• .2 i I OF 1 ORNL P 1373 ... . . . * ... o - 7 Laminer . 1 - .: : .:! i. A5 SO 56 4 0 re 11:25 | 1.4 LE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORHA-P-137 ROUGH DRAF CONF-65093 i JUL 20 1965 PIASMA HEATING BY MEANS OF BEAM PLASMA INTERACTION AT OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY* I. Alexeff W. D. Jones R. V. Neidigh W. F. Peed W. L. Stirling ... : . - - Britann100 - LEGAL NOTICE – The report no vepared u w account of Goveromeat sponsored work. Neither the Valled stal, OJT Wbg Commission, asr day pormon acting on behall of the Commission: . Kamu Ly murranty or reprenotation, expronar.implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complctadans, or w Worn of the information contalood to the report, or that the we of any information, appantu, method, or process declorod la Wo roport may not Infringe prinu! omod ripats; or B. Asmmes ay liabudes ou respect to the use of, or for 'magos resulting from the ON of any inform loa, 1ruratus, molbod, or procon discloud ip de roport. As und to the abore, "prko action na heball of the Commisolo" Includes wy ployoor contractor of the Commulon, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that much nmployee or coatrictor of the Commisslon, or acaployee of such cootractor propares, s provides access to, may taformados por surat to all employamal or coainct wich the Commisslon, or be employment will such contractor. - - .. • PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASA LU THE PUBLIC IS APPROVES. PROCEDURES: ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission under contrac with the Union Carbide Corporation. ů : CULHAM PAPER - Igor Alexer? I. Introduction The strong plasma-heating effects of intense electron beams have ka been studied at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for some time. For the most part, the work has been carried out empirically. The electrons have been injected axially into aniform and mirror fields. The primary results of this work can be summarized as follows: 1. The transfer of energy from the beam to the plasma can have efficiencies of at least several per cent. 2. When heating electrons in an ordinary magnetic mirrcr machine, any resultant instabilities need not cause severe plasma losses. 3. The resultant hot-electron plasma can have an electron temp- erature a factor of 10 higher in energy than the energy of the electrons of the initial beam. The resultant hot-electron plasma can have a B (ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure) close to unity. 5. The hot-electron plasma apparently.can be stable. In dense plasmas, the heating effect can be sufficiently inteje to "burn out" or completely ionize the neutral gas filling the system. In this paper, we first discuss briefly the development of the Oak Ridge beam-plasma work, employing the most important points of each experiment. These early experiments include the Neidigh pressure- gradient arc, and the initial hot-electron experiments performed in a small mirror machine.? -2- We also report on further hot-electron work in which electrons are heated and trapped by an electron beam directed along magnetic lines of force but off axis in a large mirror machine. Here, the trapped electrons precess out of the electron team and produce a large cylindrical shell. This shell is of interest in that the hot elec- trons can be studied in the steady state, yet are separated from the electron beam source. This shell possibly can be developed into a hot-electron blanket that shields a plasma from neutral-gas ir?!.ux. Finally, we report on the "burnout" experiments, in which a small volumz of plasma is kept at a high degree of ionization in the presence of a surrounding neutral-ges source, by means of very high steady-state rates of applied power. In the early experiments, power was applied at the rate of one kilowatt per cubic centimeter of plasma. In the resulting neutral-depleted plasma environment, charge-exchange cooling of hot ions should be rather small. Therfore, any ion-heating process should become more evident, and this is found to occur. II. Pressure-Gradient Arc The investigation of the bean-plasma interaction at Oak Ridge National laboratory commenced with the study of the pressure-gradient arc, or. Mode II, which was first discussed at the Geneva Conference in 1958. Tie basic construction of the device is shown in Fig. 1. The apparatus is immersed in a uniform ragnetic field. Electrons from a hot cathode are directed along lines of magnetic force into a hollow, tubular anode. Note that in this apparatus, as in all other devices to be discussed, the electron stream must move across the magnetic field to reach the anode. We suspect that this cross-field electron flow may be very important to the plasma-heating process. Gas is fed into the hollow anode, while the rest of the apparatus is kept at a high vacuum by means of high-speed pumps. Under some conditions of operation—no pressure gradient, for example the plasma produced in the hollow anode appears to be in a