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Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor w the to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 1 / 2m اسکو 3 م ا CONF-650706-6 JUN 24 1965 bonis On Radiative Transitions in culpb and wºPb Folloring Resonance Neutron ** -. cunoscuras, C Kuna martinivie... 'emmreinivie.. -..-. ........ · .. . . . . . . " Capture on 206p6 and 20700* r. ......... .::-Inne :..; Hermio J. A. Biggerstaff, J. R. Bird, ^^ J. H. Gibbons, W. M. Good, and R. L. Macklin Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee LEGAL NOTICE - The report no prepared u ua account of Government sponsored work. Mollber the Vallad Suta, cor e Coomooloa, bor my person ucun oa behall of Coduloo: A. Meker way writy or ropnenautoa, exproud or laplied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or wretulness of the information coaleload a report, or that the we of way laformasuon, appenatus, Rathod, or procuro di lorod la o report may not latring prinuly oned righus; or B. Asmod. v. llabillues will respect to the wool, or for damagu rusulung Irom the ume of way lalorostioa, appuntu, bulbod, or procon discloud la the report. As und la tbe above, "parko etag on behalf of the Commission" lacludes may on- pregn or contractor ol le Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the isnt that much wapioya or coatrictor of the Commission, or ouploys al auch matractor propurus, disumiall, or provider access to, may for a lon purnt to Mi caploganat or coatrict with the Communion, or Mo imploywear with sucb cools actor. The spectrum of gama rays emitted in resonant radiative neutron capture permits the study of states which are related to each other by electric or . magnetic dipole transitions. It is expected therefore that levels either bound . or unbound can, appear prominently in resonant radiative capture, which are not readily observable in other reactions. Such resonant capture can be studied in light nuclei and in closed shell regions by means of a pulsed van de Creaft as neutron spectrometer and a large (9" x 12") NaI crystal as gamma-ray spectrometer. The time resolution at the present state of the art 18 30 to 100 ns/meter wbich, with the Van de Graaff, permits the study of nuclides for which the level spacing is a few kilovolts. Figures 1, 2, and 6 show preliminary results of a study of 20° PO and 207 Po. Neutron resonances in 20 Po, first observed in capture gamma studies, are barely resolved (1488. 1 and 2) but later transmission measurements, capable of much better resolution, gave precise values of resonance energies * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ** Visiting scientist from AERE, Harwell, England. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINEL. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES BRE ON FILE IN THE REALI!G SECTION, together with widths and probable parities . - - (F48. 3). In Fig. 1 the multichannel analyzer was used to examine gamma pulse heights in de- tail, whereas in Fig. 2 the yield of a given - · gamma ray was observed as a function of neutron energy. The yield of the 7.4 MEV ground state cu FU(,7) ine gave evidence for resonances in addition to the known one at 42 kev. This was a Fig. 1. Pulse spectrum of ima rays versus neutron flight time 206 Pb(a,y). confirmed with separated isotope transmission studies (Fig. 4) in which parities and widths were obtained. ? a sitio 1 now orang Mom what were buena on mone more band w e canneth In spite of the relatively crude nature of these results we submit the following: (a) The scheme of levels with parities and angular momenta shown in Fig. 5, if used with E1, M reduced widths in the general range given 3 .account for the observed spectra, by Bartholomew,"/() in addition to the unbound levels summarized in Fig. 5, two new bound levels Fig. 2. Yield of gamma rays witb. were discovered whose exact positions are ambigu neutron energy versus gamma-pulse- ous because the sequence of gamma rays is not sample. yet known, (c) the 207pbla,y) 8-Wave resonance capture at 42 keV 18 a candidate for direct cap- ture for which no evidence (e.gi asymmetry in the ground state transition due to direct and compound interference offerts) was observed. 12: c . :: an That tiba BROS Pet kt on 19:12 PARASH FONDO IN RERIH MOTO RETT 17.50TLARDA DARBA: ABONA -F77 . CZE: : THIETENIMI? il Mg. 3. Total cross section of 206 pts The 1sotopic sample of Zul Pb was too small Ej, L-am i . تنتنتج .... Tu RHOEA .. - , . 13yit -- - to obtain data corresponding to Fig. 1. How- ever, the results of a similar experiment with poor resolution 18 shown in Fig. 6. The transi- tions through the 3° state at 2.61 MeV in 20° Pb become relatively more intense at lower neutron energy which suggests but does not prove the interpretation of Fig. 7. . . نليللنلل .by Little - . . Mg. 4. Neutron total cross section of 20770. ..- -. - - - - - ...: .... lior: ...." . . 39 3:19 .... . . : 1 33 73 d. WHE • . . Fig. 5. Partial energy. level diagram 201Pb show- ing observed levels. its ... Fig. 6. Pulse spectrum of gamma rays versus neutron flight time 207p0(0,7). Fig. 7. Partial energy level diagram 200 pb showing observed levels. References 1. J. R. Bird, J. H. Gibbons, and W. M. Good, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Z 552 (1962). 2. R. L. Macklin, P. Jo Pasma, and J. H. Gibbons, Phys. Rev. 136, B695 (1964). 3. Go A. Bartholomew, Electromagnetic Hetimes and Properties of nuclear States, Nuclear Science Series Report No. 37 (RAS-NRC publication 974), p. 213 (1962). ack --. . - - - - - -- -commer.comco..-. . - - - ... . . - - - - - - - - - --...... -- -- - --. -. .- .- . - 2 . - c . . . 22 9 / 16 / 65 DATE FILMED END ** . the in erior a Fetele . verimi i ino *:7"... .moovionarea > .