but did not rule out complications in the organic. Without this simplifying assumption we can only draw con- clusions about the relative average complexity (polymerization) of protactinium species in the two phases. Distribution Measurements with Higher Acid Concentrations A series of extraction experiments was made with 4.17 M sulfuric acid solutions and the same 0.03 Mamine solution (Fig. 2). The aqueous solutions differed from one another only in the protactinium concentration, which varied from 2.8 x 10-4 to 0.27 mg/ml initially. The phases were sampled after 1, 13, and 21 days. At the low end of the curve the points fall on a straight line with slope 1.05. The extraction coefficient is very nearly constant at about 5. There is a sharp increase in slope at about 0.005 mg/ml, and equilibrium is reached rather slowly because, for the points in this steep portion of the curve, the protactinium concentra- tion of the aqueous phase decreased about a factor of 2 (extraction increased) for times longer than one day. At higher protactinium concentrations a linear region with a slope of 2/3 is observed. Es decreases with increasing protactinium concentration from 35 to 14. Here, there is little change after 1 day. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL A similar series of experiments with 3.2 M sulfuric acid and the same amine gave somewhat different results (Fig. 3). At the low end...e points fit a straight line of slope 1.1; Es increased slowly with protactinium concentration from 13 to 17. Again, at about . 0.005 mg/ml in the aqueous phass there was a sharp increase in extraction, and this moved to a lower aqueous phase protactinium concentration after 1 day. At higher concentrations an apparently linear correlation is obtained with a slope slightly greater than 1; Es increases from 80 to 100. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Comparison of Results w The extraction behavior is similar in many respects for all three acid concentrations, but the magnitude of the extractions differs in an unusual manner. At low concentrations, be- low 0.004 mg/ml, Eo increases with protactinium concentration for 2.5 M acid, increases less for 3.2 Macid, and is almost constant for 4.2 M acid. However, the values of E, are not at all consistent, being about 1 for 2.5 Mucid, 15 for 3.2 M, and 5 for 4.2 M. Only the first of these is even close to agreement with values in the literature, for a different but similar amine;- the others are much higher. For all three concentrations a sharp increase in extraction occurs at cbout 0.004 mg/ml protactinium concentration in the aqueous phase. At higher protactinium concentrations there is again no consistent trend. For 2.5 Macid reproducible extraction coefficients were not obtained, but the value of 30 observed in stripping experiments might be appropriate. For 3.2 M acid a reasonably constant Eo of about 100 was obtained, with organic phase concen- trations up to 2 mg/ml (30% of the cmine concentration). For 4.2 Macid, Es decreased with the 1/3 power of the aqueous phase protactinium concentration, and the values ranged in the vicinity of 25. The maximum concentration reached in this case was 1.4 mg/ml in the organic vs 0.1 mg/ml in the aqueous. Thus, extraction coefficients were generally higher with 3.2 M acid than with either 2.5 or 4.2 M. The rather extreme contrast between ine scatter in the data for 2.5 M acid and the linear correlation for 3.2 and 4.2 M suggests that a significant change in behavior may oc- cur between 2.5 and 3.2 Min sulfuric acid concentration. However, aqueous phase protac- tinium concentrations were not so high in the last two cases because of the high Eo. Brown, et al., 2 reported changes in the absorption spectra and a slow loss of protactinium from solu- tion at a protactinium concentration of 1.11 x 10~4 M (0.025 mg/ml) only if the sulfuric acid concentration was below 2.8 M. Thus, between 2.5 and 3.2 M in sulfuric acid con there may be a change in the protactinium complex ion species such that the species ....d are more resistant to hydrolysis, which could eventually lead to condensation and precipi- ration. The same change in species could cause the increased extraction from 3.2 Macid, compared to 2.5, instead of the usual decrease in extraction at higher acid concentrations. Species in