relatively quiescent condition, and streams from the hollow anode along magnetic field lines in a relatively well-defined column (Mode I), as shown by the top picture in Fig. 2. Under other operating conditions, generally reduced gas feed or increased power input, the plasma column "blows up," as shown by the bottom picture in Fig. 2 (Mode II). Such blow-up behavior has been(also observed in the experiments of honuuren, * reglur and Dirawan and Fanelli The region of fundamental interest is inside the hollow anode, from which energetic ions are emitted with energies several times that availabie , from the applied d-c potential. A typical energy spectrum of argon ions is shown in Fig. 3. The maximum ion energy in this case is about 2.5 times that which could be obtained directly from the appliei d-c potential. A simple, directAutrent mechanism for energetic-ion emission is easily found if we consider a plasma that contains a group of energetic electrons which is not conrined by the magnetic field. The energetic electrons promptly escape to the walls of the system, and the plasma is left positively charged. Such a plasma then accelerates energetic positive ions from its surface. Note that in the Oak Ridge pressure- gradient arc, electrons are i'ree to escape to the cathode along lines of magnetic force. Thus, any process that can produce energetic or hot electrons in an unconfined plasma, generally will lead to the ejection of hot ions. If we make the assumptions that the energy dis- tribution of the hot electrons is Maxwellian, and that the ions are cold, then the maximum energy of ions emitted from the plasma is easily shown to be about 7 k To, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T. is the electron temperature. The next question is why there should be a threshold for the energetic-ion-ejection process, which both. the Oak Ridge workers and others have observed. Either there may be a threshold at which power from the electron beam may become coupled strongly to the plasma elec- trons, or there may be a threshold at which an electron-cooling mechanism becomes ineffective. In our own work ve suspect tžat the second thres- in me I hold mechanism is the dominant one. We postulate that, the plasma electrons are cooled by radiation from the excited states of un-ionized gas atoms in the plasma. Such an assumption is supported by the fact that the transition in the Mode II discharge , occurs when the gardening -5 reduced decreasing the goo feel effect of the neutral gas is removed by the complete or, burnout." the-t-ionized gas. The assumption that "burnout" is occurring inside the hollow anode is supported by photoelectric data. In Fig. 4 one sees that as the power into the hollow ancie of a discharge 18 increased, the light along the axis begins to decrease. A further increase in power causes the light to drop suddenly by several factors of 20. Other experiments previously published also support the "burnout" model. Finally, detaileủ calculations for which there is not sufficient room in this publication, predict the energy of the ions emitted from the burned out region. The minimum power, W requred to produce burnout in a given volume of plasma, V, is given by the equation 2 V Pex ve AE V . Here, n is the neutral gas density inside the apparatus before plasma is formed, Oey is the excitation cross section, w. is the mean electron velocity, and AE is the work lost per excitation. If the above analysis of the Neidigh Mode II, ion-emitting arc is correct, two conclusions are reached: First, the plasma electrons inside the hollow anode are efficiently heated by some sort of bean- plasma interaction; and second, the neutral gas in the hollow anode can be highly ionized, or burned out by applying a sufficiently high power f.nput to the system. III. Early Hot-Electron Studies In our earl.er work, we confined the secondary piasma of the pressure-gradient arc between magnetic mirrors, as shown in the top half of Fig. 5, and heated the electrons by means of the axial elec- tron beam emerging from the hot cathode. The result was the hot- electron plasma shown on the lower half of Fig. 5. Here, the electrons have a temperature of about 100 kev, or about 15 times the energy of the initial beam of 7 kev. The picture shown here was made, using the Bremsstrahlung x-rays, by means of a pin-hole camera. The decay of this plasma following the turn-off of the electron beam 1s illustrated by the oscillogram of Fig. 6. Each vertical pip represents an x-ray photos arriving in a scintillator detector. The height of the pip represents photon energy. Horizontally 18 plotted the time after beam turn-off. Note that the x-rays are still in evi- dense after 500 milliseconds. This decay time corresponds to that expected from the scattering of the electrocis out the mirrors by collisions with the unionized 8.98 in the system. Therefore, this hot-electron plasma is said to be stable. In summary, the various diagnostic techniques reveal the following properties of the plasma: 1. The maximum electron energy is over 1 Mev. 2. The average electron energy is about 100 kev, or many times the energy of the electrons in the initial bean. The density is about 104 hot electrons per cubic centimeter. 4. The plasma B (ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure) 18 at least 1/10. 5. The plasma 18 usually stable during the decay. The heating efficiency 18 quite high - a lower limit 18 several per cent. The rate of plasma loss during the steady-state heating process cannot be more than about 30 times greater than the stable (single-particle, collision-dominated) 1088 during the plasma decay, or otherwise the heating efficiency would have to be greater than 100% in order to maintain the plasma. The manner in which the preceding conclusions were obtained is to be found 1n the open literature -- The Duyasoet flertall Hotel, OF 3A, pp: 'A-689 - A-695, November 2; 1964 m so we need not discuss them here. The important results of this set of experiments should be re-empha- sized, however. Plasma electrons can be heated efficiently and without abnormal losses, by an electron-beam plasma interaction, and the resultant hot-electron plasma appears to be stable. -8- IV. Development of a Hot-Electron-Plasma Blanket Since the hot-eleciron plasma appears to be stable, it possibly would make an excellent blanket to surround a thermonuciear reaction and protect it from the influx of neutral gas. Also, the stable prop- erties of the hot-electron plasma might aid in stabilizing the thermonuclear plasma. Finally, the hot-electron plasma is produced without the rised of electronic tubes, and so perhaps can be extre- pola ted to large sizes and densities comparatively easily. A large-scale, hot-electron blanket was produced in the device shown in Fig. 7. In this apparatus, the separation of the magnets.c mirrors is 170 cm. The mirror ratio on axis is 2:1. The pressure- gradient arc is located in one mirror throat and is placed 15 cm off axis. At the midplane of the apparatus, the discharge is 22 cm off axis. Several electrode configurations have been used. Typical details are a hot-tantalum cathode 1.6 cm from the hollow, gas-fed anode. The anode is '15 cm long and has an inside diameter of 1.25 cm. The operating voltage and current are typically 7.5 kV and 600 mA, respectively. The gas used 18 generally hydrogen. The hot electrons produced by the pressure-gradient arc are trapped between the magnetic mirrors. Since the trapped electrons are & considerable distance from the magnetic axis of the mirror machine, they find themselves in a strong radial magnetic field gradient. Conse- quently, the trapped electrons precess azimuthally, and form a plasma cyclinder, or blanket. The plasma blanket forved by the pressure-gradient arc is shown in the photograh of Fig. 8. In this case, the camera was mounted 25 cm to Pal -96 the right of the machine's axis, as shown in tue photograph, and was looking axially through a mirror coil. Observation tangentail to the plasma cylinder produces the sharper definition on the right side of the picture. That the plasma blanket was produced by hot electrons is illustrated in Fig. 9. Here the camera was mounted 25 cm above the machine's axis again looking axially through a mirror coil. A tantalum plate lowered into the midplane cuts off the right half of the plasma blanket and shows that the charged particles are precessing clockwise. This pre- cession direction conforms to negative particles. The temperature of the hot eiectrons in the plasma blanket has been measured by two separate techniques, ard the agreement between the two sets of measurements is within about a factor of 3. The elec- tron temperature has been measured by studying the spectrum of the emitted x-ray photons, and by measuring the scattering time of electrons by gas atoms out the mirror loss cones. These techniques are more fully discussed in reference 2. The electron temperature varies from 50 keV to 150 keV. The electron density has been computed using the total flux of x-ray photons emitted, as discussed in reference 2, and by measuring the heating effect of the hot electrons on molybdenum dust particies dropped into the plasma blanket. The electron density obtained in early experiments was about 10 cm , but this densiiy recently has been increased to at least 10° cm3.. The success of the plasma blanket experiments co far appears to be encouraging. The electron temperature is quite high, the electron density is increasing steadily from experiment to experiment, and the -10- plasma appears to be stable. The next step in the blanket experiment is to provide some method of filling the machine radially with hot electrons. Possibly multiple pressure-gradient arcs at various radii will succeed. -11- V. Burnout Experiments A. General Burnout Considerations Simultaneously with the previously discussed hot-electron experiments, a second set of experiments have been carried out at much higher plasma densities. In these experiments, attempts are being made to study in larger systems the almost