Solution ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL The data reported here are consistent with the proposal that in the range of sulfuric acid concentration studied, protactiniu.n exists ci a simple, perhaps monomeric species, and a series of more complex species which are probably polymers, the identity and concentration of which depend on the protactinium concentration. ORNL-AC - OFFICIAL 11291:0-lii. Ü In equilibria involving a series of successively larger polymers the coacerirarion of each is related to the concentration of the next smaller one raised to a power sucter than 1. Therefore, to a first approximation, they appear consecutively as the concertation is increased. Each polymer increases in concentration to an approximate upper limit before the next larger one i formed, and then increases littie as the total concentration continues to increase. By comparison with such a simplified picture, it is possible to summarize some properties of the protactinium species present in 2.5 M sulfuric acid containing about 1 . mg/ml of protactinium with the following tabulation. Rate of Equilibration probably fast Species simple extractable polymer in rapid equilibrium in intermediate equilibrium, in slow equilibrium Concentration (mg Po/ml) 0.074 0.03 0.1 30 «30 Small small minutes hours days ~0.2 > 1 Each category may represent several different polymers, and they are classified qucliictively according to the rate at which equilibrium with the extractable species is reached. Thi . species in slow equilibrium with the extractable one may also condense to yield precipitated protactinium, but such a reaction is very slow. With 3.2 and 4.2 M sulfuric acid is co- scription of the system is probably similar, but measurements did not extend to such high Conclusions We wish to emphasize that this is a continuing study, and more deriniiive rasviis will be available in the future. There are discrepancies between our results and sore Iliercture data, but we believe that the behavior of protactinium in sulfuric acid solution is not so simple as indicated in the literature and, in particular, that conclusions must not be genera- lized or observations extrapolated to conditions other than those of the experimerits. Furiherd we believe, on the basis of our observations and the inapplicability of Beer's law,s iriat dif- ferent species exist as a function of protactinium concentration, and iherefore that they are probably polymeric in protactinium. In 2.5 M sulfuric acid containing protactinium at less than 0.004 mg/ml extracrion coefficients are very nearly constant, so the complexity of the protactinium species is iha same in both phases; probably a simple, monomeric species is dominant. At siishily higher protactinium concentrations the extraction coefficient increases sharply, indicating that extracted species are polymeric relative to the average protactinium species in the aqueous coefficients decrease as protactinium concentration increases, indicaring increasing poiy- merization in the aqueous phase. Kinetic measurements support the proposal of exiensive polymerization of protactinium species at high concentrations in the aqueous phase, and in- dicate a slow equilibrium between these species. 0...!!...-0:71c!.il The same general behavior is ob. ved at higher sulfuric acid concentrations, but extractability is higher from 3.2 Macid than from either 2.5 or 4.17 Ni acid, iridicating that there may be a change in the dominant protactinium - sulfate complex species. täh . . 17101:::........: ORNI ~ AEC - Orricua Reforences 1. D. Campbell, Proceedings of the Protactinium Chemistry Symposium, TID-7675, p 87 (1963). 2. D. Brown, T. Sato, A. Smith, and R. Wilkins, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 23, 91 (1961). 3. H. Kirby, The Radiochemistry of Protactinium, NAS-NS-3016, p 8 (1959). 4. R. Guillaumont, R. Muxart, G. Bouissions, and M. Haisinsky, 'Compt. Rond., 248, 3298 (1959). :'(-0.71.1..1 ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL 0:..:( witsjo - 530-INIO IVIDISJO-ON-IN - log ORNL DWG 64-11364 'INITIAL AQUEOUS PHASE 2 ml 0.05 M TLA 2 ml 2.5 M H2SO4 108 -al mg Po/mi PROTACTINIUM CONCENTRATION (d/m/ml) O MIXING TIME • TOTAL TIME ORGANIC PHASE 106 - to 10 100 30 70 MINUTES DAYS Fig. 4. Rate of Extraction of Protactinium. *. 4. . DATE FILMED 93 65