complete ionization found inside the hollow anode of the pressure-gradient arc. We believe that both the hot-electron plasma and the highly ionized, "burned-out" plasma are aspects of the same phenomena. In the hot-electron case, we have a few very hot electrons, while in the burned-out case we have many moderately hot electrons. Given enough input power and a strong enough confiring magnetic field, we hope eventually to produce a burned-out hot-electron plasma. The first step to producing a highly ionized plasma was the pressure-gradient arc itself, now referred to as "Burnout I." The next step was to enlarge and to enclose the hollow anode with the mirror coils. This was "Burnout II." Most of the work on which we shall report was done with "Burnout IV," which is shown schematically in Fig. D With Histrof its operating characteristics in hitreme GOMIS Some additional work has been carried on, in the much larger machine, to be dracarred later "Burnout V," show schematically in Fig. With distrofitomaper- ating-characteristio&r-16-Table 3. In the case of the larger Burnout v machine, the studies are as yet in a very preliminary state. Air menina kan makabahan a ontdaring -12- B. General Properties of Burnout I The most striking feature of the Burnout IV machine is the sudden decrease in the emission of spectral light when the power input exceeds the threshold value. As shown in Fig. It the spectraî light output per unit volume near the central axis of the device decreases by about a factor of 1000. The burnout phenomena seems to spread from the central axis of the machine to fill the entire cavity of the device as the power input is increased. Energetically, this is quite feasible since detailed calcu- lations show that the power required to maintain the burnout phenomena on the axis of the machine is only a fraction of the power required to initiate burnout, tore Appendix. 2). One disturbing possibility suggested to us by Dr. Sweetman, of Culham, is that the light in Burnout IV disappears not because the plasma is fully ionized, but simply because there is no plasma at all contained inside the apparatus. To check on this distinct possibility, we replaced the posma catcher on the anti-cathode side of the apparatus with a perforated box, as shown in Fig. 12. Plasma streaming out from the mirror throat along magnetic field lines is carried into the box, where it is neutralized and becomes a source of gas. By measuring the pressure rise caused by plasma flow into the box, we could estimate . how much plasma was escaping through the mirror throat. Within the limits of experimental error, we found that all the gas entering the center of Burnout IV appears to escape as ionized plasma. For this ionizing efficiency to be present the plasma electron density inside the device must be greater than about 1012 electrons per cm3. -13- A second striking feature of the burnout phenomena is the emission of enormous amounts of radio-frequency energy from the plasma. Potentials corresponding to fields of 300 volts per meter have been observed at one meter distance. We assume that the radio-frequency energy is evidence of strong electron heating. The radio-frequency radiation is found to be concentrated into four rather well-defined regions. We can tentatively identify these four regions with the lon-cyclotron frequency, the ion-plasma frequency, the electron-plasma frequency and the electron-cyclotron frequency. From the in-plasma frequency and the electron-plasma frequency, we can obtain two values for the plasma density. Both values lie between 2015 and 1073 electrons per cm3. These values are encouraging since a value of 10t" is required to shield the center of the apparatus from hydrogen molecules entering the plasma with thermal energy. The above experimental observations of Burnout IV can be summarized as follows: The spectral light emission of Burnout IV greatly decreases on increasing the power input above the critical threshold; there is . effectively 100% ionization of the neutral gas entering the center of the unit in the burnout condition; and strong radio-frequency signals are emitted that suggest an energetic plasma is produced with a density greater than 10“ electrons per cm". These gross features suggest that we do have a dense, le o 1001 incident gas atoms. wow.. mowita American can n i -14- C. Detailed Properties of Burnout IV We have made many measurements on Burnout IV that help to clarify what is going on 108i.de the device. However, these observations merely supplement the fundamental observations discussed above, and do not modify greatly ow. fundamental model. The plasma potential on the axis of the device is found to be approximately cathode potential, that is to say, the axis of the machine is about 10 kV negative with respect to the surrounding wall. Such a high radi.al potential produces a strong 7 x electric field in the azimuthal direction, so we should not be surprised if the plasma appears to rotate violently. The plasma potential on the axis of the machine was inferred in the following manner: First, we know from the studies discussed earlier that essentially 100% of the gas entering the device leaves as ions through the two mirror apertures. Thus, the effective ion current to the anti-cathode plasma collector corresponds to half the input gas flow of hydrogen or 1/2 x 0.15 cm3 sec-2 SIP. This corresponds to an ion current of 0.61 A. Since the plasma collector is electrically floating, so the ion and electron currents to the collector must be equal. The heating effect of this curreät to the plasma collector was measured to be 0.45 .5W. This power input corresponds to the 0.61 A of current being accelerated through about 750 V. If the plasma collector were more negative than the plasma potential by 750 V, then the ions would be accelerated into the collector, and the power dissipated would be larger. If the plasma collector were more positive than the plasma potential by 750 V, then electrons would be accelerated into the -15- collector, and the same argument would apply. Thus, the plasma collector must be within £ 750 V of the plasma potential. Since the plasma collector is observed to float at about -10 kV with respect to ground, or at about cathode potential, we infer that the axial potential of the plasma is about -10 kV 1 0.75 kV with respect to ground. Since a strong radial electric potential exists in the Burnout IV machine, and since charge exchange cooling of hot ions has been reduced strongly by the "burnout" process, then som: rotary plasma motion might be expected. Evidence for a well-organized rotary motion in the pilasma of Burnout IV was obtained using a simple charge-exchange technique. A schematic is shown in Fig. 2. Neutral hydrogen atoms formed by charge exchange of what gas is present in the plasma escape through a pinhole and strike & glass plate coated with yellow Mo Og. This chemical compound is not affected by molecular hydrogen. However, on being bom- barded by atomic hydrogen or hydrogen ions, this molybdenum oxide is first reduced to a blue sub-oxide, and then to grey metallic molybdenum. One therefore would expect to see on the glass plate an outline of the plasma produced by fast hydrogen atoms formed by charge exchange. The actual picture formed by the fast hydrogen atoms striking the molybdenum oxide are not at all what might be expected. A typical picture is shown in Fig. 16. Instead of an image of the plasma, one finds a vertical streak. This streak implies that the ratio of azimuthal to axial energy is very high. Also, the streak extends only from the image of the axis to the image of the edge of the plasma. This implies first, that all the ion orbits must link the axis of the machine. . sostenem Antenandrolone inha -16- Thus, for example, a rotation of the plasma as a solid body about the machine axis is permitted. A second implication is that some ion orbits must be very large, since they both link, the axis of the machine and extend to the edge of the plasma. This largest orbit diameter of about _ cm in a Z kg magnetic field suggests that lons approaching the outside edge of the plasma have an energy of 25 de K. Thus, the charge exchange pictures suggest that a process by which ions become hot 18 present. A second way of observing energetic ions is to extract the ion beam directly by means of a plasma container that has a step, as shown in Fig. 15, the lon beam then impinges on a molybdenum-oxide glass plate and leaves a streak, 8.8 occurred with charge-exchange neutrals. If a transverse electric field is applied, the beam of ions is deflected, as shown in Fig. 5. The results of the combined electric and mag- netic field analysis reveals that the charged particles are, as expected, deuterons, with an average energy of 2. kev. Thus, again we find evidence of hot ions in Burnout IV. More detailed studies of the hot-ion populacion ob Burnout IV were made using a small electrostatic energy analyzer that projected into This the plasma. Two groups of energetic ions were found. The first group, lying at about 70 eV, suppotts the model predicting a maximum lifetime for ions at this energy when immersed in a sea of neutral g first group is obvicusly formed near the metal walls of the apparatus, outside the burned-out region. The second group is found at an energy of about 25 kev. If one accepts the model that burnout is indeed present in the body of the p.lasma, then this second ion group can be -17- identified with those ions having a maximum lifetime between the short lifetime group dominated by ion-ion scattering out the mirrors, and the short lifetime group dominated by ion-neutral charge exchange. An analysis similar to that given in reference shows that for 25 kev lons to be present, the neutral density must be 10-3 times less than the ion density. In any case, the electrostatic analyzer again shoris that hot ions are present. Further experiments that give only suggestive results are tabulated below: First, d-d neutron production shows that some ions in the device are energetic. However, we have not positively identified any neutrons as being produced inside the plasma. , Second, attempts to observe the cut-off of microwave radiation in the plasma to observe the plasma density seem to show an effect at wave lengths corresponding to a few times 1072 electrons per cm3. Unfortu- nately, the transmitted signal sometimes is increased rather than attenuated at the critical density, and we do not yet know if we have an instrumental effect, or an actual amplification occurring in the hot plasma. Third, attempts to study the penetration of a neutral beam of gold atoms through the plasma show that the beam is indeed severely atten- uated. However, sparking in the cathode circuit resulted in the transmission measurement being an average over conditions with and without plasma. In any case, for continuous plasma operation, no transmitted beam whatever was expected. -18- The energy distribution of the electrons in Burnout IV was inferred from pinhole pictures made on stacked x-ray plates. Since the image penetrates through several plates, we inferred that about 50 keV x-rays were present when about 7 keV was applied to the cathode of the apparatus. At present, this is our only evidence for electron heating, as the intense radio-frequency energy emitted by the Burnout IV Jams the photon counters. Thus, the supplementary experiments done on Burnout IV tend to support the primary observations that one has a confined region of plasma in which the neutral population has been reduced greatly and in which sone energetic, ion-heating process occurs. -19- D. Properties of Burnout v In the hope of learning the scaling laws governing the burnout-type machines, we decided to build a larger version. Since the power required to burn out a given volume of plasma scales directly as the volume, we decided to keep the volume of the device small. Therefore, to contain interesting plasma densities and ion energies, we had to use strong magnetic fields. A schematic of the Burnout v device 1s shown in Fig. 26. The magnetic field 18 30 kg in the midplane, and 18 maintained in steady state operation. The mirror ratio 18 2:1. The total volume of the plasma liner between the mirrors 18 about 15 liters. Our experiments with this device so far lave been mostly adjusting it for steady, efficient operation. The maximum power input to the machine has been about 50 kW at 20 kW and 2.5 A. Burnout apparently does occur in that the light emitted by the plasma streaming from the end of the mirrors disappears at high power inputs. The light from the center of the machine decreases, but does not disepper.r. We suspect that the axis of the machine goes dark, but that a flowing shell still remains, i.e., the burnout does not spread. At present, structural problems have prevented our making a radial scan of the emitted light . . . a to look for the flowing shell. ~.. Measurements made on the intense radio radiation emitted by the - Burnout v machine reveal, as in Burnout IV, four well-defined frequency bands. Again, two frequency bands tentatively can be identified with ion-cyclotron and electron-cyclotron rotation, and two with the ion and the electron-plasma frequency. The two bands assigned to the ion and -20- the electron-plasma frequency again give a density of several times 2012 electrons per cm3. Microwave cut-off measurements were also attempted in Burnout v. Here, a modulated oscillator was locked to a phase-sensitive detector to provide maximum no.1, se rejection. For the machine in Mode I, cut-off was observed for 3 cm microwaves, but not for 1.2 cm microwaves. Thus, for the quiescent mode, the density lles between 1 x 101 and 8 x 1015 electrons per cms. However, for the burnout, active mode, the signal increased in power by up to a factor of 10 over the empty cavity con- dition. Later experiments showed that the microwave power lost in the device corresponded to only a factor of 2-3, so perhaps we have observed some amplification of microwave energy by an active, noisy plasma. One very unusual observation was made in Burnout v with a probe that measured the heating effect of the plasma. The results are shown in Fig. 27. As the probe is inserted deeper into the plasma, the power reaching the probe increases. However, at a given probe position, we find that the power increases drastically as the magnetic field is increased. This observation appears to be directly opposite to what ' would be intuitively obviouc - that the stronger the magnetic field, the better would be the plasma confinement. Many other observations in Burnout v correspond to those in Eurnout IV. Charge exchange pictures using the sensitive MgO, films, as previously discussed, also show the plasma ions to be rotating in a highly organized fashion, as 1:a Burnout IV. Neutrons also are emitted with a source strength of Oman, but most of these are found to originate from the plasma collectors. No clear-cut identification of · d-d reactions inside the plasma has yet been made. 21- In general, the observations made on Burnout v tend to support ...020 made on earlier machines, although the Burnout v measurements .:less complete. The scale-up does seem to be successful in that urge quantities of power can be fed into the machine in a steady inte fashion, and that some of this power 18 being coupled to the plasma. down into consistentiemodligere sic u m REFERENCES [] [3] [4] [5] NEIDIGH, R. V. and WEAVER, C. H., "Proc. 2nd UN Int. Conf. PUAE (1958) ALEXEFF, I., NEIDIGH, R. V., and PEED, W. F., Phys. Rev. 136 (1964) p. A689. HARRISON, E. R., Nature 184 (1959) p. 245. NEZLIN, M. V., Soviet Physics JETP, 14 (1962) p. 723. DARWIN, H. W. and FUMELLI, M., S.R.F.C., EUR-CEA-FC-270, Sept. 1964. [67 ALEXEFF, I. and NEIDIGH, R. V., Phys. Rev. Letters 13 (1964) p. 179. ALEXEFF, I., NEIDICH, R. V., and SHIPJEY, E. D., Phys. Fluids 6 (1963) p. 450. [7] . Figure Captions Fig. l Schematic Diagram of Apparatus for Production of Mode II Arc in a Uniform Magnetic Field. Fig. 2. Top - Normal, Quiescent Plasma; Bottom - Ion Emitting Plasma. Note in the lower picture the broad band of light which is due to energetic ions ejected across the magnetic field. The axial magnetic field runs left to right. In these pictures, there is a plasma source at both ends of the plasma column. Fig. 3. The spectrum of energetic ions emitted by a Mode II arc as detected by a gridded probe. Fig. 4. Radial light distribution inside the hollow anode of a pressure gradient arc operating in nitrogen. An Abel inversion was used to obtain light output per unit volume. Fig. 5. Visible hot-electron plasma and its X-ray image. Superimposed outline shows magnet coils and electron-beam defining aperture. Dumbbell-like ends on the image are caused by X-ray fluorescence at the magnetic mirror throat. Fig. 6. The X-ray flux decay after turnoff. A smooth decay lasting well over 0.5 sec is shown. Fig. 7. Schematic of the beam-plasma device producing the hot-electron blan:et. The scale can be inferred from the 170 cm separation of the magnetic mirrors. Fig. 8. Photograph of the hot-electron blanket (crescent) emerging from the Mode II arc (bottom). The view corresponds to looking in through the left-hand mirror in Fig. 7. · Fig. 9. Photograph of the hot-electron blanket being intercepted by a paddle (top). Only the left-hand part of the blanket appears showing that the blanket is formed of precessing negative particles. Fig. 10. Schematic of "Burnout IV". The volume of plasma intercepted by the electron beam was about 10 cm. A deuterium gas input of 1/10 cm/sec is used to provide 10-3 torr between the mirror and 10-5 torr in the cathode and anticathode regions. The mirror field is 9 KG on the midplane and 13 kg in the mirrors. A beam power input of 7 kw (10 kV at 0.7A) is applied. rommene. - - Fig. 12 The decrease in the light output per unit volume in Mode I and Mode II for Burnout IV, Helium gas was used. Fig. 12. ers twica wietnams..dit podw.col.vidade ----- Schematic of apparatus used to measure the efficiency of ionization in Burnout IV. Plasma is collected in the plasma catcher on the right, neutralized, and the resultant pressure rise compared with the known gas input. Within the limits of error (+ 25%) all gas entering Burnout IV emerges as plasma. h ot in more than Fig. 13. Schematic of technique used to obtain an image of the plasma using charge-exchange neutral.s. rig. 14. Pinhole images of ion orbits. The pinhole forming the center image was on the midplane. The other two were 1.25 cm on the midplane. The other two were 1.25 cm off the midplane, but on the axis. Fig. 15. Application of Electrostatic and Magnetic Analyzer to Burnout IV. Part (a) is a midplane section; (b) shows the marks on the Moon detector. Since the deflected mark shows no z spread, only length, it, must have been made by monoenergetic ions (25 kev) passing through the pinhole at different angles of incidence but all lying in the midplane. Schematic of Burnout v. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Power deposited on a grounded, water-cooled probe as a function of distance into the plasma f'rom the cavity wall. Note that as the magnetic field increases, the probe power increases, while the neutron counting rate decreases. ORNL-IN-OWO 26002 MAGNETIC FIELD ON TRAJECTORIES NEGATIVELY BIASED TUNGSTEN FILAMENT HEATED BY ION BOMBAROMENT FLOATING ELECTRODE (ELECTRON REFLECTOR) . ARC DEFINING MOLE ELECTRON SHEATH ARC PLASMA ION TRAJECTORIES SAS FEED UNE ENO WALLS AT GROUND POTENTIAL- -END WALLS AT GROUNO POTENTIAL arti e Schematic Diemen of Apparatus for Production of Made II Arc in Uniform Magnolle Field . . . . . . e, -..- m is dat mensen miniesos ماممسناتنمنننهننهننمينوبنات.ة من Ting en :** When ,::.! . miinom . terenaine on a .. ". . animiranih ililib Wings Azeri "SANTI MUSIM w ith VACL ASS.rifo nro: 471? * ... .. . .. 30 ..i .. iii. . se ,""; 4 , ;. ......in , : Y: :: .. ci: . ..:::... .,.-. TO VA viure i.. : T . heim : mitt. ...: .:: . 'i'.. N ... :1; ...',ir . ?? .. !! I... . , . . . * ... .. . ; ;::- IN Fig. 4.2. Top - Normal, Quioscone Plasmo; Bottom – lon Emitting Plasmo. Note in the lowor picture the broad band of light which is due to energetię ions ojected across the magnetic field. The axial magnetic field runs loft to right. In these picturos, there is a plasma source of both ends of the plasma column. : . hay 2, ..; , : ; .. | ..;- --4-4. -! .. .* ܙܪܐ-ff-;.- ܂ ܐܐ ܨ-;; ܝܝܐܪ iiiftji :; n..f- nn- ܐ.... ܫܬܫܐܙܐܪܫܙܙܐ ܙܟܐ -'-+-+-+-+- +--ܪ-1- re reaching colleter .ܢ- .ܛ..ܝܼܲ ܪ ܪ ܙ ܐ ܀ ---;-;-ܙܝܙf .܀ .4 .; .; .ܕܫܰܚܪ r' ܙ' ;.i.7.;. it.;;.j.;.4.. ܕ ܙ - ' ܙ | - ܙ ' . ܙ •• • ܪ ܫܙܫܕܫܐܫܐܫܫܕܕܫܕ •••• . ܙܫ . • •• • .. ܪܪܛܪ ܀ . ܐ . ܕܲܐܲܪܼܪܼܲܛܼܲf-. ܝ ܐܝ ܙ - f-f.+++- --- - -f-- ;::-:-: ' . ܙ: 4 . 8 . ... : .ܐ: ܐ : !ܐ ܙ ܪ burdinice p ܂ ܘܙܫܙܝܫܙ-ܪ ܀.:. .,܀܀ ،، ܐܼ ، ܐ ܝ ܢܐ . . .. ܐ• •• • • • •• •I -- --3-ܙܫܕܪ-;.ܨ ܫܫ. ܙ-;-:-܀ -. -4 . . .. • •• ܂ • • • • • • • ;-3; ; The time ܂ . . .܂ܫܢ .ܪܝ . ........ ܟ ...ܝ܂ . . eg . : ; . sae '. ܝ ܂ 328 ܂ ܂ ܩܘܐ ... ܘ ܘܐ _. ܘ in ensure er ܂ . . 7-; ? . . . . . . . ܂ ܕܕܐ ܝ ܝ : ܘܢܐ ܆ . ܂ . . . . ܕ. ..… .: .܂ 7 ܂ ' ܂ ܀ ::: ;:i"" , ':'.; .o; ;;;! - .q: ܙ. ܝ " ܂ . ; ". ܛܼ r ' .,. , : ; . .܀܀ . ܚ ܙ ܙ ; LIONT DISTRIBUTION MODE 2, VOLUMENICM WATTO | OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 280psgrii. rini... : LIONT INTENSITY i meninino RADIUS (MILLIMETERS) 1 hominis AL . VISIBLE PLASMA ir PAN . 12 .5 . - T NO .: X RAY ENERGY 20 . . .. . AD empresarios . IN 800 MILLE SECONOS SMOOTH DECAY, LONG que i. imgarren X.RAY IMAGE e os l'ic. 1, Visible bot-clectron plasma and its x-ray image. Super. imansed outline shows magact coils and electron-bear defining inc. Dumbbell-like ends on the image are caused by Iray eccoco al tbe dagoetic-mirror throat. d Frings Hang.6. UNAISSIRED CRYL Oil 65-5528 COILS COILS HOT ELECTRON BLANKET SMOOC FCATIVODE proyecto punim me to GAS- REFLEX DISCHARGE LANT-CATHODE 170 PLAVPS FIG. 7- BEAM PLASMA FACILITY AXIAL CROSS SECTION .་ ་ ་ ་བ ་ , -- ཀ་བ་ཀ་ཆབ༠, •T, ་་་ .:. :་:: . བ ༤ , ,, ༔ •, " • ,,.. : ཆབས་ • •i! • རྒྱུ • ་ :་, ་ ་. ་ ས ་ ་ : - • ་. •. . ་. ་་' .. •, , , .:, ་་ ་ བ • • •.་ ་ ་ :: .... ting & Licenciamento prestations in courtano :::: . 22.4 ::: . . ; .. ..::...* ..! . * ri 4 ! 119.7... ..1;&::,.. ;..'. . : 3 . :: .." . '.in.: .: . .:: ... 0201 more . i . 7 .. .. - .. ..- . . wwwamos .... ---- ..I. 11.Ol......... 1 FILAMENT COIL COIL INSULATED SHIELD UUOOLIPOIIIIII WSULATED SHIELD PLASMA ... 0 00UITO . COIL COU DIFFUSION PUMPED DIFFUSION PUMPED GAS FEED avoin Ting 10 .. . . . - - - - ORT-om 64.11760 ☆ ELECTRODE (ELECTRICALLY INSULATED) AX ELECTRODE (ELECTRICALLY INSULATED) MEASUREO GAS ROW RATE 0011 1 D . . . . - - . . . - . . . . . - . . - LIINUNNIPIVNIM11122 . . . . NEGATIVELY BIASED FILAMENT . COIL . . . . . ! . + . 1 MASMA OPEN GRO WI PU1+1 COIL ...werneuron //777777777 90° .EU BENO REDHEAD ION GAGE TO MEASURE PRESSURE OURING OPERATION- Fig. 4.2. Method of Measuring Plasma Pumping. The insulotod AK Olectrode is more on the form of a plasmo corcher with o 40% chance of catching all the plasmo, Plasmo pumping rate is determined by re producing, with a measured gas flow roto, tho prossure rise in the electrode due to plasma. Fig 12. " : ONML -OWO 4- Ham MAGNETIC FIELO { PRIMARY ELECTRON BEAM ION XIS PINHOLE NEUTRAL - MOO, PLATE LENGTH OF M0203 Fig. 4. 5. Schematic Orogram Showing Rinhole Image of lon Orbited in this mittenco, the image is formed by nouirate. Wola shor the lon ontells must pass through the oxis as gida tiho osymmomic image. Ting 13 PHOTO 71335 ... Moro na .a., "Loro. progr * INCH Fig. 4.6. Pinhole Images of lon Orbits. The pinholo forming the contor image was on the midpleno. The other two off the midplano. Fig. 14. kitietoimintansin sa araw mante wat die gerilim wwwe. 1.9. ON NL-omi 4.11nI PINHOLE BURNOUT IV POSSIBLE NOW onoirs al cm OEFLECTION - Molly COATED GLASS 26 Mov O ONOIT THAU AXIS GROUNOCO PLAT - OEFLECTION PLATE USS THAN TANGENT- TON MARK WITH ELECTROSTATIC FIELD OF ION MARK WITH TUCTROSTATK FKLO ON CLECTROSTATKC NELO - 000/am 8 kov O ION- - PINHOLE ELECTROSTATIC PLATES - MANKS ON THE MOO, COATED GLASS Fine Arte Application of Eloctrostatic and Magnetic Analyzer 10 Burnout IV. Port (n) in o midplano section; (8) shows the marks on the Moo, dotector. Since the dellected mark shows no s spread, only longth, it must have boon modo by mono-norgotic lons (25 kov) musing through the pinhalo of difforent angles of incidence but all lying in the midplano. Tag 15. C "Ournout IIIPlasmo Volume ~ 10 cm II. III. I .1. I I . 12 ! ! ! ! ! . 1 . L . 17.11 ► I 1 1 . ! I ! 2 ! ! I.!! 1 - FILAMENT COILY COIL 10 I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! T 10 1 1 1 1 1 PLASMA . LINSULATED SHIELD COIL UHU WA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III . 1 " IIIIIIIIIII 100..1 III O oo.. I UITO' IIIIIIIII LINSULATED SHIELD GAS FEED Fing. 16 Jag 17 that 2222 Thing 17 urhoomail natin Kashing P netic field . . 10 1 c ..... C 0 . 1 11 : 11 UOC . 1 . . - 1 . . . . I ' O . Contrate Cats/mund 1C 1 . 1 . 11 . U o wartime se ceara o . . 0 U O C C 1 1 1 . 1 MILLIMETER M VICT;.:: Goarns C . C 1 0 0 11 1 1 1 1 1 C MOV END : DATE FILMED 11 9 / 65